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Saturn in 8th home


Active member
Oct 3, 2018
I have Saturn in 8h...but i dream the wealth beacuse i am talented in one thing...Is possible figthing saturn and gain Wealth? The Azazel Astrology says: this person remain in poverty for all life...i not want this! I do Money ritual...or i do the saturn magic planetari magic?
Don't do the planetary square of Saturn as it will strengthen your Saturn and make your problems worse.

How To Obliterate Your Saturn
In my signature below, click the "Obliterate Saturn" link. It will include instructions, details, and links to freeing the soul workings, and explain that workings for wealth etc are best done after you remove the problem (free the soul first).

Also in my signature is a link to the SS Calendar, for optimal dates for freeing the soul workings, and money workings.

You can have wealth, but you will need to put in some magickal effort first :)
The same thing is for love? Because another thing says: He/she dream a love but the fate not permit
Thanks for all! I think work for all...but I not have satanic rosary, but i not can build one because i cannot use baphomet or others because i Live in my parents...i have used the method of the sun return in their place of my birth chart...and says: the chains is broken and you are free, in this simbols the indipence consititution are do it! I become free of my parents?
Zammel said:
Thanks for all! I think work for all...but I not have satanic rosary, but i not can build one because i cannot use baphomet or others because i Live in my parents...i have used the method of the sun return in their place of my birth chart...and says: the chains is broken and you are free, in this simbols the indipence consititution are do it! I become free of my parents?

Nothing is impossible. I dont quite understand your english but you dont need a baphomet or any physical items. You can have love or money or whatever. Its all about saying I deserve it I can have it and working through your issues with freeing the soul. You dont have to be perfect on the count I wasnt and it still worked.

I can imagine yeah you want freedom from your parents make sure though all links to them are gone and you are free of all issues they caused you. You may not be free in a physical sense but you are free emotionally and Trust me you can have anything you want dont let the enemy stop you but understand also it may take up to a few years depending on what your goal or problem is but anything is possible for anyone id guess we should be above the planets and take control of their energies not let them rule us. So you have Saturn in an unhelpful place so do I but I realize I can still have as much as any human and so can you.

Think about it this way and get working on it if you do in 6 months at least you will be a lot happier keep doing a 40 to 90 day working then another or whatever. Even if you just vibrate around the amount like count to 216 knowing it may not be fully accurate it still very much works. The only time you have to be absolute is the Planitary Squares and please stay away from the Saturn Square it wont help you (it might be able to but thats a topic I think we havent figured out really how they did it back in the ancient times or what they did with it so I wouldnt do it for now) the Jupiter Square helps though a lot.
slyscorpion said:
Zammel said:
Thanks for all! I think work for all...but I not have satanic rosary, but i not can build one because i cannot use baphomet or others because i Live in my parents...i have used the method of the sun return in their place of my birth chart...and says: the chains is broken and you are free, in this simbols the indipence consititution are do it! I become free of my parents?

Nothing is impossible. I dont quite understand your english but you dont need a baphomet or any physical items. You can have love or money or whatever. Its all about saying I deserve it I can have it and working through your issues with freeing the soul. You dont have to be perfect on the count I wasnt and it still worked.

I can imagine yeah you want freedom from your parents make sure though all links to them are gone and you are free of all issues they caused you. You may not be free in a physical sense but you are free emotionally and Trust me you can have anything you want dont let the enemy stop you but understand also it may take up to a few years depending on what your goal or problem is but anything is possible for anyone id guess we should be above the planets and take control of their energies not let them rule us. So you have Saturn in an unhelpful place so do I but I realize I can still have as much as any human and so can you.

Think about it this way and get working on it if you do in 6 months at least you will be a lot happier keep doing a 40 to 90 day working then another or whatever. Even if you just vibrate around the amount like count to 216 knowing it may not be fully accurate it still very much works. The only time you have to be absolute is the Planitary Squares and please stay away from the Saturn Square it wont help you (it might be able to but thats a topic I think we havent figured out really how they did it back in the ancient times or what they did with it so I wouldnt do it for now) the Jupiter Square helps though a lot.
Ok i do continuous work for 6 moth instahead 90+90 day? (i have difficult to arrive a 108 because a lot of time i wrong and i restart...and this for 5-10 minutes...i have finded a method, of course 10 to 10 is easy but i can wrong and restart...-.-...) I need to do Jupiter square meanwhille the ritual?
Zammel said:
slyscorpion said:
Zammel said:
Thanks for all! I think work for all...but I not have satanic rosary, but i not can build one because i cannot use baphomet or others because i Live in my parents...i have used the method of the sun return in their place of my birth chart...and says: the chains is broken and you are free, in this simbols the indipence consititution are do it! I become free of my parents?

Nothing is impossible. I dont quite understand your english but you dont need a baphomet or any physical items. You can have love or money or whatever. Its all about saying I deserve it I can have it and working through your issues with freeing the soul. You dont have to be perfect on the count I wasnt and it still worked.

I can imagine yeah you want freedom from your parents make sure though all links to them are gone and you are free of all issues they caused you. You may not be free in a physical sense but you are free emotionally and Trust me you can have anything you want dont let the enemy stop you but understand also it may take up to a few years depending on what your goal or problem is but anything is possible for anyone id guess we should be above the planets and take control of their energies not let them rule us. So you have Saturn in an unhelpful place so do I but I realize I can still have as much as any human and so can you.

Think about it this way and get working on it if you do in 6 months at least you will be a lot happier keep doing a 40 to 90 day working then another or whatever. Even if you just vibrate around the amount like count to 216 knowing it may not be fully accurate it still very much works. The only time you have to be absolute is the Planitary Squares and please stay away from the Saturn Square it wont help you (it might be able to but thats a topic I think we havent figured out really how they did it back in the ancient times or what they did with it so I wouldnt do it for now) the Jupiter Square helps though a lot.
Ok i do continuous work for 6 moth instahead 90+90 day? (i have difficult to arrive a 108 because a lot of time i wrong and i restart...and this for 5-10 minutes...i have finded a method, of course 10 to 10 is easy but i can wrong and restart...-.-...) I need to do Jupiter square meanwhille the ritual?
What can you possibly do wrong? It’s about vibrating a mantra 111 times everyday without missing days, even if you do 110 or 109 it’s still fine, it’s not a square, even if you messup the reps all is fine.
Zammel said:
slyscorpion said:
Zammel said:
Thanks for all! I think work for all...but I not have satanic rosary, but i not can build one because i cannot use baphomet or others because i Live in my parents...i have used the method of the sun return in their place of my birth chart...and says: the chains is broken and you are free, in this simbols the indipence consititution are do it! I become free of my parents?

Nothing is impossible. I dont quite understand your english but you dont need a baphomet or any physical items. You can have love or money or whatever. Its all about saying I deserve it I can have it and working through your issues with freeing the soul. You dont have to be perfect on the count I wasnt and it still worked.

I can imagine yeah you want freedom from your parents make sure though all links to them are gone and you are free of all issues they caused you. You may not be free in a physical sense but you are free emotionally and Trust me you can have anything you want dont let the enemy stop you but understand also it may take up to a few years depending on what your goal or problem is but anything is possible for anyone id guess we should be above the planets and take control of their energies not let them rule us. So you have Saturn in an unhelpful place so do I but I realize I can still have as much as any human and so can you.

Think about it this way and get working on it if you do in 6 months at least you will be a lot happier keep doing a 40 to 90 day working then another or whatever. Even if you just vibrate around the amount like count to 216 knowing it may not be fully accurate it still very much works. The only time you have to be absolute is the Planitary Squares and please stay away from the Saturn Square it wont help you (it might be able to but thats a topic I think we havent figured out really how they did it back in the ancient times or what they did with it so I wouldnt do it for now) the Jupiter Square helps though a lot.
Ok i do continuous work for 6 moth instahead 90+90 day? (i have difficult to arrive a 108 because a lot of time i wrong and i restart...and this for 5-10 minutes...i have finded a method, of course 10 to 10 is easy but i can wrong and restart...-.-...) I need to do Jupiter square meanwhille the ritual?

Continue on till you are free of your Saturn problem its no set time. In my case it took about 8 months but I feel freer and much happier. Then I start working on other issues now which my Saturn didnt touch on like love and money and stuff. So just keep going till you have the situation in life you want I dont yet but I know I will soon enough that is the faith you need.

Well the Fact Jupiter went over my Saturn helped me this year a lot too. I did the Jupiter Square right on that degree and it seemed to fix a lot. Remember that you can do this yourself too as long as your Saturn isnt in Capricorn or Gemini or Virgo.

Good luck. Id say it might even take me 2 years ro manifest what I want in life but the effort is worth it.
Ok I know it...i continue after the end of the 90 day I ask at DG if I free of my problem, if the answer are no i continue... :D easy. Acquarius I speak not of Jupiter square but of the repetition on every day. Meanwhile i Do this I do a Fehu vibration for increse the money energy and after love energy(the bastard saturn in 8th home hit all them!)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
