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RE-Read-It WEEKENDS: Looking back at Important Material [Week 5]


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2019
I know we are all very busy, and our time is very important, I tried posting this 10 hours ago but it didn't go through, my day is almost over, I will put all the articles for this days read into one post, it might look cluttered I apologize, I just cannot take up any more of my time constantly watching for when the post is approved.

I left the original link to the forums for translators, simply use wayback machine to fine the original article, ALSO I believe a few of them are on Satan's Library so check their first, using the Ctrl+F function and search the title

I found these Motivating

Here you go re read it week 5 have a nice day All Dedicated Brothers and Sisters of Satan. and lets keep up the FinalRTR!

Hail Satan and All Gods of Hell for all Eternity!

Article 1
Satanic Unity
Post Thu May 04, 2017 3:33 pm
By High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


What's a more fitting word than this to begin this?

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them."- Satan, Al Jilwah.

Now I know many people invent all sorts of fancy reasons and problems to 'isolate' themselves. Partly because of one reason or another...However this is the enemy that implies that this should be used as a false reason to completely isolate someone entirely.

This is obviously the enemy, as they basically want to corner people all the time. They will not like the fact you are a threat to them...So they try to minimize this threat by isolating Satanists. Satan, the Gods, or even you, will have no voice, no say, and no power, if his people are scattered and living in their own fantasy land alone. This is the recipe of damnation for the self and the whole accordingly.

There is a rule in nature, the rule of unity. We can see this with the enemy and their Islam and everything else. They are a cancer, eating the planet alive. Wrongly, unjustly, they don't even have common sense, logic, or any serious plan, or anything. They are a literal CANCER that lives and breathes...

But they are doing it TOGETHER and therefore, they are strong. Isolation is the most certain to drain someone down the swamp.

The human soul has 7 chakras. The "Ego" is only in the 3rd, Solar Chakra. There are other things in life. The highest forces and mightiest powers lie in unity, not in strict isolation. These people can at best, only benefit themselves. Greatest powers do not come strictly from the 'self', but from higher aspects of one's existence that deal with higher and united forces.

To do anything functional in reality, one has to band up and work by other people, and all these together, we express the power of Satan. Greatness of any 'ego' and advancement of such, is fundamentally linked to working with other beings.

One man is in the jungle, alone. They don't know crap. How 'great' are they? Maybe they have a skill for breaking coconuts, or eating bananas. What's there to glorify anyway here?

Satan shares knowledge and blessings in the group, and people who don't even bother, will not receive. This is rejection in more than one ways.

One question all people know the answer to. Just how many times one asks from help the Gods, and they guide them to a specific post, or a specific thing within the groups? This makes it easier for them to help all of you out. Otherwise, this can take a lot of time and effort for the Demons to reach someone in an environment with zero 'leads' to answer them. This is only one example...

Being around here does not imply or consist of doing things that make one uncomfortable, doesn't force association with people one doesn't want, or anything uncomfortable like this. However, it implies that one knows when the wolves are to flock and fight so to say. You do not have to like people you don't like, get along with anyone, or whatever else of that nature that may cause discomfort.

Unity does not imply taking others as your 'gods', and those idiots who try to only for their own 'self', some particular failed cases, abuse other Satanists and try to uselessly make them their 'groupies' or whatever else.

Here we understand that unity is halfway, individuality is halfway. One cannot exist without the other. We are not a mass of sheep, as sheep are dumb and useless, but wolves are also worthless if they are not working in unity, for example.

I had many people who only care about themselves, complain over why they are not receiving any help. When you make your choice to only work for YOU, and include nothing and nobody in your existence (except of course to be their parasite for personal gain, how jewish of you) from just WHO do you expect "HELP"? Aren't you working on your "own", anyway?

Those who think of this only halfway, are in for a very rude and damaging awakening. Many have taken this false route down before, and this never ends good.

Why? Because Satan's focus is to enlighten, protect, and empower his followers. This can happen only by unity on a mass level. Otherwise, say goodbye to Spiritual Satanism, and allow everything to go extinct, to name one example.

We are Satanists and it's important we are united and we stand as one. There may be some disagreements, and sometimes, incompatibilities even. This is natural, and we understand this, same as Satan understands this.

There are however some fools who refuse to work with others, because they consider themselves an isolated 'god' or something. What these people don't understand is that the "God" power can be accessesed on the mass level. Our unity here and who we are, in other words, affirms the power of Satan better than anything, let alone solitary individuals.

This does not imply friendship with mismatching or damaging individuals, or parasitic relations (as many people have serious deprogramming to do), let alone for VIPs and more advanced people to associate with people who are in the beginning stages. What it means however is co-operation, working for empowering purposes for everyone involved, and showing our power and participation, long story short.

It affirms something simple. What Satan's Will is, for his followers to be UNITED and be in the same war and in one army. This way, we are invincible, and we can never be taken down.

Lastly, for the brainless idiots (jews excluded for this is in their racial nature and they cannot help it) who call themselves "Satanists" of any "sect", but attack the biggest and most powerful bastion of Satanism, the only one that fights for Satan as a real and recognizable being, that reflects Satan Will in the most total way...

You can seriously just consider leaving behind this madness. The 'rabbinism' and all the jewish gimmick behind and finally follow Satan without jewish observation glasses. This is not Satanism. This does not advance the individual, and this does nothing but generate either atheism, or Rabbinical Judaism under a new name. Both are equally damning, and unreasonable, and will not really help a Gentile who seeks spiritual understanding and anything further than 'atheistic beliefs'.

This is not only demeaning to Satan, but this is also damning for Gentiles who go into this rut.

The jews do this purposefully to destroy people who want to follow Satan and the Pagan Gods. Let's not mention all sorts of other dangers, many of which involve destruction of the individual by stupidity espoused by these so called ((("Satanic Groups"))).

Remember, Satanism is not about 'serving' or anything like that. But Satanism is a religion of intelligence, civilized nature, and highest advancement. This cannot happen only by 'solitary' advancement, there has to be massive advancement and expressed power through focused lenses, because we have enemies to conquer if we are to exist peacefully one day.

Those "Satanists" who know nothing to do than disunite, and do anything else to Satan. Are basically following the advice of Jesus.

Matthew 12:26

25. Knowing their thoughts, Jesus said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be laid waste, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.
26. If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand?

Those who follow the path of breaking unity, and trying to parasitically damage Satanic Unity, for their own tiny 'muh feels' or anything like that, or other jewish and more sinister purposes (like jews did since time immemorial to Satan anyway), are going to invite and receive Satan's Wrath.

First of all, by isolation, these people are rendered powerless, and second off, if this phenomenon persists, the Gods decide what is to be done, which it's not in my office to conversation about. One can understand by putting one and one together.

Your individual advancement, or our advancement as a whole will never come by scattered, 'know it all' elements, and people who refuse to give back to Satan even the slightest thing he requires from his followers. Satan gives everything. The least his followers can do is actually do what he says.

Why? For our safety, empowerment, and so that we can successfully crush the enemy.

Even if you are the most selfish character of all of them, just remember, the only way to retain this 'individuality' is by banding out with others. In short, even for the most selfish pricks, it's not in their interest to play this that way. Even if your reasons are that low, still, it makes perfect sense.

Sun or lightbulb, if alone, the light can be turned out easily by parasites, enemies and black holes. It's when we come together that we are the most powerful spiritual force on the planet. Those who behave lower than animals (since all the intelligent animals in nature KNOW when it is for them to band together and fight) are on their own.

Satan, and the Gods, fight together. They are all in their level, office, and organization, and they all benefit from the mass and inconceivable power that is raised from the benefit of all. This is how real powerful individuals are born, and this is how things that nobody can ever make on their 'own' happen.

Poor are those who can't see beyond their nose, blessed and mighty those who have both a sense of self and sense of unity. This is the recipe of success.

Article 2
Post Tue Jun 27, 2017 4:56 am
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666


Many people don't really respect their time. This is something, especially teenagers and other younger people need to learn to adhere to.

It's been a few months I wanted to make some updates in Azazel's Marketplace, didn't have the time. Wanted to study about some important things, didn't have the time. It's only when we lack time that we understand it's important, and it's easy to get carried away by life. Modern life is a pure chaos, and the more responsibilities one does have, the less time.

One thing I wanted to state just in case people see my videos and they question themselves if these are work, this is not really work. This is my recreation "personal" time that is going in the videos. In other words I receive sardonic laughter everytime the enemy goes nuts and recreation by doing this. It's enjoyable. Even my recreational time involves doing something at least partly useful. This doesn't involve work, errands, spiritual work, material responsibility, then groups, forums, studying, writing, any other work required of me and so forth.

It never ends, but the key is not seeing where it 'ends' because it doesn't. But get your mind adjusted to the idea of eternal forward going instead. You can't eat only once a month, and having to eat more times is not limited or negative, it's just how it is, for example.

Anyone can do this, that is, to spend their time wisely and in a good way for them. One example is how one may have a job that lasts hours and is menial. It doesn't take much to take an earphone and listen to an audio-book if the job is something menial, for example. Or think to your own mind or even meditate. This is nothing too difficult to do. Of course so long this is allowed and you're able to do this.

Any serious Satanist needs to learn to manage their time, and not waste it on pure drivel that is only meant to dilute your energy with nothing accomplished for yourself, your spirituality or the world. If it doesn't make you grow, it more than likely makes you shrink, or at least doens't grow you. This is how you should judge the good habits from the negative ones.

People who have time and just waste it, neglect it at a later point in their existence, because they could have advanced, they could have studied, or anything else. The only thing that is important is life is time, and we also don't get money directly, we get time. Rotten as this is, this is a reality.

Time invested correctly can give you more time and benefits in the future, and of course, if you are a devoted spiritual Satanist, it can also put you BEYOND time, which is the meaning of the Magnum Opus. This is the defeat of the grim reaper which is known as time, or the wasting principle in nature. It's not really time that is evil, but the negative aspect in creation that severs things as "Time goes".

We are fighting against decay on a very basic level, and this is the teaching of Satan, to overcome it.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Article 3
Anyone Can Advance
Post Fri Mar 24, 2017 5:45 am
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666


The thing is, everyone can advance spiritually, no matter what. Even Race in that one, is not self definitive at all. Anyone, no matter who, or what they are, or what their conditions, can advance, simply because, every Gentile has Soul, Astral body and consciousness. And everyone can develop these big powers as well with loyalty and diligence, same as knowledge.

Those who are naturally more spiritual either from family or past lifetimes, will just do this relatively faster. This is not some sort of useless competition, it is, what it is. Nature is really 'for justice' when it comes to such things. However especially since Spiritual Satanism does give a giant push by raising out of the initiate a lot of very high level astral filth, everyone can advance way faster than most other people out there. Because one becomes member of a family of the Gods, so they oversee those who follow through this decision.

As I have said again. The Gods are Just. Instead of preaching false equality, that of flattening all races and all orders, and attacking life. The Gods have been Just and loving towards their creation by giving us the means to meditate. Which everyone, irrespective can utilize. Your evolution now is largely upon your hands, and solely not on the hands of 'fate', 'chance' whatever.

Even a person who is mute, blind, or has had anything else happen to them, can develop spiritual power. It really doesn't get more 'egalitarian' than that. The peasant or the billionaire can get for themselves powers equally. Any being can prove their worth, by their own admission.

Many people are scared about National Socialism. "Where do I fall in this order! Will this guy X be above me? Maybe I will be run over by others?". All of this is gibberish. Its your CHOICE where you fall into this order of life, cosmos and nature. Even if one has been given lemons, they can make lemonade, or put them in their eyes and cry like a passive aggressive victim and slave.

Ideally to escape suffering, we have correct these things, either by re-reincarnating the Soul into a more decent body, or by healing them. Advancing spiritually has few rules, and this is on the blueprint of evolution. All Gentile Races can advance, and all Gentile Races, do have in them, people who are by nature adept, or can become such.

It's honestly a matter of choice. Nature has few things to do with it. Also, if one lacks any ability, there are always other routes to advance. No matter what, one can advance. Additionally I also believe and have known for a long time, that with diligence, even if one is very 'old', can experience enlightenment to a degree.

I have known a person who was in their seventies, and did the dedication to Satan. Within a year, they have had a lot of spiritual experiences, and also, they died the following years in bliss, serenity and a smile on their face. For one time in their lives, they experienced peace and a feeling of power.

It's only a matter of choice.

Article 4

How the Third Eye Works
Post Fri Jul 07, 2017 11:44 pm
By High Priest HoodedCobra666


This is to clear up some misconceptions about the third eye and how it works.

When you do the meditations on the JoS, you are just awakening the third eye. Then you need to empower it. Gradually, you need to learn how to use it. Due to lack of knowledge and too many movies, and too many people writing books over subjects they have zero experience induced knowledge about, many people are confused on how the third eye really works. What results is unending confusion.

This leads people early on to rather imagine, than spiritual experience, and few people do this in order to try to play pretend to themselves (or others) that they are more "advanced" than they actually are.

This is not bad as a tendency on one hand because it shows one wants to advance, on the other if this is the case frequently this shows a charlatan or a liar to themselves and others, yet one has to be aware that any such experiences need logical filtering and the ability to discern truth from falsehood or like any over-extension can lead to disaster. Many people disregard this and cause this disaster to themselves and others.

Imaginations made in some way can have any truth percent in them, ranging form total flat out delusion, to partial delusion, to having somewhat real elements in them. This is normal as when one goes from blindness to understanding, one will do mistakes, the only real issues arise when people become dogmatic and the list goes, disregard the nature of such issues as 'starting gazes' so to say.

Again one, whether they like it, or accept it or not, will reap the OUTCOMES of the routes they desire to take. Maybe one can shut down one's conscience or is a very capable liar to one's self, but reality disproves people easily in itself.

The third eye is not directly connected to imagination and therefore not strictly tied to visual experience (Solely) as many expect. It's indirectly connected to it. The third eye has deeper understanding than the basic imaginative part of the mind which takes over in dreams, for example.

This is why we have so many new agers with 'open third eyes' and 'de-calcified pineal glands' and they cannot even see that the Rabbi Jesus was actually a rabbinical hoax of an imaginary rabbi, visionary and 'leader'. This is only one example.

The third eye's most important manifestation is the ability to understand better, effectively giving you better 'intelligence', but not school smart intelligence necessarily, but wisdom. You will notice the more you work on the third eye, the more wise you will become in your meditation, the more your meditations will be felt, and so forth. This is a process that takes time.

The senses may not start to begin being visual. This is why this is the 6th sense. How this works you will understand by your own person. One example is your instincts may be amplified so to say. In advanced levels we have premonitions, dreams and so forth, while on the last levels (this can take decades or more) we have total knowing and the ability to (at least in theory) get and know everything.

A correctly worked 3rd eye also allows one to enter the state of "Gnosis" and understanding. This state bleeds over to your more linear everyday awareness, making it better, gradually and bit by bit. It cannot be rushed in that case.

To reach the level of seeing the Gods and actually listening and communicating to them at 100% exactitude is harder than most people believe. Many people like to believe otherwise but if we examine this in reality, we realize there is no need for anyone to overestimate or underestimate themselves, just work like a legitimately curious and advancing person instead. It's also useless to beat one's self around the bush for this not happening, as the Gods can communicate with you in other ways which you can understand. Therefore you need to keep advancing without much worry.

The most important thing about the third eye is not that you can see fairies, this is indeed far more of an imaginative faculty. The real third eye deals with discerning truth, wisdom and understanding. Your imaginative faculty also increases and may need separate training. You many need to do visualization exercises to reap full benefits from such. People who are naturally more imaginative will have this part easier.

To completely open the third eye is not that much of an issue (it can take a few years), the issue is to learn how to use it and also to maintain it open, which requires daily work. Indeed we could place work on the third eye, however minimal (it can be a few minutes a day) on one's daily and "must-do" schedule.

To successfully open the third eye, one also needs to work on the periphery and the crown. Aside from this, one has to be patient and self-aware to notice actual changes in perception. The third eye again, deals with understanding of truth and perception more than anything else, making both senses more keen.

If one struggles to open this, this can range from many factors.

One factor is the material factor, which can be helped with a headstand, less toxic or polluted diet, diet is individual etc.

Another factor is the spiritual factor, which may need intensive cleaning and empowering, and lastly we have the mental factor, which is a mind that is either too imaginative, or too afraid to see, or too mistrusting towards the self to accept what it sees.

Either of these tendencies can be cured with training, crossing out things to find if they are IN ACTUALITY correct, and by one proceeding with an inquiring mind. You don't need to 'delude' yourself and flat out brainwash yourself to advance spiritually. A healthy open stance is good. An inquiring mind with a deeply embed knowledge that the spiritual is factual (which it is and there is no debate about such) is enough for a good foundation. Then you go from there.

For people who are harder to 'believe', just give it time and keep going. The Gods will reach you instead if you're serious. This doesn't involve coming down from a spaceship or raising the dead for you to 'believe' (this will not cross your difficult barriers anyway), but instead they will show you signs and actually work with you (which will actually cross your difficult barriers).

Therefore do not let yourself despair if you don't fall in the category of the false expectations many others have created. Just keep going and advancing and know you're opening up so to say. Take your time and of course remember, that this is not about false speed, but changing you into a different being all-together, which obviously can take time. Time is all worth it in the matter where such evolution of yourself is concerned.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Article 5
Spiritual Satanism And The People of The World
Post Tue Aug 01, 2017 9:34 pm
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666


Greetings to all our People and Satanic Comrades.

Now all of us here know the Gods more or less, and those who don't will in time, and we know where we stand. We follow the Ancient Culture that this world has deserted and forgotten, inevitably falling enslaved under those who still kept their tenets, and who right now threaten to holocaust the planet. This is not a joke.

Satan cares for humanity, but note; HUMANITY. He makes his selective picks from what is largely called 'humanity' and brings them into the fold so they can meditate, advance, and in secret understand and adhere to the Ancient laws. At the same time he keeps us together, advances us as persons, and helps us so we can save what can and should be saved by avenging the enemy.

They also help the world but they don't care to 'keep it going', especially for people who are better off being dead as they are a natural biohazard to themselves and others. There are many people who are only toxic and parasitic and this is not the nature of the cosmos. The enemy is one example of where this evil crap can go.

Do not think that Satan cares about every joe walking out there, especially the people who are against him and whatever little power they possess, they serve the enemy with it and at the same time try to kill everything Satan has created. We do what we do for a better world and more balanced and enlightened world, and our objectives aren't only 'universality' in the stupid sense, but selfish. We are also altruistic, but the Satanist must be ready for COMPLETE SPIRITUAL RETALIATION when our tenets are attacked, our people are in danger, and towards any such threats. Satanism is about balance and sometimes destruction is needed for this.

In most nations of the world we would be gladly flailed, killed and tortured. So you need to remember this when you deal with zombies outside. Most are decent on their level, but other folks would kill you for a hundred dollars and bring your head to their jewish master. In other words, SECRECY AND SAFETY ARE PARAMOUNT. Develop your war-spiritual-skills NOW and do NOT DELAY!

RTR's teach you how to curse and teach you to take on to big opponents. These are not only life-saving, but necessary training. We need to be ready as a whole to manage these larger issues and the only way to do this is by working together as no individual can do this alone. Call it Satanic Family ethics, and we must learn these one way or another.

Those who meditate, you keep your Soul alive. This guarantees that this light body will hold your existence and consciousness after your mortal body dies. This will further ensure you will reincarnate, and continue your evolution. We literally keep ourselves and our being ALIVE by what we do, and this is the law of survival of the fittest.

There are Ancient souls who have either become immortal physically (from all Gentile Races) and others who have attained this astral (This is the majority of these advanced people) and they keep existing to strive for the higher goal. The majority of humans just dies and dissipates.

The maximum amount of reincarnations of people who do nothing spiritual would only come down to 10 lifetimes for strong individuals. Something minimal has to be done. The only hope of those who do nothing is that OTHERS will sustain them. Does it look like this world does that though? They do NOT. This in the Ancient times was done by the priesthood and the initiates, but now, there is nothing organized into that scale and we only have jewish infiltrators in our tribes and countries, who do the EXACT REVERSE, which is DAMN the Souls. Frail individuals can last three or five, maybe can be held? Maybe not.

These are only rough estimates to remind you that this can't last forever for those who are lazy. Those who do not eat food, die. It's disgraceful to have food and not eat.

What I am trying to tell you, what you do is crucial. Lifetimes of consistent torture, violence, and wasting your existence, waste you on the other hand. A lifetime of meditation is a blessing unlike any other in the universe, and this is what Satan gives you. The worthy of existence must NOT PERISH! This is communism. Satanism is Elitism and the elite must survive, from all Gentile people and races.

When one applies the Ancient Wisdom of course, you develop a distance with other people. You start to see how hopelessly enslaved they are, and you start realizing how big this universe is, how important nature is, and how much power one can possess. This is a humbling experience. Spiritual Satanists are in the same spiritual school, and all Gentiles are welcome. The laws we uphold are the laws of Nature (we cannot transgress anyway) and on the other hand, we simply focus on doing what will make us stronger, more free and more advanced.

When one's spiritual eyes open, you will see readily how society is in more than one ways rotting. This is because people have lost the Ancient Teachings of Satan and the Gods. If we followed what the Ancients knew, we wouldn't be in that situation we are in now with all this ignorance. And we must not forget that this 'forgetting' didn't happen by coincidence, but by CO-ORDINATED ALIEN ATTACK.

Unfortunately life is not that easy peasy, and there are other lifeforms out there which seek the annihilation of Satan's creation. Many people are 'alive' but they are mentally and spiritually dead and annihilated, as thus, these forces have won the 'war' against them, but not you. With the advancing and wise Satanist they have lost the war. And now we are gathered to make them lose this all together.

Seeing the situation of the core races of humanity is errant. How can I put this? FUCK what they do. These people are fallen and retarded. The only real representation of the race is the BEST representation of a race. Not the worse. The baseline will unfortunately always be retarded so long jews rule this planet, as they are safer amongst retarded and bad people, so they can 'excel' racially.

Therefore racial betterment was banished from this world, because the aim is not to make Men into Gods anymore, but to make men into ever-lower cattle. If we focus on the average retard outside, we may as well quit. This is not what a lifeform which is one the path to empower itself does. You SEPARATE from these idiots, if you need to, control them, or live amongst them by keeping your elitism private.

This is not to say that you will become a sociopath, but you must never shoot yourself in the foot and assume you're equals to them. On the other hand, you must not have vain ideas about your 'superiority' and always seek to maintain this high standard, not only 'PREACH' about it. Nature kills preachers and loves doers and clever beings. And this is where you must learn to focus on YOURSELF, on your OWN advancement, on your own DEVELOPING GREATNESS and on your OWN power.

We naturally care about the world as we are on a higher level but do NOT allow these retards to poison you. Even if 100 people survive from a race, the races in a few generations repopulate, and the Gods know this, and therefore they aren't going to carry a world to save "everyone", which even after they were saved, they would ignorantly spit on their face.

Nature is unforgiving for this retardation (Stagnation), but also gives you the means to become better on the other hand (Meditation/Advancement). You decide, and this is a PRIVILEGE where and what you're going to do.



Article 6

Jewish Globalization: We Must DESTROY This
Post Sun Mar 12, 2017 2:15 am
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666


"Globalization" is nothing but an attempt of the jews, and their lackeys who they have as 'elite' (only financial elite as otherwise they are a cancer to the planet) to just expand their range of influence, all over the globe, without any opposition.

This is because well, all these jewish racketeers and parasites want to drain the blood of the whole globe. Nations, America, whole continents don't suffice. Them and their alien hive want complete dominion over all affairs, with no resistence whatsover.

From another standby. I see these communist chicks sometimes, and the beta cucks, who travel everywhere on the planet to have a taste. And talk about "Globalization" as a good thing. Little do people understand that all races and all differences will disappear, and with these, cuisines, dialects, and everything that makes the planet travel-worthy. It will be of no use to go nowhere, as the slum things will be the same everywhere. Everything in the end will be corrupted and made into the same dying rot.

Those at the top will NOT hesitate, especially with the technology they will have by then, to destroy and flatten the 'goyim' now and forever, keeping them enslaved permanently. If you want an idea, study 1984 by George Orwell.

If any jew like Stalin would be asked, their Communist dream of "Globalization", is exactly what they would love to see: the same thing the bible openly states it wants done. Contrary to the lies and propaganda, Hitler never wanted any "Globalization". Hitler wanted all Gentiles to develop their own powerful culture, by following up to a high standard. Not to "Globalize" the world. Hitler and the Europeans of the time threw themselves in the sacrifice for the expansionist communist globalization of the USSR to fail. They managed to save us and give us a chance. They ended up no different than "Satan" in history written by the enemy.

If people can move "freely" on the globe (Which will never really happen, but its just a troll argument of jews) everyone will swarm like flies into a certain place, eat out the resources, and then move to another place, until the earth has went completely destroyed. Add the fact that this will bring endless war over resources, a complete lack of order. Lack of order is not freedom. This will be death.

Out of this mass of 'equality' that teh Goyim will have and harbor, the worst morbid gangsterism will arise. It will also be impossible to maintain global order at once, unless of course, the populace is completely flattened and therefore unable to do 'evil'.

Imagine having all the people you hate, forced in your own 'house'. Nobody will own nothing anymore, however. But just to give you an idea. Everyone will be so 'equal', that you will have to allow yourself to be raped or something, to not be called a 'non equal'. Children who are born better and 'non equal' to others, will be thrown to die, because they will be threatening this 'paradise' of the jews. No, I don't make this up, its in the bible. Who knows what else one can imagine?

We can only imagine and even then, its enought to make someone want to vomit.

Globalization plus the rise of technology, will leave the elites with one result. The global average IQ in some researches, is around 85 points. This is very low, and this is a dangerously low, and soon to be, retarded level IQ. If one is below 75, one is easily fooled and can become a slave. Nobody who is a Satanist has that number, so don't worry.

It takes a potent mind to understand all that is being said here. Even if one doesn't, grasping the Truth shows that the mind is worthy and fertile. However, when masses are concerned, situation can become real grim, and is already really bad. You can see the rampant stupidity outside, especially if you meditate. These fools are walking into their death, wasting themselves, the planet, and handing us down to our enemies to die.

The enemy wants to assimilate all people who are one inch more intelligent, so that they will never be opposed. If someone is stupid, they cannot oppose anybody. The enemy wants low iq, debilitated, poverty ridden slaves, that are easy to control. Preferably really sick, really weak, and only good insofar they are to be slaves.

All the asswipes of the kikes about eradicating global poverty, and that machines will serve "Humanity" and that "Humans" will never hunger again and everyone will have a Rolls Royce, are all bullshit. Remember fellow "Goyim", we are the GOYIM- the ANIMALS, and we are NOT HUMAN in JEWISH UNDERSTANDING. All the bullshit of the jewish elite that they talk about "HUMANITY" is just codeword for the JEWS themselves. They don't give one piece of shit what the GOYIM slaves are going to do. They are JEWS, talking to JEWS. Its their racial slang.

The jews are carrying out the largest crime in the history of humanity. If this one succeeds, there will never be one bigger crime to be committed. Never, ever in the world, has a more larger scale crime been taking place. This is the largest crime a criminal could ever imagine of doing. Also, if the whole globe falls under "Globalization", then nobody will be able to free the race mixed, cultureless cattled that will be governed from Israel. Mind you, this is written in the Bible and the Quaran- this is what these low IQ cockroaches are worshipping: jews ruling the planet and them becoming cattle, like flies, swarming on top of a world filled with shit.

The end to everything. Everything by this time will be gone. Unfortunately, we are faced with this future RIGHT NOW. One would rather die in the lowest life now, knowing they safeguarded a future of the planet and themselves, rather than sit life a comfortable Goyim and let the future go. In their next stupid incarnation, these little princesses that didn't want to fight and wanted to be only in cozy-rainbow land, they will find themselves in a gulag.

And shortly, one will go extinct, because well, there will be no longer a 'race' for them to go incarnate into. They will be stuck on the astral. And sorry to disappoint, but there is no 'heaven' one will be taken into. Our existence here defines our existence in totality.

The reason I and many others of our family here are undertaking this endeavor, by placing ourselves in spiritual and otherwise dangers, and crowning ourselves with honors and pride. Is because we are envisioning a real utopian future. Where human dignity and individuality are on the highest end, and all people develop the higher culture possible that they can. On top of a healthy planet.

In fact, what Satan and the Creator Gods have created and have been working on. This is a future worth living, not that of globalism. This is a future worth fighting for, not that of the enemy, where everyone can figure out where this is ending.

As much as I hate to say this, this is the fact here. We all wish it 'were' better. But wishes at this point can only go in the sewer, unless they are followed through and worked seriously. We need to destroy the enemy and be fearless, relentless, and completely diligent. This is not a time to concern ourselves with crap that has concerned other generations of hundreds of years back, such as old time fights, old time jewish grudges, and stinging on jewish blinding mindsets until our flesh dies. We know better now.

Fight now, fight mercilessly, end spiritually the unworthy lives of the enemy, and let's flatten them all. We are on a make it or break it time: if we succeed now, Humanity will actually see a utopian future in the Age of Aquarius, but if we fail, then, Humanity will be literally destroyed and all of us, like all other humans, will be begging to never be born again.

Satan hands to everyone of you here a piece of this destiny. Doesn't matter how small you think yourself to be, how small the act, or how huge, or how big one thinks of themselves, Satan has entrusted to all of us a piece to do for the destiny of our Races, people's and this world as a whole. Everyone must do their part, and we will be victorious and successful.

A piece of the Great Flame of Satan is in your hands. No matter how small, or how big, all these sparks have to be put together to set the world ablaze, destroy the enemy, and then for the creative fire to breed a new and better world.

Just think of the thousands of years of warfare of Satan and the Gods, all those who have died not knowing the Truth, and not knowing WHY, all these victimes of wars, famines, and all those silently suffering. We have the chance to turn the tide, now and forever.

Use this chance! Even if you fall trillion times, rise infinite more. Satan will always understand, but Satan doesn't excuse permanent quitters. Satan understands our shortcomings, but the Gods don't tolerate permanent quitters. The persistent fighter will be the one that will stand, not necessarily the always victorious one.

If you feel like you fail, or feeling as if it doesn't matter, just remember what you have read here. Its a long process, its a long war, and from people like us will come a devastating change. Yes, even from these small things everyone does, and these small decisions. These will decide the outcome of this whole process.

Never must we let Satan down, or we will be damned, in ourselves, same as our world and planet.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Article 7
They Will Fear Us...
Post Mon Mar 27, 2017 8:49 am
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666


Greetings to all our People and Satanic Comrades.

Many people have yet to understand the magnitude and importance of the undertaking we have in our hands today.

Other people falsely blinded by present circumstances, others because they are historically oblivious, while others because they are in the bed with the enemy and they think their small and sorry life is so important do reject this.

If we look at history outside the mainstream, in what Ancient sites left for us speak openly, we see the Greatness of a spirit in Humanity that was very powerful, noble, and great. This spirit has not even been approached, let alone surpassed, today.

The jews and many others do happily laugh about it, boast that this is over. They play their palms against one another and smile over how none of these people don't exist anymore.

That's what they want you to think or assume. Spirituality reveals differently.

They proclaim that their religions are dead, and that their old rival races like the White people are going to go extinct. As the paranoid, scrawny villain, they shake and shout as they think their victims are done with. They believe they have successfully carried out their purpose, that of en-darkening and destroying the mass consciousness of the planet.

However at 2012, what the jews have lied about, was again, their century old lie. That of a sudden salvation that would happen by a rabbinical thoughform named "Jesus". So life, faith and finances had again to be sacrificed for this salvation. In lying about astronomical dates to keep their old lie going, they covered the Truth.

What is important about this date, is that this was the reaching of the end of the Dark Ages in the cosmic earthy cycle. Hitler, the Divine Incarnate, believed by all Pagan Cultures in different titles, came and stopped the enemy exactly at the climax of their cause, preventing them from fulfilling their purpose of finally enslaving this "foreign" planet. It's not me saying this, it their "wise" tribal men.

Now, with the rise of the Age of Aquarius, our spiritual warfare, and our people who are again rediscovering the meditative and spiritual Truth, we stand a chance to overthrow these liars and deceivers who have desecrated humanity at large. We have given to everyone the means to meditation, the knowledge, and we are lighting the way ahead.

Few people will understand the undertaking at a massive scale. All of these who were early on this ship, we didn't exactly know where this ship was going. We believed in it. And walked, no matter what, forward.

Now, we are growing into a vast army, and we know where this is going. The people who have been with Satan for many lifetimes, and these spiritual souls who have inherited sparks from the Gods, will seek them again, and will fight for them.

This is crucial and necessary if Humanity is to ascend towards a more powerful Golden age than ever before. This is our work. The end of this epoch requires a lot of cleansing and destruction in the spiritual realm. And a lot of healing and uplifting. Humanity has been ravaged, and balance has been quite overthrown. Most people can feel this all the time as they are going about their lives, even many people who are willingly ignorant.

The air of the times is blowing favorably. However, do not forget, everything can go BOTH ways. The enemy must be destroyed spiritually so that we do not experience the unfavorable circumstances that these dark alien minions want to materialize. Neither anyone should accept their leadership in any form. They bled the planet dry. Things have reached a critical point in our age now.

If the enlightened spiritual rulers were to rule, we would not have to experience all this misery as we did in the Age of Pisces. The Ancients had took measures to prepare, such as their megalithic structures.

The age of stupid wars, complete removal of spirituality, the worst and deadliest jewish programs of Judaism, Islam and Christianity, deception as the rule, damnation of history, and flattening of historical sites, this era was so negative due to the alien invasion that took place.

It was supposed to be an era of compassion...

Only the jews received this false compassion. The alien predator that wanted to destroy us, rode on this compassion and became a slave leader. Rallying people to their mass death. People in reality stopped to show compassion even to one another. Mother would fight the son, and son the father, over disagreement and non-acceptance of a jewish rabbi named jesus christ.

Helping others became to be their slave, spirituality was replaced by pills, love became nothing but an artifical statement. Spirituality to emulate drinking blood of rabbis at sunday. The jews as the rot of existence personified, tried to make this permanent and destroy everyone for pure malicious self "interest".

Anyway, remember, the tide can be used by any ship to fare. Ours or the enemy's. Its more on favor for us, as we are in alignment with the greater and benevolent forces of these times, and our Gods. But the enemy may try to hijack this.

We must fight them to the end and sink them completely. If you do not understand your bright part of this purpose, look deeper. In the seat of your Soul you will find where you really belong, and Satan's purposes. Which are nothing but sinister, evil, or dark. Darkness is light turned inside out. The darkness will become the light when the element that causes seeing light as dark to be removed. The enemy.

Those who are spiritually guilty, they will fight us and they will fear us. For the simple reason we are what they have tried to desecrate and destroy, in order to flatten everything successfully. This can never be allowed to happen.

May we all be blessed to continue to fight for the Gods and Satan, and we shall be granted victory.


Hi Hp Hooded Cobra ,i almost only trust you and Maxine therefor i only deem your posts worthy to read because i know i wont be wasting my time.I know there are people like you who post worthy information
but i doen't take chances. Is this wrong should i engage and read them? Another question,about a nature in me that i cannot change by choice.If you would maby have some time to try to understand.I feel a lack of attention from you or anyone i deem worthy but worthy in a sense of its just the way it is i cannot change who my soul chooses worthy.Its asif i am seeking to be recognised by you and want to be told well done when i did a good job or in other cases when i fucked up i deem you worthy to tell me i fucked up or how stupid for example that was of me..I want to feel grounded i guess and know for certain i am doing the right thing or a wrong thing. It feels im not part of the inner circle and i want to be.My hart chakra wants to feel you talking directly to me,as this brings me joy and a natrual increase in drive and will I suddenly would have guts to improve or whatever the case may be. I am Libra,maby that has somthing to do with this?. Its very fustrating most of the time and i let it go but it does not let go of me if you know what i am saying. Its hard i feel disconnected from the family and this effects me big time in Spiritual warfare too.
If you read this
Thank you and i hope i did not waste your time,but would love to hear from you if i did or did not.
Hi Hp Hooded Cobra ,i almost only trust you and Maxine therefor i only deem your posts worthy to read because i know i wont be wasting my time.I know there are people like you who post worthy information
but i doen't take chances. Is this wrong should i engage and read them? Another question,about a nature in me that i cannot change by choice.If you would maby have some time to try to understand.I feel a lack of attention from you or anyone i deem worthy but worthy in a sense of its just the way it is i cannot change who my soul chooses worthy.Its asif i am seeking to be recognised by you and want to be told well done when i did a good job or in other cases when i fucked up i deem you worthy to tell me i fucked up or how stupid for example that was of me..I want to feel grounded i guess and know for certain i am doing the right thing or a wrong thing. It feels im not part of the inner circle and i want to be.My hart chakra wants to feel you talking directly to me,as this brings me joy and a natrual increase in drive and will I suddenly would have guts to improve or whatever the case may be. I am Libra,maby that has somthing to do with this?. Its very fustrating most of the time and i let it go but it does not let go of me if you know what i am saying. Its hard i feel disconnected from the family and this effects me big time in Spiritual warfare too.
If you read this
Thank you and i hope i did not waste your time,but would love to hear from you if i did or did not.
chacoone said:
love taking stock, not many cattle here truly dedicated,

novembers wheres it at kids, wait till the december 4th? or just rock out november?? so many actions from november are gonna fall off a cliff. just my understanding for myself at least, wait and see if i get woken up in november.,..,.,
Wait, what?

Kike talk is intensifying.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Hi Hp Hooded Cobra ,i almost only trust you and Maxine therefor i only deem your posts worthy to read because i know i wont be wasting my time.I know there are people like you who post worthy information
but i doen't take chances. Is this wrong should i engage and read them? Another question,about a nature in me that i cannot change by choice.If you would maby have some time to try to understand.I feel a lack of attention from you or anyone i deem worthy but worthy in a sense of its just the way it is i cannot change who my soul chooses worthy.Its asif i am seeking to be recognised by you and want to be told well done when i did a good job or in other cases when i fucked up i deem you worthy to tell me i fucked up or how stupid for example that was of me..I want to feel grounded i guess and know for certain i am doing the right thing or a wrong thing. It feels im not part of the inner circle and i want to be.My hart chakra wants to feel you talking directly to me,as this brings me joy and a natrual increase in drive and will I suddenly would have guts to improve or whatever the case may be. I am Libra,maby that has somthing to do with this?. Its very fustrating most of the time and i let it go but it does not let go of me if you know what i am saying. Its hard i feel disconnected from the family and this effects me big time in Spiritual warfare too.
If you read this
Thank you and i hope i did not waste your time,but would love to hear from you if i did or did not.

First and foremost I am NOT High Priest Hoodedcobra, you should quote him in your post to be more specific. I am very much the same I really only trust High Priest Hooded Cobras posts and High Priestess Maxine Dietrich's posts, thats why majority of the posts you will see me sharing will be from these two.

However with saying that, you should read everything and learn to question everything, only then do you get the full picture and can discern whats really true. You sound as if you are afraid of reading other peoples post because you do not have the ability to discern things for yourself, this is unhealthy As for the other stuff you said and what you're trying to say, sounds really unhealthy, It's good to have role models but what you have sounds like obsessions, and "i wanna be apart of the cool kids club" and you need to fix this. You need to be in control of your mind, you sound young, and this may be the case, Don't allow your emotions and your own thoughts control you, the best way to feel grounded is to get to get to know yourself and master yourself through power meditation, open yourself up to the Gods and get to know the Demons and Satan, ask for their help, There are no mentors in Satanism, The clergy are here for support and guiding our warfare, however these things you speak of and the the rest, is up to you, you should focus on yourself and not the acceptance of others.

this whole "It feels im not part of the inner circle and i want to be" is really suspicious to be honest. I'm assuming you are not some infiltrator, from this post and your past posts, it seems like your a young kid not too sure of things yet, but let me explain, there are NO inner circles. Those who are of the Clergy, became through their extreme dedication to Satan and his work. the amount of effort High Priestess Maxine has done for the Demons and Satan can't even be described with words, and same goes with all the work High Priest HoodedCobra has done, they never thought to themselves "Oh I wanna be in the inner cirlce!" THEY just did their ABSOLUTE best for Satan and the Gods, because in their soul they knew the TRUTH of which is Satan.

this mindset you have is disgusting. you need to come to realization about this. No one here will pamper your emotions, Satanism is for the Strong, Satan gives us the ability to become strong ourselves, through hard work we can become Gods. You are suffering from delusions about these things, and no its not your heart chakra wanting this, its your psyche and you need to fix this, I am just speculating but perhaps you feel this way because you do not have a father figure in your life, this all can be conquered with affirmation and with meditation, and getting to know yourself.
SATchives said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Hi Hp Hooded Cobra ,i almost only trust you and Maxine therefor i only deem your posts worthy to read because i know i wont be wasting my time.I know there are people like you who post worthy information
but i doen't take chances. Is this wrong should i engage and read them? Another question,about a nature in me that i cannot change by choice.If you would maby have some time to try to understand.I feel a lack of attention from you or anyone i deem worthy but worthy in a sense of its just the way it is i cannot change who my soul chooses worthy.Its asif i am seeking to be recognised by you and want to be told well done when i did a good job or in other cases when i fucked up i deem you worthy to tell me i fucked up or how stupid for example that was of me..I want to feel grounded i guess and know for certain i am doing the right thing or a wrong thing. It feels im not part of the inner circle and i want to be.My hart chakra wants to feel you talking directly to me,as this brings me joy and a natrual increase in drive and will I suddenly would have guts to improve or whatever the case may be. I am Libra,maby that has somthing to do with this?. Its very fustrating most of the time and i let it go but it does not let go of me if you know what i am saying. Its hard i feel disconnected from the family and this effects me big time in Spiritual warfare too.
If you read this
Thank you and i hope i did not waste your time,but would love to hear from you if i did or did not.

First and foremost I am NOT High Priest Hoodedcobra, you should quote him in your post to be more specific. I am very much the same I really only trust High Priest Hooded Cobras posts and High Priestess Maxine Dietrich's posts, thats why majority of the posts you will see me sharing will be from these two.

However with saying that, you should read everything and learn to question everything, only then do you get the full picture and can discern whats really true. You sound as if you are afraid of reading other peoples post because you do not have the ability to discern things for yourself, this is unhealthy As for the other stuff you said and what you're trying to say, sounds really unhealthy, It's good to have role models but what you have sounds like obsessions, and "i wanna be apart of the cool kids club" and you need to fix this. You need to be in control of your mind, you sound young, and this may be the case, Don't allow your emotions and your own thoughts control you, the best way to feel grounded is to get to get to know yourself and master yourself through power meditation, open yourself up to the Gods and get to know the Demons and Satan, ask for their help, There are no mentors in Satanism, The clergy are here for support and guiding our warfare, however these things you speak of and the the rest, is up to you, you should focus on yourself and not the acceptance of others.

this whole "It feels im not part of the inner circle and i want to be" is really suspicious to be honest. I'm assuming you are not some infiltrator, from this post and your past posts, it seems like your a young kid not too sure of things yet, but let me explain, there are NO inner circles. Those who are of the Clergy, became through their extreme dedication to Satan and his work. the amount of effort High Priestess Maxine has done for the Demons and Satan can't even be described with words, and same goes with all the work High Priest HoodedCobra has done, they never thought to themselves "Oh I wanna be in the inner cirlce!" THEY just did their ABSOLUTE best for Satan and the Gods, because in their soul they knew the TRUTH of which is Satan.

this mindset you have is disgusting. you need to come to realization about this. No one here will pamper your emotions, Satanism is for the Strong, Satan gives us the ability to become strong ourselves, through hard work we can become Gods. You are suffering from delusions about these things, and no its not your heart chakra wanting this, its your psyche and you need to fix this, I am just speculating but perhaps you feel this way because you do not have a father figure in your life, this all can be conquered with affirmation and with meditation, and getting to know yourself.

Thank you

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
