Kinnaree said:I am much more inclined to vedic astrology than western. After all, it came before Western.
Yes, it is much deeper. More onion layers to it than western, but western has its own merits as well.
I like to stick to Vedic. It is much more intricate and thorough, imo.
Also, there is a female occultist of the left hand path who is a vedic astrologer. She specializes in physical features of people according to nakshatra. It is very uncanny and she seems very knowledgeable. If you'd like to search her: her name is Claire Nakti. She is on multiple social medias. From her, I know how to figure out someone's moon, sun, and/or ascendant just by their facial structure, expression, and mannerism.
In western astrology, I often thought, for example, the interpretation for a sign is too broad. Not every Leo person (sun/moon/asc) is the same.
I read the nakshatra and the pada (4 different sectors within each nakshatra), and that explains much further how one Leo is different than another Leo.
Let's say I have a western Cancer moon 3*degrees. I read on cancer moon. But I find not every cancer moon is like western interpretation. Then I read the vedic. So 3*Cancer moon would be Gemini moon and nakshatra is Ardra, ruled by Rudra and is also known as Shiva. Although they are extremely emotionally sensitive folks (this fits the western interpretation as well), Ardra people can also be quite vindictive. They're ruled by Rahu, the north node. Rahu is highly ambitious for the material things in life. They want what they want and will get it at whatever cost. At its positive, they're hard working people, but at their worst, they are so arrogant and ungrateful. They receive aid and help from others to get what they want. In the end, they forget to say thanks. So they can also exploit. An adept at manipulation in order to achieve what they want. Which is why they can seemingly be a highly addictive person (addictive personality). Borderline obsessive as well. Yes. I have met Ardra people to be like this. It has always bogged my mind why cancer moon people (taking western way), can be such like that? Looking into the vedic, oh well there you go. That explains it.
So, for me, and I fully respect anyone's choice which system they like better, I gravitate towards the vedic astro.
And by the way, there is a western astrologer who utilizes the nakshatra. Only thing is, the names of each are in Greek, named after Greek gods and goddesses. His system is called Asterian Astrology. He says it was used by the Alexander the Great, i think his priests were the ones who learned it from the Vedic astrologers. You may do a search on Asterian Astrology.
All in all, vedic is the way, for me.
It's also been the most corrupted for the same reason of being around for a long time.
The thing that interests me the most about the Nakshatras here is the Padas of which there are 108 of. Padas are around 2-4 degrees big and the value of the word Pada is 13. I wrote something on the main forum about Tertiary rulership which concerns the decans of which there are 3 of to a sign. For every Nakshatra there are 4 Padas which leads me to contemplate whether there is a Quaternary rulership which can be seen through Vedic astrology's Nakshatras?
note 108 Padas = 9, 27 Nakshatras = 9. There are 36 decans 3+6 = 9. 9 is a number of completion and finality which leads me to think these are all very important.
The value of the word Decan is also 18 (1+8 = 9) and the value of Nakshatra is 30 which breaks down to 3 and is the number of qualities: Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable. (also the 3 Decans of each sign which add to 30, synchronicity between the Greek Decans and Vedic Nakshatras)
In Astrology we can measure the rulership of a point in the sky:
by the Zodiac sign its in,
by the Co-Rulerships of that point in the sign,
by the Nakshatra within the sign
by the Decan within the sign
and by the Pada within the Decan.
Those are Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary Rulerships.
The Zodiac sign is Primary and fixed into place, Co-rulerships are Secondary and fixed with traits of changing, Nakshatras are Tertiary and I believe are also fixed with some changing features. Decans are Tertiary and fixed, and Padas are Quaternary, and mutable in their interpretations. Padas are determined more by spiritual insights into the 2-4 degree spot and how an individual wishes to interpret them as well as fixed stars that might occupy that 2-4 degree spot. Decans are more poignant to our solar system as well as the interpretation of the entire Zodiac sign and related- so they don't rely on the same insights. Co-rulerships can change meaning based on what the planets are doing and I believe also the age we are in but I'm not sure there.
People who are spiritually advanced into Astrology should concern themselves with the meanings of the Padas their planets reside in, and people not so advanced who are learning Astrology should at least understand co-rulerships and maybe look into the Decanates their planets are in as well.
I think we need to blend both Western and Vedic and not prefer one over the other in order to establish a Satanic Astrology form which is true to what Satan wishes for us to do.
Edit - I'm going to make a public post on this instead.
This might also be along the way to understanding how the planetary days and hours work and how they are allotted