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Spiritual Satanism FAQ ?


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2017

Something I've wanted in the Library for a while is a comprehensive FAQ that could help many newcomers with common questions and save time from having to answer the same questions over and over. I know such posts exist already, and one especially is really high quality but the person in question is no longer affiliated with JoS, and I'm still deciding whether or not content by people who have left should be used.

I'll be taking what's of value from the above, but I'd also like to further expand on this. So if anybody wishes to help expand on this, just reply with your own frequently asked question & answer.

Anything related to Satanism, astrology, politics and enemy programs is what's wanted here. But if there's something that personally troubled you, put it in too as answering it may help others too. As usual, everybody is credited for their contribution.
Dahaarkan said:

Something I've wanted in the Library for a while is a comprehensive FAQ that could help many newcomers with common questions and save time from having to answer the same questions over and over. I know such posts exist already, and one especially is really high quality but the person in question is no longer affiliated with JoS, and I'm still deciding whether or not content by people who have left should be used.

I'll be taking what's of value from the above, but I'd also like to further expand on this. So if anybody wishes to help expand on this, just reply with your own frequently asked question & answer.

Anything related to Satanism, astrology, politics and enemy programs is what's wanted here. But if there's something that personally troubled you, put it in too as answering it may help others too. As usual, everybody is credited for their contribution.

I'm very interested in this and I'll help you as time permits and if you want me to. We can make a longer list of both questions and situational answers to them.
Henu the Great said:
Spiritual Satanism FAQ - https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=56807

Beginner's Guide to Spiritual Satanism - https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=56700

This is the FAQ I mentioned, both of those posts are very high quality. But then there's the issue of the person in question, who left in rage denouncing HC. I'm not really on board with putting in the Library names who have left on sour terms, especially denouncing legitimate clergy or JoS.

Both of the above posts were some of the first I had in mind but then there's the issue of not knowing which affiliation this person has now. I don't think anybody wants to have in the Library names of traitors or infiltrators. Which rational satanist probably wasn't, but I don't know for certain since he's not around anymore.
I know a big FAQ: How to find your Guardian Demon?

My answer: There is a post from someone that GITM copy/pasted although one point in that post is not very accurate IMO, and that is the part about someones guardian probably being of the element someone loves the most. It's not so much about what one likes or loves the most, although this can factor into it in certain cases to an extent, but not so much with the elements as with interests in general also.

Elementally speaking one's guardian will most likely be the element you are most dominant in. It is about what you are made up of, the make up of your soul. If one meditates on astrology and patterns closely as well as their own chart, they will see they have a tendency to attract people who are elementally most like them, usually dominant in the same element(s) they are, and people who even share their chart ruler. If someone has a planet close to their descendant, they will also attract people who have the qualities of this planet, and it might even be the ruler of the sun sign of the ones that someone attracts. If one looks closely enough and sees this happening if they study astrology, they will most likely notice these patterns as well when it comes to elemental makeup in their guardian as well as ruling planets, and specialties and interests. Just as we attract people who are compatible to our personality, which is very influenced by our elemental make up, so shall we also probably have a guardian who is compatible to us this way.

It is indeed accurate that it will usually be a Demon of the gender one is attracted to, due to the opposite gender energies working well together and complimenting. Interests and habits of the person will/ can often coincide with the Demon. Ie: nocturnal people who are most active at night might have a night Demon for a guardian. Or someone who is very much into a particular skill or interest will be that of what the Demon specializes in.

Not all of these factors have to apply, but some and often many usually do. Take not also that there are SS who have guardians who are not always necessarily from the Goetia.

It is certain that focusing on who you feel most drawn to also can help you find out who this may be, If there is an intense feeling of undying unquestioning love and adoration, you can be sure that this is not only probably your guardian (or could be) but Someone who probably has been with you during other lifetimes bonding with you and helping you advance. The deepness alone of the feelings you feel will relay this, as this is a manifestation of a very strong bond.

Focusing on the Demon and asking them if they are your guardian while vibrating their name can give you an answer also either by leading you to some or all of the above, or if you are open enough eventually an answer will come telepathically or on the astral in one way or another. This can also come in a dream.

Methods of divination can be used but are usually hit and miss when someone is new, unless there is somehow a knack for this due to work on the soul and occult practices in past lives. Those of you who are water dominant and or who have Neptune or the moon well placed in ways that don't promote spawning delusions, you may find that the answer to this can come quicker than others due to you being more open and psychic naturally than the average. This nevertheless needs to be empowered and worked on to grasp whatever you may be receiving from the Gods.

One other thing to remember however, is that your guardian will not always have everything in common with you, and can even have qualities you are weak in or don't possess that they want to train you in or help you strengthen. Some people also are attracted to others who are opposites to them for this very reason, finding them interesting or wanting to learn from them. This personality is also likely to attract A Demon who might want to teach them this way.

Some people are also dominant in 2 elements, and can have a guardian who can be dominant in just one of these. There are some cases where someone might have more than one guardian but this from what I understand is not common, with most of the exceptions being having 2 guardians.
Dahaarkan said:
This is the FAQ I mentioned, both of those posts are very high quality. But then there's the issue of the person in question, who left in rage denouncing HC. I'm not really on board with putting in the Library names who have left on sour terms, especially denouncing legitimate clergy or JoS.

Both of the above posts were some of the first I had in mind but then there's the issue of not knowing which affiliation this person has now. I don't think anybody wants to have in the Library names of traitors or infiltrators. Which rational satanist probably wasn't, but I don't know for certain since he's not around anymore.
I wasn't aware that he denounced HC. Nevertheless, it's great work in any case. The easiest solution would be to add that the person who made the guide is not affiliated with JoS anymore. Library could also include a section mentioning somewhere that some of the work is by people who are not actively participating in forums, or their current affiliation is unknown, or something similar. I understand that someone not active here being mentioned there can be problematic, but great work should not be so easily dismissed.

Another solution would be to plagiarize the work, which is tasteless, but then you would not have to worry about the credits anymore.

And lastly make your own or have someone make it inspired by the above. Now this is kind of tricky since the above already touch many of the subjects that need to be mentioned so it would still almost be like borderline plagiarizing.
That FAQ, isn't unique and doesn't have any "poetic" imprint, and the personal structure created is also quite rigid.

It is a compilation of the collective knowledge, so it can be put forth. There's no unique metaphors as far as I read it.

I also am against as I said in the past, of the main point this member has done.

"What not to do first? Answer: Summon a Demon".

The first thing I did in spirituality before and after finding out JoS, was to summon a Demon.

The mature expectation of this is to be entertained, but not disabling the curiosity, action, by some projected expectations of what such a new member might experience. We don't have to justify a learning curve as something of this rigidity, and also stop new members.

This is also highly intimate and it cannot take general form as a rule, especially if being on JoS.

"Your Guardian Demon will not contact you if you are not past some point in your advancement and cannot contact you if you haven't opened your astral senses"

So new members must not contact Gods, or take interest in AT LEAST in the concept of their Guardian Demon. All of this is creating blockages by reversing and focusing on the bad expectation of this.

This is the only problem I saw with the above on a very quick reading, given this member has afterwards advised in the same manner regarding this and also had extensive problems on his rigidity. This doesn't need to be further propagated and I see a very big problem with this.

Rigidity, stubborn and assertive articles have importance and cater to specifics. But not for general and especially for beginners. Beginners must have the right platform of thoughts to expand their desire and not be closed of, especially for our contact with the Gods.

Contact and communication with the Gods is a process and must start very soon. Not later.

I can give a hand to help if it is necessary and if others haven't already got on it.
Would putting "A JoS member" instead of the name work well enough for this project? Similar to what we did for the recent editing project. No need to add the link to the original post I think.

Technically he/she was a member at the time they wrote it. Just throwing ideas.
NakedPluto said:
I remember reading this from you before. Despite the faults, I think we can see some value in the instructions as it's a package of readily available info in easy to digest format. If you would chime in it would be very nice.

hailourtruegod said:
Would putting "A JoS member" instead of the name work well enough for this project? Similar to what we did for the recent editing project. No need to add the link to the original post I think.

Technically he/she was a member at the time they wrote it. Just throwing ideas.
Just like Mageson turned to JoS forum contributor in some of the sites. :D
Henu the Great said:
Just like Mageson turned to JoS forum contributor in some of the sites. :D

Exactly! :D
BrightSpace666 said:
I'm very interested in this and I'll help you as time permits and if you want me to. We can make a longer list of both questions and situational answers to them.

The way I wanted to do this, is to simply have this open thread where anybody can pitch in with their own frequently asked question and the answer for it. The reason for this is simply to prevent us all from wasting each other's time, as we can all see this being done and you know what's already been written so we don't all end up writing the same things.

The open thread fashion also means anybody can give corrections and even expand upon given answers for a truly comprehensive FAQ compilation. It's really as simple as just write in a reply what you wish to add to this FAQ document.

Many of us have answered many questions in the forums, and just recalling questions you've been asked and the answers to these is valuable in itself. If the thread gains traction and members start contributing to this, I'll start putting the FAQ together with everybody's contributions. And we can all work on this together as a community project, though please, if you are working on the current big editing project going on, focus your time on that instead of this. There is no deadline for this FAQ thing, and the editing project should be a higher priority.

One single person does not have all the answers. But I think if we all start pitching in to this we can make something truly comprehensive and useful for every newcomer. Even doubts or issues you encountered personally, to which you later found the answers can be instrumental to an other's understanding of things.

In other things I think there is room for work around to preserve text. But I cannot be doing this for something that is designed for newcomers and inexperienced people who are prone to being influenced.

A new comer is going to see a member's name in the Library and automatically assume this person is knowledgeable and trustworthy, since they were trusted enough to have their name and writings in the Library. And then we may find out the dude who wrote this article is actually on xian or jewish groups and is using this trustworthy appearance to contact and lead new and naive Satanists away from the true path and away from JoS.

And the very real question then arises if this person left and cut their association with the JoS, why is the JoS using their writings to educate new Satanists. It would be completely different if this person had left on good terms with JoS.

I really doubt Rational Satanist is a full blown traitor or anything like that. But I'm not taking such a risk. Regardless I don't want new comers looking him up on the forums and see him ranting about HC corrupting Maxine's writings and planting the seeds of doubts and fears in the minds of naive and inexperienced Satanists.

I don't care about anyone's personal opinions or beliefs here. The only reason we're talking about this is because this is the kind of thing that may lead people astray and damage the group. And it definitely sucks that I have to leave these two excellent posts out over this bullshit. It's one thing to have controversial opinions it's another thing entirely when the way you convey yourself creates doubts and mental poisons on people. Especially if you then leave and we have no clue what you're up to or who you're associated with.

What he said before he left is the kind of thing you hear from traitors and jews slandering JoS and HC 24/7. I personally don't care about what he believes, but I cannot ignore the potential danger here of bringing this person's name up to the most vulnerable SS; the completely new and inexperienced who will be reading this kind of FAQ thing.

As for not crediting them, it creates a similar problem where this person will use it as fuel to further slander JoS and accuse us of stealing or plagiarizing. Too much trouble, I think we can just put together a better FAQ if we spend a little time here. And avoid all these issues and risks.
NakedPluto said:
I can give a hand to help if it is necessary and if others haven't already got on it.

Another advantage of having just an open thread where we're putting this together is corrections can also be made before it is put into a completed document. So if the thread gains traction and people start putting in their own frequently asked questions, you and others may also either expand or correct upon these if you want to.

Just please, and this is not to you specifically but a general thing, don't start insulting each other over misinformation or mistakes.
Shadowcat said:
I know a big FAQ: How to find your Guardian Demon?

My answer: There is a post from someone that GITM copy/pasted although one point in that post is not very accurate IMO, and that is the part about someones guardian probably being of the element someone loves the most. It's not so much about what one likes or loves the most, although this can factor into it in certain cases to an extent, but not so much with the elements as with interests in general also.

Elementally speaking one's guardian will most likely be the element you are most dominant in. It is about what you are made up of, the make up of your soul. If one meditates on astrology and patterns closely as well as their own chart, they will see they have a tendency to attract people who are elementally most like them, usually dominant in the same element(s) they are, and people who even share their chart ruler. If someone has a planet close to their descendant, they will also attract people who have the qualities of this planet, and it might even be the ruler of the sun sign of the ones that someone attracts. If one looks closely enough and sees this happening if they study astrology, they will most likely notice these patterns as well when it comes to elemental makeup in their guardian as well as ruling planets, and specialties and interests. Just as we attract people who are compatible to our personality, which is very influenced by our elemental make up, so shall we also probably have a guardian who is compatible to us this way.

It is indeed accurate that it will usually be a Demon of the gender one is attracted to, due to the opposite gender energies working well together and complimenting. Interests and habits of the person will/ can often coincide with the Demon. Ie: nocturnal people who are most active at night might have a night Demon for a guardian. Or someone who is very much into a particular skill or interest will be that of what the Demon specializes in.

Not all of these factors have to apply, but some and often many usually do. Take not also that there are SS who have guardians who are not always necessarily from the Goetia.

It is certain that focusing on who you feel most drawn to also can help you find out who this may be, If there is an intense feeling of undying unquestioning love and adoration, you can be sure that this is not only probably your guardian (or could be) but Someone who probably has been with you during other lifetimes bonding with you and helping you advance. The deepness alone of the feelings you feel will relay this, as this is a manifestation of a very strong bond.

Focusing on the Demon and asking them if they are your guardian while vibrating their name can give you an answer also either by leading you to some or all of the above, or if you are open enough eventually an answer will come telepathically or on the astral in one way or another. This can also come in a dream.

Methods of divination can be used but are usually hit and miss when someone is new, unless there is somehow a knack for this due to work on the soul and occult practices in past lives. Those of you who are water dominant and or who have Neptune or the moon well placed in ways that don't promote spawning delusions, you may find that the answer to this can come quicker than others due to you being more open and psychic naturally than the average. This nevertheless needs to be empowered and worked on to grasp whatever you may be receiving from the Gods.

One other thing to remember however, is that your guardian will not always have everything in common with you, and can even have qualities you are weak in or don't possess that they want to train you in or help you strengthen. Some people also are attracted to others who are opposites to them for this very reason, finding them interesting or wanting to learn from them. This personality is also likely to attract A Demon who might want to teach them this way.

Some people are also dominant in 2 elements, and can have a guardian who can be dominant in just one of these. There are some cases where someone might have more than one guardian but this from what I understand is not common, with most of the exceptions being having 2 guardians.

GITM was and is an insane jew creature full of jewish spasms. This "individual" must be nuked from such things and also ignored completely.

Nothing of his "writings" is to be trusted or taken into account.
Dahaarkan said:
NakedPluto said:
I can give a hand to help if it is necessary and if others haven't already got on it.

Another advantage of having just an open thread where we're putting this together is corrections can also be made before it is put into a completed document. So if the thread gains traction and people start putting in their own frequently asked questions, you and others may also either expand or correct upon these if you want to.

Just please, and this is not to you specifically but a general thing, don't start insulting each other over misinformation or mistakes.

I already wrote some things, will post here.

But I find a lack of "questions" more as an obstacle than the answers themselves. I focus on what I encountered myself as a newbie and try to limit the answer to a beginner friendly level as well.

But it would be nice to discuss what in general are the common curiosities to address.

FAQ - Deprogramming, Religion, Satanism
FAQ - Meditation and Advancement
FAQ - Magical Workings
FAQ - Demons of Satan

This is how I categorized the questions for a quick structuring.

Forum posts are hard to find, especially from the members. I think besides the answer, linking to good posts from members that address the issue would be more encompassing.

To me this is strange composition, being that someone who studies JOS would have answered already the common questions and also a search on the forum by studying would suffice. I guess it can be a guideline for these questions? As a starter for easier and faster read?

For example HP Cobra has made a FAQ about Squares. Similarly we do for many subjects and compile it into a full document?

HP. Cobra, on a re-read on all of his writings in the last months, has addressed beyond all questions a beginner would have to start on this path.

But I understand that this can be overwhelming for a beginner and they necessitate a more practical and direct answer such as a structuring of FAQ.
NakedPluto said:
Dahaarkan said:
NakedPluto said:
I can give a hand to help if it is necessary and if others haven't already got on it.

Another advantage of having just an open thread where we're putting this together is corrections can also be made before it is put into a completed document. So if the thread gains traction and people start putting in their own frequently asked questions, you and others may also either expand or correct upon these if you want to.

Just please, and this is not to you specifically but a general thing, don't start insulting each other over misinformation or mistakes.

I already wrote some things, will post here.

But I find a lack of "questions" more as an obstacle than the answers themselves. I focus on what I encountered myself as a newbie and try to limit the answer to a beginner friendly level as well.

But it would be nice to discuss what in general are the common curiosities to address.

FAQ - Deprogramming, Religion, Satanism
FAQ - Meditation and Advancement
FAQ - Magical Workings
FAQ - Demons of Satan

This is how I categorized the questions for a quick structuring.

Forum posts are hard to find, especially from the members. I think besides the answer, linking to good posts from members that address the issue would be more encompassing.

To me this is strange composition, being that someone who studies JOS would have answered already the common questions and also a search on the forum by studying would suffice. I guess it can be a guideline for these questions? As a starter for easier and faster read?

For example HP Cobra has made a FAQ about Squares. Similarly we do for many subjects and compile it into a full document?

HP. Cobra, on a re-read on all of his writings in the last months, has addressed beyond all questions a beginner would have to start on this path.

But I understand that this can be overwhelming for a beginner and they necessitate a more practical and direct answer such as a structuring of FAQ.

Also a FAQ about warfare has been made many times by HP, we can put this too and expand on it as many times during the schedule there are still questions such as "I didn't do this today, can I do it tomorrow", " I accidentally vibrated more times a word, is the rtr invalid now?" Etc. etc.

Many times this is just small doubt and they need confirmation, support to develop.
NakedPluto said:
Shadowcat said:
I know a big FAQ: How to find your Guardian Demon?

My answer: There is a post from someone that GITM copy/pasted although one point in that post is not very accurate IMO, and that is the part about someones guardian probably being of the element someone loves the most. It's not so much about what one likes or loves the most, although this can factor into it in certain cases to an extent, but not so much with the elements as with interests in general also.

Elementally speaking one's guardian will most likely be the element you are most dominant in. It is about what you are made up of, the make up of your soul. If one meditates on astrology and patterns closely as well as their own chart, they will see they have a tendency to attract people who are elementally most like them, usually dominant in the same element(s) they are, and people who even share their chart ruler. If someone has a planet close to their descendant, they will also attract people who have the qualities of this planet, and it might even be the ruler of the sun sign of the ones that someone attracts. If one looks closely enough and sees this happening if they study astrology, they will most likely notice these patterns as well when it comes to elemental makeup in their guardian as well as ruling planets, and specialties and interests. Just as we attract people who are compatible to our personality, which is very influenced by our elemental make up, so shall we also probably have a guardian who is compatible to us this way.

It is indeed accurate that it will usually be a Demon of the gender one is attracted to, due to the opposite gender energies working well together and complimenting. Interests and habits of the person will/ can often coincide with the Demon. Ie: nocturnal people who are most active at night might have a night Demon for a guardian. Or someone who is very much into a particular skill or interest will be that of what the Demon specializes in.

Not all of these factors have to apply, but some and often many usually do. Take not also that there are SS who have guardians who are not always necessarily from the Goetia.

It is certain that focusing on who you feel most drawn to also can help you find out who this may be, If there is an intense feeling of undying unquestioning love and adoration, you can be sure that this is not only probably your guardian (or could be) but Someone who probably has been with you during other lifetimes bonding with you and helping you advance. The deepness alone of the feelings you feel will relay this, as this is a manifestation of a very strong bond.

Focusing on the Demon and asking them if they are your guardian while vibrating their name can give you an answer also either by leading you to some or all of the above, or if you are open enough eventually an answer will come telepathically or on the astral in one way or another. This can also come in a dream.

Methods of divination can be used but are usually hit and miss when someone is new, unless there is somehow a knack for this due to work on the soul and occult practices in past lives. Those of you who are water dominant and or who have Neptune or the moon well placed in ways that don't promote spawning delusions, you may find that the answer to this can come quicker than others due to you being more open and psychic naturally than the average. This nevertheless needs to be empowered and worked on to grasp whatever you may be receiving from the Gods.

One other thing to remember however, is that your guardian will not always have everything in common with you, and can even have qualities you are weak in or don't possess that they want to train you in or help you strengthen. Some people also are attracted to others who are opposites to them for this very reason, finding them interesting or wanting to learn from them. This personality is also likely to attract A Demon who might want to teach them this way.

Some people are also dominant in 2 elements, and can have a guardian who can be dominant in just one of these. There are some cases where someone might have more than one guardian but this from what I understand is not common, with most of the exceptions being having 2 guardians.

GITM was and is an insane jew creature full of jewish spasms. This "individual" must be nuked from such things and also ignored completely.

Nothing of his "writings" is to be trusted or taken into account.

I understand but this what I referred to was not something he wrote himself but was all a copy paste article from another SS, the entire thing. I forget her name/username but I do also remember seeing the original article from her that was the exact same that had nothing to do with ghost, as he just copied and pasted her whole article in a post is all.

I should have just said this article was from her and not referred to him at all as the entire thing was not his writing at all
NakedPluto said:
Dahaarkan said:
NakedPluto said:
I can give a hand to help if it is necessary and if others haven't already got on it.

Another advantage of having just an open thread where we're putting this together is corrections can also be made before it is put into a completed document. So if the thread gains traction and people start putting in their own frequently asked questions, you and others may also either expand or correct upon these if you want to.

Just please, and this is not to you specifically but a general thing, don't start insulting each other over misinformation or mistakes.

I already wrote some things, will post here.

But I find a lack of "questions" more as an obstacle than the answers themselves. I focus on what I encountered myself as a newbie and try to limit the answer to a beginner friendly level as well.

But it would be nice to discuss what in general are the common curiosities to address.

FAQ - Deprogramming, Religion, Satanism
FAQ - Meditation and Advancement
FAQ - Magical Workings
FAQ - Demons of Satan

This is how I categorized the questions for a quick structuring.

Forum posts are hard to find, especially from the members. I think besides the answer, linking to good posts from members that address the issue would be more encompassing.

To me this is strange composition, being that someone who studies JOS would have answered already the common questions and also a search on the forum by studying would suffice. I guess it can be a guideline for these questions? As a starter for easier and faster read?

For example HP Cobra has made a FAQ about Squares. Similarly we do for many subjects and compile it into a full document?

HP. Cobra, on a re-read on all of his writings in the last months, has addressed beyond all questions a beginner would have to start on this path.

But I understand that this can be overwhelming for a beginner and they necessitate a more practical and direct answer such as a structuring of FAQ.

In an ideal world people would actually read the material in JoS before making an account and asking questions, but this isn't the case. I doubt any newcomers will be reading through every sermon by HC, but they would be quickly drawn to an FAQ document that answers many general questions in a more quick and accessible fashion.

The point here is to have quick and accessible answers that while not providing in depth insight, provide one with a basic understanding of different things. As to help alleviate doubts and become the foundation to later understand more complicated or advanced subjects. No one will read this FAQ and walk out with absolute understanding of everything, but one will be able to grasp many different things and take the first step to begin to understand things more deeply as they then continue to study the JoS. At least this is what's intended.

As for how the document comes together, we'll see the volume of questions we can answer, and depending on that we may even make separate documents. But I think just one document with different categories will be enough. I have some questions I'll drop in later too.

I'll be sniping HC's FAQs for this too, thanks for bringing it up.
NakedPluto said:
GITM was and is an insane jew creature full of jewish spasms. This "individual" must be nuked from such things and also ignored completely.

Nothing of his "writings" is to be trusted or taken into account.

If this is the case, then I feel less bad about him going nuts. On the surface, he seemed helpful and knowledgeable, but also ungrounded. I thought his delusions ended him, which kind of scared me, to be honest, as it seemed like a major tragedy.

On a similar note, I was curious about Shael. If he is not a Jew, then I hope his is still alive and not totally destroyed by Azorm or whoever else.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=369873 time=1656361090 user_id=21286]
NakedPluto said:
GITM was and is an insane jew creature full of jewish spasms. This "individual" must be nuked from such things and also ignored completely.

Nothing of his "writings" is to be trusted or taken into account.

If this is the case, then I feel less bad about him going nuts. On the surface, he seemed helpful and knowledgeable, but also ungrounded. I thought his delusions ended him, which kind of scared me, to be honest, as it seemed like a major tragedy.

On a similar note, I was curious about Shael. If he is not a Jew, then I hope his is still alive and not totally destroyed by Azorm or whoever else.

That's the point of the life of a jew like this, to create these feelings that ultimately are simple attacks. We are bonded, they aren't with us. They are none existent in all realms of existence. Delete.

When something like this pops in my mind, as I am highly empathic on occasion, I put a big red X mentally as an image on the feeling, thought, concept and I throw it out of existence in the Cosmos. Suddenly I don't even remember what it was about. Done deal, I move on.
Dahaarkan said:
NakedPluto said:
Dahaarkan said:
Another advantage of having just an open thread where we're putting this together is corrections can also be made before it is put into a completed document. So if the thread gains traction and people start putting in their own frequently asked questions, you and others may also either expand or correct upon these if you want to.

Just please, and this is not to you specifically but a general thing, don't start insulting each other over misinformation or mistakes.

I already wrote some things, will post here.

But I find a lack of "questions" more as an obstacle than the answers themselves. I focus on what I encountered myself as a newbie and try to limit the answer to a beginner friendly level as well.

But it would be nice to discuss what in general are the common curiosities to address.

FAQ - Deprogramming, Religion, Satanism
FAQ - Meditation and Advancement
FAQ - Magical Workings
FAQ - Demons of Satan

This is how I categorized the questions for a quick structuring.

Forum posts are hard to find, especially from the members. I think besides the answer, linking to good posts from members that address the issue would be more encompassing.

To me this is strange composition, being that someone who studies JOS would have answered already the common questions and also a search on the forum by studying would suffice. I guess it can be a guideline for these questions? As a starter for easier and faster read?

For example HP Cobra has made a FAQ about Squares. Similarly we do for many subjects and compile it into a full document?

HP. Cobra, on a re-read on all of his writings in the last months, has addressed beyond all questions a beginner would have to start on this path.

But I understand that this can be overwhelming for a beginner and they necessitate a more practical and direct answer such as a structuring of FAQ.

In an ideal world people would actually read the material in JoS before making an account and asking questions, but this isn't the case. I doubt any newcomers will be reading through every sermon by HC, but they would be quickly drawn to an FAQ document that answers many general questions in a more quick and accessible fashion.

The point here is to have quick and accessible answers that while not providing in depth insight, provide one with a basic understanding of different things. As to help alleviate doubts and become the foundation to later understand more complicated or advanced subjects. No one will read this FAQ and walk out with absolute understanding of everything, but one will be able to grasp many different things and take the first step to begin to understand things more deeply as they then continue to study the JoS. At least this is what's intended.

As for how the document comes together, we'll see the volume of questions we can answer, and depending on that we may even make separate documents. But I think just one document with different categories will be enough. I have some questions I'll drop in later too.

I'll be sniping HC's FAQs for this too, thanks for bringing it up.

Since there's no dead line, I will take my time with this. I focus on Meditations and Demons of Satan.
NakedPluto said:
Shadowcat said:
I know a big FAQ: How to find your Guardian Demon?

My answer: There is a post from someone that GITM copy/pasted although one point in that post is not very accurate IMO, and that is the part about someones guardian probably being of the element someone loves the most. It's not so much about what one likes or loves the most, although this can factor into it in certain cases to an extent, but not so much with the elements as with interests in general also.

Elementally speaking one's guardian will most likely be the element you are most dominant in. It is about what you are made up of, the make up of your soul. If one meditates on astrology and patterns closely as well as their own chart, they will see they have a tendency to attract people who are elementally most like them, usually dominant in the same element(s) they are, and people who even share their chart ruler. If someone has a planet close to their descendant, they will also attract people who have the qualities of this planet, and it might even be the ruler of the sun sign of the ones that someone attracts. If one looks closely enough and sees this happening if they study astrology, they will most likely notice these patterns as well when it comes to elemental makeup in their guardian as well as ruling planets, and specialties and interests. Just as we attract people who are compatible to our personality, which is very influenced by our elemental make up, so shall we also probably have a guardian who is compatible to us this way.

It is indeed accurate that it will usually be a Demon of the gender one is attracted to, due to the opposite gender energies working well together and complimenting. Interests and habits of the person will/ can often coincide with the Demon. Ie: nocturnal people who are most active at night might have a night Demon for a guardian. Or someone who is very much into a particular skill or interest will be that of what the Demon specializes in.

Not all of these factors have to apply, but some and often many usually do. Take not also that there are SS who have guardians who are not always necessarily from the Goetia.

It is certain that focusing on who you feel most drawn to also can help you find out who this may be, If there is an intense feeling of undying unquestioning love and adoration, you can be sure that this is not only probably your guardian (or could be) but Someone who probably has been with you during other lifetimes bonding with you and helping you advance. The deepness alone of the feelings you feel will relay this, as this is a manifestation of a very strong bond.

Focusing on the Demon and asking them if they are your guardian while vibrating their name can give you an answer also either by leading you to some or all of the above, or if you are open enough eventually an answer will come telepathically or on the astral in one way or another. This can also come in a dream.

Methods of divination can be used but are usually hit and miss when someone is new, unless there is somehow a knack for this due to work on the soul and occult practices in past lives. Those of you who are water dominant and or who have Neptune or the moon well placed in ways that don't promote spawning delusions, you may find that the answer to this can come quicker than others due to you being more open and psychic naturally than the average. This nevertheless needs to be empowered and worked on to grasp whatever you may be receiving from the Gods.

One other thing to remember however, is that your guardian will not always have everything in common with you, and can even have qualities you are weak in or don't possess that they want to train you in or help you strengthen. Some people also are attracted to others who are opposites to them for this very reason, finding them interesting or wanting to learn from them. This personality is also likely to attract A Demon who might want to teach them this way.

Some people are also dominant in 2 elements, and can have a guardian who can be dominant in just one of these. There are some cases where someone might have more than one guardian but this from what I understand is not common, with most of the exceptions being having 2 guardians.

GITM was and is an insane jew creature full of jewish spasms. This "individual" must be nuked from such things and also ignored completely.

Nothing of his "writings" is to be trusted or taken into account.

Exactly what I thought when read their name lol
1. What is meditation?

Meditation is a necessary activity for advancement.

Meditating, you undergo a process of establishing control over your mind and willingly activate parts of the brain that are dormant, using them to pursue a spiritual action or a work of advancement.

Meditation is an inward movement of focus, structured on aim, being in itself a process.

Meditation encompasses many types of inner workings and activities. For example one of the first meditations can be to acquire a trance, then further on the path using a trance for a meditation on chakras and so on.

All of our workings and meditations consist in building solid grounds upon which every meditation and learned quality of ourselves is then conjoined, and complemented to sustain a higher level of openness and action.

2. Meditation is only calming, there's no evidence of much more. I am a rational Satanist.

Meditation is thought wrongly as just a contemplation, just a calming stillness.

Meditation consists in making you used to silence the obsessive daily mental space (thoughts, convictions, etc.), giving space despite the conscious tendency, for the feminine mind to open.

The above takes time and also dedication, but it is not so hard either. It is the beginning of learning what spirituality means.

For successful meditation, convictions of rational etiquette do matter, as these create limits and blockages. They can be overcome by some willingness to experience and curiosity.

A decisive helper is that of understanding how our brain works and by direct experience in time. There are also countless proofs and studies to be done regarding immediate and long-term benefits of meditation, which go beyond the "calmness" effect. This will also be very clearly differentiated in effects by what meditations we perform, as the meditations are different and perform different things.

3. I am falling asleep during meditation

This is normal as a beginner and can be dealt with by washing your face before meditating, and during meditation by maintaining focus on the task, and actively pursuing your aim.

Many times you'll fall asleep and wake up shortly after. This can be your mind programmed against it and also your mind not being accustomed to having reached a deeper trance by being conscious.

Trance aims to be conscious and aware, and your perception is memorized on a conscious level.

Fully focusing even on the astral body and the buzz within the trance is still action and a focusing aim. Bring back your focus if failing. If starting to have dreams wide awake, in the moment of conscience of it, do bring them back and remember what are you doing. Failing multiple times, go for a walk, wake your body slowly, wash your face and wait for a bit until another round.

4. Do I need to meditate every day?

Yes, it doesn't take much time and the benefits are beyond present comprehension.

Failing a day or two won't matter as much as long as you strive to reach stability and discipline. It is ideal to meditate every day.

Having a pattern and rhythm of when you meditate, as a lifestyle is also very good. All of this is for a constant, fueling, learning experience you accustom your soul and body to.

5. I expected much more, but it didn't happen

Expectations can lead to confusion and also depression. It is natural to have expectations, yet they need to be confronted with reality and accordingly rewired to factual anticipation.

Curiosity and openness are a more fitting helper in this, rather than closing in a limited expectation. In time any expectation will be overwhelmed in face of the beauty of reality.

6. I expected less, I am overwhelmed

This needs only passing time for understanding. Meditation can be very stimulating or overwhelming sometimes. If that is so for you, take it slow and have yourself assured that this will be adapted in time.

7. I meditated but I don't have siddhis

Siddhis are developed from a very prolonged period of training and a factual higher level of advancement. This entails dedication and a mature approach.

In time, our powers of the mind will glimpse and reach out to be grasped, trained, and expanded. As our soul opens, our natural tendencies and also inborn powers open as well.

Meditation is a part of the above, a more complex mechanism of action is done to achieve some powers, such as establishing our spiritual bodies, gaining control and knowledge of them, and also having the spiritual and material sustenance to perform them.

Having the above said, your enthusiasm about this is however not misplaced, and during advancement, you'll find satisfaction in similarity and also in the training of them. It is a journey.

8. Can I meditate all day long?

Meditation done right, in most cases will necessitate effort and that will take effect on someone, especially if done excessively.

While meditation gives a lot of energy, if done too much, will leave you unbalanced.

A balance is required, the brain necessitates both conscious alert active states and also passive states. You have to learn your timing and establish a routine as time and energy permit.

High-level goals are awesome but it needs realism and actual sustenance in time. Depending on the meditation the answer is relative to the above.

9. I cannot feel energy

Energy, and power are not dependent solely on your ability to discern them in such a straightforward manner.

There are many ways to understand the energy raised, by experience and analysis you'll learn and discover. It might be only a matter of awareness as you'll see.

In time as you advance, energy will be felt also in accord with your level and being. Feeling energy differs in manifestation for everyone, but a general description of it is available.

10. I am spinning when I acquire a trance

This means that not only you were successful you also have a developed ability within this.

Many times our astral body can be placed a little bit differently, we can perceive also movement from the head up to full body rotations and directions.

If you spin, bring your focus to your belly.

If you are free-falling, bring your focus on your front body, forward.

If you are rising by the head, upwards, focus on your legs and base chakra.

The spontaneous happening of the above might mean excessive bio electricity in your body. You can ask a Demon to get the excess of you.
Like the above if it is welcomed I'll post more as much as it is needed, however some questions would be helpful.
NakedPluto said:
Like the above if it is welcomed I'll post more as much as it is needed, however some questions would be helpful.
I was thinking about writing how 8 fold path relates to meditations JoS provides and other things that fall into the 8 categories, but since you have the task I should present this idea for you.

My idea was going to link the neccessary websites into the text so that there would be interlocking feature. This way new people will more readily grasp the idea what is what, how and why.

Questions related could be:

I dedicated and now what?

What meditations should I do?

How and when do I meditate? (or practice in general)

And important core practices on which everything is built over time.

Etc. etc.
Henu the Great said:
NakedPluto said:
Like the above if it is welcomed I'll post more as much as it is needed, however some questions would be helpful.
I was thinking about writing how 8 fold path relates to meditations JoS provides and other things that fall into the 8 categories, but since you have the task I should present this idea for you.

My idea was going to link the neccessary websites into the text so that there would be interlocking feature. This way new people will more readily grasp the idea what is what, how and why.

Questions related could be:

I dedicated and now what?

What meditations should I do?

How and when do I meditate? (or practice in general)

And important core practices on which everything is built over time.

Etc. etc.

Absolutely, linking sermons and members posts is a must for every question, statement. Creating a web of supportive answers to open the mind and structure solid grounds for proper flowering.

I tend to answer the statements of stagnation, rater than pure curiosity. More on the cleaning side.

I will post here in the same fashion, but since this is an open thread and not individually focused, we should all participate and structure.

For example Lydia has targeted Yoga etc. Let's work here and post all of us, teamwork.

FAQ about breath work etc. All encompassing FAQ in the end.
Henu the Great said:
NakedPluto said:
Like the above if it is welcomed I'll post more as much as it is needed, however some questions would be helpful.
I was thinking about writing how 8 fold path relates to meditations JoS provides and other things that fall into the 8 categories, but since you have the task I should present this idea for you.

My idea was going to link the neccessary websites into the text so that there would be interlocking feature. This way new people will more readily grasp the idea what is what, how and why.

Questions related could be:

I dedicated and now what?

What meditations should I do?

How and when do I meditate? (or practice in general)

And important core practices on which everything is built over time.

Etc. etc.

This is a very good idea, I'll be adding those links too. We're on to making something really good here.
I have a few ones I had written down also.

1: I stopped meditating, rituals, yoga or fully stopped practicing Satanism for X amount of time, should I perform the dedication again?

The dedication ritual is permanent and cannot be reversed, and does not have to be repeated if you stray from your path for some time. People often stray especially in their early years in Satanism, this is more common than you might think and a formal re-introduction into Satanism is not required. Simply start meditating and participating in rituals again.

2: I performed a ritual to reverse the dedication and now wish to return, should I repeat the dedication ritual?

There is nothing you can do that will reverse the dedication ritual. Attempting to do so is simply a pointless disrespect towards the old Gods and is strongly discouraged. If you walk away from this path, the old gods won't come running after you. You may leave at any time.

3: Am I protected from all negativity, consequence or danger after performing the dedication ritual?

The protection granted by the dedication ritual is not unconditional. You will not, for example be protected by the consequences of your own actions or decisions. If you pick a fight with the wrong people, put yourself in danger in callous and foolish fashion or make poor decisions with terrible consequences, you will NOT be sheltered from this.

You are protected from things you are unable to protect yourself from. You are not protected from dangers or damage you bring upon yourself. Stay sharp and stay safe. You will be guided and protected, but this is within reasonable limits.

4: I cannot sense, see or feel energy or meditations taking effect, am I making no progress?

Over analyzing your situation only limits your progress. Some people have a good feel for these things, others don't. Some progress fast, others are slow. Everyone's pace is individual and comparing yourself to others is a pointless exercise, because the rate at which you grow and progress spiritually is based on innumerable factors including but not limited to:

- Your physical health
- Your upbringing
- How deeprooted enemy programs are in your soul
- Trauma, damage or pollution from past lives
- The environment in which you meditate

The above are just a few examples of things that can affect the rate at which you progress and gain a better feel for the spiritual. Everyone's path, and time to achieve things is individual and impossible to gauge.

Some quickly pick up the pace and open & clean their soul very quickly, others will take months just to open one chakra. And at times someone who advanced very quickly falls off a cliff and permanently lose their way. And sometimes someone who had a very slow start ends up becoming very powerful and healthy with time.

Speed is not important, what matters is consistency. Be consistent, be determined and be focused.

5: I made a mistake, left Satanism or disrespected Satan or the old Gods, am I going to be punished or abandoned?

Outside of severe treason, dedicated souls are not punished or abandoned. The door is always open for you to start again. Contrary to what some believe, when you "leave" Satan you are not doing a disservice to Him but actually doing a disservice to yourself.

He does not need you, you need Him. Do not obsess over this, start meditating and work on yourself again. The old Gods value action more than words. The best, and only way to really redeem yourself for any mistakes you've made, is to better yourself and participate in rituals again.

Do not overthink it. Just start again.

6: I do not agree with or like the JoS community. Is this path for me?

Participating in the group is entirely optional. You do not have to read or participate in any conversations had by the community. It is however highly recommended that you read through important announcements and follow the ritual schedule. If you do not like the group or even clergy, it is not required that you interact.

SS is about bettering yourself and establishing a relationship with S, and furthering His agenda. If the group is not for you, this is entirely fine and understandable, and you can totally continue to walk this path even if you do not interact with the group in any way.
On the subject of deprogramming from the enemy. If there are repeating subjects/topics and answers, either they can be conjoined or reduced only to the more fitting one.

No. Isn't Satanism a reverse Christianity?

The mainstream "Satanism" that is perceived and seen by the common masses is indeed nothing more than a reaction, created by the jews to conform and sustain a natural sympathy that arises due to the brainwashing and damage done by Christianity. It is a designed "battle" of a perceived "right" and "wrong", and the purpose of this is to corrupt the actual meaning and path of Satanism.

Spiritual Satanism as taught by Joy Of Satan, is the actual real Satanism and the only true " religion", being that it conforms to rational thought, observance of nature, scientific advancement of the soul, and much more. It is the religion of life. By knowledge, we come to understand that Spiritual Satanism is all-encompassing in embracing and advancing our life which goes beyond the mental gymnastics of only conflictual and senseless narratives of the enemy.

No. How can I can deprogram from the enemy Religions

The above is a process and involves numerous layers of action. The important steps have already been taken, being that you are reading this.

- Continued studying, and entertaining the newfound knowledge through analysis, thought process, and curiosity will lead you to peel all of the mental layers of influence from the enemy.

The enemy thrives by creating confusion and hiding the real knowledge. Given you are studying and slowly immersing yourself in your resolve of doubts guarantees a healthy deprogramming.

- Starting a cleaning meditation/working habit along with meditation. As soon as you start a spiritual lifestyle with the beginning workings and meditations, as soon you will clear the dross and misunderstandings in time.

Spiritual Satanism is a lifelong journey and a forever process of gaining clarity, power, and light.

It is a complementary work of both your rational aspects and also of your intuitive, feminine aspects.

No. During my deprogramming, I have anger and strange feelings.

The enemy programs have achieved confusion and made our resources of life go to waste or have them repressed inside.

It is normal, during initiation to the truth and cleaning process to feel anger, disgust, fear, and betrayal. These are natural reactive feelings based on reality and by finding the truth. Our Gentile nature knows the truth and resonates with it.

These feelings can be used to further the inspiration by which you apply yourself more to this path.

Feelings of anger have been forever ignored and repressed by some, and by others they have been the only focus of life, giving in a violent nature and an unbalanced lifestyle.

All of our emotions can be used in the appropriate workings or meditations. You can use your anger doing spiritual warfare.

No. Why doesn't Satan save the world from hunger, death, and the enemy?

Satan along with the Demons has saved many times the "world" along with an ongoing saving. However, the matters here are conflicted due to false expectations from enemy religions and not understanding the reality of life on a larger scale.

Our life, by the nature of existence and gift from Satan, is solely our own. We own our life and we have the full decision on it. The material part of life has an indiscriminate force of cause and effect and we also share a collective responsibility of our people.

There are indeed numerous aspects of life that may seem extremely disturbing, and the product of this is the existence of our enemy, the jews. Humans also do not understand a greater perception of life and are trapped in a very disconnected from truth reality, instinctual reasoning of their own, which will result in a natural cause and effect in the end.

Due to karmic, Universal laws and factors accumulated, humans on a collective level undergo these transformations and sufferings, due to their own lack of responsibility for life.

On this larger scale of things, we are to overcome and advance from this, by defeating the enemy and by bettering. This cannot be done but by experience and the actual process of overcoming.

Spiritual Satanism offers tools to control our life, avoid the suffering of this caliber, better our lives, and overcome it by achieving immortality. In this aim, we also by default help and advance our people and our planet. In the matter of a few hundred to thousands of years, this is an instant in face of awaiting infinity.

In all of this, our Gods are guides, the givers of knowledge and paths, they are the sole reason we are still existing and we will do so in the future as well.
This should for the good of everyone be added to this faq as I think it's one of the more important ones since I am always preaching on this kind of thing to people.

What does "I do not allow friendly association with other people mean"

It doesn't mean be mean and nasty to a bunch of people. What it means is there are certain individuals that are harmful to be around. People that are on the lower or lowest spiritual level can be dangerous as in stealing energy, getting curses and bad energy all over the aura and chakras (having a friend who is a hard core xtian or has that energy for many years can seriously mess up the energy system and start to change someone if this is not cleansed) certain indiviauals can program others to be a certain way dealing with following enemy ideas. Also entities can jump or attach from one person to another through spiritual links. Also these people can prove to be dangerous so far as physical things as well. They also can set up mind control stuff in the astral on others. So best not to associate willingly with enemies of Satan or very low level indiviauals. If you can't avoid them best to limit time with them and not reveal too much or get too close stay detached although that may not stop some spiritual attacks to be honest.

Second one
I agree it should be made known the dedication ritual can't be reversed and is eternal. I second this one especially as a teen ager or young person if your in a very strongly xtian household. The reason is this wasn't made clear to me and it made me spend years in fear cause of the fact I burned a Satanic Bible and did some prayer to reverse it cause of my dad who was an xtian pastor at around 15 but I didn't know what I was doing so I was thinking this in vain. I think there are severe consequences of someone actually means it and follows through though or commits an act of severe treason. That's what they told me and I didn't know what I was doing in my case. It took awhile for my gaurdian to get though to me though so I was spending years thinking I am going to suffer a horrible fate over this.

Third one:
Am I a Jew. It should be made clear as this is a common attack against people. Reptilians and greys as well as Gods can telepathiclly push people to say or do certain things. I don't know how it's done but I learned that cause it was happening to me from time to time before I was more open. So it's not uncommon for someone to say you look like a Jew or it looks like part of your family is Jew or something. This is them trying to scare you. I made clear that if a person has positive experiences with the Gods then they are not a Jew. 2. A Jew wouldn't be fearful of being one. 3. A Jew would have some problems after awhile with the rtrs or gentile meditations maybe not right away but eventually. 4. Check for features they usually have one or two. 5. If you feel drawn to the Gods your not likely one the Jews have an aversion to it and anything to do with us. These are some to think over the personality and all that stuff ignore if you haven't deprogrammed fully and fit something but look at the whole picture it's unlikely that you will fit the whole thing generally they are attracted to evil and depraved things and always want to do what is wrong. They don't think humanity is good. More can be added as a link to some article if liked.

Next one. Enemy attacks.
1. They are generally a biological robot nothing to fear. Truth is the script your being attacked by has been played millions of times before you heard it and it will be millions of times after your gone. They are a Borg they don't really have a lot of intelligence in the way we do they think in binary thinking. So do not fear them. Do you fear a computer. Others are basic thoughtforms that keep repeating stuff over and over. Yeah I know they have the whole fear energy thing on them but that's not what's needed here. They are not going to hurt you. Sadly these machines who should be the laughing stock of the entire universe and ridiculed and crushed by all planets and are vermin have gained some control over us and other places. So fight back. Satanic blue fire and astral sword is one way void meditation as in blanking scripts. There are other methods as well. Make sure to do aura of protection each day be aware of this basic fact. What's happening to you has happened to billions of sentient life forms before and will happen to billions after.

So this should make you feel better in that your not alone. Not like they can't be dangerous. But they are something that shouldn't exist according to the evolutionary laws of nature. I just wanted to add this imput it's not very comprehensive but they don't like me saying this. It puts a lot less fear in people than some mystical evil being from a pit of fire coming to consume a soul or some nonsense. To live based on the truth without being clouded by the idea of some magical mystical kingdom. The truth is laid bare the emperor has no clothes. We are dealing with a computer software script and alien computer virus. This should demystify it and remove some xtian programming that leads people to actually strongly fear these things. Fight back but fear is a four letter word they love it. That's how they got humanity to begin with.
Here's a couple I've seen frequently:
I'm being attacked by X, or I have invasive thoughts, how do I prevent this?

You can also vibrate runes such as Algiz and Sowilo to amplify your AOP. Runes mostly help with attracting and guiding the proper energies when vibrated, but it all still needs to be programed.

Aura Cleaning:
Most of the time all you'll need to do is the simple cleaning, deep cleaning may be needed only if spiritual hygiene was neglected or you've endured what you felt was an extreme amount of attacks. Be sure to feel your aura being cleansed.

Void Meditation:
Learn to control your thoughts, this is what void meditation will do for you. If you have trouble "thinking about nothing", then focus on a simple object in your mind or one you physically have, and only focus on that. The point is to focus your mind on one object, or objective and hold it there.

Especially this one :!:
How do I get a Demonic lover?
Ask Satan or your GD about that, they will guide you. Not everyone can handle that type of relationship, it's not having like a "Waifu", nor is it "easy street" to avoid having a human partner. If you think of it like that, I'm quite sure you won't be offered this type of relationship. The Gods already know who can and can't handle an intimate sexual relationship with a Demon. Unless you have a Demonic partner from a past life, I suggest you try asking Satan or you GD to guide you to a suitable human partner first. However, if you genuinely want a Demonic love relationship, especially for spiritual reasons, then you may already have one and just need to contact him or her. Keep in mind, you must be open enough to see their signs for either situation to work.
This is all the writing I've done recently. I'm trying to compile the most common concerns I see for new SS.
Going to condense all the links in this thread so they'll be easy to find.

To experienced SS: If there are any discrepancies in my writings please ping me.

Embracing A New (Old) Philosophy

Overview of the "Manosphere"

Don't No Fap, Go Fap

How to "Fight" the Jews

Gender Disunity

Saturn isn't "Evil"

Pornography is a Drug

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
