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Signs the current invasion in Ukraine was pre-planned to start WW3

The Alchemist7 [JG]

Head of Translations
Nov 17, 2017
[email protected]
I thought since the invasion started that this is nothing but jewish attempt to start WW3 and I will post a few points that might indicate that course of action.

- Cheap political talk from the Russian authorities
Things like `Ukraine must be de-millitarized` or `desnazified` are not strong enough reasons to invade Ukraine from all sides, especially given that the russian army has been boming civilian points like hospitals and rezidential areas. These are not „reasons” in the first place but just political trash talk and bias by a jew blaming the Nazis for a war that he was most likely ordered to start, and by Nazis I don't imply that there is any legitimate Nazi at the head of Ukraine because that country is ruled by a jewish puppet government of the West. Also, what kind of `millitary` Ukraine has that Putin deemed too dangerous that he had to order invasion? His statement was that `Russia was left with no choice`. Is the number #22 army in the world so dangerous that the number #2 army felt desperate? It would have made sense the other way around. The attacks have definitely been totally disproportionate with these statements of those who ordered the attacks.

- It's been only a few days since the invasion started and Russian authorities already threatened with nuclear warfare
In wake of West sanctions, Putin stated the Nuclear forces have been set on high alert, and another Russian Minister (I think the Minister of Defence) bragged on TV about how Russia owns the most powerful and advanced nuclear cappabilities in the world. This is obviously directed to the West and is expected that this game of threats and sanctions to escalate given that no side is giving up in their conflictual statements. I find it shocking how only in a few days it all turned from `peace` to invasion and then to nuclear threats. It makes me think that jews don't need any spiritual power to do these things, is enought that they have their people in the power positions and all needed is some orders to organize and start the operations.

- racial jew Zelinskyy urges European Union to accept Ukraine as member as soon as possible
At a first glance one might say the aim of this is to attract free EU funds in Ukraine to help rebuild after war is over. However if Ukraine becomes an EU member state and an EU member state is being attacked by Russia, then all the other members are expected to step in and this greatly contribute to the economic side which is already aggravated considering the removal of Russian banks from SWIFT which according to news channels, means that no goods can be purchased anymore by and from Russia, which halts imports and exports and will lead to massive economic problems if continued. This will also lead to issues in the energetic areas considering that much of Europe depends of Russian gas and petrol, especially Germany. If the supply of gas and petrol from Russia is stopped, it can lead to shortages, probably massive blackouts, decreasing of industrial productivity and therefore economic crisis. These can be the outcomes of banning Russia from the main inter-bank global transaction platform SWIFT, which will greatly contribute to tensions between Russia and Europe.

- Germany considers to start investing 2% of GDP (over $100 billion) on millitary technique to strenghten their army
What is the point to consider investing so much money into millitary equipment if you know you are never going to use it?
"We have to ask ourselves – what capacities does Putin’s Russia have and which capacities do we need to counter his threats?" Scholz said in front of parliament Sunday.
Germany hikes defense spending over 2% of GDP after Russian aggression

- Pressure from the racial jew Zelinskyy to NATO member states to get involved
It is obvious the Ukraine soldiers can at maximum defend their cities for a certain period of time, I doubt they have any power to fight back or to kick the Russian army out. Most likely Zelinskyy is aware of the `galactic` difference between the Russian and Ukrainian army. In this case he should have done his best to stop the war and try to fulfill what Russia demanded and accept that the `war` was lost from the beginning.

Instead, the jew Zelinskyy keeps sending white Ukrainians to death while he lives like a king in his underground bunker and also he begs NATO forces to step in and help Ukraine to kick the Russians out, a move which will automatically trigger a large scale conflict as Russia will have justification to bomb the countries that sent soldiers in Ukraine, in which case these countries will react back by boming Russia. Nobody can say that Zelinskyy is an `Ukrainian nationalist` and couldn't accept to lose because he is a racial jew and automatically doesn't have any patriotic attachment to Ukraine. In my opinion, his role in this war is to keep feeding it with his statements on how Ukraine must keep fighting but as I said this war was lost even before being started because the two sides are completely unbalanced millitarily.

- Mass media creating two sides
Russia is being villified and Putin is considered the new Hitler (which is plainly stupid and completely contradicts the history) so most people now hate Russia and think NATO is the only force that can counter it given the reports mass media displays which focus on emotions and simpathy for the displaced Ukrainians and the ones injured from the war. Probably this is the ultimate aim, to get NATO involved and people to accept and even encourage it based on the emotional reports from the news.

I don't know if the Astarte ritual is desgined for Astarte Herself to somehow get involved in this spiritually but I still consider the war prevention RTRs would have been an option too, or maybe the placements were not fit for them. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to be an exclusively isolated conflict solely between Russia and Ukraine. At least it wasn't meant to be given how the events went in the last few days.
Putin needs to be stopped asap by any means possible in my mind. I am kind of worried about the Nuclear thing. Remember I was telling people I saw the world with darkened skies and it was cold out and windy at a time it was supposed to be warm. In a post awhile back as something that would happen in the future. I wasn't thinking about it that much but now I am worried a little.

Let's hope not.
slyscorpion said:
Putin needs to be stopped asap by any means possible in my mind. I am kind of worried about the Nuclear thing. Remember I was telling people I saw the world with darkened skies and it was cold out and windy at a time it was supposed to be warm. In a post awhile back as something that would happen in the future. I wasn't thinking about it that much but now I am worried a little.

Let's hope not.

Their was a threat of emp by china they probably threaten each year but , if you saw something than maybe that's what it was, an the reptilians in china are siding with Russia, they might do a nuclear attack,I'm hearing it more an more as the days go by,an biden is practically egging them on,if it does happen the reptiles will probably do everything possible to make as much casualties as they can,filthy reptiles jews
Satnam666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Putin needs to be stopped asap by any means possible in my mind. I am kind of worried about the Nuclear thing. Remember I was telling people I saw the world with darkened skies and it was cold out and windy at a time it was supposed to be warm. In a post awhile back as something that would happen in the future. I wasn't thinking about it that much but now I am worried a little.

Let's hope not.

Their was a threat of emp by china they probably threaten each year but , if you saw something than maybe that's what it was, an the reptilians in china are siding with Russia, they might do a nuclear attack,I'm hearing it more an more as the days go by,an biden is practically egging them on,if it does happen the reptiles will probably do everything possible to make as much casualties as they can,filthy reptiles jews

Maxine said in around 2011 that she was informed that a nuke would be used. So I think it probably will happen. Would be nice if it was pissrael it landed on though. 🇮🇱💩
Russia and China currently are not prepared well enough to start a war. They will try in 2024 and I 2026. I mostly agree with Joel Skousen's analysis on this.
We need to have trust. The God's said to Hoodedcobra that it would be useless to do the anti-war Rtr's and I belive that. The Astarte ritual is used to manifest her power fully in this world.

This will help destroy the enemy, this does not mean that war's will not happen or bad things in general but SS's will be protected as long as you do what you need to do. Years of curses cannot be destroyed so quickly and without side effects. We will win but the side effects will happen, unfortunately.
luis said:
We need to have trust. The God's said to Hoodedcobra that it would be useless to do the anti-war Rtr's and I belive that. The Astarte ritual is used to manifest her power fully in this world.

This will help destroy the enemy, this does not mean that war's will not happen or bad things in general but SS's will be protected as long as you do what you need to do. Years of curses cannot be destroyed so quickly and without side effects. We will win but the side effects will happen, unfortunately.

Well to add perspective to the antiwar rtrs being useless. They are related to a completly different situation and more targeted towards Syria and the middle east. The verses that we would be reversing there do not relate to this situation very well. So it probably wouldn't do much.

Just wanted to add this.
slyscorpion said:
luis said:
We need to have trust. The God's said to Hoodedcobra that it would be useless to do the anti-war Rtr's and I belive that. The Astarte ritual is used to manifest her power fully in this world.

This will help destroy the enemy, this does not mean that war's will not happen or bad things in general but SS's will be protected as long as you do what you need to do. Years of curses cannot be destroyed so quickly and without side effects. We will win but the side effects will happen, unfortunately.

Well to add perspective to the antiwar rtrs being useless. They are related to a completly different situation and more targeted towards Syria and the middle east. The verses that we would be reversing there do not relate to this situation very well. So it probably wouldn't do much.

Just wanted to add this.
Yeah you are totally right too.
I don't know if the Astarte ritual is desgined for Astarte Herself to somehow get involved in this spiritually but I still consider the war prevention RTRs would have been an option too, or maybe the placements were not fit for them. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to be an exclusively isolated conflict solely between Russia and Ukraine. At least it wasn't meant to be given how the events went in the last few days.

Yes, it is specifically designed to that end as explained in another reply.

All of this is unfortunately pre-planned same as many other "events".

The enemy, aware of their impending exposure, was planning to cause a series of events to prevent and subvert this.

These cannot be stopped. This is a 10 year old charter and agenda being played. This was planned as early as 2010.
Was in the ME in 2015 are too small compared to these events.

These events, represent in a sense, karmically speaking, a comet. While guns and general weaponry work in other circumstances, or even nukes, the event of a big event such as a comet, is not something that is easily escapable. The best bet is to stay out of it's vicnity, not try to merely "fight it".

As I have explained, the ugly reality is that this bullshit curses that go all the way up to the enemy, have been charged by foolish people - from Gods know when - hundreds and hundreds of years. Everyone here knows what these are, we have worked a lot to de-synchronize and destroy that "clockwork".

And we have done a tremendous job in offsetting much of this. The "program" of the enemy is crashing upon itself. It is through the cracks of this program that the new plan will be initiated.

The thing the RTR's and our Gods will reassure is that they will turn sour for the enemy and not as expected. Azazel told us this and gave us elaborate instructions as early as 2018 and 2019. The Gods can see ahead, and they knew.

We are continuing with the schedules and everything to accelerate and blunt as much as possible, and invoke the power of the Gods here to act to protection and benefit. The larger torrent of negativity is however still at work. It is the consequential result of a lot of mistakes by humanity.

The situation of this world is at the hands of the Gods at this point more than it is on human hands. We too, are on their hands, so there is nothing to worry about here, and everyone must maintain a very positive mindset - or at least detach from fear and false notions of "end" etc etc. This does not exist.

We have told you with HPS Maxine. This is not because of what "we" wanted or anyone else wanted. We have seen the astrological setups of the planets and unavoidable setups - in fact, we have been going better than expected. Much of this was planned for 2021, but we have delayed this, and therefore, the event is now moved one year later with lesser effectiveness.

A war in 2021 would have meant the end of the United States - we never lived to see this. Now, this event has been trying to bloom in 2022, but thankfully, not inside the catastrophic previous year.

This is the enemy agenda that has been planned. The plan isn't really going to the letter, nor it's producing the desired outcomes for the enemy - but they WILL insist, because there is no other way for them. They are running out of time, and if the emergence of specific developments such as technological and otherwise, is not "halted", they will be lost and they know it.

A simple example here is "social media". This is the first actual war of magnitude where the public can really look into information. Even if false, we can find out and connect dots - dots that lead to the enemy. That is catastrophic for the enemy who is literally a middle ages slavery practice imposer. If this goes on, how many will any longer be fooled from this? They know there this ends.

They don't like this. They want control before it is too late for them. But they will fail in the end.

This does not only involve Klaus Schwab and his outspoken planning, but more than this. The Co-Vid, which was the first card, did severely fail with catastrophic outcomes. So now they run plan "B" with this.

The way this is going to drop, is by long spiritual warfare and handling this wave. We do our part for years and the Gods will do the rest. The enemy, due to human stupidity, does have a lot of influence right now to be stopped by small means.

Even though most people have deprogrammed or they are at the all time of exposure, the 10 year charter plan they have is still in application, therefore, they will do their best to implement it, even if this means failure for them and their destruction. Or them being weakened to an extent never seen before in recent history.

This is also quite beyond mere "Torah" bullshit magick, which is beyond even the enemy. Bigger forces are at work now. These idiots can only go "That" far.

The Gods are above the situation, and they have been, and that's the reason we have here been prepared for this. They have also protected and will safeguard our own from this situation.

After this, new and other terms are going to be at play, but not before this. That's the reality. We are also on the level of spiritual power that is more than enough to collectively protect ourselves and we have been doing all the necessary work as instructed.
slyscorpion said:
Putin needs to be stopped asap by any means possible in my mind. I am kind of worried about the Nuclear thing. Remember I was telling people I saw the world with darkened skies and it was cold out and windy at a time it was supposed to be warm. In a post awhile back as something that would happen in the future. I wasn't thinking about it that much but now I am worried a little.

Let's hope not.

Putin is neither all good nor all bad, to be contrary in his interviews he is among one of the strongest and more intelligent of the current world leaders in existence. I just found new information of him speaking poorly on communism and liberal democracy. I use to think of Putin as an absolutely terrible being as well. But considering all sides, and whatever plays the leaders have up front, we really can’t know what the true behind the scenes intentions are of most things. Both sides of wars have been funded in the past to pitfall countries by the banks, and this is why decentralized currency was important. At the very least, as far as I know decentralized currency has been of interest to Putin and not to centralize it. There’s a lot of shit out there that contradicts facts so if there’s anything that contradicts it I have not had the time to look it up. I find myself these days having no fully formed opinions on a lot of things.

Which I don’t like. Strong beliefs on subjects are important for identity and strength against corruption. At least my spiritual beliefs are solidified. Whatever anyone believes it’s not wrong to hold on to.
The actual reason for this war, from a geopolitical perspective is America's withdrawal from the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty in 2019. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intermediate-Range_Nuclear_Forces_Treaty

If Ukraine joined NATO, and the US deploys land-based intermediate and short-range missiles in Ukraine, meaning just 500 kilometers from Moscow, Russia would become practically defenseless from a nuclear attack. https://warontherocks.com/2022/01/w...iles-are-a-focal-point-in-the-ukraine-crisis/

Russia's only fault, and giant mistake, is that they haven't interfered 8 years ago, to prevent the Euromaidan, which was nothing but a Soros funded military coup. When Victor Yanukovych was a president, during the coup, he asked Russia for military aid. (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26427848) And when you have an official request by the President and the government for military aid against rebel groups, this is is not an invasion, and it's legal according to the international law. Also, the majority of the people of Ukraine would have reacted very differently, especially in the eastern parts, they would have welcomed the Russians.

Another thing the media doesn't tell you is that the Ukrainian army has killed tens of thousands civilians (ethnic Russians) between 2014 and 2022 in the Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics.
There is one "positive" thing about this step of the enemy's plan that wasn't present with the covid step.
When speaking of covid and vaccines, is very, VERY hard to open internet randos' eyes to the hoax. Because it's "Science".
Differently, people seems to understand easier that the "Zelensky is a iper-mega-chad patriottic hero" narrative is a hoax, also because the medias are doing an horrible job spreading fake news and videos, as it's so easy to find the originals... ie, in Italy the medias streamed a scene from the videogame "War Thunder" as if it was a video from Ukraine. There are a lot of examples like this in medias right now, even the most retarded NPC can't argue against that, because you literally show them that half of the "war videos" that medias are spreading right now can be found on the internet where unfortunately for the enemy, everything has a publish date.
slyscorpion said:
Putin needs to be stopped asap by any means possible in my mind. I am kind of worried about the Nuclear thing. Remember I was telling people I saw the world with darkened skies and it was cold out and windy at a time it was supposed to be warm. In a post awhile back as something that would happen in the future. I wasn't thinking about it that much but now I am worried a little.

Let's hope not.

"Bury puts the odds of a nuclear detonation as a result of this crisis at 20 per cent, but points out that it need not lead to all-out nuclear war. Instead, we could see a low-yield device used against the military in Ukraine, or even a large device detonated at sea simply as a show of force."


Let us hope that they do not use nuclear weapons. Or if they do, it will be limited, as the article says. Any nuclear strike, large or small, would be dangerous here in Hungary. And there is also a Hungarian minority in Ukraine.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
All of this is unfortunately pre-planned same as many other "events".


This is also quite beyond mere "Torah" bullshit magick, which is beyond even the enemy. Bigger forces are at work now. These idiots can only go "That" far.


The forces that are behind international judaism, everything/anything that supports them in any way, shape or form,
they need a lot of Satanic Boosters up their asses so they can relax and calm down from their delusions.
They own only as much as the ignorance of their sheeple allow them to.
We don't grant them one inch of anything, because that one inch is better off in our hands.
They are not smarter than us, or more beautiful or capable beings.
A Satanic Leader will burn all their fake papers and contracts in one day and reshape the whole world,
and they can't stop it.
Hail Satan forever.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A simple example here is "social media". This is the first actual war of magnitude where the public can really look into information. Even if false, we can find out and connect dots - dots that lead to the enemy. That is catastrophic for the enemy who is literally a middle ages slavery practice imposer. If this goes on, how many will any longer be fooled from this? They know there this ends

People didn't forget about Palestina and israel https://youtube.com/shorts/MIrmr2ztvmI?feature=share
For two years, the jews have been moving forward like a hot knife in butter. There were signs that they might not succeed in provoking this war. But they managed to start it, like almost every war in history. Apparently they can move the world as they please. (Here in Hungary we still have covid-dictatorship.) It is very likely that Russia and Europe will descend into a war lasting up to a decade. :| America wants to eliminate Europe and Russia so that it can concentrate its forces against China.
Shit! Is this what my dream was about last night? (today rather, working nights) It was nighttime and I was in an area where bombs were dropping and was with people trying to get away from them. They were reminiscent of nukes but not nukes.

If one NATO country gets involved so do the rest. I do hope this will not be the case.
I've got a really ignorant question that I think I know the answer too, but I feel its worth asking anyways.

***, aimed at him alone, be warranted or worth our or anyone's efforts specifically? Since he is also jewish, perhaps if he was focused on specifically when conducting the Shattering-jewish-soul RtR?

I know they always just replace their rotten leaders. Cutting him out of the picture is likely to be like lopping off a hydra's head, it'll just grow two more.

However, if Putin, Biden, or Zelensky are being the instrumental pawns in leading this war antagonization, *** with a destruction ritual? Could their efforts to push us into a war be subverted if we ** of the *** responsible for pushing this so heavily such as those three?
Sundara said:
slyscorpion said:
Putin needs to be stopped asap by any means possible in my mind. I am kind of worried about the Nuclear thing. Remember I was telling people I saw the world with darkened skies and it was cold out and windy at a time it was supposed to be warm. In a post awhile back as something that would happen in the future. I wasn't thinking about it that much but now I am worried a little.

Let's hope not.

Putin is neither all good nor all bad, to be contrary in his interviews he is among one of the strongest and more intelligent of the current world leaders in existence. I just found new information of him speaking poorly on communism and liberal democracy. I use to think of Putin as an absolutely terrible being as well. But considering all sides, and whatever plays the leaders have up front, we really can’t know what the true behind the scenes intentions are of most things. Both sides of wars have been funded in the past to pitfall countries by the banks, and this is why decentralized currency was important. At the very least, as far as I know decentralized currency has been of interest to Putin and not to centralize it. There’s a lot of shit out there that contradicts facts so if there’s anything that contradicts it I have not had the time to look it up. I find myself these days having no fully formed opinions on a lot of things.

Which I don’t like. Strong beliefs on subjects are important for identity and strength against corruption. At least my spiritual beliefs are solidified. Whatever anyone believes it’s not wrong to hold on to.

Putins mother is a kike and this is conformed by many sources this means he is a full Jew according to Judaism. Also he is always hanging around Rabbis.

He may say he's against communism and be more conservative on a pretend basis but I doubt it. Against cultural Marxism I think he might be but that doesn't mean anything good. He could be telling lies and planning something. All Jews lie.

I don't have any more respect for Putin than I have for Biden who it's never been confirmed but he certainly has features like he has Jewish blood.
Yes to some of these points put in does have a point NATO has been placing weapons systems closer and closer to Russia for some time now if Ukraine became member of eu or NATO then they would have military access obviously Russia doesn't want NATO weapons so close to their capital
slyscorpion said:
He may say he's against communism and be more conservative on a pretend basis but I doubt it.

He spoke openly in 2016 about his love of communism:

"'I was not, as you know, a party member by necessity,' he said. 'I liked Communist and socialist ideas very much and I like them still.'

In his speech, Putin insisted he was never just a 'functionary' when it came to party matters and said the Moral Code of the Builder of Communism—a set of rules to be followed by all party members—'resembles the Bible a lot.'"

Putin is not evil, but he is also not good, he is a jew and this needs to be considered.

However, from my understanding he is not directly involved in the enemy agenda, or this is just a huge show and he is just a good actor.

Putin is acting the way he is for a couple of reasons, first Russia has been supporting the eastern independent zones in Ukraine, sending humanitarian help via trucks, and fighting there. This is constantly ripping off resources from Russia and many different capacities.

Secondly, Nato and Russia are still in a kind of a cold war, which is becoming hotter and hotter now.

The USA/Nato agreed not to extend the Nato to the east, to assure Russia‘s safety. They violated this contract, in 5 occasions.
Russia can not have the Nato on its front yard, agreements and contracts are nothing for the Kikes (who obviously run Nato and are in the NWO agenda)

Russia is the only counter force to the Nato. I am not saying Putin is the a good man, he is a jew. But he has done some great uplifting for the Russian people, and improved living standards by a lot in Russia. (Speaking of experience here)

Also, so many ppl blindly hate Putin rn, just like they did with Hitler, the propaganda and manipulation and brain washing is going strong right now. On all sides.

However, if Putin had as much hate as the people who hate him, he would have destroyed the world by now.

I also saw videos of a woman insulting a Russian soldier in the Ukraine, and telling him that she hopes he dies. This man and his colleagues didn’t do anything to that woman, just calmly told her to leave this place now.

I saw videos of Russian soldiers, marching through a city in Ukraine. An Ukrainian citizen recoded that video from a building.
Suddenly all Soldiers abruptly turn around and start shooting a building.
-The most likely reason: someone from that building shot at the Russians, and of course they will retaliate.

The Jew Zelensky makes his people fierce against the Russians, they are so in rage they don’t care to die. They make people hateful, and give them all Weapons - the jew is pulling the citizens into this.

This is why the Russians are attacking more and more civilians now - because they are attacking them.
Ofc the Russians will fire rockets at a building that shooting them.

The only reason why I am sort of supporting towards Russia is, that I can see all the manipulation, propaganda and play of hate/emotions from the western media, esp. Germany.

Germany even subtly said they will prepare for war. Which probably most Germans didn’t pick up, even if they saw and heard then speaking.
In this kike run world, WW3 could emerge at any second now. Either Russia or Nato just need to make a move and it escalates to a global war, and Europe will be the battlefield.
That Zelda bitch is asking the EU to make Ukraine a member state of it with fast-track and immediate procedure, to supposedly protect Ukraine. It looks like Russia will go ahead. This could be dangerous for the EU but also for the whole West. Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov has stated that if there is a third world war, it will be nuclear and potentially catastrophic. It seems obvious to me, when you fight the all out, you will use all your powers and capabilities.

If Russia just wants to restore the Soviet Union, then I wouldn't consider that a problem. It would certainly be a problem if Russia wanted to attack and conquer other states in Europe and the West.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
All of this is unfortunately pre-planned same as many other "events".

The enemy, aware of their impending exposure, was planning to cause a series of events to prevent and subvert this.

These cannot be stopped. This is a 10 year old charter and agenda being played. This was planned as early as 2010.
Was in the ME in 2015 are too small compared to these events.

These events, represent in a sense, karmically speaking, a comet. While guns and general weaponry work in other circumstances, or even nukes, the event of a big event such as a comet, is not something that is easily escapable. The best bet is to stay out of it's vicnity, not try to merely "fight it". M

As I have explained, the ugly reality is that this bullshit curses that go all the way up to the enemy, have been charged by foolish people - from Gods know when - hundreds and hundreds of years. Everyone here knows what these are, we have worked a lot to de-synchronize and destroy that "clockwork".

And we have done a tremendous job in offsetting much of this. The "program" of the enemy is crashing upon itself. It is through the cracks of this program that the new plan will be initiated.

The thing the RTR's and our Gods will reassure is that they will turn sour for the enemy and not as expected. Azazel told us this and gave us elaborate instructions as early as 2018 and 2019. The Gods can see ahead, and they knew.

We are continuing with the schedules and everything to accelerate and blunt as much as possible, and invoke the power of the Gods here to act to protection and benefit. The larger torrent of negativity is however still at work. It is the consequential result of a lot of mistakes by humanity.

The situation of this world is at the hands of the Gods at this point more than it is on human hands. We too, are on their hands, so there is nothing to worry about here, and everyone must maintain a very positive mindset - or at least detach from fear and false notions of "end" etc etc. This does not exist.

We have told you with HPS Maxine. This is not because of what "we" wanted or anyone else wanted. We have seen the astrological setups of the planets and unavoidable setups - in fact, we have been going better than expected. Much of this was planned for 2021, but we have delayed this, and therefore, the event is now moved one year later with lesser effectiveness.

A war in 2021 would have meant the end of the United States - we never lived to see this. Now, this event has been trying to bloom in 2022, but thankfully, not inside the catastrophic previous year.

This is the enemy agenda that has been planned. The plan isn't really going to the letter, nor it's producing the desired outcomes for the enemy - but they WILL insist, because there is no other way for them. They are running out of time, and if the emergence of specific developments such as technological and otherwise, is not "halted", they will be lost and they know it.

A simple example here is "social media". This is the first actual war of magnitude where the public can really look into information. Even if false, we can find out and connect dots - dots that lead to the enemy. That is catastrophic for the enemy who is literally a middle ages slavery practice imposer. If this goes on, how many will any longer be fooled from this? They know there this ends.

They don't like this. They want control before it is too late for them. But they will fail in the end.

This does not only involve Klaus Schwab and his outspoken planning, but more than this. The Co-Vid, which was the first card, did severely fail with catastrophic outcomes. So now they run plan "B" with this.

The way this is going to drop, is by long spiritual warfare and handling this wave. We do our part for years and the Gods will do the rest. The enemy, due to human stupidity, does have a lot of influence right now to be stopped by small means.

Even though most people have deprogrammed or they are at the all time of exposure, the 10 year charter plan they have is still in application, therefore, they will do their best to implement it, even if this means failure for them and their destruction. Or them being weakened to an extent never seen before in recent history.

This is also quite beyond mere "Torah" bullshit magick, which is beyond even the enemy. Bigger forces are at work now. These idiots can only go "That" far.

The Gods are above the situation, and they have been, and that's the reason we have here been prepared for this. They have also protected and will safeguard our own from this situation.

After this, new and other terms are going to be at play, but not before this. That's the reality. We are also on the level of spiritual power that is more than enough to collectively protect ourselves and we have been doing all the necessary work as instructed.

When the enemy has been weakened or annihilated will you be looking to collaborate on a global scale all us witches can do more then spiritual warfare we can replace the Jewish control network with a SS one where we help each other start businesses I'd suggest a bank or a crypto bank to remove their monopoly on our money systems and supply chains if we collaborate in this manner we will become the ruling upper spiritual class rather quickly not to mention we get our powers back which would be on par with that of some hero type characters out of comic books.

What I'm getting at here once the parasite has been removed or severely weekend there will be a power vacuum rather then let the more barberious among us rise to be masters i think it would be wise to be in a position where we take control.

Then finally we will be in a position to focus humanity's efforts in ways that will see us become a space faring civilisation
NinRick said:

Putin invaded an entire country just because of his thirst of power, killing innocent lives; men, women, children, babies...families. He is brainwashing his own country with ludicrous propaganda saying there are no attacks and that the Ukrainian people are the ones who are the "bad guys". He is as evil as he comes. The Jew in him is very apparent.

Remember that Jews plays always two sides of a coin; they provide a problem, provoke reaction, and then they provide the solution. It is a classical Jew-tactic. Both Putin and Zelenskyy are jews, pulling strings from both sides.

Just as the United Kingdom had withdrawal from the European Union in 2020, other countries such as Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia and possible others (I am currently unaware of it) now applied for European Union membership. All because of this war Putin pushed from his fellow kikes. Here is an excerpt of an article saying many EU countries already supports and approves Ukraine to become member of EU:

"On Monday, the leaders of eight European Union countries in Central and Eastern Europe gave their support to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s plea to quickly facilitate his country’s membership in the EU.

“We, the Presidents of the EU member states: the Republic of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Poland, the Slovak Republic, and the Republic of Slovenia strongly believe that Ukraine deserves receiving an immediate EU accession perspective,” the leaders wrote in an open letter."

Link: https://news.yahoo.com/8-eu-countries-back-ukraines-call-to-fast-track-membership-talks-211832800.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9kdWNrZHVja2dvLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAALovb1zPeJyYmuFLgpfwExGnbUe5V2AkT7kOPdxX-liu7AM5YondVbJHSu4KyYkVTY1hdTx5CB9yNhkuHvVfHPLNIdNlbBq9Y2ogImuclWXMeBF-mz8D3yHTejQRi2gUOHX01XanI0vsIkPCboux5x9He7dsvpzA6Kjq21QrtRic

Again, as already been stated now many times, if Ukraine becomes a member of the European Union...we get World War 3. It smells Jew ALL OVER THE PLACE. PURE EVIL SCUMBAGS!!!

Also, people now glorify Zelenskyy as the poor victim Jew, who now fights against a new "Hitler". Making people again tie in to the false energies and enemy propaganda of the WW2. This makes me so fucking pissed and sick I wanna just go an rip Zelenskyy's and Putin's head off. I mean, what? Should people just forget about Putins jewish mother Maria Ivanovna Shelomova, originally Shalomovitch, JEWISH SURENAME AND JEWISH ETHNICITY. Which the Putin Mafia have tried to cover up vehemently. Thanks for the internet. The truth is out!!!

This war has already destroyed cities and lives, just think about all the damage WW3 will do, let alone nuclear power that is being pushed.

Darkpagan666 said:
NinRick said:

Putin invaded an entire country just because of his thirst of power, killing innocent lives; men, women, children, babies...families. He is brainwashing his own country with ludicrous propaganda saying there are no attacks and that the Ukrainian people are the ones who are the "bad guys". He is as evil as he comes. The Jew in him is very apparent.

Remember that Jews plays always two sides of a coin; they provide a problem, provoke reaction, and then they provide the solution. It is a classical Jew-tactic. Both Putin and Zelenskyy are jews, pulling strings from both sides.

Just as the United Kingdom had withdrawal from the European Union in 2020, other countries such as Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia and possible others (I am currently unaware of it) now applied for European Union membership. All because of this war Putin pushed from his fellow kikes. Here is an excerpt of an article saying many EU countries already supports and approves Ukraine to become member of EU:

"On Monday, the leaders of eight European Union countries in Central and Eastern Europe gave their support to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s plea to quickly facilitate his country’s membership in the EU.

“We, the Presidents of the EU member states: the Republic of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Poland, the Slovak Republic, and the Republic of Slovenia strongly believe that Ukraine deserves receiving an immediate EU accession perspective,” the leaders wrote in an open letter."

Link: https://news.yahoo.com/8-eu-countries-back-ukraines-call-to-fast-track-membership-talks-211832800.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9kdWNrZHVja2dvLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAALovb1zPeJyYmuFLgpfwExGnbUe5V2AkT7kOPdxX-liu7AM5YondVbJHSu4KyYkVTY1hdTx5CB9yNhkuHvVfHPLNIdNlbBq9Y2ogImuclWXMeBF-mz8D3yHTejQRi2gUOHX01XanI0vsIkPCboux5x9He7dsvpzA6Kjq21QrtRic

Again, as already been stated now many times, if Ukraine becomes a member of the European Union...we get World War 3. It smells Jew ALL OVER THE PLACE. PURE EVIL SCUMBAGS!!!

Also, people now glorify Zelenskyy as the poor victim Jew, who now fights against a new "Hitler". Making people again tie in to the false energies and enemy propaganda of the WW2. This makes me so fucking pissed and sick I wanna just go an rip Zelenskyy's and Putin's head off. I mean, what? Should people just forget about Putins jewish mother Maria Ivanovna Shelomova, originally Shalomovitch, JEWISH SURENAME AND JEWISH ETHNICITY. Which the Putin Mafia have tried to cover up vehemently. Thanks for the internet. The truth is out!!!

This war has already destroyed cities and lives, just think about all the damage WW3 will do, let alone nuclear power that is being pushed.


Yes both are kikes, but in my view Zelensky is worse than Putin. If Putin wanted he would have razed down Ukraine in one day and one night.

The casualties are not as high bc Putin didn’t decide to focus on civilian damage. The US dropped 2 Atomic Bombs in 1945 at Japan. This killed much more people. This is pure evil, Putin has much more power and more relative power, and he doesn’t do anything near that cruel.

However, you are right, there is a real chance of an atomic World war. If they use only a few atomic bombs, around 2 Billion people will die within the next decade. If they go out for a full blown maniac atomic war, most people will die. Only a few very lucky, rich, powerful people will survive.
Just another Jewish plan they want to implement!
But whatever they do, they fail!

This is no longer the 20th century, when the enemy operated unopposed. (in the ritual sense).

It is different now that we are here!
Now let's see what they produce, while we are here!

The Jews are finished!
The Alchemist7 said:
I thought since the invasion started that this is nothing but jewish attempt to start WW3 and I will post a few points that might indicate that course of action.

- Cheap political talk from the Russian authorities
Things like `Ukraine must be de-millitarized` or `desnazified` are not strong enough reasons to invade Ukraine from all sides, especially given that the russian army has been boming civilian points like hospitals and rezidential areas. These are not „reasons” in the first place but just political trash talk and bias by a jew blaming the Nazis for a war that he was most likely ordered to start, and by Nazis I don't imply that there is any legitimate Nazi at the head of Ukraine because that country is ruled by a jewish puppet government of the West. Also, what kind of `millitary` Ukraine has that Putin deemed too dangerous that he had to order invasion? His statement was that `Russia was left with no choice`. Is the number #22 army in the world so dangerous that the number #2 army felt desperate? It would have made sense the other way around. The attacks have definitely been totally disproportionate with these statements of those who ordered the attacks.

- It's been only a few days since the invasion started and Russian authorities already threatened with nuclear warfare
In wake of West sanctions, Putin stated the Nuclear forces have been set on high alert, and another Russian Minister (I think the Minister of Defence) bragged on TV about how Russia owns the most powerful and advanced nuclear cappabilities in the world. This is obviously directed to the West and is expected that this game of threats and sanctions to escalate given that no side is giving up in their conflictual statements. I find it shocking how only in a few days it all turned from `peace` to invasion and then to nuclear threats. It makes me think that jews don't need any spiritual power to do these things, is enought that they have their people in the power positions and all needed is some orders to organize and start the operations.

- racial jew Zelinskyy urges European Union to accept Ukraine as member as soon as possible
At a first glance one might say the aim of this is to attract free EU funds in Ukraine to help rebuild after war is over. However if Ukraine becomes an EU member state and an EU member state is being attacked by Russia, then all the other members are expected to step in and this greatly contribute to the economic side which is already aggravated considering the removal of Russian banks from SWIFT which according to news channels, means that no goods can be purchased anymore by and from Russia, which halts imports and exports and will lead to massive economic problems if continued. This will also lead to issues in the energetic areas considering that much of Europe depends of Russian gas and petrol, especially Germany. If the supply of gas and petrol from Russia is stopped, it can lead to shortages, probably massive blackouts, decreasing of industrial productivity and therefore economic crisis. These can be the outcomes of banning Russia from the main inter-bank global transaction platform SWIFT, which will greatly contribute to tensions between Russia and Europe.

- Germany considers to start investing 2% of GDP (over $100 billion) on millitary technique to strenghten their army
What is the point to consider investing so much money into millitary equipment if you know you are never going to use it?
"We have to ask ourselves – what capacities does Putin’s Russia have and which capacities do we need to counter his threats?" Scholz said in front of parliament Sunday.
Germany hikes defense spending over 2% of GDP after Russian aggression

- Pressure from the racial jew Zelinskyy to NATO member states to get involved
It is obvious the Ukraine soldiers can at maximum defend their cities for a certain period of time, I doubt they have any power to fight back or to kick the Russian army out. Most likely Zelinskyy is aware of the `galactic` difference between the Russian and Ukrainian army. In this case he should have done his best to stop the war and try to fulfill what Russia demanded and accept that the `war` was lost from the beginning.

Instead, the jew Zelinskyy keeps sending white Ukrainians to death while he lives like a king in his underground bunker and also he begs NATO forces to step in and help Ukraine to kick the Russians out, a move which will automatically trigger a large scale conflict as Russia will have justification to bomb the countries that sent soldiers in Ukraine, in which case these countries will react back by boming Russia. Nobody can say that Zelinskyy is an `Ukrainian nationalist` and couldn't accept to lose because he is a racial jew and automatically doesn't have any patriotic attachment to Ukraine. In my opinion, his role in this war is to keep feeding it with his statements on how Ukraine must keep fighting but as I said this war was lost even before being started because the two sides are completely unbalanced millitarily.

- Mass media creating two sides
Russia is being villified and Putin is considered the new Hitler (which is plainly stupid and completely contradicts the history) so most people now hate Russia and think NATO is the only force that can counter it given the reports mass media displays which focus on emotions and simpathy for the displaced Ukrainians and the ones injured from the war. Probably this is the ultimate aim, to get NATO involved and people to accept and even encourage it based on the emotional reports from the news.

I don't know if the Astarte ritual is desgined for Astarte Herself to somehow get involved in this spiritually but I still consider the war prevention RTRs would have been an option too, or maybe the placements were not fit for them. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to be an exclusively isolated conflict solely between Russia and Ukraine. At least it wasn't meant to be given how the events went in the last few days.
So what are we, the Spiritual Satanists, going to do in the event of a war? Or what's going to happen to us?
Another blatant sign that I noticed but haven't included in the original post is the `over-involvement` of mass media and politicians all over the West into this matter. The invasion of Ukraine by Russia is now all over the news, in most countries, and on most politician's mouths. And we know the central force behind mass media and most politicians. This is exactly like covid, when the virus was released, the `pandemic` was all over the news and the main subject of discussion and debate in parliaments, EU, UN etc. Now is a very similar situation not only with mass media and most politicians being overly involved into this conflict, but also many global corporations started taking actions against Russia like a car company stopped selling their cars in Russia, flights to and from Russia were probably canceled in most countries and similar `sanctions` taken by private corporations in a similar way they took `measures` with covid. Is clear as daylight the same forces are behind the two events.

Comparatively, there have been bloodbath wars going on in Middle East not very long time ago, yet mass media didn't care to spread them all over the world and most politicians didn't care to cry and show compassion to the people who died or those who were legitimately displaced because of war (not the Daesh undercover terrorist `immigrants`), and this is because the forces that engineered covid and the Ukraine invasion had the interest of stealing the petrol and opium of Middle East without the goyim knowing too much about it. That's the reason why extremely violent events like the Middle East conflicts were not eve 10% as popularized and spread worldwide as the covid flu or the Ukraine invasion which as of now produced far far less victims and displaced people.

Another example is how Canada which is blocking the bank accounts of their own citizens for merely protesting is sending now anti-tank weapons to Ukrainians to help them fight the Russians. That's at least hypocrite to say from a country that doesn't give a penny about it's own citizens but suddenly is helping with millitary technique a country that has no millitary alliance with it. Such a kind and caring government of Canada while their own people are probably left to starve and die without access to their money.

Darkpagan666 said:
Putin invaded an entire country just because of his thirst of power, killing innocent lives; men, women, children, babies...families. He is brainwashing his own country with ludicrous propaganda saying there are no attacks and that the Ukrainian people are the ones who are the "bad guys". He is as evil as he comes. The Jew in him is very apparent.
Putin was set in his place by the global jewish mafia that pull the strings in most countries in the world. They did so in USSR as well and back then Putin was an intelligence KGB agent. I doubt any of what is happening come from his own decissions. Presidents and similar people with wide public exposure cannot have much to say in the world affairs because this exposure they have is influecing the masses a lot, which is why presidents must be obedient and to have no intelligence or inovative initiative on their own. They are basically a channel through which the jewry's decissions are executed with the masses to believe that is the president the one who takes these decissions. See Biden for example, I bet most of his time he doesn't even know what his name is, yet is the president of the most powerful country in the world.

Presidents who try to use the powers they have from this position in a positive way for their people and against the global jewry's interests, they are sooner or later removed by a coup or by a weird disease or are assassinated. All of this happened to former presidents in the very recent history. Also since Putin is a jew, is inaccurate to say that Russia is `his country`. As with most countries, Russia is under occupation of an allien government that is driving the country into a direction desired not by the people but by those who named the people in this allien government. In my country people like Putin are called `halogens`, meaning that they are born in a given country, but they don't racially and nationally belong to that country. In this case Putin is a racial jew born in Russia, therefore he doesn't have any patrioc attachment to Russia or the Russians, exactly like I mentionned above with Zelinkyy, is a similar matter. As an example, during his regime Russia became the country with the most disproportionate share of fortunes between the people. In other words said, in Russia the rich are very rich and the poor are very poor, the rich being Putin's jewish oligarch friends who own many Russian corporations.

slyscorpion said:
He may say he's against communism and be more conservative on a pretend basis but I doubt it. Against cultural Marxism I think he might be but that doesn't mean anything good. He could be telling lies and planning something. All Jews lie.

NinRick said:
Putin is not evil, but he is also not good, he is a jew and this needs to be considered.

However, from my understanding he is not directly involved in the enemy agenda, or this is just a huge show and he is just a good actor.

Putinism: Soviet Union of the 21 Century

Andromedus117 said:

I remember there has been one ritual to destroy Putin some years ago, I think around 2015. I highly doubt it will work, as you said if one of their pawns is down, they will put in place another one who will execute the exact same orders, see for example the new cancellor of Germany after the jewess communist drug-addict Merkel left. Olaf Scholz now just continues what she has left. And like this are most European and Western leaders in general. Taking any of them down individually is a waste of time and energy given that there is probably a long queue of slavish rats in most countries who will love to kiss some jewish hands to have the luxury and protection of a head of state, especially given that most of these people have commited acts than can thow them in the prison for the rest of their life. For example it is known the president of my country has been involved in paedophilia rings when he was young and also illegaly obtained several luxurious houses, acts for which he was legally convicted but nothing happened as he is under protection as a politician and head of state.
The Alchemist7 said:
Darkpagan666 said:
Putin invaded an entire country just because of his thirst of power, killing innocent lives; men, women, children, babies...families. He is brainwashing his own country with ludicrous propaganda saying there are no attacks and that the Ukrainian people are the ones who are the "bad guys". He is as evil as he comes. The Jew in him is very apparent.
Putin was set in his place by the global jewish mafia that pull the strings in most countries in the world. They did so in USSR as well and back then Putin was an intelligence KGB agent. I doubt any of what is happening come from his own decissions. Presidents and similar people with wide public exposure cannot have much to say in the world affairs because this exposure they have is influecing the masses a lot, which is why presidents must be obedient and to have no intelligence or inovative initiative on their own. They are basically a channel through which the jewry's decissions are executed with the masses to believe that is the president the one who takes these decissions. See Biden for example, I bet most of his time he doesn't even know what his name is, yet is the president of the most powerful country in the world.

Presidents who try to use the powers they have from this position in a positive way for their people and against the global jewry's interests, they are sooner or later removed by a coup or by a weird disease or are assassinated. All of this happened to former presidents in the very recent history. Also since Putin is a jew, is inaccurate to say that Russia is `his country`. As with most countries, Russia is under occupation of an allien government that is driving the country into a direction desired not by the people but by those who named the people in this allien government. In my country people like Putin are called `halogens`, meaning that they are born in a given country, but they don't racially and nationally belong to that country. In this case Putin is a racial jew born in Russia, therefore he doesn't have any patrioc attachment to Russia or the Russians, exactly like I mentionned above with Zelinkyy, is a similar matter. As an example, during his regime Russia became the country with the most disproportionate share of fortunes between the people. In other words said, in Russia the rich are very rich and the poor are very poor, the rich being Putin's jewish oligarch friends who own many Russian corporations.

Yes, what I meant was that Putin is the front figure of the "Russian operation". He is the spokesman (and by law and media..a spokesman of Russia), and it is obvious he doesn't really give a shit about who dies. Thus evil. I know about his past. Putin went from being a KGB agent, to deputy mayor, to prime minister, and then to president. It is evident and obvious that Putin alone doesn't give these orders by himself alone. These events and decisions are orchestrated long ago by other Jewish elites and intelligence around the world. They are working with this together. Hence the jewish Kabbalah (probably Zionists) and numerology, 22/2/2022. There are ridiculously many pictures on the internet of Putin with Jews and Jewish rites.

Very interesting output by the way. Very well said The Alchemist 7! You are very knowledgeable on this matter, and that is highly appreciated. We have a term like that in my country as well for foreigners that doesn't really belong in a sense.

Also a very spot on observation about the media. I knew the second Putin declared invasion on Ukraine, the pandemic would be over with as they will use this as a distraction. Also a well known Jew-tactic. It makes me pissed that the media doesn't care to show people of other disasters as you've mentioned. But, what can we expect with the Jews controlling 96% of the media. It just occured to me that is a jewish number...huh. Well look at that.

I am not that updated on Canadian politics and stuff...but blocking their bank accounts for protesting? What the fuck?

*** Putin or whatever presidential or political superior figure won't do anything to destroy the Jews really. They'll just put another comedian in that position like they did with Zelenskyj. Completely destroying their Torah will do the job, and then the eradication can begin...IMO.

A note about the world basically cancelling Russia. In my country they even removed Russian brands and products from the stores. It got viral in the media here the other day why a certain food chain doesn't remove Israeli products as well, since they are attacking the Palestines. The food chain refused to answer...
DiscipleOfSatan said:
The actual reason for this war, from a geopolitical perspective is America's withdrawal from the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty in 2019. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intermediate-Range_Nuclear_Forces_Treaty

If Ukraine joined NATO, and the US deploys land-based intermediate and short-range missiles in Ukraine, meaning just 500 kilometers from Moscow, Russia would become practically defenseless from a nuclear attack. https://warontherocks.com/2022/01/w...iles-are-a-focal-point-in-the-ukraine-crisis/

Russia's only fault, and giant mistake, is that they haven't interfered 8 years ago, to prevent the Euromaidan, which was nothing but a Soros funded military coup. When Victor Yanukovych was a president, during the coup, he asked Russia for military aid. (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26427848) And when you have an official request by the President and the government for military aid against rebel groups, this is is not an invasion, and it's legal according to the international law. Also, the majority of the people of Ukraine would have reacted very differently, especially in the eastern parts, they would have welcomed the Russians.

Another thing the media doesn't tell you is that the Ukrainian army has killed tens of thousands civilians (ethnic Russians) between 2014 and 2022 in the Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics.

Very good analysis... an entire book can be written on the subject.
I can see the day Ukraine is accepted during the invasion in the NATO ring of evil. This will mean nuclear war. Maybe this is sooner than we think. I am prepared a little: iodine, sources of heat, portable shelters, survival basics, a location far from city, some masks, I want to upgrade to full year of water, food, hidden underground steel bunker 100% waterproof with air filtration for radioactive ashes, full body suits with pro-grade full respiratory system, Geiger counter, more weapons, more valuables, etc, nuclear winter is what I fear the most or try to rescue people I love the most and try to save everyone :(
(I have a powerful spirit which will make everything turn hopefully in my favor here. I think it could go as far as protect me from radiation, starvation, and even eliminate or change the course of warheads going on my location. I have weekly interventions of that spirit and I know it can go into circuits etc. The other day it talked to a person I meet everyday in the course of my work, when she opened the door it talked to her through the thermometer alarm, she didn't believe me much but she was very scared and asked me to make it stop. I said I had 0 control over it. The other things it does, it likes some people and as I am approaching them car alarms go on... this is annoying. Recently it also knocks loudly on the floors, walls, etc. almost all year it was bending my screen with loud noises, it stopped completely since it is knocking things off in the house, it started in the basement, roof then doors, walls , it is extremely WEIRD.)
It's been less than a week and the anti-Russian sentiment has spread wildly throughout the US, through all the media arms and shilling. As The Alchemist7 said, it's being sensationalized like crazy, just like Covid was, all at once, the jew media machine turns their loudspeakers up to 100% volume and the goyims' attention is completely removed from everything else. We're seeing the exact same tactics and methods pulled again.
I see things are moving very quickly in the mass mind, so I assume everything was prepared like a pre-charged mass of energies. I see the same pattern of pro-vaccine vs. no-vaccine people, now they are dividing people into pro-US and pro-Russia like football team supporters.
This happened incredibly quickly, in a few days, while the vaccine stuff needed to build up for a while - at least as far as I can perceive. While the covid stuff seems being forgotten quickly too by the mass.

My perception is, the speed of everything is increasing so much. Even cartoons on tv, news, engines, electronics, etc. have increased in the last years their speed of spelling, images and sounds. This is slowly taking the mind of people so they are every day more "accelerated" in their thinking process.
This might at first blow off some weaker minds, but also drive high-power decision from Russia and other parties at war to sudden and unforecast decisions very quickly. Being the mass-mind power steered as quickly as a crazy hummingbird (rather than a butterfly as it was 20 years ago) this leads me to fear of unexpected and extremely quick reactions, or actions, somewhere in the world, due to this pressures.
Darkpagan666 said:
I am not that updated on Canadian politics and stuff...but blocking their bank accounts for protesting? What the fuck?
Yes apparently they lifted the freeze on their bank accounts.
The news companies act like freezing people's bank accounts for protesting is supposed to be `normal`.

Darkpagan666 said:
A note about the world basically cancelling Russia. In my country they even removed Russian brands and products from the stores. It got viral in the media here the other day why a certain food chain doesn't remove Israeli products as well, since they are attacking the Palestines. The food chain refused to answer...
That's right actually that's a very good comparison since is a very similar situation.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
in fact, we have been going better than expected. Much of this was planned for 2021, but we have delayed this, and therefore, the event is now moved one year later with lesser effectiveness.
That's very true we delayed most of the enemy's crap in the last years, plus that many people in the world became aware of the situation. I am not sure but for example in 2014 there has been a coronavirus outbreak in Irak if I remember correctly but that never turned into an actual pandemic for some reason. As with the war being anticipated for a decade, it was the same with the pandemic with the Rockefeller fundation writing a booklet about it in 2010. That booklet was the 2010 equivalent of `the Great Reset` of Klauss Schwab. Regarding the war I am sure there have been several attempts in the recent years with Middle East, China and Taiwan, Greece and Turkey, even Russia and Ukraine again in Donbas etc. but none of them succeded if they really intented to turn these conflicts into a global war. Also regarding the world government according to the Supermemorandum document which I've written about before, the `Great Reset` and the dissolvation of independent states and religions and all related was expected to take place in 2016-2018 but they weren't even close to that back then, not any closer as they would be now eventhough even at this moment the Great Reset is still extremely difficult to implement and won't happen without a global bloodbath because most likely a considerable percentage of the people won't accept it.
The Alchemist7 said:
Darkpagan666 said:
I am not that updated on Canadian politics and stuff...but blocking their bank accounts for protesting? What the fuck?
Yes apparently they lifted the freeze on their bank accounts.
The news companies act like freezing people's bank accounts for protesting is supposed to be `normal`.

Darkpagan666 said:
A note about the world basically cancelling Russia. In my country they even removed Russian brands and products from the stores. It got viral in the media here the other day why a certain food chain doesn't remove Israeli products as well, since they are attacking the Palestines. The food chain refused to answer...
That's right actually that's a very good comparison since is a very similar situation.

Thank you for the link, very interesting actually. It is sick that they even did it in the first place. How long can the Jews continue all the crap they do to gentiles until people get completely fed up with their bullshit?? My guess it is the day when the whole world wakes up to the truth.
https://youtu.be/6cB8AUPo7cg . This says Israel helped provoke this war, and getting jews out while sending non Jewish refugees back.
We don't need Putin, maybe his role is to take out as many Ukrainians and Russians as possible?

Can we trust what he said? is the media again turning people away from the deep problems of these tyrants we call leaders?

Dehumanizing Russia would legitimize to us living in 'democrazy' the nuking of all the 'religious or totalitarian' regimes... in which the people choose to stick to their race and their religions and are WHITE.... these very people which the jews through the instruments of doom of Putin and Nato, will butcher like chickens?

The objective is not only to remove Putin, but also Biden, and Macron, and all the jews and their toxic banks and assassins.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
