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Sexuality & Balance, what is "natural"


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2017
Unfortunately, although enemy programs are collapsing the damage they have done is still felt, and society still has scars which will take time to heal in regards to sexuality. Even today, and even here, many people talk about sexuality or masturbation with undertones of embarrassment or shame.

Let's keep it simple and to the point. The release of sexual energy is not only completely natural, but an essential part of your daily life if you wish to maintain your health, not only spiritually but mentally as well. Something that frustrates me to no end is how easily people fall for the kike trick of jumping from one extreme to the other.

For a long time, sex was something taboo for obvious reasons. Sexual energy is extremely important for the health of a soul, and the release of this energy must be suppressed so that the goyim will rot. So masturbation became taboo, sex became restricted with guidelines such as having to be married and such crap. And even talking about these things is generally shunned and met with embarrassment in society.

As people are beginning to break free of these mental poisons, the kikes do what they do best which is play both sides. And took the steering wheel and are now pushing this phase of sexual liberation to it's absolute extreme and unhealthy degree. This is the eternal tactic of the kikes which is having goyim jump from one extreme to the other, and keep them in a constant loop of decay while trapped in these extremes.

Society will jump to a heavily xianized extreme where masturbation is a sin and sex is taboo, or to the other extreme of "people" parading in the streets flaunting their genitals to the public. For what it's worth, I am a strictly homosexual male. And if it were up to me, these "people" in these "parades"...well I was going to write a comment here, but it would get the forums shut down. Long story short it should be ensured that their pathetic little rotting souls should not reincarnate into His world, and let's leave it at that.

Something I always advocate is that people look for answers from within. Many things you may struggle to understand, may become clear if you sit down and think about them, as our nature is hard coded and internally we already have many of the answers we seek, if only we disconnect from all the mental poisons the ks bombard us with.

The release of sexual energy is as required as eating food. As without it your spirit rots. How you go about this is up to you, but as with eating food, when taken to extremes it will destroy you. Food in excess will destroy your body and sexual energy in excess will damage your soul.

A general balance is to go through this release at least once per day. If you do not have a partner to have daily sex with, you should masturbate. Preferably prior to a meditation session in my opinion.

It is important to note also, that the sexual liberation movements, this LGBT excrement's true purpose is not actually to "indoctrinate" kids or make everyone gay. Quite the contrary, this was engineered to cause a reaction and catapult society back to xian morality and code, if you go on any woke groups you will find many kikes posting memes and statements about how the problem is sexual liberation and the solution is to go back to xianity and sexual repression. If they were actually trying to indoctrinate children they would be doing so discreetly, this is all done in an attempt to cause a destructive reaction.

A jewish solution to a jewish problem. Which in short means it's no solution at all but replacing one problem with another problem. At the end of the day, the goyim rot either way. Whether through extremely unhealthy sexual activity, or through repressing sexuality.

As I have said before, for the time being we have influence, but not control. The herd will continue to fall for this game of jumping from one extreme to the next, but as individuals we do have control and must reject these mind plagues. Your sexuality is directly tied into your true nature and it is up to you to discover it and find a balance in your life.

So stop seeking answers and validation from others and look within. Deep down, you know what is right or "natural". The issue with seeking validation, or "answers" when it comes to YOUR nature, is that you are opening yourself to having your mind flooded with the ideals, bias and world views of others.

In this sense you become less of an individual and more of an extension of another person's beliefs and world views. This of course applies not only to sexuality, but every aspect of your being. You must look within and understand yourself, and be at peace with what you are. Only then can you start taking steps to improve yourself and grow as a person.

Bottom line is, neither sexual repression and sexuality pushed to the extreme are healthy. Balance is healthy. And everyone should strive for this balance. A self righteous 40 year old virgin christian with atrophied genitals is just as unhealthy as a perv who has sex 30 times in a day with a dozen different people. Both of these souls are atrophied and rotten albeit in different ways.

On the topic of specific sexual desires, more notably the more outlandish and "abnormal" desires, a majority of these are born from sexual imbalances. In my opinion a lot of these are caused either by too much sexual activity or a total lack of it, and of course you will find no shortage of all manner of depraved and outlandish "sexual" activity in porn sites. Hence why many "fetishes" are so extreme to a point where they can barely even be considered sexual, and become more an expression of mental and/or spiritual rot.

As you clean your soul, your true sexuality and desires will manifest. And things that were pushed into your mind by external influence will be washed away. You will know internally what is right and wrong, and what is and isn't "natural". It is important that you clean your soul and explore your own sexuality and desires.

And of course it goes without saying, many things are illegal and taboo for a reason. Sex is when consenting adults share a moment of intimacy, pleasure and bliss. This is what is accepted and advocated here. Do as you please with your consenting partners. Anything with animals, children and non consensual activity is not even sex but actually a manifestation of a rotting soul and depraved mind. Things that are washed away from one's psyche as one cleans their soul.
Thank you for this 🖤
Dahaarkan said:

As I have said before, for the time being we have influence, but not control. The herd will continue to fall for this game of jumping from one extreme to the next, but as individuals we do have control and must reject these mind plagues. Your sexuality is directly tied into your true nature and it is up to you to discover it and find a balance in your life.

So stop seeking answers and validation from others and look within. Deep down, you know what is right or "natural". The issue with seeking validation, or "answers" when it comes to YOUR nature, is that you are opening yourself to having your mind flooded with the ideals, bias and world views of others.

In this sense you become less of an individual and more of an extension of another person's beliefs and world views. This of course applies not only to sexuality, but every aspect of your being. You must look within and understand yourself, and be at peace with what you are. Only then can you start taking steps to improve yourself and grow as a person.


OP touched on something of great wisdom here that I will try to add my own understandings about.

When we seek "validation" it is because we are questioning our fundamental reality and now we are desperately wanting to bring back balance within ourselves. We all know what this feels like. Sometimes it can be very emotional, and usually, the more emotional the reaction to new or contradictory information, the more one Must work out their dilemma. This state is called "ambivalence" or "cognitive dissonance" and it is when one holds two contradictory thoughts at the same time. This state is uncomfortable, so instead of trying to work this state out within one's self, the quickest way to resolve it is to ask for "validation". (The "quickest" usually doesn't mean the "best" way forward. Sometimes going through pain within ourselves Is the best way to grow as a person, but I'm digressing.)

There can be "appropriate" validation and there can be "inappropriate" validation.

On the positive side of such, asking for someone else to confirm or deny a specific reality that you are living in can be necessary to find out if one is caught up in a delusion. Such acts helps "break" spells of disillusionment and allow for an individual to grow. This can come in the form of asking an elder or someone knowledgeable in a craft. These are figures of "authority" that most people will want to go to in times of "realignment" when one is questioning their own perceptions of reality. The individual sage or adept will then integrate the different perspectives from others and run their own experiences/thoughts in parallel with them. At this stage, the adept will determine what knowledge to keep, what to ignore, and what to put aside for later, but usually, this all means hard work on the individual's part. Unlearning and relearning is extremely difficult for the average person but can be Extremely rewarding if done with foresight, wisdom, and an attitude of self evolution.

Now on the negative side, asking for validation could be seen as a "short-cut" to solidifying one's reality. This is especially so if one hangs around others of likeminded mentality on an unhealthy and constant basis. The act of "challenging" hard fought "mental territory" is too frightening or too arduous a task for those that, perhaps subconsciously, "seek" validation from others in this way. It is mental laziness and self hinderance to the highest degree. OP is right when he says "... you are now an extension of another person's beliefs and world views." You are no longer "you", but now a "copy" of someone else who "programed" you.

This all comes with maturity, of course (and of course "maturity" does not equal the amount of years one has spent on Earth). The more mature one is, the less likely they will seek validation from a negative sense, and still further with maturity, they will not seek validation from outside forces at all as they come to understand everything Inside can be solved from Within.

However, not everyone is predisposition to the above in either positive or negative way. Not everyone is capable of integrating and changing their preconceived "thoughts" about reality in quick succession. Sometimes it takes a few days or months and other times, never. This is all normal for the individual, however, the act of meditation can certainly Help with it. "Cognitive plasticity" is a hard trait to come by and even harder still is to find ones that can teach Themselves from the wisdom of others and from their own experiences.

If OP is so inclined, I wouldn't mind hearing a more detailed explanation to his original statement I have quoted as I believe this should be expanded upon in his own words/experiences. What made you come to the above conclusion?
The fact is that sexuality is and must be a personal choice and responsibility, there is no reason for others to interfere.

So why is there still a problem with this? Because not everyone is super aware and super up-to-date, on the contrary, most are very retarded and very unaware. Add to that the bad publicity and negative influence, and what can you expect? Problems of course.
Enigmatic_Rabbit said:
If OP is so inclined, I wouldn't mind hearing a more detailed explanation to his original statement I have quoted as I believe this should be expanded upon in his own words/experiences. What made you come to the above conclusion?

Self discovery begins when you disconnect from the voices around you telling you what you are and/or should be and instead start to look inward and identify your own flaws, talents etc.

It's asking the question "who am I" instead of "who should I be". For my personal experience, and those who have been around for many years and seen my posting habits, know that there are some very unusual traits to my person and my nature.

For a very long time I've been bombarded from every direction that the way I am is sinful, or wrong, or unnatural, or jewish, or rotten, etc etc. And while being criticized by both my own and the enemy what I notice is an underlying insecurity coming from those who cannot tolerate or understand anything that differs from them.

The people who relentlessly push their own core ideals and beliefs upon others, and the people who seek the opinions of others and wish to integrate other's ideals into themselves in order to feel accepted, are two sides of the same insecure and lost coin.

I of course experienced this phase of feeling lost and confused when trying to figure out what I am, and if one bothers to read what comes from Satan himself one comes to realize that all the rules, guidelines and ideals that are pushed here and there are man made.

Satan is very clear and straight to the point when it comes to this topic. One is free to follow the dictates of their own nature so long as they cooperate in his designs and do not oppose Him.

For more practical advice on true self discovery, this is rather simple to accomplish. The primary focus here must be third eye meditation and full activation, consistent and deep cleaning, and a purge of mental poisons and ideals and values imposed on your mind from external sources.

And what I have found personally, is that while my core nature has never changed, the most destructive, negative and excessive traits of my nature have been subdued and in the case of the worst of impulses these have washed away completely as I cleaned and liberated my soul from external influence and pollution. Instead of trying to change my nature, I built upon it. I improved it, I cleaned it, I balanced it.

I'm still the same person, but now I have balance and focus. I know what I am and I am peace with what I am. I do not require the approval of anyone but myself and this is as it should be.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
