Social Darwinism is also closely connected to immigration and free trade advocacy. The flabby Jewish warmonger Bill Kristol (who looks like he's never worked a day in his life and was born to a rich Jewish neocon/Trotskyite) stated on video that the White working class should be replaced by immigrants because of capitalism. They tell people that, if you have a sense of dignity and pride and you don't want to work yourself to death, you're lazy and should be replaced.
Another article (I think in National Review) said that White working class communities deserve to be replaced for similar reasons. The National Review neocons got mad that White families don't want to spend their whole lives working themselves to death, dying in wars, or praying in church, and threw a tantrum calling for our extinction.
While the Jews take care of their own and put aside money for Jews to retire, raise children, and go on vacation, they tell Whites that we should be cutthroat, self-centered capitalists. This in itself is an argument for the cooperative nature of evolution.