The above title was the best way I could come up with to describe my needs but I will go into further detail. First of all I was raised in a very strict xian household my whole life up until my teenage years when I decided to stand up for myself. During my child hood I was forced to go to a private xian school , church services multiple times a week and revival meetings was normally our “vacation” . My whole life I felt out of place , an outsider if you will. I knew deep down inside my conscience that what I was being forced to believe was not true. It did not resonate with me whatsoever. I experienced immense suffering throughout my life . I developed deep resentment for people and other kids who got to have a normal childhood. When I got old enough around 13 , 14 i started experimenting with drugs and alcohol and by 18 I was a full blown alcoholic and addict. I needed an escape from reality. Eventually I brought children into this world and developed a strong connection with them for the first 2 years of their lives. Then suddenly I was introduced to meth then the needle and I lost all sense of everything worth while in my life. I abandoned my children, I was a horrible person and a horrible friend. I eventually ended up in prison and my parents sent a lawyer for me to sign my rights away to my kids so they could be adopted by my parents. At the time I thought I was doing the right thing because I never even imagined I could live a sober lifestyle but here I am. I am 3 1/2 years sober , I actively work the 12 steps as my program of recovery and I am very active in my childrens lives. I live with so much regret though deep in my soul. I have to watch my children suffer through an even more strict childhood than I did. My dad says he will never give the kids back to me full time and even though i am sober and I have made amends he still holds resentments towards me for not being a xian. Finally I was introduced to this path and it is literally the path I knew I was born for. I love being dedicated to father Satan and his demons. I practice meditation and yoga daily and recently have started my deep dive into kundalini practice. So my first question is am I ready to start ritual offensives against the enemy? And does anyone think it is possible for me to gain full custody of my children back ? Me and my fiancé are engaged we have a house together and are very involved in my childrens lives. We are both satanist. I know Satan and his demons are here to help us , all of this just seems so far off . I do not know where to begin and I need guidance. I read this website daily and absorb as much information as possible but I just always need to be pointed in the right direction.