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Some help/information regarding Spirituality


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Originally, I was going to reply this in Orionite's thread What if we're wrong?, but the more I made my reply, the more it went away from the actual point of the thread. This thread, I suppose you could say, has turned more into an essay. It also includes other replies I have made.

One important thing to keep in-Mind is that Spiritual Satanism is based on and can be explained by Nature and Science. I have been witness to christians trying to claim 2 things in particular -

  1. Science is allowed or revealed to us by god;
  2. a lot of scientists are christians

Well, if a lot of scientists are christians, then they of little faith!, no?! If Science is "allowed" or revealed to us by "god", then why did "god", in all its stupidity, create the Universe to have 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons in CARBON?! Oh, yeah, not to forget - and then call it - say that 666 is - evil?! :vomit:

Regarding the numbers in the quote-within-the-quote below, I have shared bits of what they refer to after the quote, below. Alternatively, you can just click on their hyperlinks.

FancyMancy said:
The characters in the bibles lived for hundreds of years... but then now we live for barely 100 years. It makes sense! Honestly! I'm not being sarcastic at all - and I'll explain why! "In the beginning..." the characters of the bibles lived for hundreds of years - was the World not more christian/jewish, under "god"'s "rule", back then? Despite that, while "god" "ruled" the World back then, and for centuries after, we still managed to live less-longer and less-longer, throughout time... living shorter and shorter lives, to a mere 100-or-so years... despite "god" being more in control back then.

Skip forward a long amount of time, and we discover germs. We create Medicines. We learn Science. "god" said "BELIEVE WHAT I SAY! HAVE MUH FAYTH!" but we had faith that we'd live forever, yet when we finally said "FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!" to "god", we learnt things ourselves, then managed to not live a shorter life. Science/Nature, baby! Oh, did I say "Science" and "Nature", baby? This -

more on the topic of good being evil and evil being good - look at carbon. That is 6 and 6 and 6; "god" says 666 is evil. "In the beginning..." "god" "created the heavens and the earth". So "god" made carbon to be 666 and said "SIXSIXSIX IZ EBUL, BIATCH!". Typical retarded-bullshit-ness of the jew. Welp, the jew hates Nature, and...

FancyMancy said:
1 Nature
2 is
3 anti-semitic,
4 no?

Surely not. PMSFL. The jew knows in its 6000-year plan that Nature has to take Her course, and the jew uses this deliberately as a means to the jew's own end. - End! Lol.

...Nature is anti-semitic.

Except for the obvious blasphemy against Satan, maybe the reason Satan is called "the Beast" is because His power is so good that like a 'beast' muscle man, wrestler, strong man, Satan and His power will come down with such weight and force upon the jew's shit. The jew is incapable of stopping it, the jew is too weak, it is pathetic and pointless and is to be utterly defeated.

Nature Is “Antisemitic”!
The jews have admitted that paganism is the principal enemy of judaism. They say that “Cult to Nature is barbarism and Laws of Noah represents a civil society”

Apparently, nature is “antisemitic”!

Major Element of Israel’s Airforce and Nuclear Deterrent Disabled Due to Floods

A positive 'sign' from Mars
NASA spots a 'dragon' on Mars

Satan On The Creation Of Man, Immortality And The "Transhumanist" Agenda

As I said above, with the keeping in mind of Spirituality being explained by Nature and Science (I wonder in the future we might not term ourselves "Spiritual Satanists"; that we'd just be), this includes peer-reviewing, testing, attempting, checking, trial-and-error, experimenting... We need to see for ourselves. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. We don't need "faith" in any fake-promises of what is to be "expected" after we die, nor do we need to sit on the street, being lazy and dirty, begging for money so we can pollute ourselves with things. We have Nature and Science which explains things (eventually; it did already, but we lost the great Library of Alexandria and our Knowledge from the Ages, thanks very much to (((you-know-who))) for that).

Here are two pictures I made. The first is mine, entirely-original. The second is another of mine; added into the main picture is the image of Lord Amdusias from Astral Arts of the Gods; the Swastika I drew myself; the Baphomet I got from one I created before by getting the Baphomet from an image search online or JoS material, then adding the Enochian around it, spelling "SATAN"; the red "ISRAEL AND SATAN" one is a previous one I made, with the quotes from JoS material; the animated fancy graphics I got the font of from online, and the quote I got from JoS material -


For Magick and manipulating Energies so that we can affect and effect change in our own world and the World - as long as it is possible Physically, then it is possible. Trying to do unrealistic or impossible things, "even with magic" won't work. Furthermore, it is vital to have balance, as we've been told forever. A healthy, balanced diet - but also a balance between Physical and Spiritual and Mental things. It is also important to do non-Spiritual things as it is important to do Spiritual things. You don't have to give-up on your hobbies or interests - unless they are dangerous and harmful, of course; you know you shouldn't be doing those things anyway.

Here are three replies I made. They cover different things, but the points made within them are important -

FancyMancy said:
One thing is to stop saying that it is yours. Don't own nor accept it. Your health is good and better; you are free of this illness, disease, etc.

You also need to do other things, such as physical exercise and get your heart pumping blood, lungs breathing oxygen, and perhaps, if possible, glands secreting adrenaline for a good rush and fun feeling. Maybe you need to be a bit gullible in positivity, and 'fake it 'til you make it', and if negativity and pessimism come, then what advice seems to be absolute is not to fight it away, wasting energy on it, but instead ease that negativity and pessimism away gently and replace it with cool stuff.

One idea I saw in a video a little while ago was regarding working to achieve a goal, like work or homework or something. Adapting that, you could make yourself bored deliberately for a while, then go and do something you enjoy - but not too much. Temper things and earn the reward, or if it works for you earn the right/permission to do something fun. Get into a schedule/routine with things; if you have already, then change some bits and pieces to do other things. Keeping things around you, home environment, etc., clean and tidy helps to lift moods. If watching TV, go and do 3 minutes of cleaning during the breaks, then before you know it you'd have finished a job, then you can do something else. Go to a park with trees and grass and pets playing around and Children laughing.

If it is raining, and no-one is looking, then be a bit immature and jump in a puddle - or if you are daring, jump in a puddle in front of someone for the fun of embarrassment but then laugh it off with them in a non-maniac way, lol. Simply explaining that not that you have but you have been suffering with anxiety and depression (to them, they won't realise the difference, probably, but for you it is vitally-important to have a positive mental attitude with positive affirmations), so that you decided to be a bit silly and jump in a puddle and (if it's true) that it was in front of someone else is a bonus because you both can laugh and be happy...then that should also help. That is rather different than the usual things everyone does all the time!

For OCDs specifically, do things deliberately. Don't turn the lights on and off 20 times when you enter/leave a room. Don't keep going back and forth checking that you turned the tap off in the kitchen for 10 minutes. Don't keep checking that you've tightened the bottle cap for 5 minutes. Throw the rubbish away. Leave the cleaning until tomorrow. Do the opposite of the OCD things on purpose. You also must do Void Meditation. Instead of trying to stop immediately, it might be better to ease things out carefully.

To change stuff, you have to be positive, not own nor accept bad things, illnesses, diseases, etc. To change stuff, you have to change doing stuff. Go do stuff.

FancyMancy said:
I don't believe everything can be answered logically - at least not at first. Doubts come, and that is at least partly because things are different than what we have known - like attracts like. We may be on a 'lower level', and the 'higher level' of Spirituality is 'above' us; at the moment we sort of 'don't belong' there. The Universe is vibrationary, and we all have our own amounts, levels, degrees of vibration - everything, every thing, vibrates to one tune or pitch or note or frequency, or another, or multiple ones. Once we raise our vibration, then we 'belong' there, because we actually 'fit-in' there, in that our vibrations have increased, so we are in/on that 'level', and that's where we are - but we keep on increasing evermore. Like 'from rags to riches', once we move up, we are there, and we can ever-increase Spiritually and vibrationally. The difference with Spirituality is that we can have actual protections - or 'insurance policies', if you want to call it that - in case of events of the unforseen. Money riches are of low vibrationary frequency; Spirituality is ever-increasingly-higher-and-higher.

Humans have been lowered into low frequencies, hence all sorts of problems and depressions and things - it is uncomfortable for us to build up into higher vibrations, but while we literally rip/tear our muscles with micro-tears while we are body-building, that actually builds us up stronger and the muscles' rips are healed and fortified stronger (hence the term "ripped"). With doing our meditations, it is the same, but with vibrations being increased or raised. Doubts - or as you say, your logic - tell you it is incorrect because of reasons, maybe excuses, and experiences and memories which are different. Gain reasons, excuses, experiences and memories for this, in this, with this increased vibrationary existence and then your logic will agree eventually and the doubts will be quelled. The Mind can be so stubborn, and often lags behind other things. What we, and others, put in our Minds buries very, very deeply and into our Souls, and whether that is good or bad, it can be extremely difficult to uproot - the doubts and logic needs to be replaced.

I think also my reply here would be helpful. It is about a collection of bronze, silver and gold coins and replacing the lower denominations with higher denominations and better things, in an analogy. It is important to not push ourselves too far too quickly when increasing ourselves for the better; that can be worse for us. A careful, steady pace, but pushing ourselves to maybe 110% or there abouts which is not dangerous or uncomfortable for us, can be good. 110% is just an example. The specific numbers are individual, of course. Fake it 'til you make it, carefully.

Then - guess what. Then you will come to realise that it is accurate, real, true. Then you might wonder why it took you so long, but then you'd realise quickly why it did. It may take weeks, months, years, decades or lifetimess (reincarnations) to get from A to B and onwards. The number of possibilities - all the factors and everything - are too innumerable to try and give examples of "If this, then it will take weeks; however, if that, then it will take years; if the other, then it will take decades". In short - the proof is in the pudding.

FancyMancy said:
I think you have to coax yourself into things. You don't have to tell me, but I am presuming that you masturbate. Do. Then after you have orgasmed, use that orgasm energy for something. I would suggest Aura of Protection or Soul Cleaning. It's better to clean yourself first before empowering yourself; if you empower yourself with crap still in your Soul then that crap might increase, or at least hinder you and block things off and clog things up. After you get yourself to do AoP/SC with orgasm energy twice per day (after waking up and before sleeping), then keep doing that meditation, then add something else after a bit of time.

In at least some ways, I have been similar to what you have said. Maybe you have to just force yourself to do a small thing, and if (and maybe when, if you have been susceptible to these) you forget or procrastinate or are distracted, then just continue again, but don't be disheartened. The Mind can be so stubborn; forcing it is hard for some people, so maybe instead of forcing yourself, you should just ease yourself into it gently, like I said in the first sentence above. The reason the Mind can be so stubborn is that like attracts like; we increase whatever we do, have, be, put into ourselves - and that becomes more and more, and trying to break that and change it is like trying to uproot a big tree which has rooted very deeply into our Mind/Psyche; therefore, very deeply into our Soul - and yes, that can be painful, uncomfortable, etc.

Say you have a million copper coins and you think that's nice, but then you decide that you want some silver coins because silver coins are better than copper coins - you need to add silver coins to the collection. At first, it will be 1 silver coin amid a million copper coins, so with that 1:1000000 silver:copper coins, it looks, feels, seems like nothing but a waste of time - but the more silver coins you add to it, the greater the percentage of those silver coins is in your collection - and the smaller the percentage of copper coins are in your collection. Eventually, you have 1 million copper coins and 1 million silver coins. Nice. That also means that not only do you have 50:50 each, you have also increased yourself - from 1 million to 2 million. You just have to do it. Get there. Then you decide you want gold coins because gold coins are better than silver coins, and you do the same thing. The reason I think this analogy works very well (which I just made up on the spot here and now, so if I do say so myself, lol) is because we can always have more and more types of coins/paper money/etc. - and we, as beings, have the innate ability to increase ourselves infinitely. We want more - we do more; we have and become more. Maybe we decide we like copper coins again because of their properties, so we increase those again. Eventually when we realise to work evenly and with balance, we'll have all of the coins, and other things, in their own respective amounts in balance for us. We don't need to steal coins from others and parasitise off them, because we can raise Energies ourselves straight from the Aether.

Copper coins have properties that silver coins and gold coins don't have, just like the others also do with each other, etc., as well. Maybe later, we find platinum coins... Once upon a time, surely Satan was an unmagick or little-magick being, but look at Him now! He has so many copper, silver and gold coins - plus platinum coins and whatever-else coins, as well. More so than that, He also has various denominations of paper big money, etc. He has higher denominations because He has been working on it for so long and consistently - getting into a pattern of behaviour, which then became; therefore is now, a part of Him. Once, He might have had just 1 copper coin and no other coins at all, nor any papers nor anything. Then now He is the God of Gods, the highest-ranking God. Is it possible any other God or Goddess could increase past Him? If the Universe is infinite and eternal, and if there is no such thing as "absolute power", then yes, They could. Maybe They don't want to - maybe Satan is too far ahead for Them to be able to! We all - Gods and Goddeses, and us alike - have to start somewhere.

For example, if you are at 0 and you want to get to 100, then you have to work to get there. In this example, 0 is doing nothing. 1 is, for example, AoP. 2 is Soul Cleaning. 3 is expanding 2 to include Aura and/or Chakra Cleaning. 4 might be yoga, etc., etc., etc. You make your meditation programme up yourself, for yourself, so it works the best way for you. How it might happen - and this is just an example, don't forget; you do yours yourself - you might start to do 1, and then for a few days you do 1, but then you forget by accident. After you remember, later that day or the next day, you do 1 again. This might happen repeatedly for a week or a month... Lather, rinse, repeat. After some time, while you have started to do that 1 repeatedly, even if you forget, procrastinate or are distracted, it then becomes a part of you. The more you do it, the more it becomes a part of you. What you focus on consumes you; thoughts create things.

It might take a short time or a long time, but doing it, even if not every single day, it becomes a part of you. Every day and consistency are extremely important, but don't fret - we're working up to that. We can't run before we can walk. Maybe some are walking with a limp, or they are only crawling, or they are in a wheelchair. We start from somewhere, and work from there. After it has become, or while it is becoming, a part of you, you would then do 1 and 2, and while you are doing 1 and keep doing it and no longer forget, procrastinate or be distracted (which might still happen sometimes), you are still doing 1, but also 2 now, as well.

Maybe you'll have a repeat performance with 2 as you did with 1 - forgetting/procrastinating/being distracted, but this time with 2, but you're still doing 1 already anyway. After some time, 2 will also become a part of you, just like 1 did. Then you can add 3, so you'll be doing 1, 2 and 3. Maybe, or maybe not, 3 would be much easier than 1 and 2 were, so you've grasped 1 and 2 and are doing them properly, and now 3 is added and you might or might not do it easily. Because you've been doing 1, 2 and 3 and managed to do them consistently, it might then be easier for other things to be done consistently without forgetting/procrastinating/being distracted, because you'd had the practice of overcoming any forgetting/procrastinating/being distracted by this point (or maybe still need more practice with it), so other things might be easier. Of course, I don't know, so that's why I say that it might or it might not - you know you more than I do! Then you do 4, then 5, then 6...

Quite often I have forgot to do a particular meditation, and then I'd realise, with enough time before it would mean failing to do it, that I need to do it. It is a random realisation, like "Oh! I need to do my meditation/s." Checking the time and Astrological time, there is plenty of time for me to do it. This hasn't always been the case, though; I kept missing/forgetting days, but now I remember sort of by accident that I need to do it, before it's too late which would have rendered it missed. If need-be, use a reminder app or alarm or something. Like attracts like, so we have to make like be, first, before we can get more like. Remember Quantum Physics - 2 entangled particles work with each other; like attracts like. We need to put like here first before can get more like - and some of the likes within us already might counteract the likes which we are trying to have, so we have to just add more coins to the collection, and eventually we'll be able to do things ourselves. Also do a bit of meditation, then play a bit of a computer game or watch a bit of a programme or go for a walk through a park, etc. Focusing solely upon Spiritual things might be way too daunting, not to mention it could be imbalancing, so we need to ease it in alongside and with and among other things.

Trying to do too much too quickly might be - or again, might not be - too big a change all at once. Again - the more you do it, the more it becomes a part of you. What you focus on consumes you; thoughts create things. Put like in to get more like. Add bits of things more when it's OK to carefully and gently. Lay the groundwork. As I say - start lowly and slowly, then build yourself up from there.

To add to my copper/silver/gold coin analogy - 1 million copper coins does not equal 1 million silver coins. Silver is more valuable than copper, so while we might have 1 million copper coins and 1 million silver coins, due to the law of greater than the sum of their parts, 1 million copper + 1 million silver is greater than 2 million coins. Then, of course, adding-in the eventual 1 million gold coins, then that is more-than-greater still. Our improvement and advancement can increase more and more, exponentially, at an accelerated pace, for at least some of the time.

Regarding what I said, "We don't need to steal coins from others and parasitise off them, because we can raise Energies ourselves straight from the Aether." - this can recall the story of Robin Hood, robbing from the rich and giving to the poor. We, on the other hand, can all, individually and without exception, raise Energies as we want and need. Energy is more-than abundant; there is plenty more than enough of it for us all.

Some people know the term "echo chamber". I have used this term before. I dare say that our own Minds (and our Souls, all of which might not be quite conscious for us at the moment) are echo chambers. We are like amps which are plugged in to the mains electricity to increase the sound of a guitar (the sound literally bounces back and forth, as electricity pumps into it; this increases the sound volume). As I say, we increase what we are and do and be... this is like an echo chamber; it repeats and reiterates and increases, the more juice we pump into it; trying to change that or add something else can be difficult; the Mind being stubborn. We could wait for the echoing in the chamber to stop echoing (e.g. like a sports hall) or we can add 'sound-proofing' (like in a low-audio, high-sound-proofing room, like those audio-deprivation/sound-isolation rooms) to stop the chamber from echoing, and allow us to do other things instead. In short, this is done by Void Meditation. The more you think and do things, the more it becomes a part of you; what you focus on consumes you; thoughts become things. Void Meditation is vitally-important. The more it is done, the more our own Mind can be under our own control. Then we can think and do other things, good, beneficial things which can become us to get better, improve, advance, increase positively...

"god" "created" the 6 proton/6 neutron/6 electron Universe full to the brim and overflowing with Carbon, and it said that both 666 and also Satan are both evil because He (Satan) understands 666 intrinsically. Satan, on the other hand, understands 666; therefore, Science and Nature, intrinsically. "god" just demands you do as it says and have faith - If you love me, you will obey/keep my commandments (John 14:15), in other words - if you love me then you'll do as I say; you have to have faith and not have knowledge of the Universe which "god" "created" full of 666 Carbon. Satan helped us and helps us to use 666 so we can advance and improve, and says that we can live our lives as we wish, but not to oppose Him, of course. The jew is parasitic; it needs your love and affection so it can live; "Faith means not wanting to know what is true" ~ Friedrich Nietzsche. Spiritual Satanism is Nature and is Science. 666 is Science, and Science/666 "is" "allowed" or "revealed" to us by "god", and christians have to be scientists because they lack faith because "god" doesn't do anything. Lol. Faith is not enough!

As I say - christianity/islam/the jew stole, twisted, perverted and corrupted knowledge which is many, many thousands and thousands of years old - that being hidden/secret AKA "Occult" knowledge, which should be known; likewise, the LGBT+ movement used to be Human and was formed as defiance against both "law" and also against christianity, which hates Natural Sexuality, but as usual the jew stole, twisted, perverted and corrupted it; I'm bisexual and prefer Males than Females. Non-heterosexuality (i.e. bisexuality/homosexuality) is also many, many thousands and thousands of years old, and it also exists in thousands and thousands of species of Animal today! The jew has nothing and can create nothing; it only parasitises, decays and destroys. Spiritual Satanism is Human, Nature, Science and Spirituality.

It may not be easy, or it may seem like there is a lot, but we start somewhere. We can wonder about what our tree would look like and what it would grow and how much money we could make by selling its fruit... or we could plant a tree and actually find out. "The best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago." If it seems like a lot, and hard work, then like using the coins analogy and adding new things in over time, as I say - start lowly and slowly, then build yourself up from there.
This all seems so contradictory to a lot of things.

Satan helped us and helps us to use 666 so we can advance and improve, and says that we can live our lives as we wish, but not to oppose Him, of course.

This is a flawed and mis-mediated statement by Satan Lucifer and is an oxymoron that satanists keep using and referring to to this day in ignorance of the higher laws of how nature is uniform to our very being. Those rare in knowledgeability on Lucifer's rhetoric understand to the greatest of spiritual depths that per nature's very laws, following our sharing of his light and blood, opposition in any manner is inconceivable and cannot be done in any true secular form.

The mind even not knowing what is right in it's nature is bound to follow all that is in line to it or even mimics it in feeling regardless, the greatest of these powers of course being the origin. Humans under his eyes are not traitors or vile disrespectful fools. Humans are mislead by an unforeseen history that separated the true origin that is him and he is intelligent to be aware of this.

In this awareness he acknowledges that humanity wanders aimlessly to grip onto whatever they can substitute for the absence of himself and his people, and he is not so arrogant to believe his creation as traitors when they merely follow their natural instinct to try and find some semblance of him among anything, even if it is the wrong path that does them harm and names him evil. True opposition towards him is not possible and you are granted the will and freedom to live your lives as you choose even if you do. Concluding this, I would softly give in kind suggestion to better educate yourself.
White Illusion said:
Those rare in knowledgeability on Lucifer's rhetoric
Satan is not a politician. He doesn't need to try and persuade people to vote for Him.

Concluding this, I would softly give in kind suggestion to better educate yourself.
What I am about to say, you can decide if I am being genuine or sarcastic - you nearly convinced me.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
