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Strange disappearances


New member
Jun 6, 2018
Does anybody have anything to say about the rate of missing persons in the world? I'm more knowledgeable about U.S. disappearances, but I'm sure it's a problem everywhere. There are a lot of mysterious circumstances in these cases often times, dogs and trackers fail to find anything, native americans are telling people about creatures that live inside of mountains, there have been many cases of people found with high levels of the drug GHB in their systems, floating dead in bodies of water. Being found in a body of water is common, with no evidence leading to the scene.

Here is a long lecture that I watched which covers a few other topics as well..


Here's a short, summarized video:

Here is a disturbing voicemail left by a man in his wife's inbox around the time he disappeared. He was later found in a lake, it is disturbing so be warned:

It's not a pleasant subject, I am posting this out of distress more than anything.
I find Paulides' work interesting, although I don't trust him 100%. I believe he mentioned that, in a few noticeable cases, the victim was found exsanguinated-drained of blood. If this is true, it sounds like it could be Jewish ritual murder.

I don't think all mysterious disappearances are kidnappings by Jews, but they certainly use the high number of people that go missing to conceal their ritual murder and human trafficking.
HailVictory88 said:
I find Paulides' work interesting, although I don't trust him 100%. I believe he mentioned that, in a few noticeable cases, the victim was found exsanguinated-drained of blood. If this is true, it sounds like it could be Jewish ritual murder.

I don't think all mysterious disappearances are kidnappings by Jews, but they certainly use the high number of people that go missing to conceal their ritual murder and human trafficking.
Ok so I posted the wrong video accidentally, the first one was supposed to be this:

Anyway I thought about it a lot, and since people aren't disappearing out of their beds in the middle of the night, I think that most of these occurrences are man-made. Good points you have.
Every year a lot of children go missing around the time of the Jews pass overs where the ritual murders are done. That is why they are finding human DNA in processed meat who runs those plants.
Remember that Jewish made South Park show were Cartman murders a married couple and then feeds them to their own family in a ritualistical manner and this is supposed to be funny. The Jews also promote pedophilia in South Park as funny. Why do Jews find murder and cannibalism funny and why do they create religions like Christianity based on it. The amount of murder and cannibalism Jews put into the movies and media they own is insane. This is in their alien soul.
HP Mageson666 said:
Remember that Jewish made South Park show were Cartman murders a married couple and then feeds them to their own family in a ritualistical manner and this is supposed to be funny. The Jews also promote pedophilia in South Park as funny. Why do Jews find murder and cannibalism funny and why do they create religions like Christianity based on it. The amount of murder and cannibalism Jews put into the movies and media they own is insane. This is in their alien soul.

These jews have done a number on the populace with their shit. They don't just stupidly go around doing it either. They do it in a way where it will either be normalized or if people do catch on they will result in the way the jews wants it to. A (((backlash))). Most people can't even have a serious discussion without flipping out.

I just tried having a serious conversation about this with a member and she wasn't having it. She would rather act childish and that's the backlash the jews want. For people to become emotionally blinded, which is understanble why Gentiles would but seeing most people are immature then they won't want to sit down and talk and their solution is a Jewish solution. Like for instance this person saying the age of consent should be 25 and when I bring up how women stop maturing physically at age 16 she flipped out. I calmly mentioned bringing the convo here, since I did get this info from here and the groups, but just insulted the forums and blocked me. Goes to show you how good the jews have done in messing up people and our society in general.
Let me clear just a small part to what I said, i meant to call 16 year old girl a female, not woman. I think a girl can be called a women once she reaches 25 since that's when the brain fully matures, for both men and women, but then again that's probably just arguing semantics now. Lol.
hailourtruegod said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Remember that Jewish made South Park show were Cartman murders a married couple and then feeds them to their own family in a ritualistical manner and this is supposed to be funny. The Jews also promote pedophilia in South Park as funny. Why do Jews find murder and cannibalism funny and why do they create religions like Christianity based on it. The amount of murder and cannibalism Jews put into the movies and media they own is insane. This is in their alien soul.

These jews have done a number on the populace with their shit. They don't just stupidly go around doing it either. They do it in a way where it will either be normalized or if people do catch on they will result in the way the jews wants it to. A (((backlash))). Most people can't even have a serious discussion without flipping out.

I just tried having a serious conversation about this with a member and she wasn't having it. She would rather act childish and that's the backlash the jews want. For people to become emotionally blinded, which is understanble why Gentiles would but seeing most people are immature then they won't want to sit down and talk and their solution is a Jewish solution. Like for instance this person saying the age of consent should be 25 and when I bring up how women stop maturing physically at age 16 she flipped out. I calmly mentioned bringing the convo here, since I did get this info from here and the groups, but just insulted the forums and blocked me. Goes to show you how good the jews have done in messing up people and our society in general.

I sincerely apologise for having an opinion that's different to yours and deciding to leave it at that. I wish you would have left it at that too.

[Btw -- In no way did I ""insult"" the forums, members or High Priest/esses. I have been loyally dedicated for most of my life and these forums are my lifeline and I truly feel as though I have been raised by them. It's important for me to say that, frankly, I'm shocked that you would twist my words that way.
I have nothing but respect and admiration for the High Priests, their sermons and messages.]

But honestly, I can't help but feel like the obsession with tiny 18 year old girls is blatant paedophilia gone mainstream.
Even prior, such as in medieval times and earlier, people would tend to marry later in life (only marrying at age 18 and upwards) contradicting the forced normalisation of the idea of child/teenage marriages that so many Alt-right proponents push for these days (to 'teach girls' how to act before they can think for themselves and stifle women further than the dark ages into 'White Sharia').

Of course any normal Gentile person would have some kind of "backlash" towards the vile toxicity of Jewish enforced paedophilia and child abuse that ruins our civilisations and races - it doesn't necessarily make it (((backlash))), I am not a kike. I also don't feel like "the jews messed me up good". I just wasn't interested in debating something so vile that should've already been clear as day.

It's a simple disagreement. I don't believe the right move would be lowering the age of consent, by any stretch. High Priest/esses, feel free to correct me.

I felt I needed to clarify that. I apologise if my inital response to you, 'hailourtruegod', seemed knee jerk in anyway. I simply decided to end it there.
hailourtruegod said:
Let me clear just a small part to what I said, i meant to call 16 year old girl a female, not woman. I think a girl can be called a women once she reaches 25 since that's when the brain fully matures, for both men and women, but then again that's probably just arguing semantics now. Lol.

Isn't it at 40 years old when the brain stops growing or whatever it is?
HailMotherLilith said:
hailourtruegod said:
Let me clear just a small part to what I said, i meant to call 16 year old girl a female, not woman. I think a girl can be called a women once she reaches 25 since that's when the brain fully matures, for both men and women, but then again that's probably just arguing semantics now. Lol.

Isn't it at 40 years old when the brain stops growing or whatever it is?

"The rational part of a teen's brain isn't fully developed and won't be until age25 or so. In fact, recent research has found that adult and teen brains work differently. Adults think with the prefrontal cortex, the brain's rational part."


I hope no one takes this the wrong way but that's the reason I can't date someone younger than 25. I even have seen for myself how younger women and men do act mentally immature compared to those above 25. For the most part.

Now i do think it's logical to think someone who meditates everyday and does yoga is gonna have a more mature brain before 25 than the average but as for normies there's hardly a chance I will be able to connect with them especially if they're without. Safe bet for me is to meet someone around my age which is a little above 25.
hailourtruegod said:
HailMotherLilith said:
hailourtruegod said:
Let me clear just a small part to what I said, i meant to call 16 year old girl a female, not woman. I think a girl can be called a women once she reaches 25 since that's when the brain fully matures, for both men and women, but then again that's probably just arguing semantics now. Lol.

Isn't it at 40 years old when the brain stops growing or whatever it is?

"The rational part of a teen's brain isn't fully developed and won't be until age25 or so. In fact, recent research has found that adult and teen brains work differently. Adults think with the prefrontal cortex, the brain's rational part."


I hope no one takes this the wrong way but that's the reason I can't date someone younger than 25. I even have seen for myself how younger women and men do act mentally immature compared to those above 25. For the most part.

Now i do think it's logical to think someone who meditates everyday and does yoga is gonna have a more mature brain before 25 than the average but as for normies there's hardly a chance I will be able to connect with them especially if they're without. Safe bet for me is to meet someone around my age which is a little above 25.

Wow! Thank you!!

You gave me wonderful ideas! :33
Thank you! :mrgreen:
zolaluckystar said:
Yeah, I was just reading the other day something that was stating that in the USA yearly the average of missing kids is 250 thousand, and out of those maybe 25 thousand are found. The rest are vanished. They compared this figure to China where the average yearly was stated as around 27 thousand, and that most of those are found. I admit I wonder about that however, as China is a communist country with no human rights at all, people disappear all the time there and are never heard from again; the black market in human flesh, organs/bodyparts, adrenochrome, blood plasma, etc is more lucrative than the drug trade, not to mention the young people being stolen, raped and consumed as food. I wrote some about this here:


I (personally) am of the opinion it goes much farther than the jews on the planets surface using our children/young people/ for their sick disgusting blood rituals. I feel there is a breakaway civilization here in this solar system with technology that is at least 100 years in advance of what we are allowed to know about on the surface.

"Buried deep inside Executive Order 13603, which Barack Obama signed into law March 16th 2012...gives the Federal government the legal authority to force ANY person into de facto slavery.

According to this Executive Order the President, or those whom he designates, can conscript “persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation,” in “peacetime and times of national emergency.” In a nutshell, that means that Barack Obama, and those he designates, can seize any resource, property, or person at any time for any reason, including forcing that person into labor without being paid.

There is only ONE word for forced, “uncompensated employment.” That word is slavery."
If they have made it legal to do so on the surface of this earth, only the Gods know what's happening offworld.

When you are aware of this and consider that: Obama also signed into law a bill that provides Federal legal protection for U.S. corporations involved in space mining. Obama’s action is presented as protecting U.S. corporate interests for space mining ventures anticipated to begin around 2025.

I believe the true intent of that bill was to protect corporations up to the end of 2022, from prosecution for their ongoing criminal abuses in CURRENT secret space mining operations and that said mining ventures have in fact been going on for decades.

When one looks at this being signed into law and the fact that there are areas where people vanish as described by Paulides....for example where I live is one of the hot spots, where young (in prime of life) and bright men (99% WHITE) vanish without a trace.....I draw some conclusions.

I remember one summer in particular where these young men were vanishing at the rate of two or more every week! This was NOT covered in the MSM at ALL and it gave me a very bad feeling. I only knew it was happening because the missing posters were popping up at an astonishing rate all over my hood, posted by the families and the friends of the missing men. And I thought this was highly suspicious....it felt like someone was 'shopping'. And to my knowledge, not one of those men were ever found. So yes, I believe somewhere, someone has a quota to fill, and they go 'shopping' among the general surface population. These young men were all the best and brightest. They were stolen, I believe; taken and conscripted into service/slavery offworld. Since they are NEVER heard from again, they would have to be somewhere where they could never return to tell their tale and the obvious answer to me would be offworld, where there is no fucking hope to ever get back to the surface of the planet, to escape. Where can you run, on a secret space base? The thought is horrifying.

These men, procured for the offworld corporations Obama has pardoned....the breakaway civilization which (I theorize) to be a mix of human/jew and open reptilian/grey/enemy nordic and who knows what else...but again I feel it goes farther. I think humans are being trafficked out of this solar system and that this surface word is a kind of game reserve. A biogenetic grocery store for hostile enemy ETs, and also for others that are at best indifferent.

Some of these unfortunates are sold for food, some for sex slaves, others for their skills, some as breeding stock, genetic material, etc.

I believe there are numerous reasons people vanish without a trace and that there are several factions responsible. I'm not talking people who want to drop off the map, or the ones who are found later, I'm talking the ones who vanish without a trace, where even the dogs won't track, or the urban disappearances, like the young man who went into a bar with a friend, was seen on camera entering (EVERY way in and out was on camera) and yet, not seen on camera leaving and yet, was vanished, never to be seen again...

There is definitely something going on, as the Parks people won't share their database of missing people, as the Gov't stonewalls on releasing anything on it, as anyone looking into it is dismissed as a 'conspiracy theorist' and a wingnut. When the reality is people are going missing at a fairly constant rate from year to year, and this tells me that somewhere, quotas are being filled. For whom or to where....

I feel that the kids taken are raped and consumed. Its my understanding that the ones in the sex slavery (for any longer length of time than a few months) have been bred and born into it on baby farms. That this slavery is generational. The level of filth in this, the crimes against humanity is beyond belief. If regular people knew what was really going on. there would be a revolution overnight and the elites/jews would all be hanging from gibbets tomorrow.

When the enemy hangs from a gibbet at their window for the sport of their own crows, I will be very happy to see justice finally done and delivered.



Amazing information as always! Love your new profile picture!!

Anyways, to get to the point, your last paragraph reminded me of this video I watched a while ago: https://youtu.be/WjHqvGgGV9g

It's horrific and not for the faint of heart....

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
