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Semen Retention


New member
Jun 3, 2020
Some time ago I decided to do semen retention for the sake of curiosity, and this was a time when I wasn't that spiritual. I remember that by day twenty something I started feeling something in the middle of my forehead a bit above my eyebrows. That same day I realized that this is what the spiritual people would call the "third eye" and I felt like I was doing something right. On that same day (new year) I decided to get drunk and ended up having a nocturnal emission on that night, resulting in the loss of the sensation. Ever since then I have been interested in reading about spiritual practices and trying to achieve that sensation again.

The questions I have about this are:
1. Does the kundalini raising "accelerate" by withholding semen?
2. Have any of you ever practiced this? positive or negative experiences?
cockadoodledoo said:
Some time ago I decided to do semen retention for the sake of curiosity, and this was a time when I wasn't that spiritual. I remember that by day twenty something I started feeling something in the middle of my forehead a bit above my eyebrows. That same day I realized that this is what the spiritual people would call the "third eye" and I felt like I was doing something right. On that same day (new year) I decided to get drunk and ended up having a nocturnal emission on that night, resulting in the loss of the sensation. Ever since then I have been interested in reading about spiritual practices and trying to achieve that sensation again.

The questions I have about this are:
1. Does the kundalini raising "accelerate" by withholding semen?
2. Have any of you ever practiced this? positive or negative experiences?

Semen rentention is not good for you. It has been discussed before please use the search function.

Damn with the trolls lately :/
cockadoodledoo said:
Some time ago I decided to do semen retention for the sake of curiosity, and this was a time when I wasn't that spiritual. I remember that by day twenty something I started feeling something in the middle of my forehead a bit above my eyebrows. That same day I realized that this is what the spiritual people would call the "third eye" and I felt like I was doing something right. On that same day (new year) I decided to get drunk and ended up having a nocturnal emission on that night, resulting in the loss of the sensation. Ever since then I have been interested in reading about spiritual practices and trying to achieve that sensation again.

The questions I have about this are:
1. Does the kundalini raising "accelerate" by withholding semen?
2. Have any of you ever practiced this? positive or negative experiences?

I don't know exactly what you felt, it could have been nothing, or something. Semen retention as whole is jewified-New Age extreme that hampers the body in the end, just like prolonged fasting and veganism. SR will result in sexual hangups that will actually block the kundalini right at the sacral chakra. The quickest way to raise the kundalini is by empowering all the chakras and clearing all the blockages in your body, as well as strengthening the tissue with yoga. It would raise on its own if it weren't for the fuckton of Jew curses blocking it.

Nofap for a few days is only useful if you have a jing or kidney deficiency and wish to correct it, as ejaculation saps some of the jing. A healthy body should have no trouble with this, and any prolonged nofap or SR binges are not necessary. Once your jing (or bodily essence) is at healthy levels, you should release sexual tension as you find comfortable, and at a rate that does not promote low jing. You can also get acupuncture or herbal treatments and tonics online to boost this recovery.

What happens in SR and Nofap groups is that they go from porn-induced, severe jing deficiencies to being healthy and normal again. They are not reaching superman levels of health, rather just the baseline that they never reached before. The benefits stop once you are back to normal jing, they do not continue to infinity like some SR places preach. Protect yourself from porn, but not from ejaculation in general.

As far as your third eye, there is a third eye opening meditation under the chakra opening page. This will bust open your third eye quicker than any SR practice would, so much so that some report their head aching a little after. It is great demonstration of the power of proper meditation.
Blitzkreig said:
cockadoodledoo said:
Some time ago I decided to do semen retention for the sake of curiosity, and this was a time when I wasn't that spiritual. I remember that by day twenty something I started feeling something in the middle of my forehead a bit above my eyebrows. That same day I realized that this is what the spiritual people would call the "third eye" and I felt like I was doing something right. On that same day (new year) I decided to get drunk and ended up having a nocturnal emission on that night, resulting in the loss of the sensation. Ever since then I have been interested in reading about spiritual practices and trying to achieve that sensation again.

The questions I have about this are:
1. Does the kundalini raising "accelerate" by withholding semen?
2. Have any of you ever practiced this? positive or negative experiences?

I don't know exactly what you felt, it could have been nothing, or something. Semen retention as whole is jewified-New Age extreme that hampers the body in the end, just like prolonged fasting and veganism. SR will result in sexual hangups that will actually block the kundalini right at the sacral chakra. The quickest way to raise the kundalini is by empowering all the chakras and clearing all the blockages in your body, as well as strengthening the tissue with yoga. It would raise on its own if it weren't for the fuckton of Jew curses blocking it.

Nofap for a few days is only useful if you have a jing or kidney deficiency and wish to correct it, as ejaculation saps some of the jing. A healthy body should have no trouble with this, and any prolonged nofap or SR binges are not necessary. Once your jing (or bodily essence) is at healthy levels, you should release sexual tension as you find comfortable, and at a rate that does not promote low jing. You can also get acupuncture or herbal treatments and tonics online to boost this recovery.

What happens in SR and Nofap groups is that they go from porn-induced, severe jing deficiencies to being healthy and normal again. They are not reaching superman levels of health, rather just the baseline that they never reached before. The benefits stop once you are back to normal jing, they do not continue to infinity like some SR places preach. Protect yourself from porn, but not from ejaculation in general.

As far as your third eye, there is a third eye opening meditation under the chakra opening page. This will bust open your third eye quicker than any SR practice would, so much so that some report their head aching a little after. It is great demonstration of the power of proper meditation.

This website claims that optimal ejaculation is 2x per week for most people:
loki88 said:
Blitzkreig said:
cockadoodledoo said:
Some time ago I decided to do semen retention for the sake of curiosity, and this was a time when I wasn't that spiritual. I remember that by day twenty something I started feeling something in the middle of my forehead a bit above my eyebrows. That same day I realized that this is what the spiritual people would call the "third eye" and I felt like I was doing something right. On that same day (new year) I decided to get drunk and ended up having a nocturnal emission on that night, resulting in the loss of the sensation. Ever since then I have been interested in reading about spiritual practices and trying to achieve that sensation again.

The questions I have about this are:
1. Does the kundalini raising "accelerate" by withholding semen?
2. Have any of you ever practiced this? positive or negative experiences?

I don't know exactly what you felt, it could have been nothing, or something. Semen retention as whole is jewified-New Age extreme that hampers the body in the end, just like prolonged fasting and veganism. SR will result in sexual hangups that will actually block the kundalini right at the sacral chakra. The quickest way to raise the kundalini is by empowering all the chakras and clearing all the blockages in your body, as well as strengthening the tissue with yoga. It would raise on its own if it weren't for the fuckton of Jew curses blocking it.

Nofap for a few days is only useful if you have a jing or kidney deficiency and wish to correct it, as ejaculation saps some of the jing. A healthy body should have no trouble with this, and any prolonged nofap or SR binges are not necessary. Once your jing (or bodily essence) is at healthy levels, you should release sexual tension as you find comfortable, and at a rate that does not promote low jing. You can also get acupuncture or herbal treatments and tonics online to boost this recovery.

What happens in SR and Nofap groups is that they go from porn-induced, severe jing deficiencies to being healthy and normal again. They are not reaching superman levels of health, rather just the baseline that they never reached before. The benefits stop once you are back to normal jing, they do not continue to infinity like some SR places preach. Protect yourself from porn, but not from ejaculation in general.

As far as your third eye, there is a third eye opening meditation under the chakra opening page. This will bust open your third eye quicker than any SR practice would, so much so that some report their head aching a little after. It is great demonstration of the power of proper meditation.

This website claims that optimal ejaculation is 2x per week for most people:
That's not a website I would take info from..
Aquarius said:
loki88 said:
That's not a website I would take info from..

Ehh actually I looked through it and it looked alright. It basically tried to explain, from a western medicine point of view, how excessive masturbation can cause the kidney damage that TCM recognizes. It gave lots of sources and what not, it is just the website itself that looks awful.

The main point is that someone reaches this point where they are pushed beyond their normal limits due to porn, which is addictive and hyper-stimulating to the brain. Same way how hyper-palatable food makes one overeat. The Jew runs these porn sites, and then claims that this is something that happens naturally with sex, and so it tries to sell complete celibacy to the New Agers, claiming you reach enlightenment through retention.

They do the same with food, by talking about how digestion puts a strain on the body. In reality, food today has been bastardized by them in such a way that it gives less energy/nutrients whilst requiring more work and dumping more toxins into the body. The Jew then turns to the New Agers and tells them all you gotta do is fast for 3 months and you will be enlightened by the end of it.

The healthy takeaway is just to regulate your food intake and kidney essence such that you do not harm your health. The big stipulation though, is that a lot of these health detractors become relatively meaningless to someone who does yoga, has opened chakras, etc, hence why the official stance is to basically not worry about it. More bioenergy = all the detoxing and healing your body wants to do.

It is mainly people who join this site and have pre-existing health problems or weaker willpower that have to work on this stuff, otherwise their meditation might get interrupted. If you recall when I first joined, I had issues with masturbation because of my negative experience with it, caused by a weakened constitution. For me, an ejaculation every couple of days still strained my body, as its baseline health was much lower than the average seen here. This resulted in strong kidney essence deficiency symptoms.

To fix my situation, I had to see a TCM doctor and take some herbal formulas. Additionally, Hatha yoga is a yin exercise that builds kidney essence, as well. Before it felt like my nervous system was negatively damaged by orgasm, now I feel no negative side effects.
Blitzkreig said:
Aquarius said:
loki88 said:
That's not a website I would take info from..

Ehh actually I looked through it and it looked alright. It basically tried to explain, from a western medicine point of view, how excessive masturbation can cause the kidney damage that TCM recognizes. It gave lots of sources and what not, it is just the website itself that looks awful.

The main point is that someone reaches this point where they are pushed beyond their normal limits due to porn, which is addictive and hyper-stimulating to the brain. Same way how hyper-palatable food makes one overeat. The Jew runs these porn sites, and then claims that this is something that happens naturally with sex, and so it tries to sell complete celibacy to the New Agers, claiming you reach enlightenment through retention.

They do the same with food, by talking about how digestion puts a strain on the body. In reality, food today has been bastardized by them in such a way that it gives less energy/nutrients whilst requiring more work and dumping more toxins into the body. The Jew then turns to the New Agers and tells them all you gotta do is fast for 3 months and you will be enlightened by the end of it.

The healthy takeaway is just to regulate your food intake and kidney essence such that you do not harm your health. The big stipulation though, is that a lot of these health detractors become relatively meaningless to someone who does yoga, has opened chakras, etc, hence why the official stance is to basically not worry about it. More bioenergy = all the detoxing and healing your body wants to do.

It is mainly people who join this site and have pre-existing health problems or weaker willpower that have to work on this stuff, otherwise their meditation might get interrupted. If you recall when I first joined, I had issues with masturbation because of my negative experience with it, caused by a weakened constitution. For me, an ejaculation every couple of days still strained my body, as its baseline health was much lower than the average seen here. This resulted in strong kidney essence deficiency symptoms.

To fix my situation, I had to see a TCM doctor and take some herbal formulas. Additionally, Hatha yoga is a yin exercise that builds kidney essence, as well. Before it felt like my nervous system was negatively damaged by orgasm, now I feel no negative side effects.

Do you think the advice of dr.lin on the website for 2x per week max is wise? In my thinking this is correct. I recall Plato also saying something to the effect that as one ages one should taper off the sexual activity.
loki88 said:
Do you think the advice of dr.lin on the website for 2x per week max is wise? In my thinking this is correct. I recall Plato also saying something to the effect that as one ages one should taper off the sexual activity.

I think it is an decent starting point, however it all depends on your own constitution and health. Some people have stronger kidneys than others and can handle more. Yes, age is a factor, as that effects your constitution as well. In general, aged bodies are more yin deficient.

The one caveat is that Dr. Lin's estimate is for a normal human male, not one who has empowered their soul and body through daily work. I always like to frame stuff around your spiritual practices: If you find yourself getting kidney Jing deficiency symptoms (aching joints, back and knee pain, fatigue, dizziness, frustration/low motivation) this would hamper your meditative practices. If you have a strong kidney and feel like you need a release, and cannot concentrate on anything due to sexual thoughts, this would also hamper your meditative practice. In this way, it is important to find what works for you. Hopefully this would bring a harmonious relationship between you and orgasm in such a way that there would be no blockages.

The same goes for food: put enough effort into it that you feel good. If you are nutrient deficient from too much junk food, this could hamper your spiritual practices. Likewise, if you grow all your food by hand, process it all by hand, and cook each meal delicately and uniquely, you would have no time left for meditation.

Please google and familiarize yourself with kidney Jing deficiency symptoms, and as long as you avoid that, you should be fine. If you currently need help, look into jing/yin tonics. I know dragon herbs has a couple, and active herbs has yinvive. Additionally, seek help from a TCM doctor, if you need to. This may be the case for those severely weakened by porn addictions.
Blitzkreig said:
loki88 said:
Do you think the advice of dr.lin on the website for 2x per week max is wise? In my thinking this is correct. I recall Plato also saying something to the effect that as one ages one should taper off the sexual activity.

I think it is an decent starting point, however it all depends on your own constitution and health. Some people have stronger kidneys than others and can handle more. Yes, age is a factor, as that effects your constitution as well. In general, aged bodies are more yin deficient.

The one caveat is that Dr. Lin's estimate is for a normal human male, not one who has empowered their soul and body through daily work. I always like to frame stuff around your spiritual practices: If you find yourself getting kidney Jing deficiency symptoms (aching joints, back and knee pain, fatigue, dizziness, frustration/low motivation) this would hamper your meditative practices. If you have a strong kidney and feel like you need a release, and cannot concentrate on anything due to sexual thoughts, this would also hamper your meditative practice. In this way, it is important to find what works for you. Hopefully this would bring a harmonious relationship between you and orgasm in such a way that there would be no blockages.

The same goes for food: put enough effort into it that you feel good. If you are nutrient deficient from too much junk food, this could hamper your spiritual practices. Likewise, if you grow all your food by hand, process it all by hand, and cook each meal delicately and uniquely, you would have no time left for meditation.

Please google and familiarize yourself with kidney Jing deficiency symptoms, and as long as you avoid that, you should be fine. If you currently need help, look into jing/yin tonics. I know dragon herbs has a couple, and active herbs has yinvive. Additionally, seek help from a TCM doctor, if you need to. This may be the case for those severely weakened by porn addictions.

Thanks for your advice. I will look into kidney jing deficiency as i am observing dark circles under my eyes which must be a sign of adrenal hormone hypersecretion. Joints also slightly aching. Now that I have stopped weightlifting this has cleared up a little. Don't have much money so herbs and other expensive items are not an option for me.
loki88 said:
Thanks for your advice. I will look into kidney jing deficiency as i am observing dark circles under my eyes which must be a sign of adrenal hormone hypersecretion. Joints also slightly aching. Now that I have stopped weightlifting this has cleared up a little. Don't have much money so herbs and other expensive items are not an option for me.

Please see this thread where I posted some additional information on the topic: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=41839&p=172022#p172022

Additionally, make sure you get to bed from 10pm-6am, as the kidneys are most active around 11pm and night time is more yin-building and the optimal time to rest. When the kidneys are resting, they can focus on making more jing.

The herbal formulas help, but they are not required for health. Do the qigong exercises, as well as hatha yoga. Satanama might be useful as well, in a general sense. Look into the foods that benefit kidney jing and try to add some of those. Cut down on caffeine use. While caffeine might give short-term energy, it is not useful in the long-term.

Lastly, consider extending your nofap time to perhaps 5 days. Again, you don't have to do nofap for an infinite length, rather you want to just add a few more days that your body can rest. If you find yourself getting an uncomfortable groin pressure, I know that uddiyana bandha can move the blood away from the genitals. Idk if that is healthy or not, but I think within the time frame of 5 days, there is not much danger from nofap.

When I talked to my TCM doctor, they said that the dark circles I had will take some time to go away, like some amount of months. The jing/yin deficiencies in the body take some time to develop, but they also take some time to heal. The first priority is to make sure you at least feel comfortable and healthy on a day to day basis, then you can worry about healing the extra damage.
Blitzkreig said:
loki88 said:
Thanks for your advice. I will look into kidney jing deficiency as i am observing dark circles under my eyes which must be a sign of adrenal hormone hypersecretion. Joints also slightly aching. Now that I have stopped weightlifting this has cleared up a little. Don't have much money so herbs and other expensive items are not an option for me.

Please see this thread where I posted some additional information on the topic: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=41839&p=172022#p172022

Additionally, make sure you get to bed from 10pm-6am, as the kidneys are most active around 11pm and night time is more yin-building and the optimal time to rest. When the kidneys are resting, they can focus on making more jing.

The herbal formulas help, but they are not required for health. Do the qigong exercises, as well as hatha yoga. Satanama might be useful as well, in a general sense. Look into the foods that benefit kidney jing and try to add some of those. Cut down on caffeine use. While caffeine might give short-term energy, it is not useful in the long-term.

Lastly, consider extending your nofap time to perhaps 5 days. Again, you don't have to do nofap for an infinite length, rather you want to just add a few more days that your body can rest. If you find yourself getting an uncomfortable groin pressure, I know that uddiyana bandha can move the blood away from the genitals. Idk if that is healthy or not, but I think within the time frame of 5 days, there is not much danger from nofap.

When I talked to my TCM doctor, they said that the dark circles I had will take some time to go away, like some amount of months. The jing/yin deficiencies in the body take some time to develop, but they also take some time to heal. The first priority is to make sure you at least feel comfortable and healthy on a day to day basis, then you can worry about healing the extra damage.

Thanks. I had become hooked on green tea several months ago and was burning myself out considerably. I think a rule of thumb for nofap is 1-2x per week max, 1 for recovery, 2 if necessary. What are your thoughts on kareeza/witholding ejaculation during sex? I assume the activity itself is a stressor (eustress and distress) but would not ejaculating be advisable to work up the kundalini or to bring yourself to the point of no-return but just before?
loki88 said:
Thanks. I had become hooked on green tea several months ago and was burning myself out considerably. I think a rule of thumb for nofap is 1-2x per week max, 1 for recovery, 2 if necessary. What are your thoughts on kareeza/witholding ejaculation during sex? I assume the activity itself is a stressor (eustress and distress) but would not ejaculating be advisable to work up the kundalini or to bring yourself to the point of no-return but just before?

There may be some benefits to kareeza in terms of energy manipulation around the body, but I do not think there is an actual benefit to the withholding of the orgasm, especially not in relation to working up the kundalini. Chronically preventing orgasm would more quickly stop the kundalini from rising than otherwise, by way of creating a sacral block. In general, the kundalini is raised through empowering and clearing the chakras and energy meridians. Stifled ejaculation would not yield any real power, and it has the potential to create a blockage, therefore it would not be ideal. If you want more power of creativity, like some of the new agers attribute to semen retention, than you can just spin your sacral chakra really fast and yield more power than SR would ever give.

In fact, I read somewhere that the act of orgasm itself spins the chakras and can aid in purifying the energy meridians, to some degree. I think this is in line with JOS thinking, as JOS already recognizes that the energy of the orgasm itself can be used in workings. Combining the ideas of using the orgasm with protecting your kidneys, you can make a habit of directing the orgasm energy back into the kidneys, thereby preventing any potential jing deficiencies. I got the idea from a member that said he put the energy back into his sacral chakra and immediately felt horny again, lol.
cockadoodledoo said:
Some time ago I decided to do semen retention for the sake of curiosity, and this was a time when I wasn't that spiritual. I remember that by day twenty something I started feeling something in the middle of my forehead a bit above my eyebrows. That same day I realized that this is what the spiritual people would call the "third eye" and I felt like I was doing something right. On that same day (new year) I decided to get drunk and ended up having a nocturnal emission on that night, resulting in the loss of the sensation. Ever since then I have been interested in reading about spiritual practices and trying to achieve that sensation again.

The questions I have about this are:
1. Does the kundalini raising "accelerate" by withholding semen?
2. Have any of you ever practiced this? positive or negative experiences?

Okay lemme help ya out, I’m not a guy and I don’t have a dick but I have a sacral and a sixth chakra. There is a connection between these two, and when I’m sexually frustrated or it’s been a minute, I get the same pressure there. I may have more energy and/or a higher sex drive because this will happen after just three days but regardless it’s not a good thing. When my sexuality is “functioning properly” aka I have an outlet and everything goes well, there’s a noticeable flow between the two and it actually will open it up and make me feel like and airy and happy. The pressure, in my accidental experience, is more of a block. This is super unhealthy and NOT of Satan. Go get laid brother.
This is a false claim Nofap as it causes the buildup of sperm cells in the seminiferous tubules and almost certain prostate cancer. See E Michael Jones for an example of an uptight Nofapper christard with a giant prostate almost certainly cancerous
Sundara said:
Okay lemme help ya out, I’m not a guy and I don’t have a dick but I have a sacral and a sixth chakra. There is a connection between these two, and when I’m sexually frustrated or it’s been a minute, I get the same pressure there. I may have more energy and/or a higher sex drive because this will happen after just three days but regardless it’s not a good thing. When my sexuality is “functioning properly” aka I have an outlet and everything goes well, there’s a noticeable flow between the two and it actually will open it up and make me feel like and airy and happy. The pressure, in my accidental experience, is more of a block. This is super unhealthy and NOT of Satan. Go get laid brother.

Good info, thanks for sharing. I think that solves that question quite well.
is anyone still here to talk about jing deficiency. i believe i have an advanced form, the dark circles and everything. i was told i had kidney yin and jing deficiency but after that it went so low and my back pains got so bad one night a shock went down from my kidneys into all my limbs . since then i have had perepheral neuropathy , burning numbness and tingling in all my limbs and its been 8 months. i think about suicide a lot. i know the jing can be restored but i think i damaged my nerves permenetel
cloud444 said:
is anyone still here to talk about jing deficiency. i believe i have an advanced form, the dark circles and everything. i was told i had kidney yin and jing deficiency but after that it went so low and my back pains got so bad one night a shock went down from my kidneys into all my limbs . since then i have had perepheral neuropathy , burning numbness and tingling in all my limbs and its been 8 months. i think about suicide a lot. i know the jing can be restored but i think i damaged my nerves permenetel
Go to a doctor and stop masturbation I had pain in all of my body which got cured by nofap I know I will receive hate for this but nothing wrong in trying
Hyperactive Melon said:
cloud444 said:
is anyone still here to talk about jing deficiency. i believe i have an advanced form, the dark circles and everything. i was told i had kidney yin and jing deficiency but after that it went so low and my back pains got so bad one night a shock went down from my kidneys into all my limbs . since then i have had perepheral neuropathy , burning numbness and tingling in all my limbs and its been 8 months. i think about suicide a lot. i know the jing can be restored but i think i damaged my nerves permenetel
Go to a doctor and stop masturbation I had pain in all of my body which got cured by nofap I know I will receive hate for this but nothing wrong in trying
I don't think you will be hated, but I must point out that going from one extreme to another is hardly a solution. Maybe to get started regarding ying recovery it could be viable option, but for long term semen retention is not healthy option.
Hyperactive Melon said:
cloud444 said:
is anyone still here to talk about jing deficiency. i believe i have an advanced form, the dark circles and everything. i was told i had kidney yin and jing deficiency but after that it went so low and my back pains got so bad one night a shock went down from my kidneys into all my limbs . since then i have had perepheral neuropathy , burning numbness and tingling in all my limbs and its been 8 months. i think about suicide a lot. i know the jing can be restored but i think i damaged my nerves permenetel
Go to a doctor and stop masturbation I had pain in all of my body which got cured by nofap I know I will receive hate for this but nothing wrong in trying
Perhaps don't masturbate 10 times a day.
One should masturbate healthily without overdoing it.
Henu the Great said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
cloud444 said:

With knowledge, we can understand what is going on in our bodies. If one has weak vitality, then they have to be mindful of their semen loss. This has been made a problem mainly due to porn, although excessive fire or air can cause someone to get overly horny or stimulated.

The long-term solution is working with Uruz and/or Sowilo to permanently increase vitality (on a fire sign waxing moon, day/hour of Sun/Mars). Short-term solutions involve doing daily yoga, sleeping early in the night, eating balanced, whole foods, acupoints like kidney 3, spleen 6, and stomach 36. One can also lookup herbs for restoring jing, if their digestion is strong enough (or they compensate with stomach 36).

Someone with low vitality and/or low jing may need to curb their ejaculation to around 3-5 days depending on their symptoms. Beyond that, you should invest more into the above methods before extending the interval into an area that can become actually uncomfortable.
It's not good, even in fetish circles attention is paid to this detail, I remember reading something quite sick about how a relationship between mistress and slave works.
In addition to psychological programming there is something called chastity, in which the slave is not allowed to have orgasms, but punctually does a strange thing which consists in extracting the sperm, because without ejaculation serious problems develop.

This indicates that even in these sick circles they pay attention to this factor.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
