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Secret Knowledge, New Information And Stolen Knowledge By Jews

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
All knowledge the jews have, is robbed from Gentiles.

And yes, they have stolen copiously from all non-jewish cultures. The jews know this very well. They describe this was the purpose of their "exiles", ie, living outside of Israel. They argue that this was necessary so that in essence, they would steal all knowledge from Gentiles.

An infamous Kabbalist analyst named Scholem [recommended to us to be read for exposing the enemy by HPS Maxine], who has went into this subject of jewish theft of knowledge. They KNOW they are a theft based culture. The jews have nothing of their own.

An example of this from the latest ritual, this "Adonai" they are using [which we are reversing], is stolen from the Ancient Greek Adonis, and other mystiriac spiritual knowledge from Gentiles. They make reptilian changes to these, and attempt to use the copies. This most of the time might fail, but not always.

All their meditations, spiritual knowledge, is stolen. All of it from Egypt, Babylon, Ancient Greece and so on.

I will share an a source from the book of Scholem here, on the "Sefer Yetzirah" section 6 in his book, "Introduction Into Jewish Kabbalah" [translation done here]:

"[...] The Teaching Of the Sefirot [my note: jewish code name for chakra] and the gematria arithmetic system, have hidden Neo-Pythagorean and Stoic influences. Some of the terms that are used by the book, have been translated DIRECTLY from Greek [my note ancient Greek]. Among them is the word "Stoichea" [elements], appearing also in "natural elements [stoichea], same as the words of the alphabet. [...] "

As it has been stated before, they steal everything. They have been trying to achieve this knowledge for centuries.

They would not become immortal per se, but stealing knowledge is their major thing. Yogis in the east know a lot too, and kept it secret. Therefore, they were rewarded.

Therefore, knowledge is given when the Gods allow us to give out more, and is always communicated around based on this fact. They are very strict about this. Timing is imperative.

Those who do not follow this:

1. Either don't have any serious knowledge, in which case, let them speak whatever.

2. Those who do, and should be following Satan's decree here, to protect everyone involved.

3. Those who were given something and fucked up because of their selfish reasons, which are punished, in the case this was something actually threatening.

The Gods do guide the JoS Clergy to distribute this when it's too late for the enemy to apply and as they get defeated, to reassure security for all members [so they can handle it] and reassure also the enemy cannot make sense or apply it.

An example, in 2018, Lilith told HPS Maxine at the time, to temporarily stop with further updates or new updates of knowledge that were too direct. This was because this is war, and the enemy needs to be destroyed as the world receives more knowledge, to avoid catastrophe.

Now, as the enemy is hit back, knowledge comes as a reward, and also safely for everyone.

For those who don't understand why, one has to be fairly naive. Where is this world going as is, with what the enemy has stolen until now? What if they stole EVEN more?

If serious knowledge is not protected, this is like handling the nuclear codes of the US Nukes to everyone in the planet, and also giving them the ability to use these. Indiscriminate giving of knowledge is a disaster, and in the wrong eyes [such as the jews] this can be detrimental for everyone on this world.

The Gods know the best times and they are working on this patiently, and in levels, with victory in mind. They also instruct people personally to accelerate those who are growing in wisdom. The more wisdom and maturity on the hands of the disciple, the better.

The enemy knows that we have given an enormous amount of knowledge, and this will only increase - especially as the enemy gets defeated. When the enemy is gone, the world will again live the Satya Yuga, which was a time when immense knowledge was partaken into by everyone, since everyone was on a very high level as it were, and humans were better.

The enemy is aware of this, and their plan is to counteract this and stop this, primarily by keeping people on a level of "animals" [Goyim as they call us] and using knowledge they have to keep people oblivious and enslaved.

Jews, despite being inferior to Gentiles and an alien species, was able, due to the theft of the Divine knowledge of the Gods, to cause considerable damage to our planet.

Lastly, I will post a screenshot below...Look at the visitors from Israel on the forum...ENOUGH SAID?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

GoldenxChild1 said:
I was reading Kabbalah Exposed and a question came to mind. If the Jews can steal our knowledge and use it for themselves to achieve "siddhis", are they also able to immortalize themselves as a gentile can ?

"This also shows the Kabala is the key to Jewish power and power within the Jewish establishment. Zevi spent years in Kabbalistic meditation which included mantra repletion of Kabbalistic formula's such as the fourfold name. And other methods. That are identical to yoga. With mundra's, asana's, breathing techniques, visualizations. The key of kabala is to awaken Shekinah in Malkuth and move it up the other six lower worlds of the first seven to the crown. This knowledge was stolen from Gentiles. However the key of kabala for the individual is based on Shakti energy and moving it up the spine. The Jews stole this from us and damned the Goyim. While keeping it themselves at the top.

In the orthodox Rabbinical movements the leader is a Rabbi who is a Saddak. Meaning he has performed verifiable siddhi's in front of his followers numerous times. And these Rabbi's are the leaders of the Jewish race.

Zevi as Luria before him, demonstrated Siddhi's in public and other Rabbi's stated to as well from his teachings. They claimed to have dreams and visions of Zevi as the messiah. At the high of Zevi's movement over a million Jews were his disciples. And thousands of Jews travelled to the Levant to follow him."
The Gods teach personally and directly indeed. I know for a fact one of the first subjects would be warfare, and more in depth techniques and aims in this, to maximize. Yet if I go mayhem on other problems and aims for personal benefits, would only lead to mediocre life and revealing of own lack of character.

When the Gods instruct and bestow wisdom and techniques, they are extremely powerful and dangerous for outsiders to try to attempt the same. All knowledge is also uniquely equipped to the person, in relation to the consciousness and perception of the individual.

Not so long ago I was so eager to post things and help on the forum with what I was given..but I didn't and in time I realize it was wrong to do so. These are own fruits in times of war, and decisions such as these must be on the Gods will.
The picture is really blurry, is that 3.5k?
Thanks for Bright sermon.

Jews have nothing of their own They are stealing and they are just the parasites of the world.
These Jews, :lol: they don't know....

Thanks HPC. It is unfortunate that they have the ability to warp Satanic knowledge to shape their racial criteria. Also, I'm happy that light was shed on the fact that updates haven't happened for a few years on the main JOS.

Fortunately, there is still knowledge that can be shared like the Lunar Sabbath you gave us.

Its sad that because of the enemy we have to wait for new knowledge but I always understood way, if they don't share it right away its because of the enemy, as the loose power we can have more advanced knowledge. I hope we are at the point now were we can have more knowledge like the one on Saturday. This can help many advance faster.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I will share an a source from the book of Scholem here, on the "Sefer Yetzirah" section 6 in his book, "Introduction Into Jewish Kabbalah":

"[...] The Teaching Of the Sefirot [my note: jewish code name for chakra] and the gematria arithmetic system, have hidden Neo-Pythagorean and Stoic influences. Some of the terms that are used by the book, have been translated DIRECTLY from Greek [my note ancient Greek]. Among them is the word "Stoichea" [elements], appearing also in "natural elements [stoichea], same as the words of the alphabet. [...] "

I could not find that book anywhere on the internet so I can check if that quote was really there, is it okay if you can share a link to the book for my own studies to get people awake and to save time?
This has happened since the beginning of Joy of Satan jews steal all knowledge here. That is why i said before i have no more hope for humanity.I am counting on the day the Gods return and destroy the jews. That is why Maxine's sermon meant so much for me. Humanity is really too far gone to save without their physical help.

Even if we do destroy their alefbet they still have billions of people who will keep on feeding them with energy.
Thank you for this sermon HP HC. Secrecy when needed is a very needed trait of very strong personalities and leaders.

It is hard to be secretive especially when naive people demand to know everything now. They think they are entitled to this kind of knowledge. But either way patience is needed and those who are worthy of knowledge will know in time.

Thank you for being our leaders High priest HoodedCobra and High Priestess Maxine Dietrich! We wouldn't be able to survive without your harder-than-steel will. Your strength is only comparable to Adolf Hitler and his friends.

Soon Satan's victory will be here on Earth and his empire will be rebuilt stronger! With the will of Satan and his disciples we will WIN!!

Hail Satan Forever!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
An example, in 2018, Lilith told HPS Maxine at the time, to temporarily stop with further updates or new updates of knowledge that were too direct. This was because this is war, and the enemy needs to be destroyed as the world receives more knowledge, to avoid catastrophe.

I notice the similarity that I recall back in 2008 nearing of 2009. Maxine mentioned she was gonna release the Baneful Magickal Square but never did so. Only Saturn and even then Saturn isn't exactly something we can mess with minus a few people whom have had some positivity in their lives due to NEEDING Saturnian discipline.

I only assume she was told not to release them yet. Basically it's the Square + Antidote + Cleaning/Protection method to fully rid the soul of the baneful connection.

I think for the future @HP.Cobra you shouldn't mention the names of the Rabbis or anything of that. In reality if you think about it from a perspective all your doing is telling jews whom to study i.e. those that pay attention to this website and what to study or look out for. I agree knowledge but not with the enemy still possessing a kabalistic grip. Albeit I agree that when the enemy is de-kabalatized fully that information can come out as the spiritual warfare has been concluded. I think in my personal understanding at some point we'd probably not be doing RTR. It's been hinted by you(HP.Cobra) you've mentioned this several times on JoSministries old forums and in current forums as a matter of fact about a month ago as of the time of this forum post.

You hinted at potentially going after Islam. I'd love to participate in RQR rituals and poison the Mecca site. For some reason every time I think of Mecca I think 'Why can't we poison the Mecca site so it backblasts on the enemy'; attack their daily meals they receive.

Anyways to end it his I think we should be more careful. It sucks we can't actively post all the time information but it is warfare and the Gods are sometime out from the position albeit I do know various groups of our Aliens do exist underground.

It's just with recent China pumping the WW3 fist in the air it begs the question how much alien sightings military and civilians are gonna witness World wide.

Anyways good sermon but people should be told we need to limit greatly the information released as it can backfire on us just as the information can backfire on the enemy.

What do the police in the U.S. state 'Anything and everything you say can and will be used against you'. Works for both sides.
The future we all want and have been fighting for is so close now. We have to trust our Gods, our Priests, and all those who lead us towards the sunlit vision we are reaching for.

Our ancestors survived the collapse of Rome, the Dark Ages, the Middle Ages, the Inquisition, the Bolshevik Uprising, WW1, WW2, and every war and catastrophe instigated and pushed by jews - all to bring us to this point. This time in history, here and now. This is our moment, it's finally here. We must keep fighting this spiritual war and drive the jews to oblivion, and trust our leaders with the information that will achieve that for us. What is 20 years compared to the hundreds of years that our ancestors survived? We don't even have to go to church like they did.

Remember what we're all fighting for. A better world - for us, our loved ones, our children.

We're almost there.
luis said:
Its sad that because of the enemy we have to wait for new knowledge but I always understood way, if they don't share it right away its because of the enemy, as the loose power we can have more advanced knowledge. I hope we are at the point now were we can have more knowledge like the one on Saturday. This can help many advance faster.

Yes, we definitely are, and this will come and keep coming. According to Beelzebub, this is integral so that we move forward. There will be major revelations because of this.

This was from 2018 where we had to stop. Now, since we have deteriorated the enemy, more will come. As they keep dropping, more and more will come.

It's a major pain to be unable to speak about some topics simply because these yids exist, but their existence is in no way "priority", meaning, knowledge will be given anyway despite their existence.

The closer they move to non existence then this will be more and more liberating for everything, including distribution of spiritual knowledge and power.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
This has happened since the beginning of Joy of Satan jews steal all knowledge here. That is why i said before i have no more hope for humanity.I am counting on the day the Gods return and destroy the jews. That is why Maxine's sermon meant so much for me. Humanity is really too far gone to save without their physical help.

Even if we do destroy their alefbet they still have billions of people who will keep on feeding them with energy.

When the time comes we will have to lead them. At least those worthy of humanity. People who are too far gone with the enemy and are hopeless cases will be weeded out. Once the truth is out there humanity will follow the good side.
Wildfire said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I will share an a source from the book of Scholem here, on the "Sefer Yetzirah" section 6 in his book, "Introduction Into Jewish Kabbalah":

"[...] The Teaching Of the Sefirot [my note: jewish code name for chakra] and the gematria arithmetic system, have hidden Neo-Pythagorean and Stoic influences. Some of the terms that are used by the book, have been translated DIRECTLY from Greek [my note ancient Greek]. Among them is the word "Stoichea" [elements], appearing also in "natural elements [stoichea], same as the words of the alphabet. [...] "

I could not find that book anywhere on the internet so I can check if that quote was really there, is it okay if you can share a link to the book for my own studies to get people awake and to save time?

If this is to be used for warfare as in information warfare, below I will rectify the source. Since this is a translation of something else, it can easily be found.

The same exists here, in English.

The doctrine of the Sefirot and the language system hint at neo-Pythagorean and Stoic influences. Stoic is the emphasis on the double pronunciation of "bagad kafat. "Some of the terms employed in the book were apparently trans­lated from Greek, in which the term stoicheia indicates both elements and letters; this duality finds its expression in the Hebrew term otiyyot yesod ("elemental letters"), i.e., letters which are also elements. The material which F. Dornsieff 14 collected from the linguistic mysticism of Greek syncretism contains many paral­lels with Sefer Yetzirah. "Kabbalah" By G. Scholem, Page 27, Meridian Publications, 1983.

This you can probably find online without looking too much around. The one I have is even older, and is a translation of this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
Its sad that because of the enemy we have to wait for new knowledge but I always understood way, if they don't share it right away its because of the enemy, as the loose power we can have more advanced knowledge. I hope we are at the point now were we can have more knowledge like the one on Saturday. This can help many advance faster.

Yes, we definitely are, and this will come and keep coming. According to Beelzebub, this is integral so that we move forward. There will be major revelations because of this.

This was from 2018 where we had to stop. Now, since we have deteriorated the enemy, more will come. As they keep dropping, more and more will come.

It's a major pain to be unable to speak about some topics simply because these yids exist, but their existence is in no way "priority", meaning, knowledge will be given anyway despite their existence.

The closer they move to non existence then this will be more and more liberating for everything, including distribution of spiritual knowledge and power.
Thank you and the God's for the new knowledge :) This is more fuel for the Rtrs!
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
Its sad that because of the enemy we have to wait for new knowledge but I always understood way, if they don't share it right away its because of the enemy, as the loose power we can have more advanced knowledge. I hope we are at the point now were we can have more knowledge like the one on Saturday. This can help many advance faster.

Yes, we definitely are, and this will come and keep coming. According to Beelzebub, this is integral so that we move forward. There will be major revelations because of this.

This was from 2018 where we had to stop. Now, since we have deteriorated the enemy, more will come. As they keep dropping, more and more will come.

It's a major pain to be unable to speak about some topics simply because these yids exist, but their existence is in no way "priority", meaning, knowledge will be given anyway despite their existence.

The closer they move to non existence then this will be more and more liberating for everything, including distribution of spiritual knowledge and power.
Thank you and the God's for the new knowledge :) This is more fuel for the Rtrs!
It's like spiritual payday, bro :lol:
mercury_wisdom said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
This has happened since the beginning of Joy of Satan jews steal all knowledge here. That is why i said before i have no more hope for humanity.I am counting on the day the Gods return and destroy the jews. That is why Maxine's sermon meant so much for me. Humanity is really too far gone to save without their physical help.

Even if we do destroy their alefbet they still have billions of people who will keep on feeding them with energy.

When the time comes we will have to lead them. At least those worthy of humanity. People who are too far gone with the enemy and are hopeless cases will be weeded out. Once the truth is out there humanity will follow the good side.

Most humans doen't even care about this knowledge,or doen't know what to do with it so yes they need to be leaded,but it feels there are not a lot of worthy people left or are there? This will only be possible if the jewtrix falls. And a men like Adolf Hitler come to power in the governments of the world. The jews will slowly die away like this i think. I hope i live to see that day.
As a testimony from me, I really encourage members to open themselves to the gods for guidance. You'll be surprised what you can come across and attain regarding spiritual/physical interests. This is regarding other things but seriously do a lot of looking around, also learn to be able to do your own reasoning, ones success could literally be right in front of them.
We know that jews are great liars but they are also great thieves. There is no thing more important and more valuable than Knowledge.

Jews even admit to being thieves in an Android video game. It's called Angry Jew. The objective in the game is a race of a rabbi who in his path mainly collects knowledge and also collects coins and other items and of course in his path there are Whites (Coincidence!) who want to stop and fight him and he beats them up. In the game it is said that all this is for the good of the jewish people.

Not much is revealed in the game but I have to say that they have drawn and described their characteristics and history very well.

I found this game out of pure curiosity, here is an image:

Well we already have so much information that we could easily advance i suppose, well the only thing we can do is wait for new one when the enemy are defeated even more.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wildfire said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I will share an a source from the book of Scholem here, on the "Sefer Yetzirah" section 6 in his book, "Introduction Into Jewish Kabbalah":

"[...] The Teaching Of the Sefirot [my note: jewish code name for chakra] and the gematria arithmetic system, have hidden Neo-Pythagorean and Stoic influences. Some of the terms that are used by the book, have been translated DIRECTLY from Greek [my note ancient Greek]. Among them is the word "Stoichea" [elements], appearing also in "natural elements [stoichea], same as the words of the alphabet. [...] "

I could not find that book anywhere on the internet so I can check if that quote was really there, is it okay if you can share a link to the book for my own studies to get people awake and to save time?

If this is to be used for warfare as in information warfare, below I will rectify the source. Since this is a translation of something else, it can easily be found.

The same exists here, in English.

The doctrine of the Sefirot and the language system hint at neo-Pythagorean and Stoic influences. Stoic is the emphasis on the double pronunciation of "bagad kafat. "Some of the terms employed in the book were apparently trans­lated from Greek, in which the term stoicheia indicates both elements and letters; this duality finds its expression in the Hebrew term otiyyot yesod ("elemental letters"), i.e., letters which are also elements. The material which F. Dornsieff 14 collected from the linguistic mysticism of Greek syncretism contains many paral­lels with Sefer Yetzirah. "Kabbalah" By G. Scholem, Page 27, Meridian Publications, 1983.

This you can probably find online without looking too much around. The one I have is even older, and is a translation of this.

Good day HP,

I found the book and read further for other outside sources on the topic for my own information digging. I found an article made by a kike information publishing website that even mentioned the kabbalist schloem and how he said the same information of greek Qabala/Philosophy/Metaphysics influencing the enemy's magick system.

"This is perhaps a quibble. More to the point is the fact that both Kabbalah and Christian theology were greatly influenced, though not always in the same ways, by another body of thought that Goldberg fails to mention: The Hellenistic philosophical schools of the early centuries of the Common Era, and particularly, the two related currents of neo-Platonism and neo-Pythagoreanism."

> https://forward.com/culture/177588/how-greek-philosophy-influenced-both-christian-and/

And to note that Kabbalah came out somewhere in the 13th century BCE thanks to a character rabbi named moses receiving it from their yhvh reptiles which was somehwere during the world's major events of occult induced cataclysm under the crazy jews and their ETs(1,500 - 1,000 BC: http://www.ithappened.info/ebook/world-history-timeline.pdf ). It's even on the wiki page about how Kabbalah originated. Coincidence that even the kike pharaoh akhenaten ruled within the 1500-1000 BC time period and it doesn't surprise me that there are even sermons on that psycho pharaoh being part of the enemy that played a huge role in ruining Paganism for Egypt. It would also be no further surprise if aholenaten or any of his underlings also helped in giving the enemy more major spiritual knowledge from Egypt.

I guess there really has been a lot more levels of dark shenanigans that went on as the world begun experiencing major damage by the kike's own weaponry. And to mention the kike in the source saying that xtianity found its way to Judaism:

“Actually, rabbinic Judaism has something very much like the Trinity in its thinking about God. It’s called the Sefirot, the Kabbalah’s 10 Emanations or Manifestations of God’s presence. And no, it wasn’t a Jewish concept that found its way into Christianity. On the contrary, it’s a Christian idea that found its way into the heart of normative Judaism.”

> ibid

I think we can all say that he's referring to how gentile occult has landed on the hands of the kikes, how he mentions that "christian idea"(Jews love referring gentiles as xtians in their religion's code words for those who are new and have read passed our library) found its way into the "heart of Judaism"(The kikes themselves that circulate their agenda's continuity).

(The real story with xtianity of course has always been the other way around when Saul of Tarsus(Paul), a full blooded psychotic kike himself, made the bible from Jewish scripture to screw the Europeans into slavery.

Take note that some parts of the article come from the behavior of kikes attacking each other to keep themselves afloat. I guess there might have been a lot of jew infighting and complaining of who's going to be yuckwehs chosen while they tried to create xtianity.

> https://jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/13232-saul-of-tarsus)

They may be trying to sound nice and all in the kike article on how kabbalah was influenced by greek occult knowledge but using it to ruin the planet big time for a psychotic 'god' is just like metaphysically nuking the world with negativity. Like how they used the tetractys and somehow inserted their yhwh to poison the earth into blindness and so much more. Sadly, the world thinks of us as fools while we have stepped up the occult war game ourselves for humankind against the source of the oppressive abrahamic disease. We are laughed at for removing a severe botfly infection from mother earth.

The more I learn about both sides' occult weaponry and spiritual sciences, the more this feels like a never heard of sci-fi novel that has always been true about the world and that humanity is up against an originally reptilian made threat that has deceived the whole world into its bullshit.

Correct me if I got anything the wrong way so far or am not reading things the right side up. I'm no expert on this but sadly has most of the facts by route memory only, I'm someone who's trying to put pieces of the huge puzzle together himself so he can effectively give something sensible to enlighten outsiders while undercover at the right times.
Wildfire said:

Personally I know how worthless all this "digging" into their shit is, more worthless than basically any other research we had to do. Any other was far better. This, was only the gazing upon a virus.

Eastern texts explain far more. All of the jew things are is a warped nonsense that is lies infested, and thievery based. Many of them are clearly just schizophrenic or have mental illness and it's ramblings because of that, not spiritual knowledge. It doesn't constitute anything one cannot find already from another source, for example, an Eastern Text.

I felt it was a great waste of time to study their filthy garbage. It is like sampling a wasteland to check for viruses present there. I gained nothing from this other than what was already known.

In the case where people have some "doubts", ie, about the theft from Gentiles, they must be really naive at this point. This is as easy to see as going into Wikipedia. So they can see sources like this and be like "Oh, the JoS said the Truth again", but that to me is a self obvious reality, because it's never been otherwise.

Then there's a bunch of people that you can show them any "proof" and it won't matter because they are conditioned and brain controlled, and want to see these people as mere innocent sufferers while they have been ruining our world and it's soul for such a long time.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wildfire said:

Personally I know how worthless all this "digging" into their shit is, more worthless than basically any other research we had to do. Any other was far better. This, was only the gazing upon a virus.

Eastern texts explain far more. All of the jew things are is a warped nonsense that is lies infested, and thievery based. Many of them are clearly just schizophrenic or have mental illness and it's ramblings because of that, not spiritual knowledge. It doesn't constitute anything one cannot find already from another source, for example, an Eastern Text.

I felt it was a great waste of time to study their filthy garbage. It is like sampling a wasteland to check for viruses present there. I gained nothing from this other than what was already known.

In the case where people have some "doubts", ie, about the theft from Gentiles, they must be really naive at this point. This is as easy to see as going into Wikipedia. So they can see sources like this and be like "Oh, the JoS said the Truth again", but that to me is a self obvious reality, because it's never been otherwise.

Then there's a bunch of people that you can show them any "proof" and it won't matter because they are conditioned and brain controlled, and want to see these people as mere innocent sufferers while they have been ruining our world and it's soul for such a long time.
Is there any book you can share worth studying? I tried with enemy books but its either things I already know or worthless bullshits. They may have stolen some knowledge from our ancient civilizations but they will never share it in their pure form and they don't have as much knowledge as most think, enough to keep their lies going.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wildfire said:

Personally I know how worthless all this "digging" into their shit is, more worthless than basically any other research we had to do. Any other was far better. This, was only the gazing upon a virus.

Eastern texts explain far more. All of the jew things are is a warped nonsense that is lies infested, and thievery based. Many of them are clearly just schizophrenic or have mental illness and it's ramblings because of that, not spiritual knowledge. It doesn't constitute anything one cannot find already from another source, for example, an Eastern Text.

I felt it was a great waste of time to study their filthy garbage. It is like sampling a wasteland to check for viruses present there. I gained nothing from this other than what was already known.

In the case where people have some "doubts", ie, about the theft from Gentiles, they must be really naive at this point. This is as easy to see as going into Wikipedia. So they can see sources like this and be like "Oh, the JoS said the Truth again", but that to me is a self obvious reality, because it's never been otherwise.

Then there's a bunch of people that you can show them any "proof" and it won't matter because they are conditioned and brain controlled, and want to see these people as mere innocent sufferers while they have been ruining our world and it's soul for such a long time.

I guess this sums up everything I needed to know and where to really look at from here on, thank you HP.
The Jews are paying for their theft and deceit with every RTR we complete; I understand that much. I wanted to know what this world will look like once they are completely eviscerated; when we win, once and for all, and the Gods come back to Earth. I'm not entirely clear on the result of our efforts and would be grateful for some enlightenment on this.
Hail Satan forever!!!🐍🔥 The jews,are week and helpless with out the energy and knowledge of other people. And they know that they are helpless. And I know that we can definitely defeat them!!😊😃 And we are as we speak!! The pen is mightier than the sword!! Lol...And we use all and everything we can. Just the same as the enemy. When the going gets tough!!! 🙏🔥 the tough gets going!!!😃🐍👹
One Wire Phenomenon said:
This has happened since the beginning of Joy of Satan jews steal all knowledge here. That is why i said before i have no more hope for humanity.I am counting on the day the Gods return and destroy the jews. That is why Maxine's sermon meant so much for me. Humanity is really too far gone to save without their physical help.

Even if we do destroy their alefbet they still have billions of people who will keep on feeding them with energy.

This defeatist attitude doesn't help anything. The RTRs and other rituals will turn people away from giving their energies etc to the enemy and even turn them directly against the jews. So those billions that are helping them could become billions attacking them. Not sure how you think otherwise at this point.
Did you also not see HP Hooded Cobra's recent post about what will happen as Satan directly influences the world with his power? He said that people of all kinds and even the christards will suddenly turn totally against the jews. You're worried about billions of future helping hands as if our work is basically pointless and not changing anything.
Way_Seeker666 said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
This has happened since the beginning of Joy of Satan jews steal all knowledge here. That is why i said before i have no more hope for humanity.I am counting on the day the Gods return and destroy the jews. That is why Maxine's sermon meant so much for me. Humanity is really too far gone to save without their physical help.

Even if we do destroy their alefbet they still have billions of people who will keep on feeding them with energy.

This defeatist attitude doesn't help anything. The RTRs and other rituals will turn people away from giving their energies etc to the enemy and even turn them directly against the jews. So those billions that are helping them could become billions attacking them. Not sure how you think otherwise at this point.
Did you also not see HP Hooded Cobra's recent post about what will happen as Satan directly influences the world with his power? He said that people of all kinds and even the christards will suddenly turn totally against the jews. You're worried about billions of future helping hands as if our work is basically pointless and not changing anything.

Thank you wayseeker i needed to hear this.
Hail Satan!!!
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Thank you wayseeker i needed to hear this.
Hail Satan!!!

Yeah, you did :lol:
Stay defiant, and steadfast in your faith. Our Gods and Goddesses are so far beyond what we know.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
