Some runes vibration are very hard to me .
Gggggg, Sssssss, Kkkkkkkk Thththththth. Dddddddd ksksksksksks very hard.
How can I complete 40 days working by runes if my throat breaks after practicing 2/3 days?
I am feeling very tention .
I am comfortable with Sanskrit mantras like Surya, Munka, Raum , Chakra Sanskrit vibration mantra, Aum etc. I can vibration 1000* times any Sanskrit mantras.
I have read this page
Here Our Beloved HP Maxine said there " Rune vibrating takes a lot of practice and concentration " .
I have practiced more. But after practicing 2/3 days any runes , My throat break and pain. I am worried.
Gggggg, Sssssss, Kkkkkkkk Thththththth. Dddddddd ksksksksksks very hard.
How can I complete 40 days working by runes if my throat breaks after practicing 2/3 days?
I am feeling very tention .
I am comfortable with Sanskrit mantras like Surya, Munka, Raum , Chakra Sanskrit vibration mantra, Aum etc. I can vibration 1000* times any Sanskrit mantras.
I have read this page
Here Our Beloved HP Maxine said there " Rune vibrating takes a lot of practice and concentration " .
I have practiced more. But after practicing 2/3 days any runes , My throat break and pain. I am worried.