serpentwalker666 said:
Firstly, make sure your uncle is following the proper procedure in contacting the authorities and having them focused on locating and retrieving the vehicle from the thief. As there's a possibility that assistance from a demon may not be necessary for this.
The demon Abigor assists in legal matters and court cases. Considering this is also a legal matter. You may want to talk to him.
Don't forget Lord Andromalius!!
Zodiac Position: 25-29 Degrees of Pisces
March 16th-20th
Tarot card: Ten of Cups
Candle color: Indigo*
Plant: Wormwood
Animal: Pigeon*
Planet: Jupiter*
Metal: Iron*
Element of Air*
Rank: Earl*
Andromalius rules over 36 legions of spirits and is a night Demon
Andromalius is a Watcher. Watchers spy on the enemy and report directly to Satan, Andras or Azazel*
He reveals thieves, returns stolen goods, discovers all wickedness, and locates hidden treasure.
He will punish thieves and avenge offenders. He recovers lost articles and finds money. He also reveals secret plots and
can catch a thief.