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Short story of how our Gods Defeated the Buddhist gods


New member
Dec 26, 2019
Nambudari Appa, during his long stay in Indo-Nepal border, studied with a Buddhist Lama who was an expert at Trul Khor (yantra yoga) and was one of the few knowers of advanced chaNDAlI kriyA (gtummo or the manipulation of kuNDalinI through the generation of yogic heat). The Lama decided to take a long pilgrimage to gayA and imparted his yogic knowledge to Appa before his departure.

This created great discomfort to several of his advanced Buddhist disciples who decided to put all their force together to get rid of the “Hindu” who had invaded their territory. On one mAgha krShNa dashamI, a severe prayoga involving the Heruka vajradhara along with his shakti nIlA was performed causing mysterious wounds and severe hallucination to Appa.

Those who assume that all yAnas of the saugatas are characterized by compassion, know nothing of the severe mAraNa and ucChuShma prayogas used by bauddhas even today in Tibet.

Being a young boy and unfamiliar with the prayogas of the bauddhas, Appa began to recite the vidyA of vaTuka-bhairava and prayed to his guru for guidance. He recounts that the prayoga hit him like a small worm that entered his being through his feet and grew into a monstrous snake within him, consuming much of his vital lifeforce.

He was guided through a vision in which a great black dog spoke to him. Based on the instructions received, Appa got busy in the japa of a certain mantra that invoked the wrath of mahAvidyArAjnI ugratArA on the pratipakSha. In about sixteen days, his mental and physical agony disappeared and a mysterious fire consumed the Buddhist monastery from which Appa had been thrown out.

Appa was then guided to take a pilgrimage to the tArA pITha known for its association with Vamakshepa and perform a homa where he had the glorious vision of one of the sixty-four yoginI-s who remained his guiding spirit all through his lifetime. Recently, the grandson of one of Appa's disciples has constructed a small shrine dedicated to Appa and mahAyoginI at the spot where the yoginI materialized and graced the great Master. Appa frequently said - “No one can save you from vipat like bhagavatI tArA, as quickly and as completely”.

Though the pancha-kAlIna vidhi of bimbAmbikA sampradAya does not mandate the japa of bhagavatI ugratArA along with the japas of shrIvidyA, guhyakAlI, bagalAmukhI etc., Appa made it a point to instruct all his disciples to perform nitya japa of mahAvidyArAjnI. On an interesting side note, Brahmasri chidAnandanAtha of guhAnanda maNDalI attached great importance to the japa of nIla-sarasvatI along with the upAsanA of shrI ucChiShTa gaNapati.

खर्वे गर्वसमूहपूरिततनो सर्पादिवेशोज्ज्वले
व्याघ्रत्वक्परिवीतसुन्दरकटीव्याधूतघण्टाङ्किते |
सद्यः कृत्तगलद्रजः परिमिलन्मुण्डद्वयीमूर्धज -
ग्रन्थिश्रेणिनृमुण्डदामललिते भीमे भयं नाशय ||

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
