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Reaching The Godhead: "The Union With The Divine"

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012

This page will be put on the new meditation section to explain what "Reaching the Godhead" or "Equality With God" really means.

"What are humans? Gods but mortal. What are Gods? Humans but immortal!" - Heraclitus

Christianity, Islam and Judaism have corrupted and stolen everything from Ancient Pagan Religions. Words like "God, Angel, Soul", all of these have been corrupted and have lost their meaning. For those who will read this website and our other websites, you will know this is the case beyond any doubt.

The amount of lies in the above programs is overwhelming. One of these lies is in regards to "God", "Union with God", or other related terminology. This was desecrated by people who were promoting enemy lies, causing not only endless confusion, but making most people to detest these matters as superstition or observe them in a negative light. As if this was not enough, these enemy programs preach that human beings who entertain these ideas will burn in eternal hellfire. These are nothing but empty threats and show the enemy for the evil slavers that they are.

Spiritual Satanism and the religions of the old Gods, were exactly about the reverse: doing what is best for the spirit of mankind, helping us to reach spiritual fulfillment and reach our destiny.

The above quote of the philosopher Heraclitus, reflects this very reality. In every human being there is a potential "God", as everyone has been given divine capacities. At the same time, humanity is not only mortal, but with-held from this very knowledge by the enemy. Heraclitus also reveals another thing with this famous quote of his: That many of our Gods are indeed, human beings and alive like we are. But that they are immortal.

The above is nothing else but indeed what the Gods have been relating to all of their disciples. The purpose of Spiritual Satanism is to reach the Godhead.

In Ancient Pagan religions, "God" was a code word for the self and the soul of the individual that has reached the Godhead. "God" also was used interchangeably with the highest level of consciousness that can be achieved by the human being. In this meaning, equality with "God" does not mean to equate one's self with a bearded man in the sky - but rather to attain access to one's own higher consciousness as a human being.

The Egyptian Lore of the Creation, clearly explains that the Gods have arose out of the "Neter" or what in India is called the Atman or Brahma. From this do spring outwards all living beings. Coded here lies also the fact that all of this happens from nature, as nature gives life to all beings. The Gods are such beings that were later called Neter-u implying they came from the Neter. This is a force that underlies the creation of the universe, and it does not need "worship" or anything of the sort as the enemy deceitfully tries to claim. That is a lie to keep humanity in chains and keep us locked lower on a level where we are spiritually lost.

Being a force, the "Neter" or however one wants to name it, is not named "Jesus" or "Allah" and has nothing to do with these poor human made lies. If anything, these hoaxes were created to misdirect people. Falling on one's knees, worshiping all day, whipping your body with blades like a muslim, or going circles around a black rock, is not going to get you anywhere close to the Godhead. All of these practices are meant to waste human life and psychic energy and they lead exactly on the reverse of the Godhead: straight into deception.

The Gods, having come out of the "Neter", are more important than the Neter or unified field, as they represent it's creations. Likewise, human beings despite of our mortal nature and lack of knowledge, can also rise to these higher levels if we receive the guidance from the Gods and we meditate. What is water to a living being, is what is the Atman or Neter is to the human soul. The water, however important, is not more important than the living being who is made out of it.

In Hinduism, the word for Neter, is term of Neter by the words Brahma or "Atman". This level of understanding is reached when one successfully raises the Kundalini Serpent, an event which will reveal to a person that one is "God". When the Kundalini Serpent successfully reaches the Crown, the soul can reach an understanding of the level of Atman or reach the Atmic level of consciousness.

"God"is additionally a title for people who have successfully attained this rising towards this level of existence. The "Union with God" is also called Samadhi, from the word Sam and Adi, which means to bring the mind and the soul together in communion. That state of existence is a holy state in which man understands his own spiritual inner essence, reaching self realization.

The erroneous and blasphemous idea that the creator was a spook that punishes people or that demands "worship", is spiritual sacrilege and originated from people who had an agenda to deceive humanity with. There is nothing else to that.

Spiritual Satanism has been created by the Gods to reverse this situation and show to people nothing less but the Truth.

Satan, even in the book of the enemy, is actively engaged in making man "God". Satan is giving humanity with access to two things: The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge. These represent two things respectively, the Godhead and also everlasting life.

In the book of slander and lies of the Christian Church, namely the Bible, Satan appears as the liberator of mankind, the giver of knowledge and understanding. Even in this childish hoax of "creation" that is stole from Sumeria, the case is that indeed Satan's promise stands for real. As "Eve" and "Adam" eat from the Tree of Knowledge, they do indeed stop being unconscious animals and start understanding "Good and Evil". The alien human hating gathering that poses behind the acronym "YHVH", goes into a state of boiling anger, immediately attacking humanity to avoid human advancement further into this process.

Does that sound like "God" to anybody? Clearly, this isn't "God". Clearly, this has nothing to do with any "God", but solely beings that want the bad for humanity expressing themselves and blocking humanity from spiritual development.

Satan clearly was not only not afraid, but very happy to help humanity and insistent. In other occultist books of the enemy, all the Gods of the Gentiles are blamed for teaching mankind the "ways of the heavens". Exoterically, not only Satan is clearly God and the herald of human perfection, but Satan is the helper and guardian of the soul of mankind.

Since the inception of the Abrahamic hoaxes, ignorance has prevailed over mankind. The capstone of this ignorance has been the change of our human destiny, which was a progressive walk towards the Godhead. Christians are literally fighting the "Devil" over their "Right" to remain enslaved and to return into a level of animal consciousness, which what even in their story is what humanity had before the "Intervention" of Father Satan.

Clearly, while all of the above stories reflect only lies and not historical reality in anyway, this goes on to show the anti-human spite of the powers behind the enemy Bible and their insistence in keeping humanity blind. It also goes to show another thing: That they are terribly scared of humanity achieving a higher level of understanding.

Thoth, who is one of the 7 Sons of Satan, has been a teacher of humanity since we were created. Even through the Middle Ages, at the height of enemy power and corruption, Thoth patiently stood by many people to teach them the ways of the spirit and the soul through spiritual alchemy. All of this goes back to Egypt. Thoth has assumed many identities, from Nabu to Sumer, to Thoth in Egypt, and Hermes in the Greek Pantheon. In all of these, he has blessed humans with extensive knowledge and understanding, showing us the path towards the Godhead.

Many of the writings of Thoth have been so important, that even the enemy decided to keep them but slightly pervert them. In other cases, many things were lost in translations between languages. The originals were from Egypt. These and many other writings now reside in private collections, the Vatican vaults and other places where the True origins of humanity are known. All of this is hidden from the populace.

Father Satan also reveals in the Al Jilwah, a message that has a spiritual code in it: "There is no other God but myself". While Satan here expresses His dominion over the spiritual world, there is also the attestation of how "myself" or all "ourselves". The allusion of this message is that, we too can potentially reach the level of consciousness of the Godhead.

This power is untapped and undiscovered, and nobody is really "God" until this is actualized. Yet, this remains a viable level for human spiritual achievement and within human ability. Satan has been the one who the enemy hates for his promise: "I Shall Make Thee As Gods!". Ancient people have lived to attain these levels and reach "Union with the Divine".

Demons, who are spiritual guides to mankind and our Pagan Gods, have always guided humanity in this direction. As we enter Satan's Aeon, many more people will start understanding the above and the enemy religions of serfdom and slavery are going to collapse under the weight of their own lies.

Unfortunately in the mainstream "Satanic" or "Occult" scene, there are a lot of arrogant people who falsely think that they have fully reached the "Godhead" while they in particular only have a few spiritual abilities, if even these. Reaching the Godhead is not some sort of intellectual belief. It is a real level of advanced spiritual achievement that comes with many powers, abilities and a higher level of a mind. One can lie all day in the mirror to themselves that they are "God" but this will achieve nothing.

The above is not written to reflect on these petty delusions, but illustrate the potential capacity of mankind through actual meditation. The Godhead is a very real situation. People and individuals who seriously devote themselves in meditation, will achieve serious considerable and observable spiritual powers. That is a very holy and deified undertaking. In all the works of the Gods, it is spoken clearly and the Gods have reiterated to me personally many times about the importance of respecting this process.

Arrogant people and individuals who scorn this will not understand much of this. The reason here is that the bestowal of this knowledge to lesser people will bring only bad fruit with it. The mistake with the religions of Islam, Judaism and Christianity is a result flowing outwards of poor understanding of occult texts, forgeries and evil abrahamic agendas. The fruit of this tree was the creation of universal ignorance and the worst aeon of the Middle Ages that the world has ever known. Spiritual Satanism is the source from where this is to be reversed once and for all, this state of ignorance blotted in non-existence.

The road towards this attainment is not easy, nor this is the easiest path, it requires persistence and diligence. Power and understanding will come overabundant for those who follow this path.

Yet those who undertake this path in a serious and respectful manner to the Gods and Satan Himself, will be rewarded with understanding and restoration of the soul. As it has been written, "We save our own Souls" and that is done with spiritual knowledge, not begging for forgiveness from anyone, let alone the enemy. The healing of the individual soul is a work that falls upon the individual, one's loyalty to meditation and one's character.

The Gods represent the heralds and givers of knowledge in that direction. We as human beings have to apply this knowledge, becoming partakers in this highest level of divinity.

Satan and the Gods lead us to the Godhead through ourselves and their most valued friendship and guidance. We must thank them. The most important way to thank them is to immerse ourselves in their gifts, spiritual and physical.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
cobra nice post. can't wait for the new section

say the truth have you became a god or what. mb yes? :lol: :lol: :lol:
This article is useful for internet warfare. It serves as a good introductory summary of spiritual satanism, the Gods as real beings, and anti-human religions. Altogether a good article for spamming.
Blitzkreig said:
This article is useful for internet warfare. It serves as a good introductory summary of spiritual satanism, the Gods as real beings, and anti-human religions. Altogether a good article for spamming.

Did you find it explanatory for a person that knows nothing or has read the most basic things in the site? I would believe so, reading it from that perspective. Because this is where it's going to be aimed. This is going to be part of the new meditation section, linked in the frontpage. The idea is to explain and summarize everything in the least amount of space, so that people understand things instantly.

If you have any extra suggestions I am open to hear them. Such as removing a part from the article or whatever like this.
Wow HP thank you so much. I'm reawakening my soul slowly but surely and what you wrote here feels like what I came to realise a few days ago just in a very unpleasant manner and more like a glimpse into my soul. I really saw why meditation is so important to advance ourselfs above the natural universe forces that affects us all and makes us humans mortal but I saw that it could be overcome and it's totally possible to rise above it and why JoS has been saying it for so long.Its also part of my fear it's not like if you just believe in Satan you will be saved NO it's much more than that. Satan does not save anyone He gives you the knowledge to save yourself. Well thats what I came to realise maybe I'm wrong in a way but for me personally I save myself in order to join his eternal paradise.

I must also say if one does not walk this path they will NOT know what you are talking about. And I'm also regretting sharing JoS links to outsiders on the rap fame app my intentions were to share truths but it's truths they will probably never understand.
"GoDs wErE NoT On OlYmPoS StuPiD PaGaNs hOw cOuLD tHeY bEliEvE iT"

Thanks for information, HP! Allegories behind myths is always seen to me fascinating. And that hasn't change with this new one! :lol:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Wow HP thank you so much. I'm reawakening my soul slowly but surely and what you wrote here feels like what I came to realise a few days ago just in a very unpleasant manner and more like a glimpse into my soul. I really saw why meditation is so important to advance ourselfs above the natural universe forces that affects us all and makes us humans mortal but I saw that it could be overcome and it's totally possible to rise above it and why JoS has been saying it for so long.Its also part of my fear it's not like if you just believe in Satan you will be saved NO it's much more than that. Satan does not save anyone He gives you the knowledge to save yourself. Well thats what I came to realise maybe I'm wrong in a way but for me personally I save myself in order to join his eternal paradise.

I must also say if one does not walk this path they will NOT know what you are talking about. And I'm also regretting sharing JoS links to outsiders on the rap fame app my intentions were to share truths but it's truths they will probably never understand.

Never in any serious philosophical book, text or faith, it's stated nowhere that just by idle "faith" you will be saved of anything. You don't get saved just by some faith. Xianity preaches this lie to turn people into fossil fuel.

Faith helps. But it helps in the context where one gets to know the Gods and wants to advance to be like them.

The Gods help maintain and preserve the souls if people come to them. But all the rest of your advancement is on your hands literally. They help around but we are with ourselves in this goal. They just help and coordinate the orchestra, we are the dancers into the tango of existence.
Blitzkreig said:
This article is useful for internet warfare. It serves as a good introductory summary of spiritual satanism, the Gods as real beings, and anti-human religions. Altogether a good article for spamming.

I was thinking just this. I am going to post it now!
Very informative and insightful as always. The word Atman if i am not mistaken is also similar to the german word for breath or to breath. The word atom also sounds similar, thought at first to be the smallest unit of energy (now it is quarks, positrons ect) I think they might have been inspired by the original as breath and energy have everything to do with sustaining and creating life
I think it's funny when I read a quote from a god, because I get excited when I read them, like the one from lord thoth that's on the new meditation page. I just eat quotes up like a kid eats up bedtime stories. I wish there were a collection of quotes from the gods somewhere.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Blitzkreig said:
This article is useful for internet warfare. It serves as a good introductory summary of spiritual satanism, the Gods as real beings, and anti-human religions. Altogether a good article for spamming.

Did you find it explanatory for a person that knows nothing or has read the most basic things in the site? I would believe so, reading it from that perspective. Because this is where it's going to be aimed. This is going to be part of the new meditation section, linked in the frontpage. The idea is to explain and summarize everything in the least amount of space, so that people understand things instantly.

If you have any extra suggestions I am open to hear them. Such as removing a part from the article or whatever like this.
The more appropriate word instead of Brahma would be "Brahman". A lot of people might be confused because Brahma is actually a deity in the Hindu Pantheon .
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Blitzkreig said:
This article is useful for internet warfare. It serves as a good introductory summary of spiritual satanism, the Gods as real beings, and anti-human religions. Altogether a good article for spamming.

Did you find it explanatory for a person that knows nothing or has read the most basic things in the site? I would believe so, reading it from that perspective. Because this is where it's going to be aimed. This is going to be part of the new meditation section, linked in the frontpage. The idea is to explain and summarize everything in the least amount of space, so that people understand things instantly.

If you have any extra suggestions I am open to hear them. Such as removing a part from the article or whatever like this.

Yes I found it to be the same, great job well done, putting my mind into the perspective of someone being very new, I think this will be well received by those, beautifully written, easy to understand and straight to the point.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

This page will be put on the new meditation section to explain what "Reaching the Godhead" or "Equality With God" really means.

"What are humans? Gods but mortal. What are Gods? Humans but immortal!" - Heraclitus

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

With the full rising of the Serpent, does this put one in glimpses or just fully into this atman, godly like state?

I've been trying to work with the serpent for a few years now under guidance of the Gods, and have made progress in circulating the kundalini energy in a circuit from the base to the crown, but it seems as if the expanded states don't want to hold.

I get glimpses of very profound things, and it feels in a sense like my brain cracks open to sense an be enveloped in the akasha, but the state itself fades, even with the serpent energy circulated, and raised to the crown chakra area.
Shared this on the places i do warfare, so far it's being reposting and liked, super win.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Thoth, who is one of the 7 Sons of Satan, has been a teacher of humanity since we were created.

I don't understand Thoth's history very well. This question is probably out of realms and maybe even delving into secret information but then again sometimes things need to be stated. If you don't want to answer cool.

But IF Thoth comes from the beginning i.e. creation, Eden.

Then doesn't that mean that Thoth is something like 200ish-300ish thousand years old or older?

In other words they state the 4 most powerful beings are Satan(Top/E), Beelzebul(Second/N), Astarte(Third or Fourth/W), and Azazel(Third or Fourth/S).

IF Thoth dates back well further than Humanity or maybe born sometime with Humanity and raised with Humanity. Then why is two 60,000 year old beings considered Older Gods rather than Younger Gods 50,000 years or less. If your implying Thoth is much older then how are two 60,000 year old beings considered powerful enough to be of the highest rank of Orion IF Thoth is older.

Isn't the logic the OLDER the being they are the significantly much more powerful they can reach or have reached?

And well can you pinpoint the upgunning of Homonid man to Humanity? Early on some people stated Humanity to be around Satan's age which would have made the Reptilian/Grey attack not happen. So people started saying that Satan was about 320ish thousand years old and humanity is about a more reasonable 220ish thousand years old according to Sumerians and a potentially other civilizations.

IF Humanity is this old are you stating the other well known Gods that are in the ORION pantheon to be several tens if not hundreds of thousands of years old leading to Humanity being trained by them?

For example Egyptian religion dictates that it's about closing in on 50,000 years old similar to how the Chinese Religion survived and measures itself to be about 12,000ish or so years old. Creation, creation? OR creation when the Nations were being built?

In other words Thoth the Egyptian God since creation of Egypt and he is like in the sub-100K year old range. Or is he not as old as Satan but certainly North of 220ish thousand years.

What do you mean since creation? THE Creation or when Nations were being developed?
An excellent motivational post.

I appreciate JoS for all the knowledge it provides, and the frequency of your sermons HP.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Did you find it explanatory for a person that knows nothing or has read the most basic things in the site? I would believe so, reading it from that perspective. Because this is where it's going to be aimed. This is going to be part of the new meditation section, linked in the frontpage. The idea is to explain and summarize everything in the least amount of space, so that people understand things instantly.

If you have any extra suggestions I am open to hear them. Such as removing a part from the article or whatever like this.

Thanks for the sermon HP Cobra.

As for some suggestions, I think this sermon would be best understood by a person who knows or read at least some basic stuff from JoS.

For someone who is completely new to these things, i think there would be some questions like, whether all the Pagan Gods are the same beings, how Father Satan created humans and why Father wishes for humanity to ascend and for each Gentile to achieve Godhead. From my observations i have realized that many people actually do believe that the Annunaki is real or at least know about it. However, most people believe the enemy bullshit that Enki created humanity to be slaves and about fighting between the Gods. I think just a little bit about Anunnaki also would help.

Maybe just a little introductory summary of the above questions would help someone new to understand more. These are some questions that came to me when i was new to Satanism. Hope this helps.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the humorous spelling, "Union_With_Gawd.html." Good stuff, HPHC. Excellent article. I'm glad to see so many updates and additions to the site.
This is another significance of Golden colour ( A mysterious temple in India) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmUcZtPQFTY
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Did you find it explanatory for a person that knows nothing or has read the most basic things in the site? I would believe so, reading it from that perspective. Because this is where it's going to be aimed. This is going to be part of the new meditation section, linked in the frontpage. The idea is to explain and summarize everything in the least amount of space, so that people understand things instantly.

If you have any extra suggestions I am open to hear them. Such as removing a part from the article or whatever like this.

I think it is good. The problem that exists, which is a little hard to address, is that people come from different backgrounds and need to hear different things. This extends beyond just this article, however.

Some of the other articles on the JOS sites seemed like they were organized a little strangely, sometimes going off-topic or other times needing more explanations. There is always going to be overlap between certain topics, and this should be present so people can connect the dots between concepts. However, it also needs to be concise so it doesn't derail the topic of the article.

Sometimes I send people certain articles, but not others that may trigger their deeper beliefs. Another problem that exists is the "satanisgod" URL which may deter certain people from even clicking, for example with NatSoc Christians. I have been using archive links instead, where I can.

At the same time, we should focus on attracting the low-hanging fruit which will readily fill our ranks. As this leads to more spiritual output, this would then deprogram more people. So the point being, we don't need to create articles for people who will never (in their current state) understand or care.
Blitzkreig said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Did you find it explanatory for a person that knows nothing or has read the most basic things in the site? I would believe so, reading it from that perspective. Because this is where it's going to be aimed. This is going to be part of the new meditation section, linked in the frontpage. The idea is to explain and summarize everything in the least amount of space, so that people understand things instantly.

If you have any extra suggestions I am open to hear them. Such as removing a part from the article or whatever like this.

I think it is good. The problem that exists, which is a little hard to address, is that people come from different backgrounds and need to hear different things. This extends beyond just this article, however.

Some of the other articles on the JOS sites seemed like they were organized a little strangely, sometimes going off-topic or other times needing more explanations. There is always going to be overlap between certain topics, and this should be present so people can connect the dots between concepts. However, it also needs to be concise so it doesn't derail the topic of the article.

Sometimes I send people certain articles, but not others that may trigger their deeper beliefs. Another problem that exists is the "satanisgod" URL which may deter certain people from even clicking, for example with NatSoc Christians. I have been using archive links instead, where I can.

At the same time, we should focus on attracting the low-hanging fruit which will readily fill our ranks. As this leads to more spiritual output, this would then deprogram more people. So the point being, we don't need to create articles for people who will never (in their current state) understand or care.

Would trying QR codes help?
Incredible work High Priest your words have become even better as the years went by. You transmit so much wisdom.
Thanks Hooded Cobra, a beautiful, direct and on point article for the general public to get acquainted with spritual Satanism.
LoveSargatanas said:
Incredible work High Priest your words have become even better as the years went by. You transmit so much wisdom.

I am aware that in the past I have had, like all humans do, mistakes and possibly deficiencies. I have grown alongside everyone and have been trying to raise the bar higher and higher. This is to be able to do what's best for everyone that is receiving what is being given.

Thanks for recognizing this effort, I really appreciate this.
I had a little trouble with myself today, a few nights ago I was shown a mental image that I was with three other gods named
and Zeal
I could not understand why I met three Gods and thought maybe It is my delusion and mistake, so I did not pay attention, they talked to me and all three were wearing Sinbad clothes.
Their different auras attracted me,then I thought they were on the side of the enemy, I used the satanic blue fire but they were not harmed and it turned out to me that they are gods, but still my doubt has not been resolved, in the end it turned out that ZEAL is my guardian.
I even finally felt a strong heartfelt love for him to somehow reassure me that he was with me. But my doubts are still there. For a long time, I always imagined Sigel of Lucifer inside me, and even before I met JOS, I always thought of him as my companion and helper, and now it is the same. I've been away from Nutmeg for a long time and I've been back and experiencing this for a while now, but I feel like I'm in an illusion about talking in telepaths as well as the pictures I see, or maybe Part of me thinks so, anyway I do meditation and all I have to do, when I'm too depressed, I feel like a father and he has comforted me many times with his beautiful energy. Apart from him, in other cases I feel helpless and delusional and I hope this doubt is resolved, however I am determined to do what I have to do even when I do not see anything. But in the end, the question arises, "Am I really alone?" I would be grateful if you could share your experiences with me.
There are many worlds and different layers of the "universe" or "reality". These creatures inhabit lower levels, but yet way higher than these that we humans live in.

They have a lot of dominion over the lower levels, but not the higher ones. We humans due to spiritual fall, are residents of the lower levels where they can copiously affect us.

The descent of beings on lower levels also inherently limits them and makes them subject to other limitations. If the Gods went "down there", they wouldn't be "up there" and they would be forced to descent.

This has happened before when the Gods were on earth, with considerable risks involved. This can incur attack, failure, or even death, due to laws of the universe. space bar counter
livelucifer said:
I had a little trouble with myself today, a few nights ago I was shown a mental image that I was with three other gods named
and Zeal
I could not understand why I met three Gods and thought maybe It is my delusion and mistake, so I did not pay attention, they talked to me and all three were wearing Sinbad clothes.
Their different auras attracted me,then I thought they were on the side of the enemy, I used the satanic blue fire but they were not harmed and it turned out to me that they are gods, but still my doubt has not been resolved, in the end it turned out that ZEAL is my guardian.
I even finally felt a strong heartfelt love for him to somehow reassure me that he was with me. But my doubts are still there. For a long time, I always imagined Sigel of Lucifer inside me, and even before I met JOS, I always thought of him as my companion and helper, and now it is the same. I've been away from Nutmeg for a long time and I've been back and experiencing this for a while now, but I feel like I'm in an illusion about talking in telepaths as well as the pictures I see, or maybe Part of me thinks so, anyway I do meditation and all I have to do, when I'm too depressed, I feel like a father and he has comforted me many times with his beautiful energy. Apart from him, in other cases I feel helpless and delusional and I hope this doubt is resolved, however I am determined to do what I have to do even when I do not see anything. But in the end, the question arises, "Am I really alone?" I would be grateful if you could share your experiences with me.

I think I found my answer, in JOS, the Christian Revelation section, about the truth of the angels, I realized that they were abusing the feeling of love, and I also realized that I was wrong about using the satanic blue energy!
Stormblood said:
Would trying QR codes help?

It would certainly hide the URL, but I am not sure how many people will get out their phones to scan one. I have realized lately that people don't want to click on links that much, regardless of how the link appears. This is due to people having TikTok brains.

Therefore, one simply has to do the "heavy lifting" for them and either give them the selected text from said link, or better yet, create a meme or short video embodying the same point being made.

Pictures can also be used to draw connections between individual JOS pages to support a larger argument that may be missed otherwise.

I don't have experience with creating memes, but it is appearing like this has to be the case for effective warfare. It is not all bad anyway, because a good meme can be used repeatedly.
Shadowcat said:
Blitzkreig said:
This article is useful for internet warfare. It serves as a good introductory summary of spiritual satanism, the Gods as real beings, and anti-human religions. Altogether a good article for spamming.

I was thinking just this. I am going to post it now!

I mentioned this to stormblood recently: It seems more evident to me now that most people do not really read too much of random links they are given, especially if they care nothing of the topic. More of a problem though is that people have TikTok brains, plus the JOS website does not look the best either.

Therefore, either post quotes from texts, or post memes or links to videos. Unfortunately, this takes more work of course, but one good post, or one good meme, can be reused over and over.

I had the fun time of arguing with a "Pagan" who claimed the Gods were actually just planets, and would not yield even after I addressed each of their points, or tried to change my strategy. It is not normally worth the time to get super involved with just 1 person, but I thought they were close to being "saved" due to being a right-wing pagan. It is a depressing thought that their advancement will be delayed for possibly years before they understand the truth.
Blitzkreig said:
Shadowcat said:
Blitzkreig said:
This article is useful for internet warfare. It serves as a good introductory summary of spiritual satanism, the Gods as real beings, and anti-human religions. Altogether a good article for spamming.

I was thinking just this. I am going to post it now!

I mentioned this to stormblood recently: It seems more evident to me now that most people do not really read too much of random links they are given, especially if they care nothing of the topic. More of a problem though is that people have TikTok brains, plus the JOS website does not look the best either.

Therefore, either post quotes from texts, or post memes or links to videos. Unfortunately, this takes more work of course, but one good post, or one good meme, can be reused over and over.

I had the fun time of arguing with a "Pagan" who claimed the Gods were actually just planets, and would not yield even after I addressed each of their points, or tried to change my strategy. It is not normally worth the time to get super involved with just 1 person, but I thought they were close to being "saved" due to being a right-wing pagan. It is a depressing thought that their advancement will be delayed for possibly years before they understand the truth.
I adapted the quoting of text right away since I understand what you are referring very well. So far so good. I will keep going and improving. It's nice to be on this train, but now my translation project suffers. Have to balance my effort out somehow. Maybe I'll just simply do one on each given day instead of both.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
