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S.I.D.F *Update

Apr 30, 2008
S.I.D.F - Satanic Internet Defense force                    ....Because the worst thing you could do is nothing
S.I.D.F is a group that does online warfare together, organize reverse torah rituals together, work on anti tracks, trying to promote Satanism where ever we can. Why is it called S.I.D.F? In response to J.I.D.F (Jewish internet defense force) trying to stop freedom of speech and taking down Satanic or Nazi related videos, sites etc.. We have taken down a few of there accounts ;)
We have created a ranking system for our members. Why? It gives, order and structure, gives people a place and is a great motivator. As Hell's army it only felt appropriate, and if you look on the Demons page of JoyofSatans, every Demon has a rank and a Hierarchy. 
 From the 19th key ~ The Earth, let her be governed by her Parts. The course of her, let it run with pleasure, And as a handmaid let her serve Satan. One Season, let it confound another; and let there be no Creature upon or within her the same. All her members, let them differ in their qualities; And let there be no one creature equal with Another.

Not a big talker? That's completely fine, you don't have to be part of chat, just join Gentile Nation forum where our activity is posted and participate there. - Gentile Nation Forums  Interested, then message me on twitter to join - Teloc Vovim (@Teloc_Vovim) | Twitter  
Satan's blessings to all
Satan's blessings to you too Sister. I really like what you're doing with S.I.D.F. I'm proud to be part of this. Keep up the great work.
Here's an online warfare post by HP Mageson. It already has 736 posts from members.

We make an anonymous account on YouTube, post 4-5 comments daily on YouTube with links to JOS sites of our choice. Post them on the thread, and other members comes in and likes our comments.

We have had comments with well over 30 - 40 likes. These comes up to the most viewed comment lists and brings people to the truth:

The SIDF works very hard for Satan. In both doing rituals and fighting on the Internet. This isn't a cult where members are stuck in fear. We are encouraged to all do our part as warriors. Just remember when listening to others. There are those who work and those who complain. Decide which one you want to be. 

Is this association even acknowledge by our High Priests? 
Do you even need an outside group to work for Satan? 
Why is a ranking system necessary? 
To motivate? How so?  

---In [email protected], <teloc.vovim666@... wrote :

S.I.D.F - Satanic Internet Defense force                    ....Because the worst thing you could do is nothing
S.I.D.F is a group that does online warfare together, organize reverse torah rituals together, work on anti tracks, trying to promote Satanism where ever we can. Why is it called S.I.D.F? In response to J.I.D.F (Jewish internet defense force) trying to stop freedom of speech and taking down Satanic or Nazi related videos, sites etc.. We have taken down a few of there accounts ;)
We have created a ranking system for our members. Why? It gives, order and structure, gives people a place and is a great motivator. As Hell's army it only felt appropriate, and if you look on the Demons page of JoyofSatans, every Demon has a rank and a Hierarchy. 
 From the 19th key ~ The Earth, let her be governed by her Parts. The course of her, let it run with pleasure, And as a handmaid let her serve Satan. One Season, let it confound another; and let there be no Creature upon or within her the same. All her members, let them differ in their qualities; And let there be no one creature equal with Another.

Not a big talker? That's completely fine, you don't have to be part of chat, just join Gentile Nation forum where our activity is posted and participate there. - Gentile Nation Forums Interested, then message me on twitter to join - Teloc Vovim (@Teloc_Vovim) | Twitter 
Satan's blessings to all
I have createf S.I.D.F group for Europe eastern timezone. If anylne is interested, please contact me. Al-jilwah.
Lol the title just says S.I.D.F.U
Sid FU!!
Hey teloc you should have your mascot be SId the sloth giving the finger. 
Master sloth says please...go royally fuck yourself.. Because the slothz just don't care. 
But seriously plagiarism is plageristicially an abomination of castatrophic Porportions. It's ideologically the break down point of non congenial society of disastrous counter intuitive horse Nutz!!
In basic terms, who the fuck wants sloppy seconds!!!
You my dear little friend are a man of unfathomable possibilities. Lurking within that dim witted look is a genius of  our time!!  
 So pullz up them boot straps, strapping young man. And unleash your fury. But whatever you do, don't be using SIDF property with out the certified SIDF manual and license of partial agreement. Find a name!! And trademark it!
I will help thee. Happy dragons? Little Debbie's? Although I think that one is taken. House of the rising moon? Stairway to hell? Highway to heaven? Musical dogs? You can kiss your ass good bye Felicia? Miami 666.0? 
What ever you choose make it ring a certain tune of.... Oh my kikes are dying. Oh my..... Ahh...ahh...
Then just start working for Satan, Father Satan will do the rest. Because that's how he rollz... Like an epic boss..

Yes, we have been acknowledged by the High Priest. Why are you being so wary about a group who wants to work together for Satan in an organized matter? Do you even know anything about S.I.D.F.? It'll be kind of off to criticize something you have no knowledge of don't you think?
We get so many trolls and idiots on these forums these days.You can always tell who's legitimate by their intelligence.
The only exception being non-english speaking foreigners who have that language barrier issue, the rest of the actual idiots though who do this kind of irrelevant crap are most certainly not serious about Satanism or they would be more concise with their manner of speech.
But I think I'll just stay out of this thread.Those of us who are serious and know better will know what I'm talking about and it looks like Teloc Vovim has this thread handled pretty well.

On Wednesday, March 16, 2016 10:12 AM, "Teloc Vovim teloc.vovim666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Your also the [/IMG]"The absence of darkness in a person does not suggest an abundance of light, for to know the light you must have known the darkness."</em>

On Tuesday, March 15, 2016 6:58 AM, "harrilehtosaari@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  .......?? why the others say that they created an SIDF groups??????

For those who do not know. The Clergy supported S.I.D.F from the beginning. Yes groups of SS getting together and organizing groups is of extreme importance. Their are other groups such such as Aldric's who's also a senior SS member here. Our groups are organized and look out for the well being of its members. The main complaint people have with S.I.D.F is that we do not allowing cursing in our group. It is a practice that helps when commenting and spreading the truth. Which should not be a big deal. Cursing in public causes a bad image and will turn many away. It many times will discredit the comment. We must operate professionally, as a unit. S.I.D.F has members who are ex-military, we are experienced and are constantly learning. Many of our members have told us that being a part of our community helped them become consistent in their meditations. As for a ranking system, it creates structure and helps in morale. The Gods have ranks and a Hierarchy. As ex-military I can tell you ranking does not create disrespect if the organization is based on a strong foundation. A complaint that some have is that we are all suppose to be equal. This is not true, and only exists in Jewish systems such as communism where you are just another number. And no matter how hard you work or how much more you do, you are equal with those who do nothing. If you go the extra mile you get ahead. Yes knowing you are working for Satan should be enough. Look at Clergy, they put in the extra work and in return earned the respected title of High Priest/Priestess. They are not our equals, but our superiors.   
Fadiinflames we don't need your petty bias replies on this thread. Teloc has all the reason to be upset. Or does it bother that people let out a natural thing such as anger? Hmm... also I don't see you saying anything about Hari who is clearly in the wrong here and is obviously trolling.

Also to the guy who said you aren't going to stay out of this thread. You're a big hypocrite because you wrote in this thread in the first place to attack someone who is only defending herself. Why are you three lacking logic and rationality?
Attachments :
<ol>alconvo.png</ol>You in the above said your name on Twitter is Al-Jilwah, here is your account https://twitter.com/AJilwah
The attached photo [/IMG]"The absence of darkness in a person does not suggest an abundance of light, for to know the light you must have known the darkness."</em>

On Thursday, March 17, 2016 12:45 PM, "hailourtruegod@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  ... aren't going to reply stay out of this thread*

Had to correct that part so it wouldn't sound confusing.

ROFL Teloc has you by the balls now! I know I said I'd stay out of this but after seeing that screencap, this is way too funny xD
Look whatever was said, drop it. The continuation of this conflict will not help anyone. "harrilehtosaari" it is good that you were trying to do something. But you need to use a different title for the content. We have to watch for random groups that start appearing with the same name. It is for the safety of those who would be looking to join at some point to not end up in a enemy/fake group.For those who would like to follow which videos we hit. You can go to the forum on http://Gentilenation.com It has our meetings posted under the S.I.D.F topic.Gentile Nation Forums  You can also find GentileNation on the JOS Links Page.http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Links.html

We now have groups for Italian, Spanish, and Romanian speakers.
To my dear SIDF members. You are doing an excellent job. But please realize you are being played here. They are playing immature games, much like the ones I play on noobs. You are falling for it and it's making you look bad. 
What you must learn to do is remove your ego from what this situation. Your trying to be the great and mighty SIDF that should not be talked down too. This is creating a weakness that they are exploiting. Instead detach yourselves from it. 
 Watch this.  stupid fucking aldrics group, whatever the name of it is. I actually have more then one haha. What a bunch of immature children, with that infiltrator aldric ballsdick at the head of it. The slave master. Him and his shit group are just a bunch of posers. Trying to confuse people and lead them astray. I bet aldric likes to take it up the ass. What a fucking loser. 
 That one made me giggle a little. Ok you got me all of this is probably true. Except you forgot the part of how I like to wear women's panties on Thursdays. O my is that time of week again!!! 
Hehehee. You see I don't fucking care as a matter of fact I welcome it. I love to hear the little bitches whine. What their really telling me is I feel so insecure with myself!!! He makes me feel like I'm not as good!! The Jews of course feel scared of what I accomplish and so on. 
  Please bring it!!!! Start a ballsdick hating group. Sit and spend your energies telling me how much of a piece of shit I am. What you don't understand is, I LOVE IT!!!

In the end I am just a dude. Yes i have been dedicated ten years now. :) but I have so much to grow still. I just want to fight the enemy. I do what I can to bring people together. Help them, see them grow stronger. Work together to do rituals. We pwns enemy like major slothz style and stuffs. I care not for a name, nor do I care for a name for Myself. Being German I have German last names in my family. Strickland is one of them. Aldric means old and wise. Aldric Strickland means old and wise Stricklands. Thus it is a reference to honoring my ancestors. When you make fun of my name all your doing is making fun of my german ancestry. 
 Which go ahead, but I just thought you would like to know on your end. Don't you... Feel like a dumbass. Haha

Sooo in the end you can trash my street cred. You can ban me. You can get people who can't think for themselves to not like me. But in the end you can never stop me. I will continue to fight and aid others and grow. So your pointless endeavors are laughable really. So my advice to SIDF members, stop taking yourselves so seriously. Know that the more you do for satan the more you are going to be slandered. 
Continue your fight and grow. Then rub it in their faces of all you have accomplished. It's quite fun really :)
Good luck. 
...... WOW! Now i understand what the HC meant by stating that the enemy is attacking the groups, but i didnt think that it would have gone THIS far that stupid people like you are saying that the one who does 2-7 RTR a fucking day would be a fucking troll! Seriously guys, SERIOUSLY your saying to people that research (like they need to in my opinion) but then your stating that im a troll by the only evidence of ONE SINGLE post. The trolls ONLY post ONE thing, and then they disappear. But you must have resesrched this judgement against me. Too bad i have posted like 50-100 posts including HELPING PEOPLE! The only thing i stated was that i have created group which is a SIDF group for english europeans NOT THAT ITS NAME WOULD BE FUCKING SIDF!! Why in the world are you saying that im some kind of hideous kike troll, when i asked in one of my posts that AM i a jew. So how could i be a fucking jew if i can do RTR?! And you HPS teloc, your the worst case. You said first nicely, that i cant use the SIDF name, and THEN i corrected that its name IS NOT SIDF. But then you keep on trolling ME saying that im unoriginal cunt, when i say that its name IS NOT AND WILL NOT BE SIDF! So your calling ME a troll when in this case, YOUR the troll. Im not so cold hearted like you are to keep going in this brainless conversation calling each other a jew. Im a satans man to death. And will not argue with my brothers and sisters. So please, could we stop this stupid nonsense, and concentrate on killing the enemy? I apologize if was somehow unclear: the groups name which i created is not and will not be SIDF.
yes when i go to hell when i die Satan is going to ask me if i was a member of the SIDF wooo , yeee woppie , me member , me high rank in SIDF , me successful , me destroy enemy!

That's a good reply Aldrick, and very true to how every satanist should look at. The enemy fears and will do all it can to stop us from everything.
Pay no mind or energy to them for all that means is like Aldrick said, you wast your good engery on pointless things, when thy can serve to destroy your enemy.

Hail father Satan
Hail mother Lilith
Hail all the Deitie gods/goddess
Magick to get better at video games...I'll tell you this...That's the most stupidest idea ever. I don't believe he is even serious, if you have money then get a bot for what ever MMORPG you got. That is the easiest way, now magick that is seperate. That is used for the well being for good or bad for enemies. 
Don't let video games take over everything, i do play video games nothing wrong with that. I have done so for many years now but i always make meditations and warfare rituals + magick first over everything, realize that the most of the MMORPG creators are mostly Jewish i have seen so as in "ALLODS" online, now why in the world IS there a star of david on a computer programming bot to kill? It's obviously Jewish bullcrap, make sure to not support Jewish games as video games it self are for control. Don't let it control you. "Don't let anyone stop you. Not even your own self" - High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
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In nomine dei nostri satanas luciferi excelsiHail Almighty Father Satan, Hail the Almighty gods of du'at, Sieg heil Und Heil Hitler! 

On Wednesday, March 16, 2016 8:12 PM, "Teloc Vovim teloc.vovim666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Your also the [/IMG]"The absence of darkness in a person does not suggest an abundance of light, for to know the light you must have known the darkness."</em>

On Tuesday, March 15, 2016 6:58 AM, "harrilehtosaari@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  .......?? why the others say that they created an SIDF groups??????


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
