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Re: "Sacrifice"

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
So, how do we REALLY know? The Jews control 96% of the media. This is a proven fact. Being the prolific liars they are, and the ugly fact that they've rewritten history, (they put truths within a book, then embed lies). Psychologically, this works both subliminally and consciously, as the student reads truths and then believes the lies as the truths break down any resistance in the mind...skepticism.

The Jew also explains certain things, especially in regards to advancing their agenda, in a certain way to encourage tolerance for whatever they intend to promote, like communism. They push tolerance... Suicidal tolerance, but certain things like racial awareness, and such, they start screaming "HATE" and that's where their liberalism and tolerance goes right out the window. Revealed for what these tactics truly are...mind manipulation, programming, and indoctrination.

Jews take over the governments, the legal systems, all education, the media, the medical and many more vitally important areas in the countries they infest.
BUT, what key area is even MORE IMPORTANT?? RELIGION.

They have taken control of the religion, the occult, the spiritual to an extreme over the past 2,000 years. Their "Year Zero." They've hijacked everything. Think they don't LIE?

The spiritual precedes the material, and they know this. Their kabbalah reveals how they do this.

Everything their so-called "God" is and does in the bible, they blame on Satan. This acts both to confuse and to distract. Satan never murdered anyone. Nor did he ever order any humans to murder anyone. Nor did he ever lie. He never denied anyone any knowledge, nor did he ever torment humanity.

Like the Jew written text books and such, people are deluded into assuming major newspapers, news outlets and related, just because they are high profile and have been around for decades, that they are trustworthy. All of these are owned and controlled by Jews.

So... Go figure on the human blood sacrifice crap. IMO, this is just more lies.

Their fucking Torah (which is the first five books of the Old Testament), has entire books devoted to instructions on how to butcher, torture, where to put the blood and other ugly details, like in Deuteronomy and Leviticus... How to carry out living blood sacrifices.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


Yii Pipur wrote:

Today at 6:39 AM

Hello everyone. This is my response to a video on youtube documenting the ancient temples of Astaroth on Malta Island, where they claim human blood sacrifices was made for our Beloved Astaroth. Also, these civilisations (like others around the world) at one point in history suddenly "disappeared without a trace";

"They ask how can a civilisation just up and vanish... but they come across, how many skeletons did you say? They claim them to have been ritualistic sacrifices? I highly doubt they were! To me it looks as if they were massacred.... The diety you showed is the Godess of fertility known by many names like Astaroth for one. We celebrate Easter in Her name. Why would a Godess that represents birth/fertility/love demand death through sacrifice? This is just another example of how they demonised our Gods. Paganism predates christianity by thousands of years as evidently shown in this video. 

This is where they stole the 'virgin mary' from. They murder people and stack the bodies in a underground room then pesto! You have another 'blood thirsty', 'evil pagan' ritual site. Spiritual Satanism is restoration of our original religions, look it up. Paganism never revolved around death, death in Paganism is allegorical in which the individual is reborn and awakened by the Serpentine Energy known as the Kundalini. The Serpent talked about in this video is that very same energy which is attained through spiritual dedication, this is the real sacrifice. You sacrifice your time not your life. The Gods aren't interested in that. 

The only one as far as I know that demand living blood sacrifice is the one (god) of the bible and the quran... and that can be proven because it's on black and white in their own 'holy' books."

So if they claim "ritual sacrifice" just know at some point in our altered history there was a worldwide inquisition. How can I prove this? Well that man written pieces of shit known as the bible and quran is full of nasty references ofcourse;

"Quran 9:5 Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them, and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."

"Deuteronomy 13:7-12 If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or your intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. Your hand shall be the first raised to slay him; the rest of the people shall join in with you. You shall stone him to death, because he sought to lead you astray from the Lord, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. And all Israel, hearing of this, shall fear and never do such evil as this in your midst."

The bible and quran is FULL of proof. Pisslam and xian fanatics like to point to those books for historical refrence, so there you go, more proof of how "good" the "allah" and the "jesus" is. So what happend to the ancient civilisations is no longer a big fucking "mystery".

I don't know how others feel about engaging in online warfare. But if you do, then don't give out any information of yourself. Always use a pseudo name and never have pictures of yourself or personal information online. Be safe. Every drop fills the bucket. HAIL SATAN!
Hello everyone. This is my response to a video on youtube documenting the ancient temples of Astaroth on Malta Island, where they claim human blood sacrifices was made for our Beloved Astaroth. Also, these civilisations (like others around the world) at one point in history suddenly "disappeared without a trace";
"They ask how can a civilisation just up and vanish... but they come across, how many skeletons did you say? They claim them to have been ritualistic sacrifices? I highly doubt they were! To me it looks as if they were massacred.... The diety you showed is the Godess of fertility known by many names like Astaroth for one. We celebrate Easter in Her name. Why would a Godess that represents birth/fertility/love demand death through sacrifice? This is just another example of how they demonised our Gods. Paganism predates christianity by thousands of years as evidently shown in this video. 
This is where they stole the 'virgin mary' from. They murder people and stack the bodies in a underground room then pesto! You have another 'blood thirsty', 'evil pagan' ritual site. Spiritual Satanism is restoration of our original religions, look it up. Paganism never revolved around death, death in Paganism is allegorical in which the individual is reborn and awakened by the Serpentine Energy known as the Kundalini. The Serpent talked about in this video is that very same energy which is attained through spiritual dedication, this is the real sacrifice. You sacrifice your time not your life. The Gods aren't interested in that. 

The only one as far as I know that demand living blood sacrifice is the one (god) of the bible and the quran... and that can be proven because it's on black and white in their own 'holy' books."

So if they claim "ritual sacrifice" just know at some point in our altered history there was a worldwide inquisition. How can I prove this? Well that man written pieces of shit known as the bible and quran is full of nasty references ofcourse;

"Quran 9:5 Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them, and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."
"Deuteronomy 13:7-12 If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or your intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. Your hand shall be the first raised to slay him; the rest of the people shall join in with you. You shall stone him to death, because he sought to lead you astray from the Lord, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. And all Israel, hearing of this, shall fear and never do such evil as this in your midst."

The bible and quran is FULL of proof. Pisslam and xian fanatics like to point to those books for historical refrence, so there you go, more proof of how "good" the "allah" and the "jesus" is. So what happend to the ancient civilisations is no longer a big fucking "mystery".

I don't know how others feel about engaging in online warfare. But if you do, then don't give out any information of yourself. Always use a pseudo name and never have pictures of yourself or personal information online. Be safe. Every drop fills the bucket. HAIL SATAN!

Hello everyone. This is my response to a video on youtube documenting the ancient temples of Astaroth on Malta Island, where they claim human blood sacrifices was made for our Beloved Astaroth. Also, these civilisations (like others around the world) at one point in history suddenly "disappeared without a trace";
"They ask how can a civilisation just up and vanish... but they come across, how many skeletons did you say? They claim them to have been ritualistic sacrifices? I highly doubt they were! To me it looks as if they were massacred.... The diety you showed is the Godess of fertility known by many names like Astaroth for one. We celebrate Easter in Her name. Why would a Godess that represents birth/fertility/love demand death through sacrifice? This is just another example of how they demonised our Gods. Paganism predates christianity by thousands of years as evidently shown in this video. 
This is where they stole the 'virgin mary' from. They murder people and stack the bodies in a underground room then pesto! You have another 'blood thirsty', 'evil pagan' ritual site. Spiritual Satanism is restoration of our original religions, look it up. Paganism never revolved around death, death in Paganism is allegorical in which the individual is reborn and awakened by the Serpentine Energy known as the Kundalini. The Serpent talked about in this video is that very same energy which is attained through spiritual dedication, this is the real sacrifice. You sacrifice your time not your life. The Gods aren't interested in that. 

The only one as far as I know that demand living blood sacrifice is the one (god) of the bible and the quran... and that can be proven because it's on black and white in their own 'holy' books."

So if they claim "ritual sacrifice" just know at some point in our altered history there was a worldwide inquisition. How can I prove this? Well that man written pieces of shit known as the bible and quran is full of nasty references ofcourse;

"Quran 9:5 Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them, and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."
"Deuteronomy 13:7-12 If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or your intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. Your hand shall be the first raised to slay him; the rest of the people shall join in with you. You shall stone him to death, because he sought to lead you astray from the Lord, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. And all Israel, hearing of this, shall fear and never do such evil as this in your midst."

The bible and quran is FULL of proof. Pisslam and xian fanatics like to point to those books for historical refrence, so there you go, more proof of how "good" the "allah" and the "jesus" is. So what happend to the ancient civilisations is no longer a big fucking "mystery".

I don't know how others feel about engaging in online warfare. But if you do, then don't give out any information of yourself. Always use a pseudo name and never have pictures of yourself or personal information online. Be safe. Every drop fills the bucket. HAIL SATAN!
Hello everyone. This is my response to a video on youtube documenting the ancient temples of Astaroth on Malta Island, where they claim human blood sacrifices was made for our Beloved Astaroth. Also, these civilisations (like others around the world) at one point in history suddenly "disappeared without a trace";
"They ask how can a civilisation just up and vanish... but they come across, how many skeletons did you say? They claim them to have been ritualistic sacrifices? I highly doubt they were! To me it looks as if they were massacred.... The diety you showed is the Godess of fertility known by many names like Astaroth for one. We celebrate Easter in Her name. Why would a Godess that represents birth/fertility/love demand death through sacrifice? This is just another example of how they demonised our Gods. Paganism predates christianity by thousands of years as evidently shown in this video. 
This is where they stole the 'virgin mary' from. They murder people and stack the bodies in a underground room then pesto! You have another 'blood thirsty', 'evil pagan' ritual site. Spiritual Satanism is restoration of our original religions, look it up. Paganism never revolved around death, death in Paganism is allegorical in which the individual is reborn and awakened by the Serpentine Energy known as the Kundalini. The Serpent talked about in this video is that very same energy which is attained through spiritual dedication, this is the real sacrifice. You sacrifice your time not your life. The Gods aren't interested in that. 

The only one as far as I know that demand living blood sacrifice is the one (god) of the bible and the quran... and that can be proven because it's on black and white in their own 'holy' books."

So if they claim "ritual sacrifice" just know at some point in our altered history there was a worldwide inquisition. How can I prove this? Well that man written pieces of shit known as the bible and quran is full of nasty references ofcourse;

"Quran 9:5 Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them, and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."
"Deuteronomy 13:7-12 If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or your intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. Your hand shall be the first raised to slay him; the rest of the people shall join in with you. You shall stone him to death, because he sought to lead you astray from the Lord, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. And all Israel, hearing of this, shall fear and never do such evil as this in your midst."

The bible and quran is FULL of proof. Pisslam and xian fanatics like to point to those books for historical refrence, so there you go, more proof of how "good" the "allah" and the "jesus" is. So what happend to the ancient civilisations is no longer a big fucking "mystery".

I don't know how others feel about engaging in online warfare. But if you do, then don't give out any information of yourself. Always use a pseudo name and never have pictures of yourself or personal information online. Be safe. Every drop fills the bucket. HAIL SATAN!
This iw why i said that we the satanist have to take control over the money, the action is part of the process, i think that the manifestation work in this order
thoughs   feelins actions results,  the action is the bridge  betwen inner realm and phisyc word, only good thoughs are not enough,  i am a professional in bussines  i have the knowledge and know that i cvan be super usefull to our God, but i need the money, we need the money to to take control over the media and we spread the truth about our God, if this people have this porcentual amount of control in the media, we dont have in the material world much posibilities, only in the inner world, but inj the physic word we are very bad, we have to take physiq actions to make palpable the satanic power, i am fighting my war to be multimillionaire and make action to get results

Hail BiuneHail Satan
Maybe smaller font, eh? I'm sure this would have been more legible...


---In [email protected], <itherichman@... wrote :

This iw why i said that we the satanist have to take control over the money, the action is part of the process, i think that the manifestation work in this order
thoughs   feelins actions results,  the action is the bridge  betwen inner realm and phisyc word, only good thoughs are not enough,  i am a professional in bussines  i have the knowledge and know that i cvan be super usefull to our God, but i need the money, we need the money to to take control over the media and we spread the truth about our God, if this people have this porcentual amount of control in the media, we dont have in the material world much posibilities, only in the inner world, but inj the physic word we are very bad, we have to take physiq actions to make palpable the satanic power, i am fighting my war to be multimillionaire and make action to get results

Hail BiuneHail Satan
But we can see that the kikes are falling off their spot of the triangle since our RTR's are making them cry. 
This is related:Here's a song in Filipino that has something to do with the (((Kikes))). He sings that the (((kikes))) are on top of the (((triangle))) and that we are at the bottom just like Philippines back in the spanish era. It's one of my personal favorites, if anyone else wants to listen to this, I recommend you hear it at 1.25 speed.Bamboo - Tatsulok (Official Music Video)

<td [/IMG] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
I hope this guy is a Satanist, if he's not, then I wish he is since his songs explains that he knows what's with the world. His name is bamboo, literally. I'm kind of proud and happy that there are people in such a kike infested country who know this. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail. Get the app

On Friday, March 10, 2017 2:18 AM, "'maxine.dietrich666' maxine.dietrich666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

So, how do we REALLY know? The Jews control 96% of the media. This is a proven fact. Being the prolific liars they are, and the ugly fact that they've rewritten history, (they put truths within a book, then embed lies). Psychologically, this works both subliminally and consciously, as the student reads truths and then believes the lies as the truths break down any resistance in the mind...skepticism.

The Jew also explains certain things, especially in regards to advancing their agenda, in a certain way to encourage tolerance for whatever they intend to promote, like communism. They push tolerance... Suicidal tolerance, but certain things like racial awareness, and such, they start screaming "HATE" and that's where their liberalism and tolerance goes right out the window. Revealed for what these tactics truly are...mind manipulation, programming, and indoctrination.

Jews take over the governments, the legal systems, all education, the media, the medical and many more vitally important areas in the countries they infest.
BUT, what key area is even MORE IMPORTANT?? RELIGION.

They have taken control of the religion, the occult, the spiritual to an extreme over the past 2,000 years. Their "Year Zero." They've hijacked everything. Think they don't LIE?

The spiritual precedes the material, and they know this. Their kabbalah reveals how they do this.

Everything their so-called "God" is and does in the bible, they blame on Satan. This acts both to confuse and to distract. Satan never murdered anyone. Nor did he ever order any humans to murder anyone. Nor did he ever lie. He never denied anyone any knowledge, nor did he ever torment humanity.

Like the Jew written text books and such, people are deluded into assuming major newspapers, news outlets and related, just because they are high profile and have been around for decades, that they are trustworthy. All of these are owned and controlled by Jews.

So... Go figure on the human blood sacrifice crap. IMO, this is just more lies.

Their fucking Torah (which is the first five books of the Old Testament), has entire books devoted to instructions on how to butcher, torture, where to put the blood and other ugly details, like in Deuteronomy and Leviticus... How to carry out living blood sacrifices.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


Yii Pipur wrote:

Today at 6:39 AM

Hello everyone. This is my response to a video on youtube documenting the ancient temples of Astaroth on Malta Island, where they claim human blood sacrifices was made for our Beloved Astaroth. Also, these civilisations (like others around the world) at one point in history suddenly "disappeared without a trace";

"They ask how can a civilisation just up and vanish... but they come across, how many skeletons did you say? They claim them to have been ritualistic sacrifices? I highly doubt they were! To me it looks as if they were massacred.... The diety you showed is the Godess of fertility known by many names like Astaroth for one. We celebrate Easter in Her name. Why would a Godess that represents birth/fertility/love demand death through sacrifice? This is just another example of how they demonised our Gods. Paganism predates christianity by thousands of years as evidently shown in this video. 

This is where they stole the 'virgin mary' from. They murder people and stack the bodies in a underground room then pesto! You have another 'blood thirsty', 'evil pagan' ritual site. Spiritual Satanism is restoration of our original religions, look it up. Paganism never revolved around death, death in Paganism is allegorical in which the individual is reborn and awakened by the Serpentine Energy known as the Kundalini. The Serpent talked about in this video is that very same energy which is attained through spiritual dedication, this is the real sacrifice. You sacrifice your time not your life. The Gods aren't interested in that. 

The only one as far as I know that demand living blood sacrifice is the one (god) of the bible and the quran... and that can be proven because it's on black and white in their own 'holy' books."

So if they claim "ritual sacrifice" just know at some point in our altered history there was a worldwide inquisition. How can I prove this? Well that man written pieces of shit known as the bible and quran is full of nasty references ofcourse;

"Quran 9:5 Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them, and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."

"Deuteronomy 13:7-12 If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or your intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. Your hand shall be the first raised to slay him; the rest of the people shall join in with you. You shall stone him to death, because he sought to lead you astray from the Lord, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. And all Israel, hearing of this, shall fear and never do such evil as this in your midst."

The bible and quran is FULL of proof. Pisslam and xian fanatics like to point to those books for historical refrence, so there you go, more proof of how "good" the "allah" and the "jesus" is. So what happend to the ancient civilisations is no longer a big fucking "mystery".

I don't know how others feel about engaging in online warfare. But if you do, then don't give out any information of yourself. Always use a pseudo name and never have pictures of yourself or personal information online. Be safe. Every drop fills the bucket. HAIL SATAN!

I am the Luciferian, but I don't have money. I am trying by all
means, I think I need a kick start to start a business because I don't
get a job. Hail Satan
When I first initiated contact with the spirits of the Goetia, I was quite surprised that Baal was adamantly opposed to any type of blood sacrifice. From all of the lies in the bastardized systems of Jew magic, as well as what is portayed in the Jew controlled media, I was expecting to have to make some sort of blood offering. But the only blood our beloved God's desire is the blood that beats within, driving us ever upwards towards the heights of spiritual perfection. To see Joy of Satan elucidate the same message was such a blessing, I am eternally grateful to High Priestess Maxine Dietrich for paving the way on this path of illumination. I plan on making my dedication on April 30th, in honor of her. That is the only blood i need ever spill from my heart, and i am happy to do so in reverence to our Father Satan. Blessings to you all, may we tear down the false religions and control systems which enslave our people, and restore the enlightened paradise our Gods seek for us. So mote it be!

Hail Satan!

-Goosha Soosha
@gooshasooshaHP Maxine is truely a Great Warrior for Satan. We all admire her.
It is wonderful that you plan to honor her that way. To do your own dedication on her day. However, now that the enemy knows your plan you could be in danger. The enemy is excellent to attack the SS mainly with psychological warfare. It can be rough. Even to the point of driving one insane or to death. 
After dedication the Gods and Satan protect us. Even when we don't realize it. Also, we are assigned a Guardian Demon to advise, teach and work with us. But only after you're dedicated.
May I suggest, if you are ready now, you should do the dedication as soon as you can. HP Maxine would understand. In fact, just knowing you admire Satan and are using His website makes her happy. 
Stay strong and grow with Satan. 
Hail SatanHail Lilith

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 9:00 AM, gooshasoosha@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   When I first initiated contact with the spirits of the Goetia, I was quite surprised that Baal was adamantly opposed to any type of blood sacrifice. From all of the lies in the bastardized systems of Jew magic, as well as what is portayed in the Jew controlled media, I was expecting to have to make some sort of blood offering. But the only blood our beloved God's desire is the blood that beats within, driving us ever upwards towards the heights of spiritual perfection. To see Joy of Satan elucidate the same message was such a blessing, I am eternally grateful to High Priestess Maxine Dietrich for paving the way on this path of illumination. I plan on making my dedication on April 30th, in honor of her. That is the only blood i need ever spill from my heart, and i am happy to do so in reverence to our Father Satan. Blessings to you all, may we tear down the false religions and control systems which enslave our people, and restore the enlightened paradise our Gods seek for us. So mote it be!

Hail Satan!

-Goosha Soosha

I greatly admire your concern for a fellow SS, it shows genuine desire for advancing our cause. However, the astrological significance of Beltane goes beyond just an admiration of High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, but also connects my devotion ceremony to the current of aeons of witches and warlocks of the true craft. I have already considered this issue, and Father assures me the AoP and my daily kundalini regimen are plenty to assure safe passage until the time of my dedication rite. Once again, my appreciation for your concern.

Sat nam

-Goosha Soosha
Connects your devotion ceremony to the current of aeons of witches and warlocks,,,,,WTF planet are you on? The 'true craft'. What the bloody fuck?!? Seriously. What fucking planet are you on to try to claim this shit is somehow Satanic?!? The true craft. LOL. Wiccan shit is NOT connected to Satan. And you are not even Dedicated to Satan! I'm calling BS.
Witchcraft is what I'm referring to, not Wicca. Beltane is the Satanic New Year, and like I've said, I've already consulted with Father on this matter. Your need for superiority that's undeserved is unbecoming, and I don't see how my wording is so... as you put it, BS. You need to spend less time criticizing others, and more time meditating and growing powerful in your own life, rather than trying to put down others.

Thorodinsson, you 'consulted with Father on this matter'...ooohh....so I should be cowed and afraid. And I apparently have a need for superiority! 
Really? Actually, NO. If anything, I have a need to expose infiltrators. I won't tolerate them. 'Witchcraft' in the way it was spoken of is Wiccan. We have Satanic Black Magic. BIG difference. I notice you did not 'correct' me on the fact you are not Dedicated. So I called it true. Take your PC advice that I 'need' to spend less time criticizing others, and shove it. I'm actually not trying to 'put down' anyone who is a real SS. In fact, my wish is to help empower my Brothers and Sisters. You have NO idea of who I am to tell me I 'need' to spend more time meditating and growing powerful in my own life. Once again, I call BS.

I had no intention of offending you. My initial reaction to your criticism was defensiveness, and I'm sorry for that. Obviously that's a character flaw I need to work on.

I didn't mean to insinuate that you should be afraid. All I meant was that I have spoken directly with Father Satan about my dedication. He assured me I would be psychically protected until April 30th, and that he desired I use that date for its extreme significance to the JoS family. He protected me during a psychic attack as I was astral traveling, so I know this is true.

Also, I have no affiliation with Wicca, so what would be the proper terminology to use so a similar situation doesn't occur again? I'm not an infiltrator, I'm just new and haven't fully understood the Lexicon. I hope you accept my apology, and my sincere appreciation for the help you offered out of your own desire to further our cause.

I didn't mean to suggest you are an infiltrator. My apoligies for that. It wasn't my intent. My intent is merely to stress that if someone is trying to shut me up because I wasn't being politically 'correct' then yeah, I'll blow fire. I'm a Dragon. It is my nature to blow up and breathe fire. But when I mentioned infiltrators I actually wasn't referring to you. I didn't have any intent about you being an infiltrator when I said that because I didn't get that feeling. It is only that I won't allow guilt for hurting someones feelings to stop me from speaking what I feel is truth. Political Correctness is a poison. I won't temper my comments, even if it hurts somebodys feelings. My intention however, is not to hurt people. Rather, I want to help them. I love my fellow SS and want to help them.
Why would this protection only be till April 30th? That I don't understand. Because when we Dedicate, it is permanent. 
Hail Satan!
Terror caravas corpsaus

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Friday, March 10, 2017, 7:08 PM, Camilo Reyes itherichman@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:
  This iw why i said that we the satanist have to take control over the money, the action is part of the process, i think that the manifestation work in this order
thoughs   feelins actions results,  the action is the bridge  betwen inner realm and phisyc word, only good thoughs are not enough,  i am a professional in bussines  i have the knowledge and know that i cvan be super usefull to our God, but i need the money, we need the money to to take control over the media and we spread the truth about our God, if this people have this porcentual amount of control in the media, we dont have in the material world much posibilities, only in the inner world, but inj the physic word we are very bad, we have to take physiq actions to make palpable the satanic power, i am fighting my war to be multimillionaire and make action to get results

Hail BiuneHail Satan
Thank you. I understand. SS is serious business, and I definitely shouldn't expect you to lay down if I insult you. I really appreciate your apology, because I want to feel united with the whole JoS family. I learned something about myself through this interaction, that I'm susceptible to criticism in a negative way. I need to work on controlling my emotions, and to be more open to critique. That's how we grow and evolve and change to our maximum potential. Thank you for teaching me that.

Let me explain. Father is willing to fully protect me until my dedication, because now that I'm marching to that goal I'm particularly susceptible to attack. Once the dedication is complete, of course I am a soldier in the army of Hell with the flame of Lucifer imbued in my soul. But, I am expected to keep up a strong AoP and fend for myself to a degree, otherwise I would remain weak. I need some degree of independence, again this is how we grow. That's what I meant.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
