Satan's Peacock
Salutations to my Satanic Siblings and our Satanic Warriors,
I am translating this little "briefing" from the latest Turkish article on my website, as I see there isn't a thread on the forums on this subject yet. Hopefully, this will serve to answer some of the concerns our newer members may have and act to impassion everyone to act.
We are currently in one of the most accursed times of the enemy. The following days up to the 14th of August is the “Eid al-adha” of the Muslims, or as roughly put in English, “Sacrifice Holiday”. Obviously, there is nothing holy or good about it whatsoever. I pondered providing pictures showcasing just how “holy” this ignominious date is, but for the faint of heart that may be reading this, I won’t. If you are curious just how graphic, savage and odious Islam can get, simply Google “Eid bloodbath” and go to Images.
This criminal date is actually a perfect summary of Islam. Abraham, a criminally insane, sick psychopath goes to slaughter his son (fictitious though these Jewish characters all are, let’s pretend they are real for a second, just for the sake of observation) and right before he does the vile deed, an “angel” comes and stops him, and instead hands him a sheep to slaughter. So he goes to slaughter the sheep instead. In fact, in many Islamic sources, this sheep is the same as the one “Able” in the fictitous “Able and Cain” story sacrificed to Jehovah. So basically, they are bringing back a dead sheep just to cut it open again. Recycling? Either way, these stories are great indications of the utter, incomprehensible stupidity, unnaturalness and that they are the enemies of humanity and logic. This is just like Rabbi Jesus (who is also “Jehovah himself” at the same time, mind you) sacrificing himself unto himself to appease himself about his fury and hatred towards mankind. Spoiler: It didn’t work. These stories are simply absurd, illogical and nonsense. Not to mention malignant, disgusting and wicked. Take one look at how these vile death cults treat animals, and then another at how our religion does. According to the enemy, animals are here “just for us” and are “tools” devoid of personality or significance (or even souls according to some). In the religion of Nature, however, they are beautiful beings worthy of respect, love and veneration and our friends. The fact that there are Gods that directly specialize in helping humans with animals is one of the best indications of such. But the reactions of people to our religion and “their” faith is exactly the opposite of what it should be. We truly live in clown world.
Some of our members living in Muslim countries may, on account of their young age, be obligated to go see family friends and relatives in the name of “holiday visitations”, in what is an act of affirmation and support of the vile act of animal massacring. I will write this here in advance as whenever these vile “holidays” happen, our mail boxes fill up about this very subject: It’s not your fault. Satan isn’t going to “get mad at you” for being dragged to see people and being made to “give salutations” on their “holiday”; He won’t hate you or “ban you from Satanism” either. Our Gods are not like the capricious, bloodthirsty, psychopathic, demanding, easily enraged, “jealous gods” of Abrahamic faiths that you may be used to. They are the highest, most sacred embodiment of beauty, wisdom, understanding and “goodness”. So rest at ease about this subject. You don’t have to don a t-shirt with a Pentagram or Baphomet on it as your “holiday attire” and “make a statement”. In fact, you shouldn’t do such a thing in general. Even if you are -rightfully- uncomfortable with it, participate in the farce, should your absence cause you trouble later on. You won’t lose much else besides some time. Our brothers and sisters who are usually forced to suffer through this are generally our younger siblings, those in their teens. We know, your blood is boiling so to speak, and right now is one of the filthiest dates of the enemy and it may feel like a “good time” to provoke some people to think or make them realize the Truth. After all, a disgusting massacre is taking place; your country stinks of death and agony all over, it’s a literal bloodbath all around and on top of all this, members of your own race and nation are brainwashed about this subject from childhood or even infancy onwards. The grotesque, evil and accursed is portrayed and vice versa. How dare they, right? In your very own country, your very own lands, disgusting Jewish practices are conducted, imposed on people and those responsible for it are freely, brazenly flaunting it. And anyone looking at this objectively can see it for what it is, a disgusting crime against humanity and Nature. They can surely see it, right? But no, not right. Most people around you are not aware yet, so be patient. Most Islamic countries don’t operate under at least an illusion of free speech like America or Britain. In those countries, you can be crucified or lynched figuratively in most places (and literally in much smaller areas of those). But in mainly Islamic countries, you’ll get murdered in the most brutal fashion literally. No figurative speech here. So be patient, be aware and be prudent.
The time where these disgusting times and "holidays", this odious faith, all these ideologies that make one want to retch will be made illegal and those who impose these evil practices are punished will come and are coming. As well as the time where these faiths are universally regarded as ridicule, contempt and hostility. But this is not that time yet, and we need to act in accordance with the times. The solution to these times is not to be at odds with your relatives. Even if that may give you a momentary satisfaction, it will make your life more difficult, as well as make it difficult for you to help the world in the way it matters. It won't be easy for you to do RTRs when your family is breathing down your neck, right? So act prudently for now, go kiss the hand of a few of your relatives if you have to and if you need to take your fury out on the enemy after, do this by raining RTR upon RTR down on the enemy. Sublimate your rage, your righteous will to rebel in a beneficial way like this.
After all, that is what is important on the disgusting days that the enemy steeps the world in death energies through their puppets nearing 2 billion in number. Double down on the RTRs, whether to keep your own soul protected and clean (because nowadays, everywhere isn't just figuratively full of crap, it also is energetically) or to vent your fury against the enemy. And whatever your situation is, keep up your meditations and yoga as consistent as you are able to. Maybe some of you are woken up in the wee hours of the morning to be dragged to the nearest mosque for the enforced slavery called the "Eid prayer", after which you may have been dragged to the nearwest slaughterhouse to watch innocent animals get massacred or even to "help" in this disgusting act, and then finally taken to visit 20 different relatives and kissed each of their hands to the point your lips have dried and chapped. No matter. Whether you have the opportunity or not, do your meditations somehow. These days are especially cursed and the enemy will be using the raised death energies to collectively curse both Gentiles in general, and us Satanists in particular. Do not neglect your RTRs to fend off these curses and keep your soul clean, and your meditations and yoga to keep it strong and fit, and your energy and mood high. Maybe you won't manage to do everything with the same comfort and ease, but you should still do your daily routine whenever you find the opportunity. Obviously, without getting caught if people around you are not the type to understand (and sadly, they usually are).
Those who are sufficiently old and/or with the sufficient means can adopt whatever attitude they want in these days. We don't need to detail what adults need to do one by one, and such siblings of ours can simply assess their own circuimstances and act accordingly. Maybe some of you are in a situation to "redpill" those around them on how this disgusting practice and thusly, this disgusting faith are completely inhuman, vile and ignoble, and maybe some of you are in a situation where you aren't literally forced to call or visit others to "celebrate" their "holiday", and maybe some of you were rather openly anti-Islamic even before finding us. Everyone has different circuimstances, so act according to your situation. But a suggestion to all of you is to never compromise your personal security. You have no need to expose yourself in a way everyone can hear when you are hanging in a café. Attracting the ire of dozens of people is not worth the maybe 1 or 2 minds you may reach and open in exchange. Furthermore, all it takes is only one "mujahid" (basically Islamic "warrior" for our Westerner siblings) is enough to give you heavy trouble, or even take your life. Maybe not at that moment, but they can keep you in their sights, stalk you and then stab you in a quiet corner. Impossible? You know it's not. So please exercise caution in order not to fall victim to that kind of spineless, rotten piece of dirt. Maybe you'll want to be more outspoken in order to save your younger relatives, or those who aren't young but still open to questioning. This is your decision, but do not do anything to make your life more difficult. You are more valuable than this, and the Gods want us alive and out of prison.
To shortly recapitulate; the Gods won't care if you are forced to go to mosques, "celebrate" people's "holiday" or even unwillingly help with animal slaughter. They will care about your intentions and your heart far more. Do not worry, as it doesn't matter if you are merely being forced to partake in these acts. Just keep your soul clean and strong. Secondly, don't "make trouble" outside because you are simmering in anger and frustration, instead focus more on your RTRs than ever and don't neglect your spirituality by any means. If you want these accursed times, the sacrifice of both humans and animals to the enemy, young children and babies to be indoctrinated into this death cult way prior to an age they can question it, the mosquest that pop up all over the place like mushrooms and the squealing, ugly "calls to prayer" to stop forever; act prudently. Do not forget, you are not alone. You are not the only one going through all this. Just about all of us were raised under this crap, and we are all here together for each other. We will demolish the hegemony of the enemy and save the world all together. WE need each other for this, do not forget.
Hail Father Satan and Victory Forever!
I am translating this little "briefing" from the latest Turkish article on my website, as I see there isn't a thread on the forums on this subject yet. Hopefully, this will serve to answer some of the concerns our newer members may have and act to impassion everyone to act.
We are currently in one of the most accursed times of the enemy. The following days up to the 14th of August is the “Eid al-adha” of the Muslims, or as roughly put in English, “Sacrifice Holiday”. Obviously, there is nothing holy or good about it whatsoever. I pondered providing pictures showcasing just how “holy” this ignominious date is, but for the faint of heart that may be reading this, I won’t. If you are curious just how graphic, savage and odious Islam can get, simply Google “Eid bloodbath” and go to Images.
This criminal date is actually a perfect summary of Islam. Abraham, a criminally insane, sick psychopath goes to slaughter his son (fictitious though these Jewish characters all are, let’s pretend they are real for a second, just for the sake of observation) and right before he does the vile deed, an “angel” comes and stops him, and instead hands him a sheep to slaughter. So he goes to slaughter the sheep instead. In fact, in many Islamic sources, this sheep is the same as the one “Able” in the fictitous “Able and Cain” story sacrificed to Jehovah. So basically, they are bringing back a dead sheep just to cut it open again. Recycling? Either way, these stories are great indications of the utter, incomprehensible stupidity, unnaturalness and that they are the enemies of humanity and logic. This is just like Rabbi Jesus (who is also “Jehovah himself” at the same time, mind you) sacrificing himself unto himself to appease himself about his fury and hatred towards mankind. Spoiler: It didn’t work. These stories are simply absurd, illogical and nonsense. Not to mention malignant, disgusting and wicked. Take one look at how these vile death cults treat animals, and then another at how our religion does. According to the enemy, animals are here “just for us” and are “tools” devoid of personality or significance (or even souls according to some). In the religion of Nature, however, they are beautiful beings worthy of respect, love and veneration and our friends. The fact that there are Gods that directly specialize in helping humans with animals is one of the best indications of such. But the reactions of people to our religion and “their” faith is exactly the opposite of what it should be. We truly live in clown world.
Some of our members living in Muslim countries may, on account of their young age, be obligated to go see family friends and relatives in the name of “holiday visitations”, in what is an act of affirmation and support of the vile act of animal massacring. I will write this here in advance as whenever these vile “holidays” happen, our mail boxes fill up about this very subject: It’s not your fault. Satan isn’t going to “get mad at you” for being dragged to see people and being made to “give salutations” on their “holiday”; He won’t hate you or “ban you from Satanism” either. Our Gods are not like the capricious, bloodthirsty, psychopathic, demanding, easily enraged, “jealous gods” of Abrahamic faiths that you may be used to. They are the highest, most sacred embodiment of beauty, wisdom, understanding and “goodness”. So rest at ease about this subject. You don’t have to don a t-shirt with a Pentagram or Baphomet on it as your “holiday attire” and “make a statement”. In fact, you shouldn’t do such a thing in general. Even if you are -rightfully- uncomfortable with it, participate in the farce, should your absence cause you trouble later on. You won’t lose much else besides some time. Our brothers and sisters who are usually forced to suffer through this are generally our younger siblings, those in their teens. We know, your blood is boiling so to speak, and right now is one of the filthiest dates of the enemy and it may feel like a “good time” to provoke some people to think or make them realize the Truth. After all, a disgusting massacre is taking place; your country stinks of death and agony all over, it’s a literal bloodbath all around and on top of all this, members of your own race and nation are brainwashed about this subject from childhood or even infancy onwards. The grotesque, evil and accursed is portrayed and vice versa. How dare they, right? In your very own country, your very own lands, disgusting Jewish practices are conducted, imposed on people and those responsible for it are freely, brazenly flaunting it. And anyone looking at this objectively can see it for what it is, a disgusting crime against humanity and Nature. They can surely see it, right? But no, not right. Most people around you are not aware yet, so be patient. Most Islamic countries don’t operate under at least an illusion of free speech like America or Britain. In those countries, you can be crucified or lynched figuratively in most places (and literally in much smaller areas of those). But in mainly Islamic countries, you’ll get murdered in the most brutal fashion literally. No figurative speech here. So be patient, be aware and be prudent.
The time where these disgusting times and "holidays", this odious faith, all these ideologies that make one want to retch will be made illegal and those who impose these evil practices are punished will come and are coming. As well as the time where these faiths are universally regarded as ridicule, contempt and hostility. But this is not that time yet, and we need to act in accordance with the times. The solution to these times is not to be at odds with your relatives. Even if that may give you a momentary satisfaction, it will make your life more difficult, as well as make it difficult for you to help the world in the way it matters. It won't be easy for you to do RTRs when your family is breathing down your neck, right? So act prudently for now, go kiss the hand of a few of your relatives if you have to and if you need to take your fury out on the enemy after, do this by raining RTR upon RTR down on the enemy. Sublimate your rage, your righteous will to rebel in a beneficial way like this.
After all, that is what is important on the disgusting days that the enemy steeps the world in death energies through their puppets nearing 2 billion in number. Double down on the RTRs, whether to keep your own soul protected and clean (because nowadays, everywhere isn't just figuratively full of crap, it also is energetically) or to vent your fury against the enemy. And whatever your situation is, keep up your meditations and yoga as consistent as you are able to. Maybe some of you are woken up in the wee hours of the morning to be dragged to the nearest mosque for the enforced slavery called the "Eid prayer", after which you may have been dragged to the nearwest slaughterhouse to watch innocent animals get massacred or even to "help" in this disgusting act, and then finally taken to visit 20 different relatives and kissed each of their hands to the point your lips have dried and chapped. No matter. Whether you have the opportunity or not, do your meditations somehow. These days are especially cursed and the enemy will be using the raised death energies to collectively curse both Gentiles in general, and us Satanists in particular. Do not neglect your RTRs to fend off these curses and keep your soul clean, and your meditations and yoga to keep it strong and fit, and your energy and mood high. Maybe you won't manage to do everything with the same comfort and ease, but you should still do your daily routine whenever you find the opportunity. Obviously, without getting caught if people around you are not the type to understand (and sadly, they usually are).
Those who are sufficiently old and/or with the sufficient means can adopt whatever attitude they want in these days. We don't need to detail what adults need to do one by one, and such siblings of ours can simply assess their own circuimstances and act accordingly. Maybe some of you are in a situation to "redpill" those around them on how this disgusting practice and thusly, this disgusting faith are completely inhuman, vile and ignoble, and maybe some of you are in a situation where you aren't literally forced to call or visit others to "celebrate" their "holiday", and maybe some of you were rather openly anti-Islamic even before finding us. Everyone has different circuimstances, so act according to your situation. But a suggestion to all of you is to never compromise your personal security. You have no need to expose yourself in a way everyone can hear when you are hanging in a café. Attracting the ire of dozens of people is not worth the maybe 1 or 2 minds you may reach and open in exchange. Furthermore, all it takes is only one "mujahid" (basically Islamic "warrior" for our Westerner siblings) is enough to give you heavy trouble, or even take your life. Maybe not at that moment, but they can keep you in their sights, stalk you and then stab you in a quiet corner. Impossible? You know it's not. So please exercise caution in order not to fall victim to that kind of spineless, rotten piece of dirt. Maybe you'll want to be more outspoken in order to save your younger relatives, or those who aren't young but still open to questioning. This is your decision, but do not do anything to make your life more difficult. You are more valuable than this, and the Gods want us alive and out of prison.
To shortly recapitulate; the Gods won't care if you are forced to go to mosques, "celebrate" people's "holiday" or even unwillingly help with animal slaughter. They will care about your intentions and your heart far more. Do not worry, as it doesn't matter if you are merely being forced to partake in these acts. Just keep your soul clean and strong. Secondly, don't "make trouble" outside because you are simmering in anger and frustration, instead focus more on your RTRs than ever and don't neglect your spirituality by any means. If you want these accursed times, the sacrifice of both humans and animals to the enemy, young children and babies to be indoctrinated into this death cult way prior to an age they can question it, the mosquest that pop up all over the place like mushrooms and the squealing, ugly "calls to prayer" to stop forever; act prudently. Do not forget, you are not alone. You are not the only one going through all this. Just about all of us were raised under this crap, and we are all here together for each other. We will demolish the hegemony of the enemy and save the world all together. WE need each other for this, do not forget.
Hail Father Satan and Victory Forever!