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Slavery, disease, death: the dark side of the Christopher Columbus s

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Jul 3, 2005
On Monday, the United States will observe Columbus Day, schools and banks closing and parades marching in honor of the man who, as we all learned in school, discovered America in 1492.

And according to The Oatmeal's Matthew Inman, Columbus Day is a dangerous farce.
Inman contends in his current strip on The Oatmeal, a humor/political commentary website, that the legends we believe about Columbus are not only misleading but grossly unfair. He cites primary sources and journals recounted in Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States" and James Lowewen's "Lies My Teacher Told Me" to dispel the traditional narrative of Columbus as brave traveler who connected the Old World and the New.

Here are a few of The Oatmeal's conclusions about Christopher Columbus:

• In 1492, no one actually thought the earth was flat. "Pretty much anyone with an education knew the earth was round. The Greeks had proved it 2,000 years before Columbus was born."

• Columbus didn't actually "discover" the New World. Not only were there natives living in the Americas for 14,000 years, Leif Ericson found the same territory 500 years before Columbus.

• Columbus wanted gold, and lots of it. His initial ideas for a new trade route to Asia fell by the wayside as he realized how much gold was available in the New World.

• The natives would provide little resistance. According to his own journal, Columbus believed the indigenous Lucayans would not be a significant challenge. "I could conquer the whole of them with fifty men," he wrote, "and govern them as I pleased."

• For his second visit, Columbus armed for war. When Columbus returned to the New World, he brought 17 ships and 1,500 men.

• Columbus treated the natives brutally. Columbus demanded treasure, food and sex for his men, and when the Lucayans refused, he ordered their noses and ears cut off to serve as a warning.

• Columbus treated his conquered people harshly. When the Lucayans rebelled, Columbus crushed the rebellion and carted off 500 Lucayans to be sold into slavery in Europe.

• Columbus disrupted the entire economy of three continents. Post-Columbian disease and starvation killed three to five million people over the next fifty years. And the influx of gold disrupted the global economy to the point that African slaves became a dominant commodity.

In short, The Oatmeal contends, Columbus "discovered the New World much like a meteorite discovered the dinosaurs," and yet is still honored with a federal holiday. Making the point impossible to miss: "The father of the transatlantic slave trade is honored on the same level as Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr."
As a replacement, The Oatmeal suggests Bartolome de los Casas, a wealthy plantation owner who sold off his holdings, freed his slaves, turned to the priesthood, and fought for the dignity of native Americans.
In other words, The Oatmeal suggests, Columbus Day might be worth celebrating if it were named for someone else.

http://news.yahoo.com/slavery--disease- ... 53979.html
I viewed that as a day off from school.  Always the second Monday in October, Columbus Day meant a three day weekend.  Postal service is closed.  The banks are closed.  Yet Kike Street is opened for the kikes to give stocks their daily artificial boost.  (And silver its artificial smackdown.)
Any dodo knows Columbus didn't come to America first.  The Vikings were far earlier, and they took a far more difficult route in the far North where it was really cold.  All Columbus wanted was to plunder the gold of the Natives and make itself rich.  I wonder how long Pansy Columbus would have survived had that thing had to take the northern route via Greenland.
Long before, Native Americans migrated here.  Most migrated via the Bering Strait during the Ice Age when there was a land bridge there--Cherokees included (which shoots that bullshit about Cherokees having jewish blood right out the window because, if they had any, they never would have made it under those conditions.)  It was long known that the earth was a globe, not a platter.  And I am not doubting evidence that White people were in America even earlier.
They worship that asshole Columbus.  Yet, where is the veneration for people that deserve it?  Thomas Jefferson?  Andrew Jackson?  George Washington?  And, most of all, Adolf Hitler?  I bet Hitler would not have needed to plunder the land for gold, abuse the natives, and support the cat lick church back home as columbus did.
"The father of the transatlantic slave trade is honored on the same level as Martin Luther King Jr."
That's fitting two agents of the kosher cabal should be remembered side by side. The real history of what happened is the jooz where in the mix from the start many of Columbus's ships where crypto jews.  And the jews settled in on mass in S.America and became the ruling caste they still hold such positions in many S.American places. The jews later crossed Columbus and cut him out of the deal. The reason many jews came in was the situation in Spain. They also washed up in N.America as the Dutch East India Company and in New Amsterdam and New Port Rhode Island. 
Its no mistake the slave trade in N.America  heart was New Port the same place the very first synagogue was built. Because the jews where running the African slave trade.  The brewers where also jews. The Dutch governor forbade the jews from doing business with the Dutch in the New World as they where so corrupt in dealings. So the jews started selling whiskey and beads to the Amerindians. And fucking them over and getting them hooked on booze to then extort them. The Amerinidains had enough and started attacking the European settlements enraged over the scams. And this started a lot of fighting between the two groups.
Spain was the strong arm of the Catholic Church and the Catholic Church was in the mix [its a jew operation] the main interest was in waging racial and cultural extermination policies against the inhabitants. Like everywhere the Church goes. This is what the jews do under their secular xianity of Communism as well.
America was still sitting on the primordial knowledge from the Golden Age. The Aryans where they over 20,000 years ago and in many place where in the America's several thousand years before the Amerindians crossed the straits. This is recorded in archeology genetics and anthropology. Many of the Amerindian tribes ancient records state coming across Aryan peoples already here in their migrations. In some cases they simply attacked them over ran them by larger numbers and killed the Aryans off. In some cases they intermixed with them.
They was still purely White tribes living on the Pacific Cost anciently up till the 1700's.
The jews-Vatican wanted the knowledge and its cultures gone like everywhere else.
The Pirate flag is a Templar flag as the Templar's starting raiding the Spanish main to drain the Catholic Church and their Spanish imperial strong arm. The Templars had war fleets along with merchant fleets. The skull and bones is a Templar symbol they flew it on their ships to let the Vatican know just who was sticking it to them. As they had been fighting the church from the start.  And never forgave them for Friday the 13th. They where behind moving Europe out of the Churches rule.
This is why the Spanish armada crossed the channel into England in 1588. It was a Papal sanctioned crusade against England. They had 30,000 Catholic troops on the ships to force England back to Catholic Church. England which was a Templar base. Its my opinion the Spanish fleet was destroyed by occult power as the lodges where full that time and the church  would have planned the invasion with proper weather and star time. The defeat of the Spanish forces was one of the greatest military defeats the Church was ever dealt. The entire Catholic army went to the bottom of the ocean.

On Thursday, December 5, 2013 9:49:45 AM, "denniswhicher@..." <denniswhicher@... wrote:
  I viewed that as a day off from school.  Always the second Monday in October, Columbus Day meant a three day weekend.  Postal service is closed.  The banks are closed.  Yet Kike Street is opened for the kikes to give stocks their daily artificial boost.  (And silver its artificial smackdown.)
Any dodo knows Columbus didn't come to America first.  The Vikings were far earlier, and they took a far more difficult route in the far North where it was really cold.  All Columbus wanted was to plunder the gold of the Natives and make itself rich.  I wonder how long Pansy Columbus would have survived had that thing had to take the northern route via Greenland.
Long before, Native Americans migrated here.  Most migrated via the Bering Strait during the Ice Age when there was a land bridge there--Cherokees included (which shoots that bullshit about Cherokees having jewish blood right out the window because, if they had any, they never would have made it under those conditions.)  It was long known that the earth was a globe, not a platter.  And I am not doubting evidence that White people were in America even earlier.
They worsh[/IMG][/url] Sw[/IMG]

The defeat of the Catholic forces in 1588 is a reason the enemy does not want Gentiles to have spiritual knowledge and power because they can't enslave people. The Third Reich was also another situation of Gentiles adepts defeating the enemy and building a society based on truth. See how the jews reacted to that . They started a world war to destroy the 3rd Reich. And even with the world against the Reich they still almost lost the war.

On , Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
"The father of the transatlantic slave trade is honored on the same level as Martin Luther King Jr."
That's fitting two agents of the kosher cabal should be remembered side by side. The real history of what happened is the jooz where in the mix from the start many of Columbus's ships where crypto jews.  And the jews settled in on mass in S.America and became the ruling caste they still hold such positions in many S.American places. The jews later crossed Columbus and cut him out of the deal. The reason many jews came in was the situation in Spain. They also washed up in N.America as the Dutch East India Company and in New Amsterdam and New Port Rhode Island. 
Its no mistake the slave trade in N.America  heart was New Port the same place the very first synagogue was built. Because the jews where running the African slave trade.  The brewers where also jews. The Dutch governor forbade the jews from doing business with the Dutch in the New World as they where so corrupt in dealings. So the jews started selling whiskey and beads to the Amerindians. And fucking them over and getting them hooked on booze to then extort them. The Amerinidains had enough and started attacking the European settlements enraged over the scams. And this started a lot of fighting between the two groups.
Spain was the strong arm of the Catholic Church and the Catholic Church was in the mix [its a jew operation] the main interest was in waging racial and cultural extermination policies against the inhabitants. Like everywhere the Church goes. This is what the jews do under their secular xianity of Communism as well.
America was still sitting on the primordial knowledge from the Golden Age. The Aryans where they over 20,000 years ago and in many place where in the America's several thousand years before the Amerindians crossed the straits. This is recorded in archeology genetics and anthropology. Many of the Amerindian tribes ancient records state coming across Aryan peoples already here in their migrations. In some cases they simply attacked them over ran them by larger numbers and killed the Aryans off. In some cases they intermixed with them.
They was still purely White tribes living on the Pacific Cost anciently up till the 1700's.
The jews-Vatican wanted the knowledge and its cultures gone like everywhere else.
The Pirate flag is a Templar flag as the Templar's starting raiding the Spanish main to drain the Catholic Church and their Spanish imperial strong arm. The Templars had war fleets along with merchant fleets. The skull and bones is a Templar symbol they flew it on their ships to let the Vatican know just who was sticking it to them. As they had been fighting the church from the start.  And never forgave them for Friday the 13th. They where behind moving Europe out of the Churches rule.
This is why the Spanish armada crossed the channel into England in 1588. It was a Papal sanctioned crusade against England. They had 30,000 Catholic troops on the ships to force England back to Catholic Church. England which was a Templar base. Its my opinion the Spanish fleet was destroyed by occult power as the lodges where full that time and the church  would have planned the invasion with proper weather and star time. The defeat of the Spanish forces was one of the greatest military defeats the Church was ever dealt. The entire Catholic army went to the bottom of the ocean.

On Thursday, December 5, 2013 9:49:45 AM, "denniswhicher@..." <denniswhicher@... wrote:
  I viewed that as a day off from school.  Always the second Monday in October, Columbus Day meant a three day weekend.  Postal service is closed.  The banks are closed.  Yet Kike Street is opened for the kikes to give stocks their daily artificial boost.  (And silver its artificial smackdown.)
Any dodo knows Columbus didn't come to America first.  The Vikings were far earlier, and they took a far more difficult route in the far North where it was really cold.  All Columbus wanted was to plunder the gold of the Natives and make itself rich.  I wonder how long Pansy Columbus would have survived had that thing had to take the northern route via Greenland.
Long before, Native Americans migrated here.  Most migrated via the Bering Strait during the Ice Age when there was a land bridge there--Cherokees included (which shoots that bullshit about Cherokees having jewish blood right out the window because, if they had any, they never would have made it under those conditions.)  It was long known that the earth was a globe, not a platter.  And I am not doubting evidence that White people were in America even earlier.
They worsh[/IMG][/url] Sw[/IMG]

I do think that modern England was partially founded (certainly controlled at one point) by the Templars. There's a reason the English flag is a red cross on a white background, just like the Templar symbol. King Henry the 8th is famous for breaking England away from the catholic church in the early 1500's too, having all their monasteries burnt and all their gold melted down and taken for himself. Kinda awesome to think us Gentiles had that much power back then :)

On Thursday, December 5, 2013 4:42 PM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  The defeat of the Catholic forces in 1588 is a reason the enemy does not want Gentiles to have spiritual knowledge and power because they can't enslave people. The Third Reich was also another situation of Gentiles adepts defeating the enemy and building a society based on truth. See how the jews reacted to that . They started a world war to destroy the 3rd Reich. And even with the world against the Reich they still almost lost the war.

On , Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
"The father of the transatlantic slave trade is honored on the same level as Martin Luther King Jr."
That's fitting two agents of the kosher cabal should be remembered side by side. The real history of what happened is the jooz where in the mix from the start many of Columbus's ships where crypto jews.  And the jews settled in on mass in S.America and became the ruling caste they still hold such positions in many S.American places. The jews later crossed Columbus and cut him out of the deal. The reason many jews came in was the situation in Spain. They also washed up in N.America as the Dutch East India Company and in New Amsterdam and New Port Rhode Island. 
Its no mistake the slave trade in N.America  heart was New Port the same place the very first synagogue was built. Because the jews where running the African slave trade.  The brewers where also jews. The Dutch governor forbade the jews from doing business with the Dutch in the New World as they where so corrupt in dealings. So the jews started selling whiskey and beads to the Amerindians. And fucking them over and getting them hooked on booze to then extort them. The Amerinidains had enough and started attacking the European settlements enraged over the scams. And this started a lot of fighting between the two groups.
Spain was the strong arm of the Catholic Church and the Catholic Church was in the mix [its a jew operation] the main interest was in waging racial and cultural extermination policies against the inhabitants. Like everywhere the Church goes. This is what the jews do under their secular xianity of Communism as well.
America was still sitting on the primordial knowledge from the Golden Age. The Aryans where they over 20,000 years ago and in many place where in the America's several thousand years before the Amerindians crossed the straits. This is recorded in archeology genetics and anthropology. Many of the Amerindian tribes ancient records state coming across Aryan peoples already here in their migrations. In some cases they simply attacked them over ran them by larger numbers and killed the Aryans off. In some cases they intermixed with them.
They was still purely White tribes living on the Pacific Cost anciently up till the 1700's.
The jews-Vatican wanted the knowledge and its cultures gone like everywhere else.
The Pirate flag is a Templar flag as the Templar's starting raiding the Spanish main to drain the Catholic Church and their Spanish imperial strong arm. The Templars had war fleets along with merchant fleets. The skull and bones is a Templar symbol they flew it on their ships to let the Vatican know just who was sticking it to them. As they had been fighting the church from the start.  And never forgave them for Friday the 13th. They where behind moving Europe out of the Churches rule.
This is why the Spanish armada crossed the channel into England in 1588. It was a Papal sanctioned crusade against England. They had 30,000 Catholic troops on the ships to force England back to Catholic Church. England which was a Templar base. Its my opinion the Spanish fleet was destroyed by occult power as the lodges where full that time and the church  would have planned the invasion with proper weather and star time. The defeat of the Spanish forces was one of the greatest military defeats the Church was ever dealt. The entire Catholic army went to the bottom of the ocean.

On Thursday, December 5, 2013 9:49:45 AM, "denniswhicher@..." <denniswhicher@... wrote:
  I viewed that as a day off from school.  Always the second Monday in October, Columbus Day meant a three day weekend.  Postal service is closed.  The banks are closed.  Yet Kike Street is opened for the kikes to give stocks their daily artificial boost.  (And silver its artificial smackdown.)
Any dodo knows Columbus didn't come to America first.  The Vikings were far earlier, and they took a far more difficult route in the far North where it was really cold.  All Columbus wanted was to plunder the gold of the Natives and make itself rich.  I wonder how long Pansy Columbus would have survived had that thing had to take the northern route via Greenland.
Long before, Native Americans migrated here.  Most migrated via the Bering Strait during the Ice Age when there was a land bridge there--Cherokees included (which shoots that bullshit about Cherokees having jewish blood right out the window because, if they had any, they never would have made it under those conditions.)  It was long known that the earth was a globe, not a platter.  And I am not doubting evidence that White people were in America even earlier.
They worsh[/IMG][/url] Sw[/IMG]

It sickens me how much shit is being taught (more like enforced) in our schools. It sickens me even more to watch my classmates succumb to it. Also, class can be so boring, that almost everyone zones out, making it more likely for lies to stick to their subconscious minds. I hate how all the wrong people are being praised.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
