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Spiritual Warfare Schedule Oct 31 to Nov 10 - And On The Elections

Ravenheart666 said:
Aquarius said:
This whole Covid garbage.. It feels an illusion. I mean the energy, if I focus on it it feels like an empty husk of an idea, like something that is just in the mind of people but is not really there in reality. I don't really know how to explain it in a better way.
It's a mental mass projection. People fear, people immagine and therefore project it on the external ambient.

All true.

The actual problem is nothing to even require half of this.

The enemy needs fear in order to control and for reasons explained in the topic. They are forcing this down to people like a brutal xian thoughform.

All of this is just them wrestling their narrative down the world's throat to merely impose whatever they see fit.

The disease itself is just the stepping stone.
RhuledKhekho said:
I often get tired / sleepy after a few rtr, should i absord energy during the day and raise it before doing a rtr ?
I don't know if absorbed energy is lost when not programmed right away

Clean your aura in between RTR's and when you start getting sleepy, just do like 10x SaTaNaMa and affirm it is energizing your entire body.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I was hoping for another round of race awakening.

We need more favorable time right now. Currently, there is not much that can be as necessary as the Final, as the enemy is doing a barrage of curses and pushing. After this, we will make a huge follow up. Have patience.

I was thinking the same, expecting the Race Awakening to be in the list, but this feels easier. I was already going to spam the F-RTR for a while as I feel it's not having the same effect it had when I did it back in February, but I assume that was mostly because of my own Soul cleaning itself using it.
I'll try to raise the RTR number to 13 as I'll also be working on my head chakras (taking advantage of Samhain as much as I can).
Yesterday I increased the Yoga time to almost an hour and I feel so much better now, loose and vibrant. Need to make all of these efforts without breaking them up for any reason.

On another note I believe very important here:

I did stress this before and I hope people are taking this seriously enough. When you reach the end of the letters, right before you do the affirmations three times, take a moment to gather all your hate for the core of the jewish power and visualize it being reduced to nothing, less than ashes, destroy it by any means you find instinctive and natural. I use a barrage of lightning, incinerating the letters. Then I do the affirmations with renewed conviction and force. State them like they are ALREADY the present, state them like they are already an age WITHOUT jews.

Another thing I do after the first "Hail Satan!" is thanking Azazel for giving the F-RTR to us, my Guardian, and all the Demons I've had the pleasure to see and meet in some way, followed by a vibration of SATANAS and, once again, HAIL SATAN!

I feel this increases the power of the whole Ritual and always stimulates my third eye as a sign it's working.

Happy Halloween/Samhain Brothers and Sisters!

Hail Father Satan Forever!
RhuledKhekho said:
I often get tired / sleepy after a few rtr, should i absord energy during the day and raise it before doing a rtr ?
I don't know if absorbed energy is lost when not programmed right away

Breathe sun energy into your solar chakra, think and focus on it as very bright, practically white in vibrancy.

When focusing on white-gold energy you can also affirm that you are breathing in satanic energy, it is essentially from my experience the same kind of energy vibrations as found in Satan's aura and energy that you conjure in likeness to from the astral. Very positive and fueling in empowerment of the solar chakra, also helps bond and build a strong spiritual connection with Satan.
Hi there!

A few things..

First of all - Thank You so much HP for all the wonderful, educational and enlightening sermons over the years.
I always seem to thank a HP out loud for a sermon, it has become a habit, haha.

Second of all, would you be able to check out your proton mail, please? I have sent you an important mail. Thank you.

And third of all, a few days ago I had a dream of someone telling me to do the Communications RTR we used to do a few years ago before all other RTR's were replaced with the Final RTR, you think I should do it or should I not? I thought going through you first, HP, would be wiser.

Thank you once again!

I felt an instinctual itch to check the forums earlier today thinking there would be an update, and behold! Thank you High Priest, I've been waiting for this. The upcoming election has had me feeling anxious, and eager for a new schedule.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
When it comes to digital currencies, not all are made alike, obviously.
On the other hand there are coming new currencies and systems of transactions which can, if not delay the enemy, cause them a considerable hole in their dominance for the wealth of the world.

Can you touch base on what exactly some of these are, and provide some examples? Would love to look into / research them! I've been getting hard into finance since Covid, so nice to know what systems might be coming in place that will work against the enemy.
Blitzkreig said:
RhuledKhekho said:
I often get tired / sleepy after a few rtr, should i absord energy during the day and raise it before doing a rtr ?
I don't know if absorbed energy is lost when not programmed right away

Clean your aura in between RTR's and when you start getting sleepy, just do like 10x SaTaNaMa and affirm it is energizing your entire body.
Yeah this helps
NameHere said:
Hi there!

A few things..

First of all - Thank You so much HP for all the wonderful, educational and enlightening sermons over the years.
I always seem to thank a HP out loud for a sermon, it has become a habit, haha.

Second of all, would you be able to check out your proton mail, please? I have sent you an important mail. Thank you.

And third of all, a few days ago I had a dream of someone telling me to do the Communications RTR we used to do a few years ago before all other RTR's were replaced with the Final RTR, you think I should do it or should I not? I thought going through you first, HP, would be wiser.

Thank you once again!


It very well could be that this is the focus of one of the major curses in your soul. In summer of 2019 I was getting attacked a lot constantly by various entities of the enemy. I got to thinking about how a long time ago some infiltrator had me do something that I didn't understand and how it cause major effects in my life and even the life of my soul mate who I didn't know at the time started going really bad at that point.

I remembered how he had used the word "gates of darkness" in the ritual. I was told in my mind to look at the old rtrs lead to doing that. I found the 42 letter name one. It said "open the gates of Satan" or something i said hmm Did that and it started reversing that same energy. In my mind I felt Bael told me ASAP to do that into all of my chakras. Did that a couple times in each.

After that the attacks became much less frequent.

Maybe that is the same thing here. I dont know about effecting the world. Maybe it's your own soul. Maybe you should try it once see what happens on your own soul.
HELL YEAH! Lets go!!

I was already planning on doing a bunch of RTRs tomorrow any way but now I have a reason to do one or two more each day after that. I have the day off from work tomorrow too so I have all the time I needs :D

Let's hit em hard.

Happy Halloween to everyone except the ingultrayprs
Aquarius said:
This whole Covid garbage.. It feels an illusion. I mean the energy, if I focus on it it feels like an empty husk of an idea, like something that is just in the mind of people but is not really there in reality. I don't really know how to explain it in a better way.

The jew tried to use occult power to give this backing, but as you know we are destroying their power. Everything they try spiritually has barely any lasting effects anymore. They have untold material power still. They just can't stop using their shitty stolen form of magic and it continues to backfire on them. Hail Satan
Well my girlfriend is planning to dedicate on Halloween (tommorow) she did her second rtr tonight (I feel since she was going to dedicate tommorow anyways that is fine) so you guys have one new person dont know if she is going to create an account on here or not but if she does i will let you know which one is hers.

This makes me feel happy yet i kind of wish she had taken part earlier in things but then again i have more insight now into the issues that happened in her own life so not suprised it took her awhile.

So anyways this is good news we are winning. I show this as proof cause she is a very sensitive person to energy at least in this life (she is an old soul i doubt that she was sensitive like this forever cause if she was she would have been gone long ago) when the enemy stuff was up around earth she was being attacked day in and day out confused kind of connected to the enemy. Her energy though now is actually a lot better.

So be happy for us. I stuck it out for her for awhile slowly showing her the truth in stuff. So I gues we work to advance and stay together. She will now take part in this.

It is really hard to concentrate on doing rtr together dont know how some of you can do that btw in the same room right next to eachother.

I more give credit to Baal for helping her though in coming to the truth. I have to thank him for this and being patient with her and kind to her even though she literally was connected to the enemy for awhile. He actually was nicer than I was sometimes over that stuff. I guess the Gods don't see things the same way we do.
NameHere said:
You can do any of the previous RTRs as you like, it's not "forbidden" to do that or anything. Generally speaking the final RTR is the most powerful and efficient one, so it's preferred. As long as you make sure to do the final RTR every day, you can add some of the older RTRs on to it when you want to. It's your choice.
I am going to check the module now, in case the hour change of the clocks in Europe affects it.

In anyway, so long attacks are synchronized with it, it is not a big issue.

What browser are you using?

Ansuz.Oss said:
HP I have the same “problem”. What we have to do?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
F_For_Flamingo said:
Just got a question about the Warroom, did the Timer change? It was allways(atleast for me) like 15 h then 17 h 19h etc.. and now it is like 16h 18h 20h(is it because the one hour time change?). So should i stick with the old time or with the new?
Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Teacher!
Hail Guardian!

As far as I can see it is fully synchronized as it should be. I just checked.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I am going to check the module now, in case the hour change of the clocks in Europe affects it.

In anyway, so long attacks are synchronized with it, it is not a big issue.

What browser are you using?

Ansuz.Oss said:
HP I have the same “problem”. What we have to do?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As far as I can see it is fully synchronized as it should be. I just checked.
I have the same problem, I live in Italy. I just checked now and its now how it was before. For example, before It was at 11:00 but now its at 12:00. I think it definitely has to do with the hour change here in Europe.
Thanks HP and Scorp i think i get it now, its because of the timezonechange(atleast for me). So Thanks and im off to spamm some Rtr's!
To Victory!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I am going to check the module now, in case the hour change of the clocks in Europe affects it.

In anyway, so long attacks are synchronized with it, it is not a big issue.

What browser are you using?

Ansuz.Oss said:
HP I have the same “problem”. What we have to do?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As far as I can see it is fully synchronized as it should be. I just checked.
The legal hour changed. I realized I was doing it wrong just now.
Happy Halloween to everybody
TopoftheAbyss said:
Doing the same ritual again and again is tiring and boring, can't wait for the upgrade.
These days I do mostly 3 RTRs a day, not sure how much I will do with this program because I also started a personal working but I will do my best to do at least 3 each day. Thing is that when I'm not alone I sometimes do less.
Tiring is like any other struggle and work, but it's not boring and I'll tell you why. For example, when you build success and protection you can't get bored and stop working and fighting and then live. Not having freedom is a real problem because it is a block and a constraint.
This morning, on the eve of Samhain, I was half asleep. It was a half-reality half a dream ... The first thing that came to me was thoughts of Satan and the Amalek tribe. I felt my direct involvement in His tribe and family. I so clearly felt the presence of Satan nearby .This happened for the first time. By itself. I have always been interested to know and feel the energy of Father Satan. This is such an amazing energy ... So simple, without pretentious complexity, Without servile adoration. It is such a calm and unrivaled energy of love. Without words, without unnecessary outpouring, I hugged him. just hugged ... And then, when I woke up, I wrote a poem. I will present this as a gift to the Father. İ will burn it on the my altar on this sacred night.

And of course RRT I do rituals every day, but on these special days I will be doing even more. S.H.
VoiceofEnki said:
F_For_Flamingo said:
Just got a question about the Warroom, did the Timer change? It was allways(atleast for me) like 15 h then 17 h 19h etc.. and now it is like 16h 18h 20h(is it because the one hour time change?). So should i stick with the old time or with the new?
Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Teacher!
Hail Guardian!

That's what happens when the time goes from summer to winter time, just follow the war room timer, when it hits 0 you do the RTR, nothing changed there, it's just the way it aligns changes for some places when the local timezone changes from summer to winter time in certain parts of Europe.
In my opinion it is not necessary to change the time during the seasons. Not even the working hours should have changed over the seasons. Technically, we sleep the same amount of hours and the same is true for work and leisure. Instead of trying to make the dawn the same, let us welcome it as and when there is nature and let it continue the hour and work normally. Another total nonsense is the beginning of the new day in the middle of the night, when in reality, the beginning of the new day should be at dawn or when the sun rises. Not to mention the shit jewsus calendar.
Xianity and ilsam must end. If the masses do not want to develop and rise, let them be simply inferior, but at least they are not slaves and lousy zombies.
Aquarius said:
This whole Covid garbage.. It feels an illusion. I mean the energy, if I focus on it it feels like an empty husk of an idea, like something that is just in the mind of people but is not really there in reality. I don't really know how to explain it in a better way.

This description is spot on how I feel about it and I've always had sharp intuition with such things.
Guys we are saving the planet. Out of everybody in the world it is us. Im honored to be a part of all this really.
Hi this is for the Commander
Hi Commander,i have a suggestion about the RTR app. Is is possible you can make it like a voice recognition type of thing. What i mean is as the words are vibrated the app recognises if the word is vibrated correctly and done 9 times then it moves automatically to the next word. If you can do that i would like that so,but if not its fine. Thank you so much for everything.

Hail Satan
Heil Hitler
Shael said:
NameHere said:
You can do any of the previous RTRs as you like, it's not "forbidden" to do that or anything. Generally speaking the final RTR is the most powerful and efficient one, so it's preferred. As long as you make sure to do the final RTR every day, you can add some of the older RTRs on to it when you want to. It's your choice.

slyscorpion said:
NameHere said:
Hi there!

A few things..

First of all - Thank You so much HP for all the wonderful, educational and enlightening sermons over the years.
I always seem to thank a HP out loud for a sermon, it has become a habit, haha.

Second of all, would you be able to check out your proton mail, please? I have sent you an important mail. Thank you.

And third of all, a few days ago I had a dream of someone telling me to do the Communications RTR we used to do a few years ago before all other RTR's were replaced with the Final RTR, you think I should do it or should I not? I thought going through you first, HP, would be wiser.

Thank you once again!


It very well could be that this is the focus of one of the major curses in your soul. In summer of 2019 I was getting attacked a lot constantly by various entities of the enemy. I got to thinking about how a long time ago some infiltrator had me do something that I didn't understand and how it cause major effects in my life and even the life of my soul mate who I didn't know at the time started going really bad at that point.

I remembered how he had used the word "gates of darkness" in the ritual. I was told in my mind to look at the old rtrs lead to doing that. I found the 42 letter name one. It said "open the gates of Satan" or something i said hmm Did that and it started reversing that same energy. In my mind I felt Bael told me ASAP to do that into all of my chakras. Did that a couple times in each.

After that the attacks became much less frequent.

Maybe that is the same thing here. I dont know about effecting the world. Maybe it's your own soul. Maybe you should try it once see what happens on your own soul.

Thank you both so much for answering!!

I just did that RTR and IT WAS AMAZING!!!!
I did 18 reps.
I felt so much powerful energy coursing through my whole being and reaching me in ways I never thought possible.

After I was done I felt immense happiness overflow me, I still kinda feel it, but not as much. It was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, can't help but share this beautiful energy!

A few things to note that I felt happened:

1. While doing that RTR I felt like I wasn't the only one doing it, surprisingly.
2. Towards the end I felt two enemy entities come and try to "scare" me by blasting me with energy to make me feel "scared" of them and they were showing me "scary" faces, but it was pathetic of them. After being done and cleaning myself spiritually I felt them dissipate, leave.
3. This RTR made me feel like I connected to a certain part of me that wanted me, was calling to me to reconnect, I just didn't understand it back then.

I hope I made sense.
Thank you All so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Master said:
VoiceofEnki said:
F_For_Flamingo said:
Just got a question about the Warroom, did the Timer change? It was allways(atleast for me) like 15 h then 17 h 19h etc.. and now it is like 16h 18h 20h(is it because the one hour time change?). So should i stick with the old time or with the new?
Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Teacher!
Hail Guardian!

That's what happens when the time goes from summer to winter time, just follow the war room timer, when it hits 0 you do the RTR, nothing changed there, it's just the way it aligns changes for some places when the local timezone changes from summer to winter time in certain parts of Europe.
In my opinion it is not necessary to change the time during the seasons. Not even the working hours should have changed over the seasons. Technically, we sleep the same amount of hours and the same is true for work and leisure. Instead of trying to make the dawn the same, let us welcome it as and when there is nature and let it continue the hour and work normally. Another total nonsense is the beginning of the new day in the middle of the night, when in reality, the beginning of the new day should be at dawn or when the sun rises. Not to mention the shit jewsus calendar.

Agreed. I have been counting the beginning of the new day for awhile on sunrise. I think that's how it was done in the ancient times. I think some others on here like you also think the same way. I am not sure if we go to the planitary hours thing though for time during the day how that is going to work. It would be different in all areas. 24 hours deals with the number 6. There has to be another way this is done cause the real time I dont think vibrates to the number 6.

60 minutes 60 seconds 24 hours.

I dont know as 6 vibrates to Saturn originally. I thought it had to do with virgo and menial labor the 6th house being a servant who has low intelligence and works all the time. However the Jews have tied this into Saturn somehow.

6 could be innocent and pure i would think like a young child (losing purity is a bad thing) i think or a servant of humanity someone who does selfless service for others. That would be the positives but you will never see that with the Jews.

This focuses people on being servile and a lot of focus on work and labor and an obsession with doing things perfectly being perfect.

Nothing good about having our time vibrate to this number.

I would think any other one would be better almost. I personally like the vibration of the number 5.
I am glad to announce the Joy of Satan website is up and running, hopefully with no interruptions from there on. It was worked intensely at to be up.

Praise SATAN!

Wish everyone a happy Halloween night (Time zone differences, but still).
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I am glad to announce the Joy of Satan website is up and running, hopefully with no interruptions from there on. It was worked intensely at to be up.

Praise SATAN!

Wish everyone a happy Halloween night (Time zone differences, but still).

Praise SATAN!

Thanks for your hard work big Brother!
Okay sorry I bet this was asked before but..

Can I do a RTR with 27 reps instead of 9, will this count as 3 RTRs?

Or are 3 separate RTR, with each 9 reps stronger?

Sorry for the question, I don’t have much time, doing 18rep RTR now.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I am glad to announce the Joy of Satan website is up and running, hopefully with no interruptions from there on. It was worked intensely at to be up.

Praise SATAN!

Wish everyone a happy Halloween night (Time zone differences, but still).

Happy Halloween to all SS brothers and family!
NinRick said:
Okay sorry I bet this was asked before but..

Can I do a RTR with 27 reps instead of 9, will this count as 3 RTRs?

Or are 3 separate RTR, with each 9 reps stronger?

Sorry for the question, I don’t have much time, doing 18rep RTR now.
It's perfectly fine and counts. I always do the 27 rep version, myself.
NinRick said:
Okay sorry I bet this was asked before but..

Can I do a RTR with 27 reps instead of 9, will this count as 3 RTRs?

Or are 3 separate RTR, with each 9 reps stronger?

Sorry for the question, I don’t have much time, doing 18rep RTR now.
Yes, you can stack it's perfectly fine.
NinRick said:
Okay sorry I bet this was asked before but..

Can I do a RTR with 27 reps instead of 9, will this count as 3 RTRs?

Or are 3 separate RTR, with each 9 reps stronger?

Sorry for the question, I don’t have much time, doing 18rep RTR now.

Yes you can! I always count it as 3 rtrs when I do it this way. Each rtr is 9 vibrations.

Remember the more you do the faster the enemy falls.

Good luck
Thank you brothers!

Lets do this!
I just got through with the rtr.

I had interferences. First, the enemy tried to beg me to stop.

Then they woke up my mother who wanted me to stop.

I was coughing and I feel so warm inside...

Is all this normal?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
