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Reaching Advanced Magick "hollywood magick"


New member
Dec 14, 2019
Almost there
What do we Do if We reach Advanced Practices Like Pyromancy Telekensis or shapeshifting until its to the point where it can Distrupt Order in the Western World collective consciousness. Should we come out of the Dark? maybe use it for Recruiting/Finacial Gain or would the enemy already have ideas put in place just in case if some situations happened? Would Satan wish for us to Spread this Knowledge or would it needed to be kept in a controlled environment like a Coven of course.
Sisyphus said:
What do we Do if We reach Advanced Practices Like Pyromancy Telekensis or shapeshifting until its to the point where it can Distrupt Order in the Western World collective consciousness. Should we come out of the Dark? maybe use it for Recruiting/Finacial Gain or would the enemy already have ideas put in place just in case if some situations happened? Would Satan wish for us to Spread this Knowledge or would it needed to be kept in a controlled environment like a Coven of course.
Have you completely read the jos website and Hp Maxine and Hp hooded cobras sermons ? I’m not gona be a dick towards u about how u thinking it’s alil immature in terms of this matter but hey no worries sure ull get the picture over time and watch alil less of Jew Hollywood and if u ever do achieve any of these abilities learn to keep your mouth shut About it and shapeshifting is not like u see in the movies it’s like merging ur astral consciousness with a bird or watever animal and then possessing it so to say for certain period of time something to that effect
Sisyphus said:
What do we Do if We reach Advanced Practices Like Pyromancy Telekensis or shapeshifting until its to the point where it can Distrupt Order in the Western World collective consciousness. Should we come out of the Dark? maybe use it for Recruiting/Finacial Gain or would the enemy already have ideas put in place just in case if some situations happened? Would Satan wish for us to Spread this Knowledge or would it needed to be kept in a controlled environment like a Coven of course.
When you become that advanced you will have the wisdom to understand what to do, and of course, you will communicate with the God's. One thing is sure, never be public about it, we are in enemy dominated world. When this war will end then things will be different but for now, nobody needs to know about powers. This takes years to develop anyway.
Use it for financial gain man majick has been in Hollywood for a long time if you have powers dude hustle I would the worlds kinda changed criss angel kind freak he owns the top penthouse of that casino because he could have bankrupt them by majikally having great success.thesenpowers are known the government only seeks people who are a direct threat to them ...simple powers like the above mentioned at least..other more dangerous powers these people they have to keep it secret usually
Sisyphus said:
What do we Do if We reach Advanced Practices Like Pyromancy Telekensis or shapeshifting until its to the point where it can Distrupt Order in the Western World collective consciousness. Should we come out of the Dark? maybe use it for Recruiting/Finacial Gain or would the enemy already have ideas put in place just in case if some situations happened? Would Satan wish for us to Spread this Knowledge or would it needed to be kept in a controlled environment like a Coven of course.
do what feels right I bf uses I don’t have any powers but you wanted advice also
Dude-or babe :D , we are already out of the dark.
Though I cant understand how telekinesis and shape shifting would disrupt order in the western world collective consciousness. What does that mean?

Satan wants his word to be spread, which it is already happening.

Hail father Satan
Hail Haagenti

Devil's Advocate
Sisyphus said:
What do we Do if We reach Advanced Practices Like Pyromancy Telekensis or shapeshifting until its to the point where it can Distrupt Order in the Western World collective consciousness. Should we come out of the Dark? maybe use it for Recruiting/Finacial Gain or would the enemy already have ideas put in place just in case if some situations happened? Would Satan wish for us to Spread this Knowledge or would it needed to be kept in a controlled environment like a Coven of course.

If I'm honest, I had made the mistake of showing cryokinesis once to someone in making their arm feel ice cold with my mind in a matter of seconds. I was naive in doing so, but they initially were excited to have me try it so I didn't think it would be bad to show them, this of course backfired in that something can be exciting at first in thought but when it actually happens for real, the reality is a bit more... shocking.... Needless to say they got scared of me when it actually worked.

They were someone close to me for a long time and pretty much avoided me afterwords. I'm much more reserved and don't do this anymore, save for someone still with me who actually for real believes and knows magic exists (but doesn't want to put in the effort to acquire it) and finds it fun to have me try things with her. However she admits to being too scared still to see "real shit" like telekinesis or draining a phone battery from full to 0%, I refrain from doing anything extreme.

So the matter of the fact is, people watch shit like anime and movies and they get all excited and think magic is so awesome and they want it to be real... but then when this is actually shown to them by someone who can do it for real, the reality hits them like a deer in headlights and they actually get legit scared shitless. Excited at first, but then the realness is too much for them to take because it's not normal and isn't something they can control. It's like seeing a harmless painting of a monster vs seeing a real one physically right in front of you. So when they see someone else able to do something like magic, it's terrifying and they feel like they are prey among predators or something.

It is also dangerous to largely reveal these abilities. So no, we don't come out from the dark. You learn to discipline and control these powers and you keep them to yourself. If a very large majority of us gain such abilities and powers in time on the planet and the world is still not yet ready to know, then it'll probably turn into some weird real-life Harry Potter in that we're just 'wizards' hiding amongst 'muggles' as 'normal' people. I can assure you though no 'Hogwarts' will be happening any time soon. In the very distant future though I can probably see real schools of sorts cropping up to teach people through wisdom and guidance in attaining and working with energies and controlling abilities, etc, etc. But that's most certainly not happening even in the next 20 years or so.

In truth, there will be people who can sense and know us, and with high bioelectricity those who are more open will feel it. I live with someone who doesn't know a whole lot about spirituality and magic, I know for a fact she is spiritually open, I see it a lot and she humorously shies away from being too close to my physical presence in that she feels 'overpowered' by me for reasons she said she "can't explain", and I was actually surprised at just how spiritually sensitive she was once in shaking her hand that she panicked a bit after asking me why her hand was suddenly trembling severely a few moments after the touch (my high bioelectricity has the same affect on her as the demons do for us in making us feel buzzy and charged with high energies causing trembling from the bioelectricity affect on the nervous system of the body, causing the nerves to become overactive.)

Anyways, all that aside, our efforts right now are in removing the enemy from our planet and bringing all truths to light in a slow and gradual enough way that people don't lost their minds from shock and terror.

Extraordinary Ability and Keeping Your Mouth Shut
Gaining powerful siddhis is not impossible, how will you use them is nobody's else problem as long as you will not damage many people with them and make problems to the Gods. Everybody is different and nobody can tell you what to do with them. However, it's your own responsibility and you are supposed to use your brain if you fuck something up. Who you want to talk about those is also your own choice and it everybody's situation is different, some people simply can't open up to anybody, while some people might have someone nice and reliable on their side to listen them out or even work with them. There are no rules about this, you can only get advices from others in reality or they are just making some things up to scare you away and to try to control you.
Sisyphus said:
Refer to this page. https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Extra.html

It's highly advised that you take the time to study the JoS site in its entirety, as it will answer questions like this easily.
I assume when someone obtains the power you speak of they'll also obtain the wisdom of what to do with it..

There are witch hunters that will attack advanced occultists online. Ive seen sigils they use that completely neutralize demonic energy and connection to demonic influences. I think most of them will only target "evil" practitioners, but Im sure if your power intimidates them they may act againat you. It wouldn't surprise me at all if there were professional organizations who target and control spiritual knowledge and power, but Ive never run into them directly.

I can heal and do basic biokinesis, even very weak tk and electrokinesis but certainly nothing at a Hollywood level. Im sure it's eventually possible and Im sure some people can today, but I doubt they'd say so publically.
WEASZX said:
I assume when someone obtains the power you speak of they'll also obtain the wisdom of what to do with it..

There are witch hunters that will attack advanced occultists online. Ive seen sigils they use that completely neutralize demonic energy and connection to demonic influences. I think most of them will only target "evil" practitioners, but Im sure if your power intimidates them they may act againat you. It wouldn't surprise me at all if there were professional organizations who target and control spiritual knowledge and power, but Ive never run into them directly.

I can heal and do basic biokinesis, even very weak tk and electrokinesis but certainly nothing at a Hollywood level. Im sure it's eventually possible and Im sure some people can today, but I doubt they'd say so publically.
All forms of Jewish rooted magic is pathetic at this point in time and is becoming even more worthless as we keep reversing the Torah. 'Neutralize demonic influences'... The Gods are infinitely more powerful than any human on earth, leave alone some RHP 'witch hunter'. These just talk the talk. Even top rabbis know better than to mess directly with the Demons.
WEASZX said:
I assume when someone obtains the power you speak of they'll also obtain the wisdom of what to do with it..

There are witch hunters that will attack advanced occultists online. Ive seen sigils they use that completely neutralize demonic energy and connection to demonic influences. I think most of them will only target "evil" practitioners, but Im sure if your power intimidates them they may act againat you. It wouldn't surprise me at all if there were professional organizations who target and control spiritual knowledge and power, but Ive never run into them directly.

I can heal and do basic biokinesis, even very weak tk and electrokinesis but certainly nothing at a Hollywood level. Im sure it's eventually possible and Im sure some people can today, but I doubt they'd say so publically.

We don't fucking live in supernatural. This is real life, not a tv show. There aren't "witch hunters" who "use sigils to seal off demonic energy". As for your idea on "professional orginzations" you quite literally mentioned the jewish menace we are facing. You know, thousands of years of controlling spiritual knowledge and prosecuting anyone who has access to it? Ever heard of the inquisition? You aren't living in a tv show. Work on deprogramming and study. https://www.joyofsatan.org/
Thank you for the reply.
Jewish magick seems to specialize against demonic energy, at least from what Ive seen. Everything else appears to be a request to the angels. I could be totally wrong here, but again from what Ive personally seen this holds true. I saved their sigil so that I could study it, if you wish I could show you it but there are things you should know about it first. If you are indeed interested, Id be happy to have your opinion regarding it.


"We don't fucking live in supernatural. This is real life, not a tv show."

What's your problem? I haven't even watched that show and I dont intend to.

"There aren't "witch hunters" who "use sigils to seal off demonic energy". As for your idea on "professional orginzations" you quite literally mentioned the jewish menace we are facing."

This seems contradictive to me. Isnt it agreed upon that the demons were neutralized in some way by the jews and then Maxine and others helped free them?

You know, thousands of years of controlling spiritual knowledge and prosecuting anyone who has access to it? Ever heard of the inquisition?

Again, this isnt an argument against what I said. Im agreeing with you?

You aren't living in a tv show. Work on deprogramming and study. "

Im an occultist of 9 years. I dont (and dont claim to) have any credibility here, but I can show you proof of what Im talking about. Vigilante groups are working against satanism as a whole, but Im not sure if the ones Im aware of are targetting the JOS. Id assume they are.

These are stressful times, but we need to have a level head at least with each other.
This happened to me as well with a different magical practice that comes naturally, and it was done with some help. It was an experience that really allowed me to learn more, and the person it happened with needed it badly. I did care for him a lot. It was a special type of reiki. I wasn’t sure of the name at the time but I believe it’s the truest and highest form of reiki that involves the serpent. He had stayed awake for days after though, and was really taken aback by it all. He was a really wonderful aryan and this caused him to separate from a Jew he had been dating and freed him from a lot of crap. This Jew almost ruined him. I think the gods guided me to this person for this experience, because even though it shook him up a bit, he will also keep quiet about it and made the most of the experience. I believe he was worth it. My GD has expressed that he liked this person on multiple occasions prior. He did have a lot of Christian programming and eventually had thoughts that I am of Satan, this worried him. Regardless though, this will sit with him and when the time is right, he will realize. No matter how much it might’ve freaked him out, he will also never forget it and circle back to it every time he gets closer to the truth and light. What happened that night really made it difficult for him to look away from Satan. His life changed a lot for the better since then. Be careful with whom you choose to show powers to, they can turn on you and there is a witch hunt that goes down for people that possess powers. I’m sure you know. The gods can say when this is or isn’t appropriate to do with someone. If the gods choose someone to do this with though, go all in. It has a huge purpose.
Sledgehammer666 said:
I have 13 portals I have to open them inside of churches and stuff for AMY

Excuse me, what?
Sisyphus said:
What do we Do if We reach Advanced Practices Like Pyromancy Telekensis or shapeshifting until its to the point where it can Distrupt Order in the Western World collective consciousness. Should we come out of the Dark? maybe use it for Recruiting/Finacial Gain or would the enemy already have ideas put in place just in case if some situations happened? Would Satan wish for us to Spread this Knowledge or would it needed to be kept in a controlled environment like a Coven of course.

The best reply was by Shael. Ignore the attempts by others to get you to show off.

WEASZX said:
Thank you for the reply.
Jewish magick seems to specialize against demonic energy, at least from what Ive seen. Everything else appears to be a request to the angels. I could be totally wrong here, but again from what Ive personally seen this holds true. I saved their sigil so that I could study it, if you wish I could show you it but there are things you should know about it first. If you are indeed interested, Id be happy to have your opinion regarding it.


"We don't fucking live in supernatural. This is real life, not a tv show."

What's your problem? I haven't even watched that show and I dont intend to.

"There aren't "witch hunters" who "use sigils to seal off demonic energy". As for your idea on "professional orginzations" you quite literally mentioned the jewish menace we are facing."

This seems contradictive to me. Isnt it agreed upon that the demons were neutralized in some way by the jews and then Maxine and others helped free them?

You know, thousands of years of controlling spiritual knowledge and prosecuting anyone who has access to it? Ever heard of the inquisition?

Again, this isnt an argument against what I said. Im agreeing with you?

You aren't living in a tv show. Work on deprogramming and study. "

Im an occultist of 9 years. I dont (and dont claim to) have any credibility here, but I can show you proof of what Im talking about. Vigilante groups are working against satanism as a whole, but Im not sure if the ones Im aware of are targetting the JOS. Id assume they are.

These are stressful times, but we need to have a level head at least with each other.

The demons are literally gods, you think some jew can stop a god? What actually happened from "freeing" the demons was getting rid of blocks on the astral that stopped them from communicating with us. Imagine a phone line, the sigil is like their phone number, what the jew did was put interference on this line making communication difficult. The gods are far beyond being binded by the enemy.

If witch hunters actually existed a lot of us here would be hunted down and executed. But they do not exist and is only a delusion you are repeating from whatever paranoid source you heard it from. Stop spreading disinformation to look educated and advanced.

Larissa666 said:
Sledgehammer666 said:
I have 13 portals I have to open them inside of churches and stuff for AMY

Excuse me, what?
Don't listen to this fool he advocates frying your brain on drugs as this will "break the veil" when in reality he has advanced psychosis from repeated drug abuse.
Sledgehammer666 said:
Larissa666 said:
Sledgehammer666 said:
I have 13 portals I have to open them inside of churches and stuff for AMY

Excuse me, what?[/quote. I have created 3 physical objects That open portals if by my will I wish them to be opened

Please do not open a portal in the astral to anything. You serious? This could be a major problem to you and possibly others around you too. Only some enemy entities or something that lacks any kind of foothold in this dimension or is blocked from coming here by some barrier would need something like this. Not our Gods. Whatever your doing your going to regret if your being serious. Our site doesn't talk about this kind of thing or do this with anything.
What sludgehammer666 said is possible, but dangerous as hell and definitely isn't something the Demons need. As far as Im concerned, he's an enemy intentionally or not. Humanity has enough problems as it is already, without having to deal with even more dimensional invaders.

For people who say that witch hunting isnt a thing or that the jews aren't capable of neutralizing demonic energy, I **literally** have proof Im willing to share, but the sigil is nasty shit and I wouldn't want to share it here as its very reactive. Tell me youd like to see it and Ill show it. Dismissing my information without wanting to look into it is just silly.

The witch hunt is real, otherwise why wouldn't powerful people who are dangerous to society be more open about it? There's a link to jos that talks about how dangerous that can be even.

Silence is Golden is satanic adage and siddhis are not developed for the desire to impress anyone ... it’s personal empowerment
ModernMage said:
WEASZX said:

The demons are literally gods, you think some jew can stop a god? What actually happened from "freeing" the demons was getting rid of blocks on the astral that stopped them from communicating with us. Imagine a phone line, the sigil is like their phone number, what the jew did was put interference on this line making communication difficult. The gods are far beyond being binded by the enemy.

How can I know if I have powers and can anyone develop magical abilities?
Also, how can we free demons?
As soon as you make it aware to the enemy of your spiritual gifts. They will come after you and use force. They will kick your arse to the point of insanity. Interrogate you to find out what it is you have. Soon as they are happy that you are fucked enough to continue. You will be summoned to court. Court ordered to take drugs and antidepressants that will destroy your spiritual gifts. Once they are satisfied they will send you to a mental institute. And from there you will rot. You will never be the same again.
WEASZX said:
What sludgehammer666 said is possible, but dangerous as hell and definitely isn't something the Demons need. As far as Im concerned, he's an enemy intentionally or not. Humanity has enough problems as it is already, without having to deal with even more dimensional invaders.

For people who say that witch hunting isnt a thing or that the jews aren't capable of neutralizing demonic energy, I **literally** have proof Im willing to share, but the sigil is nasty shit and I wouldn't want to share it here as its very reactive. Tell me youd like to see it and Ill show it. Dismissing my information without wanting to look into it is just silly.

The witch hunt is real, otherwise why wouldn't powerful people who are dangerous to society be more open about it? There's a link to jos that talks about how dangerous that can be even.


"Witch hunts" ARE a real thing. Be it namely in middle ages, or now with crazy people like muslims coming after us. But i don't think no one is a "specialized witch hunter". Like if there's a person like that, i wouldn't be afraid. My only thought would be "Who hurt you?".

If you have a proof then show it. Most of the people here expect few begginers are SS that works with their all for a goal. We can use AoP, cleanse and we have our guardian demons if that so called "SO POWERFUL SIGIL" is really any harm, then we can more or less protect ourselves. Just show your proof. Not some random sigil but proof with explanation.

Even if you are close to the level of Magnum Opus, you are still a human. You can't fight against an army of soldiers like some superhero movie. Let's say a powerful person with strong sidhis exposes himself and showed his powers middle of the street like a madman. If we are in the America, a lot of police force in the first few minutes then after some time military will probably get involved. No jew in their right mind would try to negotiate. They will say "Kill or capture. If you can capture him, turn him to a vegetable." This is weird scenario has turned into a film basically but you got the point.

No matter how strong you are you can't protect yourself from an army equipped head to toe. This isn't a fantasy book. Exposing who you are to public at large is basically having a deathwish.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
