RosieJohnson said:
I really need help
I am on step 1 and step 2.... i feel pressure middle forhead when I do third eye but for sixth chakra i don't feel anything ... i don't feel bliss?
This is day 1.. says to do for 7 days
.. maybe thats why
I am just panicking that nothing is going to happen and it won't work... i really want to commuincate with demons and help
You need to slow down and not set your expectations so high. Advancing takes time and it took many of us years to even get to where we are in advancement. You are protected by Satan and you have an entire lifetime to devote towards your progress. If you rush or go too quickly you might do more harm than good and even set yourself back. It will take time before you actually start feeling energy and it will take a while more for you to familiarize yourself with it.
It took me about a year until I was able to finally start feeling the results of my workings when I was new. I wondered if I was even doing anything because I couldn't feel or sense it, turns out I just needed to keep trying until I was powerful enough to feel it. Just because you don't feel anything now doesn't mean you aren't doing anything or making any progress. I can assure you that your meditations
are working and it's simply going to take time, patience and devotion until you become powerful enough to feel the energy.
So take a deep breath and just keep trying. You should be working on only one chakra at a time. If you try to multitask and work on more than one thing at once then you spread your energy too thin and your working won't be very effective. You should keep focused on one thing at a time. It's good that you feel the pressure in your forehead though that means you're definitely making progress on your third eye.