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Some Questions regarding Sanskrit Mantra's


New member
Nov 11, 2020
Satan's Earth
Hi All,

I have some questions regarding the Sanskrit Mantra's, and would appreciate a response to them. I'm currently busy with 2 personal workings. 1x Suryae working, 1x Kamadevaya working. I have noticed a few side-effects from these 2, and consequent queries. I've done Squares before, but have never modified them in any way, and my experience is geared more towards Runes, than Sanskrit vibrations.

Firstly, the Suryae working. Obviously for money, material working. Not a Planetary Square, but merely set repetitions every day during appropriate planetary hour. I'll just keep hammering away until I get the results I affirmed for, while working on avenues of manifestation. My Mantra is: "Aum SaUm Klim Suryae Namah".

1- Have I negated the Mantra, by adding BOTH the Bija AND Deva vibrations into full Mantra?

2- If I have, should I just do a regular Square then, while Sun is still in Aries?

3- I intend to do this for around 90 days; seeing results, then doing further work if necessary. Is this better than, or equal to multiple Squares, since I've never really vibrated Sanskrit outside of the Squares?

My logic figured, that set repetitions; instead of a Sun Square; would enable me to do it for 90 days or more, instead of the 36 days of a Sun Square. I have used the Squares successfully, but honestly don't have much practice vibrating Sanskrit, as what I do with the Runes.

Secondly, the Kamadevaya working. Mantra is "Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah". I'm using it to attract a person I know. While we are opposites to one another, we are "contra-antiscia", so we can "hear" one another on different levels. It's an odd sensation, as I can perceive it. As different as we are, our synergy in astrology has 5 beneficial planets, and we compliment one another well. As different as we are, in our core, we're merely "mirror images" of one another. Sadly, she is more Pagan than Xtian, while I'm SS. We struggle with communication a bit, due to our signs; but I've noticed that her and I have powerful chakra links to one another, right from the beginning. I'm Water, she's Fire (practically get with Fire women my whole life). Personal circumstances, interfering people, her Sagittarius reluctance to commit fully, and a myriad of other factors; are a significant hindrance to our being happily together. I'm working on knocking down each one, and have made some progress. For now, we are "friends" officially to everyone, although it's obviously on a higher level than platonic to those that know us, as we have a deep "understanding" that even her closest friends/family don't share with her. I know and have experienced that magick can break boundaries, so I've done the working to "force" the issue a bit, and override the external circumstances as much as possible and draw us closer together. It's not based on Lust either, as I've long since outgrown that with time with her.

1- As stupid as it may be; I've strengthened and enhanced the chords between us, with silver threads, intertwined around chakras. Been feeling enhanced pressure in Sacral, Heart, Throat and 3rd Eye chakras and slightly less pressure in the other chakras. All of them. Is this a direct result of the Silver Threads, or is the Suryae working also enhancing the "pressure" and contributing?

2- Am I correctly vibrating the "Devaya" part correctly, as in "Dddd-eeeehhhhh" (as in care, dare, bear, etc), or should it be "Dddd-eeeeeeeee" (as in eeeeeeeeeeee, as in clean, cream, beam, etc)?

3- While I can already "hear" her thoughts and feelings from the get-go, I do sufficient Void and Aura Cleaning; since I've strengthened the threads with Silver. How good or bad, are these Silver Threads that I've gone and strengthened already, despite precautions on my part?

4- I've never bothered, until her, with "Love Spells", so I have practically no personal experience otherwise besides what meditation and time have taught me. How long would the Kamadevaya working take on average, and what are other SS experience with it?

5- Is it better than, or less than the Venus Mantra or Square in power and effectiveness?

Any answers would be appreciated. Thanks in Advance.


Servant Of Enki

Hail Satan!!
Hail ALL The Gods of Hell!!
Devaya As in Ddhhhh(Thhhh) -Ayyyy - Vvvvv -Aaahhh --Yyyaaaahhh.

If you want the woman you have to show her that you want her as a woman and not just as a friend.

The Kamadevaya mantra is based on the Shakti Mantra principle as opposed to the broader Venus (planetary mantra). Therefore it is zoned in and is laser targeted at the particular issue of Love.

Kama - means Sexual desire and Klim is the Attractive Shakti principle. If you are trying to act it upon a person, it just means you are trying to get sexual love from the person.

In any working, if you have unconscious blockages preventing you from acting on the energy ,you are self sabotaging yourself.

Ask yourself this ,are you being driven to do particular things that you are not particularly your everyday conduct or are you noticing some things in the environment that are making you do things differently or atleast think about doing them differently.

Because just from your writing I can already see that you're not acting upon your natural impulse to lead things forward. Now listen to me carefully, as a man it is your job to lead the interaction with the woman forward. That is generally what happens in society, bar an exceptionally few cases.

What this means is first you have to indicate that you like the woman as a woman ,not just as a friend. In practice it can be as simple as ,
You look cute in that dress.
You look cute having eyeliner on.
That ring doesn't suit your face.
You'd look better if you wear that.

Once she's noticed that you see her as a woman, then the ball is in her court. Actually the ball is forever in her court and you're taking things forward.

The next thing you need to do is get her out on a date as you continue talking about random shit and making sexual innuendos. Try to delve into topics about relationships and sex and make sexual innuendos afterwards. That seems to work out pretty well with most women. If it doesn't, you can simply say "haha .i was just kidding. " ,change the topic and move forward. Do not talk about politics and intellectual constructs that you may disagree upon .

That's just how it is. You need to have patience and persistence and take things forward and have sex with her. Tell her the truth that you like her and you have a special connection with her and that you want to be with her.

She can reject you at any time as is her right but you need to do your duty and push things forward as is your duty.

More importantly, the more energy you put into the working with proper form and you have disinhibiton to the energy, the better your chances. By proper form i mean breathing in with the complete yogic breath pausing for a count, exhaling with the vibration,pausing and then repeating the process. It'll take probably 40 - 50 minutes if you do 216 at a single time. But the enormous energy that builds up will facilitate better results. I.e if you have the constitution to do such a thing. You should be doing regular hatha yoga and kundalini yoga along with pranic breathing exercises and void meditation so that your energy levels are high and your able to pull 216 off.

If she's really not into you, and you really need her you will need to spam it a second time with proper conviction and disinhibiton to the energy.

Do what the energy tells you to do. It might be making you horny ,wanting to have sex with her. Masturbate and do love spells on her in the night and as you wake up as you continue physically escalating the interaction towards sex. Tell her the things you want to tell her but are afraid to do so .

Own your sexuality. Your a man ,its your job. Remember this saying always.
Thank You Jack, for replying. It's greatly appreciated. But I have a few more questions regarding this, if you don't mind answering. Or anyone else giving their comments. I appreciate all.

Jack said:
Devaya As in Ddhhhh(Thhhh) -Ayyyy - Vvvvv -Aaahhh --Yyyaaaahhh.

I don't have much practice with Sanskrit, so I haven't been vibrating it entirely correctly. Been using "Eehhhhhhh", instead of "Ayyyy"..... But there is power raised, although diminished....

Jack said:
If you want the woman you have to show her that you want her as a woman and not just as a friend.

I have a Sun/Mars Conjunct, so I usually aim straight for the jugular, whenever I do or say anything in life. Lack of tact, too. She knows exactly how I feel. It's her that is scared of committing, due to not having resolved her personal issues, her family, and being scared of being hurt, etc... She's not exactly "normal" either.

Jack said:
The Kamadevaya mantra is based on the Shakti Mantra principle as opposed to the broader Venus (planetary mantra). Therefore it is zoned in and is laser targeted at the particular issue of Love.

Kama - means Sexual desire and Klim is the Attractive Shakti principle. If you are trying to act it upon a person, it just means you are trying to get sexual love from the person.

In any working, if you have unconscious blockages preventing you from acting on the energy ,you are self sabotaging yourself.

How embarrassing!!!! :lol: So, I've essentially evoked "erotic" Love in her, instead of "affectionate" Love? Regardless, I'll complete the full 40 days, and restart with Venus mantra on upcoming dates to fix this....

Jack said:
Ask yourself this ,are you being driven to do particular things that you are not particularly your everyday conduct or are you noticing some things in the environment that are making you do things differently or atleast think about doing them differently.

Because just from your writing I can already see that you're not acting upon your natural impulse to lead things forward. Now listen to me carefully, as a man it is your job to lead the interaction with the woman forward. That is generally what happens in society, bar an exceptionally few cases.

Yeah, Kamadevaya HAS made me hornier than usual. I won't lie. I have high natural energy and a powerful sex drive; but Kamadevaya has turned that up quite A LOT. I had a few moments of small "doubt", due to inexperience with love, and enemy attacks. But Void and Aura Cleaning, usually solves most problems.....

Jack said:
What this means is first you have to indicate that you like the woman as a woman ,not just as a friend. In practice it can be as simple as ,
You look cute in that dress.
You look cute having eyeliner on.
That ring doesn't suit your face.
You'd look better if you wear that.

Once she's noticed that you see her as a woman, then the ball is in her court. Actually the ball is forever in her court and you're taking things forward.

The next thing you need to do is get her out on a date as you continue talking about random shit and making sexual innuendos. Try to delve into topics about relationships and sex and make sexual innuendos afterwards. That seems to work out pretty well with most women. If it doesn't, you can simply say "haha .i was just kidding. " ,change the topic and move forward. Do not talk about politics and intellectual constructs that you may disagree upon .

That's just how it is. You need to have patience and persistence and take things forward and have sex with her. Tell her the truth that you like her and you have a special connection with her and that you want to be with her.

I do that already, my friend. It's just that she's a "nun" of sorts with relationships, people, friends, etc. Hates practically all people, as she is sickened by the kike world we reside in. Like I said, she isn't exactly typical or "normal". She is an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person), and afflicted with a number of medical issues too. I have healed some of these, but I don't want to spread myself too thin by doing a billion workings. All that she's been through in life, has given her an extremely low self-confidence, and towards life in general. Cynical, would be a good description of her, in general. Hence, why I resort to all this magick to force the issue. NOT for selfish reasons, or as a sex slave, or whatever; but because I genuinely have a connection with her on many levels and I DO Love her, despite her many flaws.

Jack said:
She can reject you at any time as is her right but you need to do your duty and push things forward as is your duty.

She does push my advances a bit, then playfully tries to make up for it afterwards. She gets overwhelmed with too much attention, and I'm quite persistent with flirting. It's a weird ping-pong match of sorts.

Jack said:
More importantly, the more energy you put into the working with proper form and you have disinhibiton to the energy, the better your chances. By proper form i mean breathing in with the complete yogic breath pausing for a count, exhaling with the vibration,pausing and then repeating the process. It'll take probably 40 - 50 minutes if you do 216 at a single time. But the enormous energy that builds up will facilitate better results. I.e if you have the constitution to do such a thing. You should be doing regular hatha yoga and kundalini yoga along with pranic breathing exercises and void meditation so that your energy levels are high and your able to pull 216 off.

I'm advanced enough to do this already, and have ample energy to spare. I have a throat injury from a while ago, where my throat was cut and scarred with metallic particles. I already lube it with Butter/Ghee and Honey, so I can at least vibrate for an hour. Sadly, can only manage around 50-55 vibrations, before my throat is burning like shit. Makes it challenging to vibrate, as I have to contend with a perpetual scratchy and burning throat. Like swallowing thousands of mini-razor blades or broken glass, and you'll have an idea of the injury and it's after-effects. I've done a bit of healing a sort it out and make it more bearable, but don't want to spread my energies thinner than they already are; and healing takes A LOT of energy.

Jack said:
If she's really not into you, and you really need her you will need to spam it a second time with proper conviction and disinhibiton to the energy.

Do what the energy tells you to do. It might be making you horny ,wanting to have sex with her. Masturbate and do love spells on her in the night and as you wake up as you continue physically escalating the interaction towards sex. Tell her the things you want to tell her but are afraid to do so .

Own your sexuality. Your a man ,its your job. Remember this saying always.

I already connect the silver threads, strengthen and breathe through them (till I can feel her energies), then masturbate and orgasm the energy into her. This mantra DOES raise lots of "kama". Raise, Program, Direct. Often. Visualize for another 5 or so minutes, wait about 20min to not dilute the energy, then Cleaning and Balancing my energies. I'll put more energies into an outlet for Kamadevaya. All my workings, are always done in the correct planetary hour, and usually started on Taurus Moon (Waxing/Full), where possible. I always complete a 40-day cycle, then add multiples dependent upon results..

On topic, should after completing the 40-days; would it be better to just use a combination of Runes instead (FEHU-GEBO-KENAZ for example), or would Venus mantra be better, or simply a Venus Square?; for more "affectionate" love? I'm not too clued up on these matters of "love", and I'd rather just ask here in the Forums, before wasting my time or messing things up. I've made a few small mistakes already, as it is..... :roll:

Servant Of Enki

Hail Satan!!
Hail ALL The Gods of Hell!!
ServantOfEnki said:
Thank You Jack, for replying. It's greatly appreciated. But I have a few more questions regarding this, if you don't mind answering. Or anyone else giving their comments. I appreciate all.

Jack said:
Devaya As in Ddhhhh(Thhhh) -Ayyyy - Vvvvv -Aaahhh --Yyyaaaahhh.

I don't have much practice with Sanskrit, so I haven't been vibrating it entirely correctly. Been using "Eehhhhhhh", instead of "Ayyyy"..... But there is power raised, although diminished....

Jack said:
If you want the woman you have to show her that you want her as a woman and not just as a friend.

I have a Sun/Mars Conjunct, so I usually aim straight for the jugular, whenever I do or say anything in life. Lack of tact, too. She knows exactly how I feel. It's her that is scared of committing, due to not having resolved her personal issues, her family, and being scared of being hurt, etc... She's not exactly "normal" either.

Jack said:
The Kamadevaya mantra is based on the Shakti Mantra principle as opposed to the broader Venus (planetary mantra). Therefore it is zoned in and is laser targeted at the particular issue of Love.

Kama - means Sexual desire and Klim is the Attractive Shakti principle. If you are trying to act it upon a person, it just means you are trying to get sexual love from the person.

In any working, if you have unconscious blockages preventing you from acting on the energy ,you are self sabotaging yourself.

How embarrassing!!!! :lol: So, I've essentially evoked "erotic" Love in her, instead of "affectionate" Love? Regardless, I'll complete the full 40 days, and restart with Venus mantra on upcoming dates to fix this....

Jack said:
Ask yourself this ,are you being driven to do particular things that you are not particularly your everyday conduct or are you noticing some things in the environment that are making you do things differently or atleast think about doing them differently.

Because just from your writing I can already see that you're not acting upon your natural impulse to lead things forward. Now listen to me carefully, as a man it is your job to lead the interaction with the woman forward. That is generally what happens in society, bar an exceptionally few cases.

Yeah, Kamadevaya HAS made me hornier than usual. I won't lie. I have high natural energy and a powerful sex drive; but Kamadevaya has turned that up quite A LOT. I had a few moments of small "doubt", due to inexperience with love, and enemy attacks. But Void and Aura Cleaning, usually solves most problems.....

Jack said:
What this means is first you have to indicate that you like the woman as a woman ,not just as a friend. In practice it can be as simple as ,
You look cute in that dress.
You look cute having eyeliner on.
That ring doesn't suit your face.
You'd look better if you wear that.

Once she's noticed that you see her as a woman, then the ball is in her court. Actually the ball is forever in her court and you're taking things forward.

The next thing you need to do is get her out on a date as you continue talking about random shit and making sexual innuendos. Try to delve into topics about relationships and sex and make sexual innuendos afterwards. That seems to work out pretty well with most women. If it doesn't, you can simply say "haha .i was just kidding. " ,change the topic and move forward. Do not talk about politics and intellectual constructs that you may disagree upon .

That's just how it is. You need to have patience and persistence and take things forward and have sex with her. Tell her the truth that you like her and you have a special connection with her and that you want to be with her.

I do that already, my friend. It's just that she's a "nun" of sorts with relationships, people, friends, etc. Hates practically all people, as she is sickened by the kike world we reside in. Like I said, she isn't exactly typical or "normal". She is an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person), and afflicted with a number of medical issues too. I have healed some of these, but I don't want to spread myself too thin by doing a billion workings. All that she's been through in life, has given her an extremely low self-confidence, and towards life in general. Cynical, would be a good description of her, in general. Hence, why I resort to all this magick to force the issue. NOT for selfish reasons, or as a sex slave, or whatever; but because I genuinely have a connection with her on many levels and I DO Love her, despite her many flaws.

Jack said:
She can reject you at any time as is her right but you need to do your duty and push things forward as is your duty.

She does push my advances a bit, then playfully tries to make up for it afterwards. She gets overwhelmed with too much attention, and I'm quite persistent with flirting. It's a weird ping-pong match of sorts.

Jack said:
More importantly, the more energy you put into the working with proper form and you have disinhibiton to the energy, the better your chances. By proper form i mean breathing in with the complete yogic breath pausing for a count, exhaling with the vibration,pausing and then repeating the process. It'll take probably 40 - 50 minutes if you do 216 at a single time. But the enormous energy that builds up will facilitate better results. I.e if you have the constitution to do such a thing. You should be doing regular hatha yoga and kundalini yoga along with pranic breathing exercises and void meditation so that your energy levels are high and your able to pull 216 off.

I'm advanced enough to do this already, and have ample energy to spare. I have a throat injury from a while ago, where my throat was cut and scarred with metallic particles. I already lube it with Butter/Ghee and Honey, so I can at least vibrate for an hour. Sadly, can only manage around 50-55 vibrations, before my throat is burning like shit. Makes it challenging to vibrate, as I have to contend with a perpetual scratchy and burning throat. Like swallowing thousands of mini-razor blades or broken glass, and you'll have an idea of the injury and it's after-effects. I've done a bit of healing a sort it out and make it more bearable, but don't want to spread my energies thinner than they already are; and healing takes A LOT of energy.

Jack said:
If she's really not into you, and you really need her you will need to spam it a second time with proper conviction and disinhibiton to the energy.

Do what the energy tells you to do. It might be making you horny ,wanting to have sex with her. Masturbate and do love spells on her in the night and as you wake up as you continue physically escalating the interaction towards sex. Tell her the things you want to tell her but are afraid to do so .

Own your sexuality. Your a man ,its your job. Remember this saying always.

I already connect the silver threads, strengthen and breathe through them (till I can feel her energies), then masturbate and orgasm the energy into her. This mantra DOES raise lots of "kama". Raise, Program, Direct. Often. Visualize for another 5 or so minutes, wait about 20min to not dilute the energy, then Cleaning and Balancing my energies. I'll put more energies into an outlet for Kamadevaya. All my workings, are always done in the correct planetary hour, and usually started on Taurus Moon (Waxing/Full), where possible. I always complete a 40-day cycle, then add multiples dependent upon results..

On topic, should after completing the 40-days; would it be better to just use a combination of Runes instead (FEHU-GEBO-KENAZ for example), or would Venus mantra be better, or simply a Venus Square?; for more "affectionate" love? I'm not too clued up on these matters of "love", and I'd rather just ask here in the Forums, before wasting my time or messing things up. I've made a few small mistakes already, as it is..... :roll:

Servant Of Enki

Hail Satan!!
Hail ALL The Gods of Hell!!
Firstly i would ask you, what is it that you are affirming ?
Jack said:
ServantOfEnki said:
Thank You Jack, for replying. It's greatly appreciated. But I have a few more questions regarding this, if you don't mind answering. Or anyone else giving their comments. I appreciate all.

Jack said:
Devaya As in Ddhhhh(Thhhh) -Ayyyy - Vvvvv -Aaahhh --Yyyaaaahhh.

I don't have much practice with Sanskrit, so I haven't been vibrating it entirely correctly. Been using "Eehhhhhhh", instead of "Ayyyy"..... But there is power raised, although diminished....

Jack said:
If you want the woman you have to show her that you want her as a woman and not just as a friend.

I have a Sun/Mars Conjunct, so I usually aim straight for the jugular, whenever I do or say anything in life. Lack of tact, too. She knows exactly how I feel. It's her that is scared of committing, due to not having resolved her personal issues, her family, and being scared of being hurt, etc... She's not exactly "normal" either.

Jack said:
The Kamadevaya mantra is based on the Shakti Mantra principle as opposed to the broader Venus (planetary mantra). Therefore it is zoned in and is laser targeted at the particular issue of Love.

Kama - means Sexual desire and Klim is the Attractive Shakti principle. If you are trying to act it upon a person, it just means you are trying to get sexual love from the person.

In any working, if you have unconscious blockages preventing you from acting on the energy ,you are self sabotaging yourself.

How embarrassing!!!! :lol: So, I've essentially evoked "erotic" Love in her, instead of "affectionate" Love? Regardless, I'll complete the full 40 days, and restart with Venus mantra on upcoming dates to fix this....

Jack said:
Ask yourself this ,are you being driven to do particular things that you are not particularly your everyday conduct or are you noticing some things in the environment that are making you do things differently or atleast think about doing them differently.

Because just from your writing I can already see that you're not acting upon your natural impulse to lead things forward. Now listen to me carefully, as a man it is your job to lead the interaction with the woman forward. That is generally what happens in society, bar an exceptionally few cases.

Yeah, Kamadevaya HAS made me hornier than usual. I won't lie. I have high natural energy and a powerful sex drive; but Kamadevaya has turned that up quite A LOT. I had a few moments of small "doubt", due to inexperience with love, and enemy attacks. But Void and Aura Cleaning, usually solves most problems.....

Jack said:
What this means is first you have to indicate that you like the woman as a woman ,not just as a friend. In practice it can be as simple as ,
You look cute in that dress.
You look cute having eyeliner on.
That ring doesn't suit your face.
You'd look better if you wear that.

Once she's noticed that you see her as a woman, then the ball is in her court. Actually the ball is forever in her court and you're taking things forward.

The next thing you need to do is get her out on a date as you continue talking about random shit and making sexual innuendos. Try to delve into topics about relationships and sex and make sexual innuendos afterwards. That seems to work out pretty well with most women. If it doesn't, you can simply say "haha .i was just kidding. " ,change the topic and move forward. Do not talk about politics and intellectual constructs that you may disagree upon .

That's just how it is. You need to have patience and persistence and take things forward and have sex with her. Tell her the truth that you like her and you have a special connection with her and that you want to be with her.

I do that already, my friend. It's just that she's a "nun" of sorts with relationships, people, friends, etc. Hates practically all people, as she is sickened by the kike world we reside in. Like I said, she isn't exactly typical or "normal". She is an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person), and afflicted with a number of medical issues too. I have healed some of these, but I don't want to spread myself too thin by doing a billion workings. All that she's been through in life, has given her an extremely low self-confidence, and towards life in general. Cynical, would be a good description of her, in general. Hence, why I resort to all this magick to force the issue. NOT for selfish reasons, or as a sex slave, or whatever; but because I genuinely have a connection with her on many levels and I DO Love her, despite her many flaws.

Jack said:
She can reject you at any time as is her right but you need to do your duty and push things forward as is your duty.

She does push my advances a bit, then playfully tries to make up for it afterwards. She gets overwhelmed with too much attention, and I'm quite persistent with flirting. It's a weird ping-pong match of sorts.

Jack said:
More importantly, the more energy you put into the working with proper form and you have disinhibiton to the energy, the better your chances. By proper form i mean breathing in with the complete yogic breath pausing for a count, exhaling with the vibration,pausing and then repeating the process. It'll take probably 40 - 50 minutes if you do 216 at a single time. But the enormous energy that builds up will facilitate better results. I.e if you have the constitution to do such a thing. You should be doing regular hatha yoga and kundalini yoga along with pranic breathing exercises and void meditation so that your energy levels are high and your able to pull 216 off.

I'm advanced enough to do this already, and have ample energy to spare. I have a throat injury from a while ago, where my throat was cut and scarred with metallic particles. I already lube it with Butter/Ghee and Honey, so I can at least vibrate for an hour. Sadly, can only manage around 50-55 vibrations, before my throat is burning like shit. Makes it challenging to vibrate, as I have to contend with a perpetual scratchy and burning throat. Like swallowing thousands of mini-razor blades or broken glass, and you'll have an idea of the injury and it's after-effects. I've done a bit of healing a sort it out and make it more bearable, but don't want to spread my energies thinner than they already are; and healing takes A LOT of energy.

Jack said:
If she's really not into you, and you really need her you will need to spam it a second time with proper conviction and disinhibiton to the energy.

Do what the energy tells you to do. It might be making you horny ,wanting to have sex with her. Masturbate and do love spells on her in the night and as you wake up as you continue physically escalating the interaction towards sex. Tell her the things you want to tell her but are afraid to do so .

Own your sexuality. Your a man ,its your job. Remember this saying always.

I already connect the silver threads, strengthen and breathe through them (till I can feel her energies), then masturbate and orgasm the energy into her. This mantra DOES raise lots of "kama". Raise, Program, Direct. Often. Visualize for another 5 or so minutes, wait about 20min to not dilute the energy, then Cleaning and Balancing my energies. I'll put more energies into an outlet for Kamadevaya. All my workings, are always done in the correct planetary hour, and usually started on Taurus Moon (Waxing/Full), where possible. I always complete a 40-day cycle, then add multiples dependent upon results..

On topic, should after completing the 40-days; would it be better to just use a combination of Runes instead (FEHU-GEBO-KENAZ for example), or would Venus mantra be better, or simply a Venus Square?; for more "affectionate" love? I'm not too clued up on these matters of "love", and I'd rather just ask here in the Forums, before wasting my time or messing things up. I've made a few small mistakes already, as it is..... :roll:

Servant Of Enki

Hail Satan!!
Hail ALL The Gods of Hell!!
Firstly i would ask you, what is it that you are affirming ?

My affirmation is: "*NAME OF PERSON* is permanently and deeply in love me, and desires me in every way; in a positive way for me"
ServantOfEnki said:
Jack said:
ServantOfEnki said:
Thank You Jack, for replying. It's greatly appreciated. But I have a few more questions regarding this, if you don't mind answering. Or anyone else giving their comments. I appreciate all.

I don't have much practice with Sanskrit, so I haven't been vibrating it entirely correctly. Been using "Eehhhhhhh", instead of "Ayyyy"..... But there is power raised, although diminished....

I have a Sun/Mars Conjunct, so I usually aim straight for the jugular, whenever I do or say anything in life. Lack of tact, too. She knows exactly how I feel. It's her that is scared of committing, due to not having resolved her personal issues, her family, and being scared of being hurt, etc... She's not exactly "normal" either.

How embarrassing!!!! :lol: So, I've essentially evoked "erotic" Love in her, instead of "affectionate" Love? Regardless, I'll complete the full 40 days, and restart with Venus mantra on upcoming dates to fix this....

Yeah, Kamadevaya HAS made me hornier than usual. I won't lie. I have high natural energy and a powerful sex drive; but Kamadevaya has turned that up quite A LOT. I had a few moments of small "doubt", due to inexperience with love, and enemy attacks. But Void and Aura Cleaning, usually solves most problems.....

I do that already, my friend. It's just that she's a "nun" of sorts with relationships, people, friends, etc. Hates practically all people, as she is sickened by the kike world we reside in. Like I said, she isn't exactly typical or "normal". She is an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person), and afflicted with a number of medical issues too. I have healed some of these, but I don't want to spread myself too thin by doing a billion workings. All that she's been through in life, has given her an extremely low self-confidence, and towards life in general. Cynical, would be a good description of her, in general. Hence, why I resort to all this magick to force the issue. NOT for selfish reasons, or as a sex slave, or whatever; but because I genuinely have a connection with her on many levels and I DO Love her, despite her many flaws.

She does push my advances a bit, then playfully tries to make up for it afterwards. She gets overwhelmed with too much attention, and I'm quite persistent with flirting. It's a weird ping-pong match of sorts.

I'm advanced enough to do this already, and have ample energy to spare. I have a throat injury from a while ago, where my throat was cut and scarred with metallic particles. I already lube it with Butter/Ghee and Honey, so I can at least vibrate for an hour. Sadly, can only manage around 50-55 vibrations, before my throat is burning like shit. Makes it challenging to vibrate, as I have to contend with a perpetual scratchy and burning throat. Like swallowing thousands of mini-razor blades or broken glass, and you'll have an idea of the injury and it's after-effects. I've done a bit of healing a sort it out and make it more bearable, but don't want to spread my energies thinner than they already are; and healing takes A LOT of energy.

I already connect the silver threads, strengthen and breathe through them (till I can feel her energies), then masturbate and orgasm the energy into her. This mantra DOES raise lots of "kama". Raise, Program, Direct. Often. Visualize for another 5 or so minutes, wait about 20min to not dilute the energy, then Cleaning and Balancing my energies. I'll put more energies into an outlet for Kamadevaya. All my workings, are always done in the correct planetary hour, and usually started on Taurus Moon (Waxing/Full), where possible. I always complete a 40-day cycle, then add multiples dependent upon results..

On topic, should after completing the 40-days; would it be better to just use a combination of Runes instead (FEHU-GEBO-KENAZ for example), or would Venus mantra be better, or simply a Venus Square?; for more "affectionate" love? I'm not too clued up on these matters of "love", and I'd rather just ask here in the Forums, before wasting my time or messing things up. I've made a few small mistakes already, as it is..... :roll:

Servant Of Enki

Hail Satan!!
Hail ALL The Gods of Hell!!
Firstly i would ask you, what is it that you are affirming ?

My affirmation is: "*NAME OF PERSON* is permanently and deeply in love me, and desires me in every way; in a positive way for me"
Change it into something that is actionable.

"In a Positive and healthy manner for me, x is permanently and deeply in love with me, and is acting on it by being in a monogamous relationship with me and having sex with me ,regularly. "

Or something along those lines. Its not enough to be in love with you. The Key is "acting upon it" into something tangible.

Do you understand what im trying to say ,focus on the actionable part and will it to happen.
Jack said:
ServantOfEnki said:
Jack said:
Firstly i would ask you, what is it that you are affirming ?

My affirmation is: "*NAME OF PERSON* is permanently and deeply in love me, and desires me in every way; in a positive way for me"
Change it into something that is actionable.

"In a Positive and healthy manner for me, x is permanently and deeply in love with me, and is acting on it by being in a monogamous relationship with me and having sex with me ,regularly. "

Or something along those lines. Its not enough to be in love with you. The Key is "acting upon it" into something tangible.

Do you understand what im trying to say ,focus on the actionable part and will it to happen.

I understand what is meant, Bro. Actually create a tangible and physical outlet to manifest in... Aka, date her and go have sex with her.

BUT...... And this is quite embarrassing.....

While I posted my affirmation earlier, I received a call and email from my boss asking me to relocate for a project of quite some duration, as I'm an Engineer, dealing with machinery. I was under the impression to stay put at home and local, but it seems my work decided to send me to oversea and commission the project.

Now it seems I have to choose, between affording to live in this kike world, or "Love".. :cry:

Perhaps I should take the signs that I've messed up a bit with this working, my work asking me to relocate earlier today; that this is perhaps a road I shouldn't pave for her and I. If I close the circle, magically and physically, in the next couple days, I will be gone in a week or so, to somewhere very far away from her. It wouldn't be fair on either of us, as now circumstances are beyond any reasonable fix, short of miracles happening suddenly.

I'm really sorry Bro, to have wasted your time with all this; but I didn't expect this curve-ball, with the lockdowns in my country. I have learnt a lot, and will Most Certainly keep your suggestions and advice in mind, the next time I wish to walk down this road of "Love" with magick. Thank You. I will close the 40-day cycle as I'm almost done anyway, then either focus on "long-distance" or undo everything I've done so far afterwards. Signs are telling me the LATTER, but I will speak to her nevertheless........

I'm SO Sorry Bro, to have wasted your time, truly!! I'm embarrassed and stunned, with all that's happened today. Too much shit has occurred, and I should follow the signs, I think.

Thank You for advising me with all this. I really appreciate it.

Servant Of Enki

Hail Satan!!
Hail ALL The Gods of Hell!!
Jack said:
ServantOfEnki said:
Jack said:
Firstly i would ask you, what is it that you are affirming ?

My affirmation is: "*NAME OF PERSON* is permanently and deeply in love me, and desires me in every way; in a positive way for me"
Change it into something that is actionable.

"In a Positive and healthy manner for me, x is permanently and deeply in love with me, and is acting on it by being in a monogamous relationship with me and having sex with me ,regularly. "

Or something along those lines. Its not enough to be in love with you. The Key is "acting upon it" into something tangible.

Do you understand what im trying to say ,focus on the actionable part and will it to happen.

My initial reply yesterday wasn't approved, so I'll keep this one short and to the point.

I understand what you mean Bro. Thank You for all your advice and assistance! It's greatly appreciated. :D
ServantOfEnki said:
Jack said:
ServantOfEnki said:
My affirmation is: "*NAME OF PERSON* is permanently and deeply in love me, and desires me in every way; in a positive way for me"
Change it into something that is actionable.

"In a Positive and healthy manner for me, x is permanently and deeply in love with me, and is acting on it by being in a monogamous relationship with me and having sex with me ,regularly. "

Or something along those lines. Its not enough to be in love with you. The Key is "acting upon it" into something tangible.

Do you understand what im trying to say ,focus on the actionable part and will it to happen.

My initial reply yesterday wasn't approved, so I'll keep this one short and to the point.

I understand what you mean Bro. Thank You for all your advice and assistance! It's greatly appreciated. :D
This is a great opportunity to put everything on the line as an ultimatum for her. Go to her and tell her about this and force her to come to a conclusion in that time frame or that she is permanently going to lose you.

You will then see whether or not it's meant to be.

Also ,long distance relationships almost always devolve. If she accepts you, you could try to take her with you if she isn't employed or if she is try to convince her that she'll get a better job where you're going. I don't know the details of your life so I don't know if i should advise you on this. Basically you have to figure it out as a man.
Jack said:
ServantOfEnki said:
Jack said:
Change it into something that is actionable.

"In a Positive and healthy manner for me, x is permanently and deeply in love with me, and is acting on it by being in a monogamous relationship with me and having sex with me ,regularly. "

Or something along those lines. Its not enough to be in love with you. The Key is "acting upon it" into something tangible.

Do you understand what im trying to say ,focus on the actionable part and will it to happen.

My initial reply yesterday wasn't approved, so I'll keep this one short and to the point.

I understand what you mean Bro. Thank You for all your advice and assistance! It's greatly appreciated. :D
This is a great opportunity to put everything on the line as an ultimatum for her. Go to her and tell her about this and force her to come to a conclusion in that time frame or that she is permanently going to lose you.

You will then see whether or not it's meant to be.

Also ,long distance relationships almost always devolve. If she accepts you, you could try to take her with you if she isn't employed or if she is try to convince her that she'll get a better job where you're going. I don't know the details of your life so I don't know if i should advise you on this. Basically you have to figure it out as a man.

I appreciate ANY advice when it comes from an SS Bro.. It's always welcome Brother.

I have the powerful career, while she's unemployed due, to both her medical issues and because of the Covid scamdemic. Push comes to shove, I could always employ her as my "Admin Assistant", or help her set up her own business, so she doesn't have to feel like a gold-digger. Not that she's materialistic to be begin with, but at least she won't have to feel entirely dependant upon me, and to not lose her own independence.

I've laid the cards on the table for her, and she has a lot to think about. And quickly. I was kind, considerate and thoughtful in what was said to her though. Things are looking good, as we're closer than ever before. I want her badly, and I know she does too. As an SS and Man, consider it a done deal.

I've endured enough shit, and put in enough effort to make damn sure this works. Failure isn't an option, and we'll come to a compromise that is beneficial for both of us, regarding this "spanner in the works". I almost tasted defeat, but Imy sincere with her, and put too much work in this life, to just throw it all away so easily..

I'm really gifted at what I do in my career, so I'll always be in demand. Both an Artisan AND Engineer. Brains and Dexterity. She is also tertiary-educated, although lockdowns and Scamdemic have severely affected her chances of using what she's studied, as that industry is almost destroyed completely. Although enormous potential for growth, *after*, all this Covid shit is done with. But I'm confident we can make it work, despite the odds.

I am a Satanist, after all. She also has the potential to be one, once she's dealt with her setbacks. :D Although, I never reveal I am a Satanist to anybody, for my own safety.

Thank You Jack, for your patience and advice. Was enormously appreciated.

Hail Satan!!
Hail ALL The Gods of Hell!!
ServantOfEnki said:
Jack said:
ServantOfEnki said:
My initial reply yesterday wasn't approved, so I'll keep this one short and to the point.

I understand what you mean Bro. Thank You for all your advice and assistance! It's greatly appreciated. :D
This is a great opportunity to put everything on the line as an ultimatum for her. Go to her and tell her about this and force her to come to a conclusion in that time frame or that she is permanently going to lose you.

You will then see whether or not it's meant to be.

Also ,long distance relationships almost always devolve. If she accepts you, you could try to take her with you if she isn't employed or if she is try to convince her that she'll get a better job where you're going. I don't know the details of your life so I don't know if i should advise you on this. Basically you have to figure it out as a man.

I appreciate ANY advice when it comes from an SS Bro.. It's always welcome Brother.

I have the powerful career, while she's unemployed due, to both her medical issues and because of the Covid scamdemic. Push comes to shove, I could always employ her as my "Admin Assistant", or help her set up her own business, so she doesn't have to feel like a gold-digger. Not that she's materialistic to be begin with, but at least she won't have to feel entirely dependant upon me, and to not lose her own independence.

I've laid the cards on the table for her, and she has a lot to think about. And quickly. I was kind, considerate and thoughtful in what was said to her though. Things are looking good, as we're closer than ever before. I want her badly, and I know she does too. As an SS and Man, consider it a done deal.

I've endured enough shit, and put in enough effort to make damn sure this works. Failure isn't an option, and we'll come to a compromise that is beneficial for both of us, regarding this "spanner in the works". I almost tasted defeat, but Imy sincere with her, and put too much work in this life, to just throw it all away so easily..

I'm really gifted at what I do in my career, so I'll always be in demand. Both an Artisan AND Engineer. Brains and Dexterity. She is also tertiary-educated, although lockdowns and Scamdemic have severely affected her chances of using what she's studied, as that industry is almost destroyed completely. Although enormous potential for growth, *after*, all this Covid shit is done with. But I'm confident we can make it work, despite the odds.

I am a Satanist, after all. She also has the potential to be one, once she's dealt with her setbacks. :D Although, I never reveal I am a Satanist to anybody, for my own safety.

Thank You Jack, for your patience and advice. Was enormously appreciated.

Hail Satan!!
Hail ALL The Gods of Hell!!
Good news . Sieg Heil !!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
