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Re: Σχετ: [JoyofSatan666] Dragged to church! :( :(

tennies nyenje

New member
Mar 9, 2014
Ok thanks very much. So what about if am staying together whith my boss in the tuckshop, then he force me to wrkt extra hard so no time to brows, should I leave the job?

------Original message------
From: Light Yagami tapapakiastinseira@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 11:24:52 AM GMT+0100
Subject: Σχετ: [JoyofSatan666] Dragged to church! :( :(

Stop having that fucking disgusting christian stereotype in your mind that the Gods get angry at us and that we need to ask for 'forgiveness' and all that crap.... If you've studied the website and other members' experiences in this group, you should know by now that the Gods are understanding and in such situations we should do whatever keeps us safe (if we need to go to the church because our parents will start suspectings things if we don't, then we must go as we're underage -I assume you are- and have no other option).
Your Guardian is not angry at you and he/she did not abandon you.

Στις 7:50 μ.μ. Κυριακή, 28 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014, ο/η "mselekunok2la mselekunok2la@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] έγραψε:

Hi brothers and sisters!

At home my mother and my brother have been having big financial issues, so as they are xtians they believe that if they pray harder it will get better.

This is obviously affected the whole family. Today they dragged all of us, to go to church and pray for this issue. I tried to dogde the situation but my mum couldn't let me off the hook. So now I feel real bad and sad cause it like my Guardian got upset and he is not with me right now!

Before we left I did try to explain to him and Father Satan that this is against my will and it hard to disobey my mother!

As they prayed I kept calling out to Father Satan!!!

Is there something I could do to apologise to my Guardian and Father Satan?? Did it offend him or felt betrayed by this even if I did try to explain??

Hail Satan
Hail Eligos
Hail Sustugreil

[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Joy of Satan Group
15 Messages
Digest #7347

DAGAZ Rune Meditation. by frizzard56
Physics, Mistakes, Michio Kaku???? by jordevo74
hello by frizzard56
he guys check out this site ! (Satanic Beauty website) by fadiinflames
Woking on a book by rob03021988
Meditation by mr.acidish
REPOST: i found this in 2013 newsletter and i thought id share by fadiinflames
Re: Skull & Bones - Secret society by dark_pagan_666

Greatest thanks by "candra.esquivel@..." candra.esquivel
I know the trueth now!! by "tennies nyenje" ntennis23
Just got a very grim vision of a communist future by billm10@...
Can someone tech me please by thenoob1992
Prana and Body Parts by jhd4412
The Emerald Tablet of Thoth by stygian.shadowcreeper
Goetia and Nadis by jhd4412
DAGAZ Rune Meditation.
Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:00 am (PDT) . Posted by:
So, I was talking to Father Satan through his sumerian sigil last night, and I was advised to meditate more, and use the DAGAZ rune. So, how exactly would I do that. As for the doctors, for those who read, it's been taken care of. Hail the almighty Father Satan for all eternity.

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Physics, Mistakes, Michio Kaku????
Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:01 am (PDT) . Posted by:
What is it with this trend of modern (physicists) who try to play the cool new kid in town on one side while maintaining a pure Newtonian five sense universe and playing off other physics proving things such as relativity and Pubefrostein wrong as (mistakes) based on technological errors. I will not post the video but this guy Michio Kaku had a video describing the circumstances of Einstein being wrong and us having to reset our entire perception of time and space as well as the technology that translates it into our left brain conscience. For shame if we have to oppose jew run artificial timelines that go against the universe' s natural rhythm is it not? He basically said that the neutrino test was likely a flaw in the angling of the satellite triangle and gave some anecdote to a professor he had comparing tests of light outside as unstable compared to inside or some bullshit. I have not yet taken the time to research others opinions on the recent
experiments that show matter from the sun has excelled past the (constant of light). This guy also had some afterlife video I had not fully bothered watching as soon as he started looking into biblical prophesy and used that I'm presuming as though formidable mythology may have explained things in a way that upset xians, given the comment (This guy only goes by what he can immediately touch) etc. I would like someone who has experience reading about these number jock clowns (He was also insulted on a comment to be a poor mathematician) . What is your take on this? I want your honest opinion on the likely hood of having technological flaws such as interference or geometric miscalculations etc. I am aggravated to say the least by these cunts defending Pubestein whether directly or indirectly. Perhaps you could also recommend me an article or past sermon. Though I believe I have read all of the scientific sermons so far.


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Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:02 am (PDT) . Posted by:

While you can meditate while being without, you will find that the enemy will slaughter you if you do. The enemy being angels, jews themselves, or esoteric pisstians, such as the shitheads at the vatican, or elsewhere. It's best to dedicate first.
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he guys check out this site ! (Satanic Beauty website)
Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:03 am (PDT) . Posted by:
http://satanic-beauty.weebly.com/ http://satanic-beauty.weebly.com/

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Woking on a book
Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:03 am (PDT) . Posted by:
The Occult in a Nutshell.pdf - Google Drive https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B86nr6 ... sp=sharing

The Occult in a Nutshell.pdf - Google Drive https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B86nr6 ... sp=sharing

View on drive.google.com https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B86nr6 ... sp=sharing
Preview by Yahoo

tell me what you think so far of my book for the occult satanism
hail satan

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Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:03 am (PDT) . Posted by:
Hello, I've been looking around the meditation part of the website, and I got to the section where it says that I have to hum "Thoth" but I do not understand how I need to do it. Could someone explain me how the sound should be produced?
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REPOST: i found this in 2013 newsletter and i thought id share
Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:03 am (PDT) . Posted by:
May 12, 2013

Set your goals to reach to Godhead,
Don't let distractions keep you from achieving your goals
Stay focus and alert
Prepare .

Adversities are beaten by persistence
When you persist and keep going without stopping
If you don't give up , eventually you will break the cycle
and you will overcome any obstacle
If you gave up , you've already lost.

if you keep going, you get to a new level
You must have passion and want it badly
passion for what you do , And *Know everything
* You do is for Satan

Sometimes the results don't matter
as much as the fact that you are doing it
with love
Give your best 100%
that's the warriors way.

Have Strong will and desire
if you don't have it, find a way too
Where there is a will, there is a way.
Sometimes it doesn't seem you are going to make it
but you keep going.
Don't ever give up
Focus on your one purpose, ADVANCE and RISE.

Trust Satan ALWAYS.

"Victory is reserved for those who are willing to pay it's price." - Sun Tzu

"You might as well stand and fight because if you run, you will only die tired"
- Vern Jocque - Sei Shin Kan.

"Use your head, or somebody else might."

He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.
- Friedrich Nietzsche

"Energy and persistence conquer all things."
Benjamin Franklin

Hail Satan

http://joyofsatan.org/ http://joyofsatan.org/
http://alegriadeenki.webs.com/ http://alegriadeenki.webs.com/

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Re: Skull & Bones - Secret society

Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:03 am (PDT) . Posted by:
You are mostly welcome!
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Greatest thanks
Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:04 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"candra.esquivel@..." candra.esquivel

I come from a Christian famly, its so sad how many have been blinded by theses fuckers. I am underage and still live with my family. I still have to go to church and oh how I dread it. I see my mom hurting and she says she need to fast and pray and all this other torture. I know she is just on her knees crying and praying to a worthless fuck that has no fucking remorse for her. I wish I could help her. I know ive been completely satisfied with Satan. I've never felt so much love and happiness until I did my dedication. Spiritual Satanism has been my clarity. So basically I am am just on a rant about how Satan is so good to us and how grateful I am. Hail Satan!

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I know the trueth now!!
Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:04 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"tennies nyenje" ntennis23

have been reading the articles as well as testmonies Of JOS 4or a long

time now. I know the trueth never come back to christian. thanks.

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Just got a very grim vision of a communist future
Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:05 am (PDT) . Posted by:
While asleep last night, I had a vision of HOW and even WHEN the jews are planning on setting up this pathetic marxism here in Melbourne, Australia. I don't normally post, but this dream was so vivid and strong I had to. On new years eve one year, there will be a big explosion in the city, from Crown casino, a kike will be singing and as he finishes he'll say "we' re out with a boom tonight, look out the window" thats when a bomb strikes, maybe a nuke, wiping out a lot of melbourne, killing many, destroying buildings, and even the casino itself. After that I got a vision of what we'll be treated to the next day, electricity cut off, water cut, phones not working, and a line of soldiers shooting anyone who passes a certain spot. Many attempted to cross that border and were shot instantly. All around, there are big banners and sickers with kike shit quotes like "we command, you do" - the master race or "you are of our 2800 slaves now" and they're
everywhere. T.V will have only 1 channel and it will not cover any of what happened, instead it will say that melbourne is in debt and can't pay it back, which means slave labor.

After this i woke up, the whole dream was so dark and It even said how old id be, calculated it will happen in 2027.

I'm not sure if it was an attack or a vision from the Gods, but this was powerful and really opened up my eyes. May national socialism rise and may the kikes be destroyed.

Praise be onto Satan, the God of Ea-rth.
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Can someone tech me please
Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:05 am (PDT) . Posted by:
Hello friends, I'm new to all this and I would like if some one can help me and teach me the ways reading tutorials never really helped me much so if anyone is willing to take me under there wing and help me you would be a life saver.

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Prana and Body Parts
Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:05 am (PDT) . Posted by:
As we all know meditation is designed to increase prana or energy in certain parts of the astral body, especially the chakras. What is not so well known is what prana, meditation, and the astral body actually do to the physical body.
By increasing the prana in the astral body and so empowering your soul, you strengthen the organs and physical body parts corresponding to where you increased the prana in the astral body. This happens by the energetic interaction between the astral body and the physical body. This strengthening increases those body part's resistant to disease and bacteria, improves its health, and increases its functioning. An important part of meditative work is increasing prana in certain chakras to balance out your physical body's functioning.

I will now show an example:
One of the main things a Spiritual Satanist does is increase the prana in the chakras and to activate them in the astral body. The major chakras are either in the same space as certain endocrine glands or places where there are parts in the physical body that affect or stimulate them. The endocrine glands produce and secrete chemicals and hormones into our blood stream that control puberty, sexuality, emotions to a large extent, that stimulate the mind and imagination, metabolism, health, and more. So, by increasing the prana in the chakras which are in the astral body, you are simultaneously strengthening and increasing the functioning of the endocrine glands. Now imagine, that one endocrine gland is not functioning enough in relation to the other endocrine glands. In the astral body this state would be manifest as a lack of prana in the corresponding chakra. So, to solve the problem you would simply meditate in an appropriate way to increase the prana
in that specific chakra, such as vibrating the necronomicon god-name that stimulates that chakra and visualizing it having it's bright color, et cetera.

Now as has been stated before in the groups and on the website, there are various centers in the astral body. Now, even if you do not know where they exactly are you can still solve problems in the physical body by simply increasing prana in the body part where the problem resides and programming it to heal. It is for this reason that a knowledge of the physical body and its processes are quite important in magic, and if great progress is to be made as a Spiritual Satanist.

For instance, when the Kundalini rises what happens, is it causes a dramatic increase of the traveling of impulses and information of the nervous system through the spine, and to and from the body and mind, which increases the power of the mind over the body, health, and much more awareness of the physical body.

This is from my own experiences (the effects of increasing prana in certain body parts), and I have tested this continually. I asked Satan if there was anything I could do to repay him for his help, and basically told me to post this particular information I had. I hope this helps.

Hail Satan, Hail Inanna, Hail Thoth, Hail Azazel

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The Emerald Tablet of Thoth
Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:05 am (PDT) . Posted by:
http://www.crystalinks.com/emerald.html http://www.crystalinks.com/emerald.html

Anyone has some thoughts on the Tablets? Or has read them more than once?

I can see some occult messages therein, yet I wonder whether or not it was corrupted, and if, than whether it has got any relevance...


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Goetia and Nadis
Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:05 am (PDT) . Posted by:
I was told this is the true usage of the Goetia.

Before going into the true uses it should be said. We are Spiritual Satanists, NOT Judeo-Christians. DO NOT use any of the prayers, or Christian by-bull-shit. Ignore all Judeo-Christian information in the Goetia, as it is all false information. Remember, Judeo-Christianity and the Angels are our enemies!

The Goetia comes from a word connected to meaning 'to howl', which is an allegory for vibrating god-names to activate chakras, nadis, et cetera. There are 144,000 major nadis in the astral body. Anyone who has read the Goetia knows there are 72 Demons in it. In old yogic books there are references to the numbers of nadis that comprise the totality of the pingala nadis and ida nadis, and some overtly say there are 72,000 pingala nadis and 72,000 ida nadis. The ida nadis are feminine (i.e. magnetic, they attract or take in prana, and cause contraction, closing, coldness, et cetera.). The pingala nadis are masculine (i.e. electric, they send out prana, and cause expansion, opening, heat, et cetera.)
The nadis are basically the astral body's counterpart to our nerves and veins. When the nadis are fully active and cleansed (i.e. have no more blockages) they grant various siddhis or powers.
The Goetic names when appropriately vibrated activate and cleanse the ida nadis, and due to the ida nadis being feminine and their function of taking in energy, they eventually, when enough energy has been taken in, activate the pingala nadis. It can basically be thought of as two water hose' being connected - when enough water goes in one it eventually goes into the other Each Goetic Name activates and cleanses 1,000 Ida nadis, hence, the 72 Demons.
In fact, the term devil synonymous nowadays with demon was an attempt by our enemies to erase and corrupt the mysteries taught by our Gods, especially the old Sanskrit term 'Devi' . Devi is synonymous with Shakti, the female force taught in the ancient Hindu Yogi Mysteries to the Yogis, which is needed to activate and cleanse the ida nadis. The names of our Gods in the Goetia actually increase this female energy when properly used, which is also called, Yin Chi, Shakti, Devi, Lunar, Magnetic, et cetera.

A meditative technique to properly use this is the following:

1. Get into your asana or some posture conducive to meditative work
2. Focus on your spine, the physical counterpart of your sushumna
3. Inhale while visualizing blue energy filling your entire spine from the bottom, retain the breath and maintain the visualization, and then instead of exhaling vibrate one of the names while visualizing the blue light going out in waves (the size of pencil lines) from your spine and going throughout the body in lines or waves unbroken.

- You should preferably feel the vibration in your spine. The reason for this is because just like all the nerves branch off from the spine or connect to it, so to do the nadis branch off from the Sushumna.
- It is good to mentally affirm something to the affect that 'The nadi that this name rules is active and clean'.

- One should preferably work with one name and do the meditation daily (at least) for a month, so one has enough time to build up of enough energy to activate, fill and clean the ida nadis.

Hail Satan, Inanna, Thoth, Azazel, and Beelzebub

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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
