Focus on the sigil of Satan and just be yourself. Approach Him openly, sincere with your inner most self. You can say to Him anything you desire to say. Don't be shy or have doubts. He understands and knows you beyond you could ever know yourself. Have patience and keep close to the God's. They will definitely show signs and show you that they listen.
Satan has the most beautiful, supreme, absolute energy in the whole universe. When focusing on His Sigil, try seek His energy, presence. Meditate on the sigils, be there in silence.
I felt our Supreme Satan energy and care when doing the above. There's no space, time and words to describe what the experience is. It brings tears every time I remember, and the moments are imprinted forever into our soul.
Don't overthink about it, don't wait another moment. You just need yourself and His Sigil in front of you. Will yourself there and just meditate, talk.