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South conjuct The Ruler


Active member
Aug 1, 2020
Satan's Empire
What could it mean if someone has The Ruler in conjuction with the South node in a House of the Occult?
And if there is another planet that conjuct both, would the influnce increase?
I'm not an expert astrologer. But I'm going to try.

You need to know that the ruler of your chart represents YOU, your personality.

When a planet tightly aspects the Ruler, this planet adds further traits to your personality. Looking that planet on the 1st house helps. For example: Jupiter is your Ruler and it's being aspected by Mars. Look for Mars on the 1st house on Azazel's Astrology page and see if it fits.

Now, the south node talks about past lives. Talks about our past self. It's an area that we mastered, the talents we had, our previous personality.

So... the south node on the 1st house is hard to explain. If it is, for example, on the 2st house, we can see that money was an important aspect of your past life. The first house talks about the self. The south node on 1st maybe means that you had a strong personality on the past. Perhaps you were self-centered. Idk.

If you want to know more, here is some info about nodes extracted from the Azazel's Astrology page.

Planets conjunct the Moon's nodes are of special importance. The Moon's nodes are of fate. Planets conjunct the north node are often benefitted, but not always. The south node is strongly of fate and when conjunct a planet, especially if tight, this is very fated for the affairs ruled by the house with the sign ruled by the planet.
Interpretation will be shaped according to which planet the ruler of the chart is and where the ruler of the south node is. And yes, having another planet in the 8th house will intensify the effect of that house because planets give event and houses are the area where the event takes place.

In general, when the chart ruler planet conjuncts the south node in the 8th house, one can be born as one who is prone to occultism and spirituality. There is no doubt about it. In addition, he/she may have grown up seeing poverty and crises in the first half of his life. It may be possible to be the child of a divorced or bankrupt family. The person may have been born into an environment where he or she does not feel safe or comfortable enough. Money is a very important issue for this person because both crises and opportunities will come from here. It is very important for a person to create his own wealth and comfort on his own. The nature of the person may be very passionate and ambitious, of course, and he will not like superficiality, but it is very important for him to be aware of worldly pleasures and spend money for himself & his own comfort and pleasures. There is no need to fear or shy away from it. Balance is important. Apart from that, they must be careful to separate their money with their spouse. I do not recommend a shared piggy bank.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
