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Songs For Lucifer/Satan and the Pagan Gods (Vahagn)


New member
Nov 9, 2024
Obrigada por isso! Acredito que Lúcifer ouviu cada uma delas! e acredito que ele gosta muito!
Salve Lúcifer te louvamos para sempre
você poderia colocar em mp3 para eu adiconar na minha playlist, o solsticio desse ano vou tocar todos! muito obrigada!
Louvado seja Lucifer
lindíssimo o hino Satanás o libertador!
oh! me emocionei!
Salve Salve Satanás Lucifer
Yes that is my YouTube channel that got heavily censored when I used to make conspiracy related content on there.. I decided to just put music on there but I am heavily shadowbanned hence the low views.
Ok here is a song I made recently called Discipline which is 1 of the 9 Noble Virtues, and have a few more to make still when can will like to finish that mini side project as have probably the 3 most important still to make in honor of Honor, Courage and TRUTH ❤️‍🔥;) https://odysee.com/@axismundivrilwitch9:9/slideshow__333_20250114_v5u1lT:3

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
