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REPORT: 97% Of Anti-Jewish Hate Crimes In New York Were Committed By Other Minorities

Crystallized Mushroom

Active member
Jan 16, 2020
Crystal Planet



Quick scan of the articles and comments actually seems to point to everyone blaming Blacks for this "crime". Blacks are simply retaliating against the atrocities done to them by jews in New York for decades. But of course they will simply spin this as "muh 13% at it again, hurr" in order to not only cover for the jews but also silence the wrong done to the Blacks This will further inspire Blacks to riot/protest against America. Which really will just translate to more Black on White crime. Then the Whites and Blacks will be at each other's throats even more while the jew scurries away despite being the cause of all this.
Coibius said:
Quick scan of the articles and comments actually seems to point to everyone blaming Blacks for this "crime". Blacks are simply retaliating against the atrocities done to them by jews in New York for decades. But of course they will simply spin this as "muh 13% at it again, hurr" in order to not only cover for the jews but also silence the wrong done to the Blacks This will further inspire Blacks to riot/protest against America. Which really will just translate to more Black on White crime. Then the Whites and Blacks will be at each other's throats even more while the jew scurries away despite being the cause of all this.

It is amazing how you can take an example of crimes done by black men, and try to blame it on anybody else. They literally did it. It is not like white men did the crimes and painted themselves black to blame it on them.

Just like the tens of thousands of young black men who murder other young black men every year in America. Just look at Chicago, it happens so much there you don't even have to look anywhere else. And it of course still would be bad, but it would be different if it was only between two men who have a conflict with each other. But very often these shootings are done at children's birthday parties, community barbecues, 4th of July parties, and things like this. And very often it is young children and other innocent people who get hit by the bullet.

This brainless Orc violence is a cultural problem that needs to be changed. And I agree that jews are responsible for making this worse. The creation and promotion of gangster rap is an israeli mossad operation run by mossad jews like Lyor Cohen, for the entire purpose of convincing young black men to act as violent criminals. Or flooding black communities with drugs which was an israeli mossad/cia operation. I agree they deserve blame for influencing the situation to be worse.

But this is a real cultural problem that has to be fixed, and it can only be fixed by young black men choosing to live a better path and choosing to not do criminal actions. Choose to be good and responsible men regardless of what negative influences are spread by the jewish media. And the biggest part of this is to take responsibility for their own actions and stop pretending to be a victim. I do not blame any man for anyone else's actions, but I do blame a man for what actions he personally has chosen to do.
Coibius said:
Quick scan of the articles and comments actually seems to point to everyone blaming Blacks for this "crime". Blacks are simply retaliating against the atrocities done to them by jews in New York for decades. But of course they will simply spin this as "muh 13% at it again, hurr" in order to not only cover for the jews but also silence the wrong done to the Blacks This will further inspire Blacks to riot/protest against America. Which really will just translate to more Black on White crime. Then the Whites and Blacks will be at each other's throats even more while the jew scurries away despite being the cause of all this.

There is a lot of videos on the internet where Blacks are screaming at jews in public places like a train and what not and you can hear them say they are fed up with them on their own neighborhoods because of all the injustice. I have met many a Black folks who are aware of such as well. (Personal experiences instead of speaking out of my ass) The problem with this is that they don't want to believe that jews are in no way White and thus group jews with Whites.

This is not an excuse for those who choose to commit crimes whether they think it's justified or not. People are responsible for their own actions and that's that.

You did make a good point at how instead of seeing how this time there might be a good reason behind the anger of Blacks in these neighborhoods instead is being twisted by the jews and riding the legitimate statistics of "13% /50%" not because they now care about stats but for their own gain and thus making it all a big mess for the goys while they get the heat off of them.

It is silly watching people who know about the injustice that jews do immediately forget and just blame Black people instead of going with the logical way of evaluating both sides in an nuanced case. We are talking about Blacks and jews here and not Whites and Blacks where by going off by statistics we can assume from the latter that Whites as a whole aren't the ones to blame in these types of situations.

You seem very emotionally charged about this. I don't appreciate the random accusations though. I at no point justified anything. I did not condone violence either, nor did I make a single excuse. I made a very simple observation. You did not clearly read my response. You even go on a rant about Black on Black crime, which isn't even the point of this topic.

All I said was:
1: I currently don't see people blaming this on Whites, as you commented. I can very easily see people blaming this on Blacks in both the comments and the articles.
2: I understand why the Blacks are doing this though. If you have been paying attention to New York, you would know that Blacks have been disenfranchised by jews in New York for decades and have slowly been pushed to extreme poverty.
3: But nowhere did I say that any act done was correct nor appropriate. Simple observations and nothing more.
4: A lot of the time when jews commit a crime against a race, it is not them who is attacked for it, but others. America is a White country and the Blacks being affected by jewish nonsense will point their hatred at the country they believe wronged them. This will of course end up affecting Whites the most. Thus increasing Black on White crime and the jews agenda at promoting a race war.

So where exactly did I make any excuses? Where did I say any crime was justified? Please quote me exactly on that so I can be clearer in the future. If you mean me saying that:

"Blacks are simply retaliating. . .". Well, again. I didn't say it was "right" to do so, just stating the reason why they are doing it.

There seems to be a misunderstanding, I was aligning with you on what I thought you were trying to convey and only expanding on it while still covering the other side in case others might see me being one sided which I try to make it as neutral as possible. There was no animosity towards you or your people or at least not intentional.

I'm not Black but I was raised around your people as much as my own if not more (specifically poor urban) before coming a SS and a bit during. It's all as an outsider in my opinion but I do try to speak thru experience while using wisdom.

I meant no disrespect and did not agree with how another member replied to you so I tried to give you a separate response is all.
(Oy vey white bes problemses dumb goyims not want to be good slavese)oh my is the minoritys finding out about the rats plan to enslave them oh my,the reptilian jews in jewlywood virtue signal to a minoritys yet mabe they found out that the jews hate them, an want to enslave them, I mean the whole race mixing thing in advertising, (don't those minoritys wanna be slaves an surveses jews until their soul is destroyed,come on goyims )
What I was replying about was the dismissive comments about crime statistics as if they are not true or as if nobody should mention them. The numbers are what the numbers are, and it is truth.

If a true number about how many crimes are done by one group of people ends up looking bad, that is not anyone else's fault. If there is a cultural change to start decreasing the amount of crimes that are done, the number will go down, and it will start to look much better. But don't hate any mention of the number just because it doesn't look good.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
What I was replying about was the dismissive comments about crime statistics as if they are not true or as if nobody should mention them. The numbers are what the numbers are, and it is truth.

If a true number about how many crimes are done by one group of people ends up looking bad, that is not anyone else's fault. If there is a cultural change to start decreasing the amount of crimes that are done, the number will go down, and it will start to look much better. But don't hate any mention of the number just because it doesn't look good.

I can't be 100% certain but I don't think he was dismissive and only pointing out that it's only going to be swept under the rug of the factual statistics but a cover for the jews

It is almost like the cry wolf story though. With the reputation being so tainted how can one expect for non SS people who are aware of such statistics to believe the one with a bad reputation to be in the right this time now.

I'm sure the jews understand this and like I said at2e riding the 13%=50% for their own benefit while being the ones at fault at this time.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
What I was replying about was the dismissive comments about crime statistics as if they are not true or as if nobody should mention them. The numbers are what the numbers are, and it is truth.

If a true number about how many crimes are done by one group of people ends up looking bad, that is not anyone else's fault. If there is a cultural change to start decreasing the amount of crimes that are done, the number will go down, and it will start to look much better. But don't hate any mention of the number just because it doesn't look good.

Numbers don't lie, but people lie about numbers. Not 100% of the 13% (~45 million Blacks) commits 50% of the crime in the USA (and there are many members of the Black race living outside of the USA) so these specific number statistics are ignorantly and inaccurately derived, and are only divisive. Likewise, me and my entire race aren't responsible for the actions of a percentage of deranged White meth heads in America for instance. Just like not all women are responsible for marxist feminist degeneracy and the irresponsibly debauched careless lifestyles that some choose to have.

Meanwhile 100% of all jews are responsible for and complicit in all jewish crimes against humanity.

Furthermore, you are missing the point they are making while you harp about the supposed legitimacy of statistics which matters so little in the discussion here, and only annoys people.
jrvan said:

You are right the numbers are not perfect. These violent crimes are done almost all by men, and much less by women. So that makes the 50/13 number more like 50/6.5.

And for example if you say that only 1 out of every 10 black men ever does a violent crime. I don't believe this, I think it is a smaller percentage than 1 in 10 but I use this for an example. More than 50% of all violent crimes in this country are done by less than 1% of people. This may mean nothing to you. Maybe you are lucky enough to live in a place where crime has not yet become a problem. But I think this is about as large of a problem as anything could be.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
jrvan said:

You are right the numbers are not perfect. These violent crimes are done almost all by men, and much less by women. So that makes the 50/13 number more like 50/6.5.

Precisely. A percentage of Black males are committing a tremendous amount of crime in specifically North America (one might want to ask (((why)))...). As I said, this shouldn't be held over the heads of the Black race, including those not living in America.

Knowing these racial realities in America is only useful for making judgements for keeping yourself safe. Not just for White people, but law abiding Black people tend to want to avoid crime infested areas too. Discussing these matters is otherwise pointless, and it's not something the whole Black community of America needs to have constantly shoved down their throats as if they are all responsible for it. Many Black Americans are just trying to live their lives in peace just like other races living in America. And Black Americans who see past the jewish propaganda to realize that most White people are just ordinary folk with families trying to live their lives in peace, they usually have nothing against us.
jrvan said:
A percentage of Black males are committing a tremendous amount of crime in specifically North America (one might want to ask (((why)))...).

Yes, I am asking why. But without the parenthesis. When a black man starts shooting towards a children's birthday party because he sees one guy there who looks similar to somebody he had an argument with one time, this is not a jew's fault and you can't blame this on any jew. It is his own blame for choosing to do these crimes. When more young black men in Chicago have killed each other than Both sides of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars put together, this is not a jew's fault. Each man purposefully made the decision to pick up the gun, and it is himself who is responsible for his actions.

The same jews create the same bad living conditions for every race of people. This is about poverty, not about race. So if it is about poverty causing people to act in desperate ways, why are the numbers not evenly balanced between races when poverty is accounted for? The number of white people who are far below the poverty line in America is far higher than the number of all black people of every ecomomic level, including black millionaires and billionaires. But you do not see the same level of violent crimes coming from the poor white people.

The types of crimes related to drug use, possession of drugs, and stealing things to get money to buy the drugs. These numbers are basically perfectly balanced across the different races per capita, for all people in poverty level. These crimes are directly related to poverty, and are not related to race. But you can not say the same thing about violent crimes.

I have zero patience for anybody trying to blame their own guilt on somebody else. Are these men not conscious? Do they not have their own free will? Do they not have their own minds? Whatever action any man chooses to do, it is his own self who is responsible for it. Just as I do not have any patience for a jewish criminal trying to scapegoat his guilt onto somebody else, I do not have any patience for a criminal of any race to scapegoat his guilt onto somebody else.

Just look at San Francisco last year. Of all of the violent crimes in the entire city, in 86% of them the victim was asian and the criminal was either black or arab. This exact configuration of races of the victims and criminals was 86% of all violent crimes.

Is this the asian people's fault? Asians have never done anything bad to any black people. This is from the same time period as the stories of black people injuring jews. It was the jews and asians who both were attacked. Actually I think that the asians got harmed in much higher numbers than the jews did. Are jews and asians equally guilty of their crimes against black people, because I am not aware of anything bad that any asian has ever done to any black person. I am not saying that nothing has ever been done, just if it was please tell me about it because I didn't know about it. So is this an answer or response to how black people were treated by these groups in the past? Or is it just doing violent crimes for no other reason than they like to do violent crimes?
Ol argedco luciftias said:

It's also a matter of jewish curses, jewish propaganda and jewish thug culture that Blacks are raised on. Anyone who follows jews is going to end up in a bad place in life, and if the only thing put in front of people's faces from the time they are little is stuff that the jews put in front of them then they kind of have no say in what they are being raised on and influenced by which largely determines the kind of person they will become. Absence of positive father figures plays a big role too, also caused by the jews. Lack of positive role models, seeing an abundance of degenerate role models. Movies, TV, GTA. Black people are subliminally programmed to act like criminals. Some Black people escape this destiny, but the jews push relentlessly to turn Blacks into this vision they have made of them.

When the only thing Whites were raised on was xianity and church attendance was mandatory, likewise a lot of degeneracy happened, child abuse was rampant, people betrayed each other all the time, much crime was done. Look also at how the majority of Muslims act when the only influence since childhood for them was islam and all the terrors surrounding them caused by that jewish program.

You saying it's not the fault of jews when they ARE the direct cause is just strange to me. We're under enemy alien occupation, the jews are literally a different species, but you're caring about being principled in regards to them, as if they deserve any fair treatment or consideration whatsoever? Who cares if jews are scapegoated. Jews deserve to be scapegoated, to take all of the blame for all of the crimes they collectively are guilty of plus interest. I don't care at all if jews are scapegoated because they deserve it, they should take all of the world's blame on their backs. Then we can all move on in peace without them because they won't be causing humanity to fight and destroy each other.
jrvan said:
First I want to say that I am happy for us to be having a nice conversation. And I wish our conversarions were always this nice. And I'm sorry for the part of my own participation that caused it to not always be nice.

Yes, I am mostly agreeing with you. I think we agree more than it looks like.

I agree with everything you say about the negative influences through things like the rap industry. I said these same things earlier in this topic. My intention is not pretending that these influences do not exist, but I am trying to help people to move away from them and choose to not follow them.

And the first and most necessary step for somebody to detach from a harmful influence is to take responsibility for their own actions. You are not a victim and you are not a robot. You have full ability to control your own actions and control the path of your own life. And you have full ability to decide which influences to listen to, and how much of your actions you decide to align with those influences.

There is a stream of water pushing all people. You can lay down and float and go wherever it wants to push you. You can choose to stand up and stay in one location. Or you can choose to walk to any location you want. The stream is not so powerful to prevent your movement if you choose to go somewhere else.

My intention is to help people to abandon the failed and broken influences in a culture, and replace them with influences of growth and advancement. I want all black people to be the great heroes that many of them are. I want them to grow to be noble gods. I want this for all human races. But no growth is possible for anybody who refuses to accept responsibility for their own actions and take responsibility for the paths of their lives.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
jrvan said:
First I want to say that I am happy for us to be having a nice conversation. And I wish our conversarions were always this nice. And I'm sorry for the part of my own participation that caused it to not always be nice.

Yes, I am mostly agreeing with you. I think we agree more than it looks like.

I agree with everything you say about the negative influences through things like the rap industry. I said these same things earlier in this topic. My intention is not pretending that these influences do not exist, but I am trying to help people to move away from them and choose to not follow them.

And the first and most necessary step for somebody to detach from a harmful influence is to take responsibility for their own actions. You are not a victim and you are not a robot. You have full ability to control your own actions and control the path of your own life. And you have full ability to decide which influences to listen to, and how much of your actions you decide to align with those influences.

There is a stream of water pushing all people. You can lay down and float and go wherever it wants to push you. You can choose to stand up and stay in one location. Or you can choose to walk to any location you want. The stream is not so powerful to prevent your movement if you choose to go somewhere else.

My intention is to help people to abandon the failed and broken influences in a culture, and replace them with influences of growth and advancement. I want all black people to be the great heroes that many of them are. I want them to grow to be noble gods. I want this for all human races. But no growth is possible for anybody who refuses to accept responsibility for their own actions and take responsibility for the paths of their lives.

Yes, we should absolutely encourage Black folk to not shoot each other and whatnot. No disagreement there (although I'm still a little confused as to how this relates to anyone on the forums here, and how it is relevant to what was being discussed). Put people on the right path in life if their minds aren't too far gone from what the jews did to them.

We should also work to take back the reigns of our own civilization from the jews so we can create the Satanic world in which all humans can freely follow their Dharmic destiny instead of being brought to lower levels of Samsaric existence by jews. This is what we are doing now.
jrvan said:

If I saw you somewhere and didn't know who you are, and decided for no reason to beat you to death. That would be my fault and there would be nobody else who could ever possibly be blamed.

Black people in San Francisco who decide for no reason to beat to death an 80 year old asian woman. This is entirely the fault of the worthless animal that did it. And exactly this situation has happened many times. Not even a robbery or anything like that, just for fun.
And people say "No, don't blame him. It is not his fault. He heard Ice Cube sing a song about violent actions, so it is all the jew Jerry Heller's fault. You have to leave this criminal alone and not put him in any trouble because it wasn't his fault."

I am not able to imagine any possible excuse how something like this can not be the fault of the criminal who did it. I also listened to Ice Cube and Eazy E when I was a kid and it did not turn me into a violent animal.

And the jewish George Soros installed bail reform laws and the jewish George Soros installed District Attorney all say that the criminal does not receive any punishment, he does not spend any time locked up, and it does not even go on any of his records what he did. Then when you let him go with no bail and no punishment, he proceeds to beat to death several more innocent old people just because he thinks it is a fun game, and it is allowed to go on forever because it is not his fault. This is not even a joke or exaggeration anymore, this is exactly what has happened in many democrat controlled cities around the country. Why do you think LA and San Francisco have turned into some of the most violent and disgusting places in the whole country? Because the leadership supports the criminals instead of the citizens, crime is highly encouraged in every possible way, and there are rules created that say all of the crimes are not allowed to be punished. Shoplifting is legalized in California and you instantly see swarms of a 200 people running into the store and emptying the shelves, and they are allowed to do it because weak people use the excuse that the criminals are victims and it is not their fault.

Last summer in Manhattan a guy on the subway took out a gun and shot a woman in the heart when she was just trying to go to work. They did not have any conflict, neither of them even said anything. And the worthless animal who did it had been arrested more than 40 different times for more than 40 different violent crimes. Assault, battery, armed robbery, rape, assault with a deadly weapon, attempted murder, and all of these different things. How was he allowed to keep getting out and keep hurting more people? Because it is specifically the jewish infrastructure that the way they work is to say it is not the criminal's fault and let him go. It was only after a successful murder of a white woman on her way to work that got anybody's attention to think he should not be free. While the entire lifetime of violent crimes and ruined lives has always been forgiven every time because "It is not his fault what he chose to do. His actions are someone else's fault."
Ol argedco luciftias said:
jrvan said:

If I saw you somewhere and didn't know who you are, and decided for no reason to beat you to death. That would be my fault and there would be nobody else who could ever possibly be blamed.

Black people in San Francisco who decide for no reason to beat to death an 80 year old asian woman. This is entirely the fault of the worthless animal that did it. And exactly this situation has happened many times. Not even a robbery or anything like that, just for fun.
And people say "No, don't blame him. It is not his fault. He heard Ice Cube sing a song about violent actions, so it is all the jew Jerry Heller's fault. You have to leave this criminal alone and not put him in any trouble because it wasn't his fault."

I am not able to imagine any possible excuse how something like this can not be the fault of the criminal who did it. I also listened to Ice Cube and Eazy E when I was a kid and it did not turn me into a violent animal.

And the jewish George Soros installed bail reform laws and the jewish George Soros installed District Attorney all say that the criminal does not receive any punishment, he does not spend any time locked up, and it does not even go on any of his records what he did. Then when you let him go with no bail and no punishment, he proceeds to beat to death several more innocent old people just because he thinks it is a fun game, and it is allowed to go on forever because it is not his fault. This is not even a joke or exaggeration anymore, this is exactly what has happened in many democrat controlled cities around the country. Why do you think LA and San Francisco have turned into some of the most violent and disgusting places in the whole country? Because the leadership supports the criminals instead of the citizens, crime is highly encouraged in every possible way, and there are rules created that say all of the crimes are not allowed to be punished. Shoplifting is legalized in California and you instantly see swarms of a 200 people running into the store and emptying the shelves, and they are allowed to do it because weak people use the excuse that the criminals are victims and it is not their fault.

Last summer in Manhattan a guy on the subway took out a gun and shot a woman in the heart when she was just trying to go to work. They did not have any conflict, neither of them even said anything. And the worthless animal who did it had been arrested more than 40 different times for more than 40 different violent crimes. Assault, battery, armed robbery, rape, assault with a deadly weapon, attempted murder, and all of these different things. How was he allowed to keep getting out and keep hurting more people? Because it is specifically the jewish infrastructure that the way they work is to say it is not the criminal's fault and let him go. It was only after a successful murder of a white woman on her way to work that got anybody's attention to think he should not be free. While the entire lifetime of violent crimes and ruined lives has always been forgiven every time because "It is not his fault what he chose to do. His actions are someone else's fault."

Crime should be punished in society. What is the point of you telling all of this to me? Do you think I don't know? Do you think I'm saying that criminals shouldn't be punished just because it's the fault of the jews?

While we're at it, let's go hunt down all of the souls who committed crimes under the influence of the jews throughout the ages in their spiritual ignorance and blindness. Like, what is your point? You barked at someone for predicting that the jews will use the rhetoric of 13/50 to blame Black people to try to get the heat off of the jews, and took the opportunity to harp on about the legitimacy of said statistics which is completely irrelevant to what they said. The direction of your comments in this thread is so random, and it doesn't make any sense.

It's all because you misunderstood someone, which is the usual reason why you have arguments with people on the forums. Then it usually ends with you hammering them with some past thing they said (while denying everything they said about you as if you're squeaky clean and can do no wrong, and the other person is just crazy), or sometimes exaggerating about what they said, or sometimes even lying completely about what they said and making things up that they didn't say. If it gets bad enough then you call them a jew or a troll. This is your pattern, and it's ridiculous.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
"It is not his fault what he chose to do. His actions are someone else's fault."

This is the basis of what you keep saying people im this tbread are doing/saying when in reality no one did this at least not in this thread. It's mercury retrograde and you misunderstood what Corbious was trying to say. It's that simple. Everything you wrote is 100% correct about statistics and taking responsibility but as already told to you 3 times, it's irrelevant to the topic. Which in no way was trying to paint crimes against innocents somehow ok because the bad guy has feelings or whatever. We can all agree anyone who actually thinks like that is a moron beyond all measure but again this unnecessary to bring up.

Hopefully this makes sense and we can stop derailing the main point of the topic which was thoroughly explained by more than 1 person.
jrvan said:
Yes, we should absolutely encourage Black folk to not shoot each other and whatnot. No disagreement there (although I'm still a little confused as to how this relates to anyone on the forums here, and how it is relevant to what was being discussed). Put people on the right path in life if their minds aren't too far gone from what the jews did to them.

We should also work to take back the reigns of our own civilization from the jews so we can create the Satanic world in which all humans can freely follow their Dharmic destiny instead of being brought to lower levels of Samsaric existence by jews. This is what we are doing now.
hailourtruegod said:

Jrvan, the last two responses I wrote to you I wrote at the same time. It took me a long time to write the 2nd one and I see you answered this before I finished that second message, but I was not able to see your answer at the time. This created a situation where replies are in the wrong order and it might look like they are answering to the wrong things. And I think this may have influenced how you felt when you read it.

It seems like the main problem both of you have with what I am saying is that you do not think I am directly replying to anybody. Or you can't see what people wrote here that I am directly replying to. Or saying that the things I say here are irrelevant, random, or don't make any sense, or don't personally relate to any specific person here.

Of course not everything I said in this topic was a direct reply to anything said by anyone else. Most of the things I said are not a direct reply to anybody. Am I limited to only discussing the very few specific details or ideas first shared by other people? Or may I expand to a larger and more complete view? How this affects any specific person here is that we are all living together on this planet, and we all want ourselves and our families to be safe. So increasing the safety and security of this world and decreasing violence against innocent people is directly beneficial to every person here. And I am not derailing anything from the original topic. The topic is about crimes and violence done by minority groups within the population, and that is what I have been discussing the whole time.

I am talking about a very large and wide reaching societal problem, because I am trying to work to help fix this problem. The words I quoted from Jrvan here, I agree with this absolutely and this is my intention and motivation for what I wrote here. But to seriously discuss a very wide reaching situation with many components and facets, it requires discussing what many of these larger components are. So it ends up being a large amount of details to be mentioned. But if there is any real and honest effort to help with anything, the components must all be considered. You can't repair a large machine if you don't think about what parts it contains and how they all interact, and it is the same with trying to fix anything else. Truth and awareness of the situation are always the first necessary step.

Do either of you actually want to help with anything, or do you only want to pretend? And are you both so selfish that you only will agree to try to help with something when yourself is personally affected by it? And for all the time before yourself is personally affected, nobody is allowed to mention it or try to do anything to help. I believe that both of you are good people and both of you want things to be improved for everybody, but improving the world does not happen only by wishing for it to happen. And especially not by purposeful ignorance and hiding things under the rug. I will always choose uncomfortable truth instead of comfortable ignorance.
Ok I understand what you're saying there but let me show why in the order of things how this thread went that what you're saying isn't how it seemed to most people who participated in the thread,

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Or you can't see what people wrote here that I am directly replying to. Or saying that the things I say here are irrelevant, random, or don't make any sense, or don't personally relate to any specific person here.

Of course not everything I said in this topic was a direct reply to anything said by anyone else. Most of the things I said are not a direct reply to anybody. Am I limited to only discussing the very few specific details or ideas first shared by other people? Or may I expand to a larger and more complete view? How this affects any specific person here is that we are all living together on this planet, and we all want ourselves and our families to be safe. So increasing the safety and security of this world and decreasing violence against innocent people is directly beneficial to every person here.

So you're saying this right here explains this reply,

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Coibius said:
Quick scan of the articles and comments actually seems to point to everyone blaming Blacks for this "crime". Blacks are simply retaliating against the atrocities done to them by jews in New York for decades. But of course they will simply spin this as "muh 13% at it again, hurr" in order to not only cover for the jews but also silence the wrong done to the Blacks This will further inspire Blacks to riot/protest against America. Which really will just translate to more Black on White crime. Then the Whites and Blacks will be at each other's throats even more while the jew scurries away despite being the cause of all this.

It is amazing how you can take an example of crimes done by black men, and try to blame it on anybody else. They literally did it. It is not like white men did the crimes and painted themselves black to blame it on them.

Just like the tens of thousands of young black men who murder other young black men every year in America. Just look at Chicago, it happens so much there you don't even have to look anywhere else. And it of course still would be bad, but it would be different if it was only between two men who have a conflict with each other. But very often these shootings are done at children's birthday parties, community barbecues, 4th of July parties, and things like this. And very often it is young children and other innocent people who get hit by the bullet.

This brainless Orc violence is a cultural problem that needs to be changed. And I agree that jews are responsible for making this worse. The creation and promotion of gangster rap is an israeli mossad operation run by mossad jews like Lyor Cohen, for the entire purpose of convincing young black men to act as violent criminals. Or flooding black communities with drugs which was an israeli mossad/cia operation. I agree they deserve blame for influencing the situation to be worse.

But this is a real cultural problem that has to be fixed, and it can only be fixed by young black men choosing to live a better path and choosing to not do criminal actions. Choose to be good and responsible men regardless of what negative influences are spread by the jewish media. And the biggest part of this is to take responsibility for their own actions and stop pretending to be a victim. I do not blame any man for anyone else's actions, but I do blame a man for what actions he personally has chosen to do.

This looks bad and I'm not sure if you're willing to see how but your explanation to how you replied doesn't really make sense as to why you answered that member in that manner.

You're saying you're seeing things people here are writing or not that we are missing? Can you elaborate a bit please? Excuse me if I'm misunderstanding that part.

Lastly the thread is and what Coibius said is about REPORT: 97% Of Anti-Jewish Hate Crimes In New York Were Committed By Other Minorities

Key word jews. Not the innocent population which we can and have had many a discussion here in the correct threads. jews are not innocent nor the victims in this topic. They are not part of humanity that a percentage of Black men in America go after. If the latter was what was being discussed then everything you just wrote would be relevant. These last two paragraphs are one regards to you saying
And I am not derailing anything from the original topic. The topic is about crimes and violence done by minority groups within the population, and that is what I have been discussing the whole time.
jrvan said:

Interesting you want to talk about a pattern of my behaviour. When the one thing that makes you the angriest and nobody is allowed to do is mention details of your behaviour, your actions, and your judgement. I could say similar things about you too, but I'm not going to because that is not what any of this is about.

I don't want to argue with you or anyone else about anything. That is not what I am here for. I am trying to contribute to helping create a cultural change that will remove all of the violent and destructive components, and replace them with growth and advancement. This is only possible through awareness and truth. If you agree, I would love for you to help and I am sure you have constructive ideas to contribute. But to anybody who does not want to help, the least they can do is get out of the way and not try to pull down the person who is trying to help.

When taking a full view of the situation and all related pieces, I agree that some of them are uncomfortable. My intention is not to make anybody feel uncomfortable, but this may happen accidentally by seeing the truth of some uncomfortable crimes that have been done. My intention was to first provide as detailed and clear of a view as I can of what the situation is.

The next step is something I expect you will enjoy much better and you may even be happy to help with. The next step is to work on solutions for each of the problems. To work on positive and uplifting ideas and messages to spread to people, to incorporate good things into the culture. Messages of growth, healing, and advancement. And instructions or advice that people can use to help and heal themselves. Instructions for workings to detach from harmful influences. Hopeful messages of good goals to reach for. Promotion of good an noble role models, to replace the negative ones.

We have a lot of good and constructive work to do and I hope you will want to contribute.
Ol argedco luciftias said:

Do either of you actually want to help with anything, or do you only want to pretend? And are you both so selfish that you only will agree to try to help with something when yourself is personally affected by it? And for all the time before yourself is personally affected, nobody is allowed to mention it or try to do anything to help. I believe that both of you are good people and both of you want things to be improved for everybody, but improving the world does not happen only by wishing for it to happen. And especially not by purposeful ignorance and hiding things under the rug. I will always choose uncomfortable truth instead of comfortable ignorance.

You're on a forum with people who literally are learning the spiritual arts to help humanity on a whole that they haven't had for a very long ass time by taking care of three fronts. 1) spiritual warfare against the only enemy that anyone should put their hate to: kikes and their ilk. 2) taking down their religious programs and helping people wake up through expanding the JoS, and 3) advancing ourselves and pulling ourselves out of dross, which alone already begins to aid in improving this world.

You're not talking to nobodies or sleepwalkers. You're talking to family in blood under Satan. Quite frankly, everyone here is doing a lot more than what analysing and going over and over a bunch of statistics is gonna do for anything.

Ease your emotions around this and think before unfairly calling our SS's efforts and characters into question.
hailourtruegod said:

That first reply from me is an example of an idea I have shared multiple times. Which is that each person needs to take responsibility for his own actions and stop pretending that he is able to blame shift his guilt or crimes onto anybody else.

In the simplest form, Person A chooses to do a violent action against Person B. This is Person A's fault and he is guilty for doing it. I am not able to understand why so many people seem confused about this. Do you go around all day physically injuring people then blaming it on them? Is this normal way for people to think?

And even in that first reply I did give examples of how the jews are guilty of creating all kinds of negative and destructive influences. And I was later accused of ignoring the jews and acting like they never created any bad influences, when I discussed that in the first comment I made.

A further reply explained examples from San Francisco about violence against Asians. And other examples of NYC. This is the exact same time period as the crimes against jews. And the same time period as all kinds of rioting, murder, burning buildings down, and all kinds of other crimes that I didn't even mention. My intention by showing these facts is that this violence is not just something that was done against jews because they deserve it. The larger trend was for just violence in general against all kinds of innocent people, which is the actual truth of what was happening. The article of the original post was a lie by jews pretending that they are the only victims.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
jrvan said:
It's all because you misunderstood someone, which is the usual reason why you have arguments with people on the forums. Then it usually ends with you hammering them with some past thing they said (while denying everything they said about you as if you're squeaky clean and can do no wrong, and the other person is just crazy), or sometimes exaggerating about what they said, or sometimes even lying completely about what they said and making things up that they didn't say. If it gets bad enough then you call them a jew or a troll. This is your pattern, and it's ridiculous.

Interesting you want to talk about a pattern of my behaviour. When the one thing that makes you the angriest and nobody is allowed to do is mention details of your behaviour, your actions, and your judgement. I could say similar things about you too, but I'm not going to because that is not what any of this is about.

What's funny is that you followed the exact pattern of behavior that I explained, right after I said it. :lol:

Then I guess it all lies if we here choose to see jews being attacked by Blacks the same as them attacking any other Gentile. I just can't group them with the rest of us and I rather consider it a whole different subject than if these were done to other Gentiles.

In my opinion it's a whole different case all together as explained as why Black folk feel hatred toward this group of people as it does carry merit. I do not condone illegal violence but when a group of people are so detrimental to public safety that people can't hold it but react violently then my sympathies is with the one only reacting.

I will meet you half way and say there is better ways to react. 100% on that and people are warned about the legal consequences that will come for doing anything illegal whether one can justify it or not.

P.S. the reply to Coibius was still uncalled for in my opinion as they were never doing what you claimed they were doing of ignoring stats and what have you.
jrvan said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Interesting you want to talk about a pattern of my behaviour. When the one thing that makes you the angriest and nobody is allowed to do is mention details of your behaviour, your actions, and your judgement. I could say similar things about you too, but I'm not going to because that is not what any of this is about.

What's funny is that you followed the exact pattern of behavior that I explained, right after I said it. :lol:

In other words, we all have patterns of karma that make us behave in certain ways, and there is a limit to the benefit which comes from pressuring someone about this.

Fortunately, Mercury will be in Aquarius soon and this serves as an opportunity for all SS to improve on this aspect of themselves.
jrvan said:

Yes, you are allowed to slander me as much as you want. But if I respond in any way, then I am some very evil person.

I understand how it works with you. I have been polite and respectful to you the whole time, but you are just determined to have a shitty attitude toward me. I just want to say that as long as you want to talk about my actions, I have a lot I could have said about you. But I have remained polite enough to not say the big one.

You also mentioned about me calling out jews in the forums as if this is a bad thing. What you neglected to mention was my accuracy rate and that the extreme majority of all accounts that I have ever called jews have ended up being banned or had their posts denied and removed for being jews, trolls, and attempted infiltrators. Why are you against this? Do you defend our enemies? It is strange that you would take the side of jews and trolls over me, even if you hate me.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
jrvan said:

Yes, you are allowed to slander me as much as you want. But if I respond in any way, then I am some very evil person.

I understand how it works with you. I have been polite and respectful to you the whole time, but you are just determined to have a shitty attitude toward me. I just want to say that as long as you want to talk about my actions, I have a lot I could have said about you. But I have remained polite enough to not say the big one.

You also mentioned about me calling out jews in the forums as if this is a bad thing. What you neglected to mention was my accuracy rate and that the extreme majority of all accounts that I have ever called jews have ended up being banned or had their posts denied and removed for being jews, trolls, and attempted infiltrators. Why are you against this? Do you defend our enemies? It is strange that you would take the side of jews and trolls over me, even if you hate me.


Dude, your reversal here isn't going to work. You're the one who has lied about me more times than I care to count, and I have only said observations about you based on your own writings. I raged against you in the past because you lied. If you had made true criticisms that were valid, and not just shit made up in your own head, then I wouldn't have been so angry. It's because you lied just like you're lying and twisting things right now. This is why I ignore you most of the time now because you just keep lying, and you're not worth taking seriously.

You called me a jew recently, but your memory is so conveniently poor that you probably forgot all about it. Unfortunately for you, I don't forget. And there will never be any reconciliation between you and I so just forget it. I will never trust you again after the horrible toxic things you said to me and to Tabby, and the way you treated us for so long. I'm not stupid enough to play your rigged games either where I argue uphill just for you to keep warping the terrain to make me lose my footing.
jrvan said:
It is interesting that you now say you are ignoring me, when you spent the entire day in a conversation with me that you invited yourself into. I did not talk to you first. And I tried to talk to you reasonably and respectfully the whole time. I even apologized to you for my half of any conflicts we had in the past. But if you don't want to talk to me then don't.

When you say an observation about me based on my writing, it is a perfectly valid judgement. When I say an observation about you based on your writing, I am a evil lier. Okay then we see how fair and balanced you are with that one.

I may have said you did some specific action that I considered to be acting like a jew. But that is a very different thing from saying you actually are a jew. Or was one of the fictional troll accounts that I called a jew recently really controlled by you? It wouldn't be the first time you have hidden on fake accounts, like when you followed me around with your Flowers of Adonis account to bother me without me knowing it is you.

As far as I know, the most evil thing I have ever done was to send Jack a Queens of the Stone Age song called Everybody Knows That You're Insane. Actually I did not send him just that song, I sent the link to that song within the play list of the whole cd Lullabies to Paralyze. I did not have a bad intention with this. My intention was mostly joking, but the largest reason why I did it was because he posted a Mariah Carrey song that he was trying to fit with some stupid thing he was saying. And I believed that he would likely enjoy the Queens of the Stone Age cd more than the Mariah Carrey cd, and maybe it would be helping him by showing him some good music. And also the song coincidentally was a perfect match for the thing he was saying. That was my whole intention, not some evil plan, and I did not mean anything personal by it. I assume that this is what you mean by I have always been horrible to you, because I think that was the angriest you have ever been at me.

I will match you in however you speak to me. I will try to be respectful to you when you are talking respectfully to me. And if you want to ignore me, then do it. But enough with the big bullshit display of how you work so hard to ignore me, when you literally start a conversation with me and spend all day participating in it.
jrvan said:

This may surprise you. But I don't have any grudge against you because I don't care. I don't have the greatest opinion about you, but I am not carrying any kind of hatred against you either. I actually have been happy for you the last few weeks because I saw you start making more improvement, and I was happy for your growth.

And I am perfectly fine to have a respectful and civilized conversation with you if you agreed with it. Like we were for most of today. And if you choose to hate me and choose to not talk to me, then I am perfectly fine with that too.

I do not hate you. I do not have a grudge against you. I never think about you. And I don't have any kind of focus on you. I do not obsess over you the way that you seem to obsess over me, or the way you have obsessed over other people. I do not cry about you. I do not worry about you. And I do not go crying to the gods any time the two of us have some small and insignificant disagreement.

I do sincerely wish for good luck, growth, and protection for you and your family. I have this wish for all of our people. I don't personally like you very much, but I still want you to be successful and happy.
6The6One6 said:
Using this logic then incel mass shooters are just acting out in frustration attributed to a lifetime of rejection and anti-white classism. This is the logic of a white apologist kike.

I highly recommend reading the rest of my posts in this thread where I agreed that everyone is responsible for their own actions a long with me saying there are better ways for Black folks to react against the jews in their communities.

May you please elaborate how me saying in cases with jews and Blacks having an altercation the jew is at fault is the same as a way a jew acts. I will say this about any other Gentile having a run in with a kike. This is NOT legal legislation I'm pushing but my own opinion and bias.

Yes I am tribal when it comes to being against the evil of this world which Gentiles have an unfortunate run ins with but I still believe in law.

Unless you're seeing something I'm not? I don't see how this is jewish behaviour whatsoever but I'll wait on your reply to see if there's a legit contradiction on my part that doesn't result in me having to see jews as innocents or part of the society that jews made for them to act like this which is the case with women who the incel community hates.

We can get into the causes of why these women are like this but there is a search function where we have had a lot of conversations about.

You joined on December 5th, 2022 so I understand that you haven't had the chance to see these and letting you know they exists.
6The6One6 said:

Claiming people are just acting out is silly, but he was right to point fingers at the Jew as the root of the problem. Basically, they caused these bad behaviors to take hold within the community.

Yes, we should call out bad behavior when we see it, but we should also have some degree for compassion, considering why it occurred: Jewish degeneration creating criminal behavior with these people.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=411290 time=1672691192 user_id=21286]
6The6One6 said:
I’m saying you have the same defeatist mentality as any Black Lives Matter supporter that bows to the black race at protests, “they’re just acting out” then Dylan and Eric from columbine, using your argument or any mass shooter for that matter, are simply just acting out due to being bullied.

Doesn’t justify black crime either. That’s another issue in our society. Go look up “Baton roug,” “New Orleans” “Indianapolis” and check the latest news.
In other words you come off as a cuck to me.

Claiming people are just acting out is silly, but he was right to point fingers at the Jew as the root of the problem. Basically, they caused these bad behaviors to take hold within the community.

Yes, we should call out bad behavior when we see it, but we should also have some degree for compassion, considering why it occurred: Jewish degeneration creating criminal behavior with these people.

This and also if 6The6One6 wants to have a discussion of women and incel community then they shpuld make their own thread and do not derail the topic.

If anyone wants to EMOTIONALLY defend the jew or wants me to just hate Black folks by using non logical thinking then thats another case which will never work on me or any serious SS here no matter what ad hominem is used. What I'm doing here is pointing fingers at the jew (as Blitzkreig mentioned) for being factually being behind the decadence of modern society while still promoting law abiding behaviour.

I still fail to see why I should care for the jew even if it's a Black man with criminal background. Said man should face legal consequences but in my own admission that I have made multiple times already that I am being biased/opinionated I do not see a jew as a victim period and the jew is very fortunate to live in Gentile societies that are both ignorant to their crimes and have laws to protect their own citizens which the jew made itself part of.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
