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Small Tips to Help Protect Against Energy Draining


Active member
Nov 14, 2020
With Satan, always.
For anyone struggling with aura holes, this might be worth a try. For a while now I have been supplementing my normal AoP routine with an extra affirmation to help my aura heal.

Breathe in white-gold energy into your whole body 5 times, then affirm 3 or 5 times:

“Any and all holes within my aura are now completely filled in with powerful protective white-gold energy, permanently.”

Visualize and feel your aura glowing brightly around you. Do this daily until the holes are gone.


Combining this along with returning curses part 1&2 has helped tremendously in strengthening my aura to where I can now feel things push against it that try to get in.

Recently, I have started using Sister Lydia’s Vi-Suddhi deep cleaning meditation (recommended by JG Blitzkreig - thank you, btw). This seems to be helping a lot in removing deeply rooted attachments as well.

Lydia’s Deep Cleaning:

Aura of Protection:

Returning Curses 1&2:


I have done an abbreviated version of HP Hoodedcobra's blue fire meditation with being short on time. In which I used Thurisaz as the rune, vibrated 9x into each chakra (from base to crown). After vibrating into each chakra, I visualized the chakra engulfed in blue fire, destroying the attachments, and expanded the fire to each chakra as I vibrated through them until they were all engulfed in a large column of blue fire.

I then used the following affirmation:

“Any and all parasitic connections to my chakras are now completely destroyed, permanently.” x3

I recommend doing the meditation for at least 40 days to be good and sure the attachments are gone. I started this during a waning moon in Scorpio.

(Be sure to clean well after this working).


Strengthening AoP
Now, it's been said before that it seems standard AoP’s can be bypassed. This may not be as much of an issue for the really elite SS, however, for freshies and such, this is what I’ve experimented with.

Supplement your normal AoP with the following.

You can use a sun mantra for this if you like, similar to returning curses part 2, and focus on your aura being incredibly bright and strong. Algiz with Sowilo will work too. I’ve tested both of the following affirmations and the second one made me feel very peaceful afterwards.

“I am now completely protected from any and all psychic vampire attachments, permanently.” x5


“I am now completely protected from any and all energy drainers in every way, permanently.” x5

I hope this helps.
tabby said:
For anyone struggling with aura holes, this might be worth a try. For a while now I have been supplementing my normal AoP routine with an extra affirmation to help my aura heal.

Breathe in white-gold energy into your whole body 5 times, then affirm 3 or 5 times:

“Any and all holes within my aura are now completely filled in with powerful protective white-gold energy, permanently.”

Visualize and feel your aura glowing brightly around you. Do this daily until the holes are gone.


You can also use Sowilo and Uruz for the aura. Suryae and SaTaNaMa are also good.
You have to make sure you don't think of the person as a friend or welcome on the subconscious too or this is more likely get through anyways not all the time but sometimes especially if you have deep emotional connections to that person.

So maybe do workings to fix that too on a subconscious level if you think you have this problem.

I honestly think this is the case in most people that report protection didn't stop it. Either that or it's weak and not built up much yet.

Thank you for the working though this is helpful.
slyscorpion said:
You have to make sure you don't think of the person as a friend or welcome on the subconscious too or this is more likely get through anyways not all the time but sometimes especially if you have deep emotional connections to that person.

So maybe do workings to fix that too on a subconscious level if you think you have this problem.

I honestly think this is the case in most people that report protection didn't stop it. Either that or it's weak and not built up much yet.

Thank you for the working though this is helpful.

Learning to trust your gut and intuition when something feels off about a person even if there's no obvious reason why there might be something wrong with them, is good practice too since chances are it might save you from a toxic connection. I believe the Fighting Back meditation can help with thinking of someone as "friend"/"welcomed" etc. When I've used it on a known toxic person who had formed attachments to me, my thoughts and feelings towards them became cold.

If you're very empathetic it can be difficult not to accidentally form attachments if you haven't yet learned how to manage it.

I'm glad this is helpful.
I asked HPS Maxine about this years ago. This was her reply,

“This may take some time, but program your aura so that any energy they take from you is dross and filth, thus cleaning your aura. Do this every day. Begin by cleaning your aura and directing the filth at that person and anyone else who is siphoning energy from you.

Be sure to use an affirmation.”

Maybe someone here can come up with a good affirmation for this. This will help others.

Also, the closing your chakras meditation says it helps this as well.
Darksage666 said:
I asked HPS Maxine about this years ago. This was her reply,

“This may take some time, but program your aura so that any energy they take from you is dross and filth, thus cleaning your aura. Do this every day. Begin by cleaning your aura and directing the filth at that person and anyone else who is siphoning energy from you.

Be sure to use an affirmation.”

Maybe someone here can come up with a good affirmation for this. This will help others.

Also, the closing your chakras meditation says it helps this as well.

Hmm… well, I’ll give it shot since I made the thread. If someone has a better one, please go ahead, or correct mine if you wish.

“In a positive and healthy way for me, any and all psychic vampires and toxic attachments on or connected to my soul are now only able to siphon dross, filth, and negative energies from me, permanently.” x3 (?)

If you know the toxic person or energy drainer then maybe something like this?

“In a positive and healthy way for me, [name of toxic individual] is now only able to siphon dross, filth, and negative energies from me, permanently.” x3 (?)

That’s the best I can think of right now.

Sounds like this would be good for people who can’t detach easily, say like with a toxic family member.
tabby said:
Darksage666 said:
I asked HPS Maxine about this years ago. This was her reply,

“This may take some time, but program your aura so that any energy they take from you is dross and filth, thus cleaning your aura. Do this every day. Begin by cleaning your aura and directing the filth at that person and anyone else who is siphoning energy from you.

Be sure to use an affirmation.”

Maybe someone here can come up with a good affirmation for this. This will help others.

Also, the closing your chakras meditation says it helps this as well.

Hmm… well, I’ll give it shot since I made the thread. If someone has a better one, please go ahead, or correct mine if you wish.

“In a positive and healthy way for me, any and all psychic vampires and toxic attachments on or connected to my soul are now only able to siphon dross, filth, and negative energies from me, permanently.” x3 (?)

If you know the toxic person or energy drainer then maybe something like this?

“In a positive and healthy way for me, [name of toxic individual] is now only able to siphon dross, filth, and negative energies from me, permanently.” x3 (?)

That’s the best I can think of right now.

Sounds like this would be good for people who can’t detach easily, say like with a toxic family member.

It might be better or more effective for the mind if you word it as "only siphoning" instead of "only able to siphon."

Keep up the good work!
tabby said:
slyscorpion said:
You have to make sure you don't think of the person as a friend or welcome on the subconscious too or this is more likely get through anyways not all the time but sometimes especially if you have deep emotional connections to that person.

So maybe do workings to fix that too on a subconscious level if you think you have this problem.

I honestly think this is the case in most people that report protection didn't stop it. Either that or it's weak and not built up much yet.

Thank you for the working though this is helpful.

Learning to trust your gut and intuition when something feels off about a person even if there's no obvious reason why there might be something wrong with them, is good practice too since chances are it might save you from a toxic connection. I believe the Fighting Back meditation can help with thinking of someone as "friend"/"welcomed" etc. When I've used it on a known toxic person who had formed attachments to me, my thoughts and feelings towards them became cold.

If you're very empathetic it can be difficult not to accidentally form attachments if you haven't yet learned how to manage it.

I'm glad this is helpful.

The people you have to watch out for is the shabbos goy or spiritual Jews.

I call those people spiritual Jews for the most part I add the word spiritual because they are gentiles by genetics usually. They are so taken in by the enemy stuff they become like a robot and empty and soulless on the surface their entire being becomes repeating robotic prayers conversion stuff and propaganda in even conversations about regular stuff like they will insert things like "humanity is sinful" or "the book of Matthew says blah blah blah" etc just in normal conversations not even about religion some take on what looks like Jewish features if they are very taken over but more often just a pasty empty fake look to their person and the person looks fake. Many of these people have health problems or are strongly overweight.

Those are the people to watch out for make sure you do extra protection if you need to spend time around one of them for some reason. Just being in their presence can be dangerous as I found out the hard way (when my girlfriend almost got lost to Xtianity for awhile)

These people's souls often try to consume you with gross enemy energies and also astral links and cords and other stuff (there was one thing I haven't found anything on I witnessed on the astral from one of these people as an attack to influence someone)
Often times they will try to project thoughts and other things to get you on the enemy side. It does not work if your aware and notice it and remove this stuff but on regular people it can work. Most of these people also drain people's energies some so badly a person can suffer health symptoms and being tired all the time other cases are more mild but it should be watched out for.
slyscorpion said:
tabby said:
slyscorpion said:
You have to make sure you don't think of the person as a friend or welcome on the subconscious too or this is more likely get through anyways not all the time but sometimes especially if you have deep emotional connections to that person.

So maybe do workings to fix that too on a subconscious level if you think you have this problem.

I honestly think this is the case in most people that report protection didn't stop it. Either that or it's weak and not built up much yet.

Thank you for the working though this is helpful.

Learning to trust your gut and intuition when something feels off about a person even if there's no obvious reason why there might be something wrong with them, is good practice too since chances are it might save you from a toxic connection. I believe the Fighting Back meditation can help with thinking of someone as "friend"/"welcomed" etc. When I've used it on a known toxic person who had formed attachments to me, my thoughts and feelings towards them became cold.

If you're very empathetic it can be difficult not to accidentally form attachments if you haven't yet learned how to manage it.

I'm glad this is helpful.

The people you have to watch out for is the shabbos goy or spiritual Jews.

I call those people spiritual Jews for the most part I add the word spiritual because they are gentiles by genetics usually. They are so taken in by the enemy stuff they become like a robot and empty and soulless on the surface their entire being becomes repeating robotic prayers conversion stuff and propaganda in even conversations about regular stuff like they will insert things like "humanity is sinful" or "the book of Matthew says blah blah blah" etc just in normal conversations not even about religion some take on what looks like Jewish features if they are very taken over but more often just a pasty empty fake look to their person and the person looks fake. Many of these people have health problems or are strongly overweight.

Those are the people to watch out for make sure you do extra protection if you need to spend time around one of them for some reason. Just being in their presence can be dangerous as I found out the hard way (when my girlfriend almost got lost to Xtianity for awhile)

These people's souls often try to consume you with gross enemy energies and also astral links and cords and other stuff (there was one thing I haven't found anything on I witnessed on the astral from one of these people as an attack to influence someone)
Often times they will try to project thoughts and other things to get you on the enemy side. It does not work if your aware and notice it and remove this stuff but on regular people it can work. Most of these people also drain people's energies some so badly a person can suffer health symptoms and being tired all the time other cases are more mild but it should be watched out for.

Most regular people not on the enemy side will not harm you that much to hang out with or talk to be friends with whatever. I wanted to add this.
I would like to add a very important aspect about entities and other thoughtforms.

Even the layers of energy of enemy curses as well personal action from entities focus on creating a particular set of incentives for the opening of the victim.

That is creating fear, which many times is not consciously known. They create fear as a means of depleting the energy. When you become scared, alerted or develop obsessive, compulsive behavior your energy leaves exactly by the head, back of the body, shoulders and hands.

This can be even a small preoccupation of certain negativities, which makes the mind find patterns of confirmation and develop a set of expectations from which an entity can create events or siphon as much as it can, doing it a lot of times they enslave the individual in patterns of behavior and emotional manifestation.

The above is an indirect attack which is a long term goal.

A direct attack can also take place, which will focus on creating a lot of stress in the shortest time possible, depleting the energies grown even for weeks.

As stated in this topic, all of the above must be done and also an intended fearless aspect must be pursued.

Do not fear, and control your body and psyche. By default you will create fear, yet you need to know how to manage it.
Something I'd like to add, which should also be kept in mind.

I think some people mistake a craving for energy with being drained. I've never encountered a psychic vampire that would actually pose a threat or be a significant problem. More often than not they are a minor nuisance that drains your aura to some extent, but rarely to a damaging or serious extent.

Elaborating on the above, as one heals and opens their soul, one begins to crave more and more energy, and this craving may manifest in feeling exhausted, depleted or "drained". This is much more likely the case than you being drained by a parasitic entity. And simply a sign from within that it's time to step up meditation and energy intake.
NakedPluto said:
I would like to add a very important aspect about entities and other thoughtforms.

Even the layers of energy of enemy curses as well personal action from entities focus on creating a particular set of incentives for the opening of the victim.

That is creating fear, which many times is not consciously known. They create fear as a means of depleting the energy. When you become scared, alerted or develop obsessive, compulsive behavior your energy leaves exactly by the head, back of the body, shoulders and hands.

This can be even a small preoccupation of certain negativities, which makes the mind find patterns of confirmation and develop a set of expectations from which an entity can create events or siphon as much as it can, doing it a lot of times they enslave the individual in patterns of behavior and emotional manifestation.

The above is an indirect attack which is a long term goal.

A direct attack can also take place, which will focus on creating a lot of stress in the shortest time possible, depleting the energies grown even for weeks.

As stated in this topic, all of the above must be done and also an intended fearless aspect must be pursued.

Do not fear, and control your body and psyche. By default you will create fear, yet you need to know how to manage it.

That explains a lot for what I've gone through in regards to entities and such, even some really bad attachments.

Dahaarkan said:
Something I'd like to add, which should also be kept in mind.

I think some people mistake a craving for energy with being drained. I've never encountered a psychic vampire that would actually pose a threat or be a significant problem. More often than not they are a minor nuisance that drains your aura to some extent, but rarely to a damaging or serious extent.

Elaborating on the above, as one heals and opens their soul, one begins to crave more and more energy, and this craving may manifest in feeling exhausted, depleted or "drained". This is much more likely the case than you being drained by a parasitic entity. And simply a sign from within that it's time to step up meditation and energy intake.

Thank you both for adding these comments here. This is a great side-by-side I think to help others understand if they are being drained from an external source (external meaning not themselves), or if their body is just in need of more energy input, and help them understand where to direct their actions and energy to best help their situation.

Awesome guys :)
NakedPluto said:
As stated in this topic, all of the above must be done and also an intended fearless aspect must be pursued.

Do not fear, and control your body and psyche. By default you will create fear, yet you need to know how to manage it.

That sounds like a job for one's Saturn energies, and for Nauthiz. Perhaps Nauthiz can be used on a short-term basis to mitigate any fear, as well.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=342455 time=1649338090 user_id=21286]
NakedPluto said:
As stated in this topic, all of the above must be done and also an intended fearless aspect must be pursued.

Do not fear, and control your body and psyche. By default you will create fear, yet you need to know how to manage it.

That sounds like a job for one's Saturn energies, and for Nauthiz. Perhaps Nauthiz can be used on a short-term basis to mitigate any fear, as well.

Yes, also reverse sithali, exhaling the fear out. A lot of ways to manage things like these.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
