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Something strange with my chakra's.

Voice of Enki [JG]

Joy of Satan Guardian
Sep 20, 2017
Recently I made my philosophers stone and all kinds of rapid changes have started to happen in my body and aura, but today when doing the chakra spinning meditation I noticed something very unusual. 

My chakra's all started to have a golden yoni or ball shaped object in the centre of them, which flows very hot and vibrates very quick. 

Normally the chakra's seem to vibrate with their own color light, which they still do, but all my chakra's are giving of a very powerful golden glow when I spin them. 

Before this my chakra's just looked like pyramid shaped vortexes, which swirled with energy of their respective energy, but now they all have this golden yoni shaped object in the middle of the piramid shaped vortex which is producing a huge amount of bioelectricity. 

Have any of you noticed something like this before or have any idea what it could be? 

Appart from this I have been having the crawling sensation all over my back, especially shoulders, which I know are my Ida and Pingala, but it's been going on for more than a week now. 

I have been trying to merge my Ida and Pingala, but the process is very slow. 

Also my sacral chakra has transformed entirely, it doesn't look like a pyramid anymore, but like an 8 pointed star and it's spinning wildly in all directions at the same time. Hard to explain with words.. 

The stone is in the center of the spinning star, constantly absorbing energy from my aura. 

When I move the stone into another chakra that chakra starts to glow like an oven and the part of my body it is located at also starts to glow very intensely. It works great for activating and empowering the chakra's. 

I've been primarily using the cobra breath and a SATANAS meditation that was given to me by my GD to empower my aura and chakra's. I tried using the sanskrit mantra's, like I used to do, but they barely stimulate the chakra's, which is kind of annoying because I have been stuck not really knowing what to do now to keep advancing and empowering the chakra's. 

My Kundalini appears to be activating, but it's far from rising still. However I keep feeling a very intense pressure coupled with a strong crawling sensation that goes through my spine when I focus on it. 

It's diferent from sexual energy going through the shushumna, it feels physical and sometimes also hurts, but it's bearable. 

If there is anyone in the groups who has also made the philosophers stone, I would really appreciate your advice on how to keep empowering it. Also if any of you have advanced past this point already could you maybe tell me how you wen past this and made the breakthrough? 

Thank you in advance for your answers brothers and sisters. 

Okay, I have this prepared to actually destroy this little clique because it has went enough.   ________________________   Well, according to AngryShaman666 who raves that he has been "censored"...Who has been posting illegal things that violate the rules of the group repeadetly (Rule about condoning Illegal Activity and Flaming), like advocacy of physical violence etc that could bring potentially invite needless touble...Him and also others went on with tears on how we didn't approve videos that basically advocated the destruction of HP Mageson, staged curses against him and flamed him without any real grounds. But "spiritual" supposed grounds of people who just joined pretty much "yesterday".
So for those who have been victims of this clique, this is how it all began. One infiltrator that I don't even know the member of, raved that "his posts have been censored". This troll (Goes by the handle Ramsees II or something in youtube) posted that supposedly, it being so godlike, "imagined for 5 minutes that the JoS page was up" when it was down, and that it "Came up". Oh thank you, weren't it for our efforts though nothing would be here. Its not like the Clergy was working on it, it was your mighty imagination indeed. It must have.Of what a blessing to have you around, really. And other people who hate us but don't have the gut to just take the bus and leave finally.

Because this blantant crap he was posting wasn't approved, he went apeshit on HP Mageson and started calling him a "jew" for not accepting this infiltrator's psychopathy. He even made videos about it and attempted to post these, which of course got blocked. This idiot though persumed he was attacked on a personal level, for not being allowed to INFILTRATE the groups.

So weeks later, some other stuff happened. AngryShaman started violating the rules of the group and the legality that we profess and as thus, he was censored, but we were also aware he was dealing with rotten apples. This also has happened here and then with apparent stupid posts. Overall his posts weren't bad except as of late, which this was unusual. Not only this, but he came in assosciation with some trolls in youtube, which even went as far to push the myth that HP Don "is a jew" (one of them myths made by Rammesses trolley). When HP Don disagreed that the Orlando shooting was fake, but actually a 'false flag' (False flag means it actually DID happen, but that the motivation was in our opinion from Mossad and underhanded to rob the second amandment). AngryShaman666 who has went on these large posts about how "Advanced" he is, lashed out and he joined the failers team. So he joined the rejects, and actually started flaming me as well for talking in regards to HP Mageson. All of these people actually think of themselves to be overly advanced and higher up, so when they are blocked for spreading LIES and MISINFO, they lash out and attempt to take revenge. After all, the groups are supposed to exist as a ground where they can tell us all the time how supreme and great they are, or apparently spread delusional paranoia to everyone else. Guess what, this is not the case.

This thing has been going in for weeks and they have all uploaded videos with the apparent desire to destroy me and HP Don...Yet again. Rhymes with what has again happened recently with the most recent other episode. Not only this, but they openly lie that we "attacked" these recentl infiltrators, while we never did. Like classic infiltrators, they dig holes for the Clergy, they fall into these and then they complain that we didnt' fall into the holes...somehow... So other persons involved in this, are actually "Donotfearthetruth666". This guy who joined like 2 months ago, has "came up with a method" to "protect yourself" with a "purple fire". Now as anyone with a decent intelligence knows, this is not the Aether. If one knows a bit more, they know that htis "Violet Flame" is actually what the New Agers tell people to use in "breaking down their ego" and "realizing the non duality and the archangels" and also, "Ascended Masters" like "Saint Germain" or "Archangel Zakiel" or some shit, do supposedly give this "Spiritual advice". *THIS IS NOT THE AETHER* but a complete practice of creating the self DOCILE. This Purple flame IS OF THE ENEMY ET'S AND OPENS PEOPLE TO THEIR SPIRITUAL INFLUENCE. Its them all alone. The method which they "used to identify" me and HP Don as supposed "jews", is actually based on use of this disgusting instrument known as the "Violet Flame". The original fire is Blue and Satanic as this is the color of Truth and Satan's color. Violet/Purple is not actually a bad color in itself, but when bizzare practices are done with it, it can have adverse effects.   http://thevioletflame.tripod.com/   http://www.spiritual-encyclopedia.com/violet-flame.html
So these few people decided to yet again repeat what other infiltrators have done. Attack and smear lies on the JoS Clergy with any influence they have been given *BY* the Clergy. "VoiceofEnki" who is also a new, but know it all anyhow, even went as far as to state (According to AngryShamans words) that "Astaroth told him HP Cobra and HP Don are jews". He is some sort of intermediate guru for the whole team, pretending to be the medium from which these guys get their "info". Both him and "Donotfearthetruth666" have been pretending to be the helpful posters, who supposedly know, what of course others let them know. Trying to be stable outside, on the back, staging freaking coups again. Talk about talking to one's own delusions and using damn purple flames, while advancing in rapid speed. Recipe to DESTROY members in a few words. Here he is now trying to ask help from a group that he supposedly hates and wants to coup out of existence.

So what do we have here? Improve power and make yourself open to enemy influence by the freaking "Purple Fire" of the New AGERS. And become like these guys. A total damn retard and traitor.

After all, all these people really KNOW what they are doing- they always do. All infiltrators always do. Backhandedly, their delusional paranoia tries to discredit Satan and Lilith, who work personally with us, as some sort of beings that can't check their own house or group. AngryShaman in one of his messages posted (never went through) that actually even HP Jake is a jew too. So everyone is a jew. Based on what? What some few junkies who are high on enemy meditation (and medications) probably, do say. No info and no proof whatsover. Only total idiots would follow this flow, which it seems few actually did. AngryShaman even went as far as to say he is an open enemy to the groups anyway: "Fuck them". Sorry that we don't take your filthy garbage, but this is for your own safety as well.

AngryShaman666 also kept saying, aside everything else, to preach the gospel of advancing too fast. Add the freaking "VIOLET FLAME" in this situation, and you can see the whole motive. Turn into a retard, in no time. Infact, how to destroy someone. He kept circulating lies that we "Created the 6 month meditation program" (I did not) aside many other endless lies. He advocated that people should do hundreds of vibrations into their day one, and then push with more and more "MerKaBa". All this to all people who have had issues with being overstimulated, they know it can actually HARM someone. Mentally too, as even its obvious in this clique. They actually think they are so advanced, yet with their apparent stupidity they are trying to misguide naive new members. This can have disastorous effects for many people. Add the techniques of "using the purple flame" and all the rest of the stuff, and this starts to form an actual recipe of destroying new members without any reason whatsover. In worrying about AngryShaman's issue and wanting to give a warning, and in respect for his channel and work done for Satan, I sent AngryShaman one mail... This is the mail that I sent him, warning him of what is going up with the whole story (after he attempted to post the videos on HP Don being a "jew"):
"Be careful AngryShaman, you seem to have people around you that want to misguide you and put you in the front to push nefarious messages. Some of these people are known infiltrators. Be aware of this at least, whatever your decision."

What he said about this is that I was actually "attacking" him and even went as far as to lie that "he has been cursed". Nobody has time to bother, let alone "curse" any of these trolls, let alone on mars retrograde, let alone they are just making fools of themselves. However because they are trying to misguide a lot of people, this has had again to be dealt with. No matter how many times trolls attempt this, they will just fail. They have all the time in the world to lie all day, so this sort of thing will most probably continue, however.

Again, 5 freaking trolls trolling around. There is also one other guy around, who has posted that "His grandma told him he is jewish" but this post never went through. Don't think that we don't know. What's expected from Satanists is not this apparent stupid, low IQ and bizzare behavior, but waging actual war against the enemy.Oh and for the record:

got shoah'd Again
7 hours ago+Satan's Loyal Servant Many advanced members will curse those fuckers to death once mars retrograde is over
I wrote a brash email to a preistess in response to being called a jew by this little group of assholes. I'm very sorry. I'm newer to this and still learning how things are handled by our clergy. I can't thank you enough for your wisdom and direction. Just give me a few years to advance and I will direct all of my energy to crushing those who oppose our Clergy. I read this post and months of anger melted. Thank you Hail Satan
On Jun 28, 2016 6:42 PM, "hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Okay, I have this prepared to actually destroy this little clique because it has went enough.




Well, according to AngryShaman666 who raves that he has been "censored"...Who has been posting illegal things that violate the rules of the group repeadetly (Rule about condoning Illegal Activity and Flaming), like advocacy of physical violence etc that could bring potentially invite needless touble...Him and also others went on with tears on how we didn't approve videos that basically advocated the destruction of HP Mageson, staged curses against him and flamed him without any real grounds. But "spiritual" supposed grounds of people who just joined pretty much "yesterday".

So for those who have been victims of this clique, this is how it all began. One infiltrator that I don't even know the member of, raved that "his posts have been censored". This troll (Goes by the handle Ramsees II or something in youtube) posted that supposedly, it being so godlike, "imagined for 5 minutes that the JoS page was up" when it was down, and that it "Came up". Oh thank you, weren't it for our efforts though nothing would be here. Its not like the Clergy was working on it, it was your mighty imagination indeed. It must have.Of what a blessing to have you around, really. And other people who hate us but don't have the gut to just take the bus and leave finally.

Because this blantant crap he was posting wasn't approved, he went apeshit on HP Mageson and started calling him a "jew" for not accepting this infiltrator's psychopathy. He even made videos about it and attempted to post these, which of course got blocked. This idiot though persumed he was attacked on a personal level, for not being allowed to INFILTRATE the groups.

So weeks later, some other stuff happened. AngryShaman started violating the rules of the group and the legality that we profess and as thus, he was censored, but we were also aware he was dealing with rotten apples. This also has happened here and then with apparent stupid posts. Overall his posts weren't bad except as of late, which this was unusual. Not only this, but he came in assosciation with some trolls in youtube, which even went as far to push the myth that HP Don "is a jew" (one of them myths made by Rammesses trolley). When HP Don disagreed that the Orlando shooting was fake, but actually a 'false flag' (False flag means it actually DID happen, but that the motivation was in our opinion from Mossad and underhanded to rob the second amandment). AngryShaman666 who has went on these large posts about how "Advanced" he is, lashed out and he joined the failers team. So he joined the rejects, and actually started flaming me as well for talking in regards to HP Mageson. All of these people actually think of themselves to be overly advanced and higher up, so when they are blocked for spreading LIES and MISINFO, they lash out and attempt to take revenge. After all, the groups are supposed to exist as a ground where they can tell us all the time how supreme and great they are, or apparently spread delusional paranoia to everyone else. Guess what, this is not the case.

This thing has been going in for weeks and they have all uploaded videos with the apparent desire to destroy me and HP Don...Yet again. Rhymes with what has again happened recently with the most recent other episode. Not only this, but they openly lie that we "attacked" these recentl infiltrators, while we never did. Like classic infiltrators, they dig holes for the Clergy, they fall into these and then they complain that we didnt' fall into the holes...somehow...

So other persons involved in this, are actually "Donotfearthetruth666". This guy who joined like 2 months ago, has "came up with a method" to "protect yourself" with a "purple fire". Now as anyone with a decent intelligence knows, this is not the Aether. If one knows a bit more, they know that htis "Violet Flame" is actually what the New Agers tell people to use in "breaking down their ego" and "realizing the non duality and the archangels" and also, "Ascended Masters" like "Saint Germain" or "Archangel Zakiel" or some shit, do supposedly give this "Spiritual advice". *THIS IS NOT THE AETHER* but a complete practice of creating the self DOCILE. This Purple flame IS OF THE ENEMY ET'S AND OPENS PEOPLE TO THEIR SPIRITUAL INFLUENCE. Its them all alone. The method which they "used to identify" me and HP Don as supposed "jews", is actually based on use of this disgusting instrument known as the "Violet Flame". The original fire is Blue and Satanic as this is the color of Truth and Satan's color. Violet/Purple is not actually a bad color in itself, but when bizzare practices are done with it, it can have adverse effects.



So these few people decided to yet again repeat what other infiltrators have done. Attack and smear lies on the JoS Clergy with any influence they have been given *BY* the Clergy. "VoiceofEnki" who is also a new, but know it all anyhow, even went as far as to state (According to AngryShamans words) that "Astaroth told him HP Cobra and HP Don are jews". He is some sort of intermediate guru for the whole team, pretending to be the medium from which these guys get their "info". Both him and "Donotfearthetruth666" have been pretending to be the helpful posters, who supposedly know, what of course others let them know. Trying to be stable outside, on the back, staging freaking coups again. Talk about talking to one's own delusions and using damn purple flames, while advancing in rapid speed. Recipe to DESTROY members in a few words. Here he is now trying to ask help from a group that he supposedly hates and wants to coup out of existence.

So what do we have here? Improve power and make yourself open to enemy influence by the freaking "Purple Fire" of the New AGERS. And become like these guys. A total damn retard and traitor.

After all, all these people really KNOW what they are doing- they always do. All infiltrators always do. Backhandedly, their delusional paranoia tries to discredit Satan and Lilith, who work personally with us, as some sort of beings that can't check their own house or group. AngryShaman in one of his messages posted (never went through) that actually even HP Jake is a jew too. So everyone is a jew. Based on what? What some few junkies who are high on enemy meditation (and medications) probably, do say. No info and no proof whatsover. Only total idiots would follow this flow, which it seems few actually did. AngryShaman even went as far as to say he is an open enemy to the groups anyway: "Fuck them". Sorry that we don't take your filthy garbage, but this is for your own safety as well.

AngryShaman666 also kept saying, aside everything else, to preach the gospel of advancing too fast. Add the freaking "VIOLET FLAME" in this situation, and you can see the whole motive. Turn into a retard, in no time. Infact, how to destroy someone. He kept circulating lies that we "Created the 6 month meditation program" (I did not) aside many other endless lies. He advocated that people should do hundreds of vibrations into their day one, and then push with more and more "MerKaBa". All this to all people who have had issues with being overstimulated, they know it can actually HARM someone. Mentally too, as even its obvious in this clique. They actually think they are so advanced, yet with their apparent stupidity they are trying to misguide naive new members. This can have disastorous effects for many people. Add the techniques of "using the purple flame" and all the rest of the stuff, and this starts to form an actual recipe of destroying new members without any reason whatsover.

In worrying about AngryShaman's issue and wanting to give a warning, and in respect for his channel and work done for Satan, I sent AngryShaman one mail... This is the mail that I sent him, warning him of what is going up with the whole story (after he attempted to post the videos on HP Don being a "jew"):

"Be careful AngryShaman, you seem to have people around you that want to misguide you and put you in the front to push nefarious messages. Some of these people are known infiltrators. Be aware of this at least, whatever your decision."

What he said about this is that I was actually "attacking" him and even went as far as to lie that "he has been cursed". Nobody has time to bother, let alone "curse" any of these trolls, let alone on mars retrograde, let alone they are just making fools of themselves. However because they are trying to misguide a lot of people, this has had again to be dealt with. No matter how many times trolls attempt this, they will just fail. They have all the time in the world to lie all day, so this sort of thing will most probably continue, however.

Again, 5 freaking trolls trolling around. There is also one other guy around, who has posted that "His grandma told him he is jewish" but this post never went through. Don't think that we don't know. What's expected from Satanists is not this apparent stupid, low IQ and bizzare behavior, but waging actual war against the enemy.

Oh and for the record:

got shoah'd Again
7 hours ago
+Satan's Loyal Servant Many advanced members will curse those fuckers to death once mars retrograde is over
Yea dat covering yourself with purple fire didnt sit well with me either, because thats the purple flame new agers use which is a false light from saturn which is capable of feeding your soul energy to the reptilians.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 12:42 AM, hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Okay, I have this prepared to actually destroy this little clique because it has went enough.   ________________________   Well, according to AngryShaman666 who raves that he has been "censored"...Who has been posting illegal things that violate the rules of the group repeadetly (Rule about condoning Illegal Activity and Flaming), like advocacy of physical violence etc that could bring potentially invite needless touble...Him and also others went on with tears on how we didn't approve videos that basically advocated the destruction of HP Mageson, staged curses against him and flamed him without any real grounds. But "spiritual" supposed grounds of people who just joined pretty much "yesterday".
So for those who have been victims of this clique, this is how it all began. One infiltrator that I don't even know the member of, raved that "his posts have been censored". This troll (Goes by the handle Ramsees II or something in youtube) posted that supposedly, it being so godlike, "imagined for 5 minutes that the JoS page was up" when it was down, and that it "Came up". Oh thank you, weren't it for our efforts though nothing would be here. Its not like the Clergy was working on it, it was your mighty imagination indeed. It must have.Of what a blessing to have you around, really. And other people who hate us but don't have the gut to just take the bus and leave finally.

Because this blantant crap he was posting wasn't approved, he went apeshit on HP Mageson and started calling him a "jew" for not accepting this infiltrator's psychopathy. He even made videos about it and attempted to post these, which of course got blocked. This idiot though persumed he was attacked on a personal level, for not being allowed to INFILTRATE the groups.

So weeks later, some other stuff happened. AngryShaman started violating the rules of the group and the legality that we profess and as thus, he was censored, but we were also aware he was dealing with rotten apples. This also has happened here and then with apparent stupid posts. Overall his posts weren't bad except as of late, which this was unusual. Not only this, but he came in assosciation with some trolls in youtube, which even went as far to push the myth that HP Don "is a jew" (one of them myths made by Rammesses trolley). When HP Don disagreed that the Orlando shooting was fake, but actually a 'false flag' (False flag means it actually DID happen, but that the motivation was in our opinion from Mossad and underhanded to rob the second amandment). AngryShaman666 who has went on these large posts about how "Advanced" he is, lashed out and he joined the failers team. So he joined the rejects, and actually started flaming me as well for talking in regards to HP Mageson. All of these people actually think of themselves to be overly advanced and higher up, so when they are blocked for spreading LIES and MISINFO, they lash out and attempt to take revenge. After all, the groups are supposed to exist as a ground where they can tell us all the time how supreme and great they are, or apparently spread delusional paranoia to everyone else. Guess what, this is not the case.

This thing has been going in for weeks and they have all uploaded videos with the apparent desire to destroy me and HP Don...Yet again. Rhymes with what has again happened recently with the most recent other episode. Not only this, but they openly lie that we "attacked" these recentl infiltrators, while we never did. Like classic infiltrators, they dig holes for the Clergy, they fall into these and then they complain that we didnt' fall into the holes...somehow... So other persons involved in this, are actually "Donotfearthetruth666". This guy who joined like 2 months ago, has "came up with a method" to "protect yourself" with a "purple fire". Now as anyone with a decent intelligence knows, this is not the Aether. If one knows a bit more, they know that htis "Violet Flame" is actually what the New Agers tell people to use in "breaking down their ego" and "realizing the non duality and the archangels" and also, "Ascended Masters" like "Saint Germain" or "Archangel Zakiel" or some shit, do supposedly give this "Spiritual advice". *THIS IS NOT THE AETHER* but a complete practice of creating the self DOCILE. This Purple flame IS OF THE ENEMY ET'S AND OPENS PEOPLE TO THEIR SPIRITUAL INFLUENCE. Its them all alone. The method which they "used to identify" me and HP Don as supposed "jews", is actually based on use of this disgusting instrument known as the "Violet Flame". The original fire is Blue and Satanic as this is the color of Truth and Satan's color. Violet/Purple is not actually a bad color in itself, but when bizzare practices are done with it, it can have adverse effects.   http://thevioletflame.tripod.com/   http://www.spiritual-encyclopedia.com/violet-flame.html
So these few people decided to yet again repeat what other infiltrators have done. Attack and smear lies on the JoS Clergy with any influence they have been given *BY* the Clergy. "VoiceofEnki" who is also a new, but know it all anyhow, even went as far as to state (According to AngryShamans words) that "Astaroth told him HP Cobra and HP Don are jews". He is some sort of intermediate guru for the whole team, pretending to be the medium from which these guys get their "info". Both him and "Donotfearthetruth666" have been pretending to be the helpful posters, who supposedly know, what of course others let them know. Trying to be stable outside, on the back, staging freaking coups again. Talk about talking to one's own delusions and using damn purple flames, while advancing in rapid speed. Recipe to DESTROY members in a few words. Here he is now trying to ask help from a group that he supposedly hates and wants to coup out of existence.

So what do we have here? Improve power and make yourself open to enemy influence by the freaking "Purple Fire" of the New AGERS. And become like these guys. A total damn retard and traitor.

After all, all these people really KNOW what they are doing- they always do. All infiltrators always do. Backhandedly, their delusional paranoia tries to discredit Satan and Lilith, who work personally with us, as some sort of beings that can't check their own house or group. AngryShaman in one of his messages posted (never went through) that actually even HP Jake is a jew too. So everyone is a jew. Based on what? What some few junkies who are high on enemy meditation (and medications) probably, do say. No info and no proof whatsover. Only total idiots would follow this flow, which it seems few actually did. AngryShaman even went as far as to say he is an open enemy to the groups anyway: "Fuck them". Sorry that we don't take your filthy garbage, but this is for your own safety as well.

AngryShaman666 also kept saying, aside everything else, to preach the gospel of advancing too fast. Add the freaking "VIOLET FLAME" in this situation, and you can see the whole motive. Turn into a retard, in no time. Infact, how to destroy someone. He kept circulating lies that we "Created the 6 month meditation program" (I did not) aside many other endless lies. He advocated that people should do hundreds of vibrations into their day one, and then push with more and more "MerKaBa". All this to all people who have had issues with being overstimulated, they know it can actually HARM someone. Mentally too, as even its obvious in this clique. They actually think they are so advanced, yet with their apparent stupidity they are trying to misguide naive new members. This can have disastorous effects for many people. Add the techniques of "using the purple flame" and all the rest of the stuff, and this starts to form an actual recipe of destroying new members without any reason whatsover. In worrying about AngryShaman's issue and wanting to give a warning, and in respect for his channel and work done for Satan, I sent AngryShaman one mail... This is the mail that I sent him, warning him of what is going up with the whole story (after he attempted to post the videos on HP Don being a "jew"):
"Be careful AngryShaman, you seem to have people around you that want to misguide you and put you in the front to push nefarious messages. Some of these people are known infiltrators. Be aware of this at least, whatever your decision."

What he said about this is that I was actually "attacking" him and even went as far as to lie that "he has been cursed". Nobody has time to bother, let alone "curse" any of these trolls, let alone on mars retrograde, let alone they are just making fools of themselves. However because they are trying to misguide a lot of people, this has had again to be dealt with. No matter how many times trolls attempt this, they will just fail. They have all the time in the world to lie all day, so this sort of thing will most probably continue, however.

Again, 5 freaking trolls trolling around. There is also one other guy around, who has posted that "His grandma told him he is jewish" but this post never went through. Don't think that we don't know. What's expected from Satanists is not this apparent stupid, low IQ and bizzare behavior, but waging actual war against the enemy.Oh and for the record:

got shoah'd Again
7 hours ago+Satan's Loyal Servant Many advanced members will curse those fuckers to death once mars retrograde is over
Thank you HP Hooded Cobra. When I saw that post about the purple flame I had felt really sick and uneasy but I didn't understand why. You just explained why for me.
Seeing that video post re HP Don really surprised, sickened and shocked me. I had no idea. I'm really grateful for you and the other HPS looking out for us. Thank you.
Hail Satan
Look, I as a rule, I don't get involved with group infighting, or nefarious activity. But, we all have better things to talk about (spiritual development) and our journey with Father Satan, don't waste your time with idiots- with all respect- SHOW THEM THE DOOR!
Thanks so much for the warning. I knew something was strange with them all, especially that "purple flame". NGU666
On Jun 28, 2016 5:42 PM, "hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Okay, I have this prepared to actually destroy this little clique because it has went enough.   ________________________   Well, according to AngryShaman666 who raves that he has been "censored"...Who has been posting illegal things that violate the rules of the group repeadetly (Rule about condoning Illegal Activity and Flaming), like advocacy of physical violence etc that could bring potentially invite needless touble...Him and also others went on with tears on how we didn't approve videos that basically advocated the destruction of HP Mageson, staged curses against him and flamed him without any real grounds. But "spiritual" supposed grounds of people who just joined pretty much "yesterday".
So for those who have been victims of this clique, this is how it all began. One infiltrator that I don't even know the member of, raved that "his posts have been censored". This troll (Goes by the handle Ramsees II or something in youtube) posted that supposedly, it being so godlike, "imagined for 5 minutes that the JoS page was up" when it was down, and that it "Came up". Oh thank you, weren't it for our efforts though nothing would be here. Its not like the Clergy was working on it, it was your mighty imagination indeed. It must have.Of what a blessing to have you around, really. And other people who hate us but don't have the gut to just take the bus and leave finally.

Because this blantant crap he was posting wasn't approved, he went apeshit on HP Mageson and started calling him a "jew" for not accepting this infiltrator's psychopathy. He even made videos about it and attempted to post these, which of course got blocked. This idiot though persumed he was attacked on a personal level, for not being allowed to INFILTRATE the groups.

So weeks later, some other stuff happened. AngryShaman started violating the rules of the group and the legality that we profess and as thus, he was censored, but we were also aware he was dealing with rotten apples. This also has happened here and then with apparent stupid posts. Overall his posts weren't bad except as of late, which this was unusual. Not only this, but he came in assosciation with some trolls in youtube, which even went as far to push the myth that HP Don "is a jew" (one of them myths made by Rammesses trolley). When HP Don disagreed that the Orlando shooting was fake, but actually a 'false flag' (False flag means it actually DID happen, but that the motivation was in our opinion from Mossad and underhanded to rob the second amandment). AngryShaman666 who has went on these large posts about how "Advanced" he is, lashed out and he joined the failers team. So he joined the rejects, and actually started flaming me as well for talking in regards to HP Mageson. All of these people actually think of themselves to be overly advanced and higher up, so when they are blocked for spreading LIES and MISINFO, they lash out and attempt to take revenge. After all, the groups are supposed to exist as a ground where they can tell us all the time how supreme and great they are, or apparently spread delusional paranoia to everyone else. Guess what, this is not the case.

This thing has been going in for weeks and they have all uploaded videos with the apparent desire to destroy me and HP Don...Yet again. Rhymes with what has again happened recently with the most recent other episode. Not only this, but they openly lie that we "attacked" these recentl infiltrators, while we never did. Like classic infiltrators, they dig holes for the Clergy, they fall into these and then they complain that we didnt' fall into the holes...somehow... So other persons involved in this, are actually "Donotfearthetruth666". This guy who joined like 2 months ago, has "came up with a method" to "protect yourself" with a "purple fire". Now as anyone with a decent intelligence knows, this is not the Aether. If one knows a bit more, they know that htis "Violet Flame" is actually what the New Agers tell people to use in "breaking down their ego" and "realizing the non duality and the archangels" and also, "Ascended Masters" like "Saint Germain" or "Archangel Zakiel" or some shit, do supposedly give this "Spiritual advice". *THIS IS NOT THE AETHER* but a complete practice of creating the self DOCILE. This Purple flame IS OF THE ENEMY ET'S AND OPENS PEOPLE TO THEIR SPIRITUAL INFLUENCE. Its them all alone. The method which they "used to identify" me and HP Don as supposed "jews", is actually based on use of this disgusting instrument known as the "Violet Flame". The original fire is Blue and Satanic as this is the color of Truth and Satan's color. Violet/Purple is not actually a bad color in itself, but when bizzare practices are done with it, it can have adverse effects.   http://thevioletflame.tripod.com/   http://www.spiritual-encyclopedia.com/violet-flame.html
So these few people decided to yet again repeat what other infiltrators have done. Attack and smear lies on the JoS Clergy with any influence they have been given *BY* the Clergy. "VoiceofEnki" who is also a new, but know it all anyhow, even went as far as to state (According to AngryShamans words) that "Astaroth told him HP Cobra and HP Don are jews". He is some sort of intermediate guru for the whole team, pretending to be the medium from which these guys get their "info". Both him and "Donotfearthetruth666" have been pretending to be the helpful posters, who supposedly know, what of course others let them know. Trying to be stable outside, on the back, staging freaking coups again. Talk about talking to one's own delusions and using damn purple flames, while advancing in rapid speed. Recipe to DESTROY members in a few words. Here he is now trying to ask help from a group that he supposedly hates and wants to coup out of existence.

So what do we have here? Improve power and make yourself open to enemy influence by the freaking "Purple Fire" of the New AGERS. And become like these guys. A total damn retard and traitor.

After all, all these people really KNOW what they are doing- they always do. All infiltrators always do. Backhandedly, their delusional paranoia tries to discredit Satan and Lilith, who work personally with us, as some sort of beings that can't check their own house or group. AngryShaman in one of his messages posted (never went through) that actually even HP Jake is a jew too. So everyone is a jew. Based on what? What some few junkies who are high on enemy meditation (and medications) probably, do say. No info and no proof whatsover. Only total idiots would follow this flow, which it seems few actually did. AngryShaman even went as far as to say he is an open enemy to the groups anyway: "Fuck them". Sorry that we don't take your filthy garbage, but this is for your own safety as well.

AngryShaman666 also kept saying, aside everything else, to preach the gospel of advancing too fast. Add the freaking "VIOLET FLAME" in this situation, and you can see the whole motive. Turn into a retard, in no time. Infact, how to destroy someone. He kept circulating lies that we "Created the 6 month meditation program" (I did not) aside many other endless lies. He advocated that people should do hundreds of vibrations into their day one, and then push with more and more "MerKaBa". All this to all people who have had issues with being overstimulated, they know it can actually HARM someone. Mentally too, as even its obvious in this clique. They actually think they are so advanced, yet with their apparent stupidity they are trying to misguide naive new members. This can have disastorous effects for many people. Add the techniques of "using the purple flame" and all the rest of the stuff, and this starts to form an actual recipe of destroying new members without any reason whatsover. In worrying about AngryShaman's issue and wanting to give a warning, and in respect for his channel and work done for Satan, I sent AngryShaman one mail... This is the mail that I sent him, warning him of what is going up with the whole story (after he attempted to post the videos on HP Don being a "jew"):
"Be careful AngryShaman, you seem to have people around you that want to misguide you and put you in the front to push nefarious messages. Some of these people are known infiltrators. Be aware of this at least, whatever your decision."

What he said about this is that I was actually "attacking" him and even went as far as to lie that "he has been cursed". Nobody has time to bother, let alone "curse" any of these trolls, let alone on mars retrograde, let alone they are just making fools of themselves. However because they are trying to misguide a lot of people, this has had again to be dealt with. No matter how many times trolls attempt this, they will just fail. They have all the time in the world to lie all day, so this sort of thing will most probably continue, however.

Again, 5 freaking trolls trolling around. There is also one other guy around, who has posted that "His grandma told him he is jewish" but this post never went through. Don't think that we don't know. What's expected from Satanists is not this apparent stupid, low IQ and bizzare behavior, but waging actual war against the enemy.Oh and for the record:

got shoah'd Again
7 hours ago+Satan's Loyal Servant Many advanced members will curse those fuckers to death once mars retrograde is over
Hooded Cobra, 
I greatly appreciate you posting this, today I received a personal email from AngryShaman stating that both you and HP Mageson have infiltrated the E-Groups. I had heard of this a week or so before he sent me this email due to his youtube video. Where him and Rameses communicated about the two of you being kikes, the first message was something idiotic such as, "Oh vey, HP Hoodedcobra is jooish because he 'threatened' me." I added to this conversation stating that I was doubtful that the both of you were jewish, later Rameses claimed he was banned for calling out Mageson on a lie. Clearly that was not the case, but this is not of any importance. I also noticed Rameses later deleted this video in where the comments were held, but AngryShaman later re uploaded it. 
Regarding the email AngryShaman sent me today, he stated he had found a "Satanic Cloaking Technique." Which is supposedly hide's one's aura from others, so in this case he accused you and Mageson of cloaking your auras and therefore being jews...
He stated he was "Destroying your cloaks" and was later attacked severely by enemy greys. At this point I was just thinking to myself that he had lost his mind. But the idiocy doesn't stop there, he states you sent him a threatening email so I asked him to send a screen cap. I see the email and it's SOOO fucking clear that it is not a threat and just a friendly warning. He had claimed you put death energy into the fucking email and your cursing him now. So at this point I've just stopped speaking to him because he's lost his fucking mind.
I do believe AngryShaman is a Gentile, he's just completely lost his shit and doesn't know what he is doing.

---In [email protected], <hoodedcobra666@... wrote :

Okay, I have this prepared to actually destroy this little clique because it has went enough. ________________________ Well, according to AngryShaman666 who raves that he has been "censored"...Who has been posting illegal things that violate the rules of the group repeadetly (Rule about condoning Illegal Activity and Flaming), like advocacy of physical violence etc that could bring potentially invite needless touble...Him and also others went on with tears on how we didn't approve videos that basically advocated the destruction of HP Mageson, staged curses against him and flamed him without any real grounds. But "spiritual" supposed grounds of people who just joined pretty much "yesterday".
So for those who have been victims of this clique, this is how it all began. One infiltrator that I don't even know the member of, raved that "his posts have been censored". This troll (Goes by the handle Ramsees II or something in youtube) posted that supposedly, it being so godlike, "imagined for 5 minutes that the JoS page was up" when it was down, and that it "Came up". Oh thank you, weren't it for our efforts though nothing would be here. Its not like the Clergy was working on it, it was your mighty imagination indeed. It must have.Of what a blessing to have you around, really. And other people who hate us but don't have the gut to just take the bus and leave finally.

Because this blantant crap he was posting wasn't approved, he went apeshit on HP Mageson and started calling him a "jew" for not accepting this infiltrator's psychopathy. He even made videos about it and attempted to post these, which of course got blocked. This idiot though persumed he was attacked on a personal level, for not being allowed to INFILTRATE the groups.

So weeks later, some other stuff happened. AngryShaman started violating the rules of the group and the legality that we profess and as thus, he was censored, but we were also aware he was dealing with rotten apples. This also has happened here and then with apparent stupid posts. Overall his posts weren't bad except as of late, which this was unusual. Not only this, but he came in assosciation with some trolls in youtube, which even went as far to push the myth that HP Don "is a jew" (one of them myths made by Rammesses trolley). When HP Don disagreed that the Orlando shooting was fake, but actually a 'false flag' (False flag means it actually DID happen, but that the motivation was in our opinion from Mossad and underhanded to rob the second amandment). AngryShaman666 who has went on these large posts about how "Advanced" he is, lashed out and he joined the failers team. So he joined the rejects, and actually started flaming me as well for talking in regards to HP Mageson. All of these people actually think of themselves to be overly advanced and higher up, so when they are blocked for spreading LIES and MISINFO, they lash out and attempt to take revenge. After all, the groups are supposed to exist as a ground where they can tell us all the time how supreme and great they are, or apparently spread delusional paranoia to everyone else. Guess what, this is not the case.

This thing has been going in for weeks and they have all uploaded videos with the apparent desire to destroy me and HP Don...Yet again. Rhymes with what has again happened recently with the most recent other episode. Not only this, but they openly lie that we "attacked" these recentl infiltrators, while we never did. Like classic infiltrators, they dig holes for the Clergy, they fall into these and then they complain that we didnt' fall into the holes...somehow...So other persons involved in this, are actually "Donotfearthetruth666". This guy who joined like 2 months ago, has "came up with a method" to "protect yourself" with a "purple fire". Now as anyone with a decent intelligence knows, this is not the Aether. If one knows a bit more, they know that htis "Violet Flame" is actually what the New Agers tell people to use in "breaking down their ego" and "realizing the non duality and the archangels" and also, "Ascended Masters" like "Saint Germain" or "Archangel Zakiel" or some shit, do supposedly give this "Spiritual advice". *THIS IS NOT THE AETHER* but a complete practice of creating the self DOCILE. This Purple flame IS OF THE ENEMY ET'S AND OPENS PEOPLE TO THEIR SPIRITUAL INFLUENCE. Its them all alone. The method which they "used to identify" me and HP Don as supposed "jews", is actually based on use of this disgusting instrument known as the "Violet Flame". The original fire is Blue and Satanic as this is the color of Truth and Satan's color. Violet/Purple is not actually a bad color in itself, but when bizzare practices are done with it, it can have adverse effects. http://thevioletflame.tripod.com/ http://www.spiritual-encyclopedia.com/violet-flame.html
So these few people decided to yet again repeat what other infiltrators have done. Attack and smear lies on the JoS Clergy with any influence they have been given *BY* the Clergy. "VoiceofEnki" who is also a new, but know it all anyhow, even went as far as to state (According to AngryShamans words) that "Astaroth told him HP Cobra and HP Don are jews". He is some sort of intermediate guru for the whole team, pretending to be the medium from which these guys get their "info". Both him and "Donotfearthetruth666" have been pretending to be the helpful posters, who supposedly know, what of course others let them know. Trying to be stable outside, on the back, staging freaking coups again. Talk about talking to one's own delusions and using damn purple flames, while advancing in rapid speed. Recipe to DESTROY members in a few words. Here he is now trying to ask help from a group that he supposedly hates and wants to coup out of existence.

So what do we have here? Improve power and make yourself open to enemy influence by the freaking "Purple Fire" of the New AGERS. And become like these guys. A total damn retard and traitor.

After all, all these people really KNOW what they are doing- they always do. All infiltrators always do. Backhandedly, their delusional paranoia tries to discredit Satan and Lilith, who work personally with us, as some sort of beings that can't check their own house or group. AngryShaman in one of his messages posted (never went through) that actually even HP Jake is a jew too. So everyone is a jew. Based on what? What some few junkies who are high on enemy meditation (and medications) probably, do say. No info and no proof whatsover. Only total idiots would follow this flow, which it seems few actually did. AngryShaman even went as far as to say he is an open enemy to the groups anyway: "Fuck them". Sorry that we don't take your filthy garbage, but this is for your own safety as well.

AngryShaman666 also kept saying, aside everything else, to preach the gospel of advancing too fast. Add the freaking "VIOLET FLAME" in this situation, and you can see the whole motive. Turn into a retard, in no time. Infact, how to destroy someone. He kept circulating lies that we "Created the 6 month meditation program" (I did not) aside many other endless lies. He advocated that people should do hundreds of vibrations into their day one, and then push with more and more "MerKaBa". All this to all people who have had issues with being overstimulated, they know it can actually HARM someone. Mentally too, as even its obvious in this clique. They actually think they are so advanced, yet with their apparent stupidity they are trying to misguide naive new members. This can have disastorous effects for many people. Add the techniques of "using the purple flame" and all the rest of the stuff, and this starts to form an actual recipe of destroying new members without any reason whatsover.In worrying about AngryShaman's issue and wanting to give a warning, and in respect for his channel and work done for Satan, I sent AngryShaman one mail... This is the mail that I sent him, warning him of what is going up with the whole story (after he attempted to post the videos on HP Don being a "jew"):
"Be careful AngryShaman, you seem to have people around you that want to misguide you and put you in the front to push nefarious messages. Some of these people are known infiltrators. Be aware of this at least, whatever your decision."

What he said about this is that I was actually "attacking" him and even went as far as to lie that "he has been cursed". Nobody has time to bother, let alone "curse" any of these trolls, let alone on mars retrograde, let alone they are just making fools of themselves. However because they are trying to misguide a lot of people, this has had again to be dealt with. No matter how many times trolls attempt this, they will just fail. They have all the time in the world to lie all day, so this sort of thing will most probably continue, however.

Again, 5 freaking trolls trolling around. There is also one other guy around, who has posted that "His grandma told him he is jewish" but this post never went through. Don't think that we don't know. What's expected from Satanists is not this apparent stupid, low IQ and bizzare behavior, but waging actual war against the enemy.Oh and for the record:

got shoah'd Again
7 hours ago+Satan's Loyal Servant Many advanced members will curse those fuckers to death once mars retrograde is over
Well they got pissed off because HPS were forgiving on Fostar, when he made proclamations. But they ignore that HPS went easy on them also, allowing them to post even after they turn their backs on JoS, and started playing the Jew cards based on "Muh Feels".
The HPS actually were forgiving for both sides, because they saw the potential of each of them to contribute to the community and for Satan. I do hope they'll see how foolish this whole show was!

---In [email protected], <maddogmatt107@... wrote :

Hooded Cobra, 
I greatly appreciate you posting this, today I received a personal email from AngryShaman stating that both you and HP Mageson have infiltrated the E-Groups. I had heard of this a week or so before he sent me this email due to his youtube video. Where him and Rameses communicated about the two of you being kikes, the first message was something idiotic such as, "Oh vey, HP Hoodedcobra is jooish because he 'threatened' me." I added to this conversation stating that I was doubtful that the both of you were jewish, later Rameses claimed he was banned for calling out Mageson on a lie. Clearly that was not the case, but this is not of any importance. I also noticed Rameses later deleted this video in where the comments were held, but AngryShaman later re uploaded it. 
Regarding the email AngryShaman sent me today, he stated he had found a "Satanic Cloaking Technique." Which is supposedly hide's one's aura from others, so in this case he accused you and Mageson of cloaking your auras and therefore being jews...
He stated he was "Destroying your cloaks" and was later attacked severely by enemy greys. At this point I was just thinking to myself that he had lost his mind. But the idiocy doesn't stop there, he states you sent him a threatening email so I asked him to send a screen cap. I see the email and it's SOOO fucking clear that it is not a threat and just a friendly warning. He had claimed you put death energy into the fucking email and your cursing him now. So at this point I've just stopped speaking to him because he's lost his fucking mind.
I do believe AngryShaman is a Gentile, he's just completely lost his shit and doesn't know what he is doing.

---In [email protected], <hoodedcobra666@... wrote :

Okay, I have this prepared to actually destroy this little clique because it has went enough. ________________________ Well, according to AngryShaman666 who raves that he has been "censored"...Who has been posting illegal things that violate the rules of the group repeadetly (Rule about condoning Illegal Activity and Flaming), like advocacy of physical violence etc that could bring potentially invite needless touble...Him and also others went on with tears on how we didn't approve videos that basically advocated the destruction of HP Mageson, staged curses against him and flamed him without any real grounds. But "spiritual" supposed grounds of people who just joined pretty much "yesterday".
So for those who have been victims of this clique, this is how it all began. One infiltrator that I don't even know the member of, raved that "his posts have been censored". This troll (Goes by the handle Ramsees II or something in youtube) posted that supposedly, it being so godlike, "imagined for 5 minutes that the JoS page was up" when it was down, and that it "Came up". Oh thank you, weren't it for our efforts though nothing would be here. Its not like the Clergy was working on it, it was your mighty imagination indeed. It must have.Of what a blessing to have you around, really. And other people who hate us but don't have the gut to just take the bus and leave finally.

Because this blantant crap he was posting wasn't approved, he went apeshit on HP Mageson and started calling him a "jew" for not accepting this infiltrator's psychopathy. He even made videos about it and attempted to post these, which of course got blocked. This idiot though persumed he was attacked on a personal level, for not being allowed to INFILTRATE the groups.

So weeks later, some other stuff happened. AngryShaman started violating the rules of the group and the legality that we profess and as thus, he was censored, but we were also aware he was dealing with rotten apples. This also has happened here and then with apparent stupid posts. Overall his posts weren't bad except as of late, which this was unusual. Not only this, but he came in assosciation with some trolls in youtube, which even went as far to push the myth that HP Don "is a jew" (one of them myths made by Rammesses trolley). When HP Don disagreed that the Orlando shooting was fake, but actually a 'false flag' (False flag means it actually DID happen, but that the motivation was in our opinion from Mossad and underhanded to rob the second amandment). AngryShaman666 who has went on these large posts about how "Advanced" he is, lashed out and he joined the failers team. So he joined the rejects, and actually started flaming me as well for talking in regards to HP Mageson. All of these people actually think of themselves to be overly advanced and higher up, so when they are blocked for spreading LIES and MISINFO, they lash out and attempt to take revenge. After all, the groups are supposed to exist as a ground where they can tell us all the time how supreme and great they are, or apparently spread delusional paranoia to everyone else. Guess what, this is not the case.

This thing has been going in for weeks and they have all uploaded videos with the apparent desire to destroy me and HP Don...Yet again. Rhymes with what has again happened recently with the most recent other episode. Not only this, but they openly lie that we "attacked" these recentl infiltrators, while we never did. Like classic infiltrators, they dig holes for the Clergy, they fall into these and then they complain that we didnt' fall into the holes...somehow...So other persons involved in this, are actually "Donotfearthetruth666". This guy who joined like 2 months ago, has "came up with a method" to "protect yourself" with a "purple fire". Now as anyone with a decent intelligence knows, this is not the Aether. If one knows a bit more, they know that htis "Violet Flame" is actually what the New Agers tell people to use in "breaking down their ego" and "realizing the non duality and the archangels" and also, "Ascended Masters" like "Saint Germain" or "Archangel Zakiel" or some shit, do supposedly give this "Spiritual advice". *THIS IS NOT THE AETHER* but a complete practice of creating the self DOCILE. This Purple flame IS OF THE ENEMY ET'S AND OPENS PEOPLE TO THEIR SPIRITUAL INFLUENCE. Its them all alone. The method which they "used to identify" me and HP Don as supposed "jews", is actually based on use of this disgusting instrument known as the "Violet Flame". The original fire is Blue and Satanic as this is the color of Truth and Satan's color. Violet/Purple is not actually a bad color in itself, but when bizzare practices are done with it, it can have adverse effects. http://thevioletflame.tripod.com/ http://www.spiritual-encyclopedia.com/violet-flame.html
So these few people decided to yet again repeat what other infiltrators have done. Attack and smear lies on the JoS Clergy with any influence they have been given *BY* the Clergy. "VoiceofEnki" who is also a new, but know it all anyhow, even went as far as to state (According to AngryShamans words) that "Astaroth told him HP Cobra and HP Don are jews". He is some sort of intermediate guru for the whole team, pretending to be the medium from which these guys get their "info". Both him and "Donotfearthetruth666" have been pretending to be the helpful posters, who supposedly know, what of course others let them know. Trying to be stable outside, on the back, staging freaking coups again. Talk about talking to one's own delusions and using damn purple flames, while advancing in rapid speed. Recipe to DESTROY members in a few words. Here he is now trying to ask help from a group that he supposedly hates and wants to coup out of existence.

So what do we have here? Improve power and make yourself open to enemy influence by the freaking "Purple Fire" of the New AGERS. And become like these guys. A total damn retard and traitor.

After all, all these people really KNOW what they are doing- they always do. All infiltrators always do. Backhandedly, their delusional paranoia tries to discredit Satan and Lilith, who work personally with us, as some sort of beings that can't check their own house or group. AngryShaman in one of his messages posted (never went through) that actually even HP Jake is a jew too. So everyone is a jew. Based on what? What some few junkies who are high on enemy meditation (and medications) probably, do say. No info and no proof whatsover. Only total idiots would follow this flow, which it seems few actually did. AngryShaman even went as far as to say he is an open enemy to the groups anyway: "Fuck them". Sorry that we don't take your filthy garbage, but this is for your own safety as well.

AngryShaman666 also kept saying, aside everything else, to preach the gospel of advancing too fast. Add the freaking "VIOLET FLAME" in this situation, and you can see the whole motive. Turn into a retard, in no time. Infact, how to destroy someone. He kept circulating lies that we "Created the 6 month meditation program" (I did not) aside many other endless lies. He advocated that people should do hundreds of vibrations into their day one, and then push with more and more "MerKaBa". All this to all people who have had issues with being overstimulated, they know it can actually HARM someone. Mentally too, as even its obvious in this clique. They actually think they are so advanced, yet with their apparent stupidity they are trying to misguide naive new members. This can have disastorous effects for many people. Add the techniques of "using the purple flame" and all the rest of the stuff, and this starts to form an actual recipe of destroying new members without any reason whatsover.In worrying about AngryShaman's issue and wanting to give a warning, and in respect for his channel and work done for Satan, I sent AngryShaman one mail... This is the mail that I sent him, warning him of what is going up with the whole story (after he attempted to post the videos on HP Don being a "jew"):
"Be careful AngryShaman, you seem to have people around you that want to misguide you and put you in the front to push nefarious messages. Some of these people are known infiltrators. Be aware of this at least, whatever your decision."

What he said about this is that I was actually "attacking" him and even went as far as to lie that "he has been cursed". Nobody has time to bother, let alone "curse" any of these trolls, let alone on mars retrograde, let alone they are just making fools of themselves. However because they are trying to misguide a lot of people, this has had again to be dealt with. No matter how many times trolls attempt this, they will just fail. They have all the time in the world to lie all day, so this sort of thing will most probably continue, however.

Again, 5 freaking trolls trolling around. There is also one other guy around, who has posted that "His grandma told him he is jewish" but this post never went through. Don't think that we don't know. What's expected from Satanists is not this apparent stupid, low IQ and bizzare behavior, but waging actual war against the enemy.Oh and for the record:

got shoah'd Again
7 hours ago+Satan's Loyal Servant Many advanced members will curse those fuckers to death once mars retrograde is over
I thought i was weird that he mentioned the violet flame since I used to read about this stuff before I was a Satanist and it was usually talked about in websites that were new age.
Angryshamam sended me also same message. I have this sence by which i find that Hoodedcobra and Maxime are ok. But Something strange i felt when it comes to Mageson. I just can't trust him, but this is for years and is do to my sences that alert me and not what him/she said. But i find quite interesting when angryshaman came and sayed same for mageson, i do not just go from person to person speaking about this. I do not want hurt angryshaman but he is not the smartest one of members we have here.  But he started becoming one.He starts to think.Many members who can see the bigger picture are remaining most time silent. The more you advance, the more you can see the bigger piture. Tonight i sended email to Maxime about all this. Yes, i support her not just because Joy of Satan but her politic viev also. And some things are happening that must be taken in consideration.

-------- Original message --------
From: "eu71992@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date: 01/07/2016 02:06 (GMT+01:00)
To: [email protected]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Something strange with my chakra's.

  Well they got pissed off because HPS were forgiving on Fostar, when he made proclamations. But they ignore that HPS went easy on them also, allowing them to post even after they turn their backs on JoS, and started playing the Jew cards based on "Muh Feels".
The HPS actually were forgiving for both sides, because they saw the potential of each of them to contribute to the community and for Satan. I do hope they'll see how foolish this whole show was!

---In [email protected], <maddogmatt107@... wrote :

Hooded Cobra, 
I greatly appreciate you posting this, today I received a personal email from AngryShaman stating that both you and HP Mageson have infiltrated the E-Groups. I had heard of this a week or so before he sent me this email due to his youtube video. Where him and Rameses communicated about the two of you being kikes, the first message was something idiotic such as, "Oh vey, HP Hoodedcobra is jooish because he 'threatened' me." I added to this conversation stating that I was doubtful that the both of you were jewish, later Rameses claimed he was banned for calling out Mageson on a lie. Clearly that was not the case, but this is not of any importance. I also noticed Rameses later deleted this video in where the comments were held, but AngryShaman later re uploaded it. 
Regarding the email AngryShaman sent me today, he stated he had found a "Satanic Cloaking Technique." Which is supposedly hide's one's aura from others, so in this case he accused you and Mageson of cloaking your auras and therefore being jews...
He stated he was "Destroying your cloaks" and was later attacked severely by enemy greys. At this point I was just thinking to myself that he had lost his mind. But the idiocy doesn't stop there, he states you sent him a threatening email so I asked him to send a screen cap. I see the email and it's SOOO fucking clear that it is not a threat and just a friendly warning. He had claimed you put death energy into the fucking email and your cursing him now. So at this point I've just stopped speaking to him because he's lost his fucking mind.
I do believe AngryShaman is a Gentile, he's just completely lost his shit and doesn't know what he is doing.

---In [email protected], <hoodedcobra666@... wrote :

Okay, I have this prepared to actually destroy this little clique because it has went enough. ________________________ Well, according to AngryShaman666 who raves that he has been "censored"...Who has been posting illegal things that violate the rules of the group repeadetly (Rule about condoning Illegal Activity and Flaming), like advocacy of physical violence etc that could bring potentially invite needless touble...Him and also others went on with tears on how we didn't approve videos that basically advocated the destruction of HP Mageson, staged curses against him and flamed him without any real grounds. But "spiritual" supposed grounds of people who just joined pretty much "yesterday".
So for those who have been victims of this clique, this is how it all began. One infiltrator that I don't even know the member of, raved that "his posts have been censored". This troll (Goes by the handle Ramsees II or something in youtube) posted that supposedly, it being so godlike, "imagined for 5 minutes that the JoS page was up" when it was down, and that it "Came up". Oh thank you, weren't it for our efforts though nothing would be here. Its not like the Clergy was working on it, it was your mighty imagination indeed. It must have.Of what a blessing to have you around, really. And other people who hate us but don't have the gut to just take the bus and leave finally.

Because this blantant crap he was posting wasn't approved, he went apeshit on HP Mageson and started calling him a "jew" for not accepting this infiltrator's psychopathy. He even made videos about it and attempted to post these, which of course got blocked. This idiot though persumed he was attacked on a personal level, for not being allowed to INFILTRATE the groups.

So weeks later, some other stuff happened. AngryShaman started violating the rules of the group and the legality that we profess and as thus, he was censored, but we were also aware he was dealing with rotten apples. This also has happened here and then with apparent stupid posts. Overall his posts weren't bad except as of late, which this was unusual. Not only this, but he came in assosciation with some trolls in youtube, which even went as far to push the myth that HP Don "is a jew" (one of them myths made by Rammesses trolley). When HP Don disagreed that the Orlando shooting was fake, but actually a 'false flag' (False flag means it actually DID happen, but that the motivation was in our opinion from Mossad and underhanded to rob the second amandment). AngryShaman666 who has went on these large posts about how "Advanced" he is, lashed out and he joined the failers team. So he joined the rejects, and actually started flaming me as well for talking in regards to HP Mageson. All of these people actually think of themselves to be overly advanced and higher up, so when they are blocked for spreading LIES and MISINFO, they lash out and attempt to take revenge. After all, the groups are supposed to exist as a ground where they can tell us all the time how supreme and great they are, or apparently spread delusional paranoia to everyone else. Guess what, this is not the case.

This thing has been going in for weeks and they have all uploaded videos with the apparent desire to destroy me and HP Don...Yet again. Rhymes with what has again happened recently with the most recent other episode. Not only this, but they openly lie that we "attacked" these recentl infiltrators, while we never did. Like classic infiltrators, they dig holes for the Clergy, they fall into these and then they complain that we didnt' fall into the holes...somehow...So other persons involved in this, are actually "Donotfearthetruth666". This guy who joined like 2 months ago, has "came up with a method" to "protect yourself" with a "purple fire". Now as anyone with a decent intelligence knows, this is not the Aether. If one knows a bit more, they know that htis "Violet Flame" is actually what the New Agers tell people to use in "breaking down their ego" and "realizing the non duality and the archangels" and also, "Ascended Masters" like "Saint Germain" or "Archangel Zakiel" or some shit, do supposedly give this "Spiritual advice". *THIS IS NOT THE AETHER* but a complete practice of creating the self DOCILE. This Purple flame IS OF THE ENEMY ET'S AND OPENS PEOPLE TO THEIR SPIRITUAL INFLUENCE. Its them all alone. The method which they "used to identify" me and HP Don as supposed "jews", is actually based on use of this disgusting instrument known as the "Violet Flame". The original fire is Blue and Satanic as this is the color of Truth and Satan's color. Violet/Purple is not actually a bad color in itself, but when bizzare practices are done with it, it can have adverse effects. http://thevioletflame.tripod.com/ http://www.spiritual-encyclopedia.com/violet-flame.html
So these few people decided to yet again repeat what other infiltrators have done. Attack and smear lies on the JoS Clergy with any influence they have been given *BY* the Clergy. "VoiceofEnki" who is also a new, but know it all anyhow, even went as far as to state (According to AngryShamans words) that "Astaroth told him HP Cobra and HP Don are jews". He is some sort of intermediate guru for the whole team, pretending to be the medium from which these guys get their "info". Both him and "Donotfearthetruth666" have been pretending to be the helpful posters, who supposedly know, what of course others let them know. Trying to be stable outside, on the back, staging freaking coups again. Talk about talking to one's own delusions and using damn purple flames, while advancing in rapid speed. Recipe to DESTROY members in a few words. Here he is now trying to ask help from a group that he supposedly hates and wants to coup out of existence.

So what do we have here? Improve power and make yourself open to enemy influence by the freaking "Purple Fire" of the New AGERS. And become like these guys. A total damn retard and traitor.

After all, all these people really KNOW what they are doing- they always do. All infiltrators always do. Backhandedly, their delusional paranoia tries to discredit Satan and Lilith, who work personally with us, as some sort of beings that can't check their own house or group. AngryShaman in one of his messages posted (never went through) that actually even HP Jake is a jew too. So everyone is a jew. Based on what? What some few junkies who are high on enemy meditation (and medications) probably, do say. No info and no proof whatsover. Only total idiots would follow this flow, which it seems few actually did. AngryShaman even went as far as to say he is an open enemy to the groups anyway: "Fuck them". Sorry that we don't take your filthy garbage, but this is for your own safety as well.

AngryShaman666 also kept saying, aside everything else, to preach the gospel of advancing too fast. Add the freaking "VIOLET FLAME" in this situation, and you can see the whole motive. Turn into a retard, in no time. Infact, how to destroy someone. He kept circulating lies that we "Created the 6 month meditation program" (I did not) aside many other endless lies. He advocated that people should do hundreds of vibrations into their day one, and then push with more and more "MerKaBa". All this to all people who have had issues with being overstimulated, they know it can actually HARM someone. Mentally too, as even its obvious in this clique. They actually think they are so advanced, yet with their apparent stupidity they are trying to misguide naive new members. This can have disastorous effects for many people. Add the techniques of "using the purple flame" and all the rest of the stuff, and this starts to form an actual recipe of destroying new members without any reason whatsover.In worrying about AngryShaman's issue and wanting to give a warning, and in respect for his channel and work done for Satan, I sent AngryShaman one mail... This is the mail that I sent him, warning him of what is going up with the whole story (after he attempted to post the videos on HP Don being a "jew"):
"Be careful AngryShaman, you seem to have people around you that want to misguide you and put you in the front to push nefarious messages. Some of these people are known infiltrators. Be aware of this at least, whatever your decision."

What he said about this is that I was actually "attacking" him and even went as far as to lie that "he has been cursed". Nobody has time to bother, let alone "curse" any of these trolls, let alone on mars retrograde, let alone they are just making fools of themselves. However because they are trying to misguide a lot of people, this has had again to be dealt with. No matter how many times trolls attempt this, they will just fail. They have all the time in the world to lie all day, so this sort of thing will most probably continue, however.

Again, 5 freaking trolls trolling around. There is also one other guy around, who has posted that "His grandma told him he is jewish" but this post never went through. Don't think that we don't know. What's expected from Satanists is not this apparent stupid, low IQ and bizzare behavior, but waging actual war against the enemy.Oh and for the record:

got shoah'd Again
7 hours ago+Satan's Loyal Servant Many advanced members will curse those fuckers to death once mars retrograde is over
Aw,that sucks.Maybe he will return all sane.He kinda reminded me of this other jobless guy saying everything is the fault of others and his street way of life is the way and just kinda thinking of things however he wishes they were.In love with fighting and power.Also,like that other guy I speak of,i really wanted to like him.
Many people have problems with High Priest Mageson for some reason. Some people have thrown a fit over the fact that he likes to post sloth memes and intentionally butcher his spelling on occasion. High Priest Mageson has written many sermons containing advanced spiritual knowledge found nowhere else.
"Many members who can see the bigger picture are remaining most time silent. The more you advance, the more you can see the bigger piture."


Just want to let my brothers know that i am always lurking and keeping an eye on D&C shills.

Hail Satan
Hail the Gods
Hail the Daemons

The Kybalion Index
I know I'm not the most advanced person here, I'm still pretty ignorant in lots of ways, I haven't been around long enough to have a long term perspective....but it seems to me that one does not become a HP or HPS except after much work and extraordinary dedication and the people who become such are approved of and ordained by Satan himself. I've read a lot in Satans Library and HP Don struck me as a total scholar and very learned. I find myself confused about why anyone would have a problem with him? Isn't it arrogant to be second guessing Satan? I mean, Satan tapped him for this role, who are we (anyone) to say no, hes no good? Why would anyone want to try to tear down one of our HPS? This really bothers me and I don't understand. Its like something is trying for a major thrust into our heart as an organization...Our HP and HPS's are the heart of JoS. The timing is suspect too, the brexit just happened and now six, seven other countries are pushing for referendum to follow Britian's lead. Our RTR's are really needed right now and here we are, distracted by this. I'm also troubled by these developments regarding angryshaman. I have read how pushing oneself too hard too fast in power meditations can lead to doing a lot of harm to oneself and even insanity. If that is whats happened here (does look that way) I do hope this can be corrected and healed in his case.

Hail Satan!
Hooded Cobra and Mageson are pure Satanic awesomeness. These two alone have put a LOT of info through the years. Fact is, the forum would be kind of dead and dull without them. Jew my ass, they've done more work exposing the jews than anyone else on this group.

Those calling them jews, are just jealous or something. Go try to make a website with half the info they've put without stealing, you will hit a wall.
How can someone ignore what HP Mageson666 did for us? How can someone ignore Satan's Library?Or some golden sermons like:The Metaphysic's Of Sexual Union : JoyofSatan666or Primordial Buddhism : JoyofSatan666
Besides hundreds of posts that expose Jews? Seldom you can find in the whole JoS someone of the intellectual capacity of HP Mageson666... Sorry but "Muh feels" don't work when you are talking about tens of thousands of hours of work, with absolutely no sentence that was not in concordance with Satanism!
I really don't like someone taking light of the work HPs do, especially that it's mostly done for us to advance and for little to no financial reward, unlike the enemy priests/rabbis who receive tons of $$$ for our enslavement... 
If I were to take "Muh feels" the first time I arrived on joyofsatan.org, being at that time brainwashed by xtianity, I would be nowhere now. 


And silenced many normal members too. Just look our forum. Where are new posts of regular member? I have almost 10. account here lost.

-------- Original message --------
From: "johnson_akemi@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date: 01/07/2016 22:18 (GMT+01:00)
To: [email protected]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Something strange with my chakra's.

  Many people have problems with High Priest Mageson for some reason. Some people have thrown a fit over the fact that he likes to post sloth memes and intentionally butcher his spelling on occasion. High Priest Mageson has written many sermons containing advanced spiritual knowledge found nowhere else.
And yours acount have not so much that full energy as some account have. That not mean that you are jew, just mean that this i not you main account.

-------- Original message --------
From: "johnson_akemi@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date: 01/07/2016 22:18 (GMT+01:00)
To: [email protected]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Something strange with my chakra's.

  Many people have problems with High Priest Mageson for some reason. Some people have thrown a fit over the fact that he likes to post sloth memes and intentionally butcher his spelling on occasion. High Priest Mageson has written many sermons containing advanced spiritual knowledge found nowhere else.
Hey, i even can see jews like dead people. Uou know that they have skin who look like few days after people die.Right now i am watching the CNN, to see what new bullshit of news they pushing. And right avay i saw live corps, instead of pink i saw grey skin.

-------- Original message --------
From: "johnson_akemi@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date: 01/07/2016 22:18 (GMT+01:00)
To: [email protected]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Something strange with my chakra's.

  Many people have problems with High Priest Mageson for some reason. Some people have thrown a fit over the fact that he likes to post sloth memes and intentionally butcher his spelling on occasion. High Priest Mageson has written many sermons containing advanced spiritual knowledge found nowhere else.
Hey, i even can see jews like dead people. Uou know that they have skin who look like few days after people die.Right now i am watching the CNN, to see what new bullshit of news they pushing. And right avay i saw live corps, instead of pink i saw grey skin.

-------- Original message --------
From: "johnson_akemi@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date: 01/07/2016 22:18 (GMT+01:00)
To: [email protected]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Something strange with my chakra's.

  Many people have problems with High Priest Mageson for some reason. Some people have thrown a fit over the fact that he likes to post sloth memes and intentionally butcher his spelling on occasion. High Priest Mageson has written many sermons containing advanced spiritual knowledge found nowhere else.

I sayed this :)

-------- Original message --------
From: "elephant255_rises@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date: 01/07/2016 23:30 (GMT+01:00)
To: [email protected]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Something strange with my chakra's.

  "Many members who can see the bigger picture are remaining most time silent. The more you advance, the more you can see the bigger piture."


Just want to let my brothers know that i am always lurking and keeping an eye on D&C shills.

Hail Satan
Hail the Gods
Hail the Daemons

The Kybalion Index
I would NOT exclude Maxine from this. After all, she is the founder of Joy of Satan! Am the amount of
work and study and planning she has done, just blows me away!
Hail Satan!


On Fri, 7/1/16, satrevo@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Something strange with my chakra's.
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Friday, July 1, 2016, 4:31 PM


Hooded Cobra and Mageson are pure Satanic
awesomeness. These two alone have put a LOT of info through
the years. Fact is, the forum would be kind of dead and dull
without them. Jew my ass, they've done more work
exposing the jews than anyone else on this group.

Those calling them jews, are
just jealous or something. Go try to make a website with
half the info they've put without stealing, you will hit
a wall.

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Since infiltrators and others want to keep replicating myths and lies, these have to be dealt with. First of all, not all Clergy is alike. Not all called for the same purpose, not all called on the came accord, not everyone puts the same work, not everyone has to do the same thing. The list goes. Unlike the enemy who deceitfully claims they are the chosen of "God", we are aware of that people are individuals snd that they can err, fail, or even lose their chances. The fact that someone can be called for service and succeed or fail is up to them and their love, adherence and loyalty to the task at hand. One can also fail as well if they let go. This has been the case for other Clergies. Others had to leave for external reasons, others had to leave on their own accord, others couldn't take the hours,pressure and responsibility required for this task. Others underestimated the enemy and the list goes.

These facts do not undermine the importance of the Clergy as many maive infiltrators try to present. These show this is in any way, not easy, or fancy. There are stories that go deeper and have to do with external obstacles, attacks, opposition from the enemy and general flame that most wouldn't even want to share half of. Most people and others who are idiots always want freedoms, podiums to speak of gibberish, benefits, honors, gifts, renown, etc. When the bullets are fired, and when responsibility, maturity, and total sacrifice is demanded, most people cower and disappear. Why? Because this is how it is. Everyone wants the medals without fighting the actual war. This is how society nowdays works, and the "all equal" and egalitarian entitlement Western Brat-ism is passed down as poison to many minds. This is what defines things overall. Anyone can want, want, want. Who can give, give, give?

Most people are also somehow thinking that the Clergy does have time for personal beef or anything. I can only testify of myself, but Satan keeps us overly busy to the point a large portion of our so called "personal life" is entirely sacrificed. We do not have any time or any of these so called beefs that so many entitlement sick people think we do. We are only interested in the common. Nobody is supposed to like everything or accept everything.

We are on the other turn, not in anyway obligated to listen to baseless "Muh Feel", accept flaming, evil inclinations, coup staging, slander or anything else. We have enough enemies to deal already. If people do not like what is going on, one can go. As I have stated again, our judgement of someone or their relation with the groups, doesn't nessescarily tie into their relation with Satan.

This goes both ways. In the same way, disrespect, flaming and anything crappy is not supposed to be accepted. Its of no use, baseless and it just serves to satisfy selfish individuals that think the groups are supposed to hear of things that are just their tears. Why are people supposed to listen to the tears of these crybabies, that not only are against us, have nothing to offer, but they have obviously betrayed us? On the other hand, we are here. I can only talk of myself again, but there are times in the past that I have let things that are bad for me go through the messages. Because I respect free speech. What is asked is of people to pose their opinion, present it and generally act like decent human beings who are civilized. If this is not the case, why are we supposed to bother or anyone else for that liking?

In closing, the Clergy is a position of selfless service, responsibility and very hard and time consuming work when its done right, in many ways. Its a give, give, give situation. For those who are with us, we will be, ruthlessly and without tiring, on their side, advocating for their rights, empowering them, protecting this place that belongs to all of us, and doing our best and beyond to serve Satan who is the Most High. We are a physical battallion and we must be strong and ready for all of this and way more.

For those who are not with us, why are you even here?

One last note. People that don't do anything, scream and cry the loudest. All of the workers and warriors of Satan here who meditate, fight the enemy, spread the Truth and help the Father of Humanity who is our Leader, those that have devoted their life in Satan's way, do know the essence of this statement.
So sinistral. your admitting you have ten different accounts of trolling on the forum and wonder why you got the boot from the forum........
As I remember most of your posts were just like your last two here, attacking either the Clergy or members in good standing. Hence why they were disapproved.  I only have so many hours in a day and your trollish shit posting no one requires, thanx.
Just wanted to say, Hooded Cobra, that your responses are always on par, and your sermons are always VERY well written and informative.
Not everyone seems to appreciate all the hard work that you do, but I certainly do and am eternally grateful for all the work you (and the other clergy, of course) have put in for us, Satan, and Humanity.

Yes Hooded Cobras story is very unique. For he had a lot of struggles. He fought and failed several times. Yet he never gave up. In the end he overcame all of his struggles. Through this he became stronger and with Father Satan became VERY enlightened. 
 We all have the potential to become Gods. The petty concerns that we face now will be none existent then. Father Satan showed me, even through the words of Cobra himself. That it all boils down to how spiritually advanced you are. 
 Everyone including myself has at one time bitched about these groups or other interrelations between other Dedicated ones. The truth is as I said it all boils down to spiritual Advancement. YOU are actually MORE of the problem then the other people. But we will never see that. Through Spiritual Advancement you look through the eyes of love and understanding. With this others become as children with funny little quirks. 
 Upon seeking Higher Elevated Relations. You will then have true lasting relationships. The Ego is the only thing that stands in the way between this and total Havoc. Hooded Cobras soul is residing at a higher dimension and thus he thinks and feels way differently then most. So out of this comes higher understanding and wisdom. 
 The same can be had for all of us. So in the end stop pointing fingers at others and realize it is YOU that is the problem. You must work on yourself. I myself suffer incessantly from a Superiority Complex. In truth I am a very Sensitive Person. As a result to this, I have suffered alot from situations in life. After you have been hurt so much, Your feelings become like, YOU think your going to bother me? 
  I am the best you have ever seen Baby. ;)
  As a result to his others come with a low self esteem. Total lack of confidence. They become jealous of those who appear to be successful. So then they attack them. One must look no further then the Clergy and how they have been vehemently slandered to witness this. They are really saying, I am a loser!! I feel like shit!! Damn you Hooded Cobra for being so wise!! The hell with you Don Danko and your awesome Sloth Powers!!!! If I can one up you, then I will feel better about myself!! For I have Defeated the Confident Ones!!
  Then Funny enough others come to Harass the instigator. Weak Prey lol. I can defeat the Infiltrator and make myself feel better! Hooded Cobra Does not act out of this kind of Egopathy. He comes from a place of true Confidence and Humility. So therefore appears Godlike. 
Because he is awesome, However not as awesome as me. Swipes hair back and looks in a mirror. Sorry Simpletons but you will never be as mighty as I am. Sighs. Bask in my Greatness for you just wish you were.... Wait a sec. Edit that out. 
 Ahem. Anyway I figured I would write this down, while I have obtained some kind of Understanding. It happens every now and again. The Gods like Bash my head in a table a few times. Beelzebub has my chart in his hands. Lord Satan! I dont understand I dont see retardation in his chart! Where is it coming from! Satans slapping me over the head. I made him damnit!! I know there is greatness in there somewhere!! 
Gasps! I am not better then everyone! Beelzebub gives a small scream of surprise. I mean... You just wish... Damnit!!! 
 Do Gods facepalm? For some reason I see them doing it now.. 
 Just think... Can you see it? Is it becoming clear? Through the Most loving, forgiving, understanding and wonderful God Father Satan. All of Humanity will be elevated. All Misunderstandings will be rectified. We will all live in a world of Peace and Perfection. Where all our enemies shall be conquered. We will sing and dance in merriment. True Love will overcome and Surmount the Soul. 
  It will be the end of Sickness, Poverty, Misery, Death, Depression and Purposelessness. 
  A new World shall Be Birthed. Which shall Dawn the new Era known as the Golden Age of Satya. 
 Hail Father Satan Forever 

I am not surprised Angry Shaman finally showed his true colors. I tried my best to ignore his faults. He was quite laughable with his overestimation of himself. Be careful Hooded cobra he is ex military can take down what was it 100? No I'm sure it was a 1,000 men at one time with a single stare. 
 He put the Angry in Angry shaman. Or I mean HE PUT THE ANGRY IN ANGRY SHAMAN!!!!!!!!! 
 This is as I told him before, an immaturity. One can be Angry and hateful. However, Love and Happiness are just as important. You only hate what tries to take away that which you love. It is one thing to want to give your all for what you believe and respect those who have actually died doing so. Such as Himmler who had to watch his family choke to death as he himself swallowed a capsule. Vomiting profusely, and choking until your dead. 
 It is a complete other to have no regard for those who sacrificed everything while you sit on a couch. Dreaming about being a super hero who goes out and kills a thousand people to live through it and go and brag about it. That is disgusting. 
 The True hero is the one who surpassed all fear. Suffered pain and then Died. Sacrificing everything including his life and perhaps already having those he cared about dead. War is complete misery and agony on a level that destroys the mind and body, where Death is gladly welcomed for all is already lost. Maybe if your lucky you will get to pop your head out and take the life of one of your own race. You get to listen to his screams of Death, knowing all he cared about shall suffer as well. 
 We must prevent this war at all costs. We must protect the lives of all Gentile Races. Together we have true Unity. We must Ignore those who try and separate us. Do not even give him The Attention he craves. What you give attention too, you give power too. Just as you ignore astral entities to get rid of them. So to shall we dis empower Those Infiltrators who wish to tear at our Unity. 
And if Satan shall become Divided amongst himself , he hath surely an end. - Jewish Book of Witchcraft

Thank you Aldric,

Your words (from our face palming Gods) have helped me to understand what is really going on here and to be less disturbed by it.
Thank you again.
Hail Satan, our magnificent God and Father

Well said, HP Cobra! Unlike the whining crybabies who don't do much for Satan here, I've always had a feeling of how much work yourself and the other Clergy do, and I have been very grateful for all the hard work done by the Clergy for the rest of us. I was happy to read your reply, after reading so many useless posts in these groups... hence why I'm not as active here as I would like to be.

Hail Satan!
HP Mageson is awesome and has done so much for Spiritual Satanism over this past decade.

Just had to throw in my 2 cents.

---In [email protected], <johnson_akemi@... wrote :

Many people have problems with High Priest Mageson for some reason. Some people have thrown a fit over the fact that he likes to post sloth memes and intentionally butcher his spelling on occasion. High Priest Mageson has written many sermons containing advanced spiritual knowledge found nowhere else.
Aww thanks Sandra :p
I would like to add this newb sent me an email personally. I read the first two sentences of what looked like several paragraphs then moved on to something more important. 
 Something about I am a jew who is kissing the ass of the other two jews in clergy form..... 
 I have been Dedicated for over a Decade dude.... Had a lot of people think I am a jew. 
 You really think trash like you is worth my time? Some newbie that came in and never got his head out of his ass.... Then went complete retard and thinks that fighting our clergy is more important then fighting the enemy... Yeah Okay. 
 Move onto someone a little easier.... 
 Like some weak willed newbie that wont be able to tell how pathetic you are. These Groups are staying in unity. This Group has fought for its survival for the last 15 years. Believe me it has seen a lot worse then you. In the end you are just another Loser who has tried and has failed. 
  When I was stupid enough to follow whimsical nonsensical ideas of grandeur. I at least made a show of taking some 350+ members with me. So from an ex infiltrator to a new. Learn some fucking style. 
  You could have been an amazing Brother in Satan. Who was here with all of us in unity. Getting over yourself and learning the world does not revolve around YOU. Working together where we are most powerful and destroying the enemy. Changing the world into a golden age. But instead you chose to be apart of the brony clan and put purple light and sparkles around yourself. 
  You and anyone stupid enough to follow you will suffer the consequences of your actions. If at any point you got through an Epiphany and wish to join us back here in Satans Sanctuary, please let us know. 
Hello Sweet Revenge, my that does sound sexy. I bet you are sexy, arint you? 
Its soo sweet of the both of you, to think a corny little nerd like me to be insightful. 
A big Meow! To both of you. XD 
Hope you have a great day!!! May our Beloved Father Satan be with you everyday! I hope your days are filled with Blissful Meditation and Advancement and all your dreams come true. 
 Tom Cat Aldric 
Well, lots of people say I'm a sexy lady so it must be true! ;-) xD Hail Satan!!!!! NGU666
On Jul 6, 2016 6:33 AM, "aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hello Sweet Revenge, my that does sound sexy. I bet you are sexy, arint you? 
Its soo sweet of the both of you, to think a corny little nerd like me to be insightful. 
A big Meow! To both of you. XD 
Hope you have a great day!!! May our Beloved Father Satan be with you everyday! I hope your days are filled with Blissful Meditation and Advancement and all your dreams come true. 
 Tom Cat Aldric 

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
