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Sermon - Qliphoth

Aug 31, 2012
As promised, I have written a sermon on the qliphoth. I absolutely hate this topic, yet I do realise that this knowledge MUST be available to everybody - to KNOW what the qliphoth stand for. I was fascinated with this topic, yet now, being a Spiritual Satanist I abhor it. And no wonder - read, puke and may your hatred towards the kikeshit grow.

to the sermon

The Qliphoth Introduction Sometimes the newly dedicated ones to Father Lucifer, and those more advanced ask about that these mysterious qliphoth are.  And usually the answers are similar â€" qliphoth are the jewish blasphemy against the Gods, because they show Them as some evil and destructive entities, or repressed archetypes in our mind (though it is obvious because of whom these repressions were forced). This of course goes under the term ‘safe Satanism’. Whereas for many of us, Spirituals Satanists, this answer is perfectly enough, for some people such answer may not suffice. They might want to know what they mean, what is connected with them, in what way are they blasphemous to the Demons, etc. In this essay I would like to present the subject of the qliphoth and the Tree of Death / Night - the Nightside of the biblical Creation of IHVH â€" describing the terms a bit broader in hope that when one asks again about the qliphoth, one will be directed here and his or her interest in the subject will be quenched. I also wish to show, via this essay, how twisted, perverted and downright EVIL the mind of this parasitic vermin really is. The amassing of large amounts of energy, via the prayers of the enslaved Gentiles, allowed the kikes to create a fictitious entity, IHVH, which in itself is a giant vortex of energy, of which the kikes know all too well, and thus utilize it to enslave the Demons â€" the Original, Gentile Gods â€" to do the bidding of the blood-thirsty kosher scum and other deluded Gentiles. The kikes also depicted the Demons as some destructive, malignant forces, evil spirits who deceive, harm and lead to damnation. Of course, those Gentiles who wanted to use (abuse) those ‘evil spirits’ developed those magical systems, and thus we have the Nightside of the kike qabbalah. Now, if you are able to see a Demon, feel His/Her aura, see His/Her light, would you be convinced to perceive these benevolent Beings as malignant, deceitful, and all this crock of shit which the kike shoves to the Gentiles’ heads? Being a patriarchal cult, the parasitic race twisted every piece of information they touched with their filthy, unworthy tentacles. This is especially visible when it comes to the gender of some Demons â€" Goddesses. This from the onset exposes their intense hatred towards the females, and the feminine. This is naturally connected to the kundalini serpent, whose nature is sexual and feminine, but this is not the point of the essay. The distortion of the truth is visible in case of Goddess Ishtar aka Astaroth. She is one of the ‘archetypal demonic forces’ guarding a qliphoth. She â€" and He by the kikes â€" is described as “an angel with a lethal breath, riding a dragon and holding serpents in his hands.” Astaroth in the jewish writings is (also*) translated as “The one from the herd”. * - HP Maxine in her sermon also provides another translation â€" ‘slut’ For those of you who are aware of the fact that Our Gods are the Beings of Light, with electric-blue aura, and Father with white-gold one, we can clearly see on the basis of the above, how abominable, outrageous, repugnant, repulsive and what not the kikes’ hatred towards the humane, the beautiful and the divine really is. So, to the point. The Tree of Night / Death and the qliphoth I will now describe the ‘Ha-ilan ha-hizon’ (hebr. The Tree of Death) and the infernal spheres, inhabited by the demonic, archetypal forces â€" the rulers of the qliphoth. Due to the fact that I have been reading the materials from the occult order Dragon Rouge some time â€" fortunately reading only, because my fascination with this topic was a flash in the pan â€" I will be using their definitions. They have their lodges in Europe, and not many, but I suppose they will be disappearing over time. Before the lodge on my country disappeared I managed to download the essays and study them a bit, thus learning a bit about the nature of the qliphoth â€" in theory. My main â€" and only in fact â€" aim was to show and educate Satanists who wanted to know what this kike garbage really is, and how blasphemous it is for Father and His Demons. Apart from this, some of their essays I found philosophically motivating, for they encourage to delve into our own Darkness, in which we find our Light, our Divinity â€" but not on EITHER  the Dark or Light side.  I admit that once this ‘dark side’ was attracting me very much, but there were some aspects that detested me, so I eventually quit. Nonetheless, when I was assembling the data about this load of crap from the books which I list in bibliography, and being a Spiritual Satanist, having a Satanic spirit, I abhor this stuff which was once so attractive. Again, the only reason why I gathered those pieces of information was to show you, dear Brethren, what this distortion of Truth REALLY is. Qliphoth, (קליפות qelippot) in hebrew means ‘peels’, ‘shells’. There are a few definitions, yet they all agree as to their nature: dark spheres of chaos, the opposite of this, what “IHVH has created” â€" the perfect order and harmony in those 7 days.     The final aim of the qliphotic journey downwards / inwards is the divinity through the attainment of metaphysical evil. Dragon Rouge defines it as the “abandonment of God” â€" Sitra Achra (hebr. The Other Side). Qliphotic cabbalist turns away from the order and goodness created by IHVH, and instead of being created, s/he him/herself becomes the creator. It is frequently compared to Chepera â€" the God who created Himself. The word Xeper itself means “I have Become”. The Sethians from the Temple of Set call their process of becoming Xeper. A few definitions: „Kingdom of Shells, known as the Qlippoth or Kelippot. This Infernal kingdom is also known as Hell. Qlippoth means "shells" and is said to consist of debris left over from an influx of divine force too strong for the lower planes or sephiroth to withstand. The shells are usually considered as realms containing demons.”[1] „The Qliphoth is the dark side of this tradition. The Qliphoth is the principles of the shadow and the antitheses that are hidden behind everything. The side of light in the Qabalah represents mathematical/ geometrical principles through which God created the world. The Qliphoth corresponds to fractals and principles of chaos. The Qliphoth are the dividing and destructive forces. The Qliphotic Qabalah uses the forces of destruction to free the adept from the limitations of creation. Through these forces we can learn to create. In the Qabalah, Lucifer and the fallen angels are those who first used the Qliphotic forces to free themselves from God. The principles of light are keeping the angels and the rest of creation in their firm, predetermined circles. The dark forces break these circles and make a free will and an individual existence outside God possible.

And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. I. Shahul/Sheol â€" Triple Hell 1. Satan and Moloch 2. Beelzebub 3. Lucifuge II. Abbadon â€" Astaroth (The earths Demonic underworld) III. Tythihoz â€" Asmodeus (The underworld of passage, of the Humans when they die) IV. Baraschechath â€" Belphegor (Where the human end up in the end) V. Tzaelmoth â€" Baal (The temporary underworld of the dragons when they die) VI. Sha’arimamrath â€" Adramelech (The temporary underworld of passage when dragons die) VII. Giyehanim â€" Lilith and Naamah (The qlippoth realm where dragons end up) [1] Generally it is visible that the levels of hell correspond to the guardians of the qliphoth. However, due to the fact that the uppermost sephirah and the lowermost qliphoth are the most important in their own Trees, the kike invented that the final hell will be triple. 4 worlds according to the qliphotic qabbalah: 1. “The Water of Tears”, representing the pain and shock of falling from the empyrean abode to the darkness or infernal regions. This is also a world of shadows forming into desire. This is when all is stripped away and illusion is no more. The initiate discovers this early on during his/her initiatory focus. This is the first stage of transformation spiritually and becoming “like Lucifer”, in the methodology of thought and action. Atziluth Inverse â€" Kether, Chokmah, Binah (Thaumiel, Ghagiel, Sathariel â€" SdDs)): the 10 spheres of HVHI, the unspoken name of Samael. Nobility of the Spirit, the Mind, Akoman. Know the hunger of becoming, of devouring. This is an alchemical process which allows the intiate to develop and manifest the Beast within while refining and strengthening consciousness and self-Divinity. 2. “The Waters of Creation”, being the inverse creation or shadow becoming away from the light. Keep in mind this is similar to the lore of Samael as the Watcher planting the seed of the forbidden tree in the darkness; The Waters of Creation beget the children of Cain. Briah Inverse â€" Chesed, Geburah, Tiphereth (Gha’agsheblah, Golchab, Thagirion â€" SdDs)): 10 spheres of the body of the Black Adept, the Ten are the body and spirit, mastery therein. Creation as a result of spirit, thought. 3. “The Water of the Ocean” is both angelic and demonic spirits, the water from which the dragon comes forth, the adversary or dual headed opposer, but also the union brought between the Adversary by Leviathan. Yetzirah Inverse â€" Netzach, Hod, Yesod (A’ Arab Zaraq, Samael, Lilith â€" SdDs)): 10 hells in 7 places. The Daemonic Feminine, Lilith-Jeh-Az, the feminine which allows creation to take form. The seven rays of the stooping dragon joined with the Whore* to create in flesh. The Water of the Ocean is the formless chaos void of which Az/Lilith empower their children to name and manifest their world around them. * - Lilith was frequently called the Whore of Babylon 4. “The False Sea” being the astral plane, this is the desecrated darkness of water which the Beast arises from, the dreaming plane. When one performs an act of witchcraft or sorcery, sending it forth in the False Sea, their Will is made flesh by their manifestation on earth as a Beast from the Sea. This is the astral plane of where one seeks the Averse Sephiroth of devourment, as a Son of Ahriman or Tiamat. Assiah Inverse â€" Malkuth (Lilith â€" SdDs)): matter, action, manifestation. Possibility willed and made flesh, the material world itself. [3] Tunnels / Pathways Sephiroth as well as the qliphoth are joined with various pathways, yet as the Tree of Life has some Tarot cards ascribed to them, the Tree of Death has specific Tarot Cards â€" the Shadow Tarot (Linda Falorio is the author of it). The pathways connecting the qliphotic spheres are called the Tunnels of Seth.   “Each tunnel has different features and reveals different aspects of the universe (macro-cosmos) and consciousness (micro-cosmos). Thus they can be compared to the network of dream cells in the unconscious depths of the mind. Each tunnel is connected to a pathway on the Tree of Life, underneath which it lies, leading simultaneously to many dimensions as the same time.” â€" translation mine â€" SdDs. [5]Now, you want to see the true qliphoth?
His Qliphotic Unholiness, Dark lord of christianity, the Lie-monger, Filthy Parasitic Lackey, the Chancellor or Misery, Tormentor of the Righteous, 266 Usurper on the Throne of Humanity, pope BeneDIC(K)t 16th. http://www.topnews.in/files/PopeBenedictXVI_3.jpg
May the parasitic kike vermin be cursed for evermore!! Bibliography [1] http://www.freewebs.com/littleblackrose ... ippoth.htm [2] http://dragonrouge.net/english/general.htm [3] Ford, Michael W. 2005. Liber HVHI. Magic of the Adversary. Succubus publishing. [4] essay„Najczê¶ciej zadawane pytania â€" Lo¿a Magan” [5] Lo¿a Magan. Dragon Rouge Polska. 2008. Aspekty ¦cie¿ki Lewej Rêki. Lo¿a Magan.

Crap:/ If someone wants to read it as it should be, tell me and I'll send you the .doc file.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "siguarddraconis" <siguarddraconis@... wrote:

As promised, I have written a sermon on the qliphoth. I absolutely hate
this topic, yet I do realise that this knowledge MUST be available to
everybody - to KNOW what the qliphoth stand for. I was fascinated with
this topic, yet now, being a Spiritual Satanist I abhor it. And no
wonder - read, puke and may your hatred towards the kikeshit grow.

to the sermon

The Qliphoth

Sometimes the newly dedicated ones to Father Lucifer, and those more
advanced ask about that these mysterious qliphoth are. And usually the
answers are similar â�" qliphoth are the jewish blasphemy against
the Gods, because they show Them as some evil and destructive entities,
or repressed archetypes in our mind (though it is obvious because of
whom these repressions were forced). This of course goes under the term
�safe Satanism <http://www.666blacksun.com/Safe_Satanism.html
�. Whereas for many of us, Spirituals Satanists, this answer is
perfectly enough, for some people such answer may not suffice. They
might want to know what they mean, what is connected with them, in what
way are they blasphemous to the Demons, etc.

In this essay I would like to present the subject of the qliphoth and
the Tree of Death / Night - the Nightside of the biblical Creation of
IHVH â�" describing the terms a bit broader in hope that when one
asks again about the qliphoth, one will be directed here and his or her
interest in the subject will be quenched. I also wish to show, via this
essay, how twisted, perverted and downright EVIL the mind of this
parasitic vermin really is.

The amassing of large amounts of energy, via the prayers of the enslaved
Gentiles, allowed the kikes to create a fictitious entity, IHVH, which
in itself is a giant vortex of energy, of which the kikes know all too
well, and thus utilize it to enslave the Demons â�" the Original,
Gentile Gods â�" to do the bidding of the blood-thirsty kosher scum
and other deluded Gentiles. The kikes also depicted the Demons as some
destructive, malignant forces, evil spirits who deceive, harm and lead
to damnation. Of course, those Gentiles who wanted to use (abuse) those
�evil spirits� developed those magical systems, and thus
we have the Nightside of the kike qabbalah.

Now, if you are able to see a Demon, feel His/Her aura, see His/Her
light, would you be convinced to perceive these benevolent Beings as
malignant, deceitful, and all this crock of shit which the kike shoves
to the Gentiles� heads?

Being a patriarchal cult, the parasitic race twisted every piece of
information they touched with their filthy, unworthy tentacles. This is
especially visible when it comes to the gender of some Demons â�"
Goddesses. This from the onset exposes their intense hatred towards the
females, and the feminine. This is naturally connected to the kundalini
serpent, whose nature is sexual and feminine, but this is not the point
of the essay. The distortion of the truth is visible in case of Goddess
Ishtar aka Astaroth. She is one of the �archetypal demonic
forcesâ�� guarding a qliphoth. She â�" and He by the kikes
â�" is described as â��an angel with a lethal breath, riding a
dragon and holding serpents in his hands.� Astaroth in the jewish
writings is (also*) translated as �The one from the herd�.

* - HP Maxine in her sermon also provides another translation â�"

For those of you who are aware of the fact that Our Gods are the Beings
of Light, with electric-blue aura, and Father with white-gold one, we
can clearly see on the basis of the above, how abominable, outrageous,
repugnant, repulsive and what not the kikes� hatred towards the
humane, the beautiful and the divine really is. So, to the point.

The Tree of Night / Death and the qliphoth

I will now describe the �Ha-ilan ha-hizon� (hebr. The Tree
of Death) and the infernal spheres, inhabited by the demonic, archetypal
forces â�" the rulers of the qliphoth.

Due to the fact that I have been reading the materials from the occult
order Dragon Rouge some time â�" fortunately reading only, because
my fascination with this topic was a flash in the pan â�" I will be
using their definitions. They have their lodges in Europe, and not many,
but I suppose they will be disappearing over time. Before the lodge on
my country disappeared I managed to download the essays and study them a
bit, thus learning a bit about the nature of the qliphoth â�" in
theory. My main â�" and only in fact â�" aim was to show and
educate Satanists who wanted to know what this kike garbage really is,
and how blasphemous it is for Father and His Demons. Apart from this,
some of their essays I found philosophically motivating, for they
encourage to delve into our own Darkness, in which we find our Light,
our Divinity â�" but not on EITHER the Dark or Light side.

I admit that once this �dark side� was attracting me very
much, but there were some aspects that detested me, so I eventually
quit. Nonetheless, when I was assembling the data about this load of
crap from the books which I list in bibliography, and being a Spiritual
Satanist, having a Satanic spirit, I abhor this stuff which was once so
attractive. Again, the only reason why I gathered those pieces of
information was to show you, dear Brethren, what this distortion of
Truth REALLY is.

Qliphoth, (ק��פ�ת qelippot) in hebrew means
�peels�, �shells�. There are a few
definitions, yet they all agree as to their nature: dark spheres of
chaos, the opposite of this, what �IHVH has created�
â�" the perfect order and harmony in those 7 days.

The final aim of the qliphotic journey downwards / inwards is the
divinity through the attainment of metaphysical evil. Dragon Rouge
defines it as the â��abandonment of Godâ�� â�" Sitra
Achra (hebr. The Other Side). Qliphotic cabbalist turns away from the
order and goodness created by IHVH, and instead of being created, s/he
him/herself becomes the creator. It is frequently compared to Chepera
â�" the God who created Himself. The word Xeper itself means
�I have Become�. The Sethians from the Temple of Set call
their process of becoming Xeper.

A few definitions:

�Kingdom of Shells, known as the Qlippoth or Kelippot. This
Infernal kingdom is also known as Hell. Qlippoth means "shells" and is
said to consist of debris left over from an influx of divine force too
strong for the lower planes or sephiroth to withstand. The shells are
usually considered as realms containing demons.�[1]

�The Qliphoth is the dark side of this tradition. The Qliphoth is
the principles of the shadow and the antitheses that are hidden behind
everything. The side of light in the Qabalah represents mathematical/
geometrical principles through which God created the world. The Qliphoth
corresponds to fractals and principles of chaos. The Qliphoth are the
dividing and destructive forces. The Qliphotic Qabalah uses the forces
of destruction to free the adept from the limitations of creation.
Through these forces we can learn to create. In the Qabalah, Lucifer and
the fallen angels are those who first used the Qliphotic forces to free
themselves from God. The principles of light are keeping the angels and
the rest of creation in their firm, predetermined circles. The dark
forces break these circles and make a free will and an individual
existence outside God possible.

Demonology and the Goetic magic are parts of the Qliphotic Qabalah in
which the magician conjures and evokes personified dark forces in the
shape of different demons.� [2]

Here the members of his occult order provide an interesting definition:

�(�) in the traditional Qabbalah the qliphoth are
considered to be empty shells, devoid of light and inhabited by the
demonic forces. Qaballists say this is so, because blinded by the light,
they cannot see the energies they contain. Dark magic, however,
considers that the levels of the Tree of Night contain first and
foremost large amounts of energy and strives to utilize them by going
deeper into the qliphotic abyss.â�� â�" translation mine,
SdDs. [3]

From the above 3 definitions we can conclude what the qliphoth are
â�" spheres of chaos, antitheses of IHVHâ��s creation. The
mage, by exploring the initiatory map â�" the Tree of Night
â�" goes deeper and finds his true self, his divinity.

Three negative veils and the qliphoth

To the descriptions of the spheres then. The first areas are in fact 3
negative veils, which the mage reaches after the Thaumiel qliphah.

0 â�" Tohu, formless and desolation

Qematiel, a black headed dragon-serpent who unites under him the force
of Kether of the Averse Sephiroth. Kether is the Sphere of Satan or
Moloch and is thus a power source behind Metatron or the powerful angel,
it is a direct ascension through descending which leads to the Gnosis of
the Adversary. The Adept understands here there is nothing but the
essence of the sorcerer, that all he/she needs is their own mind and
body, that strength is always found within. [3]

00 â�" Bohu, void and emptiness

Belial who is described by Cabalists as a black and bloated dragon-man.
He �denies god� and unites the averse force of Chokmah.
Belial in the physical world is a form or idea behind the Antichrist,
the Lord of the Earth, while in the astral plane the second angel said
to be created next to Lucifer, or Samael. In this void, the primal
darkness of nothingness, the Adept becomes like Belial in that there is
no God but the self; you are alone, there is no comfort of some
�God� watching over you, no mediating savior to offer your
life to, just your mind and spirit. Belial survived the beginnings in
darkness by understanding the inner fire of spirit, how to fan that
flame and make your own self-created light. [3]

000 â�" Chasek, darkness, primal void â�" that from which the
Prince of Darkness and life emerged from. That from which Samael sought
to move away from.

Gothiel is a black insect-man who is said to unite the force of the
averse Binah. [3]

Below these 3 negative veils there are 10 (well, 11, since Thaumiel is
double) infernal, chaotic spheres, of which each has a demonic guardian,
able to grant us some gifts, or drive us insane if we are psychically
not strong enough to embrace the qliphotic power. From 1.0 to 10.0 they
are as follows:

1.0 - Thaumiel (hebr. Twin God)

Demon: Satan and Moloch

Sphere: Pluto

The opposite of Kether is the qliphah Thaumiel. It is at the top, an
means �Twin-god� or �double king�. It
represents the separation and chaos. As Kether is the purest essence of
being, Thaumiel is the non-existence, which cannot be fathom by the
human mind. This qliphah is divided, therefore we have overall 11
qliphoth. Thaumiel is the multiple and eternal change, thesis and
anti-thesis in one. This qliphah is eternally active, whereas Kether
eternally passive. Its two heads are Satan and Moloch. The name Satan
means �adversary�, which is depicted as a fallen angel and
rebel. Moloch is the second ruler. He appears as the man with a
bull�s head. He often wears a crown, since his name denotes

2.0 - Ghagiel (hebr. The Hinderers)

Demon: Beelzebub or Adam Beliala (hebr. Vile Man)

Sphere: Uranus

The dark counterpart of Chokmah is Ghagiel, the hinderer and the enemy.
This qliphah abolishes the law created by Chokmah. Ghagiel represents
breaking the rules and is ruled by Beelzebub, �Lord of the
Flies�. He is portrayed as the giant insect. According to old
myths, he may be aggressive towards humanity. It is said that when one
enters this qliphah, he or she finds his / her own heaven in his / her
own hell.

3.0 â�" Sathariel (hebr. The Concealers)

Demon: Lucifuge Rofocale aka Focalor (parasitic vermin translates His
name as �The One who flees from Light�, but this is the
jewish interpretation; the Gentile interpretation is �The One who
finds comfort in Light� - SdDs)

Sphere: Saturn

The opposite side of Binah is Sathariel, the concealer, the silent.
Sathariel is the qliphah of dark mysteries. It is associated with the
cults of the dark mysteries. It represents the absurd, the surreal and
what is apparently inconceivable. It seems as though there is nothing
there, yet everything is veiled under a magical mist. The ruler of
Sathariel is Lucifuge, not to be confused with Lucifer, the light
bearer. Lucifuge may reveal great treasures, since he has the gift of
seeing what is hidden. He may, however, lead the mage to the absurd
world of madness.

4.0 - Gha�agsheblah (hebr. The Smiters)

Demon: Astaroth (hebr. The one of the Herd).

Sphere: Jupiter

Chesed, the sphere of mercy finds it dark counterpart in the world of
Gha�agsheblah, the destroyer, or sometimes called tormentor.
Gha�agsheblah functions as the qliphah of a warrior and of a
lover. It can influence the human soul so much that it can either
destroy it or lead it to be reborn in the new life. Gha�agsheblah
is ruled by Astaroth, dark god of love and war. He appears as an angel
with a noxious breath and rides a dragon. Astaroth tells us about the
fall of angels and about the mysteries of time.

5.0 â�" Golchab (hebr. The Flaming Ones)

Demon: Asmodeus

Sphere: Mars

Whereas Geburah presents the Seere aspect of God, his anger, the
punishing part of the Tree of Life, Golchab is the arsonist, the blaming
being and the qliphah of fire. Golchab is the most brutal qliphah.
According to some theorists, it is the qliphah of the qliphoth, and the
place from which all the qliphoth emerged. This sphere has an incredibly
great potential of energy which can be very destructive. It is ruled by
Asmoday. He appears as the powerful king with 3 heads â�" of the
ram, human and ox. From his jaw flows lava and he also rides the dragon.
He represents all the fiery forces, destruction and sexuality.

6.0 â�" Thagirion (hebr. The Disputers)

Demon: Belphegor

Sphere: Sun (Black)

Thagirion is the central qliphah in the Ha-ilan ha-hizon â�" the
outer Tree or the Tree of wisdom. This qliphah is the dark side of
Tiphereth of the Tree of Life. Both are the spheres of child and
descendants. And as Tiphereth is associated with Christ and messianic
characters, Thagirion corresponds to Antichrist and the Beast 666.
Tiphereth corresponds to visible, golden sun, and so its dark
counterpart, Thagirion corresponds to the invisible Black Sun, the Sol
Niger of the alchemists. Its name denotes conflict or dispute and its
ruler is Belphagor. Belphagor appears sometimes as a beautiful woman,
awaking the animal part of the human. He sometimes, however, appears as
an animal. Those who are not afraid of this phenomena will receive much

7.0 - A�Arab Zaraq (hebr. Raven of Dispersion)

Demon: Baal

Sphere: Venus

The dark counterpart of Netzach is A�Arab Zaraq, the raven of
destruction. Whereas the white dove returned to Noe with a green branch,
the raven didn�t appear at all. A�Arab Zaraq brings
absolute freedom and the fall of order, caused frequently by war or
death. A�Arab Zaraq is also the raven of death and this sphere is
ruled by the powerful god of war, Baal. Baal appears to us as a man in a
horned helmet, holding a spear. He represents the celestial forces. He
can make one invisible and free like a bird, but ha can also be
destructive like a thunder.

8.0 â�" Samael (hebr. Poison of God)

Demon: Adramelech

Sphere: Mercury

Samael, the divine poison or false accuser is the dark counterpart of
Hod, the splendour. Samael is the trickster qliphah which exists in many
cultures and questions the God�s existence and his creation.
Samael is Satan. All the ethic values are replaced by aesthetic ones.
The ruler of this sphere is Adra-Melech. Adra-Melech takes the form of
both man and peacock in the crown. He is the bringer of culture and can
grant one beauty with the sense of pride, be it real or false.

9.0 â�" Gamaliel (hebr. The Obscena Ones)

Demon: Lilith

Sphere: Moon

The opposite of Yesod is Gamaliel, the obscene one, or the obscene ass.
Whereas Yesod present the purification, the task of Gamaliel is to deal
with the impure. Gamaliel is the qliphah of the dark, forbidden dreams
in which all that is perverse or different reaches consciousness.
Gamaliel is ruled by Lilith, who shows herself to us as a very
attractive woman. Sometimes instead of legs, she has the serpentine
body. She seduces the mage and leads him to every kind of perversion so
as to stimulate kundalini.

10.0 â�" Lilith (hebr. The Queen of Night)

Demon: Naamah

Sphere: Earth

The dark side of Malkuth is Lilith the queen of the night. She is the
one who rides on the back of the beast, the fallen Sophia of the
Gnostics. She rules the realm of shadows and through the dreams of
Gamaliel she rules the world. She is the counterpart of the Hindu
goddess Kali. And just as Malkuth is the gateway to the Garden of Eden,
so Lilith is the release from it. Lilith is the plane of serpent who
only waits to ascend the tree to the centre of Eden. The qliphah Lilith
is ruled by Naamah, her sister and her alter ego. Naamah can fulfil
every material need, but she can also be very tyrannous.

(the above explanations of the qliphotic spheres are my own translations
- SdDs)

There is a dispute between the qliphotic cabalists as to where the
entrance do the Tree of Night is. Some claim that the qliphah Lilith is
the entrance, which makes sense because in some representations of both
Trees, the sphere Malkuth / Lilith are joined, i.e. the Tree of Life is
the reflection of the Tree of Death. Others claim that the entrance to
the Nightside is the sephirah Da�ath (which in itself is no
sephirah, but the merging of all the emanations from the Tree of Life).
Though Da�ath means �wisdom� in hebrew, it is also
a place called �abyss�, many times presented on the
graphics of the Tree of Life. The abyss was always on the place of

Now, according to the judeochristian mythology, we have the following

Ten hells (horns) in seven places (heads).

Rev 12:3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great
red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his

I. Shahul/Sheol â�" Triple Hell

1. Satan and Moloch

2. Beelzebub

3. Lucifuge

II. Abbadon â�" Astaroth (The earths Demonic underworld)

III. Tythihoz â�" Asmodeus (The underworld of passage, of the
Humans when they die)

IV. Baraschechath â�" Belphegor (Where the human end up in the end)

V. Tzaelmoth â�" Baal (The temporary underworld of the dragons when
they die)

VI. Shaâ��arimamrath â�" Adramelech (The temporary underworld
of passage when dragons die)

VII. Giyehanim â�" Lilith and Naamah (The qlippoth realm where
dragons end up)


Generally it is visible that the levels of hell correspond to the
guardians of the qliphoth. However, due to the fact that the uppermost
sephirah and the lowermost qliphoth are the most important in their own
Trees, the kike invented that the final hell will be triple.

4 worlds according to the qliphotic qabbalah:

1. �The Water of Tears�, representing the pain and shock
of falling from the empyrean abode to the darkness or infernal regions.
This is also a world of shadows forming into desire. This is when all is
stripped away and illusion is no more. The initiate discovers this early
on during his/her initiatory focus. This is the first stage of
transformation spiritually and becoming �like Lucifer�, in
the methodology of thought and action.

Atziluth Inverse â�" Kether, Chokmah, Binah (Thaumiel, Ghagiel,
Sathariel â�" SdDs)): the 10 spheres of HVHI, the unspoken name of
Samael. Nobility of the Spirit, the Mind, Akoman. Know the hunger of
becoming, of devouring. This is an alchemical process which allows the
intiate to develop and manifest the Beast within while refining and
strengthening consciousness and self-Divinity.

2. �The Waters of Creation�, being the inverse creation or
shadow becoming away from the light. Keep in mind this is similar to the
lore of Samael as the Watcher planting the seed of the forbidden tree in
the darkness; The Waters of Creation beget the children of Cain.

Briah Inverse â�" Chesed, Geburah, Tiphereth (Ghaâ��agsheblah,
Golchab, Thagirion â�" SdDs)): 10 spheres of the body of the Black
Adept, the Ten are the body and spirit, mastery therein. Creation as a
result of spirit, thought.

3. �The Water of the Ocean� is both angelic and demonic
spirits, the water from which the dragon comes forth, the adversary or
dual headed opposer, but also the union brought between the Adversary by

Yetzirah Inverse â�" Netzach, Hod, Yesod (Aâ�� Arab Zaraq,
Samael, Lilith â�" SdDs)): 10 hells in 7 places. The Daemonic
Feminine, Lilith-Jeh-Az, the feminine which allows creation to take
form. The seven rays of the stooping dragon joined with the Whore* to
create in flesh. The Water of the Ocean is the formless chaos void of
which Az/Lilith empower their children to name and manifest their world
around them.

* - Lilith was frequently called the Whore of Babylon

4. �The False Sea� being the astral plane, this is the
desecrated darkness of water which the Beast arises from, the dreaming
plane. When one performs an act of witchcraft or sorcery, sending it
forth in the False Sea, their Will is made flesh by their manifestation
on earth as a Beast from the Sea. This is the astral plane of where one
seeks the Averse Sephiroth of devourment, as a Son of Ahriman or Tiamat.

Assiah Inverse â�" Malkuth (Lilith â�" SdDs)): matter, action,
manifestation. Possibility willed and made flesh, the material world
itself. [3]

Tunnels / Pathways

Sephiroth as well as the qliphoth are joined with various pathways, yet
as the Tree of Life has some Tarot cards ascribed to them, the Tree of
Death has specific Tarot Cards â�" the Shadow Tarot (Linda Falorio
is the author of it). The pathways connecting the qliphotic spheres are
called the Tunnels of Seth.


Tarot card

Tunnel guardian


0 - Fool



1 â�" Magician



2 â�" High Priestess



3 â�" The Empress



17 â�" The Star



5 â�" The High Priest



6 â�" The Lovers



7 â�" The Chariot



11 â�" Power (Justice?)



9 â�" The Hermit



10 â�" Wheel of fortune



8 â�" Justice (Power?)



12 â�" The Hanged Man



13 â�" Death



14 â�" Temperance



15 â�" The Devil



16 â�" Destruction



4 â�" The Emperor



18 â�" The Moon



19 â�" The Sun



20 â�" Judgement



21 â�" World


�Each tunnel has different features and reveals different aspects
of the universe (macro-cosmos) and consciousness (micro-cosmos). Thus
they can be compared to the network of dream cells in the unconscious
depths of the mind. Each tunnel is connected to a pathway on the Tree of
Life, underneath which it lies, leading simultaneously to many
dimensions as the same time.â�� â�" translation mine â�"
SdDs. [5]

Now, you want to see the true qliphoth?

His Qliphotic Unholiness, Dark lord of christianity, the Lie-monger,
Filthy Parasitic Lackey, the Chancellor or Misery, Tormentor of the
Righteous, 266 Usurper on the Throne of Humanity, pope BeneDIC(K)t 16th.


May the parasitic kike vermin be cursed for evermore!!


[1] http://www.freewebs.com/littleblackrose ... ippoth.htm
<http://www.freewebs.com/littleblackrose ... ippoth.htm

[2] http://dragonrouge.net/english/general.htm

[3] Ford, Michael W. 2005. Liber HVHI. Magic of the Adversary. Succubus

[4] essayâ��Najczê¶ciej zadawane pytania â�" Lo¿a

[5] Lo¿a Magan. Dragon Rouge Polska. 2008. Aspekty ¦cie¿ki
Lewej Rêki. Lo¿a Magan.


<td val[/IMG]Well written piece my friend.Before JoS,the real Truth,I got caught up in all the Luciferian Witchcraft bullshit of Fords too.Like a fool I bought every book that he offered too.Actually wasted,in my opinion,a lot of fucking money.If I would have found you guy's sooner,maybe I wouldn't have wasted all that money.But as my wife always says,we live to learn.It was a very costly lesson for me.
Hail Satan!

--- On Thu, 2/24/11, siguarddraconis <siguarddraconis@... wrote:
From: siguarddraconis <siguarddraconis@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Sermon - Qliphoth
To: [email protected]
Date: Thursday, February 24, 2011, 10:28 PM

  As promised, I have written a sermon on the qliphoth. I absolutely hate this topic, yet I do realise that this knowledge MUST be available to everybody - to KNOW what the qliphoth stand for. I was fascinated with this topic, yet now, being a Spiritual Satanist I abhor it. And no wonder - read, puke and may your hatred towards the kikeshit grow.

to the sermon

The Qliphoth Introduction Sometimes the newly dedicated ones to Father Lucifer, and those more advanced ask about that these mysterious qliphoth are.  And usually the answers are similar â€" qliphoth are the jewish blasphemy against the Gods, because they show Them as some evil and destructive entities, or repressed archetypes in our mind (though it is obvious because of whom these repressions were forced). This of course goes under the term ‘safe Satanism’. Whereas for many of us, Spirituals Satanists, this answer is perfectly enough, for some people such answer may not suffice. They might want to know what they mean, what is connected with them, in what way are they blasphemous to the Demons, etc. In this essay I would like to present the subject of the qliphoth and the Tree of Death / Night - the Nightside of the biblical Creation of IHVH â€" describing the terms a bit broader in hope that when one asks again about the qliphoth, one will be directed here and his or her interest in the subject will be quenched. I also wish to show, via this essay, how twisted, perverted and downright EVIL the mind of this parasitic vermin really is. The amassing of large amounts of energy, via the prayers of the enslaved Gentiles, allowed the kikes to create a fictitious entity, IHVH, which in itself is a giant vortex of energy, of which the kikes know all too well, and thus utilize it to enslave the Demons â€" the Original, Gentile Gods â€" to do the bidding of the blood-thirsty kosher scum and other deluded Gentiles. The kikes also depicted the Demons as some destructive, malignant forces, evil spirits who deceive, harm and lead to damnation. Of course, those Gentiles who wanted to use (abuse) those ‘evil spirits’ developed those magical systems, and thus we have the Nightside of the kike qabbalah. Now, if you are able to see a Demon, feel His/Her aura, see His/Her light, would you be convinced to perceive these benevolent Beings as malignant, deceitful, and all this crock of shit which the kike shoves to the Gentiles’ heads? Being a patriarchal cult, the parasitic race twisted every piece of information they touched with their filthy, unworthy tentacles. This is especially visible when it comes to the gender of some Demons â€" Goddesses. This from the onset exposes their intense hatred towards the females, and the feminine. This is naturally connected to the kundalini serpent, whose nature is sexual and feminine, but this is not the point of the essay. The distortion of the truth is visible in case of Goddess Ishtar aka Astaroth. She is one of the ‘archetypal demonic forces’ guarding a qliphoth. She â€" and He by the kikes â€" is described as “an angel with a lethal breath, riding a dragon and holding serpents in his hands.â€� Astaroth in the jewish writings is (also*) translated as “The one from the herdâ€�. * - HP Maxine in her sermon also provides another translation â€" ‘slut’ For those of you who are aware of the fact that Our Gods are the Beings of Light, with electric-blue aura, and Father with white-gold one, we can clearly see on the basis of the above, how abominable, outrageous, repugnant, repulsive and what not the kikes’ hatred towards the humane, the beautiful and the divine really is. So, to the point. The Tree of Night / Death and the qliphoth I will now describe the ‘Ha-ilan ha-hizon’ (hebr. The Tree of Death) and the infernal spheres, inhabited by the demonic, archetypal forces â€" the rulers of the qliphoth. Due to the fact that I have been reading the materials from the occult order Dragon Rouge some time â€" fortunately reading only, because my fascination with this topic was a flash in the pan â€" I will be using their definitions. They have their lodges in Europe, and not many, but I suppose they will be disappearing over time. Before the lodge on my country disappeared I managed to download the essays and study them a bit, thus learning a bit about the nature of the qliphoth â€" in theory. My main â€" and only in fact â€" aim was to show and educate Satanists who wanted to know what this kike garbage really is, and how blasphemous it is for Father and His Demons. Apart from this, some of their essays I found philosophically motivating, for they encourage to delve into our own Darkness, in which we find our Light, our Divinity â€" but not on EITHER  the Dark or Light side.  I admit that once this ‘dark side’ was attracting me very much, but there were some aspects that detested me, so I eventually quit. Nonetheless, when I was assembling the data about this load of crap from the books which I list in bibliography, and being a Spiritual Satanist, having a Satanic spirit, I abhor this stuff which was once so attractive. Again, the only reason why I gathered those pieces of information was to show you, dear Brethren, what this distortion of Truth REALLY is. Qliphoth, (קליפות qelippot) in hebrew means ‘peels’, ‘shells’. There are a few definitions, yet they all agree as to their nature: dark spheres of chaos, the opposite of this, what “IHVH has createdâ€� â€" the perfect order and harmony in those 7 days.     The final aim of the qliphotic journey downwards / inwards is the divinity through the attainment of metaphysical evil. Dragon Rouge defines it as the “abandonment of Godâ€� â€" Sitra Achra (hebr. The Other Side). Qliphotic cabbalist turns away from the order and goodness created by IHVH, and instead of being created, s/he him/herself becomes the creator. It is frequently compared to Chepera â€" the God who created Himself. The word Xeper itself means “I have Becomeâ€�. The Sethians from the Temple of Set call their process of becoming Xeper. A few definitions: „Kingdom of Shells, known as the Qlippoth or Kelippot. This Infernal kingdom is also known as Hell. Qlippoth means "shells" and is said to consist of debris left over from an influx of divine force too strong for the lower planes or sephiroth to withstand. The shells are usually considered as realms containing demons.â€�[1] „The Qliphoth is the dark side of this tradition. The Qliphoth is the principles of the shadow and the antitheses that are hidden behind everything. The side of light in the Qabalah represents mathematical/ geometrical principles through which God created the world. The Qliphoth corresponds to fractals and principles of chaos. The Qliphoth are the dividing and destructive forces. The Qliphotic Qabalah uses the forces of destruction to free the adept from the limitations of creation. Through these forces we can learn to create. In the Qabalah, Lucifer and the fallen angels are those who first used the Qliphotic forces to free themselves from God. The principles of light are keeping the angels and the rest of creation in their firm, predetermined circles. The dark forces break these circles and make a free will and an individual existence outside God possible.

And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. I. Shahul/Sheol â€" Triple Hell 1. Satan and Moloch 2. Beelzebub 3. Lucifuge II. Abbadon â€" Astaroth (The earths Demonic underworld) III. Tythihoz â€" Asmodeus (The underworld of passage, of the Humans when they die) IV. Baraschechath â€" Belphegor (Where the human end up in the end) V. Tzaelmoth â€" Baal (The temporary underworld of the dragons when they die) VI. Sha’arimamrath â€" Adramelech (The temporary underworld of passage when dragons die) VII. Giyehanim â€" Lilith and Naamah (The qlippoth realm where dragons end up) [1] Generally it is visible that the levels of hell correspond to the guardians of the qliphoth. However, due to the fact that the uppermost sephirah and the lowermost qliphoth are the most important in their own Trees, the kike invented that the final hell will be triple. 4 worlds according to the qliphotic qabbalah: 1. “The Water of Tearsâ€�, representing the pain and shock of falling from the empyrean abode to the darkness or infernal regions. This is also a world of shadows forming into desire. This is when all is stripped away and illusion is no more. The initiate discovers this early on during his/her initiatory focus. This is the first stage of transformation spiritually and becoming “like Luciferâ€�, in the methodology of thought and action. Atziluth Inverse â€" Kether, Chokmah, Binah (Thaumiel, Ghagiel, Sathariel â€" SdDs)): the 10 spheres of HVHI, the unspoken name of Samael. Nobility of the Spirit, the Mind, Akoman. Know the hunger of becoming, of devouring. This is an alchemical process which allows the intiate to develop and manifest the Beast within while refining and strengthening consciousness and self-Divinity. 2. “The Waters of Creationâ€�, being the inverse creation or shadow becoming away from the light. Keep in mind this is similar to the lore of Samael as the Watcher planting the seed of the forbidden tree in the darkness; The Waters of Creation beget the children of Cain. Briah Inverse â€" Chesed, Geburah, Tiphereth (Gha’agsheblah, Golchab, Thagirion â€" SdDs)): 10 spheres of the body of the Black Adept, the Ten are the body and spirit, mastery therein. Creation as a result of spirit, thought. 3. “The Water of the Oceanâ€� is both angelic and demonic spirits, the water from which the dragon comes forth, the adversary or dual headed opposer, but also the union brought between the Adversary by Leviathan. Yetzirah Inverse â€" Netzach, Hod, Yesod (A’ Arab Zaraq, Samael, Lilith â€" SdDs)): 10 hells in 7 places. The Daemonic Feminine, Lilith-Jeh-Az, the feminine which allows creation to take form. The seven rays of the stooping dragon joined with the Whore* to create in flesh. The Water of the Ocean is the formless chaos void of which Az/Lilith empower their children to name and manifest their world around them. * - Lilith was frequently called the Whore of Babylon 4. “The False Seaâ€� being the astral plane, this is the desecrated darkness of water which the Beast arises from, the dreaming plane. When one performs an act of witchcraft or sorcery, sending it forth in the False Sea, their Will is made flesh by their manifestation on earth as a Beast from the Sea. This is the astral plane of where one seeks the Averse Sephiroth of devourment, as a Son of Ahriman or Tiamat. Assiah Inverse â€" Malkuth (Lilith â€" SdDs)): matter, action, manifestation. Possibility willed and made flesh, the material world itself. [3] Tunnels / Pathways Sephiroth as well as the qliphoth are joined with various pathways, yet as the Tree of Life has some Tarot cards ascribed to them, the Tree of Death has specific Tarot Cards â€" the Shadow Tarot (Linda Falorio is the author of it). The pathways connecting the qliphotic spheres are called the Tunnels of Seth.   “Each tunnel has different features and reveals different aspects of the universe (macro-cosmos) and consciousness (micro-cosmos). Thus they can be compared to the network of dream cells in the unconscious depths of the mind. Each tunnel is connected to a pathway on the Tree of Life, underneath which it lies, leading simultaneously to many dimensions as the same time.â€� â€" translation mine â€" SdDs. [5]Now, you want to see the true qliphoth?
His Qliphotic Unholiness, Dark lord of christianity, the Lie-monger, Filthy Parasitic Lackey, the Chancellor or Misery, Tormentor of the Righteous, 266 Usurper on the Throne of Humanity, pope BeneDIC(K)t 16th. http://www.topnews.in/files/PopeBenedictXVI_3.jpg
May the parasitic kike vermin be cursed for evermore!! Bibliography [1] http://www.freewebs.com/littleblackrose ... ippoth.htm [2] http://dragonrouge.net/english/general.htm [3] Ford, Michael W. 2005. Liber HVHI. Magic of the Adversary. Succubus publishing. [4] essay„Najczê¶ciej zadawane pytania â€" Lo¿a Maganâ€� [5] Lo¿a Magan. Dragon Rouge Polska. 2008. Aspekty ¦cie¿ki Lewej Rêki. Lo¿a Magan.

No, I think one reading is plenty! Lol. This is informative about all
the bs. Thank you for sharing this. Hail Father Satan and all the Gods
of Hell in their majesty!

On 2/24/11, siguarddraconis <siguarddraconis@... wrote:
Crap:/ If someone wants to read it as it should be, tell me and I'll send
you the .doc file.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "siguarddraconis"
<siguarddraconis@... wrote:

As promised, I have written a sermon on the qliphoth. I absolutely hate
this topic, yet I do realise that this knowledge MUST be available to
everybody - to KNOW what the qliphoth stand for. I was fascinated with
this topic, yet now, being a Spiritual Satanist I abhor it. And no
wonder - read, puke and may your hatred towards the kikeshit grow.

to the sermon

The Qliphoth

Sometimes the newly dedicated ones to Father Lucifer, and those more
advanced ask about that these mysterious qliphoth are. And usually the
answers are similar â�" qliphoth are the jewish blasphemy against
the Gods, because they show Them as some evil and destructive entities,
or repressed archetypes in our mind (though it is obvious because of
whom these repressions were forced). This of course goes under the term
�safe Satanism
�. Whereas for many of us, Spirituals Satanists, this
answer is
perfectly enough, for some people such answer may not suffice. They
might want to know what they mean, what is connected with them, in what
way are they blasphemous to the Demons, etc.

In this essay I would like to present the subject of the qliphoth and
the Tree of Death / Night - the Nightside of the biblical Creation of
IHVH â�" describing the terms a bit broader in hope that when one
asks again about the qliphoth, one will be directed here and his or her
interest in the subject will be quenched. I also wish to show, via this
essay, how twisted, perverted and downright EVIL the mind of this
parasitic vermin really is.

The amassing of large amounts of energy, via the prayers of the enslaved
Gentiles, allowed the kikes to create a fictitious entity, IHVH, which
in itself is a giant vortex of energy, of which the kikes know all too
well, and thus utilize it to enslave the Demons â�" the Original,
Gentile Gods â�" to do the bidding of the blood-thirsty kosher scum
and other deluded Gentiles. The kikes also depicted the Demons as some
destructive, malignant forces, evil spirits who deceive, harm and lead
to damnation. Of course, those Gentiles who wanted to use (abuse) those
�evil spirits� developed those magical
systems, and thus
we have the Nightside of the kike qabbalah.

Now, if you are able to see a Demon, feel His/Her aura, see His/Her
light, would you be convinced to perceive these benevolent Beings as
malignant, deceitful, and all this crock of shit which the kike shoves
to the Gentiles� heads?

Being a patriarchal cult, the parasitic race twisted every piece of
information they touched with their filthy, unworthy tentacles. This is
especially visible when it comes to the gender of some Demons â�"
Goddesses. This from the onset exposes their intense hatred towards the
females, and the feminine. This is naturally connected to the kundalini
serpent, whose nature is sexual and feminine, but this is not the point
of the essay. The distortion of the truth is visible in case of Goddess
Ishtar aka Astaroth. She is one of the �archetypal demonic
forcesâ�� guarding a qliphoth. She â�" and He by the
â�" is described as â��an angel with a lethal breath,
riding a
dragon and holding serpents in his hands.� Astaroth in the
writings is (also*) translated as �The one from the

* - HP Maxine in her sermon also provides another translation â�"

For those of you who are aware of the fact that Our Gods are the Beings
of Light, with electric-blue aura, and Father with white-gold one, we
can clearly see on the basis of the above, how abominable, outrageous,
repugnant, repulsive and what not the kikes� hatred
towards the
humane, the beautiful and the divine really is. So, to the point.

The Tree of Night / Death and the qliphoth

I will now describe the �Ha-ilan ha-hizon�
(hebr. The Tree
of Death) and the infernal spheres, inhabited by the demonic, archetypal
forces â�" the rulers of the qliphoth.

Due to the fact that I have been reading the materials from the occult
order Dragon Rouge some time â�" fortunately reading only, because
my fascination with this topic was a flash in the pan â�" I will be
using their definitions. They have their lodges in Europe, and not many,
but I suppose they will be disappearing over time. Before the lodge on
my country disappeared I managed to download the essays and study them a
bit, thus learning a bit about the nature of the qliphoth â�" in
theory. My main â�" and only in fact â�" aim was to show and
educate Satanists who wanted to know what this kike garbage really is,
and how blasphemous it is for Father and His Demons. Apart from this,
some of their essays I found philosophically motivating, for they
encourage to delve into our own Darkness, in which we find our Light,
our Divinity â�" but not on EITHER the Dark or Light side.

I admit that once this �dark side� was
attracting me very
much, but there were some aspects that detested me, so I eventually
quit. Nonetheless, when I was assembling the data about this load of
crap from the books which I list in bibliography, and being a Spiritual
Satanist, having a Satanic spirit, I abhor this stuff which was once so
attractive. Again, the only reason why I gathered those pieces of
information was to show you, dear Brethren, what this distortion of
Truth REALLY is.

Qliphoth, (ק��פ�ת qelippot) in hebrew means
�shells�. There are a few
definitions, yet they all agree as to their nature: dark spheres of
chaos, the opposite of this, what �IHVH has
â�" the perfect order and harmony in those 7 days.

The final aim of the qliphotic journey downwards / inwards is the
divinity through the attainment of metaphysical evil. Dragon Rouge
defines it as the �abandonment of God�
â�" Sitra
Achra (hebr. The Other Side). Qliphotic cabbalist turns away from the
order and goodness created by IHVH, and instead of being created, s/he
him/herself becomes the creator. It is frequently compared to Chepera
â�" the God who created Himself. The word Xeper itself means
�I have Become�. The Sethians from the
Temple of Set call
their process of becoming Xeper.

A few definitions:

�Kingdom of Shells, known as the Qlippoth or Kelippot.
Infernal kingdom is also known as Hell. Qlippoth means "shells" and is
said to consist of debris left over from an influx of divine force too
strong for the lower planes or sephiroth to withstand. The shells are
usually considered as realms containing demons.�[1]

�The Qliphoth is the dark side of this tradition. The
Qliphoth is
the principles of the shadow and the antitheses that are hidden behind
everything. The side of light in the Qabalah represents mathematical/
geometrical principles through which God created the world. The Qliphoth
corresponds to fractals and principles of chaos. The Qliphoth are the
dividing and destructive forces. The Qliphotic Qabalah uses the forces
of destruction to free the adept from the limitations of creation.
Through these forces we can learn to create. In the Qabalah, Lucifer and
the fallen angels are those who first used the Qliphotic forces to free
themselves from God. The principles of light are keeping the angels and
the rest of creation in their firm, predetermined circles. The dark
forces break these circles and make a free will and an individual
existence outside God possible.

Demonology and the Goetic magic are parts of the Qliphotic Qabalah in
which the magician conjures and evokes personified dark forces in the
shape of different demons.� [2]

Here the members of his occult order provide an interesting definition:

�(�) in the traditional Qabbalah the qliphoth are
considered to be empty shells, devoid of light and inhabited by the
demonic forces. Qaballists say this is so, because blinded by the light,
they cannot see the energies they contain. Dark magic, however,
considers that the levels of the Tree of Night contain first and
foremost large amounts of energy and strives to utilize them by going
deeper into the qliphotic abyss.â�� â�" translation
SdDs. [3]

From the above 3 definitions we can conclude what the qliphoth are
â�" spheres of chaos, antitheses of IHVHâ��s
creation. The
mage, by exploring the initiatory map â�" the Tree of Night
â�" goes deeper and finds his true self, his divinity.

Three negative veils and the qliphoth

To the descriptions of the spheres then. The first areas are in fact 3
negative veils, which the mage reaches after the Thaumiel qliphah.

0 â�" Tohu, formless and desolation

Qematiel, a black headed dragon-serpent who unites under him the force
of Kether of the Averse Sephiroth. Kether is the Sphere of Satan or
Moloch and is thus a power source behind Metatron or the powerful angel,
it is a direct ascension through descending which leads to the Gnosis of
the Adversary. The Adept understands here there is nothing but the
essence of the sorcerer, that all he/she needs is their own mind and
body, that strength is always found within. [3]

00 â�" Bohu, void and emptiness

Belial who is described by Cabalists as a black and bloated dragon-man.
He �denies god� and unites the averse
force of Chokmah.
Belial in the physical world is a form or idea behind the Antichrist,
the Lord of the Earth, while in the astral plane the second angel said
to be created next to Lucifer, or Samael. In this void, the primal
darkness of nothingness, the Adept becomes like Belial in that there is
no God but the self; you are alone, there is no comfort of some
�God� watching over you, no mediating
savior to offer your
life to, just your mind and spirit. Belial survived the beginnings in
darkness by understanding the inner fire of spirit, how to fan that
flame and make your own self-created light. [3]

000 â�" Chasek, darkness, primal void â�" that from which
Prince of Darkness and life emerged from. That from which Samael sought
to move away from.

Gothiel is a black insect-man who is said to unite the force of the
averse Binah. [3]

Below these 3 negative veils there are 10 (well, 11, since Thaumiel is
double) infernal, chaotic spheres, of which each has a demonic guardian,
able to grant us some gifts, or drive us insane if we are psychically
not strong enough to embrace the qliphotic power. From 1.0 to 10.0 they
are as follows:

1.0 - Thaumiel (hebr. Twin God)

Demon: Satan and Moloch

Sphere: Pluto

The opposite of Kether is the qliphah Thaumiel. It is at the top, an
means �Twin-god� or
�double king�. It
represents the separation and chaos. As Kether is the purest essence of
being, Thaumiel is the non-existence, which cannot be fathom by the
human mind. This qliphah is divided, therefore we have overall 11
qliphoth. Thaumiel is the multiple and eternal change, thesis and
anti-thesis in one. This qliphah is eternally active, whereas Kether
eternally passive. Its two heads are Satan and Moloch. The name Satan
means �adversary�, which is depicted as a
fallen angel and
rebel. Moloch is the second ruler. He appears as the man with a
bull�s head. He often wears a crown, since his name

2.0 - Ghagiel (hebr. The Hinderers)

Demon: Beelzebub or Adam Beliala (hebr. Vile Man)

Sphere: Uranus

The dark counterpart of Chokmah is Ghagiel, the hinderer and the enemy.
This qliphah abolishes the law created by Chokmah. Ghagiel represents
breaking the rules and is ruled by Beelzebub, �Lord of the
Flies�. He is portrayed as the giant insect. According to
myths, he may be aggressive towards humanity. It is said that when one
enters this qliphah, he or she finds his / her own heaven in his / her
own hell.

3.0 â�" Sathariel (hebr. The Concealers)

Demon: Lucifuge Rofocale aka Focalor (parasitic vermin translates His
name as �The One who flees from Light�,
but this is the
jewish interpretation; the Gentile interpretation is �The
One who
finds comfort in Light� - SdDs)

Sphere: Saturn

The opposite side of Binah is Sathariel, the concealer, the silent.
Sathariel is the qliphah of dark mysteries. It is associated with the
cults of the dark mysteries. It represents the absurd, the surreal and
what is apparently inconceivable. It seems as though there is nothing
there, yet everything is veiled under a magical mist. The ruler of
Sathariel is Lucifuge, not to be confused with Lucifer, the light
bearer. Lucifuge may reveal great treasures, since he has the gift of
seeing what is hidden. He may, however, lead the mage to the absurd
world of madness.

4.0 - Gha�agsheblah (hebr. The Smiters)

Demon: Astaroth (hebr. The one of the Herd).

Sphere: Jupiter

Chesed, the sphere of mercy finds it dark counterpart in the world of
Gha�agsheblah, the destroyer, or sometimes called
Gha�agsheblah functions as the qliphah of a warrior and of
lover. It can influence the human soul so much that it can either
destroy it or lead it to be reborn in the new life.
is ruled by Astaroth, dark god of love and war. He appears as an angel
with a noxious breath and rides a dragon. Astaroth tells us about the
fall of angels and about the mysteries of time.

5.0 â�" Golchab (hebr. The Flaming Ones)

Demon: Asmodeus

Sphere: Mars

Whereas Geburah presents the Seere aspect of God, his anger, the
punishing part of the Tree of Life, Golchab is the arsonist, the blaming
being and the qliphah of fire. Golchab is the most brutal qliphah.
According to some theorists, it is the qliphah of the qliphoth, and the
place from which all the qliphoth emerged. This sphere has an incredibly
great potential of energy which can be very destructive. It is ruled by
Asmoday. He appears as the powerful king with 3 heads â�" of the
ram, human and ox. From his jaw flows lava and he also rides the dragon.
He represents all the fiery forces, destruction and sexuality.

6.0 â�" Thagirion (hebr. The Disputers)

Demon: Belphegor

Sphere: Sun (Black)

Thagirion is the central qliphah in the Ha-ilan ha-hizon â�" the
outer Tree or the Tree of wisdom. This qliphah is the dark side of
Tiphereth of the Tree of Life. Both are the spheres of child and
descendants. And as Tiphereth is associated with Christ and messianic
characters, Thagirion corresponds to Antichrist and the Beast 666.
Tiphereth corresponds to visible, golden sun, and so its dark
counterpart, Thagirion corresponds to the invisible Black Sun, the Sol
Niger of the alchemists. Its name denotes conflict or dispute and its
ruler is Belphagor. Belphagor appears sometimes as a beautiful woman,
awaking the animal part of the human. He sometimes, however, appears as
an animal. Those who are not afraid of this phenomena will receive much

7.0 - A�Arab Zaraq (hebr. Raven of Dispersion)

Demon: Baal

Sphere: Venus

The dark counterpart of Netzach is A�Arab Zaraq, the raven
destruction. Whereas the white dove returned to Noe with a green branch,
the raven didn�t appear at all. A�Arab
Zaraq brings
absolute freedom and the fall of order, caused frequently by war or
death. A�Arab Zaraq is also the raven of death and this
sphere is
ruled by the powerful god of war, Baal. Baal appears to us as a man in a
horned helmet, holding a spear. He represents the celestial forces. He
can make one invisible and free like a bird, but ha can also be
destructive like a thunder.

8.0 â�" Samael (hebr. Poison of God)

Demon: Adramelech

Sphere: Mercury

Samael, the divine poison or false accuser is the dark counterpart of
Hod, the splendour. Samael is the trickster qliphah which exists in many
cultures and questions the God�s existence and his
Samael is Satan. All the ethic values are replaced by aesthetic ones.
The ruler of this sphere is Adra-Melech. Adra-Melech takes the form of
both man and peacock in the crown. He is the bringer of culture and can
grant one beauty with the sense of pride, be it real or false.

9.0 â�" Gamaliel (hebr. The Obscena Ones)

Demon: Lilith

Sphere: Moon

The opposite of Yesod is Gamaliel, the obscene one, or the obscene ass.
Whereas Yesod present the purification, the task of Gamaliel is to deal
with the impure. Gamaliel is the qliphah of the dark, forbidden dreams
in which all that is perverse or different reaches consciousness.
Gamaliel is ruled by Lilith, who shows herself to us as a very
attractive woman. Sometimes instead of legs, she has the serpentine
body. She seduces the mage and leads him to every kind of perversion so
as to stimulate kundalini.

10.0 â�" Lilith (hebr. The Queen of Night)

Demon: Naamah

Sphere: Earth

The dark side of Malkuth is Lilith the queen of the night. She is the
one who rides on the back of the beast, the fallen Sophia of the
Gnostics. She rules the realm of shadows and through the dreams of
Gamaliel she rules the world. She is the counterpart of the Hindu
goddess Kali. And just as Malkuth is the gateway to the Garden of Eden,
so Lilith is the release from it. Lilith is the plane of serpent who
only waits to ascend the tree to the centre of Eden. The qliphah Lilith
is ruled by Naamah, her sister and her alter ego. Naamah can fulfil
every material need, but she can also be very tyrannous.

(the above explanations of the qliphotic spheres are my own translations
- SdDs)

There is a dispute between the qliphotic cabalists as to where the
entrance do the Tree of Night is. Some claim that the qliphah Lilith is
the entrance, which makes sense because in some representations of both
Trees, the sphere Malkuth / Lilith are joined, i.e. the Tree of Life is
the reflection of the Tree of Death. Others claim that the entrance to
the Nightside is the sephirah Da�ath (which in itself is
sephirah, but the merging of all the emanations from the Tree of Life).
Though Da�ath means
�wisdom� in hebrew, it is also
a place called �abyss�, many times
presented on the
graphics of the Tree of Life. The abyss was always on the place of

Now, according to the judeochristian mythology, we have the following

Ten hells (horns) in seven places (heads).

Rev 12:3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great
red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his

I. Shahul/Sheol â�" Triple Hell

1. Satan and Moloch

2. Beelzebub

3. Lucifuge

II. Abbadon â�" Astaroth (The earths Demonic underworld)

III. Tythihoz â�" Asmodeus (The underworld of passage, of the
Humans when they die)

IV. Baraschechath â�" Belphegor (Where the human end up in the end)

V. Tzaelmoth â�" Baal (The temporary underworld of the dragons when
they die)

VI. Shaâ��arimamrath â�" Adramelech (The temporary
of passage when dragons die)

VII. Giyehanim â�" Lilith and Naamah (The qlippoth realm where
dragons end up)


Generally it is visible that the levels of hell correspond to the
guardians of the qliphoth. However, due to the fact that the uppermost
sephirah and the lowermost qliphoth are the most important in their own
Trees, the kike invented that the final hell will be triple.

4 worlds according to the qliphotic qabbalah:

1. �The Water of Tears�, representing the
pain and shock
of falling from the empyrean abode to the darkness or infernal regions.
This is also a world of shadows forming into desire. This is when all is
stripped away and illusion is no more. The initiate discovers this early
on during his/her initiatory focus. This is the first stage of
transformation spiritually and becoming �like
Lucifer�, in
the methodology of thought and action.

Atziluth Inverse â�" Kether, Chokmah, Binah (Thaumiel, Ghagiel,
Sathariel â�" SdDs)): the 10 spheres of HVHI, the unspoken name of
Samael. Nobility of the Spirit, the Mind, Akoman. Know the hunger of
becoming, of devouring. This is an alchemical process which allows the
intiate to develop and manifest the Beast within while refining and
strengthening consciousness and self-Divinity.

2. �The Waters of Creation�, being the
inverse creation or
shadow becoming away from the light. Keep in mind this is similar to the
lore of Samael as the Watcher planting the seed of the forbidden tree in
the darkness; The Waters of Creation beget the children of Cain.

Briah Inverse â�" Chesed, Geburah, Tiphereth
Golchab, Thagirion â�" SdDs)): 10 spheres of the body of the Black
Adept, the Ten are the body and spirit, mastery therein. Creation as a
result of spirit, thought.

3. �The Water of the Ocean� is both
angelic and demonic
spirits, the water from which the dragon comes forth, the adversary or
dual headed opposer, but also the union brought between the Adversary by

Yetzirah Inverse â�" Netzach, Hod, Yesod (Aâ�� Arab
Samael, Lilith â�" SdDs)): 10 hells in 7 places. The Daemonic
Feminine, Lilith-Jeh-Az, the feminine which allows creation to take
form. The seven rays of the stooping dragon joined with the Whore* to
create in flesh. The Water of the Ocean is the formless chaos void of
which Az/Lilith empower their children to name and manifest their world
around them.

* - Lilith was frequently called the Whore of Babylon

4. �The False Sea� being the astral
plane, this is the
desecrated darkness of water which the Beast arises from, the dreaming
plane. When one performs an act of witchcraft or sorcery, sending it
forth in the False Sea, their Will is made flesh by their manifestation
on earth as a Beast from the Sea. This is the astral plane of where one
seeks the Averse Sephiroth of devourment, as a Son of Ahriman or Tiamat.

Assiah Inverse â�" Malkuth (Lilith â�" SdDs)): matter,
manifestation. Possibility willed and made flesh, the material world
itself. [3]

Tunnels / Pathways

Sephiroth as well as the qliphoth are joined with various pathways, yet
as the Tree of Life has some Tarot cards ascribed to them, the Tree of
Death has specific Tarot Cards â�" the Shadow Tarot (Linda Falorio
is the author of it). The pathways connecting the qliphotic spheres are
called the Tunnels of Seth.


Tarot card

Tunnel guardian


0 - Fool



1 â�" Magician



2 â�" High Priestess



3 â�" The Empress



17 â�" The Star



5 â�" The High Priest



6 â�" The Lovers



7 â�" The Chariot



11 â�" Power (Justice?)



9 â�" The Hermit



10 â�" Wheel of fortune



8 â�" Justice (Power?)



12 â�" The Hanged Man



13 â�" Death



14 â�" Temperance



15 â�" The Devil



16 â�" Destruction



4 â�" The Emperor



18 â�" The Moon



19 â�" The Sun



20 â�" Judgement



21 â�" World


�Each tunnel has different features and reveals different
of the universe (macro-cosmos) and consciousness (micro-cosmos). Thus
they can be compared to the network of dream cells in the unconscious
depths of the mind. Each tunnel is connected to a pathway on the Tree of
Life, underneath which it lies, leading simultaneously to many
dimensions as the same time.â�� â�" translation mine
SdDs. [5]

Now, you want to see the true qliphoth?

His Qliphotic Unholiness, Dark lord of christianity, the Lie-monger,
Filthy Parasitic Lackey, the Chancellor or Misery, Tormentor of the
Righteous, 266 Usurper on the Throne of Humanity, pope BeneDIC(K)t 16th.


May the parasitic kike vermin be cursed for evermore!!


[1] http://www.freewebs.com/littleblackrose ... ippoth.htm
<http://www.freewebs.com/littleblackrose ... ippoth.htm

[2] http://dragonrouge.net/english/general.htm

[3] Ford, Michael W. 2005. Liber HVHI. Magic of the Adversary. Succubus

[4] essayâ��Najczê¶ciej zadawane pytania â�" Lo¿a

[5] Lo¿a Magan. Dragon Rouge Polska. 2008. Aspekty ¦cie¿ki
Lewej Rêki. Lo¿a Magan.


Okay, thanks for reading Brian and Allison - at least someone appreciated my work:)

And now to the Clergy - I know the piece of info I have placed here is of the enemy lore, but would it be possible to place it on JoS, GBLT Thule or somewhere in the JoS-related websites?

The reason for my request is that people will ask about them, will want to know what the qliphoth are and by this essay I want to show them in depth - so to say - what they REALLY stand for. From a humane, Gentile, Satanic perspective.

I'd also include some additional graphics if my request is accepted.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

Well written piece my friend.Before JoS,the real Truth,I got caught up in all the Luciferian Witchcraft bullshit of Fords too.Like a fool I bought every book that he offered too.Actually wasted,in my opinion,a lot of fucking money.If I would have found you guy's sooner,maybe I wouldn't have wasted all that money.But as my wife always says,we live to learn.It was a very costly lesson for me.
Hail Satan!

--- On Thu, 2/24/11, siguarddraconis <siguarddraconis@... wrote:

From: siguarddraconis <siguarddraconis@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Sermon - Qliphoth
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Thursday, February 24, 2011, 10:28 PM


As promised, I have written a sermon on the qliphoth. I absolutely hate this topic, yet I do realise that this knowledge MUST be available to everybody - to KNOW what the qliphoth stand for. I was fascinated with this topic, yet now, being a Spiritual Satanist I abhor it. And no wonder - read, puke and may your hatred towards the kikeshit grow.

to the sermon



Sometimes the newly
dedicated ones to Father Lucifer, and those more advanced ask about that these
mysterious qliphoth are.  And usually the
answers are similar â�" qliphoth are the jewish blasphemy against the Gods, because
they show Them as some evil and destructive entities, or repressed archetypes
in our mind (though it is obvious because of whom these repressions were
forced). This of course goes under the term �safe Satanism�. Whereas
for many of us, Spirituals Satanists, this answer is perfectly enough, for some
people such answer may not suffice. They might want to know what they mean,
what is connected with them, in what way are they blasphemous to the Demons, etc.

In this essay I would like
to present the subject of the qliphoth and the Tree of Death / Night - the
Nightside of the biblical Creation of IHVH â�" describing the terms a bit broader
in hope that when one asks again about the qliphoth, one will be directed here
and his or her interest in the subject will be quenched. I also wish to show,
via this essay, how twisted, perverted and downright EVIL the mind of this
parasitic vermin really is.

The amassing of large
amounts of energy, via the prayers of the enslaved Gentiles, allowed the kikes
to create a fictitious entity, IHVH, which in itself is a giant vortex of
energy, of which the kikes know all too well, and thus utilize it to enslave
the Demons â�" the Original, Gentile Gods â�" to do the bidding of the blood-thirsty
kosher scum and other deluded Gentiles. The kikes also depicted the Demons as
some destructive, malignant forces, evil spirits who deceive, harm and lead to
damnation. Of course, those Gentiles who wanted to use (abuse) those �evil
spirits� developed those magical systems, and thus we have the Nightside of the
kike qabbalah.

Now, if you are able to see
a Demon, feel His/Her aura, see His/Her light, would you be convinced to
perceive these benevolent Beings as malignant, deceitful, and all this crock of
shit which the kike shoves to the Gentiles� heads?

Being a patriarchal cult,
the parasitic race twisted every piece of information they touched with their
filthy, unworthy tentacles. This is especially visible when it comes to the
gender of some Demons â�" Goddesses. This from the onset exposes their intense hatred
towards the females, and the feminine. This is naturally connected to the
kundalini serpent, whose nature is sexual and feminine, but this is not the
point of the essay. The distortion of the truth is visible in case of Goddess
Ishtar aka Astaroth. She is one of the �archetypal demonic forces� guarding a
qliphoth. She â�" and He by the kikes â�" is described as â��an angel with a lethal
breath, riding a dragon and holding serpents in his hands.� Astaroth in the
jewish writings is (also*) translated as �The one from the herd�.

* - HP Maxine in her sermon
also provides another translation â�" â��slutâ��

For those of you who are
aware of the fact that Our Gods are the Beings of Light, with electric-blue
aura, and Father with white-gold one, we can clearly see on the basis of the
above, how abominable, outrageous, repugnant, repulsive and what not the kikes�
hatred towards the humane, the beautiful and the divine really is. So, to the

The Tree of Night / Death
and the qliphoth

I will now describe the �Ha-ilan
ha-hizon� (hebr. The Tree of Death) and the infernal spheres, inhabited by the
demonic, archetypal forces â�" the rulers of the qliphoth.

Due to the fact that I have
been reading the materials from the occult order Dragon Rouge some time â�"
fortunately reading only, because my fascination with this topic was a flash in
the pan â�" I will be using their definitions. They have their lodges in Europe, and not many, but I suppose they will be disappearing
over time. Before the lodge on my country disappeared I managed to download the
essays and study them a bit, thus learning a bit about the nature of the
qliphoth â�" in theory. My main â�" and only in fact â�" aim was to show and educate
Satanists who wanted to know what this kike garbage really is, and how
blasphemous it is for Father and His Demons. Apart from this, some of their
essays I found philosophically motivating, for they encourage to delve into our
own Darkness, in which we find our Light, our Divinity â�" but not on EITHER  the Dark or Light side. 

I admit that once this
�dark side� was attracting me very much, but there were some aspects that
detested me, so I eventually quit. Nonetheless, when I was assembling the data
about this load of crap from the books which I list in bibliography, and being
a Spiritual Satanist, having a Satanic spirit, I abhor this stuff which was
once so attractive. Again, the only reason why I gathered those pieces of
information was to show you, dear Brethren, what this distortion of Truth

Qliphoth, (�§�����¤���ª qelippot) in hebrew means â��peelsâ��, â��shellsâ��.
There are a few definitions, yet they all agree as to their nature: dark
spheres of chaos, the opposite of this, what â��IHVH has createdâ�� â�" the perfect
order and harmony in those 7 days.    

The final aim of the qliphotic
journey downwards / inwards is the divinity through the attainment of
metaphysical evil. Dragon Rouge defines it as the â��abandonment of Godâ�� â�" Sitra
Achra (hebr. The Other Side). Qliphotic cabbalist turns away from the order and
goodness created by IHVH, and instead of being created, s/he him/herself
becomes the creator. It is frequently compared to Chepera â�" the God who created
Himself. The word Xeper itself means �I have Become�. The Sethians from the Temple of Set call their process of becoming

A few definitions:

of Shells, known as the
Qlippoth or Kelippot. This Infernal kingdom is also known as Hell. Qlippoth
means "shells" and is said to consist of debris left over from an
influx of divine force too strong for the lower planes or sephiroth to
withstand. The shells are usually considered as realms containing demons.�[1]

Qliphoth is the dark side of this tradition. The Qliphoth is the principles of
the shadow and the antitheses that are hidden behind everything. The side of
light in the Qabalah represents mathematical/ geometrical principles through
which God created the world. The Qliphoth corresponds to fractals and
principles of chaos. The Qliphoth are the dividing and destructive forces. The
Qliphotic Qabalah uses the forces of destruction to free the adept from the
limitations of creation. Through these forces we can learn to create. In the
Qabalah, Lucifer and the fallen angels are those who first used the Qliphotic
forces to free themselves from God. The principles of light are keeping the
angels and the rest of creation in their firm, predetermined circles. The dark
forces break these circles and make a free will and an individual existence
outside God possible.

Demonology and the Goetic magic are parts of the Qliphotic
Qabalah in which the magician conjures and evokes personified dark forces in
the shape of different demons.�

Here the members of his
occult order provide an interesting definition:

�(�) in the traditional
Qabbalah the qliphoth are considered to be empty shells, devoid of light and
inhabited by the demonic forces. Qaballists say this is so, because blinded by
the light, they cannot see the energies they contain. Dark magic, however,
considers that the levels of the Tree of Night contain first and foremost large
amounts of energy and strives to utilize them by going deeper into the
qliphotic abyss.â�� â�" translation mine, SdDs. [3]

From the above 3 definitions
we can conclude what the qliphoth are â�" spheres of chaos, antitheses of IHVHâ��s
creation. The mage, by exploring the initiatory map â�" the Tree of Night â�" goes
deeper and finds his true self, his divinity.

Three negative veils and
the qliphoth

To the descriptions of the
spheres then. The first areas are in fact 3 negative veils, which the mage
reaches after the Thaumiel qliphah.

0 â�" Tohu, formless and desolation

Qematiel, a black headed dragon-serpent who unites under him the force of Kether
of the Averse Sephiroth. Kether is the Sphere of Satan or Moloch and is thus a
power source behind Metatron or the powerful angel, it is a direct ascension
through descending which leads to the Gnosis of the Adversary. The Adept
understands here there is nothing but the essence of the sorcerer, that all
he/she needs is their own mind and body, that strength is always found within.

00 â�" Bohu, void and emptiness

Belial who is described by Cabalists as a black and bloated dragon-man. He
�denies god� and unites the averse force of Chokmah. Belial in the physical
world is a form or idea behind the Antichrist, the Lord of the Earth, while in
the astral plane the second angel said to be created next to Lucifer, or
Samael. In this void, the primal darkness of nothingness, the Adept becomes
like Belial in that there is no God but the self; you are alone, there is no
comfort of some �God� watching over you, no mediating savior to offer your life
to, just your mind and spirit. Belial survived the beginnings in darkness by
understanding the inner fire of spirit, how to fan that flame and make your own
self-created light. [3]

000 â�" Chasek, darkness, primal void â�" that from which
the Prince of Darkness and life emerged from. That from which Samael sought to
move away from.

Gothiel is a black insect-man who is said to unite the force
of the averse Binah. [3]

Below these 3 negative veils there are 10 (well, 11, since Thaumiel is
double) infernal, chaotic spheres, of which each has a demonic guardian, able
to grant us some gifts, or drive us insane if we are psychically not strong
enough to embrace the qliphotic power. From 1.0 to 10.0 they are as follows:

1.0 - Thaumiel (hebr. Twin

Demon: Satan and Moloch

Sphere: Pluto

The opposite of Kether is
the qliphah Thaumiel. It is at the top, an means �Twin-god� or �double king�. It
represents the separation and chaos. As Kether is the purest essence of being,
Thaumiel is the non-existence, which cannot be fathom by the human mind. This
qliphah is divided, therefore we have overall 11 qliphoth. Thaumiel is the
multiple and eternal change, thesis and anti-thesis in one. This qliphah is
eternally active, whereas Kether eternally passive. Its two heads are Satan and
Moloch. The name Satan means �adversary�, which is depicted as a fallen angel
and rebel. Moloch is the second ruler. He appears as the man with a bull�s head.
He often wears a crown, since his name denotes �king�.

2.0 - Ghagiel (hebr. The

Demon: Beelzebub or Adam
Beliala (hebr. Vile Man)

Sphere: Uranus

The dark counterpart of
Chokmah is Ghagiel, the hinderer and the enemy. This qliphah abolishes the law
created by Chokmah. Ghagiel represents breaking the rules and is ruled by
Beelzebub, �Lord of the Flies�. He is portrayed as the giant insect. According
to old myths, he may be aggressive towards humanity. It is said that when one
enters this qliphah, he or she finds his / her own heaven in his / her own

3.0 â�" Sathariel (hebr. The

Demon: Lucifuge Rofocale
aka Focalor (parasitic vermin translates His name as �The One who flees from
Light�, but this is the jewish interpretation; the Gentile interpretation is
�The One who finds comfort in Light� - SdDs)

Sphere: Saturn

The opposite side of Binah
is Sathariel, the concealer, the silent. Sathariel is the qliphah of dark
mysteries. It is associated with the cults of the dark mysteries. It represents
the absurd, the surreal and what is apparently inconceivable. It seems as
though there is nothing there, yet everything is veiled under a magical mist.
The ruler of Sathariel is Lucifuge, not to be confused with Lucifer, the light
bearer. Lucifuge may reveal great treasures, since he has the gift of seeing
what is hidden. He may, however, lead the mage to the absurd world of madness. 

4.0 - Gha�agsheblah (hebr. The

Demon: Astaroth (hebr. The
one of the Herd).

Sphere: Jupiter

Chesed, the sphere of mercy
finds it dark counterpart in the world of Gha�agsheblah, the destroyer, or
sometimes called tormentor. Gha�agsheblah functions as the qliphah of a warrior
and of a lover. It can influence the human soul so much that it can either destroy
it or lead it to be reborn in the new life. Gha�agsheblah is ruled by Astaroth,
dark god of love and war. He appears as an angel with a noxious breath and
rides a dragon. Astaroth tells us about the fall of angels and about the
mysteries of time.

5.0 â�" Golchab (hebr. The
Flaming Ones)

Demon: Asmodeus

Sphere: Mars

Whereas Geburah presents
the Seere aspect of God, his anger, the punishing part of the Tree of Life, Golchab
is the arsonist, the blaming being and the qliphah of fire. Golchab is the most
brutal qliphah. According to some theorists, it is the qliphah of the qliphoth,
and the place from which all the qliphoth emerged. This sphere has an
incredibly great potential of energy which can be very destructive. It is ruled
by Asmoday. He appears as the powerful king with 3 heads â�" of the ram, human
and ox. From his jaw flows lava and he also rides the dragon. He represents all
the fiery forces, destruction and sexuality.

6.0 â�" Thagirion (hebr. The

Demon: Belphegor

Sphere: Sun (Black)

Thagirion is the central
qliphah in the Ha-ilan ha-hizon â�" the
outer Tree or the Tree of wisdom. This qliphah is the dark side of Tiphereth of
the Tree of Life. Both are the spheres of child and descendants. And as
Tiphereth is associated with Christ and messianic characters, Thagirion
corresponds to Antichrist and the Beast 666. Tiphereth corresponds to visible,
golden sun, and so its dark counterpart, Thagirion corresponds to the invisible
Black Sun, the Sol Niger of the alchemists. Its name denotes conflict or
dispute and its ruler is Belphagor. Belphagor appears sometimes as a beautiful
woman, awaking the animal part of the human. He sometimes, however, appears as
an animal. Those who are not afraid of this phenomena will receive much

7.0 - A�Arab Zaraq (hebr. Raven
of Dispersion)

Demon: Baal

Sphere: Venus

The dark counterpart of
Netzach is A�Arab Zaraq, the raven of destruction. Whereas the white dove
returned to Noe with a green branch, the raven didn�t appear at all. A�Arab
Zaraq brings absolute freedom and the fall of order, caused frequently by war
or death. A�Arab Zaraq is also the raven of death and this sphere is ruled by
the powerful god of war, Baal. Baal appears to us as a man in a horned helmet,
holding a spear. He represents the celestial forces. He can make one invisible
and free like a bird, but ha can also be destructive like a thunder.

8.0 â�" Samael (hebr. Poison
of God)

Demon: Adramelech

Sphere: Mercury

Samael, the divine poison
or false accuser is the dark counterpart of Hod, the splendour. Samael is the
trickster qliphah which exists in many cultures and questions the God�s
existence and his creation. Samael is Satan. All the ethic values are replaced
by aesthetic ones. The ruler of this sphere is Adra-Melech. Adra-Melech takes
the form of both man and peacock in the crown. He is the bringer of culture and
can grant one beauty with the sense of pride, be it real or false.

9.0 â�" Gamaliel (hebr. The
Obscena Ones)

Demon: Lilith

Sphere: Moon

The opposite of Yesod is
Gamaliel, the obscene one, or the obscene ass. Whereas Yesod present the
purification, the task of Gamaliel is to deal with the impure. Gamaliel is the
qliphah of the dark, forbidden dreams in which all that is perverse or
different reaches consciousness. Gamaliel is ruled by Lilith, who shows herself
to us as a very attractive woman. Sometimes instead of legs, she has the
serpentine body. She seduces the mage and leads him to every kind of perversion
so as to stimulate kundalini.

10.0 â�" Lilith (hebr. The
Queen of Night)

Demon: Naamah

Sphere: Earth

The dark side of Malkuth is
Lilith the queen of the night. She is the one who rides on the back of the
beast, the fallen Sophia of the Gnostics. She rules the realm of shadows and
through the dreams of Gamaliel she rules the world. She is the counterpart of
the Hindu goddess Kali. And just as Malkuth is the gateway to the Garden of
Eden, so Lilith is the release from it. Lilith is the plane of serpent who only
waits to ascend the tree to the centre of Eden.
The qliphah Lilith is ruled by Naamah, her sister and her alter ego. Naamah can
fulfil every material need, but she can also be very tyrannous.

(the above explanations of
the qliphotic spheres are my own translations - SdDs)

There is a dispute between
the qliphotic cabalists as to where the entrance do the Tree of Night is. Some
claim that the qliphah Lilith is the entrance, which makes sense because in
some representations of both Trees, the sphere Malkuth / Lilith are joined,
i.e. the Tree of Life is the reflection of the Tree of Death. Others claim that
the entrance to the Nightside is the sephirah Da�ath (which in itself is no
sephirah, but the merging of all the emanations from the Tree of Life). Though
Da�ath means �wisdom� in hebrew, it is also a place called �abyss�, many times
presented on the graphics of the Tree of Life. The abyss was always on the
place of Da�ath.

Now, according to the
judeochristian mythology, we have the following hells.

Ten hells
(horns) in seven places (heads).

Rev 12:3 And there appeared
another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and
ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.

I. Shahul/Sheol â�" Triple

1. Satan and Moloch

2. Beelzebub

3. Lucifuge

II. Abbadon â�" Astaroth (The
earths Demonic underworld)

III. Tythihoz â�" Asmodeus
(The underworld of passage, of the Humans when they die)

IV. Baraschechath â�" Belphegor
(Where the human end up in the end)

V. Tzaelmoth â�" Baal (The
temporary underworld of the dragons when they die)

VI. Shaâ��arimamrath â�"
Adramelech (The temporary underworld of passage when dragons die)

VII. Giyehanim â�" Lilith and
Naamah (The qlippoth realm where dragons end up)


Generally it is visible that
the levels of hell correspond to the guardians of the qliphoth. However, due to
the fact that the uppermost sephirah and the lowermost qliphoth are the most
important in their own Trees, the kike invented that the final hell will be

4 worlds according to the
qliphotic qabbalah:

1. �The Water of Tears�, representing the pain
and shock of falling from the empyrean abode to the darkness or infernal
regions. This is also a world of shadows forming into desire. This is when all
is stripped away and illusion is no more. The initiate discovers this early on
during his/her initiatory focus. This is the first stage of transformation
spiritually and becoming �like Lucifer�, in the methodology of thought and

Atziluth Inverse â�" Kether, Chokmah, Binah (Thaumiel,
Ghagiel, Sathariel â�" SdDs)): the 10 spheres of HVHI, the unspoken name of Samael. Nobility of the Spirit, the Mind, Akoman. Know the
hunger of becoming, of devouring. This is an alchemical process which allows
the intiate to develop and manifest the Beast within while refining and
strengthening consciousness and self-Divinity.

2. �The Waters of Creation�, being the inverse
creation or shadow becoming away from the light. Keep in mind this is similar
to the lore of Samael as the Watcher planting the seed of the forbidden tree in
the darkness; The Waters of Creation beget the children of Cain.

Briah Inverse â�" Chesed, Geburah, Tiphereth
(Ghaâ��agsheblah, Golchab, Thagirion â�" SdDs)): 10 spheres of the body of the
Black Adept, the Ten are the body and spirit, mastery therein. Creation as a
result of spirit, thought.

3. �The Water of the Ocean� is both angelic and
demonic spirits, the water from which the dragon comes forth, the adversary or
dual headed opposer, but also the union brought between the Adversary by

Yetzirah Inverse â�" Netzach, Hod, Yesod (Aâ�� Arab Zaraq,
Samael, Lilith â�" SdDs)): 10 hells in 7 places. The Daemonic Feminine, Lilith-Jeh-Az, the
feminine which allows creation to take form. The seven rays of the stooping
dragon joined with the Whore* to create in flesh. The Water of the Ocean is the
formless chaos void of which Az/Lilith empower their children to name and
manifest their world around them.

* - Lilith was
frequently called the Whore of Babylon

4. �The False
Sea� being the astral plane,
this is the desecrated darkness of water which the Beast arises from, the
dreaming plane. When one performs an act of witchcraft or sorcery, sending it
forth in the False
Sea, their Will is made
flesh by their manifestation on earth as a Beast from the Sea. This is the
astral plane of where one seeks the Averse Sephiroth of devourment, as a Son of
Ahriman or Tiamat.

Assiah Inverse â�" Malkuth
(Lilith â�" SdDs)): matter, action, manifestation. Possibility willed and made flesh, the
material world itself. [3]

Tunnels / Pathways

Sephiroth as well as the qliphoth
are joined with various pathways, yet as the Tree of Life has some Tarot cards
ascribed to them, the Tree of Death has specific Tarot Cards â�" the Shadow Tarot
(Linda Falorio is the author of it). The pathways connecting the qliphotic
spheres are called the Tunnels of Seth.



Tarot card

Tunnel guardian


0 - Fool



1 â�" Magician



2 â�" High Priestess



3 â�" The Empress



17 â�" The Star



5 â�" The High Priest



6 â�" The Lovers



7 â�" The Chariot



11 â�" Power (Justice?)



9 â�" The Hermit



10 â�" Wheel of fortune



8 â�" Justice (Power?)



12 â�" The Hanged Man



13 â�" Death



14 â�" Temperance



15 â�" The Devil



16 â�" Destruction



4 â�" The Emperor



18 â�" The Moon



19 â�" The Sun



20 â�" Judgement



21 â�" World


�Each tunnel has different
features and reveals different aspects of the universe (macro-cosmos) and
consciousness (micro-cosmos). Thus they can be compared to the network of dream
cells in the unconscious depths of the mind. Each tunnel is connected to a
pathway on the Tree of Life, underneath which it lies, leading simultaneously
to many dimensions as the same time.â�� â�" translation mine â�" SdDs. [5]Now, you want to see the true qliphoth?

His Qliphotic Unholiness,
Dark lord of christianity, the Lie-monger, Filthy Parasitic Lackey, the Chancellor
or Misery, Tormentor of the Righteous, 266 Usurper on the Throne of Humanity,
pope BeneDIC(K)t 16th.


May the parasitic kike
vermin be cursed for evermore!!


[1] http://www.freewebs.com/littleblackrose ... ippoth.htm

[2] http://dragonrouge.net/english/general.htm

[3] Ford, Michael W. 2005. Liber HVHI. Magic of the Adversary.
Succubus publishing.

[4] essayâ�žNajczê¶ciej zadawane pytania â�" Lo¿a

[5] Lo¿a Magan. Dragon
Rouge Polska. 2008. Aspekty ¦cie¿ki Lewej
Rêki. Lo¿a Magan.



Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
