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Re: Technically Agnostic, Seeking Truth

Murillo Soares

New member
Mar 8, 2012
im new to satanism and am also an ex-faketian(disgusting). I began my path earlier this month, First thing I would do is read the entire JOS site and understand our beliefs. You need to know things like who is ENKI, what is the meaning of the serpent, the peacock, how meditation works and also of course our rituals and magick. If your serious about this path which is most certain the correct one, do the dedication to Satan before attempting anything else even before power meditation since this can also bring unwanted energies which you may not know how to deal with. After the dedicartion I GURANTEE you will feel an immediate relief overall.

Am going to give you a testimony I personally experienced yesterday.

On monday of this week I began openinig my third eye, not sure if it was working I continued with the process for the correct number of days. Yesterday was my last day I was in rage due to my ex but did not let this stop me from completing my process, After completing my meditation for the third eye I decided to summon a god of hell for the third time this month (previous times it wasnt clear if it worked or not) I was actually taken by awww when my body began twitching and my voice changed explaining to me what I should do. This was my first real contact following this I meditated a bit more and clearly saw satan hugging me as if I were his child and comforting my heart and soul I cried for around 10 mins (I've only really cried when my grandmother died just so you can get an idea) He then told me light a candle when I did A HUUUGGGEEEE peacock appeared with the brightest eyes ive ever seen. The peacock is a very important symbol in satanism it
represents the third eye! this is no bullshit or gimmick i entered satanism for help and it definetly has helped me alot!

Hope i've helped some, here our brothers and sisters are very helpful any questions you have will be answered.

On Wed, 3/19/14, dragomeir@... <dragomeir@... wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Technically Agnostic, Seeking Truth
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Wednesday, March 19, 2014, 3:05 PM


Hello Spiritual Satanists of the Joy of Satan
group. My name is Jeff. I am an ex-christian, and
technically consider myself agnostic at the moment. I have
been searching for spiritual truth for a long time. This
journey has led me through many, many beliefs, ideologies,
and ultimately has led me to the JoS website.

Admittedly, this is my first encounter with anything
relating to Satanism. I must be honest and tell you that the
vast majority of the research and inquiry I have done has
been into the histories of the more accepted world religions
(Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, etc.), and also
ancient religions (Goddess religion, mystery religion,
Shamanism, Egyptian esoteric symbolism, etc.). Discovering
the JoS site has been quite illuminating for me. You see,
when I stripped myself of my Christian faith, I had
simultaneously (and unknowingly, subconsciously) denied and
rejected belief systems that seemed to entangle themselves
with Christianity, as I believed they were a response and
oppositional rebellion against it.

In other words, when I walked away from Christianity, I also
walked away from the notions of Satanism, the occult, and
especially Wicca (which I understand this community dejects
and does not associate itself with, but at the time I saw
all of these things as being one in the same). To me, these
notions were just as much preposterous as Christianity was,
as they seemed to be just as illogical and without evidence
and appeared to exist only as opposition to Christianity.

Now I am aware of the fact that I was not only wrong, but
immensely wrong. I have read nearly every page on the JoS
site...and I have to say I am shocked at how wrong I was
before in my assumptions about what Satanism is, or could
be. Although I had never been directly taught about Satanism
by the religious institutions I used to subscribe to, my
subconscious mind had built an image of human sacrifice,
torture, witchcraft for destructive purposes, and general
"evil." After reading about Spiritual Satanism,
and the claims on the JoS site about the origin of mankind,
who Satan REALLY is, and the like...well...I don't even
know where to go from here.

Throughout my life I have felt that extraterrestrials were
real, though I haven't ever encountered one (as far as I
remember/know). My research has taken me to points of great
mystery in our own history, and I have found the evidence of
extraterrestrial influence in our historical development to
be profound and compelling. To be honest, the research and
inquiry I have trudged through in the past 8 years or so is
a jumbled mess of half-truths and unresolved questions. The
arguments made by the JoS site tie my research together in a
succinct bow, almost like it is the puzzle piece I am
missing that explains the histories of world religions, the
existence and preservation of organizations like the
Illuminati and Freemasons, and certain anomalies in physics,
especially quantum physics (i.e. the biofield, quantum
nonlocality, etc.).

However, in this revelation, a plethora of new questions
have arisen that I can't answer. I want desperately to
believe what is revealed by the JoS site, and HP
Maxine's teachings, as it calls to me in a very enticing
way. But I have concerns and questions that I am afraid to
voice in this community...because ultimately, while I am
swayed and believe very strongly that the teachings offered
here are the most truth I've heard in a long time, I
cannot throw myself into this without answering questions. I
am afraid to voice my concerns and questions because I
don't know this community like I know other religious
communities...and other communities would find the hard
questions to be offensive, and some would even threaten to
harm me. If occult power is real, and Spiritual Satanism is
the ultimate manifestation of this power, then the last
thing I want to do is piss off a group of people who wield
that power.

I seek truth. I want to know the truth and ally myself with
the correct path. I have always believed humanity was
destined for evolution, and that we are living in a world
full of lies which distract from our true evolutionary
potential - that the maladies of this world can be
eliminated, suffering can be stopped, and that once we
surpass these distractions we can meet our true destiny in
space travel and colonizing other galaxies/potentially
joining an intergalactic community. However in the past I
believed science was the best answer, and that science would
one day prove that spirituality and psychic phenomena are
not metaphysical anomalies but rather they are explainable
and replicable by quantum physics (and the next evolution of
that field of study).

The idea that spirituality and science are two sides of the
same coin are not foreign to me...I started arguing this
mentality when I was still a Christian but believed in
evolution and its power. I argued quite often to my
Christian friends that evolution was our understanding and
examination of creation from the physical sense, but that it
did not negate the metaphysical truth of creationism. But I
lost this mentality when I fully departed my religion and
aligned myself with a truly scientific worldview.

I am at the precipice of a new understanding of life,
reality, quantum physics, and spirituality. But to take the
next step I need answers to questions that may be considered
offensive to Spiritual Satanists. I do not want to
offend....but I need to seek truth.... It would be amazing
if I could have coffee with someone like HP Maxine, to ask
questions and seek answers. Obviously this is not doable at
this time. But if there is someone who is knowledgeable
about these subject matters, I would appreciate the
opportunity to discuss them without limitations.

Thanks everyone for listening. I appreciate it.
You can ask any questions you please here. We do not find it offensive that you seek knowledge. As long as you are honest with yourself and with Satan the there is nothing to fear. Hail Satan!!!! 666

On Saturday, 22 March 2014, 11:30, Murillo Soares <rillosoares954@... wrote:
  im new to satanism and am also an ex-faketian(disgusting). I began my path earlier this month, First thing I would do is read the entire JOS site and understand our beliefs. You need to know things like who is ENKI, what is the meaning of the serpent, the peacock, how meditation works and also of course our rituals and magick. If your serious about this path which is most certain the correct one, do the dedication to Satan before attempting anything else even before power meditation since this can also bring unwanted energies which you may not know how to deal with. After the dedicartion I GURANTEE you will feel an immediate relief overall.

Am going to give you a testimony I personally experienced yesterday.

On monday of this week I began openinig my third eye, not sure if it was working I continued with the process for the correct number of days. Yesterday was my last day I was in rage due to my ex but did not let this stop me from completing my process, After completing my meditation for the third eye I decided to summon a god of hell for the third time this month (previous times it wasnt clear if it worked or not) I was actually taken by awww when my body began twitching and my voice changed explaining to me what I should do. This was my first real contact following this I meditated a bit more and clearly saw satan hugging me as if I were his child and comforting my heart and soul I cried for around 10 mins (I've only really cried when my grandmother died just so you can get an idea) He then told me light a candle when I did A HUUUGGGEEEE peacock appeared with the brightest eyes ive ever seen. The peacock is a very important symbol in satanism it
represents the third eye! this is no bullshit or gimmick i entered satanism for help and it definetly has helped me alot!

Hope i've helped some, here our brothers and sisters are very helpful any questions you have will be answered.

On Wed, 3/19/14, dragomeir@... <dragomeir@... wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Technically Agnostic, Seeking Truth
To: [email protected]
Date: Wednesday, March 19, 2014, 3:05 PM


Hello Spiritual Satanists of the Joy of Satan
group. My name is Jeff. I am an ex-christian, and
technically consider myself agnostic at the moment. I have
been searching for spiritual truth for a long time. This
journey has led me through many, many beliefs, ideologies,
and ultimately has led me to the JoS website.

Admittedly, this is my first encounter with anything
relating to Satanism. I must be honest and tell you that the
vast majority of the research and inquiry I have done has
been into the histories of the more accepted world religions
(Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, etc.), and also
ancient religions (Goddess religion, mystery religion,
Shamanism, Egyptian esoteric symbolism, etc.). Discovering
the JoS site has been quite illuminating for me. You see,
when I stripped myself of my Christian faith, I had
simultaneously (and unknowingly, subconsciously) denied and
rejected belief systems that seemed to entangle themselves
with Christianity, as I believed they were a response and
oppositional rebellion against it.

In other words, when I walked away from Christianity, I also
walked away from the notions of Satanism, the occult, and
especially Wicca (which I understand this community dejects
and does not associate itself with, but at the time I saw
all of these things as being one in the same). To me, these
notions were just as much preposterous as Christianity was,
as they seemed to be just as illogical and without evidence
and appeared to exist only as opposition to Christianity.

Now I am aware of the fact that I was not only wrong, but
immensely wrong. I have read nearly every page on the JoS
site...and I have to say I am shocked at how wrong I was
before in my assumptions about what Satanism is, or could
be. Although I had never been directly taught about Satanism
by the religious institutions I used to subscribe to, my
subconscious mind had built an image of human sacrifice,
torture, witchcraft for destructive purposes, and general
"evil." After reading about Spiritual Satanism,
and the claims on the JoS site about the origin of mankind,
who Satan REALLY is, and the like...well...I don't even
know where to go from here.

Throughout my life I have felt that extraterrestrials were
real, though I haven't ever encountered one (as far as I
remember/know). My research has taken me to points of great
mystery in our own history, and I have found the evidence of
extraterrestrial influence in our historical development to
be profound and compelling. To be honest, the research and
inquiry I have trudged through in the past 8 years or so is
a jumbled mess of half-truths and unresolved questions. The
arguments made by the JoS site tie my research together in a
succinct bow, almost like it is the puzzle piece I am
missing that explains the histories of world religions, the
existence and preservation of organizations like the
Illuminati and Freemasons, and certain anomalies in physics,
especially quantum physics (i.e. the biofield, quantum
nonlocality, etc.).

However, in this revelation, a plethora of new questions
have arisen that I can't answer. I want desperately to
believe what is revealed by the JoS site, and HP
Maxine's teachings, as it calls to me in a very enticing
way. But I have concerns and questions that I am afraid to
voice in this community...because ultimately, while I am
swayed and believe very strongly that the teachings offered
here are the most truth I've heard in a long time, I
cannot throw myself into this without answering questions. I
am afraid to voice my concerns and questions because I
don't know this community like I know other religious
communities...and other communities would find the hard
questions to be offensive, and some would even threaten to
harm me. If occult power is real, and Spiritual Satanism is
the ultimate manifestation of this power, then the last
thing I want to do is piss off a group of people who wield
that power.

I seek truth. I want to know the truth and ally myself with
the correct path. I have always believed humanity was
destined for evolution, and that we are living in a world
full of lies which distract from our true evolutionary
potential - that the maladies of this world can be
eliminated, suffering can be stopped, and that once we
surpass these distractions we can meet our true destiny in
space travel and colonizing other galaxies/potentially
joining an intergalactic community. However in the past I
believed science was the best answer, and that science would
one day prove that spirituality and psychic phenomena are
not metaphysical anomalies but rather they are explainable
and replicable by quantum physics (and the next evolution of
that field of study).

The idea that spirituality and science are two sides of the
same coin are not foreign to me...I started arguing this
mentality when I was still a Christian but believed in
evolution and its power. I argued quite often to my
Christian friends that evolution was our understanding and
examination of creation from the physical sense, but that it
did not negate the metaphysical truth of creationism. But I
lost this mentality when I fully departed my religion and
aligned myself with a truly scientific worldview.

I am at the precipice of a new understanding of life,
reality, quantum physics, and spirituality. But to take the
next step I need answers to questions that may be considered
offensive to Spiritual Satanists. I do not want to
offend....but I need to seek truth.... It would be amazing
if I could have coffee with someone like HP Maxine, to ask
questions and seek answers. Obviously this is not doable at
this time. But if there is someone who is knowledgeable
about these subject matters, I would appreciate the
opportunity to discuss them without limitations.

Thanks everyone for listening. I appreciate it.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
