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Regarding the Hip Chakras


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2018
Satan's Empire

I have a very quick question regarding the Hip Chakras.
According to this page on the JoS, the Hips are part of the 2nd Chakra,
however, the Hip Chakras should belong to the base Chakra, I also do believe that I saw it anywhere on the JoS, but I am not sure.

I am referring to that picture:


Thanks in advance.
NinRick said:

I have a very quick question regarding the Hip Chakras.
According to this page on the JoS, the Hips are part of the 2nd Chakra,
however, the Hip Chakras should belong to the base Chakra, I also do believe that I saw it anywhere on the JoS, but I am not sure.

I am referring to that picture:


Thanks in advance.

The hip chakras are extentions of the base chakra and are located between the base and sacral chakras.

Is they were located where they're drawn in this picture they would be called the waste chakras instead.
Hip chakras are of the water element, they are magnetic in their properties and keep the sides of the ass and torso most of the time very cold. Hip chakras are very important to establish the circuit for your feet to breathe energy into the system. Cleaning hip chakras always gives a boost to aura, same as when doing Breath of Fire while keeping the arms wide open like in an airplane, giving the aura a very powerful boost. Arm chakras are fiery and stingy in their properties when felt, more so than the hips. The hips are two very powerful magnets.
Coraxo said:
The hip chakras are extentions of the base chakra and are located between the base and sacral chakras.

Is they were located where they're drawn in this picture they would be called the waste chakras instead.

Thank you for reassuring me! I just don’t want to make a mistake, as this will be eventually published.

Yeah nah, we better don’t let them get to waste, lol.

Good to see you again! Is the sun moving retrograde right now?

NakedPluto said:
Thank you for the input! This is the reason I started to save posts of members here.
When I do yoga and meditate on the energy, I can tell.. as when I focus on my base chakra, my legs start to twitch like crazy.
So the hips are of a different element than the base chakra? Interesting.

I thank you both for your help! =)
NinRick said:

I have a very quick question regarding the Hip Chakras.
According to this page on the JoS, the Hips are part of the 2nd Chakra,
however, the Hip Chakras should belong to the base Chakra, I also do believe that I saw it anywhere on the JoS, but I am not sure.

I am referring to that picture:


Thanks in advance.

Energetically they have an in between effect and effect both chakras. Kind of like how the heart and throat closely affect each other, and the 6th and crown.
Hip Chakras are at/slightly below the bony bits of Hip at either side. 'Waist' is at the level of the navel.

Experiment vibrating Base chakra mantras and sacral chakra mantras on to your hips and see what feels/responds better.
Sundara said:
Energetically they have an in between effect and effect both chakras. Kind of like how the heart and throat closely affect each other, and the 6th and crown.

This actually makes so much sense! For me the relationship between the 6th and crown und the heart and throat are more obvious.. as when I meditate on my heart, I already also feel my throat, same with the crown, the 6th & the first - 6th eyes. (I never meditate on my clairvoyance points tho, I should actually do that).

Liberate4free666 said:
Hip Chakras are at/slightly below the bony bits of Hip at either side. 'Waist' is at the level of the navel.

Experiment vibrating Base chakra mantras and sacral chakra mantras on to your hips and see what feels/responds better.

Thank you both for your input! So basically you both say/imply that the hips affect both, the Base and the Sacral Chakras, interesting. I only felt like they affect the base and vice versa, probably only because I thought so.

I find it very interesting how so many people, are able to reply such interesting and revealing things, about a pretty trivial question.
I want to thank you all once more!
Coraxo said:
If they were located where they're drawn in this picture they would be called the waist chakras instead.

NinRick said:
Is the sun moving retrograde right now?

Not sure if you're making a joke. But just in case, the words sun and retrograde can never be in one sentence.

Definition of retrograde:
moving, occurring, or performed in a backward direction

If the sun were ever to become retrograde we would see it rising from the west.

The sun and moon are never retrograde.
Coraxo said:
Coraxo said:
If they were located where they're drawn in this picture they would be called the waist chakras instead.

NinRick said:
Is the sun moving retrograde right now?

Not sure if you're making a joke. But just in case, the words sun and retrograde can never be in one sentence.

Definition of retrograde:
moving, occurring, or performed in a backward direction

If the sun were ever to become retrograde we would see it rising from the west.

The sun and moon are never retrograde.

Yeah I meant it as a joke, I don’t think the earth will do a 180 Degree turn any time soon and start orbiting the sun the other way around. xD

We would have quite a problem then, lol.
Coraxo said:
The sun and moon are never retrograde.

I just meant it as a joke, since the sun never goes retrograde, and I see you so seldom on the forums.

Maybe I should just stick with normal phrases, instead of making things up myself. :lol:
Oh no wait, forget what I said, the direction of the sun in the sky has primarily to do with the spin of our earth, not with the orientation of our orbit around the sun.
Now I am wondering, if that would change anything or not. Good that we‘ll never find out.
NinRick said:
I just meant it as a joke, since the sun never goes retrograde, and I see you so seldom on the forums.

Maybe I should just stick with normal phrases, instead of making things up myself. :lol:

You made me scratch my head for a second there. If you wrote that in a different time or it was someone else saying that, I would have completely fallen for it.
Coraxo said:
NinRick said:
I just meant it as a joke, since the sun never goes retrograde, and I see you so seldom on the forums.

Maybe I should just stick with normal phrases, instead of making things up myself. :lol:

You made me scratch my head for a second there. If you wrote that in a different time or it was someone else saying that, I would have completely fallen for it.

***Compilation error, Line 13: undefined reference to ‚joke‘.*** ;p
Hip chakras are of the water element, they are magnetic in their properties and keep the sides of the ass and torso most of the time very cold. Hip chakras are very important to establish the circuit for your feet to breathe energy into the system. Cleaning hip chakras always gives a boost to aura, same as when doing Breath of Fire while keeping the arms wide open like in an airplane, giving the aura a very powerful boost. Arm chakras are fiery and stingy in their properties when felt, more so than the hips. The hips are two very powerful magnets.
Hi, I recently used the Laum mantra on my hip chakras in the “open the watchtowers” meditation. I was hesitant to try this mantra also remembering this post of yours and knowing that Lam is the bija mantra of the earth element. I have experienced very serious skin rashes on my face. Although I am not sure it is necessarily the trigger, I would be interested to get your opinion on this. I have now been vibrating the Vaum mantra on my hips for a couple of days and am vibrating the Satanama mantra, hoping to restore elemental balance.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
