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Racial Clarity Working (For Mixed Race SS)

Academic Scholar

Active member
Sep 20, 2017
[email protected]
Racial Clarity Working
START: Waxing moon in Taurus or Cancer. Maybe do this in the hour of the Moon (?)

1. Raise your energies: https://archive.fo/nLuwC
2. Vibrate the rune OTHAL or it’s variations 24 times or 40 times. 24 is the number of OTHAL, 40 is Lord Satan’s number.
3. Affirm 9 times:
“I’m consciously and completely aware of which race my soul truly belongs to and of what my true race is in all ways forever.”

Do this for 40 days, 80 days or 90 days.

How to pronounce OTHAL: https://mega.nz/#!9Ag1VRLb!1pjN3bkQJVT8RxwaX2rZUmVzTUmHndNUFVMXFwUQwws

Complete JoS Planetary Calendar for 2020: https://archive.is/l7RpQ
What changes should I make to this working?

I’m mixed race, I’ve spent decades being racially confused and not knowing what my race is. I’m mixed with multiple non-white races and I don’t look like any race so I can’t rely on phenotype either. I’m planning on doing an OTHAL working to end this confusion once and for all.
Are you sure OTHAL would be the best for this? I know any race can use Runes but they are tailored for Aryans, so I believe a Sanskrit mantra would work better, but I don’t know what the equivalent to othal would be.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Are you sure OTHAL would be the best for this? I know any race can use Runes but they are tailored for Aryans, so I believe a Sanskrit mantra would work better, but I don’t know what the equivalent to othal would be.

I have the same idea as you, though I believe the runes are based on astrology as well and so the boundaries of influence the runes have may be broader than particularly racial use.
Academic Scholar said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Are you sure OTHAL would be the best for this? I know any race can use Runes but they are tailored for Aryans, so I believe a Sanskrit mantra would work better, but I don’t know what the equivalent to othal would be.
All the races can freely use the runes. They are simply mantras that raise a specific type of energy, independent of who uses them.

An alternative to Othal, if desired, would be the spiritual mantra of the Moon - AUM ŞRAAM ŞRIM ŞRAUM SAU CHANDRAMASE SVAHA.
More Information: https://web.archive.org/web/20150827111729/http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Moon_Square.html

There is no need to do the lengthy Moon Square. You can simply use the mantra in a working started on Monday during the hour of the Moon. Preferrably, do it when the Moon is also in Cancer. This will not happen for a while however, so you can also do it when it's in Pisces such as on October 26th and November 23rd. You can do it for 5, 10, 12, or 18 reps. The affirmation is fine. There is also no need to raise your energies prior to vibrating a rune or mantra, as the act of vibrating it is a way of raising energy in and of itself. You can still separately raise your energies if you prefer of course, I just wanted to note that this is not a necessity.

With planetary mantras, do not separately raise your energies beforehand as this may mess with the energies if you use other mantras such as "Aum", "Satanama", etc., especially if you do a planetary square.

If you choose to use Othal, you do not need to start on a Monday and can instead opt towards dates with Moon in Cancer and the hour of the Moon, prioritizing those that are closer to the full Moon for increased power.

Should you need a pronunciation file on the Moon mantra, let me know and I will give you a DropBox link.
1)Heavily Mixed in Race
2) Claims to be trans and that women can born in male bodies and vice versa.
I'm sure this is just a coincidence.
THIS FINDING of two University of California researchers is consistent with E.R. Jaensch’s theory of race-mixture as a cause of personality disorders.

A new study of Chinese-Caucasian, Filipino-Caucasian, Japanese-Caucasian and Vietnamese-Caucasian individuals concludes that biracial Asian Americans are twice as likely as monoracial Asian Americans to be diagnosed with a psychological disorder.


Jack said:
Jack crawling out of the sewers, whenever he sees a chance to throw shit at someone like:

Even the reptilian appearance is on point.
Shael said:
Jack said:
Jack crawling out of the sewers, whenever he sees a chance to throw shit at someone like:

Even the reptilian appearance is on point.
->What Shael thinks he looks like when he feels he a moral imperative to defend little kids who cant defend themselves because they're so weak (according to Shael) and replies non contextual nonsense to my posts

-> What he actually looks like


Shael and the cucks having a good time, chilling out discussing sensitive Femininity and staying away from meanness.


Shael and the NPC cucks discussing hard real ideas that are very important


Shael and the NPC cucks invade a topic ,spam irrelevant muh feelings bullshit and feel good about themselves, triggering another cycle of mass make believe delusion


Pictured Shael after saving a weak little kid I was being mean to. The kid later said that Shael was an annoying asshole and a stupid cuck, and that he could stand up for himself and defend himself.

The Inner workings of Shaels mind (Picturized)




There, I gave you the attention you wanted. But that's all you get because you aren't creative and seem to do the same NPC routine. Have some tact and make up some creative attacks. The same outrage porn is getting extremely boring.

"Boo Hoo he said something mean ,hes such a bad guy. He must be a jew. He has bad energy. Hes a reptilian. Hes a xxx." The same hearsay has been employed 100s of times by you and your NPC friends. Time to do something new or be ignored, like you are in real life.
Shael said:
Jack crawling out of the sewers, whenever he sees a chance to throw shit at someone like:
Jack said:
->What Shael thinks he looks like when he feels he a moral imperative to defend little kids who cant defend themselves because they're so weak (according to Shael) and replies non contextual nonsense to my posts
I don't know what is up with you two but the JoS forums isn't the place for this. This thread has nothing to do with drama or transgenderism.

And I'm not going to argue with you Jack, I know you won't change your mind about twin soul people and I've already explained how transsexuality is a neurological condition that I was born with. it doesn't cause me any confusion or dysfunction in my daily life and I've always advocated against "medical transition". I'm not going to argue about gender politics when we're living on a prison planet and fighting a war.
I dont think the runes are for a specific race only. They work for all gentiles (even some Jews have used them from time to time or claimed too i saw this myself but i don't think they like them). They are a mantra and symbol with power that can be used for things.

I believe this would be a great way to use odhal. If the runes only had power and an effect with a specific race the HPs and other members wouldn't say those who are not black or white can join in the white race awakening ritual if they want optional when we have it. That was stated a couple times.

Anyone can use the runes.
Academic Scholar said:
Shael said:
Jack crawling out of the sewers, whenever he sees a chance to throw shit at someone like:
Jack said:
->What Shael thinks he looks like when he feels he a moral imperative to defend little kids who cant defend themselves because they're so weak (according to Shael) and replies non contextual nonsense to my posts
I don't know what is up with you two but the JoS forums isn't the place for this. This thread has nothing to do with drama or transgenderism.

And I'm not going to argue with you Jack, I know you won't change your mind about twin soul people and I've already explained how transsexuality is a neurological condition that I was born with. it doesn't cause me any confusion or dysfunction in my daily life and I've always advocated against "medical transition". I'm not going to argue about gender politics when we're living on a prison planet and fighting a war.
What is relevant is that this might be because you are mixed race. As Research shows, mixed race people have higher degrees of mental disorders which might be your case. If that is so, this could be a pattern that exists in reality. I'm just making an observation that struck me as a bolt of intuition as I read the topic. I remembered that mixed race people have higher propensities for mental issues, then I remembered you also have mental issues. The pieces in the jigsaw puzzle came together.
Jack said:
Academic Scholar said:
Shael said:
Jack crawling out of the sewers, whenever he sees a chance to throw shit at someone like:
Jack said:
->What Shael thinks he looks like when he feels he a moral imperative to defend little kids who cant defend themselves because they're so weak (according to Shael) and replies non contextual nonsense to my posts
I don't know what is up with you two but the JoS forums isn't the place for this. This thread has nothing to do with drama or transgenderism.

And I'm not going to argue with you Jack, I know you won't change your mind about twin soul people and I've already explained how transsexuality is a neurological condition that I was born with. it doesn't cause me any confusion or dysfunction in my daily life and I've always advocated against "medical transition". I'm not going to argue about gender politics when we're living on a prison planet and fighting a war.
What is relevant is that this might be because you are mixed race. As Research shows, mixed race people have higher degrees of mental disorders which might be your case. If that is so, this could be a pattern that exists in reality. I'm just making an observation that struck me as a bolt of intuition as I read the topic. I remembered that mixed race people have higher propensities for mental issues, then I remembered you also have mental issues. The pieces in the jigsaw puzzle came together.
The salvation of the races is a long-term work. Even the enemy has long worked to ruin and destroy the races, but ruin and destruction are easier than building and creating.

The first thing to do, of course, is to stop the racial mixing. Then you need to search and go back to where you belong and / or where you are most alike. And finally, with genetic engineering, repair the damage and clean up the filth resulting from racial mixing.
Shael said:
Jack said:
Jack crawling out of the sewers, whenever he sees a chance to throw shit at someone like:

Even the reptilian appearance is on point.
I don't think it's about wanting to help a member learn and see the truth from any inaccurate research and observation. But it seems unnecessary obsession and hatred. I think the SS should not engage in wasting time and counterproductive things, but in study and development.
Academic Scholar said:
Racial Clarity Working
START: Waxing moon in Taurus or Cancer. Maybe do this in the hour of the Moon (?)

1. Raise your energies: https://archive.fo/nLuwC
2. Vibrate the rune OTHAL or it’s variations 24 times or 40 times. 24 is the number of OTHAL, 40 is Lord Satan’s number.
3. Affirm 9 times:
“I’m consciously and completely aware of which race my soul truly belongs to and of what my true race is in all ways forever.”

Do this for 40 days, 80 days or 90 days.

How to pronounce OTHAL: https://mega.nz/#!9Ag1VRLb!1pjN3bkQJVT8RxwaX2rZUmVzTUmHndNUFVMXFwUQwws

Complete JoS Planetary Calendar for 2020: https://archive.is/l7RpQ
What changes should I make to this working?

I’m mixed race, I’ve spent decades being racially confused and not knowing what my race is. I’m mixed with multiple non-white races and I don’t look like any race so I can’t rely on phenotype either. I’m planning on doing an OTHAL working to end this confusion once and for all.

To optimize this, it's best to start the working when the Moon is in Cancer. Remember to avoid the void moon.

You should also put something like "in a positive way" in your affirmation.

The Moon rules:
Public, food and drink, water and liquids, domestic affairs, women, family, early childhood, the mother, the home, emotions, feelings, instincts, the memory, the unconscious, habits, childbearing, the emotions, moods, and feelings.

House of Endings
Rules: The home, the mother, the family, one's early childhood, the conditions in old age, all things domestic, and one's psychological foundations. The fourth house rules the place of birth, one's domestic property, real estate, land, the underground, mines, and other subterranean places.

Azazel's Astrology for Satanists
Academic Scholar said:
Racial Clarity Working
START: Waxing moon in Taurus or Cancer. Maybe do this in the hour of the Moon (?)

1. Raise your energies: https://archive.fo/nLuwC
2. Vibrate the rune OTHAL or it’s variations 24 times or 40 times. 24 is the number of OTHAL, 40 is Lord Satan’s number.
3. Affirm 9 times:
“I’m consciously and completely aware of which race my soul truly belongs to and of what my true race is in all ways forever.”

Do this for 40 days, 80 days or 90 days.

How to pronounce OTHAL: https://mega.nz/#!9Ag1VRLb!1pjN3bkQJVT8RxwaX2rZUmVzTUmHndNUFVMXFwUQwws

Complete JoS Planetary Calendar for 2020: https://archive.is/l7RpQ
What changes should I make to this working?

I’m mixed race, I’ve spent decades being racially confused and not knowing what my race is. I’m mixed with multiple non-white races and I don’t look like any race so I can’t rely on phenotype either. I’m planning on doing an OTHAL working to end this confusion once and for all.

i really wish you best luck ,but i have a question i have you ever looked at the mirror & tried to study your physical features.
Gear 88 said:
Attention everyone
Maxine Dietrich was Banned
She can no longer access the Forum

Oy vey, nice try Troll 3/10 points,


the enemy does create fake accs with your name slightly changed .
sonnenkraft said:
i really wish you best luck ,but i have a question i have you ever looked at the mirror & tried to study your physical features.
Thank you. Yes I have looked in the mirror and tried to figure out what I am but I’m very racially ambiguous looking.

In real life, I’ve passed as Mexican/Latino, Asian, Arab, Aryan, half Black/half white, Puerto Rican, Eurasian, etc. or people just can’t tell what I am. I can’t really figure out based on my phenotype, I don’t want to risk committing race mixing or something so I’ll just do a working to know for sure.
Ninja 666 said:
Academic Scholar said:
Racial Clarity Working
START: Waxing moon in Taurus or Cancer. Maybe do this in the hour of the Moon (?)

1. Raise your energies: https://archive.fo/nLuwC
2. Vibrate the rune OTHAL or it’s variations 24 times or 40 times. 24 is the number of OTHAL, 40 is Lord Satan’s number.
3. Affirm 9 times:
“I’m consciously and completely aware of which race my soul truly belongs to and of what my true race is in all ways forever.”

Do this for 40 days, 80 days or 90 days.

How to pronounce OTHAL: https://mega.nz/#!9Ag1VRLb!1pjN3bkQJVT8RxwaX2rZUmVzTUmHndNUFVMXFwUQwws

Complete JoS Planetary Calendar for 2020: https://archive.is/l7RpQ
What changes should I make to this working?

I’m mixed race, I’ve spent decades being racially confused and not knowing what my race is. I’m mixed with multiple non-white races and I don’t look like any race so I can’t rely on phenotype either. I’m planning on doing an OTHAL working to end this confusion once and for all.

To optimize this, it's best to start the working when the Moon is in Cancer. Remember to avoid the void moon.

You should also put something like "in a positive way" in your affirmation.

The Moon rules:
Public, food and drink, water and liquids, domestic affairs, women, family, early childhood, the mother, the home, emotions, feelings, instincts, the memory, the unconscious, habits, childbearing, the emotions, moods, and feelings.

House of Endings
Rules: The home, the mother, the family, one's early childhood, the conditions in old age, all things domestic, and one's psychological foundations. The fourth house rules the place of birth, one's domestic property, real estate, land, the underground, mines, and other subterranean places.

Azazel's Astrology for Satanists

What about this? (you also increase your wisdom)

Mannaz Lögr Odhal Perthro x 111 reps. 40 days in a row + more if wanted.

"My intelligence and memory are increasing in a healthy and beneficial way for me. I am acquiring knowledge about myself, the runes and the universe now, continuously and forever." x18
Fuchs said:
What about this? (you also increase your wisdom)

Mannaz Lögr Odhal Perthro x 111 reps. 40 days in a row + more if wanted.

"My intelligence and memory are increasing in a healthy and beneficial way for me. I am acquiring knowledge about myself, the runes and the universe now, continuously and forever." x18
Acquiring knowledge about yourself could mean anything, it doesn’t specify race. Intelligence is a vague term and there’s different types of intelligence such as emotional intelligence.

If you want to do an intelligence working, I think it’d be more like this:
Intelligence Working
START: Waxing moon in Aquarius, Gemini or Virgo. The best time is as close to the full moon as possible. Try to always do this in the planetary hour of Mercury. Do NOT ever start this working when mercury is in retrograde and don’t start this during the Void of Course (VoC) Moon.

1. Raise your energies: https://archive.fo/nLuwC
2. Vibrate the rune MANNAZ or KENAZ (or it’s variations) 40 times.
3. Affirm 9 times:
"My mental intelligence and my learning ability are monumentally and completely increasing in a healthy and positive way for me forever.”

Do this for 40 days, 80 days or 90 days.

How to pronounce MANNAZ or KENAZ:

To obtain planetary hours, download this free software:

Complete JoS Planetary Calendar for 2020: https://archive.is/l7RpQ
(If it’s not the year 2020, go to ancient-forums.com and find the JoS calendar of this year by using the forum search engine)

Voice of Course Moon Dates: https://www.findyourfate.com/astrology/year2020/2020-vocmoon.html#september
Academic Scholar said:
Fuchs said:
What about this? (you also increase your wisdom)

Mannaz Lögr Odhal Perthro x 111 reps. 40 days in a row + more if wanted.

"My intelligence and memory are increasing in a healthy and beneficial way for me. I am acquiring knowledge about myself, the runes and the universe now, continuously and forever." x18
Acquiring knowledge about yourself could mean anything, it doesn’t specify race. Intelligence is a vague term and there’s different types of intelligence such as emotional intelligence.

But it is not excluded and if done for ∞ you can get allknowing (every aspect of intelligence is considered).

You are right with your racial working and intelligence working you might get faster results, but you can´t build up on them like with the ritual I did provide.

If you have a improvement suggestion for the affirmation pls tell.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
