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Re: Pay Attention

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Attachments :
Thank you for posting this. People need to be frequently reminded.
In addition, it helps if members step in and stop this sort of thing before
it gets out of control. We all need to band together.

Few people understand the extent of what is going on. When I came to
Satanism several years ago and performed a ritual to Satan offering him
everything I am to destroy his enemies, I had no idea. As I have said
before, I have been learning on the job. When I was new, I looked upon xians
and xianity as stupid, weak, a joke, etc. I found very little valuable
information on Satan or Satanism on the internet. What was online at that
time was apologetic, "God" vs. "The Devil" sort of thing, allegations of
living blood sacrifices, "evil" and all sorts of things. Most Satanists I
found in the small amount of groups back then were apologetic and went by
the xian concept of Satanism in that they felt they were in the wrong and
against "God." Xianity pretty much ran the show.
I searched for any books on the Devil and Satanism I could find in libraries
and bookstores for study and could only find worthless garbage about human
sacrifices, Demonic possession, blood drinking rituals filled with
mutilation and so forth.

I met Satan and a few Demons about a year after my dedication, face to face.
I learned from experience Satan is a benevolent being. He always helped me
out and even helped me before I asked in many situations. His presence in my
life has always been a most positive one.
I put up my website and named it "Joy of Satan" as I was so sick of all the
negativity that was endlessly heaped upon Satan and his Demons- hideous
spooks, ghouls, skeletons, death, blood, horror, gore, etc. "Joy" was a
positive and happy word. Satan brought me much joy and happiness.

I had no idea just where this was going to take me. It has been several
years now. I have been finding first hand, we are fighting a MONSTER. The
xian church with their jewish bulwark is not just some rum dumb
organization. They DO have immense wealth and POWER, both worldly and
astrally. They have made liberal use of occult powers over the centuries to
establish and secure their rule. We have MAJOR enemies. The spells and
rituals we are and have been doing have been making universal impact. If
people think the enemy is just going to sit back and let live, they are
sadly mistaken. We are in a war. THIS IS TOTAL FUCKING WAR!! Yes, we will be
attacked and the weak will be weeded out now. We are no longer a small
controllable group of nonconformists and a few misfits. JoS has come to the
attention of the Vatican for one and all of the Satanic Churches and
organizations have the enemy on the red alert. The Vatican stated two years
ago "There has been an alarming increase in Satanism of late."

People think an organization that most brutally and viciously tortured to
death and mass murdered millions of innocent human beings, some as young as
two years old (accused of being a witch), is going to just sit back and let
this go? Oh no. We are ALL under attack now. Satan also informed me the
attacks will increase in the future, as we advance further to where we can
no longer be ignored and gain many more members.

We are up against an organization that has unlimited monetary wealth, vast
political and psychic power and centuries of spiritual knowledge that has
been confiscated from the public. Those in high positions have all day to
study and meditate. Certain Jesuits in the Vatican can levitate off the
floor. Most of us here have to work; we have families and other
distractions. For many of us, money is tight. Free time is precious and
limited. Yes the enemy attacks this entire group, AND other high profile
Satanic groups. We are vastly outnumbered at this point.

What can we do? For one- we have the truth on our side. Superior state of
mind, superior attitude. We will win. The enemy is a LIE and we can prove
this. The important thing is to reach the masses. The more who know the
truth, the better.

1.It is important to be aware of infiltrators, but not paranoid.
Infiltrators reveal themselves, especially when an organization is facing
problems, they come out to create more problems.

2.Meditate every day as you can. Clean your aura. Clean, spin and
align your chakras correctly: http://www.666blacksun.com/Tablet%5FOne.html
By working on yourself spiritually, this greatly will help your mind,
emotions and ability to better deal with every day situations and problems.

3.Answer questions in the groups and be supportive of our Brothers and
Sisters in Satan. We must hang together.

4.We do not turn the other cheek. We fight back. For those of you who
can, get involved in spiritual warfare. Do rituals against the enemy, either
in a group or solo. We must be as a battering ram- relentless until the
enemy is totally and completely destroyed in every way.

5.The enemy should never be underestimated. We are fighting a deadly
monster who has no limits to the lows it will go to in order to ruin and
destroy our people. NEVER compromise or show any compassion for the enemy!!
Doing so will place you at their mercy and they will drive a knife into your
back at the first opportunity.

6.Above all, work for Satan. Advance Satanism in every legal way you
can. I automatically destroy any xian materials lying about without even
thinking. It is second nature with me. I tear up pamphlets, or whatever, to
make sure they are totally unsalvageable. Every day, I work to do something
to ruin xianity and its jewish bulwark in some way. This can be on the
internet through posting information, in my every day life offline, with
putting up stickers or leaving leaflets in public places, complaining about
xians and their activities, their materials, etc., to the management of
stores or the proper authorities. Silence is seen as condoning something.
Speak up! Let them know xianity is not wanted, is offensive, and is not to
be tolerated in public areas. Maybe they will do nothing at first, but
remember brothers and sisters, there is strength in numbers.
Work xian forums and chatrooms. Break down and destroy their
faith. I have gotten into a few large xian e-groups online and when there is
open posting, take advantage of this. Have a dummy account ready and join
the group with it. I find links can be ignored, Full articles are harder to
just ignore and many will read out of curiosity. Make use of your notepad on
your PC and have 10+ articles ready to go. Just copy, paste, and send. The
following articles have a lot of material that is very damaging to and
exposes xianity:



http://www.exposingchristianity.com/Old ... ament.html

http://www.exposingchristianity.com/New ... ament.html

If you infiltrate their groups, ask them questions regarding
scripture and needle them as to "why?" Make them explain in front of
everyone. Few people read the bible, though they call themselves
"Christians." The articles below are wonderful to copy and paste and also to
use as reference material when arguing with xians:

http://www.exposingchristianity.com/Hum ... 20Bible.ht


http://www.exposingchristianity.com/sin ... arene.html

http://www.exposingchristianity.com/Ten ... ments.html

Bring up the Inquisition at every turn and ask to know why:

You may be confronted with sick individuals who condone this
sort of thing. Now, this is great as it draws them out in front of a large
group. The lurkers often will start thinking to themselves and seeing just
how sick those in the advanced stages of xianity really are. This will shake
the faith of many and this is what you want to do.

The economy is getting worse in many areas of the world. Use
this to your advantage:

Here you go for J W groups:

Use the above article, draw them out and make them answer to
their nonsense.


Here is a great site for getting scriptures and using their
fucking bible as a weapon against them:

Remember to keep it simple as these people are simple minded
and few have any knowledge as we do. Here is another site I have used


Let them know they are dealing with aliens and not some
omnipotent being. Shake their faith to its foundation. Question, question
and question. If they tell you it is wrong to question, ask why.

If you are there only to post information, it is important
to hit and run so to speak, because as soon as the moderator sees what is
going on, you will be banned. I have all my articles ready to go and on word
pad OR I have a list of links like above and just hit select all, copy,
paste and send; post, select all, copy, paste, send.... I have sent as any
as twenty posts of full articles with scriptures such as the above through,
then left the group, only to hit another one. Yes, this works. Most people
have no idea of the influence a properly written article will have online
when hundreds of people read it.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Steton" <stetonb@... wrote:

Lately, in the groups, within Satan's own chosen Dedicated groups of
People, there has been taunting, quarreling, unnacceptance of
different views, negativity, hostility, and most importantly
disobidience to Satan's Doctrine.

Those involved need to stop now, your causing harm, tension, and
negativity in the group,
Were changing from a Group of Satan to a Group of Problems.

Organized Rituals and Events need to start happening once agian, But
not nessecarily curses towards the enemy, we need to help ourselves,

Otherwise we arent ready to deal with others.

This group has been the victim of relentless attacks, negativity,
and tension between all involved, and these things need to be dealt
with, not just by attacking the senders, but by preparing ourselves.

Satan does not wish for us to fall on our knees, when presented with
a problem, even within our own Pride.

Something needs to be done, or this group will fall into dust.

Hail Satan!
-Steton Yo/
Very excellent point brought out by Stet and by our High Priestess
herself. In my situation, all religions must be tolerated otherwise
one can be prosecuted under the Unified Code of Military Justice. I
am a military member, and to try to argue against a xian is a serious
offense, yet I find out that every day more and more Satanic websites
and other sites rich with spiritual knowledge are "filtered"
as "offensive." It seems as though I am weaponless, but in reality,
all of these things are merely superficial and physical. I have a
whole astral armament prepared to inflict mass destruction upon those
who oppose our Father and Leader, loving and powerful who has shown
us compassion and understanding and light and POWER like no one else
has. When we were left to rot in our newborn truth and life and love,
He came to us and lifted us off our faces to rise as Warriors,
Healers, Teachers, and Defenders of the Truth. Praised be the Legions
of Truth, Praised be He who Reigns!

"A dark void has been penetrated by ultraviolet rays,
A menace has been pulverized by beams of its own decay.
A bright path of vengeance has taken ahold of the day,
A stitch has covered the stain of carcoming dismay.
An opposing force has been shattered by its inner centre,
An appaling victor has broken the false mentor,
An undying breed has strengthened into a new structure,
A poisonous death has tainted the power of perfect execution.
A falsified smile was replaced with the essence of liberation,
An untold truth the eternal right of every nation.
A replenished effort remains unwanted by a blinded population,
By force it shall heal the cancer of its own pollution.
An allegiance has been formed from constant oppresion,
A never ending hope will not abandon its burning obsession.
A sprouting energy morphs the cosmic essence into purified
An unwelcome seed the basis for a new foundation,
The sword was lifted from the sheath of negative reception,
And forth come the legions of liberating discretion!"

--- In [email protected], "High Priestess Maxine
Dietrich" <maxinedietrich@... wrote:
Thank you for posting this. People need to be frequently reminded.
In addition, it helps if members step in and stop this sort of
thing before
it gets out of control. We all need to band together.

Few people understand the extent of what is going on. When I came to
Satanism several years ago and performed a ritual to Satan offering
everything I am to destroy his enemies, I had no idea. As I have
before, I have been learning on the job. When I was new, I looked
upon xians
and xianity as stupid, weak, a joke, etc. I found very little
information on Satan or Satanism on the internet. What was online
at that
time was apologetic, "God" vs. "The Devil" sort of thing,
allegations of
living blood sacrifices, "evil" and all sorts of things. Most
Satanists I
found in the small amount of groups back then were apologetic and
went by
the xian concept of Satanism in that they felt they were in the
wrong and
against "God." Xianity pretty much ran the show.
I searched for any books on the Devil and Satanism I could find in
and bookstores for study and could only find worthless garbage
about human
sacrifices, Demonic possession, blood drinking rituals filled with
mutilation and so forth.

I met Satan and a few Demons about a year after my dedication, face
to face.
I learned from experience Satan is a benevolent being. He always
helped me
out and even helped me before I asked in many situations. His
presence in my
life has always been a most positive one.
I put up my website and named it "Joy of Satan" as I was so sick of
all the
negativity that was endlessly heaped upon Satan and his Demons-
spooks, ghouls, skeletons, death, blood, horror, gore, etc. "Joy"
was a
positive and happy word. Satan brought me much joy and happiness.

I had no idea just where this was going to take me. It has been
years now. I have been finding first hand, we are fighting a
xian church with their jewish bulwark is not just some rum dumb
organization. They DO have immense wealth and POWER, both worldly
astrally. They have made liberal use of occult powers over the
centuries to
establish and secure their rule. We have MAJOR enemies. The spells
rituals we are and have been doing have been making universal
impact. If
people think the enemy is just going to sit back and let live, they
sadly mistaken. We are in a war. THIS IS TOTAL FUCKING WAR!! Yes,
we will be
attacked and the weak will be weeded out now. We are no longer a
controllable group of nonconformists and a few misfits. JoS has
come to the
attention of the Vatican for one and all of the Satanic Churches and
organizations have the enemy on the red alert. The Vatican stated
two years
ago "There has been an alarming increase in Satanism of late."

People think an organization that most brutally and viciously
tortured to
death and mass murdered millions of innocent human beings, some as
young as
two years old (accused of being a witch), is going to just sit back
and let
this go? Oh no. We are ALL under attack now. Satan also informed me
attacks will increase in the future, as we advance further to where
we can
no longer be ignored and gain many more members.

We are up against an organization that has unlimited monetary
wealth, vast
political and psychic power and centuries of spiritual knowledge
that has
been confiscated from the public. Those in high positions have all
day to
study and meditate. Certain Jesuits in the Vatican can levitate off
floor. Most of us here have to work; we have families and other
distractions. For many of us, money is tight. Free time is precious
limited. Yes the enemy attacks this entire group, AND other high
Satanic groups. We are vastly outnumbered at this point.

What can we do? For one- we have the truth on our side. Superior
state of
mind, superior attitude. We will win. The enemy is a LIE and we can
this. The important thing is to reach the masses. The more who know
truth, the better.

1.It is important to be aware of infiltrators, but not paranoid.
Infiltrators reveal themselves, especially when an organization is
problems, they come out to create more problems.

2.Meditate every day as you can. Clean your aura. Clean, spin
align your chakras correctly: http://www.666blacksun.com/Tablet%
By working on yourself spiritually, this greatly will help your
emotions and ability to better deal with every day situations and
3.Answer questions in the groups and be supportive of our
Brothers and
Sisters in Satan. We must hang together.

4.We do not turn the other cheek. We fight back. For those of
you who
can, get involved in spiritual warfare. Do rituals against the
enemy, either
in a group or solo. We must be as a battering ram- relentless until
enemy is totally and completely destroyed in every way.

5.The enemy should never be underestimated. We are fighting a
monster who has no limits to the lows it will go to in order to
ruin and
destroy our people. NEVER compromise or show any compassion for the
Doing so will place you at their mercy and they will drive a knife
into your
back at the first opportunity.

6.Above all, work for Satan. Advance Satanism in every legal
way you
can. I automatically destroy any xian materials lying about without
thinking. It is second nature with me. I tear up pamphlets, or
whatever, to
make sure they are totally unsalvageable. Every day, I work to do
to ruin xianity and its jewish bulwark in some way. This can be on
internet through posting information, in my every day life offline,
putting up stickers or leaving leaflets in public places,
complaining about
xians and their activities, their materials, etc., to the
management of
stores or the proper authorities. Silence is seen as condoning
Speak up! Let them know xianity is not wanted, is offensive, and is
not to
be tolerated in public areas. Maybe they will do nothing at first,
remember brothers and sisters, there is strength in numbers.
Work xian forums and chatrooms. Break down and
destroy their
faith. I have gotten into a few large xian e-groups online and when
there is
open posting, take advantage of this. Have a dummy account ready
and join
the group with it. I find links can be ignored, Full articles are
harder to
just ignore and many will read out of curiosity. Make use of your
notepad on
your PC and have 10+ articles ready to go. Just copy, paste, and
send. The
following articles have a lot of material that is very damaging to
If you infiltrate their groups, ask them questions
scripture and needle them as to "why?" Make them explain in front of
everyone. Few people read the bible, though they call themselves
"Christians." The articles below are wonderful to copy and paste
and also to
use as reference material when arguing with xians:

http://www.exposingchristianity.com/Hum ... 0and%20the%
http://www.exposingchristianity.com/Ten ... ments.html
Bring up the Inquisition at every turn and ask to
know why:

You may be confronted with sick individuals who
condone this
sort of thing. Now, this is great as it draws them out in front of
a large
group. The lurkers often will start thinking to themselves and
seeing just
how sick those in the advanced stages of xianity really are. This
will shake
the faith of many and this is what you want to do.

The economy is getting worse in many areas of the
world. Use
this to your advantage:

Here you go for J W groups:

Use the above article, draw them out and make them
answer to
their nonsense.


Here is a great site for getting scriptures and using
fucking bible as a weapon against them:

Remember to keep it simple as these people are simple
and few have any knowledge as we do. Here is another site I have


Let them know they are dealing with aliens and not
omnipotent being. Shake their faith to its foundation. Question,
and question. If they tell you it is wrong to question, ask why.

If you are there only to post information, it is
to hit and run so to speak, because as soon as the moderator sees
what is
going on, you will be banned. I have all my articles ready to go
and on word
pad OR I have a list of links like above and just hit select all,
paste and send; post, select all, copy, paste, send.... I have sent
as any
as twenty posts of full articles with scriptures such as the above
then left the group, only to hit another one. Yes, this works. Most
have no idea of the influence a properly written article will have
when hundreds of people read it.

--- In [email protected], "Steton" <stetonb@ wrote:

Lately, in the groups, within Satan's own chosen Dedicated groups
People, there has been taunting, quarreling, unnacceptance of
different views, negativity, hostility, and most importantly
disobidience to Satan's Doctrine.

Those involved need to stop now, your causing harm, tension, and
negativity in the group,
Were changing from a Group of Satan to a Group of Problems.

Organized Rituals and Events need to start happening once agian,
not nessecarily curses towards the enemy, we need to help
Otherwise we arent ready to deal with others.

This group has been the victim of relentless attacks, negativity,
and tension between all involved, and these things need to be
with, not just by attacking the senders, but by preparing
Satan does not wish for us to fall on our knees, when presented
a problem, even within our own Pride.

Something needs to be done, or this group will fall into dust.

Hail Satan!
-Steton Yo/
Eeeeeow! I haven't been here for a few days and it seems a lot is happening.

We need to remind ourselves that our greatest weapons are psychic. That can't be taken
from us by mere legislation. I can't stress too strongly the necessity of each and every one
of us progressing as much as we individually can.

It's maddening, but not surprising, how they can trot out "religious tolerance" on cue, but
that tolerance seldom extends to us. It's illegal (or at best, politically incorrect) to speak
out against the judaic/xtian/muslim combine but the rest of us are fair game.
(Incidentally, here in Canada, I believe it's also illegal to deny the supposed "holocaust" --
those who have openly done so have been vilely persecuted and, if not Canadian citizens,

The whole idea of banning and destroying real knowledge is infuriating, but logical from
their warped viewpoint. After all, they've exercised total conrtrol for millennia by feeding
people watered-down, invented pap and the idea of their "slave population" actually
learning something useful that not only shows them up for what they really are but also
teaches us that we can exercise some control over our lives must be very frightening.
Nothing more unnerving for a dictator is a surge of independence in those under its heel,
whether it rules a banana republic or a world. We need to be prepared for this and learn as
much as possible in as short a time as possible.

On a brighter note, there are some small signs that the old ways are no longer rock-solid,
that the rotten foundation is slowly being exposed and there is nothing that can stop it in
the long run. I'm really interested in what the next 5 years holds in store. According to
Mayan/Aztec thought, 2012 is the end of the Fifth Sun and we know it's the beginning of
the Age of Aquarius. No, the world will not end as they believed, but it's going to be a
hair-raising ride in some ways. I also think the enemy knows this and that their influence
(by force and otherwise) will really only be viable for approx. 5 more years -- just my
opinion, of course).

People are not listening to them with the same abject kow-towing as before. For instance,
right now we have a wonderful display at Science World called BodyWorks 3. It's real
humans who donated their bodies for plastination so they could be exhibited for
educational purposes so people would learn more about how we really "work". My
daughter and I saw it and it's a truly awe-inspiring exhibition and very respectful. (If it
comes to your city, I highly recommend it). Anyway, when it was first booked here, "every"
ridiculous preacher of every xtian stripe got up on its soapbox and vomited forth how it
was "unchristian" and should not be patronized by the flock. Backfire! It's sold out again
and again. Huge lineups and people are awed by the intricities and complexities and just
plain magesty of the human body.

There's also been a few radio talk shows where people have expressed, some more directly
than others, that a great leap forward in bettering the human condition is to "get rid of the
damn religion. Not spirituality, but religion." I couldn't agree more.

So, not to minimize the seriousness and danger of the times we, as Satanists, presently
face, I think we also have to look further into the future and encourage each other with
glimpses of the big picture once in a while. We WILL win!


--- In [email protected], "siphonemis" <siphonemis@... wrote:

Very excellent point brought out by Stet and by our High Priestess
herself. In my situation, all religions must be tolerated otherwise
one can be prosecuted under the Unified Code of Military Justice. I
am a military member, and to try to argue against a xian is a serious
offense, yet I find out that every day more and more Satanic websites
and other sites rich with spiritual knowledge are "filtered"
as "offensive." It seems as though I am weaponless, but in reality,
all of these things are merely superficial and physical. I have a
whole astral armament prepared to inflict mass destruction upon those
who oppose our Father and Leader, loving and powerful who has shown
us compassion and understanding and light and POWER like no one else
has. When we were left to rot in our newborn truth and life and love,
He came to us and lifted us off our faces to rise as Warriors,
Healers, Teachers, and Defenders of the Truth. Praised be the Legions
of Truth, Praised be He who Reigns!

"A dark void has been penetrated by ultraviolet rays,
A menace has been pulverized by beams of its own decay.
A bright path of vengeance has taken ahold of the day,
A stitch has covered the stain of carcoming dismay.
An opposing force has been shattered by its inner centre,
An appaling victor has broken the false mentor,
An undying breed has strengthened into a new structure,
A poisonous death has tainted the power of perfect execution.
A falsified smile was replaced with the essence of liberation,
An untold truth the eternal right of every nation.
A replenished effort remains unwanted by a blinded population,
By force it shall heal the cancer of its own pollution.
An allegiance has been formed from constant oppresion,
A never ending hope will not abandon its burning obsession.
A sprouting energy morphs the cosmic essence into purified
An unwelcome seed the basis for a new foundation,
The sword was lifted from the sheath of negative reception,
And forth come the legions of liberating discretion!"

--- In [email protected], "High Priestess Maxine
Dietrich" <maxinedietrich@ wrote:

Thank you for posting this. People need to be frequently reminded.
In addition, it helps if members step in and stop this sort of
thing before
it gets out of control. We all need to band together.

Few people understand the extent of what is going on. When I came to
Satanism several years ago and performed a ritual to Satan offering
everything I am to destroy his enemies, I had no idea. As I have
before, I have been learning on the job. When I was new, I looked
upon xians
and xianity as stupid, weak, a joke, etc. I found very little
information on Satan or Satanism on the internet. What was online
at that
time was apologetic, "God" vs. "The Devil" sort of thing,
allegations of
living blood sacrifices, "evil" and all sorts of things. Most
Satanists I
found in the small amount of groups back then were apologetic and
went by
the xian concept of Satanism in that they felt they were in the
wrong and
against "God." Xianity pretty much ran the show.
I searched for any books on the Devil and Satanism I could find in
and bookstores for study and could only find worthless garbage
about human
sacrifices, Demonic possession, blood drinking rituals filled with
mutilation and so forth.

I met Satan and a few Demons about a year after my dedication, face
to face.
I learned from experience Satan is a benevolent being. He always
helped me
out and even helped me before I asked in many situations. His
presence in my
life has always been a most positive one.
I put up my website and named it "Joy of Satan" as I was so sick of
all the
negativity that was endlessly heaped upon Satan and his Demons-
spooks, ghouls, skeletons, death, blood, horror, gore, etc. "Joy"
was a
positive and happy word. Satan brought me much joy and happiness.

I had no idea just where this was going to take me. It has been
years now. I have been finding first hand, we are fighting a
xian church with their jewish bulwark is not just some rum dumb
organization. They DO have immense wealth and POWER, both worldly
astrally. They have made liberal use of occult powers over the
centuries to
establish and secure their rule. We have MAJOR enemies. The spells
rituals we are and have been doing have been making universal
impact. If
people think the enemy is just going to sit back and let live, they
sadly mistaken. We are in a war. THIS IS TOTAL FUCKING WAR!! Yes,
we will be
attacked and the weak will be weeded out now. We are no longer a
controllable group of nonconformists and a few misfits. JoS has
come to the
attention of the Vatican for one and all of the Satanic Churches and
organizations have the enemy on the red alert. The Vatican stated
two years
ago "There has been an alarming increase in Satanism of late."

People think an organization that most brutally and viciously
tortured to
death and mass murdered millions of innocent human beings, some as
young as
two years old (accused of being a witch), is going to just sit back
and let
this go? Oh no. We are ALL under attack now. Satan also informed me
attacks will increase in the future, as we advance further to where
we can
no longer be ignored and gain many more members.

We are up against an organization that has unlimited monetary
wealth, vast
political and psychic power and centuries of spiritual knowledge
that has
been confiscated from the public. Those in high positions have all
day to
study and meditate. Certain Jesuits in the Vatican can levitate off
floor. Most of us here have to work; we have families and other
distractions. For many of us, money is tight. Free time is precious
limited. Yes the enemy attacks this entire group, AND other high
Satanic groups. We are vastly outnumbered at this point.

What can we do? For one- we have the truth on our side. Superior
state of
mind, superior attitude. We will win. The enemy is a LIE and we can
this. The important thing is to reach the masses. The more who know
truth, the better.

1.It is important to be aware of infiltrators, but not paranoid.
Infiltrators reveal themselves, especially when an organization is
problems, they come out to create more problems.

2.Meditate every day as you can. Clean your aura. Clean, spin
align your chakras correctly: http://www.666blacksun.com/Tablet%
By working on yourself spiritually, this greatly will help your
emotions and ability to better deal with every day situations and

3.Answer questions in the groups and be supportive of our
Brothers and
Sisters in Satan. We must hang together.

4.We do not turn the other cheek. We fight back. For those of
you who
can, get involved in spiritual warfare. Do rituals against the
enemy, either
in a group or solo. We must be as a battering ram- relentless until
enemy is totally and completely destroyed in every way.

5.The enemy should never be underestimated. We are fighting a
monster who has no limits to the lows it will go to in order to
ruin and
destroy our people. NEVER compromise or show any compassion for the
Doing so will place you at their mercy and they will drive a knife
into your
back at the first opportunity.

6.Above all, work for Satan. Advance Satanism in every legal
way you
can. I automatically destroy any xian materials lying about without
thinking. It is second nature with me. I tear up pamphlets, or
whatever, to
make sure they are totally unsalvageable. Every day, I work to do
to ruin xianity and its jewish bulwark in some way. This can be on
internet through posting information, in my every day life offline,
putting up stickers or leaving leaflets in public places,
complaining about
xians and their activities, their materials, etc., to the
management of
stores or the proper authorities. Silence is seen as condoning
Speak up! Let them know xianity is not wanted, is offensive, and is
not to
be tolerated in public areas. Maybe they will do nothing at first,
remember brothers and sisters, there is strength in numbers.
Work xian forums and chatrooms. Break down and
destroy their
faith. I have gotten into a few large xian e-groups online and when
there is
open posting, take advantage of this. Have a dummy account ready
and join
the group with it. I find links can be ignored, Full articles are
harder to
just ignore and many will read out of curiosity. Make use of your
notepad on
your PC and have 10+ articles ready to go. Just copy, paste, and
send. The
following articles have a lot of material that is very damaging to
exposes xianity:





If you infiltrate their groups, ask them questions
scripture and needle them as to "why?" Make them explain in front of
everyone. Few people read the bible, though they call themselves
"Christians." The articles below are wonderful to copy and paste
and also to
use as reference material when arguing with xians:

http://www.exposingchristianity.com/Hum ... 0and%20the%



http://www.exposingchristianity.com/Ten ... ments.html

Bring up the Inquisition at every turn and ask to
know why:

You may be confronted with sick individuals who
condone this
sort of thing. Now, this is great as it draws them out in front of
a large
group. The lurkers often will start thinking to themselves and
seeing just
how sick those in the advanced stages of xianity really are. This
will shake
the faith of many and this is what you want to do.

The economy is getting worse in many areas of the
world. Use
this to your advantage:

Here you go for J W groups:

Use the above article, draw them out and make them
answer to
their nonsense.


Here is a great site for getting scriptures and using
fucking bible as a weapon against them:

Remember to keep it simple as these people are simple
and few have any knowledge as we do. Here is another site I have


Let them know they are dealing with aliens and not
omnipotent being. Shake their faith to its foundation. Question,
and question. If they tell you it is wrong to question, ask why.

If you are there only to post information, it is
to hit and run so to speak, because as soon as the moderator sees
what is
going on, you will be banned. I have all my articles ready to go
and on word
pad OR I have a list of links like above and just hit select all,
paste and send; post, select all, copy, paste, send.... I have sent
as any
as twenty posts of full articles with scriptures such as the above
then left the group, only to hit another one. Yes, this works. Most
have no idea of the influence a properly written article will have
when hundreds of people read it.

--- In [email protected], "Steton" <stetonb@ wrote:

Lately, in the groups, within Satan's own chosen Dedicated groups
People, there has been taunting, quarreling, unnacceptance of
different views, negativity, hostility, and most importantly
disobidience to Satan's Doctrine.

Those involved need to stop now, your causing harm, tension, and
negativity in the group,
Were changing from a Group of Satan to a Group of Problems.

Organized Rituals and Events need to start happening once agian,
not nessecarily curses towards the enemy, we need to help

Otherwise we arent ready to deal with others.

This group has been the victim of relentless attacks, negativity,
and tension between all involved, and these things need to be
with, not just by attacking the senders, but by preparing

Satan does not wish for us to fall on our knees, when presented
a problem, even within our own Pride.

Something needs to be done, or this group will fall into dust.

Hail Satan!
-Steton Yo/
I may be new to this group but I can say I have had a lot of
experience with this, people tend to fight for with different levels
of ability come different levels of understanding, lower levels are
given only small portions and different information so that they can
grasp it instead of being plummeted in where they get overwhelmed by
the reality and depths of what they have gotten themselves into, with
those on the higher levels comes arrogance and competition, once some
people reach new levels they see themselves as better than others and
start their smug ways, this seems to make them more inclined to shout
down and put down the ideas of those who may not be as experienced,
this can lead to far too many problems, what people must realize is
that no matter what level you reach you have far more than you can
imagine still to come, and you are in no means at a stage where you
can treat people in such a way, the only people who are in those
positions know that their place is to help people, not start a pissing
There will always be different ideas and views the only thing you can
do is find the middle ground, look at why you are here, we should be
standing together strong, not bashing through our numbers so close to
the new age, there is a reason our numbers are growing, think about
that, not about how you are better than one another.

--- In [email protected], "Acantha-Tara"
<jaguarcat2002@... wrote:
Eeeeeow! I haven't been here for a few days and it seems a lot is
We need to remind ourselves that our greatest weapons are psychic.
That can't be taken
from us by mere legislation. I can't stress too strongly the
necessity of each and every one
of us progressing as much as we individually can.

It's maddening, but not surprising, how they can trot out "religious
tolerance" on cue, but
that tolerance seldom extends to us. It's illegal (or at best,
politically incorrect) to speak
out against the judaic/xtian/muslim combine but the rest of us are
fair game.
(Incidentally, here in Canada, I believe it's also illegal to deny
the supposed "holocaust" --
those who have openly done so have been vilely persecuted and, if
not Canadian citizens,

The whole idea of banning and destroying real knowledge is
infuriating, but logical from
their warped viewpoint. After all, they've exercised total conrtrol
for millennia by feeding
people watered-down, invented pap and the idea of their "slave
population" actually
learning something useful that not only shows them up for what they
really are but also
teaches us that we can exercise some control over our lives must be
very frightening.
Nothing more unnerving for a dictator is a surge of independence in
those under its heel,
whether it rules a banana republic or a world. We need to be
prepared for this and learn as
much as possible in as short a time as possible.

On a brighter note, there are some small signs that the old ways are
no longer rock-solid,
that the rotten foundation is slowly being exposed and there is
nothing that can stop it in
the long run. I'm really interested in what the next 5 years holds
in store. According to
Mayan/Aztec thought, 2012 is the end of the Fifth Sun and we know
it's the beginning of
the Age of Aquarius. No, the world will not end as they believed,
but it's going to be a
hair-raising ride in some ways. I also think the enemy knows this
and that their influence
(by force and otherwise) will really only be viable for approx. 5
more years -- just my
opinion, of course).

People are not listening to them with the same abject kow-towing as
before. For instance,
right now we have a wonderful display at Science World called
BodyWorks 3. It's real
humans who donated their bodies for plastination so they could be
exhibited for
educational purposes so people would learn more about how we really
"work". My
daughter and I saw it and it's a truly awe-inspiring exhibition and
very respectful. (If it
comes to your city, I highly recommend it). Anyway, when it was
first booked here, "every"
ridiculous preacher of every xtian stripe got up on its soapbox and
vomited forth how it
was "unchristian" and should not be patronized by the flock.
Backfire! It's sold out again
and again. Huge lineups and people are awed by the intricities and
complexities and just
plain magesty of the human body.

There's also been a few radio talk shows where people have
expressed, some more directly
than others, that a great leap forward in bettering the human
condition is to "get rid of the
damn religion. Not spirituality, but religion." I couldn't agree more.

So, not to minimize the seriousness and danger of the times we, as
Satanists, presently
face, I think we also have to look further into the future and
encourage each other with
glimpses of the big picture once in a while. We WILL win!


--- In [email protected], "siphonemis"
<siphonemis@ wrote:
Very excellent point brought out by Stet and by our High Priestess
herself. In my situation, all religions must be tolerated otherwise
one can be prosecuted under the Unified Code of Military Justice. I
am a military member, and to try to argue against a xian is a serious
offense, yet I find out that every day more and more Satanic websites
and other sites rich with spiritual knowledge are "filtered"
as "offensive." It seems as though I am weaponless, but in reality,
all of these things are merely superficial and physical. I have a
whole astral armament prepared to inflict mass destruction upon those
who oppose our Father and Leader, loving and powerful who has shown
us compassion and understanding and light and POWER like no one else
has. When we were left to rot in our newborn truth and life and love,
He came to us and lifted us off our faces to rise as Warriors,
Healers, Teachers, and Defenders of the Truth. Praised be the Legions
of Truth, Praised be He who Reigns!

"A dark void has been penetrated by ultraviolet rays,
A menace has been pulverized by beams of its own decay.
A bright path of vengeance has taken ahold of the day,
A stitch has covered the stain of carcoming dismay.
An opposing force has been shattered by its inner centre,
An appaling victor has broken the false mentor,
An undying breed has strengthened into a new structure,
A poisonous death has tainted the power of perfect execution.
A falsified smile was replaced with the essence of liberation,
An untold truth the eternal right of every nation.
A replenished effort remains unwanted by a blinded population,
By force it shall heal the cancer of its own pollution.
An allegiance has been formed from constant oppresion,
A never ending hope will not abandon its burning obsession.
A sprouting energy morphs the cosmic essence into purified
An unwelcome seed the basis for a new foundation,
The sword was lifted from the sheath of negative reception,
And forth come the legions of liberating discretion!"

--- In [email protected], "High Priestess Maxine
Dietrich" <maxinedietrich@ wrote:

Thank you for posting this. People need to be frequently reminded.
In addition, it helps if members step in and stop this sort of
thing before
it gets out of control. We all need to band together.

Few people understand the extent of what is going on. When I came to
Satanism several years ago and performed a ritual to Satan offering
everything I am to destroy his enemies, I had no idea. As I have
before, I have been learning on the job. When I was new, I looked
upon xians
and xianity as stupid, weak, a joke, etc. I found very little
information on Satan or Satanism on the internet. What was online
at that
time was apologetic, "God" vs. "The Devil" sort of thing,
allegations of
living blood sacrifices, "evil" and all sorts of things. Most
Satanists I
found in the small amount of groups back then were apologetic and
went by
the xian concept of Satanism in that they felt they were in the
wrong and
against "God." Xianity pretty much ran the show.
I searched for any books on the Devil and Satanism I could find in
and bookstores for study and could only find worthless garbage
about human
sacrifices, Demonic possession, blood drinking rituals filled with
mutilation and so forth.

I met Satan and a few Demons about a year after my dedication, face
to face.
I learned from experience Satan is a benevolent being. He always
helped me
out and even helped me before I asked in many situations. His
presence in my
life has always been a most positive one.
I put up my website and named it "Joy of Satan" as I was so sick of
all the
negativity that was endlessly heaped upon Satan and his Demons-
spooks, ghouls, skeletons, death, blood, horror, gore, etc. "Joy"
was a
positive and happy word. Satan brought me much joy and happiness.

I had no idea just where this was going to take me. It has been
years now. I have been finding first hand, we are fighting a
xian church with their jewish bulwark is not just some rum dumb
organization. They DO have immense wealth and POWER, both worldly
astrally. They have made liberal use of occult powers over the
centuries to
establish and secure their rule. We have MAJOR enemies. The spells
rituals we are and have been doing have been making universal
impact. If
people think the enemy is just going to sit back and let live, they
sadly mistaken. We are in a war. THIS IS TOTAL FUCKING WAR!! Yes,
we will be
attacked and the weak will be weeded out now. We are no longer a
controllable group of nonconformists and a few misfits. JoS has
come to the
attention of the Vatican for one and all of the Satanic Churches and
organizations have the enemy on the red alert. The Vatican stated
two years
ago "There has been an alarming increase in Satanism of late."

People think an organization that most brutally and viciously
tortured to
death and mass murdered millions of innocent human beings, some as
young as
two years old (accused of being a witch), is going to just sit back
and let
this go? Oh no. We are ALL under attack now. Satan also informed me
attacks will increase in the future, as we advance further to where
we can
no longer be ignored and gain many more members.

We are up against an organization that has unlimited monetary
wealth, vast
political and psychic power and centuries of spiritual knowledge
that has
been confiscated from the public. Those in high positions have all
day to
study and meditate. Certain Jesuits in the Vatican can levitate off
floor. Most of us here have to work; we have families and other
distractions. For many of us, money is tight. Free time is precious
limited. Yes the enemy attacks this entire group, AND other high
Satanic groups. We are vastly outnumbered at this point.

What can we do? For one- we have the truth on our side. Superior
state of
mind, superior attitude. We will win. The enemy is a LIE and we can
this. The important thing is to reach the masses. The more who know
truth, the better.

1.It is important to be aware of infiltrators, but not paranoid.
Infiltrators reveal themselves, especially when an organization is
problems, they come out to create more problems.

2.Meditate every day as you can. Clean your aura. Clean, spin
align your chakras correctly: http://www.666blacksun.com/Tablet%
By working on yourself spiritually, this greatly will help your
emotions and ability to better deal with every day situations and

3.Answer questions in the groups and be supportive of our
Brothers and
Sisters in Satan. We must hang together.

4.We do not turn the other cheek. We fight back. For those of
you who
can, get involved in spiritual warfare. Do rituals against the
enemy, either
in a group or solo. We must be as a battering ram- relentless until
enemy is totally and completely destroyed in every way.

5.The enemy should never be underestimated. We are fighting a
monster who has no limits to the lows it will go to in order to
ruin and
destroy our people. NEVER compromise or show any compassion for the
Doing so will place you at their mercy and they will drive a knife
into your
back at the first opportunity.

6.Above all, work for Satan. Advance Satanism in every legal
way you
can. I automatically destroy any xian materials lying about without
thinking. It is second nature with me. I tear up pamphlets, or
whatever, to
make sure they are totally unsalvageable. Every day, I work to do
to ruin xianity and its jewish bulwark in some way. This can be on
internet through posting information, in my every day life offline,
putting up stickers or leaving leaflets in public places,
complaining about
xians and their activities, their materials, etc., to the
management of
stores or the proper authorities. Silence is seen as condoning
Speak up! Let them know xianity is not wanted, is offensive, and is
not to
be tolerated in public areas. Maybe they will do nothing at first,
remember brothers and sisters, there is strength in numbers.
Work xian forums and chatrooms. Break down and
destroy their
faith. I have gotten into a few large xian e-groups online and when
there is
open posting, take advantage of this. Have a dummy account ready
and join
the group with it. I find links can be ignored, Full articles are
harder to
just ignore and many will read out of curiosity. Make use of your
notepad on
your PC and have 10+ articles ready to go. Just copy, paste, and
send. The
following articles have a lot of material that is very damaging to
exposes xianity:





If you infiltrate their groups, ask them questions
scripture and needle them as to "why?" Make them explain in front of
everyone. Few people read the bible, though they call themselves
"Christians." The articles below are wonderful to copy and paste
and also to
use as reference material when arguing with xians:

http://www.exposingchristianity.com/Hum ... 0and%20the%



http://www.exposingchristianity.com/Ten ... ments.html

Bring up the Inquisition at every turn and ask to
know why:

You may be confronted with sick individuals who
condone this
sort of thing. Now, this is great as it draws them out in front of
a large
group. The lurkers often will start thinking to themselves and
seeing just
how sick those in the advanced stages of xianity really are. This
will shake
the faith of many and this is what you want to do.

The economy is getting worse in many areas of the
world. Use
this to your advantage:

Here you go for J W groups:

Use the above article, draw them out and make them
answer to
their nonsense.


Here is a great site for getting scriptures and using
fucking bible as a weapon against them:

Remember to keep it simple as these people are simple
and few have any knowledge as we do. Here is another site I have


Let them know they are dealing with aliens and not
omnipotent being. Shake their faith to its foundation. Question,
and question. If they tell you it is wrong to question, ask why.

If you are there only to post information, it is
to hit and run so to speak, because as soon as the moderator sees
what is
going on, you will be banned. I have all my articles ready to go
and on word
pad OR I have a list of links like above and just hit select all,
paste and send; post, select all, copy, paste, send.... I have sent
as any
as twenty posts of full articles with scriptures such as the above
then left the group, only to hit another one. Yes, this works. Most
have no idea of the influence a properly written article will have
when hundreds of people read it.

--- In [email protected], "Steton" <stetonb@ wrote:

Lately, in the groups, within Satan's own chosen Dedicated groups
People, there has been taunting, quarreling, unnacceptance of
different views, negativity, hostility, and most importantly
disobidience to Satan's Doctrine.

Those involved need to stop now, your causing harm, tension, and
negativity in the group,
Were changing from a Group of Satan to a Group of Problems.

Organized Rituals and Events need to start happening once agian,
not nessecarily curses towards the enemy, we need to help

Otherwise we arent ready to deal with others.

This group has been the victim of relentless attacks, negativity,
and tension between all involved, and these things need to be
with, not just by attacking the senders, but by preparing

Satan does not wish for us to fall on our knees, when presented
a problem, even within our own Pride.

Something needs to be done, or this group will fall into dust.

Hail Satan!
-Steton Yo/

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
