There are no voices, there are just enemies talking to you, like angels, thoughtforms or maybe jews, or it can be the inner enemy that HP HC talked about which i think it's a curse on the soul. Or illness, which is an negative energy that can "talk" to you trough your mind, but it actually just affects the mind so that it seems like a voice.
But the moust probable is that they are enemies just that they are tricky but they don't tell you that, because, to keep you ignorant about their existance so that they can keep fucking with you, and to keep your attention on them, you must ignore them, this way you can tune them out. I had a bad eperiences with them some weeks ago, but worse and that's when i got angry, and i was like "You mother fucker, will you stop talking to me? Or If not, i will blow up your fucking mind with vinasa, which way do you want it??" He/She keept talking... and then me: "good i will show you. You think you can fuck with me and get away with it, mother fucker?? I am going right now to do the vinasa." I did the banishing ritual with vinasa then they disapeared in the first day, but not just in the first day but when i finished it.
Do a banishing working when things get bad, asking for help from Satan or your Guardian Demon is also a good idea.
Don't start any working when the moon is in void, you can find this in the SS Calendar, you can download it from here:
The banishing can be started at any time except void of course moon, but the best time is while moon in wanning and in the hours of saturn on saturdays. Or just in the hour of saturn. Use ChronosXP for planetary hours.
Vibrate vinasa 9 times and in the meantime vibrate it in the entity/enemy and the energy that's coming from him/her, and is around your aura, (don't focus it on you or your aura, because it's destructive energy) so visualize that in front of you with some distance and focus the vibration in the negative energy and him/her, also with intent that the vinasa destroys the negative energy and the enemy that's affecting you. Do it for 9 days or 40 days if necessary.
Banishing ritual:
There you have it, problem solved XD
PS: Destroy them, leave nothing out of them