Aquarius said:
loki88 said:
That's not a website I would take info from..
Ehh actually I looked through it and it looked alright. It basically tried to explain, from a western medicine point of view, how excessive masturbation can cause the kidney damage that TCM recognizes. It gave lots of sources and what not, it is just the website itself that looks awful.
The main point is that someone reaches this point where they are pushed beyond their normal limits due to porn, which is addictive and hyper-stimulating to the brain. Same way how hyper-palatable food makes one overeat. The Jew runs these porn sites, and then claims that this is something that happens naturally with sex, and so it tries to sell complete celibacy to the New Agers, claiming you reach enlightenment through retention.
They do the same with food, by talking about how digestion puts a strain on the body. In reality, food today has been bastardized by them in such a way that it gives less energy/nutrients whilst requiring more work and dumping more toxins into the body. The Jew then turns to the New Agers and tells them all you gotta do is fast for 3 months and you will be enlightened by the end of it.
The healthy takeaway is just to regulate your food intake and kidney essence such that you do not harm your health. The big stipulation though, is that a lot of these health detractors become relatively meaningless to someone who does yoga, has opened chakras, etc, hence why the official stance is to basically not worry about it. More bioenergy = all the detoxing and healing your body wants to do.
It is mainly people who join this site and have pre-existing health problems or weaker willpower that have to work on this stuff, otherwise their meditation might get interrupted. If you recall when I first joined, I had issues with masturbation because of my negative experience with it, caused by a weakened constitution. For me, an ejaculation every couple of days still strained my body, as its baseline health was much lower than the average seen here. This resulted in strong kidney essence deficiency symptoms.
To fix my situation, I had to see a TCM doctor and take some herbal formulas. Additionally, Hatha yoga is a yin exercise that builds kidney essence, as well. Before it felt like my nervous system was negatively damaged by orgasm, now I feel no negative side effects.