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Rune vibration practice is very hard to me


Nov 16, 2021
Some runes vibration are very hard to me .

Gggggg, Sssssss, Kkkkkkkk Thththththth. Dddddddd ksksksksksks very hard. :cry:

How can I complete 40 days working by runes if my throat breaks after practicing 2/3 days?

I am feeling very tention .

I am comfortable with Sanskrit mantras like Surya, Munka, Raum , Chakra Sanskrit vibration mantra, Aum etc. I can vibration 1000* times any Sanskrit mantras.

I have read this page https://satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Runes.html

Here Our Beloved HP Maxine said there " Rune vibrating takes a lot of practice and concentration " .

I have practiced more. But after practicing 2/3 days any runes , My throat break and pain. I am worried. :oops:
Shiva666 said:
Some runes vibration are very hard to me .

Gggggg, Sssssss, Kkkkkkkk Thththththth. Dddddddd ksksksksksks very hard. :cry:

How can I complete 40 days working by runes if my throat breaks after practicing 2/3 days?

I am feeling very tention .

I am comfortable with Sanskrit mantras like Surya, Munka, Raum , Chakra Sanskrit vibration mantra, Aum etc. I can vibration 1000* times any Sanskrit mantras.

I have read this page https://satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Runes.html

Here Our Beloved HP Maxine said there " Rune vibrating takes a lot of practice and concentration " .

I have practiced more. But after practicing 2/3 days any runes , My throat break and pain. I am worried. :oops:
My experience was the same in the beginning. I would lose my voice from attempting to vibrate runes.
I just stuck to to it and treated the situation as if exercising a muscle. After a hard exercise session a muscle will be fatigued and need recovery. I've found that after a recovery period my voice would become stronger and my throat would last longer than before while vibrating.
I've found it helps immensely to keep my throat moist and not swallow any phlem/mucous/spit, while vibrating, and to keep it stored in my throat at the point of vibration. It is a natural reflex to want to swallow or spit the phlegm out, but this acts as a lubricant and reduces friction that is caused by the vibrations.
This is my experience.
Honey, if available to you is also good to help the recovery process speed up, as it did for me. Perhaps an anti inflammatory tea would benifit you as well.
This is my experience with this issue.
Good luck and Hail Satan!
Shiva666 said:
Some runes vibration are very hard to me .
Try these

1. Do not over extend them, find a comfortable spot. Inhaling appropriately is the key here.

2. Do not scream them loud, louder does not mean stronger, vibrate slightly louder than your normal talking voice.

3.Do not vibrate everything at back of the throat, such as Aaaaa, practice vibrating these (which are not supposed to be vibrated in back of the throat)in front of your mouth.

Regular practice will make you used to runes, you dont have to strain yourself.

Still if the problem persists, you can invoke enduring energies and program them as “the endurance of my throat is now permanently increasing in a positive way for me”
Or if you want to be brief with this and above affirmation doesnt satisfy your mind
“In a positive way for me, my endurance to vibrate mantras is now permanently increasing in everyway”

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
