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Re: Σχετ: [JoyofSatan666] *Clergy*

Sims Motal

New member
Nov 19, 2003
Hooded Cobra,
You can certainly count me in. I have the utmost respect for you, Maxine, Don, and all the clergy here.

Hail Satan! Hail all the Gods of Hell! Heil Hitler!


On Wed, 7/6/16, HC hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: Σχετ: [JoyofSatan666] *Clergy*
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Wednesday, July 6, 2016, 7:05 AM


except of all the actual Rabbis and the enemy cursing us,
what's new? Some few people (who, whom really knows if
they are just sock accounts) want to do the same. What's
new really? This is no different than the Rabbis and anyone
else staging curses and attacks against us. This is nothing

if some few idiots wanted to snatch actual members of the
JoS to misguide them to curse their own, what a funny thing
indeed. It shows they have grown so weary and worthless,
that they are actually trying to snatch newbies from our
side in order to do some sort of "Spiritual"
attack. In plain, they can't do shit on their own

of wasting 40 full blown days in actually doing RTR's
and doing spiritual damage to the jewish slaver of the
planet, they misdirect things on worthless pursuits such as
attempting in a failed way to rip off Satan's house. Who
supposedly they "belong to" in the first place. No
actual Satanist has time for this garbage indeed. If they
have, they are doing something wrong.

trolls tried to even post an appointed "date" upon
which things "would happen" to those that are
cursed. This is a major thing in Kabbalistic Curses and the
same thing goes to the New Testament and everything
like trying to create a "prophecy" to channel the
energies in it and to make people accept this as a
legitimate reality that is "to come" in an
"appointed date". In short, these people are all
weaklings that need massive faith in order to achieve their
spiritual ends and inject crap into the minds of others to
create "expectations" and in order to channel this

they were what they claim, Gods in the making and so called
supreme spiritual overlords, we just wouldn't be here.
Same as if we were what they claim, we wouldn't be here.
Its not like Satan would wait for a bunch of internet trolls
to solve his own issues, INSIDE his own house.

people know the "Protocols of Zion" do not really
talk about "Christianity" when they say they
*MUST* Destroy God. They are talking about the Gods of the
Gentiles and Gentiles, not "Christians".
"Christian" is a code word for the deceived
"Goyim" slaves who believe into the jewish
fairytales. The enemy considers these already defeated. In
part of this book, it says how they must "DESTROY THE
CLERGY" of their enemies, at all costs. Pay
attention to how the enemy xian Clergy, sided with jews, is
swimming in gold bars, and you can figure out they are
talking of someone else. The "Clergy" is obviously
the Satanic One, the Gentile one, or the one that
praises the Gentile Gods in plain. Which benefits the Goyim,
which the kikes do not want. So this is nothing new indeed.
It has went on for centuries. Nothing new is to be

much of the "Children of God" and how the race of
cheezen feels entitled for everyone else to hear their
garbage, that in the end of the day helps nobody,
doesn't further our effort one inch, and liberates
nobody. But just creates lies, assumptions, garbage, fear
and vain expectations based on sugar coated clouds on the

can go ahead and waste their time. The "Cheezen"
believe they are actually entitled to destroy everything
that even "Denies" of them, like these classic
infiltrator garbage that thinks that listening to their
rambling is actually important to thousands of people.
Nobody is interested about hearing useless stuff. They say
time is money, so probably they are getting the money from
somewhere else, to be able to waste their so called
"time" on destroying Satanism. Let them join the
ranks of rejects and failures and march to where they intend
then. Their choices are choices. I told Shaman in my so
called "threatening" mail (LOL) that whatever is
his choice, he had to be aware that he was dealing with

infiltrators. Apparently, he was one of them. So they just
made their choice.

Again, nothing new.
Στις 4:47 μ.μ.
Τετάρτη, 6 Ιουλίου 2016, ο/η "Don Danko
mageson6666@... [JoyofSatan666]"
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] έγραψε:


Angry Shaman given its lies, attacks and now declared
worthless curses against the Clergy and also the lies its
told about HPS Maxine as well....
this Angry Shaman character is obviously of the enemy and
probably has been from the start.  This individual has at
least two different utube accounts attacking the JoS, so who
knows how many other fake accounts it has doing the same.
Given the free time it takes to do all this within, such a
person is probably getting paid to do such.  It was shown
the door for trying to get the forums taken down from within
as well. It now hopes it can divide the community from
within which is the standard tactic of the enemy. If this
character is not actually jewish it might as well be at this
point. Because its attacking like one and possibly getting
paid by them as well.

On Wednesday, July 6,
2016 8:24 AM, "aldric.strickland88@...
[JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]


Our Clergy have done nothing but work their asses
off for us. They have either prepared Reverse Rituals
themselves, or have avidly pushed them. Hooded Cobra had a
hand in the cursing the jewish God ritual, our strongest one
 If they
wished to do actual harm to this group, they could easily
have it in shambles by now. Yet it remains intact with the
utmost in learning and fighting for Satan. It is clear to
see that nothing is wrong here. Every now and then they tell
someone to get with reality who obviously is self deluding
them self or trying to delude others. 
 I have tried to run groups myself
without stable Leaders. Let me tell you something, it is an
utter nightmare. The infiltrators and jews come in full
force. I recognize known infiltrators right in this group
now, who the clergy are aware of as well. We dont say
anything because it is easier to keep track of them. You
really do not know who you are talking to on here. If one
does not want to trust me, then that is fine. I would much
rather you have the mentality of not trusting anyone. After
all what have I done to win your trust?
 Nonetheless my words are
true. The next thing that would happen is the enemy would
attack me very hard. Driving me to make mistakes, that would
inflame the situation worse then it already was. Then you
look at others groups such as teloc and redtails. It always
falls into shambles. We absolutely need strong leadership or
else none of this would be possible. These groups would not
last two weeks. 
 So that being said, it is
very important that we all support our Leaders. Those who
have dedicated their lives to selfless service to us. They
work long hours to bring us so much. We complain when we
have to concentrate and do minor things. Imagine what they
really go through. 
  Now it is evident that the
clergy is under extreme attack. The last infiltrator
situation was all about dismantling the clergy. Now we have
this. So it is our duty, as members of this organization to
defend what we have built for over 15 years. It is time to
support our clergy and show them and the jews just how much
devotion we have for them. How much loyalty to Satan and his
chosen Organization that we have. 
  The Clergy should not have
to defend themselves in this stupidity. We the 17 thousand
should be defending our strong hold. Let us disband this
garbage off. Who is with me? Who will stand up and defend
our Leaders from this persecution? Who would like laugh in
the face of the idiots who think they are going to stop
 If you look on my video for
independence day. One of them has been commenting. He said,
they are going to be doing black magick on the clergy and
myself. That in 35 days hooded cobra will be dead. Which is
an interesting claim. One I think we should hold them too.
In 35 days if he is not dead, they will be shown for what
they are. the pressure is on them.
 We are under severe attack. I
dont care, let them attack me all they want. I brought
myself into the line of fire, for standing up for them. So
be it, I will not back down. Father Satan protects me and I
know the outcome of this battle. Who will support them with

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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
