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Re-Read-It Series: About Weed and Smoking | The Battle of Berlin by Joseph Goebbels


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Jul 16, 2019

About Weed and Smoking

Post by HP. Hoodedcobra666

I have stated many times that the wise person should abstain from these drugs, even weed in particular, though falsely and based on hearsay by many people to be 'harmless'. While it may be harmless, as in, let's say, clinical studies, this does not mean that something does not have specific threatening properties.

I've written about this topic before, but it's important to state this again, as this loop of drugs has become a literal cancer to modern civilization, and it's becoming more and more pronounced and brutal, with those behind this aiming for weak targets such as very your teenagers, or even children.

Remember, we were told for decades that Tobacco was also harmless and it was first marketed as a "Suppressed medical product", then it was "Recognized by the doctor community" and started likewise as a stress relaxant, so the weed revolution is just this in replay of this. A few decades later it started breaking in how it ruins teeth, the respiratory system, the mouth, the tongue, and your lungs significantly.

There is not point to be stupid, waste money, and waste your time and worse on these things. For those who have not read these, refer to my topics on

Hallucinogenic Drugs and generally the related topics about drugs. I have wrote extensively and in details.

Weed is used to pacify the masses, create a profitable subculture, and is no different than what tabacco once was. While tabacco harms the breathing system, and it most of the time stays at that, and the bad scent, what weed does is way worse, as it creates cognitive issues, and on the deep levels of use, just ruins the awareness.

Perceptiveness, understanding, attention, focus, and all these things, do fall under the active or Pigala side of the soul. Lack of coordination, lethargy, and on the last states, complete loss of consciousness, fall under the level of Ida. A specific balance is required to cycle the above so we go in waking and sleeping circles, and as far as meditation is concerned, careful rising of the Ida and also of the Pigala, by uniting calmness with acute attention. This is why your attention is required in meditation, and mastering focus is extremely important.

Due to high necessity of this civilization to deal with spiritual, mental, moral, racial, and many other problems that it cannot address and does not want to solve, people are pushed incessantly [and experimented upon at the same time] with heavy drug use. This civilization has went as far as to prescribe meth on children in the form of ADHD medication, and many other things. Instead of mastering the mind and learning about it, we have reduced it to nothingness, and therefore people cannot solve their own problems. This creates the necessity to banish the mental effects that come with an undisciplined mind, dirty aura, low level soul, and an unnatural society on top of it.

Weed is so forcibly promoted because being a Yin based plant, it increases the yin energy. People who are using weed too much, are emotionally addicted to it, and all the talk aside and the fake claims on how it's not addictive "biochemically", the emotional addiction is real. You take the pipe away from someone and they can start a confrontation or worse. Inhaling too much results in what is called a Yin Coma, where one basically just loses consciousness.

The above is the utmost antithesis of any form of actual meditation. The above comatose lethargy is exactly what the meditator is trying to move away from. Not in regards to sleep obviously, but as a general state of wakefulness. This state is in particular a state similar to states where brainwashing happens, or where people are unconscious, or even worse, extreme suggestibility. If you have friends who do weed, you will notice they are extremely brainwashed by the system. By dropping the guard of the active attention, one opens themselves up for

brainwashing and suggestion, which is what is the case with habitual weed smokers. Their mind is open wide, and this has other implications as well.

The situation with the aura and opening holes in the aura, is because with prolonged use of these substances, the auric field loses it's ability of defence or active deflective attention. This effect is later mirrored on in the mind, which becomes extremely suggestible, open for the taking. If you think that by open for the taking I am making a joke, on the last levels of drugs, this is what happens.

One's astral body, aura and other parts of the soul are so decomposed and ruined, that they can become prey to any entity that wants to do whatever to them, limited but not included, to possess them and take them over. While this case is extreme, it can actually happen, and everyone has seen at least one extreme drug addict in their life which was soulless or even devoid, or even worse, was constantly crazy. The posession case is extremely rare, but yes, it can happen, and it does happen. When one has lost all control over this, this is why there is a psychiatric ward. People in psychiatric wards do suffer from extreme damage in their astral body and spiritual bodies. . This also has a psychological dimension and medical dimension, physically.

An argument for weed users is that it helps them relax, but they have never tried to relax on their own or set their mind in order in the first place. Relaxation should come upon someone without use of external aid, or paying a jew a specific amount of money to get 10 minutes of relaxation. The slavery scheme here is real, and is no different than tobacco. Another thing people claim is that it "Calms their nerves" and makes them "less aggressive" or helps them set down their anger.

This anger people describe, in the first place, can be a biochemical imbalance, or pent up emotions, or both combined. In that case, pacifying this with weed, most of the time, makes the matter return, and harder. This is why people who use weed for anger management are essentially becoming twice as crazy when it wears off. Because the suppression of the rise of anger, results in it's doubling after it's pushed down. After a point many of these people cannot calm down, and they develop a sense of paranoia, or extreme aggression when they don't have their weed. This is observable in many people and a common theme in rap songs.

Tobacco ruins your breathing system, but on the other hand, it does not pacify mentally to the extent of Weed. Tobacco creates energetic and respiratory density, which should be by all means avoided, but it does not cause pacification.

On the other hand though, Tobacco causes heavy density, and can make people stuck lower. This is why Tobacco was traditionally linked to hard work and labor.

If one wants the puffing thing about smoking, you can get an electronic cigarette that has taste and not nicotine or anything else like weed and related involved.

These are 0% formulas which contain nothing. Some people have been able to ditch smoking because it was a habitual thing, and an e-cig has helped them in this. For heavily addicted cases, you can also work your way down the ladder of consumption, that's also what medicine states.

While there are arguments against this by some people, saying these fragrances of e-cigs are also toxic, it's definitely not going to do you any harm compared to weed or actual tobacco. There is no psycho cataleptic effect associated to the above though, which is the important thing. Heavily addicted cases may need to go down this road first until one can leave off the hook.

Lastly, what has to be noticed in regards to weed, is that it comes part in parcel with ideologies. Pacifying yourself into coma comes at an ideological package.

Open borders, communism, some weed tards are obsessive over xianity, pacifism, and all sorts of other self destructive ideologies, all of which reflect the internal constitution of the users.

As one for example has not grown mentally to understand the importance of borders and separation between people, or between themselves and others, so does one advocate externally the destruction of all borders. The more one is closing in death in the inside, and feels worthless, the more one forcibly advocates that we are "All the same".

Weed, drugs, brainwashing, and many other things do constitute a greater package to cause the slow decay of the human mind, and turn it into a field open for the taking. Some new age sects have went as far as to say openly what I have been raving about for years now, that it's an alien agenda of promoting "Oneness". This in regards to aliens is all a strange ritual to break down human mental, spiritual, and general sanity and defences.

True "Oneness" is achieved by actual projection of the strong soul into the universe, and not by destroying yourself, your identity. The higher one wants to go spiritually, the more powerful the soul has to be, in order to be able to project itself and to also withstand external energies and forces which try to keep it on lockdown. The enemy is one example here.

How these people also meditate, pacifistic-ally, and with the intent of merely saying a lot, and doing nothing, and for the ultimate end of personal death, dissipation of all aspects and layers of the self, etc, is also characteristic of this mentality.

Doing drugs and expecting to reach Samadhi or what is grossly stated as "Oneness", a canned and bad term for explaining the union of the soul with the higher soul of the world, is as if one does anorexic diet and expects to win Mr Olympia.

Such connection for it's maintenance requires power, strength, and a decently worked soul and mind. It's never going to happen through weakness, extreme pacifism, or drugs. Unless of course this time where one is like dying from malnutrition and "In their mind it was real" that "They wuz Mr Olympia". This is called being totally delusional.

It's of no point to any Satanist to stay on these negative habits, your time and money is well invested elsewhere and for your betterment. It's not a question of guilt here, it's a question of doing what's better for yourself, so that you do what's best for you and feel more comfortable being yourself.

You can also, by spiritual practice, and a decent lifestyle and diet, have a great experience most of the time in your own body mind and soul, without the need of any hampering externalities. This is hidden potential that is kept secret from humans in order to maintain the standards of control.

Maybe if weed users and others want to carry a little rebellion, they would first throw the obviously overpromoted Yin plant out of their hands and try to reclaim their innate ability for inner peace. That would be meaningful.



The Battle of Berlin by Joseph Goebbels

The English press has called the series of terror attacks on the Reich capital, which has been continuing for three months with only occasional pauses, the “Battle of Berlin.” They have left no doubt that the intention of the British war leadership is to destroy the Reich capital with these brutal and horrible attacks, or as they themselves say, to depopulate it, to crush the war morale of its population, and thus win on the German home front the decisive victory that our fighting soldiers have denied the Anglo-Americans thus far in this war on the front, and that our soldiers will continue to deny them in the future. There is no one in Berlin who would not know that, also no one who would not be firmly determined to resist these terrorist intentions of the enemy with the whole force of his soul and his unbroken heart, thus bringing the enemy’s plan to naught by a great common effort of heroism. When we discuss this subject today outside the circles of the Berlin population, it is because it involves much more than the direct interests of the population of Berlin do. Since the middle of November of the past year, Berlin has been fighting a defensive battle for the entire German people. The Reich capital is representing the cause of the Reich at a decisive point and at a decisive moment.

It is not yet clear today what that means for the city and its future. It is generally known that metropolises usually have an unenviable place in people’s thinking. They are the seats of government and thus of bureaucracy.

They are the source of rules, regulations, and tax laws, things that as a rule cause more grief than joy for citizens. The situation of the Reich capital is made more difficult by the fact that it is still young, achieving its historical task late in its development. And the temperament of its population can only be understood and appreciated by someone who has learned them by being there for many years, one who alongside its undeniable weaknesses has also learned its higher values and virtues. Berlin is more a melting pot than a city that grew in an organized manner. Beside the original Berliners, whom the Berliners themselves say are spread so thinly as to almost be rare creatures, it recruited its population from all occupations, classes, and tribes of the Reich. Berlin has an enormous attractive force that always binds to it the human masses that stream to it from everywhere in the land, absorbing them into the huge structure of this city of millions. It has therefore no local patriotism, but rather much more city pride.

One really does not know why the legend developed, and not only with the enemy but also among certain parts of our own people, that Berlin is especially sensitive to outside threats because of its colorful, throwntogether population. Those parts of the Reich that had already suffered enemy terror bombing were therefore somewhat concerned that the day would come when the Reich capital would have to endure the great test. We Berliners ourselves, sure of our own strength and hardness, were convinced that the proof could only be provided by facts. The Reich capital has had more opportunity to do that in the past three months than it likes. Not many cities in the Reich have undergone the same tests in this war, and Berlin does not need to be embarrassed before any of them. Its population has faced enemy air terror with a bravery that deserves the greatest admiration. No one anywhere in the Reich disputes that, and those abroad as well, as long as they have maintained an accurate and objective outlook, are full of praise and admiration. The Reich capital has passed its great war test.

It would naturally be pointless to deny that the enemy has given heavy wounds through his brutal and horrible terror. Until now, we have refrained from replying to his boasting accounts of the air war, the cynicism of which can scarcely be surpassed. There will be time enough for that when we once again stand equal. The jubilation in London will be more modest after a relentless German answer, which will once again permit a factual discussion.

Even today, the German Luftwaffe is responding with gradually growing massive counterattacks, but these are only a foretaste of what is still to come.

We can in any event be satisfied that the German capital has remained unbroken under the burden of enemy attacks. The British capital will have opportunity to provide the same proof.

In Berlin as in all the other German cities affected by enemy air terror, we have learned to simplify our lives, returning to a primitive war style that has taken from us many of the pleasures of everyday life. We are now marching with a lighter pack. Along with the other populations of other German districts affected by heavy enemy air terror, we have learned to do without some things that are still taken for granted in those parts of the Reich that have been spared. It would be an exaggeration to say that has been easy for us. It deeply hurts a city to see significant parts of its housing, its artistic and cultural monuments, its churches, theaters, and museums, reduced to soot and ashes. Still, that is bearable when the freedom of the nation and the maintenance of the life substance of a people require it. We have no wish to make that a matter of patriotic pathos. We bear the hard demands that the nation’s fate place on us not with glowing enthusiasm, but with bitter resistance that always gives the strength to overcome the heavy and heaviest blows, opposing them with a spiritual strength that towers over all doubt.

That is decisive. A great city earns its face not only through its dwellings, buildings and monuments, but above all through its people. Despite the former widespread view, Berlin is more than an asphalt desert or a collection of big apartment buildings. Over four million industrious and decent people live in its densely populated area. They may be known throughout the Reich for their cool and even skeptical outlook on the problems of life, but a great and brave heart beats behind it all, one able to overcome any danger. The Berliners have given more than sufficient proof of that over the past difficult weeks, showing the German people without saying so that their city is not unworthy to house the leadership of the Reich within its walls, providing thereby the great driving force of our national policy and war leadership.

The entire German people have been raptly and intensely following the socalled Battle of Berlin over these past weeks. We can assure it that the battle will end well. The Reich capital will probably endure new blows. There will be even more wounds, scars and tears in its face. Its citizens will pull together even more and learn to deal with even more primitive conditions.

But Berlin will not perish. The heart of this city has never beaten so strongly as it does during the nights of heavy bombing, when so to speak the

Berliners wipe the blood from their eyes and go to work with bitter defiance.

There are wonders of work, splendid organization and an amazing ability to improvise. The city is a true socialist community and the solidarity of all helps to overcome some difficulties that could otherwise easily become impossible. Even at the most critical moments, I have never given this city, its population, its party or its government offices a task that was not resolved with lightning speed. The Berliners do not give up in the face of the misfortunes sent by their hate-filled enemy, but rather they gather their whole strength against them and always overcome them.

The intent of the Anglo-American war leadership is doubtless to persuade large parts of the German people through air terror, making them ripe for lying and hypocritical divisive propaganda. It is almost a bloody irony that at the same time he drops unimaginable quantities of explosive and incendiary bombs on densely populated residential sections of our large cities, he also rains down thick stacks of hypocritical leaflets. He apparently believes that our men and women who have lost everything through this cowardly and wholly unmilitary method of warfare will sit down in the glow of their burning homes and perhaps by the corpses of their innocent children to read these worthless leaflets, letting themselves be told what they should think about the war by of all people the corrupt British plutocracy. This is how the criminal English leadership imagines the German people. They used such methods to subordinate colonial peoples and plunder them for their capitalist purposes. Now they want to avoid the great battle they fear more than anything else.

When our civilian population does all it can to resist, it is playing an active and direct role in the larger war. They are attacked in an unmilitary way, but defend themselves militarily. Their high morale in this pitiless battle is a decisive, perhaps the decisive, factor of the war. From it come all the other forces and virtues needed to master the disaster. If they succeed, their strength and determination grow. Iron is hardened only through hammer blows.

Our people have a great task to fulfill in this generation. It must repair many sins and failings of the past to create an indestructible future foundation for our national life. Never before in our history has the historic mission of the German Reich been as concentrated as in the years from 1914 to today. It is the great age that calls us all. There is no holding back, no excuse. What we do or not do can never be undone, for either good or evil. We are responsible for the most decisive historical epoch of our people. How we resolve it will determine whether we earn the future blessings or curses of our children and grandchildren.

As the sky over Berlin begins to turn bloody in the nights of heavy enemy terror attacks, we all think with pain and bitterness of the huge amount of pain and sorrow again descending on thousands of our fellow citizens.

Nothing remains undone to help them bear the burden of misfortune. Even during the attack, a huge organization begins to move, and within a few hours, its results are everywhere visible. Hard and conscientious work join with passionate fanaticism and bitter rage to achieve ever new major accomplishments.

What could the city’s leadership accomplish were not the entire population behind it, supporting its measures through soldier-like behavior, giving drive and force to the work of restoring our wounded life! Thus, it always and everywhere was when the enemy fell on our cities with fire and conflagration and the population had to help themselves to defend their existence. Berlin now stands in the midst of those cities that are marked with sorrow and proud defiance. It wants to be no more than the rest of them. It wants only to show that behind the big words that in the past did not always make it beloved, there are also great deeds when required. What contempt cities such as Hamburg, Essen or Cologne would have for the capital of the Reich if we were weighed in the balance and were found or would be found wanting!

It gives occasion to think to everyone else, not only to those cities. The coat of arms of the Reich capital today bears the laurel wreath of military glory that will never fade. Where in these weeks walls fall and buildings collapse, a New Berlin will spring from the ruins, and every brick will bear witness to the heroic courage of a city that remained unbroken, never wavering, despite the severest blows.
SATchives said:
There are wonders of work, splendid organization and an amazing ability to improvise. The city is a true socialist community and the solidarity of all helps to overcome some difficulties that could otherwise easily become impossible. Even at the most critical moments, I have never given this city, its population, its party or its government offices a task that was not resolved with lightning speed. The Berliners do not give up in the face of the misfortunes sent by their hate-filled enemy, but rather they gather their whole strength against them and always overcome them.

I've read more than a sermon about Socialism from the JoS. If I am correct, there are two types of "Socialism", one that is political and led to Communism, while the other is about society and people and led to National Socialism. Is that correct?
Nimrod33 said:
SATchives said:
There are wonders of work, splendid organization and an amazing ability to improvise. The city is a true socialist community and the solidarity of all helps to overcome some difficulties that could otherwise easily become impossible. Even at the most critical moments, I have never given this city, its population, its party or its government offices a task that was not resolved with lightning speed. The Berliners do not give up in the face of the misfortunes sent by their hate-filled enemy, but rather they gather their whole strength against them and always overcome them.

I've read more than a sermon about Socialism from the JoS. If I am correct, there are two types of "Socialism", one that is political and led to Communism, while the other is about society and people and led to National Socialism. Is that correct?

Like Hermann Goering "Just as nationalism protects a people from outside forces, so socialism serves
a people’s domestic needs."

the simplest way to think of it is that National Socialism is one word, socialism was a hijacked term by the marxist, but in reality at its root is social "relating to, devoted to, or characterized by friendly companionship or relations:" and ism being "a distinctive doctrine, theory, system, or practice"

So you can see here true gentile socialism, is the people of one race coming together as brothers of blood in companionship working together as a society bonded by relation of blood. and nationalism is the relationship of that socialism between the blood of that nation and the nation itself. coming together it becomes a mission of all people working towards strengthening each other from within the nation.

the bond of individual and nation. So that "even if he (the individual) finds himself in the simplest and lowest position, that his life and opportunities are assured. He should see that his own existence is rooted in the existence of his people, and that he must serve his people with all his strength"

National Socialism is a new conception of the world that is more severe in
opposition to the current world of capitalism and bourgeois Marxists and their satellites.”
Gottfried Feder - The National Socialist program of the German Workers' Party


National-Socialism in practice was not socialism in the same sense as Marxism Leninism: the state did not take ownership
of enterprises. The socialism of the Third Reich thus does not fit the current textbook definition of socialism. The state, however, did regulate the economy as needed for the benefit of the society as a whole and conducted extensive social programs.


Right now Joy of Satan is our nation, and we are bonded by Satan, therefore we all should get on the same page no matter our position and serve our people with all our strength. and in the National Socialism system funds would go to the nation based upon what you could do, and the more one did for the Nation and the People, the higher status responsibility and rewarrds one would get, nothing was given everything earned, and everyone had one single purpose, to better the nation and it's people. This bolstered loyalty, and drove out corruption naturally. and nothing was forced.

Secondly, Socialism must come from within the soul, not just something you do because you
have to, like in communism. “Why need we trouble to socialize banks and factories? We
socialize human beings” – Hitler.

so to fully answer your question yes. there is the jewish economy and philosophical 'socialism', and then there is what actual socialism (idea of people coming together) means within National Socialism, but socialism will not work without nationalism, and nationalism will not work without the people of the nation coming together.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
