Difficult periods in life can often coincide with challenging planetary transits, such as those involving Mars, Saturn, Neptune, or other planets occupying unfortunate degrees. These transits can act as triggers, which can activate karmic seeds that are stored in our chakras. If these karmic seeds remain unaddressed, they can manifest as obstacles during such transits. This is why it is crucial to deeply cleanse, align, and empower the soul through consistent spiritual practices. The soul requires ongoing work to free itself from these latent burdens.
Many people, knowingly or unknowingly, carry curses or negative imprints that can span multiple lifetimes. These influences can weigh heavily on the soul and must be fully cleansed to achieve spiritual freedom. Practices like the FRTR (Final RTR), God Rituals, power meditations and workings upon the soul, are essential for removing these curses and restoring the soul’s vitality.
Regarding your experience with Reiki and the diagnosis of "300-500k demonic channels" being connected to you, it is important to approach such statements with discernment. It is possible that this interpretation was influenced by your Reiki teacher's personal beliefs. The idea of "demonic channels" might have been an ignorant way of describing energetic blockages, negative attachments, or thought forms. This is why, when seeking advice or perspectives from those outside of JoS - "outsiders, those without" - it’s important to take their statements with a grain of salt and strive to look beyond the surface of their words, so to speak.
In essence, the key lies in focusing on freeing and strengthening your soul, maintain consistent spiritual hygiene, and not letting external influences detract from your personal growth and empowerment.