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Reminder: 9/September/2018

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Everyone please keep doing the Final RTR

The Catholic Church is in the shambles, the Jews are being exposed and are losing control and several countries are cracking down on Islam.

We need to keep doing the Final RTR until these anti-life scourges upon humanity are completely destroyed!!

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
I completely agree with you. If you want a better world do the final rtr as much as you can. I really honestly hope no one is lazy here and not doing anything. BTW are we doing another ritual on the next solstice (sun 0 degrees Libra) it might be nice to do something to expose xtianity in particular along with the final rtr on that day or Maybe something to incite interest in Spiritual Satanism or Nazism. Who knows all ideas I'm sure the Hps could set something up. On that date though everyone would still do the final rtr as much as possible. We would blast them just ideas.
Done. The jews are having a hard time like trump and the pope and the saudi princes etc :twisted: and i am legitimately getting stronger everyday spiritually i am never depressed like i used to do the curses have been removed keep it going warriors :cool:
Also, tonight is Jewish New Year, sundown. They call this the year to see the snakes in the grass.

Let's all do extra RTR's as a warm snake welcome to their year 2019 / 5779 kike celebration.

Thank you High Priestess Maxine
Let's say, the jewish letter are blowed away like sand by our Final RTR so our efforts are very effective, we should be very proud of what we are doing and keep it on as said by HP Maxine !

Keep on the RTR ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1398QZHwMpc
The Jesuits run the Vatican they also select the Popes behind the scenes they have also assassinated Popes as well. Note Francis is a Jesuit the policy of the Jesuits was never to put one of their own on the throne from what I have studied on them. They like to have public image that they are subservient to the Pope and not show the public who runs things.

All of a sudden the previous Pope was forced to step down and then a Jesuit was put into power right after. This shows the Jesuits told Ratzinger to hit the road this was done due to Ratzinger being exposed for his role in covering up sex abuse on orders of Pope John Paul the II. Ratzinger had to go because the Church is in dire straits and couldn't survive him as Pope. They are desperate to just come out in public with a Jesuit Pope who was put in there to try and save the Church as a new PR man. And now this Pope has been exposed along with the highest officials. The Church is finished.
His name is Ratzinger? They aren't even trying to hide they're all fuckin Kike Rats! :lol: :lol: :lol: Good, makes it all easier for us! :p
sip said:
Also, tonight is Jewish New Year, sundown. They call this the year to see the snakes in the grass.

Let's all do extra RTR's as a warm snake welcome to their year 2019 / 5779 kike celebration.

Thank you High Priestess Maxine

Nope. 18.9-19.9 is their Yom Kippur(Jewish New Year)
General questions answered about the Final RTR [FAQ]
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Everyone please keep doing the Final RTR

The Catholic Church is in the shambles, the Jews are being exposed and are losing control and several countries are cracking down on Islam.

We need to keep doing the Final RTR until these anti-life scourges upon humanity are completely destroyed!!

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
The webpage says "KHIM-AHS", but the MP3 says "KHIM-AHS". Which is correct?
Artanis said:
sip said:
Also, tonight is Jewish New Year, sundown. They call this the year to see the snakes in the grass.

Let's all do extra RTR's as a warm snake welcome to their year 2019 / 5779 kike celebration.

Thank you High Priestess Maxine

Nope. 18.9-19.9 is their Yom Kippur(Jewish New Year)

It's Rosh Hashana. "Head of the year" in Hebrew. Yom Kippur, their most important holy day follows. Everyone should be aware, as they kidnap children and do other things for their blood sacrifices around these times.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
The Jewish elites are sitting their admitting the they are running a global network of Jewish tracking and using the State Dept to attempt to do this around the world. But they have no power Goyim...

Lordbaphamet666 said:
Boy, these fuckers are funny and pathetic. https://youtu.be/DtJ14KUB3Ew :lol: :p :lol:
Lordbaphamet666 said:
Boy, these fuckers are funny and pathetic. https://youtu.be/DtJ14KUB3Ew :lol: :p :lol:
Holy shit, the part where he holds up the meme. I can't.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Artanis said:
sip said:
Also, tonight is Jewish New Year, sundown. They call this the year to see the snakes in the grass.

Let's all do extra RTR's as a warm snake welcome to their year 2019 / 5779 kike celebration.

Thank you High Priestess Maxine

Nope. 18.9-19.9 is their Yom Kippur(Jewish New Year)

It's Rosh Hashana. "Head of the year" in Hebrew. Yom Kippur, their most important holy day follows. Everyone should be aware, as they kidnap children and do other things for their blood sacrifices around these times.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

one thing I notice after seeing it mentioned in the comment section of a youtube video years ago was all the red 'paint' that gets splattered on the major freeway interchanges and entrances here in texas major cities. I often wondered if this is some sort of blood ritual they are doing to make us 'drive' thru the 'blood'.

if i see it this year I will take a photo

*kike calendar, remember everything for them starts the numerical day before at sundown
sip said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Artanis said:
Nope. 18.9-19.9 is their Yom Kippur(Jewish New Year)

It's Rosh Hashana. "Head of the year" in Hebrew. Yom Kippur, their most important holy day follows. Everyone should be aware, as they kidnap children and do other things for their blood sacrifices around these times.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

one thing I notice after seeing it mentioned in the comment section of a youtube video years ago was all the red 'paint' that gets splattered on the major freeway interchanges and entrances here in texas major cities. I often wondered if this is some sort of blood ritual they are doing to make us 'drive' thru the 'blood'.

if i see it this year I will take a photo

*kike calendar, remember everything for them starts the numerical day before at sundown
I feel so bad for what they are going to do to those kids :cry:

I'll make sure to nuke them with the final Rtr as much as i can! :evil:
Hope they become exposed to the world for the evil pice of shit that they are :evil:
ess said:
Lordbaphamet666 said:
Boy, these fuckers are funny and pathetic. https://youtu.be/DtJ14KUB3Ew :lol: :p :lol:
Holy shit, the part where he holds up the meme. I can't.

Ahhhhhhh(the comments).... I love the smell of waking Gentiles up in the morning :lol: :cool:
There recently have been two murders in Germany that got the populace INFURIATED! First Chemnitz, than Köthen. In Chemnitz some Kurdish communist terrorist mutts stabbed a young man. Chemnitz is in eastern Germany and during communist times the kikes changed the name of the city into (((Karl-Marx-Stadt))) because maybe they couldn't bear that it's named after Khemet (ancient Egypt). The locals and other dedicated people came for mourning the killed man and there was a lot of activity by (((counter demonstrators))), mostly cucks / lemmings and foreign invaders. The media butcherd the case and tried to make Chemnitz look like some lone Nazi village but that didn't turn out so well. Then in Köthen there were two Afghans having an argument about who of them impregnated a German girl (obviously a slut). Two Germans joined the argument, one of them had an inborn heart disease and was killed in the resulting fight after being repeatedly hit on the head. His corpse wasn't cold, there the traitor regime already sent their (((antifa stormtroopers))) for counter demonstration into the town. Cars were burned. People were harassed. (((Antifa))) is state funded in Germany by the way. Maybe this will change in the near future. :twisted: The media tried to make it look like there was not fight and the man died of a heart attack but thousands of people gatherd to expose the obvious murder. I watched a glorious speech of many locals and other regular people. No shills, no agents, just fed up people. Mothers and fathers, children, old people, teenagers, .... These people called for a march on Berlin to topple the traitors. A young mother of three spoke about how journalists harassed the sister of the killed man. She also feared that she couldn't show up in her school where she was dedoing her gradution for being on a "right wing rally". The kikes can't hide anything any more and people finally start to take offence from the immigrant madness. Everybody compared the situation with 1989 when the communist regime became so ridiculous and strict that people couldn't bear it any more and overthrew it. The waking up has increased so much in the last week it's incredible. Saturn being not retrograde anymore must be the reason. What has been waiting for a long time now breaks free. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. Pluto was also in Capricorn during the French and American revolution. I can't repeat this often enough! Keep in mind the revolutions in the middle east and critical elections in other parts of the world as well. Jupiter, Mars and Mercury were also retrograde for a while and became direct in their motion again before Saturn finally. All these retrograde planets made people rethink and reevaluate the last year or more. Especially the retrograde Saturn rethought the last three years when Saturn was in Sagittarius and which was also at the time of the height of the invasion. Saturn rules structures and the root chakra and thus also the survival instinct. Now people will start to act on these past things. Mercury is also in his own sign Virgo, together with Sun and Moon during the new moon. The thinking is clear and people are very aware.

Here the glorious speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwI1SoZ_jaU&t=1s
China’s government is burning Bibles, destroying crosses, shutting churches, and ordering Christians to sign papers renouncing their faith, the Associated Press reported , citing pastors and a group that monitors religion in China.
The crackdown is related to an effort to “Sinicize” — or refashion as Chinese — religion by enforcing loyalty to the atheist Communist Party and getting rid of challenges to its authority over people’s lives, the outlet said.
Bob Fu of the U.S.-based group China Aid, said the recent shuttering of churches in central Henan province and a well-known house church in Beijing equates to a “significant escalation” of the crackdown , the AP reported.
“The international community should be alarmed and outraged for this blatant violation of freedom of religion and belief,” Fu wrote in an email to the outlet.
More from the AP:
Under President Xi Jinping, China’s most powerful leader since Mao Zedong, religious believers are seeing their freedoms shrink dramatically even as the country undergoes a religious revival. Experts and activists say that as he consolidates his power, Xi is waging the most severe systematic suppression of Christianity in the country since religious freedom was written into the Chinese constitution in 1982.
Fu also provided video footage of what appeared to be piles of burning Bibles and forms stating that the signatories had renounced their Christian faith. He said that marked the first time since Mao’s radical 1966-1976 Cultural Revolution that Christians had been compelled to make such declarations, under pain of expulsion from school and the loss of welfare benefits.
A Christian pastor in the Henan city of Nanyang said crosses, Bibles, and furniture were burned during a Sept. 5 raid on his church, the outlet reported. The pastor — who didn’t want to be identified over safety concerns — said several people entered the church when its doors opened at 5 a.m. and began removing items.
The pastor told the AP that local authorities demanded the church “reform” itself, but no agreement had been reached or official documents released. Chinese law dictates that believers can worship only in congregations registered with authorities, the outlet said, but millions nevertheless belong to underground or house churches that resist the government.
This photo taken on May 24, 2015, shows worshipers reading from the Bible as they celebrate the Feast of the Ascension at the ‘underground’ Zhongxin Bridge Catholic Church in Tianjin, which is 68 miles from Beijing and thought to have up to 100,000 Catholics. Each Sunday, hundreds pack the dilapidated building, some sitting on the floor or standing outside, straining to hear the bishop’s sermon over the rumble of passing trucks. (GREG BAKER/AFP/Getty Images)
What did a Chinese official have to say?
A Nanyang city government official disputed the account and said authorities respected religious freedom, the AP reported.
What happened at a prominent house church?
Zion Church in Beijing — known as the largest house church in the capital, with six branches — was shut Sunday by about 60 government workers, the church’s pastor, Ezra Jin Mingri, told the outlet Monday.
Officials declared gatherings illegal and sealed off church properties, Jin told the AP, adding that his personal assets were frozen in an apparent attempt to force him to comply with government demands.
A Sunday notice posted on the website of the Chaoyang district government in Beijing said Zion Church was closed because it failed to register with the government, the outlet reported.
“Churches will continue to develop,” Jin told the AP. “Blocking the sites will only intensify conflicts.”
A toddler sits in a basket carried on his grandmother’s back while she reads the Bible during a mass to celebrate Good Friday ahead of the Easter Sunday, April 6, 2007, at St. Joseph’s Church in China’s southwestern municipality of Chongqing. Chinese Christians are preparing to celebrate Easter amid a nationwide religious renaissance led by an army of young people seeking faith in the modern world, according to religious leaders and academics. (LIU JIN/AFP/Getty Images)
More from the outlet:
All of China’s officially recognized religions appear to have been affected by the crackdown. In the most extreme example, an estimated 1 million Uighurs and other members of Muslim minority groups in the country’s northwest have been arbitrarily detained in indoctrination camps where they are forced to denounce Islam and profess loyalty to the Communist Party.
The government says it is taking necessary measures to eliminate extremism, but denies setting up the camps.
China has an estimated 38 million Protestants, and experts have predicted that the country will have the world’s largest Christian population in a few decades.
SS322 said:
There recently have been two murders in Germany that got the populace INFURIATED! First Chemnitz, than Köthen. In Chemnitz some Kurdish communist terrorist mutts stabbed a young man. Chemnitz is in eastern Germany and during communist times the kikes changed the name of the city into (((Karl-Marx-Stadt))) because maybe they couldn't bear that it's named after Khemet (ancient Egypt). The locals and other dedicated people came for mourning the killed man and there was a lot of activity by (((counter demonstrators))), mostly cucks / lemmings and foreign invaders. The media butcherd the case and tried to make Chemnitz look like some lone Nazi village but that didn't turn out so well. Then in Köthen there were two Afghans having an argument about who of them impregnated a German girl (obviously a slut). Two Germans joined the argument, one of them had an inborn heart disease and was killed in the resulting fight after being repeatedly hit on the head. His corpse wasn't cold, there the traitor regime already sent their (((antifa stormtroopers))) for counter demonstration into the town. Cars were burned. People were harassed. (((Antifa))) is state funded in Germany by the way. Maybe this will change in the near future. :twisted: The media tried to make it look like there was not fight and the man died of a heart attack but thousands of people gatherd to expose the obvious murder. I watched a glorious speech of many locals and other regular people. No shills, no agents, just fed up people. Mothers and fathers, children, old people, teenagers, .... These people called for a march on Berlin to topple the traitors. A young mother of three spoke about how journalists harassed the sister of the killed man. She also feared that she couldn't show up in her school where she was dedoing her gradution for being on a "right wing rally". The kikes can't hide anything any more and people finally start to take offence from the immigrant madness. Everybody compared the situation with 1989 when the communist regime became so ridiculous and strict that people couldn't bear it any more and overthrew it. The waking up has increased so much in the last week it's incredible. Saturn being not retrograde anymore must be the reason. What has been waiting for a long time now breaks free. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. Pluto was also in Capricorn during the French and American revolution. I can't repeat this often enough! Keep in mind the revolutions in the middle east and critical elections in other parts of the world as well. Jupiter, Mars and Mercury were also retrograde for a while and became direct in their motion again before Saturn finally. All these retrograde planets made people rethink and reevaluate the last year or more. Especially the retrograde Saturn rethought the last three years when Saturn was in Sagittarius and which was also at the time of the height of the invasion. Saturn rules structures and the root chakra and thus also the survival instinct. Now people will start to act on these past things. Mercury is also in his own sign Virgo, together with Sun and Moon during the new moon. The thinking is clear and people are very aware.

Here the glorious speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwI1SoZ_jaU&t=1s

Thank you. Another one... Have you looked at Angela Merkel's astrology chart? Transiting Saturn will be opposing her Cancer stellium. Retrograding on it too. In addition, her 2019 Solar Return next July is REAL bad. Looks like a Court Marshall. When a bad Saturn hits both the personal planets AND in the Solar Return and it's exactly on the same degree as the SR ruler, in hard aspect, it can be catastrophic.

Germany and others will soon be on their knees begging for Hitler. He will be back.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
SS322 said:
There recently have been two murders in Germany that got the populace INFURIATED! First Chemnitz, than Köthen. In Chemnitz some Kurdish communist terrorist mutts stabbed a young man. Chemnitz is in eastern Germany and during communist times the kikes changed the name of the city into (((Karl-Marx-Stadt))) because maybe they couldn't bear that it's named after Khemet (ancient Egypt). The locals and other dedicated people came for mourning the killed man and there was a lot of activity by (((counter demonstrators))), mostly cucks / lemmings and foreign invaders. The media butcherd the case and tried to make Chemnitz look like some lone Nazi village but that didn't turn out so well. Then in Köthen there were two Afghans having an argument about who of them impregnated a German girl (obviously a slut). Two Germans joined the argument, one of them had an inborn heart disease and was killed in the resulting fight after being repeatedly hit on the head. His corpse wasn't cold, there the traitor regime already sent their (((antifa stormtroopers))) for counter demonstration into the town. Cars were burned. People were harassed. (((Antifa))) is state funded in Germany by the way. Maybe this will change in the near future. :twisted: The media tried to make it look like there was not fight and the man died of a heart attack but thousands of people gatherd to expose the obvious murder. I watched a glorious speech of many locals and other regular people. No shills, no agents, just fed up people. Mothers and fathers, children, old people, teenagers, .... These people called for a march on Berlin to topple the traitors. A young mother of three spoke about how journalists harassed the sister of the killed man. She also feared that she couldn't show up in her school where she was dedoing her gradution for being on a "right wing rally". The kikes can't hide anything any more and people finally start to take offence from the immigrant madness. Everybody compared the situation with 1989 when the communist regime became so ridiculous and strict that people couldn't bear it any more and overthrew it. The waking up has increased so much in the last week it's incredible. Saturn being not retrograde anymore must be the reason. What has been waiting for a long time now breaks free. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. Pluto was also in Capricorn during the French and American revolution. I can't repeat this often enough! Keep in mind the revolutions in the middle east and critical elections in other parts of the world as well. Jupiter, Mars and Mercury were also retrograde for a while and became direct in their motion again before Saturn finally. All these retrograde planets made people rethink and reevaluate the last year or more. Especially the retrograde Saturn rethought the last three years when Saturn was in Sagittarius and which was also at the time of the height of the invasion. Saturn rules structures and the root chakra and thus also the survival instinct. Now people will start to act on these past things. Mercury is also in his own sign Virgo, together with Sun and Moon during the new moon. The thinking is clear and people are very aware.

Here the glorious speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwI1SoZ_jaU&t=1s

Thank you. Another one... Have you looked at Angela Merkel's astrology chart? Transiting Saturn will be opposing her Cancer stellium. Retrograding on it too. In addition, her 2019 Solar Return next July is REAL bad. Looks like a Court Marshall. When a bad Saturn hits both the personal planets AND in the Solar Return and it's exactly on the same degree as the SR ruler, in hard aspect, it can be catastrophic.

Germany and others will soon be on their knees begging for Hitler. He will be back.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Sorry for late reply. I think the social and cultural processes will be going much faster and in a better direction soon when Pluto stops being retrograde on monday the first october. Venus starts being retrograde in the same week, so that people's personal life will not interfere with the political situation that much (as I hope at least). At this point still many people who are waking up are afraid to get into arguments with their politically correct friends and relatives. Interpreting the birth chart together with the current state of the zodiac is still a little bit beyond my astrological skills but it's very interesting what you wrote there about Merkel. Trump also seems to be facing a time of decreased power according to a video I saw about his birth chart (it was in German and with Vedic astrology). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hSH1QRZDQ8&

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
