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Satanic Method of Tarot Reading


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2017
All thanks to Dame der Nacht for writing the original. Sent as pdf to HP HC.

Satanic Method of Tarot Reading


First I shuffle the Major Arcana, I cut 4 times from right to left and I have the following form drawing the Inverted Pentagram.
Then we have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Major Arcana in the array, turn them over.

Shuffle the Minor Arcana, cut it 4 times from right to left, and then proceed as follows drawing the path of the other cards.
Then we have: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Minor Arcana in the arrangement, turn them over.

Now: The present moment of the situation, experiences in the present time.

Immediate future: It can be interpreted as a week or two, and what is to happen very soon.

Near future: It can be interpreted as the next 4 weeks.

Future Expected: How do you expect the future to be from an internal point of view.

What will happen: What can happen to be external events that may or may not help you achieve what you want.

Your solution: What you intend to do or how do you behave in face of the situation.

What you need to do: What is the advice of the Gods so you can accomplish what you desire.

Result: At this point one must take into account the previous Arcana, that is, following intuition is a fundamental importance here, because nothing is settled, but it always shows one or more paths that will lead to what is expected. Not excluding the personal choice which in your case is: You must ask for help from the Gods (and you can change the result) that is misfortune represented by the Minor Arcana, but note that a Minor Arcana right near the Major Arcana is the Reckoning which represents a rebirth, new ideas and new methods that you have available so you can avoid misfortune.

A positive Major Arcana and a negative Minor Arcana and vice versa jeopardizes the positive result, however, a negative Major Arcana is worse than the negative Minor Arcana.

This is really nice thanks to both of you!

I think it would be really great if someone collaborated and came up with a JOS tarot deck!

Until that happens what are some decks people here prefer? Are there some more appropriate for us than others?
I will try this out today, thank you to Egon and Dame der Nacht! :)

@Tala, I have Revelations Tarot by Zach Wong, it's the same as the Raider-Waite deck recommended by HPS Maxine but has beautiful imagery and also has the reverse imagery included on the card so it's easy to learn the interpretation. Here's the link to the amazon page so you can see: https://www.amazon.com/Revelations-Tarot-Zach-Wong/dp/0738706078
Lydia said:
I will try this out today, thank you to Egon and Dame der Nacht! :)

@Tala, I have Revelations Tarot by Zach Wong, it's the same as the Raider-Waite deck recommended by HPS Maxine but has beautiful imagery and also has the reverse imagery included on the card so it's easy to learn the interpretation. Here's the link to the amazon page so you can see: https://www.amazon.com/Revelations-Tarot-Zach-Wong/dp/0738706078
wow this is so beautiful, I may do myself a gift lol
Thanks for the link these are really nice! I still have my first set from rider waite but this will be more up my ally due to the inspirational art style.

Lydia said:
I will try this out today, thank you to Egon and Dame der Nacht! :)

@Tala, I have Revelations Tarot by Zach Wong, it's the same as the Raider-Waite deck recommended by HPS Maxine but has beautiful imagery and also has the reverse imagery included on the card so it's easy to learn the interpretation. Here's the link to the amazon page so you can see: https://www.amazon.com/Revelations-Tarot-Zach-Wong/dp/0738706078
this is awesome I really appreciate this
What is the meaning of the cards? Do they have the same meaning as most tarot guidebooks have or are they different looking at them from a Satanist perspective? For example, in my tarot guidebook it says death means a powerful transition, justice means looking for truth, the devil means temptation and overindulgence, and so on.
Charlotte61903 said:
What is the meaning of the cards? Do they have the same meaning as most tarot guidebooks have or are they different looking at them from a Satanist perspective? For example, in my tarot guidebook it says death means a powerful transition, justice means looking for truth, the devil means temptation and overindulgence, and so on.
“The Devil” tarot card is a Jewish corruption and isn’t of Lord Satan. HPS Maxine explains some tarot meanings in these sermons:
Academic Scholar said:
Charlotte61903 said:
What is the meaning of the cards? Do they have the same meaning as most tarot guidebooks have or are they different looking at them from a Satanist perspective? For example, in my tarot guidebook it says death means a powerful transition, justice means looking for truth, the devil means temptation and overindulgence, and so on.
“The Devil” tarot card is a Jewish corruption and isn’t of Lord Satan. HPS Maxine explains some tarot meanings in these sermons:

I understand now that the 'devil' card is not of Satan, more so after reading the sermon. However, what does this mean if I get the 'devil' card as the major arcana for "what you need to do"? When I first saw this, I thought it meant I needed to create a closer relationship with Satan in order to attain the result, which was the 'world' card. Which I am lead to believe is a very positive result.
Hello. I want to buy my first tarot deck. What do you think of Golden Art Nouveau Tarot Deck, or what decks do you recommend? If I don't find a good one I'll make it myself. Thanks!
siv said:
Hello. I want to buy my first tarot deck. What do you think of Golden Art Nouveau Tarot Deck, or what decks do you recommend? If I don't find a good one I'll make it myself. Thanks!

The Revelations deck is quite expensive where I live and mom doesn't give me money :roll: , and I was thinking of buying a deck from Aliexpress. But all the decks I found there are crap, they are either ugly either full of jewish shit (including Golden Art Nouveau Tarot Deck). So I decided to save money for the Revelations.

If you want to see the cards of a deck, you can search it on youtube, there is a lot of unboxing and decks flip through videos.

Hope it helps someone :)
I have The Witches tarot deck. I recently got them after I read a recommendation on a thread here.
Here is a sermon from HPs Maxine on the Tarot to help beginners.
***The recommended PDF mentioned here can be found online in an EPUB and MOBI format.

[JoSNewsletter] Sermon 1/July/2014

I had planned to write a pdf on the Tarot, but never got around to it
because there is always so much to do. Satan keeps us busy. At any rate, for
those of you who are interested in the Tarot for divination, I recommend
this book:
Tarot Plain and Simple by Anthony Louis [paperback]

This is the best book I have ever come across on the Tarot in the way of

The Tarot is very ancient and based upon the constellations, going back to
Ancient Egypt.

When you purchase a new Tarot deck, you should feel comfortable with it, as
the cards eventually become a part of you. After you bring your deck home,
the cards should be wrapped in silk, satin, or other fine material to keep
the vibrations in them. You should sleep with the deck under your pillow for
several nights before you use your cards for the first time, as this will
get your energies in the cards. Your cards should then be kept in a special
pouch or card sized box. The silk or satin wrapping and pouch/box should be
kept in a secure area and the materials should only be used for your Tarot.
Others should never read with your cards. The cards are an extension of
ourselves and are highly personal.

Serious students should keep a Tarot journal or use your black book. Reading
for yourself is fine and I encourage this. This is how I learned. A
suggestion is to read your cards once a week with this week in mind when you
do your reading. Keep a record of the cards and after a week, see how
accurate your reading was, how particular cards applied to your situation,
represented the people around you and so forth. You can also practice
reading for friends and family and later inquiring how accurate you were in
your interpretations.

Experienced Tarot readers psychically connect with the cards. Each of the
cards can have many different meanings. The reversed positions are valid and
*very* important! Reversed cards often indicate the opposite of the upright
cards. Reversed cards can also indicate lesser or lighter circumstances
regarding events predicted in the upright position. I have found people
cards (pages, knights, kings and queens) when reversed indicate the
influence of these people in the life of the subject is not right or is
negative in some way.

The cards must be read as a group. Look at the entire layout. You can use
any layout that suits you. Use examples in books or make your own. Most of
us find we stick with a certain layout in reading for ourselves and others.

An overview of the Tarot:

There are 78 cards in the deck, 22 of which are the trump, known as the
“Major Arcana.” There are four suits of pip cards numbering 56, wands ( also
known as rods, staves), swords, cups and pentacles. The tarot has always
been known as “The Devil’s Cards.” 78; 7 + 8 = 15, a number of Satan and the
number of the Devil card. The 22 trump cards correspond to 2 + 2 = 4; the
number of Enki with the 56 pip cards 5 + 6 = 11, another important number of

Ø Rods/Wands represent the element of fire and the creative principle.
They represent fair people with light hair and eyes, blondes, those with
fiery outgoing personalities, athletes and athletics, and people with the
personality attributes of the fire element. Many upright rods in a reading
indicate enthusiasm, creativity, new projects, and promising start.

Ø Cups represent the element of water and the
emotional/feeling/psychic principle. They represent people with light brown
hair, hazel eyes, and medium coloring, those of the personality of the water
element, one’s love life, feelings, intuition, psychic people. Cups are the
benefic suit in the Tarot. Many upright cups indicate emotions, the love
life of the subject, psychic influences, partying and enjoyment.

Ø Swords represent the element of air and the intellectual principle.
Swords are the malefic suit of the Tarot and many in a spread indicate
misfortune. Swords can indicate severance, pain, surgery, and actual
cuts/injury. Sword people have dark hair, brown or grey eyes and fair skin.
Swords represent serious personalities that are cold and business-like. Many
upright swords in a reading indicate unfortunate circumstances, severance,
emotional or physical pain, loss, illness, and accidents.

Ø Pentacles represent the earth element and the material principle-
wealth, money, material possessions, sensuality, and security. Pentacles
represent dark skinned people with black hair and brown or black eyes.
People who handle and work with money such as bankers, people who work with
the earth, those of the personality of the earth element and those who are
reliable and trustworthy. Many upright pentacles in a reading indicate
money, security, wealth, and material possessions. Pentacles indicate a
secure and reliable foundation.

Ø Kings represent men over 30 years of age, the father, men in
authority, and leaders. I have found kings also are a strong influence of
their suit. In one reading I did, the subject asked if his material goods
would be returned and the outcome card was the king of pentacles indicating
a safe return of his possessions. This proved true as he did secure his
belongings shortly thereafter. Kings of the pentacle suit can also indicate
money coming to the subject.

Ø Queens represent women over 30 years of age. Queens represent the
female mother principle. Queens, unlike knights and pages are unlikely to
indicate events.

Ø Knights are young men over 18 and under 30 years of age. Knights
indicate new experiences, changes and movement, and comings and goings as
event cards. The events will always be indicated by the suit.

Ø Pages are babies, children, and adolescents. They indicate messages
and communication. The pages represent letters, e-mail, telephone calls, and
written material.

In closing, in regards to meditation- whenever you raise your powers through
yoga, mantra, or anything else, it is important to state affirmations. Never
let the energy go undirected or to waste. Goals are exceptionally important
and give meaning to life. Go over your personal goals. You can also write
your goals in your black book...short term goals, long-term goals; anything
you wish to accomplish. Take one of these goals and state an affirmation
right after your daily meditation. This needn't be long. You can affirm 7-10
times with focus. Visualization also is a great help using the white-gold
light upon what you wish to manifest. This can also be engulfing yourself in
the light of the astral Sun. Always state your affirmations in the present
tense and use as many of your astral senses in the visualization as you can,
such as astral smell, if applicable, astral hearing, touch and most
important- vision. Visualize yourself as if it is already happening along
with your affirmations. Following the affirmations is a good time for void
meditation, even if only for 10-15 minutes.

Goals give a sense of purpose and direction in life and make life
meaningful. Always work to finish what you start. The loser is the one who
quits. A winner is the one who gets back up. The winner finishes what he/she
starts. In life, on the road to accomplishing a goal, oftentimes, especially
in when working on larger more important goals, we encounter obstacles. The
winner will persist in spite of the obstacles. The loser will quit.
Meditation is an excellent help in breaking through and surviving obstacles.
Meditation also can help give us solutions to problems that cannot be
directly dealt with in the material world, such as smoothing over certain
situations, dealing with others and so forth.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
How do the experienced members that do divinity feel about destiny cards? I was surprised by how accurate it can be. Is the Tarot better or is this comparing apples and oranges?
mercury_wisdom said:
Thank you for this! By the way how did you find this sermon?

You are most welcome.
I have most if not all sermons written by HPs since 2006. It was an automatic subscription to their sermons sent via email.
Let me know if you wanted to search for a specific topic.

Academic Scholar said:
Charlotte61903 said:
What is the meaning of the cards? Do they have the same meaning as most tarot guidebooks have or are they different looking at them from a Satanist perspective? For example, in my tarot guidebook it says death means a powerful transition, justice means looking for truth, the devil means temptation and overindulgence, and so on.
“The Devil” tarot card is a Jewish corruption and isn’t of Lord Satan. HPS Maxine explains some tarot meanings in these sermons:

Thank you
Syt said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Thank you for this! By the way how did you find this sermon?

You are most welcome.
I have most if not all sermons written by HPs since 2006. It was an automatic subscription to their sermons sent via email.
Let me know if you wanted to search for a specific topic.

That's great! Thanks, I will let you know. :)
Syt said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Thank you for this! By the way how did you find this sermon?

You are most welcome.
I have most if not all sermons written by HPs since 2006. It was an automatic subscription to their sermons sent via email.
Let me know if you wanted to search for a specific topic.

Hey, Syt,
Is it possible you can send me all sermons you have from Hps Maxine Dietrich? Can you do that if you combine them in some folder or file maybe? If you can't that's okay aswell. If you don't have them all in a folder it would be almost impossible or too time consuming to get them all in one place except if you know how to some way.

Thank you very much!

Hey MW,
That sure is a very tall order. I'll try my very best to compile them for you and get back to you for emailing when i'm finished.


mercury_wisdom said:
Syt said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Thank you for this! By the way how did you find this sermon?

You are most welcome.
I have most if not all sermons written by HPs since 2006. It was an automatic subscription to their sermons sent via email.
Let me know if you wanted to search for a specific topic.

Hey, Syt,
Is it possible you can send me all sermons you have from Hps Maxine Dietrich? Can you do that if you combine them in some folder or file maybe? If you can't that's okay aswell. If you don't have them all in a folder it would be almost impossible or too time consuming to get them all in one place except if you know how to some way.

Thank you very much!

Syt said:
Hey MW,
That sure is a very tall order. I'll try my very best to compile them for you and get back to you for emailing when i'm finished.


mercury_wisdom said:
Syt said:
You are most welcome.
I have most if not all sermons written by HPs since 2006. It was an automatic subscription to their sermons sent via email.
Let me know if you wanted to search for a specific topic.

Hey, Syt,
Is it possible you can send me all sermons you have from Hps Maxine Dietrich? Can you do that if you combine them in some folder or file maybe? If you can't that's okay aswell. If you don't have them all in a folder it would be almost impossible or too time consuming to get them all in one place except if you know how to some way.

Thank you very much!

Thank you very much I really appreciate it! If it gets too much for you don't hesitate to stop.
Hey again MW,
I'm afraid the sermons in their entirety are extraordinarily voluminous to compile.
I think it's easier for me to send them one by one. If you'd like, I can send them via email if you give me an addr.


mercury_wisdom said:
Syt said:
Hey MW,
That sure is a very tall order. I'll try my very best to compile them for you and get back to you for emailing when i'm finished.


mercury_wisdom said:
Hey, Syt,
Is it possible you can send me all sermons you have from Hps Maxine Dietrich? Can you do that if you combine them in some folder or file maybe? If you can't that's okay aswell. If you don't have them all in a folder it would be almost impossible or too time consuming to get them all in one place except if you know how to some way.

Thank you very much!

Thank you very much I really appreciate it! If it gets too much for you don't hesitate to stop.
Egon said:
Satanic Method of Tarot Reading

I was looking for a different tarot spread and found this immediately.


Syt said:
Hey again MW,
I'm afraid the sermons in their entirety are extraordinarily voluminous to compile.
I think it's easier for me to send them one by one. If you'd like, I can send them via email if you give me an addr.


mercury_wisdom said:
Syt said:
Hey MW,
That sure is a very tall order. I'll try my very best to compile them for you and get back to you for emailing when i'm finished.

Thank you very much I really appreciate it! If it gets too much for you don't hesitate to stop.
Hey, Syt,
Thanks again. Sorry for troubling you. :)

Here is my email address: [email protected]

Hail Satan!
I had been thinking of getting into tarot. I don't know much about it as far as how to lay it out (I see up there now) or what each card means.

So for a newb like me, what is an SS-approved book that teaches tarot? I would really like to learn it.

Thank you
Kinnaree said:
I had been thinking of getting into tarot. I don't know much about it as far as how to lay it out (I see up there now) or what each card means.

So for a newb like me, what is an SS-approved book that teaches tarot? I would really like to learn it.

Thank you
I have seen this linked here before: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1567184006/ref=olp_aod_redir#aod
Kinnaree said:
I had been thinking of getting into tarot. I don't know much about it as far as how to lay it out (I see up there now) or what each card means.

So for a newb like me, what is an SS-approved book that teaches tarot? I would really like to learn it.

Thank you

In general the best thing to do with Tarot is to create a themed spread for whatever period of time for yourself (i.e. "what will happen for me this week?") or others and see what happens, then note it down. This way you learn the meanings of the cards quickly. The OP's spread can be used for this purpose as well.

Tarot cards (or any form of object divination, even playing cards can be used for this) are very multidimensional. Books on the meanings of the cards can give you a basic idea, but they can't replace first hand knowledge. Also, be aware that some books are full of crap.

Always remember to cleanse and use an Aura of Protection.
Henu the Great said:
Kinnaree said:
I had been thinking of getting into tarot. I don't know much about it as far as how to lay it out (I see up there now) or what each card means.

So for a newb like me, what is an SS-approved book that teaches tarot? I would really like to learn it.

Thank you
I have seen this linked here before: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1567184006/ref=olp_aod_redir#aod

Thank you to both Henu and Karnannos. Will order that to learn :-D
Karnonnos said:
Kinnaree said:
I had been thinking of getting into tarot. I don't know much about it as far as how to lay it out (I see up there now) or what each card means.

So for a newb like me, what is an SS-approved book that teaches tarot? I would really like to learn it.

Thank you

In general the best thing to do with Tarot is to create a themed spread for whatever period of time for yourself (i.e. "what will happen for me this week?") or others and see what happens, then note it down. This way you learn the meanings of the cards quickly. The OP's spread can be used for this purpose as well.

Tarot cards (or any form of object divination, even playing cards can be used for this) are very multidimensional. Books on the meanings of the cards can give you a basic idea, but they can't replace first hand knowledge. Also, be aware that some books are full of crap.

Always remember to cleanse and use an Aura of Protection.

Thank you! I will keep this in mind. Have ordered the book that teaches. :-D
Syt said:
Hey again MW,
I'm afraid the sermons in their entirety are extraordinarily voluminous to compile.
I think it's easier for me to send them one by one. If you'd like, I can send them via email if you give me an addr.


mercury_wisdom said:
Syt said:
Hey MW,
That sure is a very tall order. I'll try my very best to compile them for you and get back to you for emailing when i'm finished.

Thank you very much I really appreciate it! If it gets too much for you don't hesitate to stop.

Can you send it to my address also, the sermons? Or if that's too much, can you at least email me at [email protected]
I want to talk to you about something else as well.
Hello Phantom friend,

Sure. Though I think that these sermons may already be archived and ready to download. Let me check. And if they aren't, I'll send them to the given email address.

Syt said:
Hello Phantom friend,

Sure. Though I think that these sermons may already be archived and ready to download. Let me check. And if they aren't, I'll send them to the given email address.


Sure thanks. But I want to talk about some other questions as well. Regarding some mantras. So email me when you can.
siv said:
Hello. I want to buy my first tarot deck. What do you think of Golden Art Nouveau Tarot Deck, or what decks do you recommend? If I don't find a good one I'll make it myself. Thanks!

Choosing your first tarot deck is a personal and exciting journey. The Golden Art Nouveau Tarot Deck is a beautiful choice with intricate artwork, offering a unique visual experience.eight ball online
All thanks to Dame der Nacht for writing the original. Sent as pdf to HP HC.

Satanic Method of Tarot Reading


First I shuffle the Major Arcana, I cut 4 times from right to left and I have the following form drawing the Inverted Pentagram.
Then we have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Major Arcana in the array, turn them over.

Shuffle the Minor Arcana, cut it 4 times from right to left, and then proceed as follows drawing the path of the other cards.
Then we have: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Minor Arcana in the arrangement, turn them over.

Now: The present moment of the situation, experiences in the present time.

Immediate future: It can be interpreted as a week or two, and what is to happen very soon.

Near future: It can be interpreted as the next 4 weeks.

Future Expected: How do you expect the future to be from an internal point of view.

What will happen: What can happen to be external events that may or may not help you achieve what you want.

Your solution: What you intend to do or how do you behave in face of the situation.

What you need to do: What is the advice of the Gods so you can accomplish what you desire.

Result: At this point one must take into account the previous Arcana, that is, following intuition is a fundamental importance here, because nothing is settled, but it always shows one or more paths that will lead to what is expected. Not excluding the personal choice which in your case is: You must ask for help from the Gods (and you can change the result) that is misfortune represented by the Minor Arcana, but note that a Minor Arcana right near the Major Arcana is the Reckoning which represents a rebirth, new ideas and new methods that you have available so you can avoid misfortune.

A positive Major Arcana and a negative Minor Arcana and vice versa jeopardizes the positive result, however, a negative Major Arcana is worse than the negative Minor Arcana.

I don't get it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
