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"Relief" Bills: Blatant Robbery, Current Events Anthology Thread

Dec 12, 2017

I was doing my usual internet prowl, just keeping general track of what’s happening in the world, and came across this beautiful little gem. Honestly its not what this threads about, but its what started the initial research, I also think it has peak comedic value.

https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2020/10/13/nancy-pelosi-intv-stimulus-bill-trump-offer-coronavirus-tsr-vpx.cnn -Same video as above, separate new source for double citation

-Short transcript of the interview

For those of you who don’t want to watch the video, Pelosi broke, here’s a quote I found decently illuminating and succinct in elucidating the main point.

Blitzer- “Even members of your own caucus, Madam Speaker, want to accept this deal, $1.8 trillion, Congressman Ro Khanna for example. But let met just quote Ro Khanna, a man you know well. I assume you admire him. He's a Democrat. And he just said this. He said "People in need can't wait until February, $1.8 trillion is significant and more than twice the Obama stimulus. Make a deal, put the ball in McConnell court."”

Before I continue just in case some people aren’t aware, the whole party distinction dichotomy, and the opposition of the two is absolutely fabricated, used to sow divisiveness and civil unrest while secretly working towards the same goal. This would be because SuperPAC’s on both sides fund politicians and therefore influence their votes and actions. There are a bunch of large Jewish SuperPACs classically playing both sides against the middle. The petty surface level confrontations such as the one shown in the video don’t truly mean anything, other than of course that this may aid along in reducing public trust in politicians.

If anyone on a separate note wanted to know how some of these funds from the currently debated bill are planning on being allocated, here’s this, the four quotes under is come from it.


“The White House’s offer on stimulus checks includes $1,000 per child, instead of the $500 per child provided in the original Cares Act approved in March, according to two people with knowledge of the plan. The increase in the payment to children appears to be intended as a compromise measure for rejecting tax credits for children pushed by Pelosi in negotiations.”

” The new $1.8 trillion offer is an increase from the White House’s most recent proposal of around $1.6 trillion, which Pelosi had dismissed as too meager. Among the changes: The new offer proposes $300 billion for cities and states, up from $250 billion in the earlier proposal; it maintains a $400 weekly enhanced unemployment insurance benefit from the previous version, but for a somewhat longer duration, according to a person familiar with the contents who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss them.”

“They also had appeared to settle on $75 billion for coronavirus testing and tracing, although Democrats continued to push the administration for language on a comprehensive testing strategy, something Pelosi said Friday remained unsettled.”

” Later Tuesday, he called for $1,200 stimulus checks, airline aid, and small business assistance. Wednesday, Pelosi and Mnuchin began negotiating an airline aid bill, only to have Pelosi say that airline assistance could only come as part of a broader package.”

In the big picture however these still don’t mean anything, and trying to get to stuff that actually means stuff takes some more sources so here are a couple things.

Basically, 1.8 Trillion dollars is so stupidly large that its ridiculous. The largest in US history.

“Republicans remain opposed to a price tag over $1 trillion or any amount of new aid. Senate Republicans have united behind the price tag of $500 billion.”

There’s a lot of opposition to doling out big money like such on the republican front, with our already massive debt, incoming recession and the fact that all that money will not help (source above), why would we add to the fire in such an unconstructive way (well get to this more below)

““By any measure, this is a huge stimulus package. One thing that it cannot stop is the recession that is coming,” said James McCann, senior global economist at Aberdeen Standard Investments.”

“about a quarter of the money will go to large companies this time, including billions earmarked for Boeing and airlines.” – This is important, remember this quote.

Time for some backtracking into history, the year is 2008, things suck back then too, the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 just passed, and passed within such is the Troubled Asset Relief Program.

What is a troubled asset?

According to the congressional record of the Act (Cited above) a troubled asset "means--
(A) residential or commercial mortgages and any securities,
obligations, or other instruments that are based on or
related to such mortgages, that in each case was originated
or issued on or before March 14, 2008, the purchase of which
the Secretary determines promotes financial market stability;
(B) any other financial instrument that the Secretary,
after consultation with the Chairman of the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System, determines the
purchase of which is necessary to promote financial market

Sorry about the chonky quotation, but the record is a chonky bit of literature, what’s important here though is that this means bank bailouts.


According to History.com “The program (TARP) was originally authorized to spend $700 billion, but that amount was reduced to $475 billion when another bill, the Dodd-Frank Act, was signed into law in 2010.”

And “On October 14, 2008, the Treasury Department announced that it would use up to $250 billion of TARP funds to create the Capital Repurchase Program.”

One will find alot of sources however if you google the “Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 “ that say the final approved amount was indeed 700 billion, this is simply outdated (incorrect) information.

Also according to the above source “Under this initiative, the U.S. government bought preferred stock in eight major banks, including:
• Bank of America/Merrill Lynch
• Bank of New York Mellon
• Citigroup
• Goldman Sachs
• P. Morgan
• Wells Fargo
• Morgan Stanley”
There was no accessible information on what percent of the 250B went into these stocks, but even so the concept is outrageous. 52% of the passed bill funds (The 250B of the Capital Repurchase Funds) were to be directed at bank bailouts, privately Jewish owned bank bailouts. The SuperPAC pressure was really showing here.

A further expansion of the fund allocations as written on History.com
• “$250 billion was dedicated to programs that stabilized banks ($5 billion of this was cancelled)
• $82 billion was set aside to bolster the auto industry ($2 billion of this was cancelled)
• $70 billion was to be used to support the American International Group (AIG) ($2 billion of this was cancelled)
• $46 billion was committed to help Americans avoid foreclosure
• $27 billion was dedicated to programs to restart credit markets

And here is Representative Virginia Foxx explaining (in the congressional record) why the 80B for the car industry, mostly for Detroit, was an absolute waste of money.


The real kicker of this bill however is this:

“In 2014, the U.S. government reported a $15.3 billion profit as a result of TARP. But, some financial experts say inflation and other factors, such as how the funds were paid back, make the return profit on TARP less significant than it sounds.”-History.com

If breaking even on profit is a 0% return, this bill had a 3.2% return, which is not significant. And this is as in 490.3 was made from this.

If the source means 15.3B was made after spending 475B, as in 15.3 was made from this, then the government gave a bunch of (taxpayer) money to private industries to achieve a 1/31 refund.

Where did this come from and who sponsored this bill do you ask?

According to Wikipedia:


“The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, often called the "bank bailout of 2008," was proposed by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, passed by the 110th United States Congress, and signed into law by President George W. Bush. “


“Henry Merritt "Hank" Paulson Jr. (born March 28, 1946) is an American banker who served as the 74th United States Secretary of the Treasury from 2006 to 2009. Prior to his role in the Department of the Treasury, Paulson was the chairman and chief executive officer (CEO) of Goldman Sachs.”

“Paulson was nominated on May 30, 2006, by U.S. President George W. Bush to succeed John Snow as the Treasury Secretary.”

So in conclusion, a bill that was meant to help the American people was proposed by a former banker, put into power by a jewish puppet, which **unexpectedly** ended up giving most the (taxpayer) money to jewish banks or was straight up wasted, garnering a net profit of basically nothing if not negative profit. Doubly robbed.
This was the last huge relief bill, and is our sitting precedent
But I digress.

The transcript for the first CARES act that was passed and has been implemented as well as the sponsor did not turn up anything fishy, feel free to prove me incorrect, sources provided below

-Transcript, Cares act

-Joe Courtney (Sponsor) donations and campaign fund summary

-Joe Courtney Wiki page

Except for this,remember this quote?
“about a quarter of the money will go to large companies this time, including billions earmarked for Boeing and airlines.” -(Washington Post, The $2 trillion relief bill is massive, but it won’t prevent a recession)

According too
Only 17B is going towards potentially Boeing, and the wording “does not mention Boeing by name but was crafted largely for the company’s benefit”

So don’t let “a part of a quarter of the bill is for airlines” trick you because this part of the quarter is 17b out of 450b, or 3.7% of that quarter or 0.0094% of the total allocated funds. This is why that quote was important, look at the media trying to cover the fact that a large portion of that money is going straight to banks, not including allocations we may not know about yet. There is no congressional transcript for the current negotiations yet, but its most likely not really going to be much better than our precedent.

The point is that politicians are controlled, were going to see a repeat of the 2008 absolute highway robbery, and most people wont be aware, again. In fact, this current bill is so large I can only speculate that the Jews are trying to tank our economy faster, given the 2T wont save the economy, as cited above, it will only serve to bankrupt us further.

I tried digging into who was sponsoring the current stimulus bill, but apparently there is yet no bill and therefor no sponsor, only discussions and negotiations being dragged out by all the Jewish lackeys, Pelosi, Schumer, and Mnuchin (Former Hedge fund banker, Goldman Sachs). The one potentially good thing coming from this whole economy tanking puppet show is that it might help get Trump reelected, people (sheeple) like seeing him fight to give them money, the press is trying to imply trump is being stingy by not meeting the democratic 2.2T bar, but 1.8T is already huge, and I think a lot of people, especially those who were adults in 2008 already know this. Like all events that are happening it seems dark, with a little silver lining, but I know with our continued effort we’ll bring this down too, no longer shall we be robbed and leeched, and blatantly so. Gone soon is the expectation that they can do whatever they want to our country, our livelihoods, our health, and our future, because were here. And because were here, well just keep punching holes through their spell, shining light on the dark mechanisms of control and subjugation, until finally it gives way in the mass mind and we set ourselves free.

On an unrelated end note, were living through such a packed time, exiting the kali yuga, finishing up a war, still living under pre-full blown Talmudic rule. The next five years are going to be some of the most influential for the next couple hundred. If this story, our story and our fight is truly to be told down the generations, then someone has to document it. We have the forums and articles and such, but one would still have to piece it all together. Id like your support in creating an anthology of current events, specifically SS researched and explicated upon ones. So if there’s any good forum posts I might not be able to find, please do submit them in the comments. I can have all the news articles from this day and age 500 yrs. from now, but if I don’t have the SS understanding which sheds light on the Jewish activities and idiosyncrasies, ill never know the extent to which this world was broken, so the explication is a bit important. The struggle in some ways will be lost to time, and our descendants will not know just how acutely defensive they must be with these “people” if we don’t catalogue with scrutiny and thoroughness. From now on I’m going to try to catalogue and write a short explanation of what’s really going on with current events every(other)day, so if investigative journalism strikes your fancy, I’m sure we could make this a collaborative project. Thank you all in advance and Hail Satan!
Very interesting stuff you post. Quite a bit to take in. But in essence under (((zog/jog))) occupation. Shekelberging and Shekelsteining activities are always top of the game. If you don't like that then your a player hater and a game hater.

Either way it's interesting this quote you mentioned.

Sybellum said:
The point is that politicians are controlled, were going to see a repeat of the 2008 absolute highway robbery, and most people wont be aware, again. In fact, this current bill is so large I can only speculate that the Jews are trying to tank our economy faster, given the 2T wont save the economy, as cited above, it will only serve to bankrupt us further.


Read this sermon by HP.Cobra. By all statistics the US is ALREADY bankrupt it's just being held up by the macro economy and the fact if the economy is collapsed and the Government is moved to some socialist or communist system. It's not the appropriate time, think like the over 130+days of riots as of the time of this post. Perhaps not full blown 1800s civil war but certainly a war of some kind is happening. So there are elements using the economic downturn from Trump's economic upturn sadly affected by Covid. But these people the pinko-red spectrum political opposition are trying to crush the U.S.

And like HP.Cobra mentioned beforehand [paraphrasing]: "If the Roman people knew how bad destroying their Government was for some jewish wetdream. They would have thought twice at the over 1,800 years of destruction and decay that occurred in Europe just because some judeo-bolsheviks wanted bullshit heavens in the sky to appease their judaic masters."

This is simply another warning from history and by the (NSDAP), warning people about the jews.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
