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Summer Solstice Race Awakening Ritual 20th, 21st, 22nd of June

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors.

As it can be seen we are on a roll with this ritual and it must be kept that way. The Final RTR is also to be done on a daily basis during these days and everyday in general, this is to be kept in schedule.

Below is a repost of the Ritual. Let's make sure EVERYONE participates, making the Gods proud.

The power accumulation from the rituals has been powerful and it will continue, especially as close power dates come in place.

This was done again in March, June 4th, 5th and 6th, and now we have another opportunity window to do this again.

For more elaborate answers, FAQ and in relation to questions, the posts from prior rituals are here:

March: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=18398
June: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=19904

Black Members will be able to do their own ritual, which is very important in waking up the Black Gentiles so that we can move ahead into a better understanding of self preservation and going better for everyone involved.

Ritual to Incite Black Awareness and Action:


Ritual to Incite White Awareness and Action

Either write or carve the following Runes:

Óðal Sól Óss



*If someone cannot carve or write the Runes, or consecrate with blood, just very intently vibrate these and it should be perfectly fine!

The Runes can be carved into wood, or written on paper. If you carve the Runes, vibrate each Rune while you are carving it. To increase the power of the Runes, when performing this ritual for the first time, you can stain them with your blood. Given the dire situation of our race, this ritual needs all the power we can give it. If staining in blood, this should only be done one time. You should be continuously vibrating the name of the Rune when staining it. There are different ways of vibrating the Runes. Feel free to use whatever suits you.

The combinations of everyone performing the ritual will come together in power. To repeat this ritual, just focus on your carved or written Runes and vibrate them as follows below. Your Rune board or paper should be securely stored in a safe place and only taken out when performing this ritual.


Raise your energies. [See link below], and recite the following prayer:

In The Name of Satan, we call forth the Powers of Hell, the Original, and True Gods of the White Race to come forth and manifest themselves. Satan, True God, Almighty and Ineffable, Who hast Fathered the White Aryan Race that reflects in Thine own image and likeness, we ask you to bestow your powers upon us. Awaken all of our White Aryan People to the Jewish menace that works to destroy us. Incite our White Aryan People into action. Instill our White Aryan Ancestral Pride. Awaken our White Aryan Brothers and Sisters to the Menace of Christianity,Islam, and related Jewish programs so that they all may be completely and thoroughly destroyed forever. Bestow the Power of Your Protection to our White Race and White Children worldwide. Praise, Honor and Glory be given to You, Our True Father and to Our Original Gods!! We are Your Direct Descendants and Children!!

The above prayer can be either recited out loud or in your mind.

Now, vibrate Óðal, Sól,Óss, 88 times, while focusing on your Runes.

You vibrate these together, not separately.

Óðal, Sól, Óss is one round, then Óðal, Sól, Óss...

When you are finished, recite the following with intent:

All White People are now racially aware
All White People are critically aware of the Jewish problem
All White People are taking action to secure the existence of our White Race
All White People are working towards a secure future for our White Children


Then close the ritual by stating: HAIL SATAN AND HIS WHITE RACE FOREVER!!



For those of you who are experienced, you can raise your energies doing whatever works for you.
Raising Your Energies: http://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Raising_Energies.htm
Pdf copy of The Runic Kabalah: http://web.archive.org/web/20150603001921/http://webzoom.freewebs.com/spiritualwarfare666/The%20Runic%20Kabalah.pdf
Audio Mp3 Zip File of the Runic Kabalah: http://www.exposingchristianity.com/Runic%20Kabalah%20Audio%20CD.zipJoS Webpage of the Runes: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Runic_Kabalah.html
@HP. Cobra

Like back in March during the New Zealand issue.

Is one repetition of the 88/99, considered spamming?

You mentioned back in March one is spamming if you feel like a second one later in the day that is fine but one and your good.
Lastly, good and exciting news are coming on more than one areas. We have been working on some things which everyone is going to be pleased about. Will be a few days. As such we have been really time pressed. Soon these rituals will also be put in webpages (as will come many other updates). Until now the resources below should suffice.

Does this still fit? or did you just copy-pasted this too by accident?
I admit, I missed previous one because I was in horrible condition psychically, but this one, I won’t no matter what happens.

Thank you! Hail Satan!!!
Gear88 said:
You mentioned back in March one is spamming if you feel like a second one later in the day that is fine but one and your good.

Yes, definitely, you can fully repeat the ritual many times a day if you want. Personally I wouldn't do this just once unless extremely pressed, and once is good and all, mandatory.

More times, more energy.
Artanis said:
Lastly, good and exciting news are coming on more than one areas. We have been working on some things which everyone is going to be pleased about. Will be a few days. As such we have been really time pressed. Soon these rituals will also be put in webpages (as will come many other updates). Until now the resources below should suffice.

Does this still fit? or did you just copy-pasted this too by accident?

Definitely does. One thing is that we won the battle of our domains and the expansions, however there will be more incoming.

So yes, it does fit. I removed this for reasons of avoiding confusion now however.
theserpentrises666 said:
Can we do the black one if we're not black but just swap out the word?

How exactly do you mean? Similar questions have been asked in the two linked prior rituals done during the year.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gear88 said:
You mentioned back in March one is spamming if you feel like a second one later in the day that is fine but one and your good.

Yes, definitely, you can fully repeat the ritual many times a day if you want. Personally I wouldn't do this just once unless extremely pressed, and once is good and all, mandatory.

More times, more energy.
Instead of doing it two or more times can we do it multiples of 88? It works better for me to do multiples than just do it more times a day.
Pls do such important rituals publish at least on day before, so we can prepare for it. Every time its very spontaneous, and less effective because of that.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
theserpentrises666 said:
Can we do the black one if we're not black but just swap out the word?

How exactly do you mean? Similar questions have been asked in the two linked prior rituals done during the year.

I wouldn't change anything just do it as they're put out.

As my dad says: 'Don't try fix it if it ain't broke.'

And this question has been asked before. HP Hoodedcobra said that there are two race awakening rituals.

If you're another race you can choose to do one for said black or white race. But these are not to be tampered with and altered.

The Asians, Indians and Mexicans are not facing being extincted as their homelands are practically completely monolithic.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
theserpentrises666 said:
Can we do the black one if we're not black but just swap out the word?

How exactly do you mean? Similar questions have been asked in the two linked prior rituals done during the year.

If you mean replace the word black with white in the black ritual then no, you can do the black race awakening ritual just like it is, to assist the black race, just don´t user your blood.
Morgenröte said:
Pls do such important rituals publish at least on day before, so we can prepare for it. Every time its very spontaneous, and less effective because of that.

The date is tomorrow, the central date. 20th and 22nd are put there for extra days for more convenience.

As such there is one day before. The date is tommorow. Many of us will begin from today to ground things even better.

There are reasons this is done the way it is.

Also, to avoid translation lags in the days, it has been kept brief without introductions, to speed everything up.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Morgenröte said:
Pls do such important rituals publish at least on day before, so we can prepare for it. Every time its very spontaneous, and less effective because of that.

The date is tomorrow, the central date. 20th and 22nd are put there for extra days for more convenience.

As such there is one day before. The date is tommorow. Many of us will begin from today to ground things even better.

There are reasons this is done the way it is.

Also, to avoid translation lags in the days, it has been kept brief without introductions, to speed everything up.

I also thought wow surprise I'm going to be busier than I planned.

I was thinking a bit more notice would be nice but as mentioned. The 21st is the power date.

Everything's routines with me and luckily I checked this early enough to be able to fit five rounds of the race awakening ritual in today.
You know to be honest the the main reason I left England for Scotland is because I heard the demographic was more straight.

It pains me so seeing all of the race mixing and London is very far gone with multiculturalism.

It was very white but they're bringing the different races in now and it's changing right before my eyes and quickly at that.

I'm absolutely convinced that mixing races up creates a more aggressive society.

These people from like Syria, Pakistan or whatever drive differently which causes stress. And then others start doing the same dog eat dog tactics here that they use in their countries abroad.

I also find Muslim women to always be in the way. And they will walk at you and over you. Blacks and whites look out where they go. But once again suffering this different aggressive, dominant behaviour others start walking right at you as well.

I do so suffer with Scotland having less opportunities and the weather is a real nuisance.

But I was chasing a more natural and harmonious demographic to live in.

Jews cursed be you for trying to ruin everything. I have my motivations to do this race awakening ritual.

Gentiles Awake.
Eyyyy, this is so cool but damn, now i wished that i dint throw away the old paper with the ritual (i was risking to be discovered i keep much or something like that, i didnt throw it to the trash of course).
Well good luck everyone with this event.
TopoftheAbyss said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Well dont worry. The height of this Ritual is tomorrow. :)

There is 3 days because of time complications for some people (work ie)
Here is a PDF document with the Kundalini Yoga, the Returning Curses parts 1 and 2, the Wealth and Prosperity ritual, and the White Race Awakening. It's only 4 pages if you print it out double sided. Also the Kundalini Yoga instructions used to be small and jammed up in the top left corner of the pages, so I resized and realigned them to take up the whole page and look more balanced. But this can be like a good daily routine to always do. Only "problem" is the Wealth and Prosperity and Race Awakening rituals don't have all of the instructions in here, so this is just a guide to look at if you already know how to do them. But I think it looks neater this way. :p

Or you can print just pages 1-5 to have a daily routine of Kundalini Yoga and Returning Curses.
Personal Growth said:
You know to be honest the the main reason I left England for Scotland is because I heard the demographic was more straight.

It pains me so seeing all of the race mixing and London is very far gone with multiculturalism.

It was very white but they're bringing the different races in now and it's changing right before my eyes and quickly at that.

I'm absolutely convinced that mixing races up creates a more aggressive society.

These people from like Syria, Pakistan or whatever drive differently which causes stress. And then others start doing the same dog eat dog tactics here that they use in their countries abroad.

I also find Muslim women to always be in the way. And they will walk at you and over you. Blacks and whites look out where they go. But once again suffering this different aggressive, dominant behaviour others start walking right at you as well.

I do so suffer with Scotland having less opportunities and the weather is a real nuisance.

But I was chasing a more natural and harmonious demographic to live in.

Jews cursed be you for trying to ruin everything. I have my motivations to do this race awakening ritual.

Gentiles Awake.

I think the places that are more race mixed are more agressive and prone to crime. That must just be an effect of this interesting insight I have noticed it too. Of course the Jews would love that.

Anyways I like this ritual ill do it. I myself seem to have been more interested in my roots since the last one so that shows it must be doing something.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gear88 said:
You mentioned back in March one is spamming if you feel like a second one later in the day that is fine but one and your good.

Yes, definitely, you can fully repeat the ritual many times a day if you want. Personally I wouldn't do this just once unless extremely pressed, and once is good and all, mandatory.

More times, more energy.

Yeah. I try to always do this 2 times a day(when were supposed to be doing this of course :D )
TopoftheAbyss said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I doubt I can do it today.

Try to but if you cant dont worry Just be sure to do it while the Sun is between 0-1 degrees cancer this can be seen at www.moontracks.com on the side with planet for the day it always shows the exact position of the planets.

That is the important part and if you can the day after.
I don’t know if this question has already been asked, but when doing the Black race awakening ritual, at the very end when it says “recite the following with intent 18 times” then it immediately says “vibrate YEEMUHN RAH one more time”—is there a part missing? I mean like right before we vibrate the last YEEMUHN RAH part. If it’s not the prayer or the vibrating, which part are we saying with intent 18 times?
TopoftheAbyss said:
Artanis said:

Well dont worry. The height of this Ritual is tomorrow. :)

There is 3 days because of time complications for some people (work ie)
I managed to do it but I didn't vibrate the Runes much long.

That's something on my mind as well.

When Aldrick Stricklands youtube channel was there with the Runic Vibrations he and Maxine really vibrated them in the audio recordings.

And it was mentioned in the post here not to stress over perfection because its a group working and the energy all pools together.

Now I feel I'm not vibrating them and just speaking them because it's so much easier.

But Maxine did explain that the power is in the correct vibrations.

Ooothththaaalll, Sssoooollll, Ossss.

There is vibration in saying them and I'm hoping that's good enough because it's not perfect like the audio recordings were.
Solar Falcon said:
I don’t know if this question has already been asked, but when doing the Black race awakening ritual, at the very end when it says “recite the following with intent 18 times” then it immediately says “vibrate YEEMUHN RAH one more time”—is there a part missing? I mean like right before we vibrate the last YEEMUHN RAH part. If it’s not the prayer or the vibrating, which part are we saying with intent 18 times?
I checked the PDF and it seems the affirmations just have been pushed off to the second page of the document. From what I can see you would do it like this:

*vibrate YEEMUHN RAH*
*State the affirmations one time*
*vibrate YEEMUHN RAH*
And then just repeat until you have done it 18 times :)
TopoftheAbyss said:
Artanis said:

Well dont worry. The height of this Ritual is tomorrow. :)

There is 3 days because of time complications for some people (work ie)
I managed to do it but I didn't vibrate the Runes much long.

Yesterday was a good warm up because today I got it nailed.

No, you cannot speak them. My problem was I was wanting to spam this thing. But the Runes are Runes. And are to be vibrated, not spoken.

Yesterday I was rushing to get five rounds in. But what it is, it's quality over quantity.

This morning I could remember exactly Aldrick Stricklands deep vibration voice when I started. And I just slowly vibrated each letter which took much longer to get through. But you know I got it right. I followed the sound and pace in my memory.

My only challenge is the TH in Ooo-Th-Aaa-Lll. Because it's a VE vibration with tongue between teeth and not the English th sound.

So it will take much longer to get through vibrating as best you can.

Remember it's long drawn out letters.

It's : Sssssss-Oooooooo-Lllllllll.

Not : Sol.

Hail Satan, The Gods and his beautiful racial diversity which needs to be protected and preserved.
Was just thinking considering it's the Summer Solstice many Pagans will be performing rituals today. So enjoy in partaking here now.

And I recall an article somewhere that somewhere Eastern Europe, Iceland or something like that the government wants to ban Celtic Letters/ Symbols.

And that act is proof of the power of these Runic letters.
Just taking short breaks between my rituals here.

What I've found with the vibrations is that practice makes perfect.

Not that I've got it perfect but I feel I'm getting them done efficiently now.

Earlier they were long and drawn out.

Now that I'm getting into the flow of it I'm still doing the vibrations correctly but making them a bit shorter than the long drawn out examples from the recordings.

So a couple rounds will still be completed because it's not taking as long as I imagined it would.

Got to undo all of the media conditioning, bindings and curses that are brainwashing and blinding the people.

I wish to live in a natural and healthy society.

Who do you trust: Do you trust Nature or the joos?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
theserpentrises666 said:
Can we do the black one if we're not black but just swap out the word?

How exactly do you mean? Similar questions have been asked in the two linked prior rituals done during the year.

I mean if we're not white or black do we do the black one but just insert our race?
I wouldn't change anything just do it as they're put out.

As my dad says: 'Don't try fix it if it ain't broke.'

And this question has been asked before. HP Hoodedcobra said that there are two race awakening rituals.

If you're another race you can choose to do one for said black or white race. But these are not to be tampered with and altered.

The Asians, Indians and Mexicans are not facing being extincted as their homelands are practically completely monolithic.[/quote]

Thanks this helped alot!
Am I doing the 88 and 99 ritual wrong?

I do short vibrations if I estimate how much time it takes about 10-13 minutes to complete the ritual. I remember HP. Cobra stated short vibrations are fine it's not a matter of long drawn out lungful blasts but a numerological and mass release of energy to the astral.

So short vibrations right or wrong? 10-13 minutes too quick? or is am I being correct?

Also is it wrong to vibrate short Satanas(in one breath) and Aum into the pre-affirmation and post-affirmation give it more Sanskrit power? I notice with the F-RTR I've been doing that S/A Affirmations S/A just for extra kick, anything wrong with that?
What do you mean by "If staining in blood, this should only be done one time."
Can I stain the runes more than once throughout the days for these rituals are going on to increase power? Or would the power not increase?
Personal Growth said:
What I've found with the vibrations is that practice makes perfect.

Not that I've got it perfect but I feel I'm getting them done efficiently now.

Earlier they were long and drawn out.

Now that I'm getting into the flow of it I'm still doing the vibrations correctly but making them a bit shorter than the long drawn out examples from the recordings.

I've noticed this myself. I felt way more confident and precise with my energy when I was a little bit more concise with the length of my runic vibrations. Right now I vibrate them just a bit longer than one would the letters in the Final RTR, and it seems pretty good.
I did the rtr about 16 times so far and this twice. I am trying to take advantage of the solstace. The enemy tried to attack me I think I was feeling totally alone like this isnt even worth it and there are few people in the world other than myself and most the people here that even care to do anything so its a waste of time and they are not worth saving anyways. Kind of true but kind of not. I may try to stay up the whole solstace and do the rtr and this as many times as I can I dont know. It ends at around 11 AM my place.

This feeling stopped when I did this ritual I felt like blue flames coming off me as I read the prayer and I feel this incredibly powerful presence with this and it wiped out my feeling alone and almost like suicidal and giving up. This ritual is cool but I cannot quite tell who is with me here as I am not fully open or if its this ritual I feel tingly all over my body.
It is indeed a beautiful sight
to see an Aryan warrior fight.
But never forget the aura of protection.
As our enemy thrives on fear and temptation,
to give up and fall in their thought made damnation.
slyscorpion said:
I did the rtr about 16 times so far and this twice. I am trying to take advantage of the solstace. The enemy tried to attack me I think I was feeling totally alone like this isnt even worth it and there are few people in the world other than myself and most the people here that even care to do anything so its a waste of time and they are not worth saving anyways. Kind of true but kind of not. I may try to stay up the whole solstace and do the rtr and this as many times as I can I dont know. It ends at around 11 AM my place.

This feeling stopped when I did this ritual I felt like blue flames coming off me as I read the prayer and I feel this incredibly powerful presence with this and it wiped out my feeling alone and almost like suicidal and giving up. This ritual is cool but I cannot quite tell who is with me here as I am not fully open or if its this ritual I feel tingly all over my body.

Very few spiritual people do account in numbers for many millions of sleeping people.

The impact of these rituals is well known and observable. We are going from world of sleepers into a world where waking up is so big that the enemy has to censor the whole internet.

There is progressive and strong advancement.

We also averted WW3 with the RTR at the last moment. All factors showed that the WW3 was going to be pulled with Iran, this time it went too far with the false flags etc.

The enemy is terrified and will put any thought into the head of someone to keep them from doing the rituals, as these are of real benefit. If they were not, you wouldn't be getting anything as nothing would try to prevent this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
slyscorpion said:
I did the rtr about 16 times so far and this twice. I am trying to take advantage of the solstace. The enemy tried to attack me I think I was feeling totally alone like this isnt even worth it and there are few people in the world other than myself and most the people here that even care to do anything so its a waste of time and they are not worth saving anyways. Kind of true but kind of not. I may try to stay up the whole solstace and do the rtr and this as many times as I can I dont know. It ends at around 11 AM my place.

This feeling stopped when I did this ritual I felt like blue flames coming off me as I read the prayer and I feel this incredibly powerful presence with this and it wiped out my feeling alone and almost like suicidal and giving up. This ritual is cool but I cannot quite tell who is with me here as I am not fully open or if its this ritual I feel tingly all over my body.

Very few spiritual people do account in numbers for many millions of sleeping people.

The impact of these rituals is well known and observable. We are going from world of sleepers into a world where waking up is so big that the enemy has to censor the whole internet.

There is progressive and strong advancement.

We also averted WW3 with the RTR at the last moment. All factors showed that the WW3 was going to be pulled with Iran, this time it went too far with the false flags etc.

The enemy is terrified and will put any thought into the head of someone to keep them from doing the rituals, as these are of real benefit. If they were not, you wouldn't be getting anything as nothing would try to prevent this.

I did stay up pretty much till the end of it but fell asleep. I ended up doing it more times around 27 (rtr) and this about 3. At least I tried. Anyways thanks I will listen to this and ignore the enemy.

It bothers me a lot no one outside of this group even wants to do anything in any way even if misguided to try and change the world and probably some people on here are lazy too.

I have known people in real life who know some of the truth (in one case most of it) but dont want to do anything to change the world cause either they are lazy or think this place is doomed so there is no point.

I just wish I could meet in real life someone who could make my life have more meaning as most things in this world are obviously pointless and I know I have been around for awhile probably since ancient times so even if I dont fully remember most of it (i get little glimpses sometimes of past lives one was ancient egypt) i still get the feeling like anything I have done I have already done and everything is just repeating over and over with no point to any of it and nothing much ever changes.
slyscorpion said:
I just wish I could meet in real life someone who could make my life have more meaning as most things in this world are obviously pointless and I know I have been around for awhile probably since ancient times so even if I dont fully remember most of it (i get little glimpses sometimes of past lives one was ancient egypt) i still get the feeling like anything I have done I have already done and everything is just repeating over and over with no point to any of it and nothing much ever changes.
You basically sound like me! Just another shitty day in the office, a fucking deja vu loop :lol:
I sometimes feel like a freight train behind a red light on a sidetrack, raring to go. I'm struggling with the meaning of it all, too.
I've come to realize that it is yourself that can give a meaning to your life. SS people here at JoS have the luxurious chance to advance in power and magick and fight for Satans' cause. This is as big of a meaning as it can get. There is no one to hold your hand, this isn't elementary school. The left hand path needs a warrior mindset and a will of iron. I guess we all are every now and then bombarded with feelings of futility and pointlessness. I've felt it many times while doing the RTR. One has to tune out of it, push through and keep at it. There are those moments of clarity when you realize you've come a long way. This, for me, is rewarding.

slyscorpion said:
I have known people in real life who know some of the truth (in one case most of it) but dont want to do anything to change the world cause either they are lazy or think this place is doomed so there is no point.
I'll hazard a guess that people don't know about the powers of the mind and how to harness them and/or they don't believe that they actually can make a change. At first, starting and sustaining a daily meditation and RTR schedule seems just too pointless for the left side of the brain. This is what happens when rats destroy all the spiritual knowledge and generation after generation has been raised in sleep-eat-work cycle. The chances of heroes à la Robin Hood are nullified and the rest of the population is still in deep coma psychically, with the futility of resistance deeply imbedded in their minds.

I keep getting a Resource limit reached message while trying to preview this reply. That must mean we are making a difference, otherwise no one would bother DDoSing this site.
So, just stay strong and keep grinding. You have Satan and this forum. I wish you all the best, comrade.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
