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RE-Read-It WEEKENDS: Looking back at Important Material [Week 21]


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2019
Evolution, Magnum Opus, Satanic Vision.
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

As Satanists we are encouraged to meditate. This is imperative. You must devote your time to
meditation. As we can notice, there are many so called 'humanists' around. Do you think they really do
anything for Humanity with their theories and bunk? They do not. A person meditating under Satan,
really does a lot for Humanity. Earlier today, or like 30 minutes ago I had thoughts surge of my head that
I felt like I should talk about.

When you meditate, you do not only evolve yourself. You evolve the Universe and you create the life
better for anyone. This is in the Soul. The state in which nations are, or the current world, is just a
reflection of the collective soul of our species. This doesn't include, of course the jews. Which is
obviously weakened out and infested by these mutated rats. Those who have a decent spiritual
knowledge know that the Soul within, reflects the life outside. Like a body/spirit connection. Therefore
all these bullshit plaguing humanity are just bullshit we have been infested with by the jews. For every
thesis, there is an anti-thesis. The jew is the antithesis to us, they are the opposition of our evolution.
Satan placed us here to evolve and in due time become like the Gods, perfected, become an extension
of their own civilization and completely be one with them and accompany them, as they would
accopmany us to further and greater purposes that really cannot be written on about, exploiring the
universe and other more magnificent things.

The aim of our existence is to really be 'God'. Through these powers and really following our purpose,
which is to become an active creative/destructive force in the universe and all its Spheres, to create,
expand, become, evolve- this is what should we follow. This is truly being Humanitarian. By meditating
more and more, we would have more bioelectricity, and our souls would naturally draw more positive
energy from the universe. We could revitalize and protect our planet, wreck other beings that are
against our Gods and our very existence. Aside a lot of other things.

When someone advances, they may think. What if we all become Gods. What will happen then? How
things will work out? I have asked Satan about this. He just explained to me that the Ether is infinite.
Therefore anything can be created, there is enough place for destruction and enough place of creation
for everyone. One needs not to solely think physically, but in a unified manner of reality. As seeds of
Satan we're all a manifestation of the Perfection of the Universe. Your organs, your DNA, your soul and
all these are a manifestation of the universe in its most profound creation. As Humans we are so
profound because we present forces that could never be unified, in a unified manner. Life male and
female energy. Like Fire and Water put into one. Since we are this, aside a lot of other things, we are
simply miraculous. Do not let time, those who oppose our Godly purpose in Satan to win, wreck them
and destroy them. The time has come. See as our Satanic souls emerge further, we are going to draw
here the New Age of Satan. An Age of Truth and creation. Since we will be incarnations of Satan Truth,
Satan will speak, Guide, Show, Direct and Empower our fellows from Us. Each and every one of us, will
act as the hands of Satan to construct the Perfection we deserve. We will replicate our selves and fixate
ourselves in the pleasure of being a part of the Truth, in Satan's consciousness.

So do not disregard it, remember, you evolve yourself and fight for our enemies and all the shit we see
around, will be sorted in time. Like our Souls and bodies do get repaired, in the same way, we shall
repair the World from its misery. This was the most far-seeing vision of the 3rd Reich, of the Nazis and of
Adolf Hitler and our Leaders. This was the far-seeing vision of the Pharaohs, our Ancient Priests. This
was, is and will forever be everyone's vision, from past to the infinity of the Future. Become the best you
can become and further. We are the ones working for the world's betterment. Never forget this. To be a
Satanist and a Nazi, is to evole the self, the universe, magnify our purpose, be the happiest you will be,
its the joy of existence and understanding beyond words. So listen to Satan's mighty voice, because WE
are going to represent HIS perfection. WE by our existence will show in this SICK WORLD, SATAN'S

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!
*(all image links are at original post, fair warning very graphic and cruel/disturbing, I recall what the images where from my first time i read this, images might be dead, I didn't check, for this time around)

By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Satan and Lilith wanted me to do this sermon. I did hesitate given the extreme
ugliness I will be exposing here. There aren’t even any words to describe this. Some
of you already know about this and others don’t. For those of you who have no real
prior knowledge of this topic here, I strongly suggest you leave it alone. I will get to
this later on in this sermon.

Personally, I am beyond enraged. Beyond any words. Sick Jewish filth. They keep
aggressively promoting the total LIE that “Satan harms innocents.” Everything the
Jews do and are, they blame on their enemies and aggressively promote their lies.
This has worked wonders for them in the way of deceiving the populace for centuries.
If one looks to the bible, which was authored by Jews, one will find endless and most
brutal mass murder, sex slavery, cannibalism, and much more depravity against
innocents, especially children and infants:

Numbers 25:16 : And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
25:17 Vex the Midianites, and smite them
Numbers 31: 17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every
woman that hath known man by lying with him.
18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep
alive for yourselves.

Psalms 137:9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the

For extensive proof of this, please click here:
Of course, everyone should be aware of that Nazarene, who is nothing more than a
living blood child sacrifice that was tortured to death [in details], another product of
the sick Jewish mind. For more about how the fictitious Nazarene was invented from
a spiritual concept in detail:

The Jewish authored bible reveals quite a bit about the sick Jewish mind. How many
people have lasting and serious hang-ups from being forced into Christianity or Islam
in their lives at some point? How many sick, perverted pedophiles do the Jewish
invented programs of Christianity and Islam create? How many are mentally ill or
insane because of these Jewish programs? This is only one example. The issue here
why I am taking the time to write this is because there are still too many people who
do not take this seriously. EVERYONE should be doing the Reverse Torah Rituals! I
will have another one within a few days from now.

This alien race that can be readily identified by their alien DNA controls our
governments globally, our media [everything we watch, see and read], our
entertainment industry [Hollywood] which promotes endless SICK movies attacking
Satan and pushing the demonic possession to frighten the vulnerable into their
Christian programs. They control all the mainstream churches, spirituality, so-called
“religion” [which are programs], our legal system, our educational system and shape
public opinion, dictate what is their version of “history, “ chock full of lies, our
economic system and in addition, they own and/or operate nearly every prominent
business, and much, much more.

Too may people are complacent and are stuck in only caring about themselves. The
Jews have promoted and pushed a hideous image of Satan and Satanism, along with
vicious attacks and slander against our Gods to where, especially some time ago,
before the internet and such, Satanism attracted some of the worst nutcases. Then, of
course, Satan is blamed for all of this filth. SATAN HAS NOTHING

More proof of the sick Jewish mind and their hideous atrocities can be seen in their
communist programs, where over 100+ million innocent people were tortured and
mass murdered, many after serving time as slaves in gulags…worked to death
literally. This theme is the foundation of the “Holy Bible.” The same goes for the
Jewish operated African Slave Trade. Whites are blamed for this as a distraction and
diversion and of course so we are persecuted for it, when in reality, the Jews were
behind this 100%.

How many of you here can honestly claim that since coming to Satan, you have
personally changed for the better? I can. Satan heals from the inside out. Since I came
to Satan some 16 years ago, he has made me a much better person and my life has
drastically improved. I know there are many others here who can claim the very same.
He has shown me in my life where I was very wrong about certain things, and given
me truth. “I lead to the straight path without a book” as written in the Al Jilwah is
very true. Learning where one is wrong prevents further problems in ones life and the
repeating of mistakes. Satanism is the most beautiful religion.

Now, getting to the point of this sermon here, and this is exceptionally extreme and
graphic, but Satan and Lilith wanted me to expose this to those who are not aware of
it. I know there are members here who know already about this sort of thing.
Someone brought this to my attention a couple of weeks ago. I don’t have time to
browse the web very much, as Satan keeps me very busy in study and other things.
There is what is called “The Deep Web.” Now, to learn more about it, you can read
this webpage:

“The deep web is usually defined as the content on the Web not accessible through a
search on general search engines. This content is sometimes also referred to as the
hidden or invisible web.”

“most everything below the Hidden Wiki is illegal or sick because again, if it wasn't,
there'd be no need to hide it…”

“The CP [Child Porn] stuff is well known but there's information on human
trafficking rings, rape tourism (which happens in the US even! They happen on
occasion in Native American reservations), animal cruelty that will turn anyone into a
hardcore PETA/ASPCA member, and hackers lurking at every turn.”

There is also a 2 part video titled “I wasn’t careful enough on the deep web.” I can't
find the first part, but I saw both and it was factual because I sis a bit more research
and the sick individuals who were victimizing a young college student were arrested.
This was in the news and can be found online. The video was on YouTube.

There is a so-called “black market” on there. This is off topic here. What I am writing
about is the extent of the Jewish depravity that is another area of this “Deep Web.”
Yes, there are some really, really sick Gentiles, but I am talking percentages here. In
addition, in doing a bit of research, it is glaringly obvious [some of this criminally
insane sick filth was arrested], their ID names gave them away as Jews. I can also
identify most of the time a Jew online by what and how they write. I know there are
others here who can do the same. Also, years of research and study of that foul alien
race has given me a lot of in-depth knowledge about them, a lot of it coming from
their own writings and statements. The majority who make up this hideous depravity
that preys upon children, infants, and animals in the worst ways imaginable are in fact
Jewish. People really need to wake up before it is too late and what is worse is how
this viral scum openly blames these vile crimes on Satan. There are also sites that are
of the worst, sick extreme torture and murder, “devoted” to Satan on there. There
aren’t even words to describe the depravity.

Now, if you are sensitive, or vulnerable in any way, I strongly discourage you from
clicking on the link regarding the Deep Web above, or worse, clicking on the links
below. This content is the extreme in depravity and is not for those who are sensitive.
Satan wants these fucking Jews totally exposed! People really need to wake up and
face reality.

Some of this goes back a few years, but this sort of ting is still very prevalent and also
reveals the extent of the sick Jewish mind. Yes, there
are extremely depraved Gentiles out there, but I am talking percentages here.
“Communities” [online forums] for the worst child abusers imaginable:
Here is what happens to unfortunate runaways and homeless people, in addition to
having their body organs forcibly removed and sold on the Jewish run black market
for body parts. Sadly nobody misses them. In addition, Jewish Hollywood has made
movies centering on this topic, such as the older movie “The Ambulance” for one.
Refugees, the homeless, those who are abducted and others are easy victims:
Here is more in detail of the above and a sample of some of the experiments
performed by [majority] Jewish doctors:
This is extremely SICK and DEPRAVED beyond any words. This is blatantly a
Jewish doctor to have this medical expertise and access and knowledge of the kinds of
drugs described here. This also smacks of Jewish Ritual Murder in more ways than
one. Please be warned, I have read all kinds of things in my life and this is the
absolute worst I have ever come across, along with the article below this one:
Given many different references, and research on the topic of how young girls and
children are being viciously exploited in former communist countries, especially
South Eastern Europe, for example, being tricked into going to Israel to "find a good
job" and when meeting up with the Jewish organized criminals who pretend to run an
agency for normal employment, kidnap these young girls and put them into the most
rotten brothels in Israel, where they are sex slaves who are abused and raped over 20
times a night.

More about this:
“As a report by Israel's Women's' Network noted in 1997:
"Every year, hundreds of women from the former Soviet Union are lured to Israel,
gaining entry by posing as immigrants, on the promise of finding lucrative jobs, and
then are lured into prostitution by abusive pimps." [GROSS, N., 1997, p. 16]
Women are sold into the sex business in Israel for between $5,000 and $15,000"
reported the Jerusalem Post in 1998, "While the pimps who buy them can earn
between $10,000 and $50,000 a year per woman. 2,000 women are brought to Israel
from the CIS and forced by pimps to work as prostitutes. Many are brought here on
false pretenses and held against their will." As Ira Omait, head of the Haifa
Emergency Shelter for Women told the Post, "We are fast heading in the direction of
trade in minors for prostitution and slavery." [COLLINS, L., 12-15-98,
p. 5] Incredibly, as noted in a Jerusalem Post editorial in 1998, "According to the
Women's Lobby [a women's group in Israel], part of the [prostitution] problem is that
there is no law against slavery in Israel." [JERUSALEM POST, 1-13-98, p.

"Ludmila knew Israel was sunny and by the sea but not much else. She was going to
meet an old friend who was working as a waitress
in Israel. 'You'll love it here," Victoria told Ludmila. 'I've got a job –the work's easy,
the pay's good, and its real fun.' What Ludmila
didn't know was that at the other end of the phone, Victoria had a gun pointed at her
head. She thought herself fortunate that an
acquaintance of her close friend had been so helpful in arranging both her
documentation and her travel. In fact, this accommodating
acquaintance was a "recruiter." A majority of women are trafficked out of Moldova
and Transnistria are groomed and recruited by other
women. The use of women is critical to reassure the victim. Trust is essential to the
smooth functioning of any organized criminal activity."

"After her recruiter had secured Ludmila a passport, she was put on a train to Odessa
and then to Moscow in the company of ten other women. Once in the Russian capital,
she was taken to an apartment near the Moscow River. 'This is when I first became
very suspicious, because they confiscated our passports and locked the apartment, she
said. 'We were imprisoned.' "

"In a hotel in the Negev capital, Beer-Sheba, Ludmila was paraded in front of
potential purchasers. 'The men spoke Hebrew most of
the time so we couldn't understand, but then they would order us about in fluent
Russian.' At first Ludmila refused to get undressed.

One of the Russians looked at her grimly. 'The word refuse doesn't exist here.

By the time she arrived in Tell Aviv, she had been passed through the hands of
Moldovan, Ukrainian, Russian, ...and indigenous
Israeli hands, half of whom threatened her with violence. Her nightmare was only
beginning." [1]

Poor Women of Ex-Soviet Union Lured Into Sex Slavery" headlined a 1998
Associated Press story. Women forced into prostitution in Israel, noted the article,
were locked in rooms, and provided only food and condoms, and Israeli law on the
subject? In 1996, 150 men were arrested for pimping or running brothels. Merely 21
cases went to trial, and no one was ever convicted of a crime. [LINZER, D., 6-13-98]
In 1998, an Israeli judge even ordered an insurance company to pay for a client's
prostitution addiction: "An Israeli insurance company has been ordered to pay
300,000 shekels [$80,000] to fund the prostitution habit of a man injured in a car
accident." [DEUTSCHE PRESSEAGENTUR, 4-22-98]

For more on this and the references:


I also want to add here very few if any Jewish communist mass murderers have ever
been brought to trial let alone convicted for extreme crimes against humanity.
My point for including the above regarding the sex slave trade is relevant and adds a
lot of credibility to the following below. Again, this is extreme and if you are
sensitive or vulnerable in any way, then skip it. Reading these things can cause
serious psychological problems in some people, and it already has given many

accounts online: *

REAL Cannibalism: *

Kidnapping children: *

The Jew knows that when the non-Jewish world knows his laws and sees through his
plans, that he is lost. Therefore, by threat of death, he forbids their translation and
publication. A well-known Jewish scholar [Dibre David] writes:

"If the Gentiles knew what we are teaching against them, they would kill us." The
Jewish secret laws are based on the fundamental principle that states:

"Only the Jew is human. In contrast, all non-Jews are animals. They are beasts in
human form. Anything is permitted against them. The Jew may lie to, cheat, and steal
from them. He may even rape and murder them."

There are hundreds of passages in the Talmud in which the non-Jews are described as
animals. Some of them are:

1. "The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans. They are
beasts." [Talmud: Baba Mezia 114b]

2. "The Akum [non-Jew] is like a dog. Yes, the scripture teaches to honor the dog
more than the non-Jew." [Ereget Raschi Erod. 22 30]

3. "Even though God created the non-Jew they are still animals in human form. It is
not becoming for a Jew to be served by an animal. Therefore he will be served by
animals in human form." [Midrasch Talpioth p. 255, Warsaw 1855]

4. "A pregnant non-Jew is no better than a pregnant animal." [Coschen hamischpat]
5. "The souls of non-Jews come from impure spirits and are called pigs."
[Jalkut Rubeni gadol 12 b]

6. "Although the non-Jew has the same body structure as the Jew, they compare with
the Jew like a monkey to a human." [Schene luchoth haberith, p. 250 b]

So that the Jew will never forget that he is dealing with animals, he is reminded by
eating, by death, and even by sexual intercourse constantly. The Talmud teaches:
"If you eat with a Gentile, it is the same as eating with a dog." [Tosapoth, Jebamoth

"If a Jew has a non-Jewish servant or maid who dies, one should not express
sympathy to the Jew. You should tell to the Jew: `God will replace "your loss," just as
if one of his oxen or asses had died." [Jore dea 377]

"Sexual intercourse between Gentiles is like intercourse between animals." [Talmud
Sanhedrin 74b]

It is written in the Talmud about the murder of the Gentiles:

1. "It is permitted to take the body and the life of a Gentile." [Sepher ikkarim IIIc 25]

2. "It is the law to kill anyone who denies the Torah. The Christians belong to the
denying ones of the Torah." [Coschen hamischpat 425 Hagah 425. 5]

3. "Every Jew, who spills the blood of the godless [non-Jews], is doing the same as
making a sacrifice to God." [Talmud: Bammidber raba c 21 & Jalkut 772]

These laws of the Talmud and the Torah were given to the Jews over 3000 years ago.
They are just as valid today as they were back then. This is how the Jews are taught
from childhood. The result of this stands before us. It is Jewish ritual murder.

"Further, there is a law concerning the slaughter of foreigners, who are the same as
beasts. This slaughter is to be carried out in a lawfully valid manner. The ones who do
not follow the Jewish religious law have to be offered to God as a sacrifice. It is to
them that Psalm 44:22 refers: `Yea, for thy sake are we killed all the day long; we are
counted as sheep for the slaughter.'"

[Thikune Zohar, edition Berdiwetsch 88b]

Dr. Bischoff [the trial of 30th Oct. - 4th Nov. 1931] established the correct translation
of this law: This translation and publication of the law of human sacrifice is the
greatest blow that ever struck the Jews in this controversy.


Ritual murder in America:

In America, such a case came to light in 1955 in Chicago, with the kidnapping and
murder of five children that year, the time of the major Jewish holiday. The bodies of
the children show they were murdered in accordance to Jewish ritualistic laws.
Chicago is also an area of large and powerful Jewish communities. The victims where
of murder were John and Anton Schuessler, Jr., Robert Peterson, Barbara and Patricia

The facts of the case reveal:

They had been kept alive for some time after being abducted. Their dead bodies were
naked. Ligature marks suggested they had been bound by wrists and were held in
confinement before being bled by small cuts and puncture wounds. The marks on one
body matched up with the floor mats of a luxury Packard automobile, so the killers
where mostly likely upper class.

The two little girls had repeatedly been punctured with a sharp pointed object in the
upper torso, thighs and buttocks. This may have been part of the blood collecting
process. The two boys showed signs of having been nailed through the hands and feet,
along with injuries to the mouth and eyes. Both groups of victims revealed enough
similar evidence indicating the murders were committed by the same group of killers.
Something more revealing:

One of the wounds to the victims contained an unspecified grain, possibly wheat. The
Jews are known for using human blood from such rituals for creating wheat-based
meals as Matzo balls soaked in the blood of the victims of such rituals. In the case, it
was openly stated in the Chicago Sun-Times: "Religious cult might be involved."

Note it only stated "Religious Cult" and nothing more, indicating it could of been just
about anyone or anything, but how did the Jews react? Immediately after the article
was released, fleets of trucks were sent out and all the newspapers were removed from
the stands and literally burned. The Jews, from the writings of Crowley, did the same
in England when such facts were ever bought to light regarding such cases, even
going as so far as to buy every copy of every book or paper to burn them.

Another recent case of the Jews doing this was when Toafler, the son of the Chief
Rabbi of Rome and professor of history in Israel, wrote the book "Blood Passover,"
which is a record of the Jewish ritual murders in medieval Italy. Toafler's main source
of documentation was from the synagogue tracts of the time of the murders. The
Jewish network combined heaven and earth to ban, remove, and burn every copy

Now back to the 1955 case, note how the Jews worked to cover it up further: The
Jewish Sheriff of the County, named Lohman, sent a Jewish deputy, Horowitz, to
investigate the father of the two of the murdered boys. Lohman did this as away to
shift blame and be able to put the Gentile family under house arrest, thus making it
impossible for them to talk to anyone about the case. Then Lohman, the Jewish
Sheriff quickly ordered another Jew on his force, Gloss to head the "investigation."
Two other Gentile detectives on the case Lieutenants Lynch and McMahon stated that
Cook County investigators "destroyed evidence, threatened witnesses, and worked to
impede their investigation at every turn."

The father was ordered by the Police into a Sanitarium [even after passing lie detector
tests], under the control of a Jewish Doctor, Leon Steinfeld, where he literally died the
same day. The official report was that he died from natural causes, being a heart
attack. However, it was revealed very shortly thereafter that he was murdered by
electro-shock treatments, performed on him within very hours of after his arrival.
The coroner for Cook County, a Gentile named Doctor Thomas McCarron openly
called Steinfeld a murderer and liar, after important documents to that fact were
brought to the District Attorney. Shortly after Dr. McCarron's house was bombed and
he was ordered to keep silent by the District Attorney. Nothing ever came from the
faint investigation into the affair. Later Steinfeld, after fleeing the Country, was found
dead in a hotel room from what appeared to be a suicide. The Family of the two
murdered boys was then paid One Hundred Thousand dollars from the local Jewish
community to stay silent. Obviously, this is not the only case in America. Workers
once tearing down a synagogue in Manhattan in 1989 found the human skeleton of a
young girl in the basement's coal bin.

Note that every year; thousands of Gentile Children go missing in America, many
around the time of the major Jewish holidays, such as Passover, where such rituals are
done. Why are no bodies showing up? A look at the names of the owners of many
animal processing plants reveals them to be owned by Jews. You can put two and two
together on this. After all, we are by the Jews' own words and deeds, nothing but
animals to them.

Good authors and scholars on the subject: Dr. Arnold Leese, Dr. Hellmutt Schramm,
Dr. Philip DeVier, Dr. Harrell Rhome, Dr. Edward Fields, Attorney and Duma
Member G.G. Zamyslovsky,

Other disgusting truths on the Jews:

Rome, Italy -- Italian and Russian police, working together, broke up a ring of Jewish
gangsters who had been involved in the manufacture of child rape and snuff

Three Russian Jews and eight Italian Jews were arrested after police discovered they
had been kidnapping non-Jewish children between the ages of two and five years old
from Russian orphanages, raping the children, and then murdering them on film.
Mostly non-Jewish customers, including 1700 nationwide, 600 in Italy, and an
unknown number in the United States, paid as much as $20,000 per film to watch
little children being raped and murdered.

Jewish officials in a major Italian news agency tried to cover the story up, but were
circumvented by Italian news reporters, who broadcasts scenes from the films live at
prime time on Italian television to more than 11 million Italian viewers. Jewish
officials then fired the executives responsible, claiming they were spreading "blood
Throughout history, various groups have accused sects of Jews of ritually murdering
small children. One such account, that of Hugh of Lincoln, led to the expulsion of all
Jews from Britain in the 13th Century. Such accounts have generally been
"discounted" but are so wide spread that Jewish organizations have developed a name
for them -- "blood libel."

The American group the ADL was founded to defend a Jew, Leo Frank, accused of
raping and murdering a five year old girl, Mary Fagan, in his Atlanta pencil factory in
1913. The ADL claims he was innocent. A mob lynched him after the governor
commuted his death sentence to life in prison.
Though AP and Reuters both ran stories on the episode, US media conglomerates
refused to carry the story on television news, again saying the story would prejudice
Americans against Jews.

Jewish gangsters in Russia have become increasingly linked to traffic in "white
slaves" and prostitutes through Israel, according to a recent report in the Jerusalem
Post. Israel turns an official blind eye to forced prostitution, and does not punish
Israeli citizens who choose to own "sex slaves," as long as the slaves are foreign and

According to the Talmudic Encyclopedia: "He who has carnal knowledge of the wife
of a Gentile is not liable to the death penalty, for it is written: 'thy fellow's wife' rather
than the alien's wife; and even the precept that a man 'shall cleave unto his wife'
which is addressed to the Gentiles does not apply to a Jew, just there is no matrimony
for a heathen; and although a married Gentile woman is forbidden to the Gentiles, in
any case a Jew is exempted.' This does not imply that sexual intercourse between a
Jewish man and a Gentile woman is permitted - quite the contrary, but the main
punishment is inflicted on the Gentile woman; she must be executed, even if she was
raped by the Jew: 'If a Jew has coitus with a Gentile woman, whether she be a child of
three or an adult, whether married or unmarried, and even if he is a minor aged only
nine years and one day - because he had willful coitus with her, she must be killed, as
is the case with a beast, because through her a Jew got into trouble. The Jew,
however, must be flogged, and if he is a Kohen [member of the priestly tribe], he
must receive double the number of lashes, because he has committed a double
offense: a Kohen must not have inter-course with a prostitute, and all Gentile women
are presumed to be prostitutes.

--Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religion, Pluto Press, London 1994, page 87
Jason Burke in London, Amelia Gentleman in Moscow, Philip Willan in Rome
Observer - Sunday October 1, 2000

Britain is a key link in the largest ever, international investigation into the production
and supply of pedophile 'snuff' movies - in which children are murdered on film - an
Observer investigation can reveal. The key suspect in the inquiry, a Russian who was
arrested last week in Moscow for distribution of thousands of sadistic child porn
videos and pictures, was traced following the seizure of his products from British
Dmitri Vladimirovich Kuznetsov, a 30-year-old former car mechanic in Moscow, was
identified after British Customs and police traced the origin of violent child porn
videos found in the UK back to Russia.

Last week Italian police seized 3,000 of Kuznetsov's videos on their way to clients in
Italy, sparking an international hunt for pedophiles who have bought his products. The
Italian investigators say the material includes footage of children dying during abuse.
Prosecutors in Naples are considering charging those who have bought the videos
with complicity in murder. They say some may have specifically requested films of

British authorities yesterday confirmed that scores of Kuznetsov's videos, produced in
his small flat in Moscow's rundown Vykhino district, have been found in the UK.
They are concerned that 'snuff' movies in which children are killed may have also
been imported.

Around a dozen British men have already been arrested and charged with offenses
alleged to be connected to the Russian tapes. A second Russian child porn ring, which
allegedly had a British distributor, was broken up earlier this year. The investigation
into the importing of violent Russian child porn, which led to the identification, and
subsequent imprisonment of Kuznetsov started about 15 months ago after Customs
seized material coming into the country. Since then there have been dozens of other

'We have seen some very, very nasty stuff involving sadistic abuse of very young
children, but actual deaths on film takes it a whole step further. That is very
worrying,' said one senior customs officer this weekend. British paedophiles were
paying between £50 and £100 for Kuznetsov's tapes, the officer said. Further fees
were paid for access to a website that features pictures of extremely violent abuse.
Though two men arrested with Kuznetsov have also been imprisoned by Moscow
authorities, only one of the three remains behind bars. Dmitri Ivanov was sentenced to
11 years for actually participating in the abuse that was being filmed. The others were
released under an amnesty aimed at clearing Russia's overcrowded prisons.

When officers from the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department raided
Kuznetsov's flat they found two boys in a makeshift studio. They seized a huge
quantity of films and other pornographic material as well as lists of clients in Italy,
Germany, America, and Britain.

Last week Italian detectives moved in, following months of inquiries, and arrested
eight people. The police searched more than 600 homes and say they now have
evidence against about 500 people. Among the suspects were businessmen, public
employees and a university student. Several of them were married, with children of
their own. Hundreds of people are also under investigation in Germany.

The Russian videos, which had been ordered over the internet, were intercepted when
they came into Italy by post, repackaged, and then delivered by undercover police
officers. They cost between £300 and £4,000, depending on what type of film was
ordered. Covert film of young children naked or undressing was known as a 'SNIPE'
video. The most appalling category was code-named 'Necros Pedo' in which children
were raped and tortured until they died. Police in Russia and the UK believe that
Kuznetsov and his associates have been in business for more than two years in which
time they are believed to have recruited around 100 boys - aged between 9 and 15 - to
be filmed.

'Most of the children were rounded up from railway stations. A lot of them came from
the suburbs, or surrounding regions and were from deprived, problem families,' said
Kiril Mazurin, a police spokesman. 'Usually when children like this arrive in the
capital, they've got no idea where to go and hang around in the station. It's very easy
to entice this kind of teenager - with a promise of a warm bed or a trip to the cinema.'
Many were lured away from orphanages. 'Children are not locked in,' said Mazurin.
'Anyone can come along and promise them a meal at McDonalds. It doesn't take any
more than that."

Some children were paid a commission to find other boys willing to be filmed,
according to reports in the Russian press, for a fee of between 100 and 300 roubles
[£2.50 - £7]. Kuznetsov had given up his job in 1998 to devote himself to the lucrative
pornography industry. A self-taught computer expert, he was in the process of
upgrading his equipment to allow him to e-mail videos directly to clients when police
raided him.

Many customers repeatedly ordered videos from him. The Naples newspaper Il
Mattino published a transcript of an alleged email exchange between a prospective
client and the Russian vendors.

"Promise me you're not ripping me off," says the Italian.

"Relax, I can assure you this one really dies," the Russian responds.

"The last time I paid and I didn't get what I wanted."
"What do you want?"

"To see them die."


By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

One of the first things I want to mention here in this sermon is that Satan does
NOT place ANY restrictions on hate. You are completely free to hate whomever
or whatever you choose to. Hate is a normal, natural emotion. When hatred is
suppressed, it can cause one personal damage in many different ways.
Hypocritical Jewish-invented New Age crap, along with Wicca [Christianized
witchcraft] and related incessantly promote and support injustice. This again is
another Jewish indirect method of creating lawlessness to where injustice and
crime are so out of control, many Gentiles walk right into the kosher trap and
readily give up their rights in return for ultra-strict laws, where again, there is
even more injustice as is with Jewish communism, which has its foundation in the
Judeo/Christian Bible.

Few people stop to think and consider that ANY emotion can destroy, including
that “love” that these hypocritical movements keep trying to promote. How many
of us have loved the wrong people in our lives? Wasted love on the wrong
people… people who are undeserving of our love? How many lives have been
completely destroyed because of misplaced love? Marriages, partnerships,
family relations, friendships that should never have taken place and much more.
Think about it. No emotion is without consequences. Look where Christianity has
gotten people… misplaced love on that foul Nazarene and human-hating alien
entity they call “YHVH.”

Hatred, like love is a very powerful emotion. It is obvious with the Jewishinvented and promoted programs such as the New Age, Christianity [Jesus loves
you] and other related malignant deceptions, the Jews fear directed hatred and of
course, truth and justice. This reveals where they are weak and vulnerable. Their
programs keep on pushing the “love” “love” “love” ad nauseum. In addition, none
of these programs has anything to do with “love.” The word “love” in regards to
these nefarious programs is only a deception and a mask for extreme hatred of

I mentioned in a recent audio sermon regarding Satanic movies, such as “The
Devil’s Diary” the 1978 movie “The Initiation of Sarah” and many others, how
justice is subliminally portrayed as something evil. This is mostly directed at nonSatanists, as we Satanists know the truth. Satan stands for justice. Without
justice, civilization ceases to exist and the Jews who are working to bring it down
know this. Without justice crime gets out of control and much worse, like what is
happening and has been happening for many years to an extreme, as the Jews
have taken control of our legal systems and nearly all other key positions where
they wreak havoc on Gentiles.

My main reason for this sermon is regarding properly directed hate. The Jews
fear hatred, especially when it is directed and of the masses. It has been said
that “faith and love can move mountains” so can hate. BUT, always remember
this… there is a stupid saying “today is the first day of the rest of your life.” This
means that one can change… BUT, each and every one of us has to live with the
past. The past does not just miraculously vanish and go away. Mistakes we have
made and many other things will dog us to the day we die. Some things do go
away, but most things do not AND IT ONLY TAKES A FEW SECONDS TO

Satan does NOT want for any of his people to be in prison. When one is in
prison, one is extremely restricted and is useless in fighting for our cause. The
Jews know this and they also infiltrate many different groups that THEY HATE
and want to corrupt and through this, they encourage members to commit crimes
and such that will place the member in prison, where the Jew no longer has to
worry about him/her. This is and has been a strong tactic of theirs for centuries.
Once someone has been in prison, most often, his/her life is ruined in more ways
than one, even if he/she does get out. This is no way to go.

When you find yourself seething with hatred and rage, try to calm down and
STOP to think. Most acts of hatred and rage result in nothing very substantial.
Going on a rampage and shooting up everyday people accomplishes nothing.
Absolutely nothing. Lashing out violently and attacking others in most cases, the
person full of rage will end up in prison. End of story.

When you find yourself seething with hatred and rage and ready to literally burst
with it, call upon Satan to send Demons to collect it and to deliver it to where it
belongs and to where it WILL accomplish something and do the enemy the most
damage. This can also be saved for a ritual. If you really feel a need to vent, just
let it out either in a formal ritual or even in a private session [formal rituals are not
necessary for this]. Just make sure to ask Satan to send you a Demon to take
the hate energy, as I already stated above. Don’t waste your hatred or lash out in
an uncontrolled act of violence. Yoga helps us to detach from our emotions in a
positive way. This way emotions can be directed. If the injustice of the world is
really getting to you, then have a personal session every day to vent that intense
hatred. Demons will be happy to take the energy and apply it to the enemy.
Most people are so much in a hurry, few stop to think or even consider the
consequences of their actions. It may feel good and provide a very short-term
release to lash out in acts of violence, but in the long term, sitting behind bars is
no way to go.

Everyone should perform the reverse torah rituals. This is also a very good time
to vent your hatred. Hatred is something to be acknowledged, and like any other
emotion, it should be properly directed. Satan and his Demons are here to help
us with that.


The Innocents
by High Priest Hoodedcobra666
Dec 16, 2018

The jew always loves blaming innocents for what has been inflicted on them, by the jews
themselves. The master of jews, Rabbi Jesus is also the one who always and constantly
preaches the 'whitewashing' of the innocent and the stupid into their own stupidity, that is,
always good and saved. This always ensures one thing: The victim is never put in their place to
stop being a victim. Being a victim is good in the eyes of 'god', and one can always be an
innocent victim and still go into 'heaven', no matter how much suffering this stance inflicts upon
the earth.

The jew dirties the innocents, and then cleanses them in the foul waters of their own stupidity.
The victim then feels dignified, and keeps being a victim for the rest of their life, giving ultimate
power to the jews. You're not a problem if you never have advanced, as "Jesus will save you".
It's not a problem if you're a retard, as the "Retarded Will go to heaven". "It's not a problem
when you let all the jews destroy your nations, as you have been good and sharing goyim with
the rest of the people of the world, and prostituted yourselves good enough for jewish interests".

So the jews blame the innocents, but is there any blame on them in reality? Or are they simply
purely victims that are totally swindled and deceived? Yes, and no. They are innocent, but also,
we carry one burden and major mistake, especially today: the mistake of denial of spiritual truth.
This is the greatest and gravest mistake in which humanity has fallen before, and again and
again, and also, what ultimately gives rise to the jews, as much as not one planting their crops,
creates famine in the future. The jew rises out of the downfall of which some people have
allowed themselves.

The jews are a spiritual criminal mafia that uses and abuses spiritual knowledge to dominate the
populace. Good and true of a statement. But what are Gentiles doing? What many xians have
done for many hundreds of years, is they simply whined on the fact. "Oh, the jews do sorcery,
but at least, we are good xtians we do nothing but pray to the jew, to accomplish nothing". 2000
years later, we have the same shit problems, because of these retards who didn't want to
engage into some 'fearful domains' in order to solve the jewish problem.

From these denominations came all sorts of other failures who merely complained about the
jews rather than wage a retaliation war of spiritual power against them, like we are doing. Which
we have changed today with our presence. What the idiots failed to do for 2000 years, we are
fighting back effectively in less than 20, as I have repeated through the years. Imagine my

This is because one went to 'hell' with the innocent status, and just came up and said, wait a
second, maybe, they are bullshitting me. Maybe I need to see what the 'evil' guys have to say,
and screw my personal 'saving' from innocent. And lo and behold the depth and insight of this

This is possible, because yes, the innocent carry a big burden: the burden of their own
'innocence', or occasional stupidity, which comes with an extraordinary amount of comfort, and
ability to not give any fucks whatsoever. This is something which in accordance to human
logical standards doesn't matter and is incoherent to blame people for being put under control
and made to do all the crap they are doing. This is why we are helping people out of this rut
imposed by the enemy and their world. But this situation is an emergency signal by nature:
"GET MORE AWARE!" it what the siren sounds, and violently so.

The general populace is largely innocent, and Hitler wrote this in his book as well, that the
people are not supposed to think of all of the machinations of jews, and suspect them, since
most people are not jews, so they are innocent. But what he mentions in regards to the
responsibility, is the essence of natural retribution, which arises from ignorance, and for which,
one is never not liable, if they fall into deception. In other words, if one fell into heavy drug use,
they may not be responsible for the problem weaved around this, but they are responsible for
their own weakness which lead to this downfall, and not stopping it earlier.

One has consciousness to break free, and a mind to think. These are no longer the Middle
Ages. And with this consciousness do come, unavoidably, responsibilities. Ironically, even in the
Middle Ages, the situation was that people, aside all dangers, lost the day in revolting, but won
the future. This is why we exist to day, in a state which, many others are scattering into the
winds, thinking it's some sort of constant universal thing. No, the situation is, not too long ago,
people were cattle slaves.

And because some people chose to face this situation face to face, and fight, we have a better
living condition as a result, undesired by the ruling powers. These people could not only claim
innocence to not act, but also, the obvious: that in their time, there was no internet to write, and
one would find the axe on their head if they talked on the public. Now, one can simply do what
they have to do, without getting an axe onto their heads safely and anonymously, and still,
people are hesitant? One has to be stupid.

In nature's standards, stupidity and ignorance are lethal wrongdoings, which lead someone
faster to the grave, than anything else. So the enemy goes there to attack them on top of this
wrongdoing and natural flaw. And since these natural rules are higher than the social rules,
these can always be used to leverage any situation into anything just by use of these rules.
Normally, with all the existential crimes happening now in humanity, one would rather expect
people to turn inwards and say, wait a second, maybe, we as a world, are fucking up? But
ironically a large portion of people is only trying only harder to prove their innocence and stay on
an idle level of consciousness. Turning into an NPC, they believe, is what will grant them a lot of
peace of life. Rather, it only turns them further into pieces.

Many people do the mistake of putting the social rules or human rules of understanding above
natural understanding, which simply, collapses the things they have created. Such arrogance
has been applied by the good heated and pseudo-spiritual spawns of the 'universal humanity'
and 'good life for all' in Europe, who now enjoy the downfall of great countries, built by the
blood, sacrifices, and toil, of endless generations. Because apparently it's of greater importance
to satisfy Abdul the rapist, than 10 lines of your own generations who built the same streets that
today are given for free to 'child migrant' Abdul which is 30 years old.

According to them, this is because we must be 'superior', 'spiritual' to nature, and this is
'ideologically superior' and not apply it's rules where life is concerned, for we are higher than it.
In their dictionary, death is superior to life - because one is brave enough to neglect life. These
mentally ill people have turned their weakness into superior morality, because they have a high
nose. The egoless are the most egotistic, as per usual, and they seek to egotistically impose
their 'egoless' pretexts of alien life into life, existence, and everyone else on the planet.
And when this fails, imagine their shock. Abdul turns out didn't want to join advanced civilization,
and in turn, turned people into kebabs. The high nose of some people cannot conceive this.
How dare nature not comply to our bullshit mentality? Wow, what a shock.

Ironically, a man without water dies in two days, and one's existence is erased. However,
without kosher human rights 'morality', we could survive for millions of years and be just fine,
how people did before Judeo-Xian morality of death and decay. Christians and xian offshoots
preaching about life is like a rapist that says that they are expanding the species during their
rape, and that therefore this makes it formal - a negative is taken for a positive, by the mentally
sick and the demented.

Now of course the innocent do carry these weights, but this wouldn't be the case if society
wasn't fragmented and destroyed in the first place. Of course, a 16 year old person is innocent
and lacks experience of what is going on in the world. Therefore, others who are more
experienced and have the nose to smell the danger, should be in place to protect these people
whose sense of smell is still growing. One can think here of the Hitler government to understand
how this is supposed to operate in a healthy civilization. The strong must guard and protect the
weaker, until they can themselves become, hopefully, stronger. Those who do not engage in
this process of life willingly, are dangerous. This is because life's will is obvious, it's for beings to
evolve and become powerful, each to their own, for the continuation of a species and life.
There are levels and levels of innocence that someone can claim. Ultimately, all Gentiles, on the
highest level of it, are 'innocent'. But this is the most easy bail out to give someone, and one
bailout that is dangerous since it doesn't show any of the fundamental reasons of why people
were victimized and destroyed in the first way. Also, it doesn't help nobody advance. This is the
victimhood status in reverse: The innocent is the victim, and the eternal victim, who, always
hides behind his innocence to enter heaven and be excused for handing this world over to the
world's dross.

They seek, in other words, to relinquish all the responsibility incumbent in themselves, by nature
on her own. And they don't give a damn if the world burns based on this understanding of theirs.
One can just take their 'innocence' and go keep goyiming this world out of existence. "My
daughter was killed by Muslims!", "Oh, you're innocent". But you were not, existentially innocent,
when you were not protesting, and when you did nothing to socially or otherwise prevent this.
The goyim who are in the middle and just watch our forces and the enemy juke it out, may be on
a state of 'inertia', but their 'inertia' is something both sides use, as one uses an idle stone to
throw it to their enemies, or build a structure. The inertia of the masses is not 'innocent'.
While people do not do these things consciously, they are responsible for not being conscious
enough. It should be put instantly as a necessity for them to grow, become more powerful, and
understand more, that is, before it is too late. Because yes, civilizations reach a level where 'too
late' just arrives, and they just collapse.

When one comes around in Satanism, they have understood the first and fundamental
'wrongdoing' they have done to themselves: Not having power, and not having understanding;
one seeks to fix this wrong by dedicating and advancing in this path. One can call themselves
'innocent', insofar they work to correct a wrong, not simply because they didn't notice it or
willingly ignored it.

Also, the situation is becoming harder and harder everyday to say that one is not noticing the
obvious. If one has lived in Paris and they say they haven't understood that the town now
belongs to people of foreign nation and descent, one has to either be blind or a liar. Did
Americans also miss the other data of the CIA which says that Whites will be essentially a non
existent minority by 2050? How innocent of everyone. They just didn't know. Even when in most
cases these news became literally trending everywhere, in every tv set, in all the internet, and
everywhere else.

One is not being innocent. One is a coward, and a retard, and one has to accept this reality.
There was the other family who had their daughter raped and killed by a few of these people
and they also excused the rapist, in Sweden. Then, compensation was given to the rapist, was
he did not rape - he was just streaming on facebook and mastrubating, so they were wrongly

When they had the podium to tell the jewish system to fuck off, all they did was praise it, and
excuse it, because they were weak. A moment of power was given to them, and they did
nothing with it. This opens the door for the next, and the next, and the next rape.
Ironically, for whatever reason, innocence has been made into something to justify the denial of
knowing. If this were the case, when people were judged legally, they could claim they didn't
know the law, and get away with it. "I did not understand it was wrong to kill this guy, sorry, I'm
innocent". But this does not pass. Why? Because ignorance of the outer reality does not
invalidate inaction, inertia, or wrong action. Stupidity or someone being of low IQ doesn't solve
or make them bail out, either. This is not by coincidence, it is because this complies with the
rules of existence.

People have to look at themselves and accept the so called 'burden' of responsibility of life,
before it is too late. The same people who want to be the 'great mass of people' in the future,
with elevated privileges and powers, do not want to have any responsibility of anything carried
of these things. The responsibility is always thrown to other people, 'leaders', 'jews', whatever
else. As much as responsibility these beings have, in the total level, and as much as it's their
fault, it's also the so called 'innocent people's fault' that they did not act to change matters, at
least, on a personal level.

If one was an animal, we might as well call them innocent, since, animals cannot figure out what
is going on on very extended logical planning done against them. A pig is innocent that it's in a
stable. But as for a man, one cannot state they are 'innocent' of it entirely, especially, since most
people rallied themselves and the world into this stable, for personal gains or otherwise gains.
One may not known that it wasn't the proper thing to do to throw gays off of rooftops, but they
did it, to gain 'social acceptance'.

This is the fundamental disagreement I have with the pointlessness of the blaming the jews for
everything, and how the people are innocent. Anyone can simply blame the jews, but the
importance of the subject is to actually solve this spiritual problem. Normal people are duped
into their control, unknowing of their existential crimes, but not in full innocent. To maintain an
innocent status, one also expects always a bailout and to be absolved from everything, at the
expense of other people. Humanity needs to mature past the point where beings like the enemy
are understood for what they are, and dealt with for corrupting societies, and worlds.

As for those who abet them even in ignorance, they are far from 'innocent', and this is one of the
reason Hitler mentioned there will be retaliation of these types of people in the Mein Kampf, not
as punishment from "God", but as a form of natural retribution and return to Justice, to
paraphrase. For example, the hoards of uncontrollable military age 'migrant' population, will
have a huge backlash, it doesn't matter what one understands of this or not, and it's already
manifesting. He also added that when a situation reaches a critical extent with this type of
ignorance, everything is lost. This was a direct statement of reality right there.

As stated, by logical standards, we cannot 'blame' these people and hold it against them, let
alone, punish them further, for they are already, in all forms, very cursed from their own
ignorance. This is why we are helping them rise out of this pit. Or to be exact, we are raising
them out of this pit by spiritual power, ourselves. This is a honorable deed coming from our side,
to help humanity out. The jews themselves cry and whine the Demons helped us advance and
move away from the machinations of their racial conspiracy against mankind.

However, from natural standards and a natural standpoint, the fact one is digging the grave of
their own people, and never turned around to look to their behavior, and wants to still be called
'human' is absurd and illogical too. Its sickening to see someone advocate for things proven to
cause the opposite of their results. It doesn't matter how one decorates this, as in 'its a humane
thing to do' or all sorts of other garbage.

One must claim their humanity, despite the fact we are 'human' as a species. Part of this is the
personal responsibility of the outcome of our own actions, personally and universally. One must
understand that holding a banner of rapefugees welcome, does indeed create the raped kids
and the killed women later, is a viable opening to these events. The situation of people's level is
something that people have to fix on their own and rise to a better level of understanding.
In the future Age of Aquarius, the "I dindu nuffins" and the innocent muffins who supposedly 'did
not know' will be remove from the equation of power. The future of civilization built by the Gods,
progressively, through the next millenium, if we construct it successfully, will weed out this
category of dindu nuffins who have wrote history based on their own idle weight of lack of
knowledge. It will be like Egypt.

You will not be able to say you dindu know nuffin on how to clean your aura or advance, where
advice on how to do such will be on every post, like today are Coca Cola ads. Does anyone on
the planet now, even in the most remote places, have never head of a Coca Cola, to name the
most stupid of all the possible examples? The problem of this world is that Coca Cola is more
advertised then the means that will save it and put it in proper motion.

The next level of spiritual existence and level of existence of man will be one away from the lack
of knowledge of the past. This is why we have to spread, through the WWW=666, the meaning
and truth of Satan to the earth. Which ifies the enemy's lies and invalidates the enemy's
work, but also - extends the hand of Satan to the people in order to develop.

This will be the question of the future, where the cattle will be fed, but they will not matter either.
The future will be defined by this question becoming more and more pressing and compulsive to
answer - sort of how like the people in France today were asked: "The jew plan is at hand, do
you want to live, or do you want to die?", to which they replied by revolting. Cattle for comfort
that will never really arrive, or to stand on your two feet and fight for something better?
The innocence that comes from total ignorance towards the enemy, will have to give in, if
humanity wants to live and also rise it's levels higher. It just cannot go indefinitely.

Do you want to join the creators and the aware, or, you want to be jew cattle? This will be the
pressing question of the future, for which, people will be forced to answer, because as it looks
like, it won't be long until people are literally forced to come face to face with these matters. The
inertia of the "innocent" for too long has overburdened this world, and the weight collapses on
the backs of the living, crushing them actively, and giving birth out of this to a better world.
We are here to make sure this situation will turn out for the best, with our spiritual means and

Here are 4 articles.

first one is continuing from the same volume 1 of High Priest Hoodedcobra666 Sermon's

Not Enough People know HPS Maxine Dietrich

HATE HPS Maxine Dietrich

Spiritual Pollution HPS Maxine Dietrich

The innocents HP HC
SATchives said:
Evolution, Magnum Opus, Satanic Vision.
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666


:cry: Im shocked to my core
SisiBarbour said:
Even though I'm African American, will Satan accept me?
Of course! Every race is accepted here. Apart from the jews. There is a big reason why they are not accepted and you can read it on our sites. Go to satanisgod.org and you can find all our sites, go to our main site joyofsatan then exposingchristianity and Kabbalahexposed.
SisiBarbour said:
Even though I'm African American, will Satan accept me?

You were created by him, so of course he will accept you. You are a gentile. Please read more at the BlacksforSatan website.
SisiBarbour said:
Even though I'm African American, will Satan accept me?


Just a Music video i made of Adolf Hitler and the Children of Germany :cry:
One Wire Phenomenon said:

Just a Music video i made of Adolf Hitler and the Children of Germany :cry:

What song is this? The beginning gave me goosebumps :D
siv said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:

Just a Music video i made of Adolf Hitler and the Children of Germany :cry:

What song is this? The beginning gave me goosebumps :D

Hi the songs name is the healing room,i doen't know what her name is..

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
