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Sep 28, 2004
Hello, i am called Myrdin, i came across the joy of satan website while surfing the web and think it is quite interesting, i myself never believed in religion, cuz i observed the poor souls being trapped in a box by it and knew i wouldn't enjoy that.even without caring about the main religions the conditioning slipped trough daily life (none of my family has a religious background but school told me shit and the media as well)things like believing that the Devil is evil just because i was told so, is what i call conditioningthe website shun light on this for me because i never even had taken the time to think about god or the Devil, neither did i bother to, until recently
i believe in love, and light, in the purest of being and i wanted to ask you if that is what i will find here.i always knew i were not going to find it in christianity and that it would be stupid to even try seeing how brainwashed all those people were following their leader.so i looked into the opposite of christianity (i thought) and came past some other stuff that made me cringe.finally i found this, and still have some questions i'd like to be answered, if any of you do, Thank you.here's a list of questions from a curious guy 1- Does Satanism help you find light and love?2- Does it bring you closer to the essence of your being, your soul?3- Does it produce open minded people, willing to listen to others opinions even if they aren't right?4- Does Satan live on Earth,other dimensions,space?5- Does Satan have a friend to friend relationship with you or is he above you?6- What do you guys believe in after your physical body stops pumping blood?7- Do you guys sacrifice living things?8- Do you have a connection with nature?
i am sorry if any of these questions were weird for you guys, i am just curious and would like a bit more clarity by hearing from a few of you guys!
Thanks! Myrdin.
Hey. I can answer the points 1,2 and 8 with a clear yes. 3. I think this is individual for everyone, but for me, I can listen to their opinion, but, hearing about stuff like how great their 'god' is makes me sick. But you arent forced to have this attitude, how you are is completely up to you. 4. Satan is a real being and lives in the astral. 5. While you should always treat satan with respect (since he created all of us), it's up to you how you want your personal relationship with father satan to be. If you want to have a friend to friend relationship then thats fine as long as you still have the necessary respect. 6.When the physical body dies, the soul leaves this body. What happens afterwards is dependant on the person either being dedicated to satan or not. When a spiritual satanist dies, his soul is safed by father satan and held intact until he/she is able to reincarnate again. With this, the consciousness of the previous life is erased and you have to start all over again. But the spiritual power of your soul stays even if you reincarnate. Now as for those who are without (christians for example)... When one of them dies, he sees "the light". There, the soul leaves the body aswell. Then an enemy entity usually gets in contact with them while taking on the form of an already dead person who was close to the person who died. This makes the christian open himself up to this entity, that then leads the soul to "heaven". There the energy of the soul is harvested until it dissipates. And 7. No, we don't. Thats what jews do. This is a lie about satanism that the enemy has made up. 

I hope I could clear things up for you. Also, be sure to read everything on joyofsatan.com 
On Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 16:30, steenmyrdin@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Hello, i am called Myrdin, i came across the joy of satan website while surfing the web and think it is quite interesting, i myself never believed in religion, cuz i observed the poor souls being trapped in a box by it and knew i wouldn't enjoy that.even without caring about the main religions the conditioning slipped trough daily life (none of my family has a religious background but school told me shit and the media as well)things like believing that the Devil is evil just because i was told so, is what i call conditioningthe website shun light on this for me because i never even had taken the time to think about god or the Devil, neither did i bother to, until recently
i believe in love, and light, in the purest of being and i wanted to ask you if that is what i will find here.i always knew i were not going to find it in christianity and that it would be stupid to even try seeing how brainwashed all those people were following their leader.so i looked into the opposite of christianity (i thought) and came past some other stuff that made me cringe.finally i found this, and still have some questions i'd like to be answered, if any of you do, Thank you.here's a list of questions from a curious guy 1- Does Satanism help you find light and love?2- Does it bring you closer to the essence of your being, your soul?3- Does it produce open minded people, willing to listen to others opinions even if they aren't right?4- Does Satan live on Earth,other dimensions,space?5- Does Satan have a friend to friend relationship with you or is he above you?6- What do you guys believe in after your physical body stops pumping blood?7- Do you guys sacrifice living things?8- Do you have a connection with nature?
i am sorry if any of these questions were weird for you guys, i am just curious and would like a bit more clarity by hearing from a few of you guys!
Thanks! Myrdin.
Welcome. Hopefully you are reading the JoS (Joy of Satan) website, as this will help with many of your questions you may have later on. As for your questions:

1- This isn't really a specific question, and isn't really easy to answer. If by light and love you mean happiness, then absolutely.
2- Obviously so. We perform Power Meditations, which work on cleaning, and empowering our very soul. So yes, it does bring us closer to our souls lol.
3- To be perfectly honest, we seem to have the same amount of open minded people as other places. It's about average. Sure, I've seen more open minded people here, but I've also seen more close minded people here as well. 
4- Satan lives in higher dimension currently. However, he CAN come to earth, and will be relatively soon (by relatively soon it could be tomorrow, or about 30 years maybe more lol).
5- Your relationship with Satan is entirely up to you. Some people worship him like a god. Some he's kinda like a brother. For me personally, he is a Father figure (that's how it is for most of us). But yes, he is above us. He is MUCH more powerful than us, so being above us only makes sense.
6- When our physical body dies, we (Satanic Souls) are escorted to Hell by a Demon (usually messenger demons). There we will wait until it is time for us to be reincarnated again. As for the circumstances that are needed for reincarnation, I am unaware of them.
7- No we definitely do NOT sacrifice ANYTHING. We as Satanists LOVE animals, and would never do anything to harm them. That being said, we are not vegans or vegetarians (most of us) because this is harmful both to the body and the soul. But if you decide to be, that is your wish. We just want painless as possible deaths for the animals, rather than the slaughtering and painful shit that happens now.
8- Again, that's more of a personal thing. I think a LOT more of the people here DO have a connection with nature. I know personally I do, but I cannot speak for everyone here.
I hope this helped with some of your questions, and feel free to ask more questions here, as well as continue to study the JoS website to learn more.
Joy of Satan   

Just to clarify to the Original Poster that Satan/Lucifer IS a real being and lives on the planet Duat, in the constellation of Orion. He comes to us on the astral and can telepathically communicate with us, if one is open and aware enough, and interacts with many Spiritual Satanists. Many have a close and loving relationship with him.

On Wednesday, August 3, 2016 9:02 PM, "ljossmyrkr@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Welcome. Hopefully you are reading the JoS (Joy of Satan) website, as this will help with many of your questions you may have later on. As for your questions:

1- This isn't really a specific question, and isn't really easy to answer. If by light and love you mean happiness, then absolutely.
2- Obviously so. We perform Power Meditations, which work on cleaning, and empowering our very soul. So yes, it does bring us closer to our souls lol.
3- To be perfectly honest, we seem to have the same amount of open minded people as other places. It's about average. Sure, I've seen more open minded people here, but I've also seen more close minded people here as well. 
4- Satan lives in higher dimension currently. However, he CAN come to earth, and will be relatively soon (by relatively soon it could be tomorrow, or about 30 years maybe more lol).
5- Your relationship with Satan is entirely up to you. Some people worship him like a god. Some he's kinda like a brother. For me personally, he is a Father figure (that's how it is for most of us). But yes, he is above us. He is MUCH more powerful than us, so being above us only makes sense.
6- When our physical body dies, we (Satanic Souls) are escorted to Hell by a Demon (usually messenger demons). There we will wait until it is time for us to be reincarnated again. As for the circumstances that are needed for reincarnation, I am unaware of them.
7- No we definitely do NOT sacrifice ANYTHING. We as Satanists LOVE animals, and would never do anything to harm them. That being said, we are not vegans or vegetarians (most of us) because this is harmful both to the body and the soul. But if you decide to be, that is your wish. We just want painless as possible deaths for the animals, rather than the slaughtering and painful shit that happens now.
8- Again, that's more of a personal thing. I think a LOT more of the people here DO have a connection with nature. I know personally I do, but I cannot speak for everyone here.
I hope this helped with some of your questions, and feel free to ask more questions here, as well as continue to study the JoS website to learn more.
Joy of Satan   

1- Does Satanism help you find light and love? Yes
2- Does it bring you closer to the essence of your being, your soul? One of the main things we do here is empowering our souls so yes.
3 Does it produce open minded people, willing to listen to others opinions even if they aren't right? Yes.
4- Does Satan live on Earth,other dimensions,space? Gods live in a place called Duat but also has physical body.
5- Does Satan have a friend to friend relationship with you or is he above you? l think the best way to explain would be father-child relationship.
6- What do you guys believe in after your physical body stops pumping blood? Go to Duat, reincarnate, try to achieve magnum opus, if you fail, repeat
7- Do you guys sacrifice living things? No.
8- Do you have a connection with nature? Yes.
hi welcome ,sorry for some mistranslations

1-love is a natural feeling,satanism just don't exaggerates things, its about balance
2- spiritual satanism promotes science
Since science and spirituality are the same thing, we literally work through meditations to archive immoratality of the body and soul
3- satanism teaches us to think for ourselves
4- Satan is a Nordic alien and he lives on another galaxy

5- relationship with Satan is personal
Many consider him a father or friend

6- when a body dies the link between
It and our souls is broken, and the soul
Leaves it .
After the soul is outside, it can't advance anymore and stagnates,
when it finish its energy
it dissolves
in our case when we die
Our souls are taken by lower ranking demons who transport it to the Duat
Where we are taken care for a period of time and then we reincarnate


8- of COURSE
Thoroughly read the Joy of Satan website.

Joy of Satan

Perform the Dedication Ritual when you feel ready. If you cannot find the right candle color, forget the "so mote it be" at the end, or make some other minor error, that will not derail your Dedication Ritual. Satan is extremely understanding, unlike the christian god who will throw you into a pit of fire for every little thing, and is not going to come after you for extremely trivial errors. As long as your blood is on the paper and you genuinely want to dedicate yourself to Satan, your Dedication Ritual was valid.   Dedication Ritual
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... TANIC.html   The goal of Spiritual Satanism is to spiritually empower yourself and obtain powers that humans are supposed to have like healing and telepathy. The final goal is to complete the Magnum Opus and become a god. Consistent meditation is key to those goals. A good place to start with meditation is the 40 Day Self Empowerment Program available in Satan's Library. Some links in the 40 Day Self Empowerment Program PDF are broken. PDF copies of the hatha and kundalini yoga routines from the broken links are in Satan's Library.

Satan’s Library
http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Sa ... brary.html   Starting Guide for New Satanists https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ics/162014   And, participate in our reverse torah rituals. We are in a war here and need to do what we can for our creator, Satan. But do these only after you have dedicated, so you have protection against the enemy.   Reverse Torah Rituals http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/pixie66 ... ituals.htm  
You are so right. I am blown away by the love and caring I have received from Father Satan ever since I
dedicated. Anymore, lately, I have come to the conclusion that it is not 'faith' that I have. It is COMPLETE TRUST!
In Father Satan and the Gods. They have saved family members in a car wreck, saved my daughter's eyesight.
Cured me from sickness! The list goes on. Just recently, I realized that I have come to a depth of 'trust' that
I never would have thought possible, yet alone dreamed of.

I had been thinking of writing about this anyway on the forum. But I see the opportunity here now, and decided to
take advantage of it.

Hail Satan! Hail all the Gods of Hell! Heil Hitler!


On Thu, 8/4/16, Magus Immortalis magus.immortalis@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Show me
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Thursday, August 4, 2016, 2:31 AM


to clarify to the Original Poster that Satan/Lucifer IS a
real being and lives on the planet Duat, in the
constellation of Orion. He
comes to us on the astral and can telepathically communicate
with us, if one is open and aware enough, and interacts with
many Spiritual Satanists. Many have a close and loving
relationship with him.

On Wednesday, August
3, 2016 9:02 PM, "ljossmyrkr@...
[JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]


Welcome. Hopefully you are reading the JoS (Joy

of Satan) website, as this will help with many of your
questions you may have later on. As for your

1- This isn't really a specific
question, and isn't really easy to answer. If by light
and love you mean happiness, then
Obviously so. We perform Power Meditations, which work on
cleaning, and empowering our very soul. So yes, it does
bring us closer to our souls lol.
3- To be perfectly honest, we seem
to have the same amount of open minded people as other
places. It's about average. Sure, I've seen
more open minded people here, but I've also seen

more close minded people here as
4- Satan lives
in higher dimension currently. However, he CAN come to
earth, and will be relatively soon (by relatively soon it
could be tomorrow, or about 30 years maybe more
5- Your
relationship with Satan is entirely up to you. Some people
worship him like a god. Some he's kinda like a brother.
For me personally, he is a Father figure (that's how it
is for most of us). But yes, he is above us. He is MUCH more
powerful than us, so being above us only makes
6- When our
physical body dies, we (Satanic Souls) are escorted to Hell
by a Demon (usually messenger demons). There we will wait
until it is time for us to be reincarnated again. As for the
circumstances that are needed for reincarnation, I am
unaware of them.
7- No
we definitely do NOT sacrifice ANYTHING. We as Satanists
LOVE animals, and would never do anything to harm them. That
being said, we are not vegans or vegetarians (most of us)
because this is harmful both to the body and the soul. But
if you decide to be, that is your wish. We just want
painless as possible deaths for the animals, rather than the
slaughtering and painful shit that happens
8- Again,
that's more of a personal thing. I think a LOT more of
the people here DO have a connection with nature. I know
personally I do, but I cannot speak for everyone
I hope this
helped with some of your questions, and feel free to ask
more questions here, as well as continue to study the JoS
website to learn more.
Joy of

of Satan There
are different sects of Satanism. Joy of Satan Ministries is
Spiritual Satanism. Satanism is not a "Christian

invention." Satanism predates Christian...

View on www.joyofsatan.org

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Awesome! Thank you all for showing me!I still have a question, if you dedicated, will your soul be satan's for always? I walked along happily in my life without ever feeling the need to be in some kind of religion or anything until i found the JoS site, which got me thinking, cuz i like being what i call 'free' ( i am not really though but i try to) i'd love to help you guys in the war and stuff but don't know if i could let my soul be from someone else (if that limits me to anything) So could there be a way to do that?
Also, if only souls that have been dedicated to Satan reincarnate, haven't we all dedicated already? Or do you need to dedicate every time you start a new live?If that where true than even all the cristian people who worship their god where satanists some lifetimes ago.Srry if it's too much, i'd just like to know a lot before i dive in:)I thank you all for having taken the time to reply to my questions
Have a wonderfull evening fellow humans!

Sent from my piece of electronic glass
On 06 Aug 2016, at 07:24, johnson_akemi@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Thoroughly read the Joy of Satan website.

Joy of Satan

Perform the Dedication Ritual when you feel ready. If you cannot find the right candle color, forget the "so mote it be" at the end, or make some other minor error, that will not derail your Dedication Ritual. Satan is extremely understanding, unlike the christian god who will throw you into a pit of fire for every little thing, and is not going to come after you for extremely trivial errors. As long as your blood is on the paper and you genuinely want to dedicate yourself to Satan, your Dedication Ritual was valid.   Dedication Ritual
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... TANIC.html   The goal of Spiritual Satanism is to spiritually empower yourself and obtain powers that humans are supposed to have like healing and telepathy. The final goal is to complete the Magnum Opus and become a god. Consistent meditation is key to those goals. A good place to start with meditation is the 40 Day Self Empowerment Program available in Satan's Library. Some links in the 40 Day Self Empowerment Program PDF are broken. PDF copies of the hatha and kundalini yoga routines from the broken links are in Satan's Library.

Satan’s Library
http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Sa ... brary.html   Starting Guide for New Satanists https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ics/162014   And, participate in our reverse torah rituals. We are in a war here and need to do what we can for our creator, Satan. But do these only after you have dedicated, so you have protection against the enemy.   Reverse Torah Rituals http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/pixie66 ... ituals.htm  
Your soul will always be YOUR soul. It is a commitment in blood, but only a drop or so.
It seals your DNA into the family of Father Satan. You will certainly be free. But you have
to study in order to grow. You will need to meditate daily, otherwise you won't. Your sould will
simply stagnate and eventually wither away. This is an opportunity that every gentile
soul out there has a right too, but one has to recognize and understand that it is such.

I suggest you read the website thoroughly before you dedicate. You need to know beyond
any doubt that this is what you really want. It is a permanent commitment.

I have NEVER regretted dedicating. And you are more free with Father Satan than anywhere
else possible. And i love Father Satan more than I could ever have thought or imagined possible.

Hail Satan! Hail all the Demons/Gods of Hell! Heil Hitler!


On Sun, 8/21/16, myrdin Steenkamp steenmyrdin@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Show me
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sunday, August 21, 2016, 2:13 PM


Awesome! Thank you all for showing
me!I still have a question, if you dedicated,
will your soul be satan's for always? I walked along
happily in my life without ever feeling the need to be in
some kind of religion or anything until i found the JoS
site, which got me thinking, cuz i like being what i call
'free' ( i am not really though but i try to)
i'd love to help you guys in the war and stuff but
don't know if i could let my soul be from someone else
(if that limits me to anything) So could there
be a way to do that?
Also, if only souls that have been
dedicated to Satan reincarnate, haven't we all dedicated
already? Or do you need to dedicate every time you start a
new live?If that where true than even all the
cristian people who worship their god where satanists some
lifetimes ago.Srry if it's too much, i'd
just like to know a lot before i dive in:)I thank you
all for having taken the time to reply to my questions
Have a wonderfull evening fellow

Sent from my piece of
electronic glass
On 06 Aug
2016, at 07:24, johnson_akemi@...
[JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]


read the Joy of Satan website.

Joy of Satan


Perform the Dedication Ritual when you feel ready. If you
cannot find the right
candle color, forget the "so mote it be" at the
end, or make some
other minor error, that will not derail your Dedication
Ritual. Satan is
extremely understanding, unlike the christian god who will

throw you into a pit
of fire for every little thing, and is not going to come
after you for
extremely trivial errors. As long as your blood is on the
paper and you
genuinely want to dedicate yourself to Satan, your
Dedication Ritual was valid.


Dedication Ritual

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... TANIC.html


The goal of Spiritual Satanism is
spiritually empower yourself and obtain powers that humans
are supposed to have
like healing and telepathy. The final goal is to complete
the Magnum Opus and
become a god. Consistent meditation is key to those goals. A
good place to
start with meditation is the 40 Day Self Empowerment Program
available in
Satan's Library. Some links in the 40 Day Self
Empowerment Program PDF are
broken. PDF copies of the hatha and kundalini yoga routines
from the broken
links are in Satan's Library.

Satan’s Library

http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Sa ... brary.html


Starting Guide for New

https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ics/162014


And, participate in our reverse
torah rituals. We are in a war here and need to do what we
can for our creator,
Satan. But do these only after you have dedicated, so you
have protection
against the enemy.


Reverse Torah Rituals

http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/pixie66 ... ituals.htm

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You remind me of myself before I dedicated. Filled with question and many things I didn't understand, but still feeling drawn to Spiritual Satanism. Not sure if that is exactly how it is for you, but for me it was like that. 

After I dedicated my life started changing for the better almost immedietly. 

I was very deluded in th beginning and had a lot of misinformation in my mind, however all questions and all misunderstandings I had were answered and cleared up after a couple of months, or atleast most of the basic ones were. 

When you start meditating as a dedicated Satanist you will notice things start falling into place, especially when you are working on improving yourself. 

With Satan you are always free, and your soul is your own soul, Satan doesn't take it from you and he doesn't own you or something after you dedicate, he and the Gods of Hell will simply guide you so you may awaken your potential for greatness as long as you put in effort to meditate and improve yourself daily. 

When you work for the powers of Hell, by doing spiritual warfare for example, the Gods will assist you if you need it, sometimes even without you asking for assistance they may come to you to do you a favor out of their kindness, requesting nothing in return except for your continues effort on self improvement and advancing your soul. 

Father Satan has done numerous things for me, including helping me save my grandmother from her death bed. Thanks to him she is still alive today and can still live longer and enjoy being alive. 

He has helped me improve my life tremendously, both my living conditions and my life in general have improved and are much better now after dedicating to Father Satan. 

Before dedicating I was under some pretty hard spiritual attack, as I was trying to advance my soul before I knew about the JoyofSatan, I almost went insane and I was having extreme sleeping problems from being kept awake at night, every night by malicious entities (enemy angel thoughtforms). 

It was truly horrible at the time and I was being pushed so far, that I nearly became interested in xianity as a result of this constant, never ending 24/7 attack.... Hearing voices in my mind of those thought forms telling me to harm people I love, harm myself, to kill myself, to hate myself, you name it they tried everything they could to drive me insane. I even recieved physical attacks, manifesting in feeling suffocated at night, being help down in bed unable to move, scratching my head, and even inside my head which created extremely weird and painful headaches. 

After dedicating all of this stopped at once. For the first time in 2 years my mind was my own again and everything was quiet. It was the biggest relieve I had ever felt in my life. 

All this enemy nonsense that was driving me insane completely vanished after I dedicated and I felt better than I had ever done before. I felt safe, free and for the first time in 2 years I felt calm. I could actually go to sleep without being assaulted by things you cannot see (my third eye wasn't open back then, so I couldn't see these entities, atleast not clearly). 

The longer I am dedicated the more amazing being a Spiritual Satanist get's for me. I'm learning so many new things, even now I am, that I never thought were actually possible and for the first time there is clarity, understanding and knowledge that makes sense. Everything is clear now and explained now and there are no questions anymore. 

Questions which used to be on my mind all the time, because I felt there had to be a proper answer and that I wanted to find those answers, but nobody could give me a real answer, only more questions arose. 

Satan brings knowledge to those who seek it and are willing to put some effort into recieving it. 
I have been given a lot of knowledge, through the JoS and from learning from the HP's aswell as conversing with my Guardian demoness (Hail Lady Astaroth!!!!) that ordinairy people who are without would never ever be able to understand. 

It's such a privilege and such an oppertunity, a whole new world opens up to you, that you might have been aware of to an extend, but more or less so depending on your spiritual background in this life and your (if any) past lives.

The posibility of working with and learning from the Gods of Hell is incredible, as they are beings with such power and understanding and knowledge, no human can even come close to them. They are really incredible beings and I am very grateful to have found the JoS when I did.

Now it is onwards to reach the Godhead and freeing this world from the jewish oppression that it has suffered from. 

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
