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Hi friends.the hindu Rishi and sage that compiled the Vedas,Sri veda vyasa being trikala jnana (knowledge of the 3 times)foresaw the rise of buddhism and refuted it in his brahma sutras.there are two good commentaries of the brahma sutras,one by adi shankara;who's I wont post because hes not so well respected here and Shri ramanuja's.
adi Shankara's Criticism of Buddhism in his commentary to the sutras is excellent even if his philosophy as a whole is defective,and This is despite him being a crypto-buddhist as the shaivite guru abhinavagupta said about him in his works.other vaishnavite scholars said similar things,like madhva. here you can read his(Ramanuja's) criticism against the bauddha ideas and a total refutation thereof it is second adyaya second pada of the brahma sutra (Commentary)bhasya.
even 'Self' buddhism is refuted by the commentaries because they say that Avidya is beginingless and eternally uncaused and they still hold to even the Buddhism of the Jonang school is dealt with here,leaving no doubt that all of buddhism is a corrupt wasteland.
Blessings to everyone and om Namah Shivayah
Edited to post the exact part where he begins demolishing the bauddhas,previous link started with sankhya philosophy.
adi Shankara's Criticism of Buddhism in his commentary to the sutras is excellent even if his philosophy as a whole is defective,and This is despite him being a crypto-buddhist as the shaivite guru abhinavagupta said about him in his works.other vaishnavite scholars said similar things,like madhva. here you can read his(Ramanuja's) criticism against the bauddha ideas and a total refutation thereof it is second adyaya second pada of the brahma sutra (Commentary)bhasya.
even 'Self' buddhism is refuted by the commentaries because they say that Avidya is beginingless and eternally uncaused and they still hold to even the Buddhism of the Jonang school is dealt with here,leaving no doubt that all of buddhism is a corrupt wasteland.
Blessings to everyone and om Namah Shivayah
Edited to post the exact part where he begins demolishing the bauddhas,previous link started with sankhya philosophy.