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Stop fantisizing!


Jan 22, 2021
Hello my brothers and sisters, this is my second time writing this post as the first time I wrote it my browser tab closed on it's own.

Today I am writing about a problem which has plauged me for a long time. A problem which, in the past, led to me abandoning my advancement in walking around in a vile stooper. I am not sure how much you know about "Dopamine" but it is often referred to as the "pleasure chemical" of our brains. While this holds some merit as it does make us feel good, it's purpose is not to give you pleasure, it's purpose is to reward you for doing tasks like finding food, having sex, exercising, studying. Basically, whenever you successfully complete a task you are rewarded with dopamine. Certain things give more dopamine than others.

In the same way that energy takes the path of least resistance, your brain will ALWAYS prioritize the task which gives the most reward for the least amount of effort. This is an issue in todays world and not for the reason you may think. The reason this is an issue is because our brains cannot distinguish between reality vs fiction. If you win a million dollars in a video game, your neurotransmitters react in the same way as you winning a million dollars in real life, since there is less effort involved in winning a million dollars in video games your brain will automatically prioritize winning the virtual money rather than the physical money, the reason being, to the brain, both are identical. This is why video game addictions and porn addictions are so prevalent in todays society. Your brains neurotransmitters don't know the difference between sex in real life and masturbating to porn.

As someone who has removed video games, social media(except for business), porn, movies, telivision, and youtube(except for learning and music) from my life, I had thought that I wouldn't have any low effort, high dopamine rewards. I was wrong. One of the things I would do a LOT is fantasize. I would fantasize about many things, things which I thought had no bearing on the present, things which I thought couldn't harm me. Things like, fantasizing about the God's return, others worlds and what they may be like, getting revenge on those I hate by showing them how successful I had become, having a muscular about being extremely advanced spiritually, and unhealthy sexual things while masturbating(Sex with non human entities. Not like enemy entities but mythical beings, saytrs, centaurs, fairies, slime girls, monster girls, just perverse shit that only harmed me).

Remember, your brain doesn't know the difference between a video game and real life when video games are viewed through a 2d screen, why would your brain know the difference between between real life and fantasizing? When you fantasize you aren't just viewing something, you are experiencing it, your touch, your smell, your taste, your sight, your hearing. ALL of your senses are used when you are fantasizing. When you watch porn you don't have the input of all five senes yet your neurotransmitters still respond the same way, if you fantasize about unhealthy sexual stuff, not only do your neurotransmitters respond as if you're doing it in reality, your brain also receives siginals from all five of your senses which make the experience all the more real.

Everything in life is energy, as such, it takes the same flow as energy does, choosing the path of least resistance. Your brain will ALWAYS prioritize the task which provides the LEAST amount of effort and gives the MOST reward. What do you think the brain will prioritize between these two options, spending many years meditating and advancing, visualizing yourself being an advanced god walking among humans who can do anything they desire. Obviously your brain is going to choose the fantasy.

Listen, while I have cut out video games, social media(except for business), movies, tv, porn, and youtube(except for learning and music) I do not expect you to do the same. It is something that I have made the choice to do for my own advancement. However, there is something I want you ALL to stop doing. What is it you may ask? Stop Fantasizing!

Hail Satan!
Artisan said:
In the same way that energy takes the path of least resistance, your brain will ALWAYS prioritize the task which gives the most reward for the least amount of effort. This is an issue in todays world and not for the reason you may think. The reason this is an issue is because our brains cannot distinguish between reality vs fiction. If you win a million dollars in a video game, your neurotransmitters react in the same way as you winning a million dollars in real life, since there is less effort involved in winning a million dollars in video games your brain will automatically prioritize winning the virtual money rather than the physical money, the reason being, to the brain, both are identical. This is why video game addictions and porn addictions are so prevalent in todays society. Your brains neurotransmitters don't know the difference between sex in real life and masturbating to porn.
The real deal feels better. Artificial stuff like porn, games, etc. give off less of the feel good.

As someone who has removed video games, social media(except for business), porn, movies, telivision, and youtube(except for learning and music) from my life, I had thought that I wouldn't have any low effort, high dopamine rewards. I was wrong. One of the things I would do a LOT is fantasize. I would fantasize about many things, things which I thought had no bearing on the present, things which I thought couldn't harm me. Things like, fantasizing about the God's return, others worlds and what they may be like, getting revenge on those I hate by showing them how successful I had become, having a muscular about being extremely advanced spiritually, and unhealthy sexual things while masturbating(Sex with non human entities. Not like enemy entities but mythical beings, saytrs, centaurs, fairies, slime girls, monster girls, just perverse shit that only harmed me).
That sounds like you had some fucked in the head moments right there. I've made mistakes, but one thing I have not done and that is fantasizing sexual stuff with someone else than human beings. This proves that just being a satanist does not equate freedom from such stuff. One has to unfuck oneself, and be free - by effort.

Everything in life is energy, as such, it takes the same flow as energy does, choosing the path of least resistance. Your brain will ALWAYS prioritize the task which provides the LEAST amount of effort and gives the MOST reward. What do you think the brain will prioritize between these two options, spending many years meditating and advancing, visualizing yourself being an advanced god walking among humans who can do anything they desire. Obviously your brain is going to choose the fantasy.
Sounds like a generalisation to me. It most likely is true for low denominator behavior, but once on the path of self improvement, I don't think so. Visualisation and seeing progress beforehand helps to gain that said progress, but one should not overindulge in it.

Listen, while I have cut out video games, social media(except for business), movies, tv, porn, and youtube(except for learning and music) I do not expect you to do the same. It is something that I have made the choice to do for my own advancement. However, there is something I want you ALL to stop doing. What is it you may ask? Stop Fantasizing!
I would call for healthy balance between visualising stuff, even fantasizing - and real life, real tasks.

Hail Satan!

Hail Hail ! :D
Artisan said:

The way I look at it is what is "safe" and "unsafe" entertainment. Unsafe entertainment is that which is so stimulating that it requires an excessive amount of willpower to remove oneself from, like video games. Safe entertainment could be like listening to music, reading, listening to podcasts, etc.

Middle-ground items like Youtube I think are best enjoyed with either a daily limit set to them (so you can watch something educational if you need to) or by way of a Youtube downloader where you only access Youtube to download educational videos only. You have to be a little creative with this.

The good thing about the human brain is that while its dopamine functioning can be influenced negatively by unsafe entertainment, it can also go the opposite way where it adapts to less stimulation again. Reading will never be stimulating like a video game will, but if you only read, then it will become genuinely entertaining again. People did not go crazy before video games were ever invented, for example.

Besides this, if you still have trouble with motivation:

-manage your kidney yang

-make sure you have enough energy (like with foundation med.)

-ensure you don't have general yin overload (symptoms such as feeling physically weak/sluggish, feeling cold, weight gain)

-do more void meditation to give better emotional regulation

-make use of yang-style mantras such as Sowilo

-use Munka to detach from the worst of distractions, such as porn, video games, drugs
Henu the Great said:
The real deal feels better. Artificial stuff like porn, games, etc. give off less of the feel good.

Neurologically it is the same thing. Obviously it feels better not only physically but spiritually. However, nuerologically there is no difference. Here is an article which includes some scientific studies proving this point.
Does your brain distinguish real from imagianary?

Henu the Great said:
That sounds like you had some fucked in the head moments right there. I've made mistakes, but one thing I have not done and that is fantasizing sexual stuff with someone else than human beings. This proves that just being a satanist does not equate freedom from such stuff. One has to unfuck oneself, and be free - by effort.
Yes, I very well know this. This caused me a lot of issues and even destroyed some relationships I had. I was spending hundreds of dollars to commission artwork of these characters(porn) instead of just masturbating to something normal. It definitely was fucking disgusting and gross of me. I know that very well.

Henu the Great said:
Sounds like a generalisation to me. It most likely is true for low denominator behavior, but once on the path of self improvement, I don't think so. Visualisation and seeing progress beforehand helps to gain that said progress, but one should not overindulge in it.
This is a good point. One of my weaknesses is that I tend to view things with a very all or nothing perspective so I jump the gun and see things as absolutely bad or absolutely good. I know that while meditating if you feel as if though you are a great and powerful God(basically who you aspire to be in the future) it can aid you immensely in your advancement as you will be tuning into the akasha and receiving information on how to achieve such desire.

It appears that fantasy is a gray area instead of a black or white area like I had thought. Cutting out fantasy has definitely helped me but I can see how it could be benificial. I try every day to focus on how what I do today can improve me in the future without envisioning detailed interactions with the future. Obviously I still have ideals and goals for my future but it isn't like imagining yourself going to the grocery store and meeting an old from or something. It is more like a single thought "I desire to do or be x in the future" and I leave it at that.

Henu the Great said:
I would call for healthy balance between visualising stuff, even fantasizing - and real life, real tasks.
You are exactly right. Fantasy can be beneficial. It seems I allowed one of my own inadequecies to bleed into this post. I will work on this issue as I now have 100% evidence that even things I think are black and white I know are actually in a gray area. It seems there is an indecisveness in my decision process.

Thank you for your post. You have helped me realize an issue I need to work on.

Henu the Great said:
Hail Hail ! :D

Blitzkreig said:
The way I look at it is what is "safe" and "unsafe" entertainment. Unsafe entertainment is that which is so stimulating that it requires an excessive amount of willpower to remove oneself from, like video games. Safe entertainment could be like listening to music, reading, listening to podcasts, etc.

Middle-ground items like Youtube I think are best enjoyed with either a daily limit set to them (so you can watch something educational if you need to) or by way of a Youtube downloader where you only access Youtube to download educational videos only. You have to be a little creative with this.

The good thing about the human brain is that while its dopamine functioning can be influenced negatively by unsafe entertainment, it can also go the opposite way where it adapts to less stimulation again. Reading will never be stimulating like a video game will, but if you only read, then it will become genuinely entertaining again. People did not go crazy before video games were ever invented, for example.

Besides this, if you still have trouble with motivation:

-manage your kidney yang

-make sure you have enough energy (like with foundation med.)

-ensure you don't have general yin overload (symptoms such as feeling physically weak/sluggish, feeling cold, weight gain)

-do more void meditation to give better emotional regulation

-make use of yang-style mantras such as Sowilo

-use Munka to detach from the worst of distractions, such as porn, video games, drugs

Thank you for your post here. Everything you said is exactly right. I tend to view things with a black and white perspective when reality doesn't work like that. Thank you for your post. Your post along with Henus post has helped me fully realize the severity of an issue I have(The one where I have an all or nothing perspective even when I have knowledge which contradicts that type of view)
Artisan said:
Neurologically it is the same thing. Obviously it feels better not only physically but spiritually. However, neurologically there is no difference. Here is an article which includes some scientific studies proving this point.
Does your brain distinguish real from imaginary?

That's an interesting piece available. I guess that just shows you that the mind/brain/body/and YES the SOUL(unlike what the hymie hustle states souless goyim) is able to do things within limits(genetic and or power requirements) and reasons to emulate or procure various levels of development. It really does seem like applied mental focus produces effects. This article does show the dangers of, but also the greatness of it. Shame most people seem to want to apply it for spiritual negatives in correlation rather than towards better realities.

This really shows that spirituality and mental powers are being put on the spotlight. Obviously of course this person and people view it scientifically. But the general consensus among US[JoS] is "The occult can be explained by science, Science can explain the occult".

But check out the comments of these two people. If these two guys got the idea and biblize everything then it comes to show you it's not a book but a manuscript for control.

July 8, 2018

Wow, this is so apropos for what I learned in church. Proverbs 29:18a Where there is no vision, the people will perish. This is another one of those times for me when science has proven the bible to be true. Thank you and God bless

Gary Halbasch
September 13, 2020

Scientific corroboration of GOD’S HOLY WORD. “ As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7

Shehameforash's holy word?/science has proven the bible? WELL DUH obviously this has been thumped into people for over two thousand years. Whether real or fake science, science can be made to understand anything in a technical deep manner much like how both (((the enemy))) and )))our side((( can be proven either the proof of Truth or the proof of Lies, hence why some believe in (((fake msm/judenpresse news))) or people search out )))alternatives(((. But it's incredible that these guys make the point. Science has both a nefarious use and and positive use. And if these people are seeing reality on the bible it makes sense they've just biblizied themselves. Obviously to a xtian reality will appear xtianific and to our side it'll appear in our manner.

This delves into deeper forms of reality and the science behind manipulation of reality. IF only a concerted effort of large masses of people World-Wide would alter reality for betterment rather than trying to promote slavery of everyone.

Anyways great article really hits hard on the use of mental AND spiritual prowess. Obviously here at JoS we take it the nth degree i.e. spiritual power + mental + word. But non the less it seems if society wasn't jew'd up, understanding of scientific truths leads to spiritual truths and even if a spiritual truth can't be understood just yet at least it provides the framework by which said property and information could lead to later on at another time.
Gear88 said:
Artisan said:
Neurologically it is the same thing. Obviously it feels better not only physically but spiritually. However, neurologically there is no difference. Here is an article which includes some scientific studies proving this point.
Does your brain distinguish real from imaginary?

That's an interesting piece available. I guess that just shows you that the mind/brain/body/and YES the SOUL(unlike what the hymie hustle states souless goyim) is able to do things within limits(genetic and or power requirements) and reasons to emulate or procure various levels of development. It really does seem like applied mental focus produces effects. This article does show the dangers of, but also the greatness of it. Shame most people seem to want to apply it for spiritual negatives in correlation rather than towards better realities.

This really shows that spirituality and mental powers are being put on the spotlight. Obviously of course this person and people view it scientifically. But the general consensus among US[JoS] is "The occult can be explained by science, Science can explain the occult".

But check out the comments of these two people. If these two guys got the idea and biblize everything then it comes to show you it's not a book but a manuscript for control.

July 8, 2018

Wow, this is so apropos for what I learned in church. Proverbs 29:18a Where there is no vision, the people will perish. This is another one of those times for me when science has proven the bible to be true. Thank you and God bless

Gary Halbasch
September 13, 2020

Scientific corroboration of GOD’S HOLY WORD. “ As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7

Shehameforash's holy word?/science has proven the bible? WELL DUH obviously this has been thumped into people for over two thousand years. Whether real or fake science, science can be made to understand anything in a technical deep manner much like how both (((the enemy))) and )))our side((( can be proven either the proof of Truth or the proof of Lies, hence why some believe in (((fake msm/judenpresse news))) or people search out )))alternatives(((. But it's incredible that these guys make the point. Science has both a nefarious use and and positive use. And if these people are seeing reality on the bible it makes sense they've just biblizied themselves. Obviously to a xtian reality will appear xtianific and to our side it'll appear in our manner.

This delves into deeper forms of reality and the science behind manipulation of reality. IF only a concerted effort of large masses of people World-Wide would alter reality for betterment rather than trying to promote slavery of everyone.

Anyways great article really hits hard on the use of mental AND spiritual prowess. Obviously here at JoS we take it the nth degree i.e. spiritual power + mental + word. But non the less it seems if society wasn't jew'd up, understanding of scientific truths leads to spiritual truths and even if a spiritual truth can't be understood just yet at least it provides the framework by which said property and information could lead to later on at another time.

Wow. That was a really good read. Thank you for your post here :)
Blitzkreig said:
Artisan said:

The way I look at it is what is "safe" and "unsafe" entertainment. Unsafe entertainment is that which is so stimulating that it requires an excessive amount of willpower to remove oneself from, like video games. Safe entertainment could be like listening to music, reading, listening to podcasts, etc.

Middle-ground items like Youtube I think are best enjoyed with either a daily limit set to them (so you can watch something educational if you need to) or by way of a Youtube downloader where you only access Youtube to download educational videos only. You have to be a little creative with this.

The good thing about the human brain is that while its dopamine functioning can be influenced negatively by unsafe entertainment, it can also go the opposite way where it adapts to less stimulation again. Reading will never be stimulating like a video game will, but if you only read, then it will become genuinely entertaining again. People did not go crazy before video games were ever invented, for example.

Besides this, if you still have trouble with motivation:

-manage your kidney yang

-make sure you have enough energy (like with foundation med.)

-ensure you don't have general yin overload (symptoms such as feeling physically weak/sluggish, feeling cold, weight gain)

-do more void meditation to give better emotional regulation

-make use of yang-style mantras such as Sowilo

-use Munka to detach from the worst of distractions, such as porn, video games, drugs

I thought I responded to this but it is either held up in the process of being reviewed, it was denied, I didn't respond to it, or my browser glitched when I pressed submit.

Thank you for this post. This is really insightful and informative. You always share great information, I appreciate it! I will take your advice to heart and use it whenever the need arrises :). Thank you once more.
Blitzkreig said:
Artisan said:

Happy to help, and thanks for your kind words!

Of course! HOWEVER, I don't want you to think that my words are kind just because I was feeling in a "good mood" or whatever. I have seen A LOT of your posts and you ALWAYS have amazing information! Your posts are always detailed and informative, I can tell you put a LOT of effort into helping your fellow brothers and sisters.

You are someone who inspires me! You are actually one of the reasons I creating the following thread!
Quality over Quantity
I just wanted you to know that you are appreciated! Not only by your fellow SS family but I am sure that the Gods appreciate you as well! You are one of the very few pinaccles of Quality over Quantity!

There is no other non-HP SS whom I respect as much nor that I have seen with similar posting standards! Most of the SS I respect have a mix of AMAZING posts and average posts. You are special in the fact that I have seen ONLY amazing posts!

If you haven't been told before, just know that you are appreciated! Thank you for everything you do!

If I have to compare your posting standard to anyone then it would be HP Cobras posting standard! Anytime I have EVER interacted with HP Cobra his words have taught me more than you would have imagined. On my old accounts he would respond with something that would not only help me in the present when he posted it but also help me in the future when I advanced and understood more. I am not sure if he thinks deeply on each of his posts before he responds or if he has a natural gift for creating timeless responses but his posts are truly beautiful(I have legit found myself learning new things from a single response HP Cobra made YEARS after he said it)!

Your posts are extremely detailed, informative, and overall extraordinary. I have found myself looking back at information you have shared many times! If I have to describe your posts then I would say that they are nothing short of the work of a genius who understands things so well that he can explain them in the simplest terms and make an advanced subject easy to understand in it's entirety!

Once again, you are appreciated! Thank you for everything you do! I'm sure that I'm not the only person who appreciates you either!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
