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Spiritual warfare with family members.


New member
Aug 17, 2024
The above title was the best way I could come up with to describe my needs but I will go into further detail. First of all I was raised in a very strict xian household my whole life up until my teenage years when I decided to stand up for myself. During my child hood I was forced to go to a private xian school , church services multiple times a week and revival meetings was normally our “vacation” . My whole life I felt out of place , an outsider if you will. I knew deep down inside my conscience that what I was being forced to believe was not true. It did not resonate with me whatsoever. I experienced immense suffering throughout my life . I developed deep resentment for people and other kids who got to have a normal childhood. When I got old enough around 13 , 14 i started experimenting with drugs and alcohol and by 18 I was a full blown alcoholic and addict. I needed an escape from reality. Eventually I brought children into this world and developed a strong connection with them for the first 2 years of their lives. Then suddenly I was introduced to meth then the needle and I lost all sense of everything worth while in my life. I abandoned my children, I was a horrible person and a horrible friend. I eventually ended up in prison and my parents sent a lawyer for me to sign my rights away to my kids so they could be adopted by my parents. At the time I thought I was doing the right thing because I never even imagined I could live a sober lifestyle but here I am. I am 3 1/2 years sober , I actively work the 12 steps as my program of recovery and I am very active in my childrens lives. I live with so much regret though deep in my soul. I have to watch my children suffer through an even more strict childhood than I did. My dad says he will never give the kids back to me full time and even though i am sober and I have made amends he still holds resentments towards me for not being a xian. Finally I was introduced to this path and it is literally the path I knew I was born for. I love being dedicated to father Satan and his demons. I practice meditation and yoga daily and recently have started my deep dive into kundalini practice. So my first question is am I ready to start ritual offensives against the enemy? And does anyone think it is possible for me to gain full custody of my children back ? Me and my fiancé are engaged we have a house together and are very involved in my childrens lives. We are both satanist. I know Satan and his demons are here to help us , all of this just seems so far off . I do not know where to begin and I need guidance. I read this website daily and absorb as much information as possible but I just always need to be pointed in the right direction.
So my first question is am I ready to start ritual offensives against the enemy?

If you have already been meditating for a few months, and have some knowledge of Satya, you can participate in the group schedules posted on the forum by the HPs. Generally these are not RTRs because by now the Enemy is buried enough that we can focus on more positive things like Rituals for the Gods and collective blessings.

And does anyone think it is possible for me to gain full custody of my children back ?

Generally, you should figure it out on your own. If you see that you have demonstrated that you are a positive presence, but through concrete actions (evidence that they are really in it) then yes. If it was the classic meme of the family man who until yesterday was beating his wife and now says, "I've changed, I swear," as soon as he gets kicked out of the house, then the answer would be no. It is all about concrete evidence and not just good intentions.

he still holds resentments towards me for not being a xian

Being a Christian is not an indication that you are a good person. And this is not defaming Christianity. It is true that one can be a Christian and be a good person (my grandmother is the classic example of a very good Christian person), just as one can be a Christian and be a criminal (my father, the earthly one, not my Father Satan, is the example of a Christian thug). But if we take Christianity per se, the Christ-bearing figures (Catholic saints, prominent evangelicals, leaders of "anti-Satanic" sects lol, Jehovah's Witnesses) were all rogues of Christ. Christianity is not being good. If a Christian is good, he is good in spite of Christianity and not because of Christianity.

I read this website daily and absorb as much information as possible

Technically you are well on your way to being an accomplished person. Be consistent. Use what you've been through to understand that it's better to be in your situation now than in the situation of always being an envious Christian drug addict.

We are both satanist

In itself being Dedicated Satanists or even meditating is not proof that a person is a good positive person in society. One must handle power and knowledge well; it is not enough to have power and knowledge. A president is not automatically a positive figure for the country just because he was elected. However, if he manages his political authority well, then he is clearly a positive president for the nation.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
