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"Sexual Energies" Group Ritual Version 1.2

Feb 1, 2006
This ritual will be the second of three rituals posted this month by me. The third will be of a topic that will be disclosed upon its posting sometime this month.

The ritual in question is the second ritual within a series of rituals dealing with freeing and awakening our Gentiles to their sexual identity and guiding them to embracing their sexual selves and to have sexual freedom.


Back in June I wrote part 1 to this series of rituals that dealt with binding the jews from spreading their lies about sexual desires and binding them from making Gentiles ashamed of their sexual desires. For part 2 this ritual will deal with causing the Gentiles of the world to stop being ashamed of their sexual desires/nature and to have them stop being afraid to carry their sexual life out. Sexual energy is very important and if one buries their sexual desires they are preventing themselves from advancing to godhead. The jews know how important sexual energy is when it comes to reaching godhead and this is why they made us and continue to cause to be ashamed of who we truly are sexually and try to prevent us from advancing with our sexual nature. By opening our fellow Gentiles up to the freedom of a sexually free life we are opening a passage way for them to start their advancement to awakening and their path to godhead.

For those who say this is not the greatest idea for it will cause those with darker desires such as pedophilia and rape to feel free to carry them out as well, all I will say is this is already happening everyday and this ritual will have no affect on that. Such things as pedophilia is due to lower level of bio-electricity, a history of burying sexual desires and much more dealing with the soul and past life times. By opening up our fellow Gentiles to their sexual desires we can prevent these sort of things in the long run. Also other rituals can be done to prevent such matters. Each desire should be a process of rituals as this will cause the energy to be more directed and it will build up in a most positive way.

Purpose of Ritual

The purpose of this ritual will be to bring down the barriers of sexual suppression that the jews have put up to keep us Gentiles from godhead.


This ritual is to take place on August 20th 2012. The 20th of August falls on a Monday which is ruled by the moon. With working with the energies of the moon we will receive the following benefits.

"emotions, moods, feelings and intuitions"

On this day the moon will be in the sign of Libra, this will give us the following benefits:

"Good time to form love relationships, marriages, partnerships of all kinds or cast spells to ensure the success of or to incite these. Peace, workings with two people, contracts, getting people to do what you want them to do easily and peacefully, Best for love spells"

Runes To Be Used

Uruz- Incites action, sexual potency. Freedom

Ansuz- destroys tyranny (jewish control over Gentile's Sexual Nature), spiritual force sets us free, open channels of self- expression, overcome obstacles of every kind.

Kenaz- Dealing with sexual energies and the kundalini,

Sowilo- incites action, kundalini and spark of life (kunalini sexual in nature), Masculine energy, strengthens the will and confidence (confidence to carry out sexual desires)

Mannaz- help to learn more of the self (one's sexual nature and sexual self)


Runic Affirmation- The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the Gentiles of the world fully embrace their sexual nature and desires for all eternity

Ritual Affirmation- The Gentiles of the world are continuously and fully embracing their sexual nature and desires for all eternity

Sigil Being Used

The Sigil being used will simply be a swastika with the above runes surrounding it. It is important to remember that there should be NO circles anywhere on the sigil. Even the runes themselves should NOT form a tight circle and should be loosely placed around the swastika.

Ritual Declaration

In ancient times our great ancestors knew of no shame when it came to sexual desires and knew when followed the laws of nature it was the sexual energies that would truly set them free. It is by these energies that defined our soul and made our sexual desires what they are, creating a big part of who we are.

Than the smell of the poisonous kikes stenched the air and its weak but loud voice filled the minds of the Gentiles of the earth and everything that our great ancestors celebrated, achieved and knew about such energies was completely destroyed. As a result from jewish manipulation our Gentile people became confused and ashamed of their sexual desires, so ashamed that our fellow Gentiles begun to suppress their true self.

With the suppression of our most pure energy our fellow Gentiles souls grew weak as their energies began to fall, they began to engage in heinous sexual acts, shaming themselves and destroying their victims mentally and spiritually.Most importantly due to the suppression of our purest energies our Gentile people lost a huge part of their personality, of their individuality, and a major part of what divides them from the creatures known as the jews. Everything in which has led them to become vulnerable to the one mindedness that the jews wish for us all.

However, despite all of their attempts the dark ages of sexual suppression are over and as the days go on and the new and permanent Gentile golden age continues to close in upon the world, bringing with it healing energies our world has not seen in so long, our Gentile people continue to embrace their most natural desires and in return activating their kundalini leading the way for our Gentile people to reach for spiritual perfection yet again and causing the chains binding our people to the lies of the jew to be shattered for all eternity.

Their once mighty voice is now no more than a whisper and I (state your full (name) by the energies I raise here tonight shall see that this mere whispernever again shall pierce the ears of any living creature and by the energies I (state your full name) raise here tonight I shall see that their voice shall forever be bound into nothingness for all eternity

The Ritual

1.Before Beginning the ritual take a few minutes to clean your aura and raise your energies. This can be done by visualizing a white-gold energy surrounding yourself and making the affirmation "My aura is cleansed of all negative energies. To raise your energies the breath of fire or alternate nostril breathing can be done

2.Next before you begin clean your ritual area of all negative energy. This can be done by visualizing Satanic blue flames covering your ritual area. See and feel the heat and affirm these flames are cleansing your ritual area

3.Now prepare to begin the ritual

4.Open the ritual as you would any other with either the standard ritual format found on the JoS or the opening ritual found on HP Vovim's website

5.Read the ritual declaration with intent and as much passion as you can. While reading the declaration know that the desired outcome is coming into reality

6.Burn the ritual declaration or save it for the end and burn it with the sigil

7.Place the sigil on your alter

8.With your focus on the sigil begin by saying the ritual affirmation nine times while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a vibrant white-gold energy

9.Begin with the rune Uruz. With your focus on the sigil begin by inhaling, On the inhale say the runic affirmation with intent. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Uruz runes on the sigil glowing in a white-gold energy. Repeat this process nine times and after the ninth time say the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a white-gold energy.

10.Move onto the rune Ansuz. With your focus on the sigil begin by inhaling, On the inhale say the runic affirmation with intent. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Ansuz runes on the sigil glowing in a white-gold energy. Repeat this process nine times and after the ninth time say the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a white-gold energy.

11.Move onto the rune Kenaz. With your focus on the sigil begin by inhaling, On the inhale say the runic affirmation with intent. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Kenaz runes on the sigil glowing in a white-gold energy. Repeat this process nine times and after the ninth time say the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a white-gold energy.

12.Move onto the rune Mannaz. With your focus on the sigil begin by inhaling, On the inhale say the runic affirmation with intent. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Mannaz runes on the sigil glowing in a white-gold energy. Repeat this process nine times and after the ninth time say the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a white-gold energy.

13.Move onto the rune Sowilo. With your focus on the sigil begin by inhaling, On the inhale say the runic affirmation with intent. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Sowilo runes on the sigil glowing in a white-gold energy. Repeat this process nine times and after the ninth time say the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a white-gold energy.

14.With a marker or pen write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil and sit for a few minutes and meditate on the desired outcome, directing the raised energy into the sigil

15.Now its time to raise and direct the sexual energies. As we all know there is no energy stronger than that of sexual nature, for even the kundalini is sexual in nature. Since this ritual is for freeing Gentiles from sexual oppression we need to add sexual energy to this ritual.

All that is needed is for everyone who performs this ritual to masturbate on any sexual desire/preference/fetish and etc that you may have. This is about sexual freedom so what you wish to focus upon is up to you. Upon reaching orgasmic climax you can either direct energy from your sacral chakra which can be done by spinning your sacral chakra clockwise and direct the energy from the spinning chakra in front of you and into the sigil. Or a second way is upon orgasmic climax send the energy up through your chakras and out your crown chakra and do the same to direct the energy into the sigil.

16.Once you direct the energy into the sigil see it glowing in a vibrant white-gold energy.

17.Upon the release of your sexual fluids drip some of it upon the sigil while repeating "through my sexual energy I (state your full name) here tonight shatter the chains binding all Gentiles to sexual suppression. Seeing the entire sigil glowing with white-gold energy.

18.Burn the sigil and repeat the ritual affirmation until the sigil is completely burned.

19.Close the ritual

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
