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Race mixing!


New member
Nov 20, 2010
Hey brothers and sisters me and one of my younger brothers have been arguing the fact about race mixing. the question I have is that if a aryan had a baby with a Greek or Italian is that race mixing cause I'm pretty sure it is..Hail Father Satan FOREVER!!!
No, it's not race mixing because Nordic Whites although they do have some genetic difference with Mediterranean ones (if you mean that) it's very small one and are both parts of the same subrace.
Then Greeks and Italians come in many different subraces, there are some more nordic looking while others are more darker looking. But in general with a few exceptions, they are still whites.
I'm myself of the mediterranean subrace as well but I'm still white with light skin. It's not like I look like an Arab or something.
HP Maxine even said that Afghanis and Iranis are considered white as well.
*parts of the same race I meant. Race mixing generally refers to mixing different main races, not subraces. The main races are white, black, asian and possibly aborigine (the dark-skinned, black-looking race that exists in pacific island which has big genetic differences with Africans and is not related to them)
Thank you brother, I was a tad confused about it all. im still pretty new!Hail Father Satan FOREVER!
I have a question about the subject of race and race mixing in general. Why is race still important if in the end our goal is to become as Gods and part of which would be mastering our own biology, as with biokenesis? Like surely if someone reaches that level they can be whichever race they want? Or even choose whatever characteristics they want and not even fit into one exact category of race, even go beyond the limits of being human is the eventual goal.
What concerns me more is how the fuck there's so many christian white people running around with jewish names.It's like these christinsanes, my own mother's family included that are so hopelessly indoctrinated with jewish culture because of their damn bible that they even took jewish names even though they're irish farmers!It scared the shit out of me!Not only are christians totally fucking insane but they are slowly being duped into taking jewish surnames like johnson and gummert and abandoning their racial pride in addition to jewish first names like sarah, julie and all the boring ass sounding names alot of white men these days have like larry, gary, barry, john, michael, etc.

On Tuesday, April 14, 2015 5:59 AM, "InlovewithSatan inlovewithsatan@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Was there any other race except these three  ?  

I thought even ethnic groups should stay away from mixing with other ethnic groups of the same main race. For instance. A Nordic German does not mix with white Arabs.
And Koreans does not mix with Japanese. Even if they are within the same main race.

Not quite. Yes, this might be possible, but the Racial blueprint is upon what we wish to evolve and we accept the natural way of creation, which is Racial seperation, beauty in difference and in that exact seperation. This no different than any other species. Every Race has their metaphysical blueprint and their metaphysical cause and purpose upon this Earth and even beyond this Earth. This is in constant advancement and constantly strives to become greater and better. Races are the categories that we were given by nature upon which we further build and perfect the whole of Humanity and ourselves. This most probably is a universal way, as it seems as we proceed scientifically other beings and other forms of life revolve around some identical common "blueprint" aswell, which also ties into Racial criteria. Also, everyone comes here with far-fetching dreams, this is also good and bad. You talk as if we can do this now, completely and fully, without any implication, while we are still, unfortunately held back. This is good or bad at the same time, as the vast majority of people are not ready.

If someone feels "uneven" with themselves, they can correct some things, but real corrections happen upon the non physical level and the physical level is only the level or results. This is the Magnum Opus. As galaxies and the cosmos revolves around an "order", man starts revolving around such order himself. Most people cannot accept themselves and have inferiority complex, which they transfer to just about anything they see, are and do. This is what the enemy has done. People see themselves as ugly and always want to be someone else. While biokinesis is a discipline, as is genetic study or biology, the motive of such action shouldn't be to simply try to overcome one's lack of confidence, lack of security, lack of love in one's self, through science. That is, if one is good and healthy and doesn't need serious scientific intervention or some accident did befall them etc. To save science and humanity, we state and this is the natural way, that Races should be seperated. This minimizes and closely diminishes these problems, leaving science open for actual advances for Humanity. Not trying to give bigger dicks to people, or fix the problems of the capitalist system which always wants you ugly, fugly, skinny model, piece of shit, so it can profit from you. Or wants to make some modern bomb just in case humanity goes ape-shit and wants to destroy one another. How is that ever an actual "advancement"? Dangers linger all around such matters.

The enemy is a total cunt and a bunch of hypocrites. First, they allow for instance sickly people to be born. They supposedly advance "science" to help these poor souls. Then, they "help" them, keep these souls trapped in destroyed bodies, make profits out of their suffering (they name that shit "Charity"), they die in a pathetic manner in the end, the scientific advances made for these persons, while ready, are twisted to even further their influence. The enemy is a nothing but a nasty, psycho bunch of filths. They take non weaponized things and weaponize them, they profess on how they want to "advance science" yet man, without Spiritual Awareness, becomes victim of such evolution of technology. Then, you have ape monkeys holding newclear weaponry and the global fear of being wiped out is apparent anytime. They bastardize anything they touch.

Satan wants Race seperation and perfection so that no Souls are lingering and stuck in these bodies that provide them a pathetic human experience. The enemy though does anything they can to keep these souls trapped inside these bodies. They rejoice when a retard or a sickly person is born, as they make $$$. They laugh at souls trapped inside an unable body. They want to make these people suffer needlessly. While they could easily reincarnate, or who knows, maybe if we were advanced even further, transfer their Soul/Consciousness in a decent body through reincarnation. Satan wants people to achieve True Soul and Body independence, True Freedom. The Powers of Hell, as countless people have experienced, are teaching people to heal themselves, many times from diseases that are exceptionally hard to even counter. Satan wants to wipe out sickness, disease and anything completely from the planet. Its not even needed to exist. Satan is about healing both above and below and for anyone suffering, soul and body. Satan is always working to heal and perfect Humanity. The  duty of the old time Pagan priests were to heal people above and below, so if they were damaged, they could return healthy this time and so forth. There is a "above and below" duality that has to be protected and preserved.

Satanism is about scientific evolution, based on a harmonious basis. While the paradigm might be gross, some people simply want for instance to enlarge their dicks or breasts. Society has made them feel unable, weak, ugly. This naturally might not be the case, but they become obsessed over a stuck notion of what is "good"/"beautiful" and what is not about themselves, getting carried away by the mass hypnosis of the media and other things. Many times, they do not even have any serious problem, other than they feel guilty about how they are. People become paranoid over a wrinkle, because they are taught their body is all they ever have or had. This is at the very least pathetic, no matter how "dignified" it might seem. This is no different than idiots who actively want immortality, so they can eat, drink and shit this Earth for more time, while basically simply being parasitical about it. Some things need better reasons. They get drained into that shit. When one evolves spiritually, one accepts themselves and they find ways to correct and advance themselves. If there are real implications and problems, science is here to help us out, with ACTUAL problems. But the enemy follows the way to create problems for people in their imagination, problems that do not exist. That way, humanity is kept in ignorance and in this loop where people run and get nothing and nowhere.

Nature has laws that we can see and that we cannot see, that we know and that we do not know yet. The way nature goes is to evolve itself and nature is not some non-conscious entity, but has some form of consciousness and a "direction". Understanding this direction is a lifetime (and maybe more) trip of Satanism. In closing, in Satanism, you are free. Which means, you can do as you Will. Though, there are rules imposed to us by nature, for our well-being and health, above and below. When people hear the word "rules" they rush to feel somehow "tied down" or something. Just try to imagine for instance, if there was no "time" or there was no gravity to influence time. What would your living experience be for instance? While everyone wants to break "free", nowadays, we are told that "freedom" is simply doing what the fuck you please. In reality, this is untrue. What people "want" today and how they see reality, is not totally unbiased and without, many times, with a clean mind and Soul to approach creation. All things have to be in a balance and in harmony. Thats why Satan states that He is a perfect balance. Balance is the key to everything, as this is harmony. The Golden Node.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
@inlovewithsatan If you mean the Dravidians (because there are also white Indians), they possibly come from the fourth race, the south pacific Aborigines. Like I said they are dark skinned but unrelated to Africans.
Why do the Jews push and force race mixing and multi cultureless on us when they ban race mixing and multiculturalism in the Jewish State of Israel.

On Tuesday, April 14, 2015 6:18 PM, "mancunianninja@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I thought even ethnic groups should stay away from mixing with other ethnic groups of the same main race. For instance. A Nordic German does not mix with white Arabs.
And Koreans does not mix with Japanese. Even if they are within the same main race.

@mancunianninja Some groups oppose inter-ethnic marriage even between two ethnic groups of the same race largely due to cultural reasons more than biological ones. We oppose race mixing because of biological and spiritual reasons as well as a belief in natural law.

Most White people today have had their culture eroded. An English person doesn't have the same cultural boundaries to marrying a German anymore,  as does a Korean and Japanese do.

That being said, some of us do have limits even on the Whites, we're willing to date. Forme, they have to be a Satanist or Pagan, share a common culture with me in some way. Once the Satanic community is large enough and strong enough, it'd probably be recommended that you marry within the Satanic community as well as within your race.
@dalightskin: Except there's no such thing as an indian race because different indians are of a different race. You'll notice dark-skinned Indians, white Indians even some Asian-looking Indians.
@mageson there was an article that explained this. they jews push race mixing because they see us all as vermin and want to fuck us all to death at once and drown any unique traits out.
My family is almost entirely white with my dad's side having some native americans. 70% irish,30% tossup between english and french, 1/16 native.
My mother's side is entirely made up of blue eyed irish farmers except my uncle who went to business school and owns his own small company in iowa.They are all hardcore christian idiots however and even took a jewish sounding surname because that family is so heavily influenced by that damn bible just like hillbillies always take names like "zeke, jedediah etc." because they're soooooo fascinated with the damn church and its fictional jewish characters they name their kids after them and are drunken inbreds.
So damn many white people walking around with jewish names because they all got hooked to the damn bible and started naming their kids kike names like sarah, julie, anne, etc and male names like barry, gary, john, michael, matt and basically every boring gay ass name in the english language.
It's a disgrace!

On Wednesday, April 15, 2015 8:48 AM, "Don Danko mageson6666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Why do the Jews push and force race mixing and multi cultureless on us when they ban race mixing and multiculturalism in the Jewish State of Israel.

On Tuesday, April 14, 2015 6:18 PM, "mancunianninja@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I thought even ethnic groups should stay away from mixing with other ethnic groups of the same main race. For instance. A Nordic German does not mix with white Arabs.
And Koreans does not mix with Japanese. Even if they are within the same main race.

I spent a half hour looking at all my relatives photos and comparing it to irish and english traits. We're all typical irish looking white folk and as a kid I have to say I was damn handsome before my insane mother took me to some kike psychiatrist for hating christianity.
So yeah out of the irish, english, french and native american ancestry in my family we all still look mostly irish or english.
I still have a strong feeling I am descended from irish druids however it's a feeling I get in my soul and chi flow and I know for a fact my native american ancestors on my dad's side had a few shamans.
One way to tell the difference between a white race with a big nose like some irish and english folk is that they are more pointy whereas a kike's big ass honker is round and droopy like a cucumber and takes up most of their damn face XD
So yeah each race has it's own unique facial features and you can usually tell when someone is jewish because they are almost always butt ugly and look like deformed rodents with a gigantic nose and bad teeth.

On Wednesday, April 15, 2015 12:32 PM, "kyleshand@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @mancunianninja Some groups oppose inter-ethnic marriage even between two ethnic groups of the same race largely due to cultural reasons more than biological ones. We oppose race mixing because of biological and spiritual reasons as well as a belief in natural law.

Most White people today have had their culture eroded. An English person doesn't have the same cultural boundaries to marrying a German anymore,  as does a Korean and Japanese do.

That being said, some of us do have limits even on the Whites, we're willing to date. Forme, they have to be a Satanist or Pagan, share a common culture with me in some way. Once the Satanic community is large enough and strong enough, it'd probably be recommended that you marry within the Satanic community as well as within your race.

They want us to race mix to ruin us Spiritually, culturally, and physically. They ultimately want one conglomerated race that is weaker than a baby, and stupid. But, they keep their race pure entirely, because they know the importance of racial purity.
Yeah, I noticed that roughly a year ago. I was horrifically disgusted to say the least. Those piles of dog shit infest their filth so far into a society when they get there(clutches, and fangs) that people are literallty brainwashed into giving their kids kike names...

It's an utter abomination.
Don Danko : To weaken and destroy the gentile races. And keep their own strong. ("Strong") 
Why are you asking me this question? 

kyleshand: Thank you for responding to my comment.
I am well aware that we do not race mix (oppose). My comment was directed at the_fire_starter666: *parts of the same race I meant. Race mixing generally refers to mixing different main races, not subraces. The main races are white, black, asian and possibly aborigine (the dark-skinned, black-looking race that exists in pacific island which has big genetic differences with Africans and is not related to them)

I am just not as good at responding on the Yahoo groups. I am more used to the other forum. :p

I was actually inquiring into facts. As I am of the mind that you produce within your ethnic group.
German with GermanArab with ArabJapanese with JapaneseKorean with Korean

You do real[/IMG]H[/IMG]t[/B]<b [/IMG]he most precious thing in the world[/B], it is the gift Satan and every single one of your ancestors has given you. Read and study FAQ - National-Socialism    

On Wednesday, April 15, 2015 6:28 PM, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @mageson there was an article that explained this. they jews push race mixing because they see us all as vermin and want to fuck us all to death at once and drown any unique traits out.
My family is almost entirely white with my dad's side having some native americans. 70% irish,30% tossup between english and french, 1/16 native.
My mother's side is entirely made up of blue eyed irish farmers except my uncle who went to business school and owns his own small company in iowa.They are all hardcore christian idiots however and even took a jewish sounding surname because that family is so heavily influenced by that damn bible just like hillbillies always take names like "zeke, jedediah etc." because they're soooooo fascinated with the damn church and its fictional jewish characters they name their kids after them and are drunken inbreds.
So damn many white people walking around with jewish names because they all got hooked to the damn bible and started naming their kids kike names like sarah, julie, anne, etc and male names like barry, gary, john, michael, matt and basically every boring gay ass name in the english language.
It's a disgrace!

On Wednesday, April 15, 2015 8:48 AM, "Don Danko mageson6666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Why do the Jews push and force race mixing and multi cultureless on us when they ban race mixing and multiculturalism in the Jewish State of Israel.

On Tuesday, April 14, 2015 6:18 PM, "mancunianninja@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I thought even ethnic groups should stay away from mixing with other ethnic groups of the same main race. For instance. A Nordic German does not mix with white Arabs.
And Koreans does not mix with Japanese. Even if they are within the same main race.

So, basically, do you just pick whatever race you're most of and pick someone of that race? White races are pretty mixed. Like, I'm about 60% German (from both sides), then some Norwegian then Dutch and French. So I would choose German?
@fibrilink: I think you should read my previous reply in this thread. I explained that things like German, Dutch, e.t.c. are SUBRACES not main races. The main races are white, black, asian e.t.c. Who cares if you are of different subraces, you're still white. Who cares of what different subraces your partner has, if he's still white then there's no race-mixing. To be precise, French, German e.t.c. are not even subraces, they are ethnicities. There are Nordic French, Alpine French, Nordic German e.t.c. Nordic, Alpine, Mediterranean e.t.c. are all white subraces. Even if you were 75% white and had an Asian grandmother or something you'd still be white because you are more white than anything else.

@fibrilink: Some illustrations are:
-If a Russian person has children with a Spanish person there's no race-mixing because both are white.-If one is 20% Russian, 30%Spanish and 50% Irish he's white, he can be with any white person without any race-mixing.-If one is 80% white and 20% Native American (a subrace of Asian, though it depends) he's still white.-If one's 20% French, 10% German 40% Ghanaian and 30% Nigerian then he's black.
I hope you got it by now :)
Read this topic. It is about race mixing. Also search out on the Yahoo forum and the other forum for topics about Race. You can also search for topics on Adolf Hitler in the JoSNewsletter. Or visit Satan's Library to study yourself. There is a lot of information from the JOS Clergy that explains it all.

Joy of Satan  JOY OF SATAN   Satan's Library in English   

These are the three main Races: Black , Asian, White
And within them there are different sets of Ethnic Groups.

Black Race Ethnic groups:Gambian, Jamaican, Somalian etc. check out Africa.
Asian Race Ethnic groups:Chinese, Korean, Japanese etc. check out Asia
White Race Ethnic Groups:German, English, French etc.  check out Europe.
So fibrilink considering your Ethnic mix German, Norwegian, Dutch and French are all within the White Race category. You belong to the White Race. And should choose someone who belong to the White Race. 
To understand the difference between the ethnic groups;
Read this: The Nazi Primer: Official Handbook for Schooling the Hitler Youth http://webzoom.freewebs.com/spiritualwa ... Manual.pdf 

It will explain it.

---In [email protected], <j.l3mm0n@... wrote :

@fibrilink: I think you should read my previous reply in this thread. I explained that things like German, Dutch, e.t.c. are SUBRACES not main races. The main races are white, black, asian e.t.c. Who cares if you are of different subraces, you're still white. Who cares of what different subraces your partner has, if he's still white then there's no race-mixing. To be precise, French, German e.t.c. are not even subraces, they are ethnicities. There are Nordic French, Alpine French, Nordic German e.t.c. Nordic, Alpine, Mediterranean e.t.c. are all white subraces. Even if you were 75% white and had an Asian grandmother or something you'd still be white because you are more white than anything else.

sorry but i want to ask something

would a person be drown to his own race ?
like if a person is mixed and feels comfortable around white people
and feels off with black people.
and by comfortable i mean he find their traditions and culture
familiar and more drown to them then any of the other races.

since we don't change our race when we reincarnate, our souls will
remember what culture and race we were in and our mind will
subconsciously lead us back to our main race.

I'm I saying non-sense?

On 4/18/15, j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
@fibrilink: Some illustrations are:

-If a Russian person has children with a Spanish person there's no
race-mixing because both are white.
-If one is 20% Russian, 30%Spanish and 50% Irish he's white, he can be with
any white person without any race-mixing.
-If one is 80% white and 20% Native American (a subrace of Asian, though it
depends) he's still white.
-If one's 20% French, 10% German 40% Ghanaian and 30% Nigerian then he's


I hope you got it by now :)
I am not sure who else has been feeling this or if anyone has been but I have been getting random dizzy spells where the room feels like it is spinning at a million gyrations. I forget who mentioned it to me but I tried strengthening my aura and then reinforcing it with satanic blue flame and it works really well however I also saw using elemental layers in my aura and was wondering how I could do that any assistance is greatly appreciated
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 18, 2015, at 15:17, j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  @fibrilink: Some illustrations are:
-If a Russian person has children with a Spanish person there's no race-mixing because both are white.-If one is 20% Russian, 30%Spanish and 50% Irish he's white, he can be with any white person without any race-mixing.-If one is 80% white and 20% Native American (a subrace of Asian, though it depends) he's still white.-If one's 20% French, 10% German 40% Ghanaian and 30% Nigerian then he's black.
I hope you got it by now :)
@the_fire_starter I always thought White itself is a sub race because there are other groups such as Arabs and Indians which are Caucazoids too but White specifically means a person of European descent? Even though technically Whites don't originate from Europe if you trace our ancestry back far enough there are older traces of us in the Caucasus and central Asia then there are in Europe.
What I see is there are four distinct races and maybe a few sub races. That is the process of natural evolution and deevolution. And the mixing of races screws up any natural adaptation that strengthens the DNA.
Hello, I have 2 questions on this topic for anyone who can answer please.

1) I am White and as far as I know entirely of European descent. If I were to get a DNA test like I am planning on doing and it revealed a small percentage of something different like 10% middle eastern, Black or east Asian or something. Should I still consider myself White and marry with Whites only? Would a person still be considered White being 90% White/European and for example 10% something else? I only asked because I have seen TV shows where people have been tested and this happened a lot.

2) My second question is what about interreligious dating and mixing? Is it okay for us to mix with people who aren't Satanists or even LHP? I don't just mean Xians and Muslims, I mean Atheists, New Agers, Agnostics etc. And if we should only date other Satanists, should it only be Spiritual Satanists? Or does it include others such as LaVeyans, Traditional etc or even Pagans?

We've spoke a lot about race mixing in these groups a lot and I am grateful that I have learned a lot but we seemed to have missed this subject a bit.

@kyleshand: No, I don't mean only European whites. As I said in this thread there are Arab and Indian Whites. There are even Chinese white people. Like HP Don said, these are the "Uighurs" who live in Western China and are descendents of the Tocharians.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
